D&D 5E Lore Green Dragons: Monster Mythos - The Dungeoncast - Ep.149

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everybody welcome to the dungeon cast I'm well I'm Brian this is the podcast where we talk about everything Dungeons and Dragons from the grip of grumps to the grandest Griffin's and today we're talking about green dragons [Music] all right Brian well you're the dragon it's the year of the dragon or coming up on the last four or so dragons there's a there we're talking about a creature that's as green as the bookcase behind me indeed indeed it is yes okay so green dragons green dragons otherwise known as forest dragons in Dungeons and Dragons are the third most powerful of the major five chromatic dragons they're noted to be master manipulators both cunning and treacherous though not as outwardly violent and destructive as most of their other chromatic counterparts green dragons are just as thoroughly evil they take pleasure in subverting and corrupting creatures of good bending others to their will and advancing their never-ending ambition to accumulate power both political and literal through any means necessary mm-hmm so aside from their emerald green scales green dragons are most easily recognized by their curved jawline their very long and tall neck and their prominent weaving crest that starts at the knot the base of the skull but I guess the like the forehead area of the skull and extends all the way back down the tail and down the neck into the bottom of the tail sweet green dragons also have thick leathery spiked plates that cover their sides actually the sides of their necks and their tails their nostrils sit high on their snout and their teeth protrude from the mouths even when closed at a very crocodilian way okay their necks and legs are proportionally longer in relation to their body in comparison to any other dragon so when they stand up on when they stand on all fours their bodies stay higher off the ground enabling them to walk over high brush and when they rear up on their hind legs their long necks allow them appear over trees so they're kind of built like Brachiosaurus yeah they sound very dense Orion they don't move in herds they do not very no quite the opposite in fact also green dragons carry a strong odor of chlorine wherever they go because they broke god-breathed poison so they smell like you smell like an indoor pool initiative many times so green dragons tend to make their homes in environments with thick vegetation as their moniker of forest dragons would imply they prefer forest and even jungles for their territory the larger and more imposing the trees are and the older are more massive the forest is the better okay when making their lairs they prefer to carve them out of caves or cliff sides within their forest of choice and in the absence of options like that greens will sometimes go about filling a bunch of mighty trees and then piling them into a great heap and carving out their homes within the hollows of these wooden hills they build like beavers log houses I'm a beaver but I'm making I know I'm like a lumberjack I do like this image though I was like imagining just this like you're walking through the forest and suddenly like the four stops and there's just this almost this huge rolling hill expanse of just fallen broken rotting trees like that we terrified that is creepy what the happened here and the answer is a green dragon oh look hills wait wait wait a minute those are trees but they shouldn't bend that way exactly yeah like uh like an igloo almost but out of trees little dirt little tree dome see what a bad tree down just filled with evil green dragon indeed it's true so Green Dragons are defined by one key behavioral characteristic and that's their lust for power there is little green dragon would not do to further their ambitions and gain influence over others but even though they will use violence and intimidation to attain these things green dragons prefer more more subtle manipulations to get what they desire okay they are wily hyper intelligent creatures masters of deceit and double-talk through guises of discipline see and use of misdirection and trickery to gain the upper hand against intelligent creatures is how they usually go about things with their honey tongue smooth and sophisticated communication Green Dragons will assess and play off on other steepest desires - slowly but surely been said creature to its will mmm-hmm lovely they only dropped this ruse of civility once it's too late and the creature has no hope of freedom from servitude and that's a great control wow dude yeah all the droughts all the colorful dragons suck yeah they're all pretty mean this one sucks a lot yeah I love green dragon I think it's one of the funnest villains for sure oh yeah and I know that spoilers for critical role even though it's the last campaign there that green dragon I kept up with it when when that was going on because that Green Dragon story lines on point I think oh for sure yeah it was fantastic it's funny I know basically nothing about critical role there last campaign is like pretty much a bunch of dragons taking over the world kind of deal it's like if the dragon pile yeah class I'm at a campaign like that I don't know like the ins and outs you know the nuance and stuff but I do know that when the green dragons stuff came around which I think it was in play for a long time they're like okay dealing with other dragons and they think that the green dragon the Green Dragons just playing the game really well too the whole way through which sounds like the green dragon if you're gonna have a race of which which dragons gonna make it to the end you know cuz we reds and greens it's loose maybe blue definitely not blacks and whites though that's for sure no yeah the the white dragon was one of the first ones they came up against but let's get back to back to green dragons so the main thing about green dragons is the desire both useful information and useful individuals in a way that rivals their desire for treasure so a green dragon might use bribes and manipulation on political and mercantile interests in a nearby community in order to see how much authority they can obtain by proxy nice they might undergo peaceful negotiations with neighbors only to take devilish delight in finding and exploiting loopholes in their agreements regardless of their methods Green Dragons and end goal is always the same gain complete domination and control over all within their territory and then once that is achieved expand their control and influence beyond their territories mortars nice so they're very tyrannical I guess you could say but so are many of the other chromatic dragons but it's they're very this is their niche their manipul like yeah they're manipulators but meticulous I think is the word I'm going for they're very meticulous attorney yes very much so so as I said before Green Dragons enjoy bending others to their will and collecting useful individuals into their servitude as such these are some of the most likely dragons to accrue underlings and the types of underlings that are gonna be very very common under Green Dragons or things like goblins orcs kobolds U&T if they're in a jungle like area and these these types of humanoid servants are more like gangs that are under their control and like almost like their private security for therefore it's pretty much just like you're gonna march through all this before you even touch me exactly and that's oh that's just the people that's not even the traps in the lair and all that other stuff the environmental effect I'm sure yes yes we will get into and all that other stuff yes so oh yeah other other evil forest dwelling creatures that can come under the control of Green Dragons commonly are at our caps which we haven't really talked about in the show they're like spider humanoid insect monsters that live in forests cool they're like that's fun fairly intelligent they make big webs and I what they do they make big web yeah yes etins which are like two-headed hill giants that's gross oversimplification but generally that's how you identify them big two-headed big guy also ogres maybe trolls even you find them all within the servitude of your local green dragon pop quiz well what do you do with the trolls body after you kill it burn it that's right baby throw it in the ACE chemicals that or that yes the husband doesn't get out of there and become the joke oh god okay so so the manipulation and corruption of the local human our population is always at the top a list of green dragons like things to-do list never is it of such a high priority as it is with elves Green Dragons absolutely despise elves yeah man they're like that's my forest yeah also like hahaha so where was I a big part of this is likely due the fact that of the shared favorite terrain paired with the clashing alignments of chaotic good and lawful evil Green Dragons tend to promote the flourish Minh of poisonous vegetation of the cultivation of like evil forest creatures LDLs do the absolute polar opposite Ellis elves tend to make for poor servants to their natural resistance to being swayed to evil and their knack for resisting charm magics and for the resistance to mundane trickery due to the general high intelligence score of the general elf population and pretty much just because they kind of don't wanna yeah exactly just not into it so all in all elves make for massive pains in the ass for green dragons yeah I mean if you get like five or six of them together and level them up high enough they'll probably kill that dragon indeed and because of this greens revel in actions of torturing killing eating and even successfully corrupting and dominating elves it's just what gets them there that's just what they like and okay [Music] hey everybody welcome to puppy episode we're not talking about that last thing that's the past let's stay in the now find your Center get ready for love now it's gonna come from another guy I also love you thanks for listening the show everybody if you can hear the sound of my voice we really SuperDuper appreciate it let's think some people in particular indeed let's do that thank you for your pledges call in Austin thanks : Patrick abdun thanks Patrick Stannis the Manas thanks Stannis the man is Robert LePage thanks Robert if I've said your name before you're welcome and thank you thank you guys so much we really appreciate you coming on board and helping us but okay we really want new cameras please help us get new cameras holy crap we'll use our phones I know we make we're making do and we're doing great but like my guys my battery on my phone is just like so fried it's not I'm gonna get a new one soon because I got that good insurance because of that because of the this reason so please self was my cameras deer caught and the way you can do that is by going to patreon.com/scishow to cast checking out our sweet bonus content make it make a pledge for the one that fits you best if you if you don't got it you don't got it and I get you that's I get you dog do not stress do not stress out for this just if you got it and you want to help us out please do thank you so much for everybody that's been patreon people you guys are the best yeah you can check out early episodes and stuff at as early as five dollars a month that's so cool they come out like as soon as I record them I I work on them that day and I put them in yeah they're usually out within a couple hours yeah so yeah yeah dude come check out but we got so much life play stuff on there a lot of cool funny that we have a lot of live play stuff on there a lot of interesting cool ideas on there too okay if bats Batman stuff he heard us talking about that Batman game a whole bunch go listen to it it's so cool season 2 of f bats is on his way for all the people in the patreon that are there getting ready for that we're doing our world builders soon or if you want to get some sweet exclusive merchants I'm not gonna talk about what kind of merchandise to this but maybe we'll camp secret and exclusive its secret and exclusive but you're gonna want it you're like do you like mugs well you're the one that has to talk about the monkey it's a shout-out to team Gurion mug and everyone seems to love it and yes yes if you join our patreon there's a tear for that that being said I want to talk about the are the end of our ongoing contest for the winner of - a furnace which has been won and the person has been announced but we don't know who that person is because done it congratulations were you on Instagram over email possibly Facebook probably Twitter because there were so many of you indeed but that doesn't mean that we don't know yeah we have no idea we will know probably tomorrow we will randomly generate your victory tomorrow but the next episode is when you'll get your shout out so congratulations to the winners you've got a bonus in the future thank you to everybody who / - in the contest and we will be sure to start and announce a new contest sometime soon you know you know we will okay let's get back to the show let's question we are we going over life I'm gone all right um we have returned we've returned and we're talking about green dragons green dragons so although green dragons are infamous for their silver tongued and sophisticated verbal communication when speaking with other creatures this veneer of civility or mask if you will is completely disposed of when green dragons are talking to each other oh I thought you're gonna say when they smell all the chlorines no no so when they're talking to each other they're just righteous dirty so when dealing with each other Green Dragons are loud crass rude and aggressive oh no no I think this actually makes a lot of sense because there's no point in keeping up the act when both parties are completely aware of all they know that they know at each other about likely Green Dragons know exactly what the deal is with others of a kind and none of the guile and manipulations will work on each other so what's the point just calling each other floozies all day I know they all view each other as direct competition and direct threats so they all hate each other and everyone knows it oh man so there it is that would be fun for a party to walk up on Stu yeah green dragons like maybe and they just start cursing at each other and speaking breaking each other yeah exactly it'd be really fun they're probably like what animals do that were they like like I guess wolves or bears you know they've like play fight a lot yeah well yes a fight or play fighting and sometimes it gets a little more serious maybe like I don't know what what animals I'm thinking of but like they they probably like throw blows at each other not to like permanently injure but it's like again in a fight especially polymorphed I'm thinking if they like there's two green dragons just out there they're bros they're trying to take over the world but the game back to their apartment and they just go at it I mean maybe it's not really green Jagan's mo they're not they're not get back to the swamp I take each other in the shin they're like you you're dirty you suck like that not really but okay the only stability to be found between Green Dragon is in two cases number one if there's a large disparity in power level between the two Green Dragons and like a younger or less powerful green would be forced to show some restraint when dealing with their more powerful elders he'll turn on a CEO I guess so although this mask of decorum is really paper-thin like even then everyone knows the deal and the second would be the second situation is greens that are court courting each other although not during the courting is after the courting is finished they finally are nice do what yeah so the Green Dragons during their courtship are still crass and rude to each other hmm but in the back of their minds they're discerning whether this is someone that they would choose to have a brood with sure once it's agreed upon it's like all right we're a team now we're team a all this other it's out the window so once of our Green Dragons decide to make a strong bond will form between them and the parental instincts if you will would take precedent ring dragons actually make for pretty good parents they are prudent and protective over their clutch working together as a team they invest an extreme amount of time and care into teaching their offspring the skills necessary for manipulation and double-dealing still this amount of teamwork and selflessness among chromatic Dragons can only last for so long and once the warm links are old enough they are driven away by the parents and everyone splits ways forever so this is the threshold when you're this low on the chromatic power chain you have to do you have to make sacrifices and and use teamwork and like that - like overcome your enemies and like make sure the next generation is well equipped to go on and not just die - blue dragons like how Rio Red Dragons and if you're even lower than that you have to live somewhere where no one wants to go like in the middle of the Arctic that's valid - your first point I would say yes but the answer that really is no because black dragons white dragons or weaker than greens and they are favorable at working together horrible at oh no I mean I mean just the Green Dragons like in this instance where they become mates and raise a child they have like they have moved on from their their their brutish ways I guess well it's more along the lines of I mean for that for that for that area they're gonna go out and cause mayhem and all that I killed that but okay so the only the only instances of chromatic dragons mean decent parents are with green and blue dragons and I think it's right yeah they're thinks the reason for that is because both the cultures of both these dragon types though they're very different are both established off of skill levels like blue dragons treat their power as a skill that they hone over time they become really good at combat really good at tactics you know all this other stuff really good at like managing things from like a lawful evil standpoint this is the same green dragons except for with them it's all about guile and double-dealing so like it requires a tutor to learn these high-end skills you got to learn how to lie yeah well a red dragon or even a black or white dragon they're more naturally predisposed to their nasty behavior yeah like no we need to teach a red dragon to be a prideful piece of or how to like punch good or had it knows how to punch good exactly so yeah I think that's really where this comes in okay and also like blue dragons angry dragons are the lawful ones you have the three or chaotic evil so there it is so anyways as a general rule Green's avoid other chromatic dragons reds and blues out power them and are not particularly easy to manipulate or worth the risk white dragons rarely interact with greens at all due to their lack of share territory as we said they live like no one goes okay although a white dragon would prove easily manipulated due to their very low intelligence power in comparison to green dragons black dragons are the most likely to find themselves in contact with green dragons this is almost always bad news bears for the black dragon being both outmatched in mind and body most of the time a green dragon will attack a black dragon on site and take its hoard in territory for itself but in some cases a green might work out a deal with the black dragon allowing it to keep its territory as long as it stays in the watery bits and out of the forest deep it's okay these deals will almost always be mostly one-sided and serving the purposes of the green dragon well if the black dragon is cool the green the green dragon can use that too it's if my dragons are never cool like though if they're cool with like going over to yeah and the only way that works is if the green dragon truly up powers the black and then the blacks like well I don't got a choice I wonder if you can like the Green Dragon multi vert like you can like if you were looking for dragon parts like I know a guy he's real he sucks he said won't kill me but you should kill him you can co kill him yeah I know where is that exactly what basic use of this but but I think the the idea or the actuality really of having a another dragon for an underling cuz like let's be real here if a black dragon is being allowed to share the territory because it's like distinctly weaker like means that green dragon probably Gorder that black dragon around and now you have a black dragon in your arsenal green dragon shows up at the edge of the forest he bits and to the watery bits and he's like such stupid I think in this case the green dragon would keep up this a silver tongue bit because you want to keep the black dragon under control because they're really wrathful nasty so like you got you got it like smoothes it a bit even though you could just kill it like if you want to do what you want you got to manipulate it I think a rune dragon would definitely do that give me a lunch money please I would love to meet a great green dragon in your campaign that's all I guess oh okay so someone comes to abilities green dragons are quite potent in addition to their draconic strength and poisonous breath Green Dragons mental acuity lends them natural talents of tactics and strategy for the more Green Dragons make for the most adept spell casters of pretty much all dragon kind nice it's maybe coppers I know coppers are like adepts spellcasters but when I think spellcaster dragon I think Green Dragon and and they tend to become spell casters so powerful that they're only rivaled by the most powerful arc mages okay but their specialty is in both the arcane schools of illusion and Enchantment again illusions of magic that are like really about manipulating and trickery and all that other stuff illusions and forests and like like that just kind of goes hands in yeah Hannity illusions before us dude definitely go head it's already tricky you know the light in their strokes just naturally kind of that's the way it is do you have any questions about green dragons before we move on so they they're they're loners until they're making babies indeed and that's pretty much it right pretty much it yeah okay yeah no although they're not even really loners because they always have minions they really rely on minions they really rely on the woodland creatures that aren't elves specifically the evil ones specifically the evil ones okay so let's let's talk about the regional effects and their lair actions and all that other jazz so the region containing a legendary green dragons lair is warped by the Dragons magic which creates one or more of the following effects first effect tickets from labyrinthine passages within 1 mile thick it's formed labra themed passages within 1 mile the dragon's lair ah the thickets act as 10-foot high ten-foot thick walls that pluck the line-of-sight creatures can move through the thickets with every one foot the creature moves costing at 4 feet yeah unless you're one of the Irwin kids yeah close thickets so you barely move through it if you think about it cuz that's essentially I see every one foot a creature moves costing 4 feet which I think adds up to 5 feet which means that there's basically 50 feet of movement to get through ways to thicket so if my math is correct it might be less than that but that's really substantial whether your math is right or wrong well I had a good time listening to it okay you're missing my joke about the Irwin kids I'm sorry there's a green dragon there no it's ok you go go I'll release it to it whatever man ok so a creature in the thickets must make a DC 15 dexterity saving throw once each round so not only will it take you probably two turns to get through you're gonna take a lot of damage doing it it's yeah each round it's in contact with the thickets or take 1d6 piercing damage from the thorns each 10-foot cube of thickets has an AC of 530 hit points resistance to bludgeoning and piercing damage which makes sense I suppose vulnerability to fire damage and immunity to psychic and son damage just want to know like when do you realize that the the Green Dragon is around control the Paladins like there's so many damn thickets they're stabbing me through my armor who when the party's gonna be like Green Dragon maybe the wizard the Wizards like I don't know man the wizards dead for stabbing the Paladin through his grated cheese at that point so that was all one effect they really really devoted a lot of wordage to the thickets that's a wordy one but there's two more effects as well yeah so within one mile of the Green Dragon Slayer the dragon leaves no physical evidence of its passage unless it wishes to tracking it there is impossible except by magical means in addition it ignores movement impediments and damage from plants in this area that are neither magical nor creatures including the thickets described above so the thickets are nothing to the Green Dragon they love to figure they love those thickets they can do that in Jurassic Park where you find the one giant paw print of the dragon it says here that the thicket to remove themselves from the Dragons path as they as they move through the figures oh wow man these are some hot thickets yeah they're easily get through out of control these thickets have a fat but thickest thickets and they can move baby they can so the final effect final regional effect rodents and birds within one mile of the dragon's lair services dragon's eyes and ears deer and other large game are strangely absent hinting at the presence of an unnaturally hungry predator oh man that's pretty cool that reminds me of like Saruman and Sauron from Lord of the Rings how they use like the birds to spy on people I know that's why people that's why people started saying all the birds are robots and their security cameras and stuff like that oh that's exactly what I thought of when when you're talking about screen dragon using the woodland creatures to be its eyes and ears is a theory about like rodents being essentially spy birds specifically the birds aren't real it's like the flat earthers there's like the birds aren't real people or like Justin Bieber is a lizard person okay alright yeah Justin Bieber's a green dragon you here for sorry if you believe in any of that but I don't I'm sorry man all right Flat Earth dude so okay as we've established with every other Dragon episode dragons homes also get to do stuff specifically on initiative 20 most hi-c are creatures houses are really sad that they don't do as much stuff as a dragons house and so on an initiative 20 any of these effects can come into play when fighting a dragon within their lair the first effect grasping roots and vines erupt in a 20-foot radius centered on a point on the ground that the dragon can see within 120 feet of it hell yeah that area becomes difficult terrain and each creature there must exceed 2dc 15 strength saving throw or be restrained that's a doozy being restrained sucks by the roots and vines this spell looks great on paper but I I've put this like this type of spell into practice many times never works all right failure rate right this one layer action it's essentially a free turn yep and it's gonna be great for the bad guy it's gonna be shitty for me indeed so where was I oh yeah mines wilt oh okay on DC 15 strength check and success the roots and mines wilt away when the dragon uses a lair action again and when the lay or when the dragon dies a wall oh here's the second one a wall of tangled brush bristling with thorns so this dragons like really really into plants like oh yeah definitely into thickets so the second section to get a wallet angle brush bristling with thorns springs into existence on a solid surface with a 920 feet of the dragon the wall is up to 60 feet long 10 feet high and five feet thick it blocks line-of-sight when the wall appears each creature in its area must make a DC 15 dexterity saving throw a creature that fails the save takes 48 piercing damage and is pushed 5 feet out of the wall space appearing on whichever side of the wall it wants so at least you get a choice here I suppose a creature can move through the wall be it slowly and painfully for everyone put the creature wherever one flight a creature travels through the wall I must spend four feet of movement furthermore creature in the wall space must make DC 15 dexterity saving throw once each round it is in contact with wall taking 48 piercing damage so these are like way higher-grade thickets these things don't lie oh the thickets that the thickets out in the woods are just the backup dancers secure great good analogy Brad you're welcome okay each 10-foot section of the wall has a c5 15 hit points vulnerability to fire damage resistance to buzzing and piercing damage immunity psychic damage the wall sinks back into the ground when the dragon uses a slayer action again or when the dragon dies okay and that's that's action - there's a third action tired of nasty brush tired of these thick thickets kill that dragon take them all go away the final action that can be taken with the lair action for the green dragon is a magical fog but you know what let's pause it for a second I wish they would give you chillies a name because it's just a giant block of text and I just feel like each action deserves a name oh you understand when I'm like you could memorize that thing yeah I just want to say the dragon uses its blank move not a wall of tangled brush bristling with thorns and blah blah blah springs into existence and alright let's do this man we'll call that one bush Shakira the final action magical fog bill is around one creature the dragon conceit within 120 feet of it the creature has succeed and a dc50 wisdom saving throw or be charmed by the dragon until initiative count of 21 the next round that is a good one I like that some hot breath yeah and Eve you work for me my bidding I like that that's really cool swamp out - it's really not plated at all which I appreciate uh well I mean there's a lot of like the perfume of the plant kind of like I'm gonna spray I'm gonna spray out this I could yeah I like that flavor poison ivy yeah there's a lot of plants that's going on but yeah she's she is a chemist she makes perfumes yeah and what are green dragons but giant reptilian chemists what our green dragons except for poison ivy okay fair enough all right let's get into the stat block so ancient dragon we're looking at an armor class of 21 the challenge rating on this bad boy is 22 so not too far off the blue and red I believe blue dragons are a challenge during twenty three and Red's or 24 so it's up there they are amphibious which most of the Jagan's tend to me where they breathe air in water I really didn't see anything in the lore that really like supported green dragons being able to breathe underwater um I read wind through the keyhole it's like a part of the Dark Tower series it's like a it's like a weird story within a story time is but they did a green dragon in that one and it was like wizard in desc it was it was like it was a good mix up of like a name of the wind dragon and a D&D dragon where it's essentially just a big critter but it has the that dragon in that book had these it had like fire they had a breath and it had agency okay and it wasn't a person it wasn't so huge but it's very big and it's breathing underwater and a swamp and some kid jumps on it jumping logs and he jumps on oh yeah I think it was it was sleeping it was all confused but it tried to burn the ship it was aquatic what's the point of this story so yeah it was in the woods so it was like I'm gonna hang out in this swampy puddle I guess fair enough go to bedtime so it gets legendary resistance which every freakin dragon does multi check whichever dragon guess which is it spike claw and tail which I'll do massive damage we're looking at 2d ten plus eight for the bite a forty six plus eight for the claw and a 2d eight plus eight for the tail Tiamat does have like an aerobics class that she puts on it's called bite clock tail and that's you know it looks really cool when they're all doing it in sequence in the room like that it's the big mirror yeah that's true so all dragons get the frightful presence which is I'll read it again each creature the threat of the Dragons choice that is within a hundred twenty feet of the dragon and aware of it must exceed a DC 19 wisdom saving throw or become frightened for one minute creature can repeat the save throw at the end of each of its turns and then the effect on itself on a success if a creature savings are successful or the effects end for it the creature is now immune to the Dragons right for residents 24 hours I mean one minute one minute is so powerful and it's also like it is it depending like a second you leave combat is like it is what it is again yeah yeah suddenly it's like one minute is an eternity in combat and only a minute outside of combat I could fast-forward through like five minutes if I want in my shirt I'm the dungeon master you are now cured but the dragon ate you so sorry dude so the last thing that it can do outside of its legendary actions are its poisoned which of course recharges out of five or six the dragon excels poison gas in a 90-foot cone each creature in that area must make a DC 22 Constitution Constitution saving throw or take 22 D 6 poise and damage of the field sleeve as much on a successful one I like that breath attack I like how acid and poison are always like d6 that's always kind of cool well are they is that like a thing I think so I don't know for sure but it's uh I guess not really I don't know yeah I don't I don't know but I think almost all the breaths 36 it's just a bunch of d6 I that's a lot of d6 are fun they deserve it square I get to say Yahtzee ironically back to bitching about their legendary actions like I said before all dragons have the exact same legendary actions detect tail attack when you attack it's really lame I mean the moves are fine it's just like they should all have something a little more individualistic if you ask me that being said yeah any questions about green dragons right man the back the the backend of these episodes always devolves into what just happened which is on this build I mean it's fine no problems great no unique enough dungeons of dragons your dragon step walk should not be fine it should be excellent you know I you're holding it to a very high standard but it is in the name it is name your game Dungeons and Dragons but back then it was like you had a dragon right like initially probably in the birth the birthday the birth years of this game um no there was always the chromatic there's always a man at clinics were always a thing okay and then the metallics came not too long after mmm what if I were made of metal what if they were made of gems these dragons were made of space NZ they got one they got one of those so with that being said I think we can get ready for a long rest and before we go I would like to tell everybody about our merch store we have a merch store where you can buy dungy cast t-shirts and dungeon cast mugs and stuff related to super quest saga we have the super quick saga t-shirt and mug but we also have t-shirts for all the individual characters on Super Buu saga saw that that was really cool so if you want a submission Crenshaw t-shirt we got one if you want a Carter Hutton burg t-shirt we got one we got a Persephone gold pedal and we even have a permanent t-shirt if you guys are interested and you guys want to support us please check out our merch store the link is in the description we'd really appreciate it I will buy all these shirts my Sunday so they all own my own shirts everybody has a shirt for me I think no I don't actually own one yet I need to get somebody to buy one and then I forget how they remember my next paycheck I'm gonna get some money back right when I do it it's true but thanks guys if you do buy shirt it does help support the show and we really appreciate that and the merch store pretty much exists because you guys asked for it yeah a lot of people were like where can I buy a sweet mug that says Dungey cast on I was like you know you can again so thank you guys so much for supporting us on patreon if it's through the merch store it's just through listening the show and telling people about the show we really really really appreciate that it really does help and I mean just thank you oh my god indeed well we got anything else I think that's it I think here we can call it a game hello game this is Brian dr. Geter [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the dungeon cast [Applause]
Channel: The Dungeoncast
Views: 13,423
Rating: 4.9330544 out of 5
Keywords: dungeoncast, 5e, lore, dnd, dungeons and dragons, rpg, ttrpg, tabletop gaming, monster mythos, green dragons
Id: hEwkIATp_g8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 3sec (2223 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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