What The Hack Is This? | Temple of the Winds (Part 1)

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well i think we should just get started with the first quick hack um before temple of the wind and that's called um super metroid vacation not a big deal let's just uh get started here so yeah this is uh this is super metroid vacation as you can see uh samus is on vacation you know spring break more than likely so uh who knows yeah no were the reviews like what you'd expect okay so uh i think that's a split all right samus is uh yeah still on vacation this is temple of the wind um it's a four and a half or a five star rated hack i want to say [Music] i know it's had i think it's final now it was like a half hack it wasn't finished for a while because there was a bunch of test groups that had three test groups and a lot of the the uh reviews are pretty good best hacker 2020 by saffron who's very critical of rom hacks generally um you know there's just a lot of good reviews all right let's get started all right this temple of the winds my previous mission having been completed successfully hold on the chozo then sent me to an ancient temple for training my mission was to find the ancient show's artifacts take them off nazca and bring them to my chozo [Music] mentors uh thanks for the uh full year not only was this a trial of my skills it was also a test of the ancient artifacts of the temple of the winds ready but uncertain of what lay in store i prepared to expect the unexpected and so the trial begins light has gifted a sub to the zul thank you so much yeah light i really appreciate it um also thanks for the seven months [Music] appreciate it very very much man [Music] rope ladder this is um well it's sd2snes oh nazca i already answered that it's a sd2snes [Music] okay so that logic holy [ __ ] okay so it's a big loop it was very windy in the temple of the wind who would have guessed temple of the winds is also the name of tigelton's stream no it's coz omega thanks for the five bucks all right i need to get my bearings okay so this is just one big loop brings him back to the ship um underneath here disconnects [Music] anything on the bottom of this so far has been shipped [Music] that we made [Music] thunder break light structures raises and fills ammo [Music] okay so this is like a lap [Music] [Music] okay power stone the [ __ ] the power stone oh it's just an e-tank oh yeah that makes sense [Music] okay there's still more by the ship to destroy but but i guess i'll go back there huh wait no did he just send me i thought it was right here apparently not i'm still on the rope ladder [ __ ] give me something [Music] i need more missiles or thunder bolts [ __ ] oh my god oh it's that's so lucky dude [Music] what is that i don't know what it is but i need it i need it [Music] i need a refill [Music] yeah you can wall jump in tornadoes apparently [Music] i watched the skies above foe's bones a stranger shortly flies and go along to hear the eagle cries what dude not not more riddles oh god no the hell's up here what's the point of that yeah is that lore or is that uh not lore [Music] i'm so confused on what's the point of destroying these things okay so there's an item back there like maybe there'll be something hidden in the future [Music] where is that how do i get down there don't fall fat mommy melkers thank you so much for the gift it's up to girhard okay so we're in the anchor villa [Music] what whoa the god does it again folks oh god no okay we're good pointless that was that [Music] uh more thunder okay wasn't it taking three before now it takes two [Music] [ __ ] that one took three maybe it's where i hit it [Music] i don't like this i know it's designed to like give you a chance here but it seems like that's always close [Music] that's not always two the last one was three [Music] phoenix stone safe no just a reserve tank no it's not oh it's a phoenix stone applegate feel like i wasn't complete over there or like done hey casper thank you gengar thank you very much for the 10 gifted subs [Music] i really appreciate that i don't deserve it i haven't been screaming thank you so much [Music] seems like a bribe to keep mod yeah you know all about bribes wouldn't you the hell is this get squashed [ __ ] okay now what i don't know [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i don't get i don't get the whole snail thing and yeah he's moonwalking thank you so much gengar i really appreciate the 10 subs [Music] okay what eat wave is death oh so you find candace yet who's candace [Music] save complete wait no that's not part of the lauren [Music] league of my balls oats i'm sorry candace [ __ ] uh joke can this dick fit in your mountain [Music] you guys can't keep getting away with it boyle river walk the sky before hearing eagle cry [Music] whirlwind i turn into a goddamn tornado watch out oklahoma here i come [Music] aquaduck [Music] oh god uh voltaic plants break light objects disrupt refl reflect fields this is intense i don't know it looks like grapple to me they didn't really change nothing about this mechanized panda thank you very much for the 10 gifted subs i really appreciate that thanks so much guys i don't um like i said i've been gone the last three days i feel terrible but it means a lot so thank you all let's look at these test results i just wanted to see the death animation it's the same should have busted into like a category four like i see human dna but bird legs results in conclusive sag um adrienne thanks for the 10. okay where did these guys come from they weren't here before [Music] what's going on what am i hitting okay what is this does this door require a book [Music] could i just do that before and i didn't realize [Music] i don't think they were here [Music] yeah thank you again mechanized i really appreciate that very very much and gengar and everyone for the receps feels good to be streaming again like i said just been really busy but i think this week we're uh we're getting into the house so i had this crazy sliver too i spent like an hour trying to dig it out before stream it went like halfway i started like the halfway point of my middle finger and went all the way through to my nail it was insane dude i'd like caught my finger all the way to the goddamn sliver you're deflecting how come i can hit him before what the [ __ ] oh i gotta break his energy shield didn't i get another item here before wasn't it right there what's going on here how am i supposed to know when my momentum is conserved all right i'll get it do i keep grabbing wait a minute was that always a poison vial dude i better pay attention man but you're acting like you haven't played this before yeah maybe it's because i haven't i don't know it's weird [Music] okay i think i need to come back here if i can kill these guys get us over here first [Music] the path forward will be opened oh the one who was enlightened return here with higher knowledge okay well [Music] i'll go browse reddit for an hour i'll be back i kinda wanna go get that item first [Music] wow [Music] ed i'm sure you had a lot of help with this hack oh that's what it was the file outcome go to school oats fine wow mechanized panda with the 13 gifted subs thank you thank you thank you i do not deserve that many subs like i said i feel bad that i haven't streamed i'm sorry [Music] i really appreciate that what is that is that a poison drop or is it a hidden medicine oh yeah this is an insane flute solo uh dirty mike and uh boyce has gifts this up to edie thank you dirty mike uh shatter orb above anvil stone a demon blue will take the throne a locked path open block paths open once it's gone okay the last part didn't run [ __ ] am i wasting all of my uh stuff i kind of feel like i'm in a um a shack foo level a little bit [Music] yeah like the final boss or whatever how do i get more um walk heatwave and find rain one may never die again you're dying again [Music] [Music] it's a it's a reference [Music] oh there's a safe station here [Music] wait what oats is a greedy 22 year old quote unquote professional streamer that dreams becoming a gracious programmer but he's so nosy that he's mentally about 48 years old he was once caught insipidly refilling a camel's gallbladder in an attic that's insane dude [Music] it wasn't already here yeah i was already here i looked around [Music] i think i have to go back to the water [Music] if you guys are wondering i already grabbed that item is this the only way i can refill thunder i guess it refills it all the way that's good uh chris jones thanks for 25 months i hope your girl's not watching those guys because he can do the continuous treason grab with his arm [Music] um i feel like there's more down here okay well [Music] what are the other options dude seriously oh yeah i was stuck here wasn't it doubt i can't make this [Music] hmm [Music] okay that's not gonna work [Music] so i don't think this is anything i've never already checked this all right let's go this way [Music] and go back to the the water area i think wait how are you guys doing what did uh you know what did you do while i was gone huh [Music] play tetris waited for you oh sigh really you ate some ass nice dude [Music] okay well that's not gonna work well back to the top nina fan things for five months why is my nose so itchy it's bothering the hell out of me i'm gonna die oh i know what it is it's allergies it's been like 60 the last couple days it's been great i was sneezing a bunch earlier i've eaten ass and it's not bad but it's definitely not great bro eating asses for when all the all the blood in your brain is gone and you don't care what happens dude just like [ __ ] [Music] [Music] wait did i accidentally grab a poison vial [Music] another one [Music] okay i can make that that might do that [Music] i'm doing good how are you doing wait oh [ __ ] okay i'm good enough let me through [Music] please joe tonsils on stream yeah okay oh i want to go above but no that's not an emote because that email would be used alongside [ __ ] elbert's missile all right [Music] didn't i already get up here [Music] i kind of want to try if i can make this jump but i should probably not try to sequence break this [Music] so very smart dude i need more poison files [Music] this way i guess oh i thought you were good at sm no you don't you guys always make fun of me for not having a 112 in sm no you don't think i was good i don't know if i want to die here i could have made that dude i would have one hp that have been so clutch [ __ ] dude okay so we've already got this stuff technically that's a porn star oh okay thank you so [Music] out yeah sub gifter i'm stuck help [ __ ] you all right [Music] i'm not going to take as much damage this time but yeah that's a lot shifty i really appreciate it wait a minute didn't i already check to the left how come it's santa i've already been here does it keep my progress ultra pair thank you so much for the 200 bits batches [Music] tingleton thank you for the five bucks all right oh dude i'm [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay new strategy we're gonna go there again and we're not gonna die can i just go to the left that'd be sweet well the only problem is i don't get my thunder bolts or whatever no screw you you're not worth it i was just losing it i've been losing all right that's so much damage okay guys new new strat don't get hit a cage the hell is that now that's what you [Music] want okay so the new plan is to not die hell yeah health okay i'm there if it's poison violent be a little mad what is it okay foreign am i not supposed to go in here what the [ __ ] is that i like how it wraps around my brain i'm not cheating okay this is a little scary that's all i'm saying safe well that was worth all the health how come everything in the goddamn heat wave is pushing me it's all i could hold on i'm going to get my blending bolts because that health is worthless so at this point i probably don't need to be here so let's wrap around [Music] out [Music] now these things do a lot of damage [Music] well hello albert how are you squirt [Music] now it's okay oaks we know you're kind of out of practice a lot has happened in the year that you've been gone tigerton started a new streaming platform with over 10 members florent has led a crusade against the non-believers and daniel beat a game without save states welcome back people creep thank you for the 200. [Music] [Music] do i'm sorry you've been depressed albert don't worry we'll have a we'll have a albert oats day just like the good old times okay um i'm probably moving into my house next week we got our uh final coat on our floor done we got our appliances in the only thing we need is the plumber to come back and install our uh dishwasher and put our shower heads on [Music] that's it yeah no no no no this time is different that's why i took three days off because i worked like 30 hours in the last three days like hard work i am so [ __ ] sore it's not even funny i woke up today my hands were so swollen and puffy they were like 25 bigger than they are right now it was insane yeah anyways [Music] what is this more thunder [Music] yeah we'll show you guys pretty pretty [ __ ] proud of how it's looking it it's pretty awesome [Music] wait did i get spring ball wait a minute this one and i have spring ball [Music] what was that that's what dervish is you've had spring ball for two hours dude yeah 42 minutes into the hack it's called updraft oh god you're right yeah albert brand new floors brand new paint on walls that we worked on for like four months good you have pretty much brand new furniture your house has walls lucky out brand new glory holes everywhere you been huffing paint boy yeah all right come with me [Music] i'm gonna go back to the ship yeah next you're gonna tell me your house has a roof oats the one percent [ __ ] you man that's all right i kind of want to get back here anyways i'm going to save [Music] all right so let's see did i miss anything yes [Music] it was the prediction that i'd beat the game in like an hour clouds ride wind [Music] sub 2 real time nah the average play time for this is like two to five hours isn't it oh in game time okay that's more realistic [Music] the power stone the hell's this thing it's a 200 i need some help i said metroid into the mirror three times and a man with chicken legs came out of my toilet he muttered something about putting [ __ ] on the floor took a deep breath from a gas canister and said he was definitely moving in next week what should i do no more text speech [Music] okay [Music] the hell is this thing yeah you're right what about the money well yeah i guess i'll keep it [Music] all right [Music] cloud boots that's it folks i win is it i'm afraid i'm missing something here i beat the game oh cool no this is not it i think we're good right [Music] yeah the map's pretty cool i don't know if you're trying to tell me something [Music] wait a minute how the hell does this work there's high jump boots right i can't said clouds can walk on wind hey they ain't doing nothing for me [Music] zelfer is with the tier 3 for 15 months thank you very very much yeah this is a four and a half star very highly rated [Music] wow really i would have rated it maybe one star within the one minute i've been in here to judge it [Music] yeah thank you zelfers yeah two stars oats i'm feeling kind today thank you sir oh it's wait what what oats no he's only a two star streamer tickle tin i can't even [ __ ] say anything because it's such a low-hanging fruit [Music] what okay hopefully i didn't need anything else over here or else we're in trouble oh nice [Music] wait talking about sounding like i can use it [Music] i don't know if i can make this jump no not even close okay so i was supposed to go that way [Music] wiggleton is above us all give him respect [Music] okay baby [Music] game's unplayable see ya [Music] might [Music] okay well i guess we're just gonna see if i can progress anyway over here [Music] would be cool if i could like walk on the wind [Music] dude i could have damaged boosted still can there's still time [Music] [ __ ] [Music] it's about the jars about to go [Music] okay i've already been over here [Music] oh god oh it just lifts you up i thought i was just a god and i just lifted myself back up through my willpower [Music] we've already been up here we've already been in this snot i gotta see what's over here [Music] wait here we have have we well [Music] my demon broke what [Music] yeah uh kaiser deathless again and sm impossible death wasn't the same night no what's wrong with you that's a damageless win never possible it's not impossible [Music] me and my cousin we did it last week dude come on man am i supposed to be back here i'm so confused how come the map's not feeling and it's bothering me [Music] what's over here i need to get over there i have high jump boots now i got this fun tune globally died he must have done something wrong one toon must have been snooping where he shouldn't have been snooping yeah there's force damage everywhere not possible [Music] and nor is it possible for me to get up here um no i don't want to hear from him all right oh wait no okay [Music] i didn't see those at first hello [Music] how are you darling [Music] you [ __ ] serious okay okay there's something [Music] i don't say all that hard work for that he poisoned by my enemies [Music] wait what happened i don't know oh it's hand over the controller let me show you how to beat this game no you guys aren't supposed to say hand me the controller you're supposed to make fun of me then when i say all right you do it you shouldn't i don't want to okay i can't get up there [Music] because then if you if i hand you the controller then you gotta prove yourself you know that ain't gonna work well fine i didn't want to play anyway it's too easy okay [Music] and i'm confused with the map hmm i don't want to leave here yet but i feel like i need something else i mean can i wall jump there i didn't think i had room if i did i guess i just didn't see it i thought there was like a slope going up [Music] i mean maybe [Music] yeah it ain't happening [Music] yeah i'm gonna see if i could like fit into a small space here [Music] you know if i could get like right there and the wind wouldn't affect that'd be good but i'm sure they made the hitbox too small between there like the space between head boxes [Music] all right well i don't know what to do here so i guess i better pass the controller to fluffy apparently i don't have enough [ __ ] let's do the ride again or well let's see what's over here [Music] i know this is like locked but still locked open up this is [ __ ] [Music] dude this is turning into faison all over again for poor chad yeah there's like spawning [ __ ] in the ceiling but i don't know it has to do with anything yeah the eyes the eyes are acting normally when they're blue like that like you can open it you know but it's not working i'm gonna save [Music] the [ __ ] are you talking about okay did i save what just happened [Music] now [Music] my doctor said i can't play stuff that's too easy yeah your doctor said that okay [Music] i didn't mean to do that dude where am i going well i'll take it [ __ ] wow okay i figured it out puzzle god they call me hmm now what there it is too strong that's pretty close i think i can make that this douche again or which douche me or the puzzle god you don't talk to the puzzle god that way hello thanks for the 2500 [Music] yeah i'm thinking a big swing gets wrecked thank you shifty i appreciate that i also wanted its leader and get rekt thank you very very much [Music] puzzle god [Music] okay it's not letting me move oh my god it's so hard to get a good swing like this is not happening [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] wait don't those break too i thought those i'm so confused something's going on right now dude why okay so this is a puzzle how's your few days off they weren't really days off i worked on the house for 30 hours yeah whatever oats dude how are your nice days off all right how was your vacay man you weren't here you took a vacay all there is to it i am unaware am i missing something here yes oh wait i can just ride that all the way since when did that go all the way up yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] oh god am i missing one [Music] the puzzle god is at it again folks [Music] i'm slightly afraid there's nothing over here and i'm wasting my time okay thunder there's also something else over here yeah i swear to god if it's a poison vial i'm gonna be happy [Music] that's right oh what's up mango how you doing uh what what what cyclone beam i don't know what's going on the [ __ ] [Music] no it's not charge i don't have charge can i not get over here yet oh [Music] but not supposed to be here yet [Music] oh he just hold it nice [Music] [Music] thank god [Music] this definitely comes in handy yeah it's four out of five not or four and a half out of five not four and a half out of ten dude this is straight up like faison now i'm just shooting everything because i have wave i can just see if there's hidden items please don't tell me i want to die uh let's go save how do they get there [Music] [Music] oh sorry behemoth i didn't see that you hosted thank you very much [Music] um it's pretty cool so far getting a break from one hundo just felt like playing this i had to take a few days off to work on some house stuff i felt like doing a rom hack thank you tommy hey forgot about me yeah dude whatever um yup oats retired he took three vacation days and relaxed in the bahamas wow he doesn't care about us [Music] wait a minute where the hell am i like just there wasn't there [ __ ] on the bottom of this room does it go away fluffy we shut the hell up [ __ ] yeah i was higher but oh dude yeah i'm typical victim here we go [ __ ] fluffy the victim time to die ah how come the lava is disappearing sometimes yeah everyone everyone's too afraid to be singled out hmm well let's try this okay [Music] yeah we're good all right now you're just trying way too hard to get attention shift you're fluffy sorry bro i ain't having it too obvious now [Music] all right chicken legs yeah cool dude first time i heard that one okay i don't think i want to be over there some reason i was thinking there was uh something below but this map is a little confusing [Music] no i know i know it moves [Music] i i know i can grapple thank you for some reason i was thinking there was an item down there before for some reason and i can't no i totally forgot that i have grappled you know i've been grappling this entire time thank you chat [Music] you know what's worse than playing a a game a casual game with backseaters you know what's worse than the backseaters is the [ __ ] backseaters when i'm playing super metroid you know you [ __ ] i need to move the camera so i can see that one this is gonna knock me off dude yeah backseating someone that has like 12 000 hours in this game [Music] yeah oh it's yeah okay um that's like that's like walking up to the dude i like the the subway station playing the grand piano playing everything just perfectly and going yeah um that would sound way better it's good but you're kind of missing a few key important elements you know it's some dude with a mini keyboard in his mom's basement you know here let me hook up my macbook pro and i'll show you [Music] don't be a poison vile what the f okay i'm gonna wait [Music] medicine medicine that better not be no goddamn vaccine boy i tell you them nanobots are gonna get you okay i can't grab that [Music] [Music] [Music] i mean obviously i haven't played this though like this is different there's people with way more experience than me in this like this rom hack hey how the [ __ ] what is this i didn't need that did i [ __ ] waste [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] so [Music] [ __ ] is going on [Music] i'm not soft locked i'm just trying to figure out what that is oh okay i see sunken tomb oh [Music] an experienced player would have known not to grab the poison vial they could have deduced it would have been poisoned because of the last two energies [Music] to be fair they do look different i really haven't painted i didn't read the book what did it say you suck oats lol get a life bro this is your chat bro hand me the controller told you how to bypass the winds
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 22,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, AGDQ, Kaizo, Awesome Games Done Quick, World Record, Oatsngoats, Rom Hack, Super Metroid Impossible, Twitch, Twitch Fails, Oats, SGDQ, Samus, metroid, what the hack, what, the, hack, what the hack is this, wth, wthit, temple of the winds, temple, winds, what the hack temple of the winds, wind, part 1, tornado, reviews, vacation
Id: TSX98Mguhsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 49sec (4969 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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