What Ronnie Coleman Eats - Build More Muscle - Eating Like A Bodybuilder Motivation

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you know i remember the first time and he won the olympia and then after the thing and i said no ronnie just from my personal use as far as like what happened how many times do you think you cheated on your diet and he looked at me like i was nuts and he's like it never even crossed my mind and i knew at that point like it's like this guy is a different human being i was trying to diss myself from everybody else so i kept getting bigger and bigger so nobody would catch up with me food is without a doubt number one being consistent and that doesn't mean off-season or contest that's across the board if you are in the off season and you're not consistent with food if you're not continuously pushing food it's offseason like i don't i don't have to eat six meals a day i don't have to quite get if i don't feel like eating i'll just skip a meal and i'll go grab some fast food and these things it's probably the biggest downfall it's probably how i end up weaning out more athletes and than not because they'll be like i can eat all day i'll never have a problem five days later like there's no way i can eat all this food it's just tough most people don't realize it eventually you end up with a guy like ronnie coleman who is just a machine every single day you know i love what i do so that's why i still come to work every day i think it's one of the hardest jobs out there hardest sports out there one of them you know that's a bunch of that's hard but the reason why i do all that and put my body through all that is because i love it you got love for something you know what they say ain't really too much nothing you really wouldn't do to do it little extreme way protein shake quick grits here this is a baked basically all carb meal this is my jump start meal of the day 7 o'clock in the morning you see me big up there like that but you know it took a long time for me to get there that doesn't happen overnight i put on about 25 and 10 pounds of muscle a year and that came from all that you know that heavy lifting a lot of eating a lot of eating i had about six meals a day it's kind of hard to eat like that so i would have to wake up in the middle of the night to eat and go back to sleep after last year's olympia had my one cheat meal and pretty much jumped right back on a diet [Music] what i did was uh died for the whole year uh grits for breakfast second meal chicken third meal chicken fourth meal steak fifth meal or turkey and uh six mil was the protein shake i did that routine every day for about you know about 15 years you know i was doing that while i was running mr olympia and all that kind of stuff i would take breaks and i would eat you know the food would always be cooked i'll just warm it up and i would eat it i i normally twice at work you know because i just kept the food in my car all working dedication will pay off if you dedicate yourself to doing something trying to stay clean do what you have to do [Music] i see that now the most is going to come so i just let my training build my muscle and let my food pretty much all season instead of eating all this junk and stuff eating like i'm getting ready for a contest because i'm still trying to build muscle in all seasons of course it's harder but uh but i want to be let's do better another thing [Music] as mr olympia i got to do what it takes to get better that was my motivation right there no room for weakness when i'm in the off-season what i try to do is put on as much weight as possible and try to come down from that but i don't want to put on a lot of bad weight i'm trying to put on as much good weight as possible keep my protein real high i try to get about 600 grams from me i still go with the same formula for every pound of body weight i just do two grams of protein plain and simple but here's the kicker for i do in order to gain weight instead of me taking in like 250 grams of carbs a day i can now go up to about 600 all the way up to about a thousand grams a day i still eat every three to four hours and i still try to eat six times a day [Music] [Applause] i don't consider myself no different from anybody else in this world i'm just a little bit bigger you've gone from 225 up to nearly 300 pound on stage bodybuilders over the last few years have got bigger and bigger and bigger [Music] we're gonna get another [Music] this [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] how do they go about getting big well you gotta eat food to get big the most important thing about nutrition is protein simply because protein is what feels muscles point simple what i call my low-carb week i probably have like six days or a low carb and i have one day for a carb up for your high and i'll do that all the way up to the olympia basically just monitor it go by how look right now i'm about 285 pounds [Music] one label says take three three is not enough for a big guy like me okay and now we can go to the gym lift some weights [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] thank y'all for coming out please come next year make this thing even bigger i love y'all uh let's go eat [Music] [Music]
Channel: NicandroVisionMotivation
Views: 7,551,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nicandro vision, nicandro vision motivation, ronnie coleman, ronnie coleman motivation, diet motivation, eat big to get big, ronnie coleman lightweight baby, food is fuel, eating motivation, lifestyle, diet, eating for muscle growth, eat like a champion, what bodybuilders eat, what to eat to gain muscle, muscle growth, muscle mass, bodybuilding diet, discipline, discipline motivation, eating mentality, ronnie coleman policeman, whatever it takes, hard work pays off
Id: MctwMW2cqok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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