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[Music] what's up guys hope you all are doing well welcome to my kitchen today we're doing a full day of eating leading up to the shaw classic which will be my final Strongman Competition tickets are selling fast if you want to be there click on the link below the video it's going to be an incredible environment so excited about that with this diet I'm concerned about being the strongest man on Earth so the diet is all about eating for strength we're gonna get started here with breakfast so what I've got going is I've got bison from Trifecta I've got eggs I'm making pancakes we've got the griddle uh so I'm gonna mix these things up get them going and get some food in my stomach because I am hungry and I'm ready to eat so with the pancakes I don't get real precise with measuring this out what I aim to do is approximately half a box so that is what I have kind of dialed in I may have gone a little bit over there of course it gives you the directions on the box I don't have time to deal with that so I know the ingredients are milk eggs and water so I'm just kind of use my judgment to get a little bit of milk a lot of times with a half a box they say one egg but one egg is not as good as two so I kind of modify that as well always need more protein [Music] finishing touches and done good work [Music] all right so right here we have got eight ounces of bison and this is uh already padded up pre-cooked which is awesome if I throw that in so I'll do eight ounces and then uh what I've got here is just a chopper so that's what I'm gonna call it might be called something different but I like to basically chop these these patties up because I'm going to be adding some eggs to them so we get that going I will rotate the eggs a little bit but today we are doing six so six eggs eight ounces of bison here there we go perfect and as far as seasoning goes salt that is all I use if I just salt this the eggs and bison are done oh okay you get one dad gets one two two three four why don't you get four five and this one could be for your brother how about that this will be my uh serving so basically a full plate of pancakes and then all of the the bison and eggs um I will do uh butter and syrup normal and then on the eggs I actually throw on a little bit of just a little bit of ketchup um helps them to go down a little bit easier and it tastes good I always try to get it in one trip so we got the syrup orange juice pancakes and eggs let's get this down the hatch [Music] [Music] meal number one is down good start to the day uh definitely uh filled me up but the good part with this is is I'll get through this quickly and move on to uh meal number two because got a lot of eating to get done today so even though that was a big meal typically I'm hungry in in about an hour hour and a half or so so um I'll show you guys uh what meal number two is next meal number two I actually fix up here in the kitchen and then I take with me out to work so that I can eat it as I'm working uh I mix up a shake so I've got the blender I've got ice here uh dumped some water in up to about roughly 20 ounces or so and then I make a whey protein isolate I'm using the persist ISO from undefined delicious and it is uh really really good protein so I'm gonna go three scoops here so it's 24 grams of protein per scoop so roughly 75 grams of protein is what I'm looking for with this I get those in one banana just like that and then I will throw in some peanut butter as well kind of a scoop of peanut butter like that so I've got my Shaw classic water bottle here and that is what I will dump the shake into that up perfect along with the shake I'm going to have one apple I am cleaning these uh Heavenly hunks is what they're called but they're uh organic oatmeal dark chocolate basically a uh a cookie and they're not very big but they pack quite a few calories so just in this is 110 calories so I get four of these with uh my shape I've got my little lunch box here so I'll throw those in throw my Shake in and I simply just zip this up and then I head out to work and eat it out there all right guys I'm out here knocking out some emails and it is officially time to jump into meal number two I'm gonna Hope for not my cooler got my shake I've got my heavenly hunks I think those are whatever they are they're amazing and my Apple so I'm gonna jump into this uh keep working a little bit and uh easily eat these uh these next calories with this meal so a lot of times this happens you know I'm on the go I'm doing a lot of different things you know I have to pack it up bring it out here or I'm on the road I gotta take it in The Lunchbox but uh the work still has to happen but the eating also has to happen to keep moving forward thank you [Music] meal number two is in the books that was delicious and like I said on the Go real easy getting work done getting the food in I think right now we're sitting somewhere around uh 3 500 calories through meal number two so definitely good start to the day and we'll keep it rocking time for meal number three sometimes I call this first lunch we are having uh pasta we've got more uh bison which is amazing and then we will get to put some delicious sauce on top of that so first things I gotta get this uh water boiling we'll get the hot dogs up here turn it on and then add a little bit of salt to the water just like that so we'll let that boil and then we'll get the pasta cooking water is boiling I have measured out here three three servings of the pasta and so what I like to do is kind of break it up into thirds just like that so it's a little bit easier to eat when it is all done cooking but with this meal I'm gonna have a uh a pound of Bison so basically two two of these packs here we'll do the same thing as before with a Shoppers we'll just chop up the uh the burgers again and make it easy so I can throw it right on top of the pasta once that's done add the sauce so this is a really warp basic meal but it's something that I've used in the past I've had a lot of success with the pasta of course I still love my rice don't worry that's still coming but uh pasta is definitely a a bigger part of this prep for sure [Music] looks delicious and sauce three the key to making it taste even better it's gonna be great [Music] that was delicious and as you guys see with my eating I don't have my phone anywhere near me I'm not talking to anybody and that's what I've kind of gone back to with this diet because if I spend too much time eating a meal so for example if I'm trying to scroll through my phone you know whatever I'm doing email social media that type of stuff it really wastes a lot of time and if I draw out my eating time too long this then kind of bleeds into the next meal and then I end up at the end of the day not not getting all my meals in so what I've really gone back to is just kind of when the food sits down in front of me focus and uh quite literally dig into it and get it done and then I move on to the next thing and you know right now I still have to jump into a couple different work meetings I've got some other obligations and things to handle so that's done we're moving on but it was delicious uh really happy with how it's going today and uh we're gonna keep rocking we are on to meal number four Emil number four is again bison from Trifecta which is a very very common theme I eat a lot of that we've got green beans that are going with it and then we are getting to some rice most of my serving sizes right now are a pound as we go into the shaw classic I might bump that up a little bit more depending on how I'm feeling with training uh how my body weight is going you know with this contest uh you know and the eating that I'm doing I do not care about keeping my body weight down you know some of the contests previously to this you know I've talked about hey I want my scale weight to be down you know I'm worried about the speed I'm worried about that the shaw classic is not about any of that it's just about being big and strong and so I'm going to eat like I want to be big and strong and that's really the objective here so you know like I said my portion sizes from this point will will only get bigger they will not get smaller so you know I know for sure and me it very much holds true if you want to be big and strong you need to eat big so we're going back to that and I've actually really been enjoying it and and to be fair how I'm feeling in the gym is also also showing me that that going back to eating this way is translating to the gym in my performance in there which at the end of the day scale weight doesn't matter none of that really matters the performance in the gym is what matters and being strong in the gym is what matters so we're going to keep rocking that way and uh I'm Gonna Roll into the shaw classic probably heavier than I have been in quite some time and then I don't typically take the time to warm the green beans up because the meat is hot and then the rice will be hot I kind of put it on top of the meat here just dump those in like that and then go right over to the rice and throw that on top so it's a rice I'm doing approximately approximately two cups of rice with this meal so out about two cups there perfect maybe a generous two cups with that that is all right I'd rather go go a little bit bigger serving than smaller and then we've got the barbecue sauce to go on top so I do have some more work to do with this meal so we're actually going to head to my office I'm going to go through some paperwork while I'm eating so you'll get to see that foreign so with this meal I actually get to go through the shaw classic run of show so one of the things we have to do uh with the shot classic is basically have a breakdown of what's going to happen when it's going to happen how everything is going to be executed and um you know this as you can see is getting pretty thick here but it's all got to be dialed in so we're only going to add more to this as we lead up but a lot of behind the scenes type of stuff has to happen to make the contest run and uh so it can be executed and be run to the best of its ability so I'm going to go through this uh because that's what I have to do now and I'm also going to consume this so I'm going to not get distracted by this but uh I know I said earlier about not have my phone and just getting into food but I kind of have to get this done because I've got to get on a call about it um here uh after I'm done moving [Music] meal number four down and feeling pretty good really I mean that's uh you know certainly not a small quantity of food but I feel like I was able to power through it really with no problem uh which is which is great and like I said quantities from this point will only stay the same War go up um as I heat into the show so we've definitely got some more eating to go uh right now I don't know exactly where uh the calories are at but I would guess um you know somewhere uh six thousand plus in that range so we'll try to break that down and have it up for you guys as you watching the video so you will know how to answer that question better than me at this point but uh we're gonna keep rocking I'm gonna go knock this meeting out and then uh we will get into deal number five after that we have come to meal number five and what we are in is the scenario that I'm training tomorrow I've got a heavy deadlift session so I'm carving up fueling up for that as well so what I've got with this meal is I do have uh ravioli and this is something that I've used in the past a long time ago so actually really enjoy that we will come back with some bison we've got these chicken meatballs which I'm going to actually mix in with the Bison they've got some really good flavor and it just adds to the overall dish you guys will find out what I'm talking about when I'm done I get to start with a a little salad I'm just to get some greens in and then we'll finish it off obviously with some amazing pasta sauce but first up we've got to get the water boiling so we can get our ravioli ready to go water's officially boiling so it is time to throw the raviolis in I'm going to do 12 of these and that equates to uh four servings since the serving size is three in ch so this is just going to be eight ounces of bison since we are combining the meatballs in and these are actually a mango jalapeno meatball so I don't know why I saw these and thought they they just look delicious but I've tried it as you can tell because this is open but I'm gonna go two servings of these so eight total [Music] so while we're waiting for the ravioli to finish up I will get the salad ready to go so I just pull out a bowl and then we'll basic with this this is just a shredded romaine lettuce and [Music] um balsamic vinaigrette I guess we'll shake it up get that ready to go [Music] trainer [Music] yeah delicious it goes on next oh gosh this is looking good you could smell through the camera huh good it's gonna come with these bad boys [Music] we got these bad boys ready to go and salad ready to go and then it's time to eat so this meal I can legitimately say I'm excited about as you see here I've added in some coke to drink that is not a normal thing that is only a heavy pre-training thing um so I am getting ready like I said to train heavy tomorrow so I get to have more treats when that's the case so I'm definitely going to enjoy this I'm just gonna enjoy this is what I'm gonna say and that is meal number five down uh definitely a great tasting meal I will say that I had to work a little bit toward the end of that this wasn't quite as hungry but sometimes that's how it goes you know I mean the day goes and and I certainly try my best to space out all of the meals and make sure I've got adequate time to digest and that type of thing but on top of that I also have to make sure that uh that I'm getting the food down because I have to sleep and that's a big thing that I'm really trying to focus on for myself is actually get more sleep in along with uh getting you know this bigger quantity of food down so all of the time it's a balancing act a little bit between you know certainly feeling hungry but sometimes you just feel full and when the clock says it's time to eat you got to eat and that's just part of the game so that's down um I'm gonna go do a few more things and then I will show you guys what I get to eat before I head to bed and that is that's actually really exciting so I'm going to let this digest for a minute and then we'll move on to that last meal of the day and this is something that I've started incorporating every single night before bed and that is a Gigantor which is a mass gainer Shake Whole Food proteins no sugar added very very proud of this product it's something I've wanted to come out with undefined nutrition for a long time it is delicious but what I've actually started doing with it instead of drinking it as a shake is I am turning it into ice cream so it's kind of like a treat that I get to have before bed I've really been enjoying it so let me show you how I have been doing it I start out with some Fairlife milk and I just dumped that into the blender here so I do about about 20 ounces of the Fairlife milk and then I do a a full serving of Gigantor which is fine Foods now the neat part of this is actually we have a Char on the back and based on your body weight you can determine your serving size so you don't have to use a full serving if you don't want to so that's kind of neat that that's broken down but for me I am doing a full serving which is is spice control I put five scoops of gigantical into the blender here so I'm just going to go on low here but I just dumped this into these containers and try to go fairly even between the two Lids on and then stick them right into the freezer so they are frozen so we're going to leave those right here and we'll throw those in the freezer now these are the ones that I did last night and they are frozen so I'm going to show you how I turn these into ice cream and this is a ninja cream is what that is called so once you get it inside just make sure that's positioned right and then get the lid on here line it up and then just snap it over like that go straight into the machine and then all you have to do with this is get it to lock in and then push it all the way over and snap it into place hit the power button and then we are going to select ice cream and then it's going to do its thing [Music] all right so that is the ice cream cycle this looks pretty good overall so what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to grab a spoon and just kind of Pat it down and then we're going to do a re-spin and we'll make it super creamy and delicious and this should go quicker it's definitely quicker than the ice cream cycle for sure right perfect so I came out looking amazing which is awesome so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to throw this one in repeat the same steps and then I will be ready to enjoy them this your shirt says built strong yes it does available at shopstrength.com I like it felt strong but you don't have any cheesecake yeah it's a fair point this is a pre-contest training diet and cheesecake equals big Power it does and you know what goes great with ice cream cheesecake felt strong so oh my God this is what you do at night when I go to bed oh my God the cheesecake was a good choice I kind of feel like you need a Cheesy for each container no [Music] did you see that okay I am judging you so bad right now oh [Music] all right well I think it's hard to say the cheesecake upped the game the ice cream was seriously incredible uh so happy I discovered that because I now get to end every night with a tree that's delicious and uh also nutritious cheesecake big Power got a big deadlift tomorrow hopefully you guys enjoyed coming along for the ride I'm gonna have some fun eating going into the shaw Classic this year and uh I'm excited to see how it translates to my performance my power uh just overall package that I can bring to the table there so hopefully you guys are excited about the contest I'm excited the lineup is ridiculous it's going to be a uh a really really amazing weekend and um you know great way to finish out my competitive strongman career so I love you guys hope you're all doing amazing for now go out and be great and we'll check you guys later [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Views: 2,035,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brian Shaw, worlds strongest man, strongman, hafthor bjornsson deadlift, Larry wheels, history, mattdoesfitness, strength, strong, Arnold Schwarzenegger, martins licis, Logan Paul, fitness
Id: xNkh1ZPfu1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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