What Really Happens When We Die? | Face the Truth

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yes I didn't believe in goes I haven't seen any so I won't say that I don't think they don't exist completely but I see dead people they have to have an idea for these movies so it must be based on something so many different ideas stories and beliefs but what really happens when you die hello and welcome to face the truth a program brought to you by the Church of Christ I'm brother Barry Thompson today we'll be tackling a topic that affects us all death it's a reality that none of us can avoid although many may try we took a look at how various people religions and even the media tackle this topic but first we stopped at a place that symbolizes death itself for many this represents the final chapter for others a new chapters fear how many horror movies start off in cemeteries how many people do you know who fear places like this it's a fear of death a fear of the unknown and many people cope with this fear through their own personal beliefs about the afterlife according to Catholics a death our soul is separated from our body the body corrupts and becomes dust the soul is immediately judged and given its reward or punishment this is called particular judgment the rewards or punishments appointed for men after the particular judgment are heaven purgatory or hell according to Protestants the soul does not die a death it goes at once either to the Bliss of heaven or the torment of hell Hindus believe that when anything dies it is almost always immediately reborn on earth this is called reincarnation these are only some of the beliefs different religions have about death death is the true unsolved mystery people can't tell you anything about it because when you die you can't come back to tell your experience it is the last earthly experience a person has which is why there are so many misconceptions about death because no one really knows what happens the mystery surrounding death have given birth to many stories and superstitions and a whole lot of scary movies the temperature drops they chill travels up your spine you thought you are alone the very first horror movies debut towards the end of the 19th century preying on humankind's deepest fears the dark the cold the unknown and death the undead the Living Dead those who have come back from the dead monsters born from our imaginations shaping our nightmares haunting our dreams and blurring reality most of these beliefs are obviously false but a few have seeped into everyday society and mainstream beliefs on death but what really happens when a person dies find out when we return on face the truth welcome back to face the truth today we're talking about what really happens to people when we die now since none of us can speak from experience then we have to go to some source to give us answers and we believe the Bible gives us some definitive answers about death and the dead but before we learn about death let's talk about life how did man come into being let's read what is written the book of Genesis chapter 2 in the verse is 7 and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul man was formed from the dust of the ground and after God formed man he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life or the spirit of life in the amplified version now when we talk about man's being what is man composed up this is what is written in 1st Thessalonians 5:23 now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely and may your whole spirit soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ man is composed of spirit soul and body now sometimes people confuse the spirit and the soul and believe them to be the same but what is the proof that the soul and the spirit are different this is what a state in the Hebrews 4 and 12 for the word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even the division of soul and spirit and of joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart so then man is truly composed of spirit soul and body now our crews in the northeastern part of the United States set out to find out what people think happens after death take a look at what they found I don't know where they go but I think they go somewhere they have a party they go relax enjoy not having to get up and go to work every day I do think that if you have some sort of unresolved issues on earth that your spirit kind of lingers I think that after someone dies they're like look down at you are like maybe watch you that I don't think they haunt I simply think that way when people died it just disappeared I don't believe in ghosts either I think when they die you get eaten by earth or inviters and it says like the natural cycle I firmly believe that when people pass over that they watch over us that they're no longer in pain and I do believe they answer me when I ask for help as a Christian at a Roman Catholic I'm inclined to follow my faiths and beliefs and that the soul is going to a better place your spirit goes to whatever your religious beliefs may indicate you know but I don't know I haven't died so I can't speak from experience now we've taken a quick look at what a few people believe happens after we die but what does the Bible have to say find out as we continue our search for answers to one of life's greatest mysteries on face the truth welcome back today we're facing the truth about a topic that affects us all death the pain of losing a loved one can be almost unbearable but what do many people believe happens when their loved ones die and where do some turn to for comfort and for guidance take a look at what we found when my mother died I had felt her spirit around me and I feel very safe I believe there is life after death I had certainly have to believe also that they will be listening I'm the cemetery freak of the family I go and I talk to everybody fortune tellers have told me that I have a lot of angels because I talked to them and they always say when you talk to them about while some find comfort in believing their dead loved ones are watching over them others ventured to psychics and mediums to try and contact them directly according to reviews these mediums give health screenings walk you through your so-called past lives and they help you contact your dead loved ones in the spirit world talking to this psychic for an hour will set you back 150 dollars this one charges a hundred and ninety and if you want a celebrity psychic be prepared to spend over eight hundred dollars so a lot of my information is clairaudient so it's like hearing a thought rethought me to talk about Joseph I'm not hearing it out loud boys going hi my name is Joe it's like a thought Joe just very simple like a bouncing ball of energy that goes to some religions center themselves around contacting those in the spirit world like this church here in the Pacific Heights district of San Francisco let's take a closer look at some of their beliefs concerning the afterlife principle for they believe that the existence and personal identities of individuals continue after death principle 5 they believe communicating with the dead is a scientifically proven fact principle 8 they believe a soul always has a chance to reform you we've just taken a look at what many people believe about death but what does the Bible say about what happens to us when we die what really happens when a person dies to fully understand what happens we must remember that man is composed of body spirit and soul the body is the corporeal element made up of flesh blood and bones created by God from the dust of the ground the Spirit is the breath of life and the soul is man's inner being according to Ephesians 3:16 in 2nd Corinthians 4:16 now these three components of man have designated destinations when a person dies now what happens to the spirit well this is what is written in Ecclesiastes 12 and 7 then the dust will return to the earth as it was and the spirit will return to God who gave it so the spirit goes back to God who gave it or what about the soul in Ezekiel 18 and 4 this is what is stated behold all souls are mine the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is mine the soul who sins shall die so the soul will die now we should take note that the soul is what has life according to Genesis 2:7 so it will die now the body is dust and will go back to the dust or to the earth as what is written in Genesis 3:19 and this is evident from what we see happening to people whenever they die however we know that many people still believe that the Dead live again or in what they call as ghosts now do ghosts really exist what do you think before we find out the biblical answer let's take a look at this when the Sun sets in San Francisco the ghost hunters arrive can your spirits are you okay we're gonna cross a bridge he's gonna take us to an island in the middle of this lake ghost hunting lures many tourists to the city by the bay is said that uh she drowned she got thrown off of this bridge or something they flocked to Alcatraz the Presidio strolling and even Chinatown Chinatown has been listed as one of the most haunted places in San Francisco thousands flock here for ghost stories and not only here but across the city but what do the citizens really think San Francisco will just intervene something what do you know about the ghost tours they have around here I don't know I think about know a thing about it I hear their best in the country we made a lot of cities but we hear San Fran says you going on one of the tours not here but we're going to you're going on one of the two yeah we are so either one at Keywest and we're going to win in Savannah we went and these are supposed to be the best okay what a Saturday you believe it goes sometimes sometimes yeah I see them on walking tours people travel these streets searching for haunted hot spots but how does a spot gain the notoriety of being haunted first it needs a good story like the Cameron house built in 1874 a woman named Donald Deena Cameron used it to hide Chinese women from the slave trade in a secret basement until a fire broke out killing many of the women trapped inside since then people have reported seeing white figures in photos taken in the home but is it haunted by the spirits of the Dead many people believe it really is is seeing really believing and do beliefs dictate reality now from what we've heard it's clear people are seeing something hearing something feeling something but do ghosts or the souls of the Dead with unfinished business really exists we'll find out what the Bible has to say when we return on face the truth Chabad was on the horse his little gimpy little horse running away from the scary manly horse and they do it on top with the pumpkin I thought that was scary in school just the idea of like something that you can see that's like haunting you and following you and you have no idea it's there that scares me a lot like maybe like the ring um where she like haunts people after seven days and I mean she's not like a ghost because she's not transparent which is usually how we imagine goes but she is not living can you know what obviously their hats they have to be they might be real because they can't just like not they have to have an idea for these movies so it must be based on something welcome back as you can see this belief in ghosts is something that is widespread not only do some people believe in ghosts or in seeing apparitions of the dead you have those who also believe that you can talk to the dead pray for the dead or even give food to the dead the belief that a dead person soul still lives on is big business today you have Hollywood with their movies and reality shows where people go ghost hunting then you have the so-called mediums who claim that they can actually talk to someone who died they have their shops in just about every town and city just like fast-food restaurants well can the Dead return to the Living can they make themselves appear and make their presence be felt to the living well this is what is written in the Book of Psalms 146 and the verse is 4 he breathes his last breath he returns to the dust and in that same hour all his thinking ends so the Bible says when a person dies is thinking ends and what can the dead no longer do in job chapter 7 and the verses are 9 and 10 this is written as the cloud disappears and vanishes away so he who goes down to the grave does not come up he shall never return to his house nor shall his place know him any more so what is it that the dead can no longer do the Bible declares the dead goes down to the grave and does not come up and shall not return to his house nor shall his place know him any more so the dead will not be returning to his home your home or to a shop to talk to you through some medium however some still believe that it is the dead person's soul that appears and can make its presence felt to the living because man's soul according to them is immortal now do you still remember what we read early in Ezekiel 18 and 4 that the soul dies thus a dead man soul cannot make itself appear or make its presence felt to those who are alive the Bible also tells us what happens to one soul upon death as it's written in Psalms 119 and 25 and this is what we can read my soul clings to the dust revive me according to your word so according to the Bible just as the body of the Dead returns to the dust so the soul being dead also clings to the dust thus the soul is not immortal now others at this point may question then what do you make of apparitions if they are not the ghost of the dead the answer to this question brings good news and bad news what is truly behind the alleged apparitions which many people think to be the ghost of the dead find out when we return on face the truth welcome back to face the truth many people believe in ghosts because they believe they have encountered them take a look I was probably like five years old I was sleeping between my mom and my dad and it was knocked out while I was awake so I looked at this life at the wall and I seen this like face I couldn't tell what it was and looking it very looked very demonic until I woke up and I was like it's nothing there so was I dreaming or was I not I really didn't know at that moment cuz I was a kid but that was like the most scariest moment I've had my life Florida wanted to put a headstone on my grandmother stove um so we went to the cemetery and did our relatives showed us a grave but when they made the headstone and everything and went to UM put it on a grave in the night at the house we heard our knocking on the door um so my grandfather was saying he don't think that's the right place the headstone should be and the next day they went to the cemetery and a next family relative showed us where the headstone was supposed to be where specifically her grave was and from that day they put the stone on the right in the right place we never heard enough knocking again so I do believe in ghosts out with a scary thing and they're like my parents house when living in Brooklyn like the doors were just slam I don't know where and I'm like oh my god and me my cousin always right I do a lot of photography and when I take pictures sometimes and develop them and like print them out I see like we are like I see like weird like blurs and weird like lights it's just very weird even ghosts because I'm not crazy but I see them mm-hmm I heard of stories and I saw one of my own experience um I guess I was younger like around 8 years old I was at my grandparents house and I'm when I got to use the bathroom really and I saw a white man by the door and I was just terrified like scared I don't know and then she says she always sees the same white guy in the house all the time so she be lemon earrings anyone what is truly behind the alleged apparitions which many people think to be the ghosts of the Dead the truth may be scarier than all the lies well this is what is written in the book of Matthew 8 and the verses 28 when he had come to the other side to the country of the gurgles there met him two demon-possessed men coming out of the tombs exceedingly fierce so that no one could pass that way now in this incident when our Lord Jesus Christ was still on earth he was met by two men whose bodies were inhabited by demons and so the good news is it's not a person's dead loved one now the bad news is what we learn from this episode in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ is that a body can be possessed by demons or evil spirits now such instances where the dead seemed to have returned to haunt the living that that themselves are not at work but demons or evil spirits instead so if people are talking to the dead through a medium and if you hear a voice it's not the voice of your loved one it's an evil spirit and in truth you're wasting your money not only are you wasting your money you would be doing something that God hates which is what we can read in the book of Deuteronomy chapter 18 and the verses are 9 through 12 when you come into the land which the Lord your God is giving you you shall not learn to follow the abominations of those nations there shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire a one who practices witchcraft or a soothsayer a one who interprets omens or a sorcerer or one who conjures spells or a medium or spiritus a one who calls up the dead for all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord and because of these abominations the Lord your God drives them out from before you and so you could see God hates things like fortune-telling which laughs and speaking to the dead because in reality one would be speaking to evil spirits in fact all of these things like fortune-telling witchcraft speaking to the dead are just works of demons and the devil as written in the Book of Revelations chapter 16 and the verses are 13 and 14 then I saw three unclean spirits that look like frogs they were coming out of the mouth of the dragon the mouth of the Beast and the mouth of the false prophet they are the spirits of demons that perform miracles these three spirits go out to all the kings of the world to bring them together for the battle on the great day of Almighty God now evil spirits or demons can perform miracles so getting yourselves involved in these things is not a good thing remember what they say if you play with fire expect to get burned so there is no need to guess or speculate as to what happens when a person dies for the biblical truth is that the soul dies the body returns to the dust and the spirit returns to God who gave it now as far as the Bible is concerned it is not true that when a person dies his soul immediately faces the judgment seat and could go to any of the three stations namely heaven hell or purgatory neither is there truth to the belief that the soul transmigrates or is reincarnated into another being or creature these are some popular beliefs upheld by other religions now it doesn't mean however that when a person dies that's it everything about him ends the Bible teaches that he will come to life again as what is written in the book of Job chapter 14 the verses are 12 and 14 people are laid to rest and do not rise again until the heavens are no more they will not wake up nor be roused from their sleep can the Dead live again if so this would give me hope through all my years of struggle and I would eagerly await the release of death so the Dead will live again when the heavens are no more or destroyed when will the heavens be destroyed 2nd Peter the three verses seven and ten tells us this but the heavens and the earth that now exists are being preserved by the same command of God in order to be destroyed by fire they are being kept for the day when godless people will be judged and destroyed but the day of the Lord will come like a thief on that day the heavens will disappear with a shrill noise the heavenly bodies will burn up and be destroyed in the earth with everything in it will vanish now on Judgment Day the heavens will disappear and the heavenly bodies will be burned up it's only on that day that the Dead will come back to life or be resurrected however we must not think that the same thing will happen to everyone as far as what happens to them after they are resurrected the Lord Jesus Christ says this in John chapter 5 the verses are 28 and 29 do not marvel at this for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear his voice and come forth those who have done good to the resurrection of life and those who have done evil to the resurrection of condemnation so Christ tells us that those who have done good will be resurrected to life while those who have done evil to condemnation which is this condemnation referred to in Revelation chapter 21 the verses 8 and we will also reach after 20 and verse 10 but the Cowardly unbelieving abominable murderers sexually immoral sorcerers idolaters and all Liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone which is the second death the devil who deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever this condemnation is in the lake of fire called by the Bible as a second death it is eternal or never-ending punishment so what should scare you more than so-called ghosts sir even evil spirits is the second death in the lake of fire lake of fire is no movie it will be a permanent reality that all of us should do our very best to avoid the truth may be painful at first but whether we like it or not whether we believe it or not the truth is something we all must face thanks for joining us I am brother Barry Thompson take care and God bless
Channel: incmedia
Views: 37,394
Rating: 4.8535309 out of 5
Keywords: Iglesia Ni Cristo, True Church, Religion, Bible, Church of Christ, inc, inc media news, incmedia, incmedia.org, Iglesia Ni Cristo (Religious Organization), face the truth, truth, death, heaven, hell, Salvation (Belief), God (Deity), Jesus Christ (Deity), Christianity (Religion), holy, spirit, Holy Spirit (Deity), Gospel, biblical, catholic
Id: siqF1NSGMrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2015
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