Could Your Religion Be Destroying You? | Face the Truth

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We turn to religion for help For answers For a solution But is it possible that the very religion you're following may be destroying you? Find out today on Face the Truth. Welcome to Face the Truth a program brought to you by the Church of Christ. I am Brother Barry Thompson. How did you choose the religion or path you follow today? Was it a life changing choice? Was it even a choice? Take a look at what these people we interviewed had to say. We're Irish Catholics. So long, back many generations. I was born and raised in the Lutheran church. I lived in Los Angeles with my aunt and uncle and I started going to the First Southern Baptist Church of Simi Valley. and that's where I was born again. I grew up Catholic I went to Catholic school it's because my family's Catholic and and ... I guess that's the way I need to be. How many people today ever stop and think about religion and why they believe or practice the things they do? You know, usually people just continue to blindly do what they have been taught. Or they may say, "If it was good for my parents, it must be good for me." Others feel if many people believe it, then it must be right. It must be true. Thinking it doesn't matter anyway, as long as I'm religious that ought to count for something. For doing something is better than nothing. Or being a little religious, no matter what the religion may be is better than no religion at all. Now, the something that many people are hoping for is that at the end of this life, they will get to spend eternity in heaven. However, could it be, that what many people believe in today may actually be setting them up for destruction? Well, how does the Bible describe the types of religions that would exist in our time and the danger they pose? Let's read from II Timothy 3:1-5 the Apostle Paul tells us this: Now, one of the dangers in the Last Days, is the existence of false religions. How did Apostle Paul describe these false religions? He said here, in verse five, "they have a form of godliness." Or in other words, religions that look to be true on the outside, it's just a form. But, they are really false. Now, there are many religious groups today that are obviously false at first glance. Many are just money making schemes. However, with others, it's very difficult to tell because the preacher seems to be so sincere and the same with the followers. In fact, some of these religious groups have been around for a long time and the beliefs and the practices they have have been passed down from generation to generation. The followers live a religous life others devote so much of their time in serving God and you know, when you converse with people like this all they talk about is religion. And so how could it be that such religous devotion could turn out for nothing good? We'll find out when we return on Face the Truth. Coming up on Face the Truth, how confident are you about Salvation? I believe there's a heaven, but I mean, you just gotta, I guess die to find out, right? I hope so I really hope so Straight to heaven, straight to heaven. I'm secured. My name's already written. And are all those devoted to God going in the right direction? Stay with us. Welcome back to Face the Truth. Today we're asking this question. You know you may be devoted but is it possible, that your religion may be destroying you? What kind of religious devotion is seen in others? This is what Apostle Paul says in the Book of Romans, chapter 10 , the verses are 2 and 3. And so the kind of devotion that is seen in many today is devotion not based on true knowledge. That's exactly what Apostle Paul said. So devotion is not the issue in question. Nor is being religious. What is questionable is whether or not what many people are doing is based on truth. And according to Apostle Paul, many, although devoted to God, unfortunately, they do not know the way in which God puts people right with Himself. And so instead of submitting themselves to God's way they set up their own way Which is why it is not surprising that we have the Bible, which we and many people believe contains the words of God and what He wants us to do yet we have so many different ways in which people are serving God. However, the Apostle Paul told us that God has only one way of putting people right with Himself. And so if a religion is not based on what God wants, then it's not true. And therefore, false. It may look religious on the outside but there is no substance. Nothing real about it. Now people at this point, would say well, wouldn't the Lord Jesus Christ understand that people were trying to serve Him. It's not their fault that they didn't know that what they're doing was wrong Is that true? WIll the Lord Jesus Christ just excuse people for having false beliefs? For having the wrong religion? Do you believe that what you're doing already will save you? Will the Lord Jesus Christ just excuse people? Why don't we let the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, give us the answer. He says this, in the Book of Matthew 7: 21 through 23. What the Lord Jesus Christ mentioned here is tragic indeed and unfortunately, this is what will happen to many people. They will be rejected by Jesus Christ on Judgement Day. Those are the very words of Christ. Could you imagine, spending your entire life believing in something, serving the Lord Jesus Christ, Thinking that what you were doing is the right thing? Maybe you're a preacher, thinking you're preaching the truth You may be a worshiper who goes to church often and always attend services on Sundays. You read the Bible everyday. You do all these things and much more expecting that when the Savior Jesus Christ returns He will greet you with open arms and welcome you into the kingdom of heaven However, for many, it will not be a loving welcome. But a devastating rejection This is by far the ultimate rejection, Now would you take this kind of chance with your destiny? Because when it comes to serving the true God, and being a true follower of Jesus Christ, the Savior, It's not that doing something is better than doing nothing Doing something or anything religious even with devotion, but if it is not what the Lord God wants is the same as doing nothing at all. In fact, this is what God has to say about what He commands, what He wants us do This is written in Deuteronomy, 12 and 32 God says, "be careful." when it comes to obeying his commands. That's why we have to face the truth. Many people who are religious and believe themselves to be followers of the Lord Jesus Christ will not be saved. Why? Because they are just not careful and do not take the time to examine their beliefs Instead they just accept what others are doing or what they were taught or what is most popular When we come back we'll take a look at some popular beliefs and we'll find out if they're helping to save you, or may it be destroying you Stay with us. Welcome back to Face the Truth Now we learned earlier that many people today are being deceived into thinking they'll be saved by following popular beliefs. Now what are some popular beliefs people have today about being saved? Take a look at this Nothing. You have to ask Christ into your heart for salvation. I believe salvation is when you accept the fact that you were you're gonna be born, you're gonna die and the best way to live is to treat others the way you wanna be treated Not through works, but by the blood of Jesus Christ dying on the cross for our sins Who do you think Jesus died for? You, me, my daughter, for everyone. Now these beliefs are common they're popular, but are they true? What is a very popular belief today? You know, we can sum up basically what we just listened to in a phrase, "All you need is faith" "All you need is belief" others say, all you need to do is love God love the Lord Jesus Christ ask Christ to enter into your heart. You notice that none of these people or many people today they never speak about anything specific. There is nothing specific that you need to do and if you would say church, well you could belong to a church, or you don't have to belong to a church you don't need to belong to any particular church Now many people accept these general beliefs about religion and it's being broadcast by so many preachers everywhere. You may even have the same belief but is it true? What does the bible say about, for example, having faith? which many people believe just having faith only it can save you This is what the Apostle James tells us in the Book of James, chapter 2, we'll start with verse 14. he says this, And the answer is "no." If a person has faith and no works that kind of faith will not save a person you know what the Bible calls that kind of faith, faith without works? Meaning to say you don't have to do anything. We'll go to another verse here in chapter two of James, verse 20. Apostle James tells us that faith without works is a dead faith. and people who have that kind of faith it is considered foolish. What kind of is it likened to? We'll stay in the book of James. You see that? If a person would say.. "All I need to do is believe." "All I need to do is have faith." Well don't you know, even the demons the demons believe in God. The devil believes in God. They're fighting against God. but you would never accept that just because the demons or even the devil himself believes in God that they would be saved. but when a person says "I have faith" but they don't do anything and they think there's nothing that needs to be done Then, it's just the same as having the kind of belief that the devil has or the demons have. And so what kind of faith then is absolutely necessary for a person to be saved? Let's go again to James Chapter 2 This time verse 24 You see that? So many people today are preaching "Faith, no need to do anything" but the Bible says "A man is justified by works and not by faith only." So there is something we must do. However, we don't determine the work that we need to do because we may be wrong and it would destroy us. Just like what we learned earlier, as told to us by our Lord Jesus Christ in Matthews 7:21-23. So, we should learn them from the Savior himself, our Lord Jesus Christ. What does Christ tell us to do? What is that work that we need to do to couple with our faith so that we would be able to serve our God and be saved on Judgement Day. We'll find out when we come back on Face The Truth. Welcome back to Face The Truth. Today, we pose this question Is your religion destroying you? Throughout the course of our study today, we learn that for the most part, many things that people believe in today, are not leading them to salvation but to destruction. If you're looking for the right way, if you want to be absolutely sure then who should we ask? Well there's no one better than the Savior himself, the Lord Jesus Christ. What does the Lord Jesus Christ tell us to do? What should accompany our faith? What is the work that needs to be done so that we would be saved? Jesus says this in the book of John, Chapter 10 and the verse is 9. What is it that the Lord Jesus Christ tells people to do for them to be saved? Christ said not only that He is the door. It's not enough just to know that He is the door or He is the way but Jesus Christ himself tells us "we have to come in to the fold through Him" for us to be saved. We have to enter into the fold. The word "fold" is synonymous to the word "flock". So we have to enter into the one fold or that one flock for us to be saved. Now the question is this, does the Church have anything to do with the Lord Jesus Christ's command? What is the fold or flock that we should enter? The Apostles teach us this Notice what the Apostle Paul taught us? He taught us and identified this fold or flock that Jesus Christ commands people to enter if they would like or desire Salvation That fold or flock is the Church of Christ which He purchased or redeemed with His blood You have to understand and it should be noted that the Apostles only mentioned one Church One Church for salvation That is the work that we need to do In fact, it is the very command of Christ Anyone Anyone can have this Anyone can enter But if you don't enter, then you're disqualifed If you don't enter, even if you are religious when the Lord Jesus Christ returns on Judgment Day He will not save you because you didn't obey His command to enter Why is it necessary to enter the Church of Christ for salvation? What is so special about the Church, other than what we have just read that the Church was redeemed by Christ with His blood What else will Christ do for His Church, the Church of Christ? Here now, in the Book of Ephesians Very clear Why is the Church needed? Why does Christ command people to enter the Church of Christ, His own Church if they want salvation? Because Apostle Paul teaches us here that Christ loves the Church He gave His life for the Church and Christ is Himself the Savior of the Church, His body and so He said, as we read in John 10:9 Enter in to that one fold or flock, the one Church of Christ if you desire salvation That's the truth If you truly believe in God, and you have that strong desire to benefit from serving Him which is to be granted salvation of your soul Then don't take chances with religion, or just being religious It is imperative that you make absolutely sure that you're among those who are serving God and following Christ in the right way and there's only one right way For you get the ultimate reward for finding and following the correct way Likewise, the ultimate rejection for being wrong And so it's better to be safe, or should I say saved, than sorry The truth, it may be painful at first but whether we accept it or not, whether we believe it or not The truth is something we all must face Thanks for joining us on Face the Truth See you again next time, God bless
Channel: incmedia
Views: 27,431
Rating: 4.8912058 out of 5
Keywords: Iglesia Ni Cristo, True Church, Religion, Bible, Iglesia Ni Cristo (Religious Organization), church of christ, inc, god, jesus christ, holy, gospel, face the truth, christianity, christian
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 56sec (1436 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2015
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