I'm Not Religious. Im Spiritual | Face the Truth

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Many people today have lost hope in organized religion. And it's easy to see why. But instead of completely giving up, many are looking to themselves and/or the universe. And paving what they call, their own "spiritual path" But is the path they have chosen now any different or any better than the ones they have tried before? And is it really their only option? Find out today on "Face The Truth" Welcome to Face The Truth A program brought to you by the Iglesia Ni Cristo or Church of Christ I am Brother Barry Thompson. Ask people between the ages of 18 and 30 if they are religious and 70% of them and even many outside their age group will tell you this: Take a look. Do you consider yourself religious? Spiritual. I became spiritual because it's something makes sense to me and it's something that I understood and something that I connected with. I just feel we'll be a part of the earth and our energies are just going to be dissolved and We're just part of the universe. "I'm not religious, I'm spiritual." Have you heard this phrase before? Well it wouldn't be surprising if you've heard it because it's not just a phrase any longer; It has already become a movement. People who say they are spiritual and not religious reject organized religion. And are counting more on the individual experience. There are no set rules or doctrines. Basically anything goes. You create your own path. The individual, according to them, determines what is good or bad, right or wrong. Though they may think that they have chosen a completely new path, it's actually nothing new. Only the terms are new. Man has been deciding on his own path since the ancient times but has this type of thinking done mankind any good? What has happened to man because of the varied paths they have taken? I'm going to read something written in the Bible In the book of Isaiah 59 the verses are 8 and 9, this is stated: Now from what we have read, people have made for themselves crooked paths. These are the varied religions, or no religion or even these man made philosophies. The question is, what's the result of the world? According to the bible, the way of peace they have not known. There is no peace. Now this is something that many people today have observed for themselves. And it's easy to see why. Take a look at this. Scandalous headlines used to be limited to celebrities and politicians. His past came to the attention of church officials after O'Laughlin contacted his victim. ...is the fourth person to come forward with the allegations of sex abuse by Bishop... Bishop Long is certainly not the first popular pastor to find himself caught in the middle of a scandal. Filing criminal charges against a high ranking official in the Arch Diocese... The different types of churches I went to is you're either going to hell or you're going to heaven. And you have to live a certain way. A lot of people weren't living this.. that life. There are no innocent people. Thank God for 9/11. Thank God for dead soldiers. And the fact that you use religion to justify your hatred this way is frankly mind numbing. I just feel like people really give Christianity and religions in general kind of a bad name right about now I used to be Christian but not anymore A copy of that message just says: We don't ... Muslims in America. The spike in the North West of hate crimes. This area certainly didn't used to be this way. I can't believe that someone could hate me because of my religious belief. To kind of keep myself separate from not following my religious upbringing or my religious roots I would consider myself more spiritual. You know it's no wonder why many people have given up on organized religion. Some have turned to religion for answers and found lies. Others were looking for morals and discovered corruption. And then there are those who have witnessed or experienced hatred at the hands of the so-called religious Well unfortunately, all the religions they have seen were the crooked paths that the bible mention. However will making our own, turnout right? What if the path we're making for ourselves or choosing our own spiritual path is just as bad as all the rest? We'll find out when we return. Welcome back to Face The Truth. Today we're talking about a movement that has gripped about 70% of today's young Americans. And many others from varying age groups. The "I am not religious, I'm spiritual" movement. Until today, people want a better life in this world but no matter how many new ideas man comes up with; All the clamor for peace and having a better world have failed miserably. Crime, violence, and hardships are everywhere. And let's face this fact: man has had a long time to get life correct. Or make things better. But nothing has worked. Things just get worse as time passes. Well could man really figure out things concerning life on his own? Let's find out what the bible has to say about that. Ecclesiastes 8:16 and 17. Now can people on their own decide and find out what is really right, what is really going on in life? The bible says, No. This servant, a wise man, said, "No matter how hard you try, you will never find out, you will never understand." And you know, today, there are tons of self help books along with the many self help gurus. Even the talk show host who many consider as their spiritual leaders. They are still trying to understand life and to teach the meaning of life to people. However, the harder a man tries to understand life here on earth, the more confused he gets. Because it's impossible for a man to figure out things on his own. Because if the collective minds of the wisest people aren't able to come up with lasting solutions, how then could a person individual figure out what path to take? Whether you want to call it spiritual, or religious? That's why every so often a new way of thinking or believing comes about. Today, many have adopted the so-called "I am not religious, I'm spiritual mantra." And who knows what it will be called tomorrow. Some people keep searching and searching for a path to take. Now if we make our own path, if there are no set rules or instructions, we will certainly fail. And this is what we can read in Proverbs 14 and the verse is 12. And so, in our own experiences in life, how many plans have we made that failed? No matter how well thought out, or well intentioned they were or how much effort and time we put in? Now if we can't get the relatively small matters in our life correct, how then could we figure out the broader picture such as our purpose or the absolute right path to take on our own. Well, we will fail if we have no proper direction. Now even though we believe what's written in the bible that it is impossible for people on their own to find the right path or the correct way or meaning of life, what have many people today come to believe? Let's take a look. Whatever you want to call it, I call it God. A lot people call it source, or universal energy. I call it God. I think God doesn't get hung up on the titles. It's the people that get hung up on the title. We all kind of worship the same God just in different ways so I don't feel why when would it be so much different or better than the other. But I believe that you should try to a good person while living here. Not necessarily because you're going to go to hell but I just believe that it's a part of being who you are. And if you treat everyone with respect, you'll get the same back. And, I just feel like I have a lot of freedom being spiritually connected. That's what I call, spirituality: being connected, present, and alive. What we can notice today is that people have so many varying opinions and feelings using their own wisdom and knowledge to figure out life. Is that dangerous? What is the danger of using our own knowledge, our own wisdom, to get us through this life? The bible says this in the book of Isaiah the chapter is 47 and the verses are 10 and 11. Let's read. Well, have you noticed what the bible says about man relying on their own wisdom and knowledge? The problem is, man's wisdom and knowledge misleads them. And so because they cannot depend on their own wisdom and knowledge, there is disaster and calamity and catastophes. And so you see the world is suffering from so many disasters. And we're not only talking about natural disasters. But also disasters or problems in the family. Economic problems, community problems, national problems, and the list goes on and on. These and many more affect people from all walks of society. From the ignorant to the wisest. Yet people today still refuse to take a serious look at the real reason. They will try all kinds of ideas and philosophies Yet never consider the fact that they are not following what the creator wants. And there are many today who will listen to and talk about any things such as sports, what were the scores, what happened on television the night before. They'll talk even about each other, what their neighbor's doing. But just don't mention the word religion. Don't dare mention true religion. Don't mention God in the work place or in school. People don't want to talk about these things. Nor take religion seriously. Now are we surprised that people have this kind of attitude toward God and toward religion? True religion? Job 21:14 says this, let's listen. Now, what is it that people are saying? Well, we don't have the desire to know your ways. Leave us alone. We don't want religion. We want to pave our own path. Isn't this what is happening today? People are saying to God, "leave us alone." "We don't want to know your ways." "I'll figure things out for myself." "I'll make my own way" "I don't want to hear anything about religion or rules or commandments." And many people have become so disinterested with matters about God and what he wants or disobedient to His laws. They've closed their eyes to God. But has closing our eyes to anything every really made it disappear? Might this game of pretend eventually backfire? We'll find out when we return on Face The Truth. Coming up, we'll turn to biblical history and take a look at a group of people who turned their backs on the path God had chosen. And find out where it lead them. Stay with us. Welcome back to Face The Truth. You know, today many people have become disinterested with matters about God and what He wants. Can this kind of mentality backfire? Has it before? What effect does this kind of attitude have on the world? What happened to Israel in time past. Let's read what's written here in the book of Deuteronomy 31 and the verse is 17. But did you hear, what happened to Israel then? They suffered from many terrible disasters, bad things were happening to them. And what was the reason? Well, God was the one speaking, He said, "I'm angry with them and I will abandon them, and then they will realize that these things are happening to them because, I, their God, am no longer with them." How about our world today? Is the same thing happening to the world because the people refuse God's laws and instead determine their own path? Or what path they want to take? Without giving heed to God's commandments, to God's instructions? Well, let's read here in the book of Isaiah chapter 24 the verses are 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, and then 19 to 20. This is stated: You notice what we read in the verses? Isn't this the picture of the world today? Everything is in chaos. Happiness is gone. And the bible says, this is what will happen to every nation all over the world. So, you notice that no matter how many studies have been made, No matter how many collective ideas that people come up with. Trying to find the answers to the world's problems. Things are just getting worse and worse. And yet the bible says the worse is still yet to come. Because the earth will collapse and never rise again. And what's the reason why this is happening? Well, we read earlier, the people have defiled the earth by breaking God's laws. And so you see, the no rules, no religion, no true religion attitude, deciding on our own what path we should take is not working. So what then? Do we just go down this path or whatever path we decide that leads to destruction? No of course not. We need to give serious thought to this issue. And find out exactly what the creator wants. What the creator has to say to people, to all of man kind. Now, what does God say to anyone who wants to make their life better? Jeremiah 29 and 11. God says this: And so, God wants man to be reminded of His plans. And God says, "I alone know the plans I have for you." And His plans are for good. His plans are always for our own good. Our plans or ideas, our personal opinions can do us harm and will eventually lead to our destruction. Not so with the Lord God. He always knows what is right. And so what does He instruct man to do? Proverbs 3 the verses are 5 and 6. This is His instructions: And so what is the instruction of God? Well, He tells us that we should acknowledge Him in all our ways. And not to rely on what we think we know. And we have seen where that kind of thinking has lead man. when we think we know what is right. Just look at the world. So instead of going down those wrong paths or taking our own We should acknowledge our Lord God in everything we do And He will make sure that the path we take is straight. He is the One who is going to show the right way. Anyhow, He's the one who made us. Now, how do we acknowledge God in everything we do? The bible says this in 1st John chapter 2 and the verse is 3. How do we acknowledge God in everything we do? By keeping His commandments. And this is the very reason why we have this program. To point out the need for God's words. God's instructions in our life. And this is for us to take a serious look at life and why things have gone so wrong with the world. And what we can do about it now. Now, we may not be able to convince and save everybody. But what about you? Will you go with the flow of the various trendy philosophies that others have? Will you continue to make guesses? Or will you decide once and for all that the truth is what you desire and what you need? Now the truth may be painful at first but whether we accept it or not, whether we believe it or not, the truth is something we all must face. And so thanks for joining us on Face The Truth. See you next time. God Bless.
Channel: incmedia
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Keywords: Iglesia Ni Cristo, True Church, Religion, Bible, Iglesia Ni Cristo (Religious Organization), church of christ, inc, face the truth, god, jesus christ, holy, gospel, incmedia.org, incmedia, religion, spiritual, catholic, jewish, muslim
Id: Xs2PtsdD-PI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 21sec (1401 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2015
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