Why are there so many different Christian teachings and Churches? - That's in the Bible

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[Applause] or joining us in our studio audience here for that's a Bible live we appreciate your joining us in our study and we believe very much that we will spend this time together and it will be beneficial for everyone you know and on this show that's in the Bible we explore the Bible's teachings on so just about any topic imaginable and questions come in to us from places all over the globe and we always get the answers to all these questions directly from here the the Holy Scriptures also known as what the Bible yes you have very funny audience I could I can tell this is gonna be a very nice session okay our question for today let's take a look at it at it first he poses a very interesting question that will address and talk about today let's take a look at it so many charge but so many Bible has so many teach the people why you don't teach the people one thing and just like a good one Bible is just like coming from God well we thank mister Hosoda for that really a wonderful question we like to thank him for his question and we hope we receive many more questions as we go along it's it's really not surprising you know from someone or anyone viewing Christianity from outside of it that they would be well perplexed or or even confused about when they see all the different denominations or the different churches or the different religions so a full spectrum of religious beliefs all under the umbrella of so-called Christianity and that's very confusing to many people so we're very thankful for that for that question because it's a really relevant question in the minds of many people nowadays it's our belief inside the Church of Christ that there is only one true faith one set of true doctrines and one true service to God not many we believe in that adamantly only one basis of faith one sole basis of faith and that of course is the Bible although the Bible may be ER translated it's been said in an article not too long ago this actually been translated into 1850 four different languages and dialects all over all over the world it remains for us these so the absolute sole basis of our faith why do we believe that to be the sole basis of our faith why do we believe that there is only one faith that one must embrace when wanting to serve the one true God okay let's let's turn to the Holy Bible and begin researching their responses to the important question posed by mr. Hosoda in a Ephesians chapter 4 verses our 4 5 and 6 the Bible says this there is one body and one spirit just as you were called to one hope when you were called one Lord one faith one baptism one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all you know there's a lot of times in that verse where the word 1o and e1 is used I'd like to ask the studio audience here this afternoon reading the verses along with us here on the screen how many votes are there based on what we just read how many faith studio audience one faith how many bodies studio audience how many lords we believe there is only one true faith why because we believe that there is only true one true God because we believe that there is only one body because because that's in the Bible and what's being referred to as as that is that one body we often read in Colossians 1:18 here in this program he is the head of the body what is it the church one faith one body one Church according to the Holy Scriptures and that's what we believe again once more studio audience why because all right so here's the thing if all of that is so clearly indicated in the Holy Scriptures the Bible why do things get all twisted up why do things become confusing and why do people become so perplexed as they view the religious scene of the world nowadays what's happened what we read was not so not so complicated it was pretty direct you agree all right so what has transpired allow me to cite this time from the writings of of Apostle Peter 2nd Peter chapter 3 beginning in verse 16 speaking of this says he does in all of his letters there are some things in those epistles of Paul that are difficult to understand which the ignorant and unstable twist and misconstrue to their own utter destruction just as they distort and misinterpret the rest of the scriptures what is it get also like seeing for so many people we're trying to serve God and understand the truth answer of the Bible what was it because there are preachers who are misinterpreting there are preachers who are twisting there are preachers who are misconstruing things that they see and read and of course therefore leading people away from the truth and they do so because they're not understanding what they're reading so what what was what was the warning verse verse 17 we'll just continue reading let me warn you therefore beloved that knowing these things beforehand you should be on your guard you know dear friends that's that's a very important warning from the Lord that's that's not from from me or from the the kind individual that invited you to join our study here this afternoon that's the Lord Himself through the Apostle Peter saying let me warn you and you need to guard against something what let's continue let me warn you there therefore beloved that knowing these things beforehand you should be on your guard lest you be carried away by the error of lawless and wicked persons and fall from your own present firm condition your own steadfastness of mind what was what was the warning the warning was that they could beat those that would lead your try to carry you away from the spiritual condition you need to remain in it happens because there are preachers who are teaching but not understanding what they are teaching so what do they end up doing they end up misinterpreting as we all read it together in a twisting the message so by show of hands if I may again address our studio audience okay studio audience how many of you have seen preachers maybe maybe online or just maybe turning on the ton of on a Sunday morning and and you could see them preaching the most confusing and perplexing ideological principles and trying to convince people to believe in how many have seen such kind of confusion be that we just read being done by preachers in the world nowadays a lot a lot and that's why the question for mister Hosoda is is just such a common question why so many religions why so many things being taught and there's the Bible's answer there are those who are twisting and teaching false things now the question now we posed together is is this well if that's what's transpiring why why is it that there are so many people that are becoming so easily victimized and and led by such individuals who have unscrupulous ideologies in an unscrupulous intentions when they put and hold the Bible in their hand why are people allowing themselves to become victims okay you with me on the question right follow along as God inspired the Apostle Paul to give an answer to that in a possible pause a letter to Timothy here in 2nd Timothy chapter 4 let's read together verse 3 for the time is coming when people will not tolerate endure sound and wholesome instruction allow me to pause what was the prediction of the Lord here through the Apostle a prediction about about people What did he say they're not going to tolerate sound doctor and they're not going to want sound biblical truths anymore so what did he say would transpire but having ears eating for something pleasing and gratifying they will gather to themselves one teacher after another to a considerable number choosen to satisfy their own liking and to foster the errors they hold what do people become victims because they embrace this exact principle forewarned by the Lord through the Apostle they gather for themself preachers who will tell them what they're itching to hear or preachers that will tell them what they believe is ok let's let's just consider one a very obvious example and that's the the mantra of Protestantism what's what does what's Protestantism what's the mainstay of Protestantism anybody faith alone yes sir exactly faith alone just just believe just accept Jesus as your Lord and personal Savior and an automatically that's it you'll be saved a person person will hear that consider the verse that we just read together right people will gather preachers that will tell them what they're itching to hear faith alone I just need to believe and I'll be saved it's easy I like it I think I'll go join that religion no longer discerning whether or not that principle is true or not so what what then have these preachers done in you know not in our measurement but in the measurement or let's say what if these preachers done in the eyes of God well it's not for us to give give answers to these questions we just turn to the pages of the Holy Scriptures for the answers this is always our way mark chapter 7 verse 6 and 7 jesus answered them how right Isaiah was when he prophesied about you you are hypocrites just as he wrote these people says God honor me with their words but there art is really far away from me it is no use for them to worship me because they teach human rules as though they were my loss they may have tried to honor the Lord but they failed why'd they feel mr. mr. have soda noticed yeah mr. soda the one who on the video who asked the original question and maybe there are others in the studio audience or in the online audience viewing our program or on Direct TV channel 2068 also viewing our program they're here who might have that same kind of question but here inside the Church of Christ we adhere to a very very important biblical principle which has been missed by all of those preachers and has been noticed then by mr. Hosoda and like I said so many others cause the witness it caused so much perplexity and confusion in organizations all claiming to be under the umbrella of Christianity they have missed an important biblical principle which we've got to hold tight to and we do hear inside the Church of Christ what principle do I refer to we are not allowed to go beyond what is written whose rule is that anyway return again to the Holy Scriptures for in response Apostle Paul wrote the following first Corinthians chapter 4 verse 6 now brothers and sisters I have applied these things to myself and Apollo's for your benefit so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying do not go beyond what is written then you will not be puffed up in being a follower of one of us over against the other beloved audience whose rule is it said our rule we believe in this rule why because what was the rule don't go beyond what is why don't go beyond what is written you can't add to it when we pose questions we just got to turn to the Holy Scriptures and get the answer from God he inspired more or less 42 different chosen writers over a timespan of so many years to compile this truth so the one we post questions we don't have to try to dream up our own opinionated answers it's there you're inside the Church of Christ this is this is how we learn this is how this is the way that we are taught may not be the most entertaining format but we are preserved from the opinions of any individual and we are therefore tied to the truths of God could record it here in the Holy Scriptures we always adhere to the instruction that we have just read together go beyond what is written everything that we believe has to come from the Holy Scriptures so I posed this question to the audience once again and anyone know that that was a commandment of God before we just read it there from the Bible and put it up on the screen that you could not go beyond what was written how many knew that rule of God before we just read it together raise your hand more or less about half okay so there's the answer to mr. hazardous question half did not even know that that was a rule and because half and then so many others in certain preachers and such in this world also do not yet know that rule they just go and preach whatever they think their own idea of right and wrong good and bad and that confuses and perplexes people such as mr. Saur and so many others to wonder why is Christianity under the umbrella of Christianity all teaching so many different things well there you go there's the Bible's answer because there are people out they're teaching things that have been added to it they're subtracted from it and confusing people so upon closer examination you will see that many churches and religious groups and preachers like what was mentioned by the individual who posed the question for today's episode in on in in that opening video clip is noticing the preachers that are just not following that rule instead what's being put forth sad to say our teachings inspired and we heard that we heard that as we read mark chapter 7 teachings inspired by man's own rules not God and these falsehoods have been inserted into every confession professing religion since the very beginning the very beginning of Christianity except for one except for one the true Church of Christ built by Jesus and beloved guests an audience online and under active II today here in this studio audience and and that online audience as well you have found that one true church of Christ established by Jesus that does adhere to the instruction to use the Bible as the sole basis of our faith do not add to it or not subtract from it you must continue therefore to study with us but for now that's all that's all we have time for okay that's all we have time for but may it inspire you to continue learning more and continue studying with us here inside the Church of Christ we want to thank so much our studio audience for joining with us taking the studio tour and posing questions as as many of you have done there is no question that is too basic no question that cannot be answered by the Bible when it comes to our lives and when it comes to our salvation and if you'd like to know more about the basic fundamental teachings found inside the Church of Christ please visit and pausing because I'm about to ask you to memorize this just in case you haven't yet huh please visit I and C media.org okay say it without me visit there you'll find many more of these episodes of that Center Bible as well as episodes of the message you'll find doctrines and teachings in the Church of Christ that are done in Spanish in French in German in Italian etc and there you will find the beliefs we embrace inside the Church of Christ these are the things that we believe because you can send your video questions just like the gentleman did there send your video questions to answers at I and C media.org if you'd like to see your questions answered here of course on this program you're getting slower we're almost go ahead and we're almost finished now you're getting a little slower it's okay thank you very much for joining us we'll see you again next time [Applause] [Music]
Channel: incmedia
Views: 28,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Iglesia Ni Cristo, True Church, Religion, Bible, Church of Christ, inc, inc media news, incmedia, incmedia.org, Christianity, faith, preachers, Christian, that's in the bible, God, Jesus Christ, Christ, Jesus, Holy Bible, true faith, iglesia ni cristo teachings, iglesia ni cristo beliefs, iglesia ni cristo doctrine, church, one true church, is there one true church?, biblical answers, bible answers, bible questions, questions, answers
Id: bp8wvlsdgRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2017
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