7 Things I DON’T Buy From Costco

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no no definitely not never again and absolutely not Costco is one of my favorite places to shop they specialize in large products so you can find everything there but it's in a large quantity the downside with that is one wrong move and you can blow half of your grocery budget easy today I'm going to show you the seven things that I do not buy at Costco anymore when I'm trying to save money some of them you might know and some of them will surprise you stay tuned to the end of the video I'm going to show you how you can get Costco to pay your membership fee every year I'm also going to recreate one of Costco's most iconic food products that's available in their little Food Court St so grab a pen and paper you're going to want to take some notes on this one and let's go get started saving some money at Costco the first item on our list of things I don't buy anymore at Costco is precut Stakes now of course the butcher wizard we had to start out with steak the reason I don't buy staks that are pre-cut from Costco is is they blade tenderize all of their Stakes even the prime ones what that basically means is they're going they take this steak and they put it through a machine that cuts little tiny holes in the steak in order to make it more tender if anyone from Costco is listening please stop that it doesn't you don't need to do that to a steak they're just fine the way they are you don't need to Blade tenderize when you read the label of these staks it suggests that you cook your steak to 145° and let it rest for 3 minutes basically what happens is those little Knives have a potential to contaminate the meat you take the bacteria on the outside you put it on the inside as we know as it carryover cooks for that 3 minute rest you're going to be looking at like 155 say goodbye to medium rare say goodbye to medium we are medium Well to Well Done category if you follow the rules on the package they do not blade tenderize those whole sub Primal cuts that is one big reason why I buy whole Primal Cuts instead of these pre-cut staks there is no reason why you should be buying pre-cut staks at Costco for that for that reason next we move on to the pork section I feel in this section you will find the best deals in the whole meat department then your wife of 20 years turns to you and says I don't really like pork chops that much you just been eating these pork chops all this time we've been married and she's like yes I guess you can save even more money if your wife doesn't like pork chops my Costco sells pork chops for $22.99 per pound the problem here is sometimes they're really thick sometimes they're really thin they're kind of inconsistent on what they offer so I love to get Whole pork coins they're super easy to to slice up and with minimal preparation you can have any kind of pork chop you want you like those thick daddies you like the thin ones whatever you like you can have you can also grind some of it I mean the possibilities are endless and those pork coins are $1.99 per pound grab the big pork loins cut your cut them yourselves let's hit the next one for the next two items I wanted to show some of the prepared meat items they have at Costco now these are two convenience products that they have that I think are really easy to recreate so the first one is the Carnitas now the Carnitas is basically just a pork butt that has been slow cooked and they add garlic powder and salt I looked on the ingredients list garlic powder and salt and Malto dextrin and some other things that you can't pronounce but we can easily recreate this this is two 20 o packages that they sell for $16.99 that is $679 per pound pork butt at Costco for $249 a pound and I'm going to show you how easy it is to recreate this Carnitas here we go we're going to take our pork butt roast you're going to put it in a slow cooker you're going to add your garlic powder you're going to add some salt you're going to put a little bit of water or chicken broth in the bottom and we're going to slow cook that thing for eight hours boom done that's it when it's ready pull the lid off shred it up and you have pork carnos ready for your next taco night experience but wait there's more we're going to talk about the smoked pulled pork now as far as barbecue goes the pork butt in pulled pork is the most forgiving of all of the smoked barbecue preparations it's super easy we're going to take that pork butt you cover it with yellow mustard literally season it with your favorite spice rub I love the ones at meat church if you haven't checked out the Matt at the meat Church Channel that that channel is awesome and I've learned so much about barbecue from that channel so go check that out but it's simple we're going to take that take our seasoned pork butt we're going to put it on the smoker I have a pellet smoker from Trager we're going to put it in there for like four hours you get that nice smoke flavor to it we're going to put it in a foil pan covered and cook it for another six to eight hours until that thing just falls apart like a dream now a caveat this quick and dirty recipe will not win you any barbecue competitions but it will provide you and your family with delicious barbecue for cheaper this pre-made pull pork is $1 13.99 for 2 lb so that brings it to roughly $6.99 per pound remember pork butts 249 a pound boom saving money here we go all right what have we on like number five already man we are flying through these let's talk about my favorite food in the whole world can you guess what it is could it be a ribey steak is it smoked brisket no it's shrimp cocktail I an Unapologetic lover of shrimp cocktail I have been a huge fan ever since I was a kid if I'm going to a buffet and there's shrimp cocktail anywhere around I'm piling my plate high and I used to buy this a lot at Costco they have this beautiful tray of shrimp cocktail but I don't anymore here are the reasons why when you buy this tray of shrimp cocktail they price it out by the pound $88.99 per pound the thing is they weigh the whole thing your lemons are $8.99 per pound your cocktail sauce 8.99 per pound and of course they shrimp and because I'm a psychopath I went and weighed out everything to see how how much shrimp do you get for this like pound and a half tray total and here's what I found grab my notes Here it came out to 20 oz of shrimp 4 oz by weight of cocktail sauce and about an ounce of lemon wedges approximately again I thought this was the only way they have this in the frozen section precooked peeled and devain shrimp it is as good as the shrimp cocktail that they're selling $8.99 per pound this is only 7.95 per pound and again because I'm a crazy person I then made another tray that looks like this check out the food styling look at that tray now same exact weights and measures from the other one let's go ahead and break down our prices get my notes out this one came out to $14.3 like I said before broke it all down now this one right here with our frozen shrimp Frozen pre-cooked shrimp I bought some cocktail sauce from the grocery store lemons easy right this one came out to be $114 so we save this one was $143 we saved about $3 boom if you're a shrimp cocktail freak like me this savings will amount to by what like several thousand dollar a year I'm sure let's get the next one lunch meat is a scam when you go to the grocery store Deli counter you can expect to pay upwards of $15 per pound at Costco they have a thick sliced deli turkey that they charge $8.79 9 cents per pound is another one of the things I do not buy at Costco anymore this is what I get Instead This is turkey lunch meat it just needs to be sliced in a previous video I showed you how to slice it up which slicer to buy check that video out in the description for this turkey it's 479 per pound check this out it's an easy way to save a ton of money on Turkey lunch meat why is it so expensive anyway I don't I don't even know I don't even know let's go to the next one let's talk about salmon at Costco they have a farmed athle athletic they have they have a farmed Atlantic salmon that is $1.99 per pound it's that salmon that has that really faint pink color kind of a funny story when I used to teach culinary school I taught a student who was from Alaska and he was like oh is that that's we got pink fish today and I'm like what are you talking about pink fish he's like that's this that's the stuff we' send down to the lower 48 and we keep all the good stuff for ourselves it's the least salmony offering they have there they also offer it Frozen Frozen farmed Atlantic salmon is $11.33 a pound the one I like to get is you go down a little bit further in the seafood case and you find it's Farm rais but it's a steel head species of salmon I think it's much better flavor than the Atlantic salmon they're both farmed but and again the steel head is a better quality in my mind and it's $9.99 a pound I get a better salmon at a cheaper price yes please sign me up how can I get Costco to pay for my membership now again this is a membership club so you have to pay to get in the regular membership is $60 and the executive membership is $120 per year I like the executive membership and here's why they give you 2% cash back in the form of a check right around the time that your membership is due you have to spend $6,000 yes I said $6,000 in the whole year so that you can H make enough on your 2% cash back to pay for your membership and I know you're saying you're like there's no way I would spend $6,000 you'd be surprised it can happen very quickly here are some here are some things you could buy at Costco that would give you that $120 rebate check you could buy 29 riy sub primals and if you've been on this channel you know I did a bunch of videos on how to break those down so you have Stakes for life you could do 46 whole tenderloins 1,22 rotisserie chickens you could buy two 2.3 of these TVs and and don't act like you don't want to get a TV you know you do or you can get 4,000 Costco hot dog that's a lot of hot dogs but seriously I have a big family so I go to Costco a lot it is very easy for me to spend the amount of money so I can get that rebate check that pays for my membership I haven't paid for a membership in I don't know how long I get I get that thing covered every year no Costco video would be complete without talking about the best deal in the house the $150 hot dog Costco has not changed the price of the hot dog forever so it is a150 for a qu pound hot dog and a soda if you you can't leave Costco without a hot dog it's it would be like against the rules maybe that's why they check your receipt at the end what do you think do you think you want to make sure you get a hot dog I don't know the problem with the Costco hot dog is what if I'm not at Costco that day how can I get that same experience but at home they sell the same quarter pound hot dogs that they have in the food court but you can take them home now I I thought that there's no way that their savings would be the same you got to be in store to get the cheap hot dog right no I crunched the numbers and I was pleasantly surprised with what I found let me grab my notes again you can buy this package this has 14 qu pound hot dogs for $13.99 break that down that's 99 per hot dog you add 22 cents worth of hot dog bun and you are in business for $121 you do have to bring your own soda but I can't do everything for you wait now that I look at it you may need two buns next let's talk about some of the items I do purchase from Costco I will put put the link to that video right here see you on the next one
Channel: Butcher Wizard
Views: 1,562,284
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Id: NmcIkTvzg4o
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Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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