Foods I Eat EVERY DAY As a Nutrition Expert 🌿🍎πŸ₯¦

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the number one thing I get asked is what do you eat and then it's followed up by okay and what do you do when you cheat so I'm going to share my personal food rules that keep me on the straight and arrow the foods I make sure I eat every single week some every single day and why I think cheating is just the total wrong way to think about things and honestly it sets you up to fail and put you into that crazy diet mentality that drives me nuts about a good dead a bad day I'm having a cheat meal so we're going to deal with that too but first the rules now I tend to be one of those people that likes to break all the rules but remember that when you have this great structure the structure actually creates Freedom so that's what I want you to think of if you tend to be kind of one of those Renegade rule Breakers remember what we're giving you here is really good structure and so here's how I do this I start with protein first so as I'm building my plate I always start by building protein first I want to eat protein first because I want to prioritize protein make sure that I get in what I need at each meal which is at least 30 grams and at least 100 grams overall in the day now the way I dose my protein is to do a range of 0.7 grams to 1 gram per pound of Target body weight so I'm weighing in at 145 I eat about 140 to 145 grams of protein a day and I divide that again between the three meals and I make sure that my bumper meals breakfast and dinner are where I really make sure I get it again all meals have at least 30 grams but those are where I load more of my protein in in the morning I'm breaking that fast and in the evening I'm making sure that I have some protein on board so while I'm sleeping I'm minimizing muscle protein breakdown so there's the reasons for it also there's more to it when you eat protein first it is more safe initiating the Umami taste actually makes you eat less too and it helps with blood sugar balance and it is the most thermic of all of your macronutrients I want to make sure that you're getting in enough protein so that's why I have you eat protein first it turns out there's this thing called the protein leverage hypothesis and what these researchers found is that we will keep eating those carbs those fats to try to get enough protein in our diet which then causes us to overeat and get way too many calories and remember while where your calories come from Counts most calories count too much healthy food is guess what unhealthy so that's the first rule protein first the second one what comes after protein non-starchy vegetables now my goal is minimum that you eat five servings of non-starchy vegetables a day now what does that look like a non-searchy vegetable serving is a cup of raw or a half a cup of cooked and non-searchy vegetables are things like onions and mushrooms and deep green leafies and broccoli and cauliflower and Brussels sprouts and asparagus and peppers here's what's important here why are we eating all these non-starchy vegetables you've heard eat from the rainbow you know is this just some cute little phrase no the reason that we have you do that is because of the polyphenols these different plant nutrients in these vegetables that go and feed your gut microbiome and so you have a better balance of the bacteria that you want as opposed to the ones you don't want you're always going to have some of the good and some of the bad you want much more of the good so that's the first part those polyphenols that do all sorts of stuff they're antioxidants they can be anti-inflammatory they can be gut healing all sorts of amazing things the other thing you're going to get from these non-surgery vegetables is some Fiber and we're going to look for getting fiber within our diet all throughout our diet because we want to get minimally 35 grams of fiber a day ideally 50 grams plus non-searchy vegetables are one of the starting points you're not going to get a load from non-starchy vegetables but you will get some and remember fiber is the fuel for your gut microbiome right it feeds it and whenever we can get Prebiotic fibers like onions garlic then we also give the fuel for the good bacteria to feed off of okay so that's the next part we want protein first non-searchy vegetable second at least five servings I really try to hit 10 or more and I'm always looking for a diversity across the day 10 different types of plants throughout the day spices count thankfully otherwise that might be a little tough and then 50 throughout the week next up fruit two fruit servings a day the only time I break this rule is if I'm if I'm going through the sugar impact diet now I've already done that I've already figured out where my sneaky sugars were I you know I got rid of my sweet tooth so this is for you you do the sugar impact diet if you've got this sugar sugar Sweet Tooth you're like I cannot get rid of it or you've got issues with blood sugar imbalances and insulin sensitivity Etc then you do that and there'll be two weeks in there where we drop your fruit down to basically zero except for lemons and limes non-fruity fruit besides that I want you eating two servings of fruit a day and prioritizing berries because not only do they have that deep rich color but they also have the polyphenols and you get a diversity by having blackberries and blueberries and raspberries not eating blueberries every single day right so two servings of fruits about a cup so it's a big apple it's a cup of berries every day next up is hydration and in a lot of my YouTube videos and also on Instagram I talk about hydration because hydration is super key for your body to be able to be metabolically flexible use fat for fuel to help with Hunger to help with detoxification turns out if you're only even mildly dehydrated we're talking one percent that's way before you actually feel thirsty your body can start to break down glucose and turn it into fructose this is really bad it's like going the wrong way and store that fructosis fat on your body okay just like a camel stores fat to be able to get through the desert your body will do the same thing we do not want to do that right and it turns out that every time that you drink some fluids especially water you're going to boost your metabolism a little bit in fact it can be as much as 30 percent for 30 minutes so Iced Green Tea black coffee in the morning sparkling water water drink this all throughout the day here's your goal half ounce per pound of body weight this is not Target body weight your actual body weight and then you add in more based on exercise you add in half an ounce to an ounce per minute of exercise and go to the Ounce if you're exercising somewhere like I live in Florida hotter and sweatier here right I do hot yoga I'm definitely going to the Ounce plus there okay so that is hydration I especially like you to focus on doing that in between your meals get up in the morning start your water then have your black coffee in between your meals do your ice cream tea before a meal bonus points if you do your ice cream tea put in a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar because it's going to lower the blood sugar response to the meal simple little hack okay and then we're going to talk about timing now just brief on the timing because I can do a whole video on this in fact I did I'll guide you to this at the end of the video but what you want to think about here is making sure that you are not doing what Dr Sachin Panda found out was that you know some crazy percentage of us I think was something like 90 of Americans were eating 15 hours or more a day like that's wild what you want to do is wait about anywhere from an hour to three hours after waking to eat I think you know 90 minutes to two hours is really a sweet spot because you want to give your body time to wake up cortisol is coming up it's waking back up your pancreas getting insulin going again right so you want to do all that so you're waking up you're seeing the sunshine you're starting to drink your water then you're adding in the coffee and then have your first meal eat every three to five hours you do not want to be a continuous feeding machine right you want to eat let your body's blood sugar let your blood sugar come up have insulin bring it back down to normal give your body time and rest then eat again and do you do your three meals a day you can compress it to two if you're careful about your protein if you want to do a bigger autophagy trigger again I'll share the next video on that you can do it to four if you're really working on putting on muscle but here's what I want to make sure that you do you stop beating three to four hours before bed because if you eat too soon before you go to sleep it is going to impact your sleep and test it and track it I know I've tested it enough times I know what happens my deep sleep sleep is a mess I'm hot I'm sweaty it's just awful so you're going to stop eating three to four hours before bed and remember you're eating every three to five hours so think about it you might wake up at 6 30 eat breakfast around 8 39 eat lunch around 1 1 30 eat dinner around six go to bed at 10. super easy and what we also did there was we took your feeding window and we made it somewhere in the 9 to 12 hours and that should be your just every day again I will guide you to learning more about intermittent and fasting and how you can use that as a dietary tool here and there but what I want you to really focus on as a hard and fast rule is eating within maths a 12 hour window that shouldn't be called intermittent fasting that should be called how we should normally eat like we used to right with those timing Windows of waiting a little bit when you wake up stopping eating before bed okay there you go timing next up are carbs and fat now when you think of protein protein we eat for function this is going to help us build muscle this is going to help us make hormones this is going to help us with bone health now carbs and fat are for fuel right and I love I'm trying to think I think Don Layman says this Dr Don Layman that you have to earn your carbs there's a baseline of carbs that you're going to have but here's what's interesting you cannot live without protein fat and fluids you can't but you can live without carbs I'm not saying that you should and I'm going to show you how they vary but what I make sure of is that the carbs I get every day are from those non-starchy vegetables and from those two fruits and that's going to put me somewhere around 50 grams of carbs depending on how many I really try to push my vegetables up so I get to more around 70 grams you're going to be somewhere in that 50 to 130 grams a day if you've got adrenal exhaustion if you are working out a lot remember you're earning your carbs bring it up and you're going to get your carbs from as close to Nature as possible this is where you want to really think of more Whole Foods lentils and legumes hummus wild rice winter squashes root vegetables beets so that's where you would put the carbs and then the healthy fats what I do is I'm eating clean animal protein so I know I'm going to get some healthy fats there I'm using extra virgin olive oil with my vegetables when I'm cooking so I'm getting my healthy fats there I may add a little bit of whole fats like avocado or nuts and seeds but the reality is with how I'm eating I'm not really needing to add much more than that I'm throwing in some freshly ground on flaxseed meal into my shake so I'm getting in some whole fats I'm eating the fats from animal protein and then I'm using extra virgin olive oil as I'm prepping things you can also do ghee or avocado oil the reality is when you do that you probably don't need to go oh I need to add more fat especially if you're female and you're looking to be able to burn off fat you don't need to add more burn your round let's talk about things that I make sure that I get into my diet each week and I've been really experimenting with this I want to give a shout out to two people who I think are great with this information for you to check out one is Dr Sarah Ballantine and she created this nutribor scoring system super great for looking at like the value of different foods and that's where you know enough times of talking with her I'm like okay okay okay I'll eat the mushrooms and then the other one is Deanna Minnick who really talks about the colors of the different plants and how important that diversity is she was the one who was like 50 different things a week I'm like 50. she goes don't worry spices count too and I'm like well thank God for that so would I make sure that I include weekly a couple times a week I have been using a lot of mushrooms in my cooking and I've been doing my talking and shiitake and Portobellos different types of mushrooms different types of onions because I love the onions because again I'm getting Prebiotic fibers there I've been also getting beets into my salads a couple times a week and eating rainbow colored carrots now cauliflower broccoli brussels sprouts these are absolutely my go-to so I don't have to worry about getting those in I get a ton of them and with the Deep cream leafies I always have a couple different types at home but I especially focus on arugula amazing nutrients in arugula berries again I want you to think about not just getting stuck on one type of berry like don't just be have the blueberry go to try the rotation of the blueberries The Raspberries the blackberries and maybe you are in a place where you can get things like gooseberries strawberries all right different apples we do at least three servings of wild fish a week and Seafood and again we do at least three servings of grass-fed beef a week now I know there's a lot of hoo-ha about red meat but here's the thing making all red meat seem the same is like comparing Wonder Bread to creating a whole grain bread at home they're entirely different foods right it would be like saying apple juice is the same as eating an organic apple totally different grass-fed grass-finished beef is a health food now you want to make sure you prepare it correctly you're not charring it but grass-fed grass-finish beef has a lot of nutrient of density in it so this is one that I would want you to include in your diet and lamb comes in there as well because lamb is amazing especially it's generally grass-fed grass finished other thing that I include is some flax and chia extra virgin olive oil some legumes especially lentils and if you are not dairy sensitive because if you're Dairy sensitiveness will change but if you're not dairy sensitive and I find for a lot of people they might be cow's milk dairy sensitive but they can still do feta or goat you know so they could do Manchego or goat cheese so if you can a little bit of that can be great to add to your salads I do a lot of vinegar I love to do vinegar before a meal too so doing that apple cider vinegar and green tea before a meal again simple way to lower the blood sugar response to the meal same with sea salts another one I put in because I want to help my adrenals and then you can use herbs because herbs are a way to hack that 50. so one of the cool things with herbs is if you throw in some Rosemary some basil some turmeric you just are getting yourself to that 50 diversity way easier so let's address the cheating shall we before I show you my actual meals because we're going to have a little show and tell here I know that there are diet plans out there that have you do a cheat meal but I also work in the world of food intolerance and you know what I wrote The Virgin Diet about was leaky gut and this was way back when when it was really talked about but what I saw was that you know people with leaky gut due to a variety of reasons can be stressed could be poor diet could be pain medications could be all above which usually is your gut gets more permeable food sneaks through the tight junctions in your small intestine triggers your immune system that lies right underneath it to get into action and you start to Crave the very foods that are hurting you and triggering this inflammation that can last for days now when you think about what someone's going to cheat on they're not cheating and I've never heard this in my 40 Years of doing this I binged on salmon last night JJ I feel rotten right I just have never heard it what people tend to cheat on are the very foods that hurt them right and then it starts a bad Cascade what if we just threw the whole idea of cheating out and what if we went to go for and depending on what your goals really are for how you're eating you know how tight your margin of error can be but for most of us we're going to do well if we're getting a a minus B plus on our diet that means there's rooms for certain things now are there rooms for artificial sweeteners are there rooms for you know bad fats you know like it's just hard to say yes that's a super good thing you should totally put that in especially the artificial sweeteners but here and there is there room for like I just had my 60th birthday and they brought this key lime pie with this massive meringue and yeah I had some of it and I included it into my daily what I did you know and I didn't I didn't eat the entire thing I didn't need it I had a couple bites but it was totally cool if it had been a trigger food for me though like let's say it was um buttered popcorn or something but the minute I eat it I'm like I need 20 more of those I would not have done it because it's just not worth it so I want you to think about you know that whole mentality of good days bad days cheating and instead go all right I'm going to look at my overall how I'm eating to support having a flexible metabolism one that can burn fat for fuel and burn sugar for fuel when I'm doing a hard workout when that effortlessly holds onto and builds muscle one that has great energy throughout the day and what do I need to do that remember the rules protein in each meal non-searchy vegetables those two fruits healthy fats and guess what when you do that you crowd out all that other stuff you don't have the cravings and if you want to have a bite of the key lime meringue pie after dinner it's like no big deal all right can we agree to that cool so now I'm going to show you my different meals so you can see how easy this is to put into action okay so I'm going to show you how easy it is to get 40 grams or more of protein in your loaded smoothie that's what I call them looted smoothies because we are loading them up with everything you need the clean Protein healthy fats lots of fiber so here we go ready so first thing and this is just a little hack is put fluid in first in your smoothie container so all the stuff doesn't stick on the bottom now here's how I'm pumping up my protein I've got this good karma flax milk that's got eight grams of plant protein so I go to 10 ounces so I get 10 grams so that's the first thing then I'm adding in my protein powder I'm using my reignite Wellness paleo inspired protein powder and that's going to get you over 20 grams of protein next thing I'm going to do is add in some of my collagen so now I'm I've got between that the flax milk that I'm going to add up to 10 ounces the collagen the shake mix I'm over 40 grams right there so now let's get some fiber let's get our fiber on and so what we're going to do here is I add in my extra fiber and the reason I like that is this one's a blend of 11 different fibers and resistant starch so I'm getting a whole bunch of different ones diverse fiber good for diverse gut microbiome I'm also adding in some flax meal now I don't need to Freshly grind this because I'm using a Nutribullet but if you are not using a Nutribullet or something that really can grind everything up grind it up and the reason I like flax flax is hormone balancing it's got phytoestrogens and it also has a load of fiber it's also got Omega-3s I put in some cherries and I first of all I love cherries and my husband loves cherries but I get no sugar sweetened no sugar added organic dark cherries they're fantastic especially with the chocolate paleo fiber or chocolate paleo Shake now I'm going to add in some ice too I like making it thick you want it thicker more ice less fluid if you want it thinner more fluid less ice easy peasy and then you just pour in your flax milk put it on tight all right so again again this has at least 15 grams of fiber might even be up to 20. 40 grams plus a protein tastes amazing healthy fats from the flax milk from the flax seeds and then to top it all off as my now you might think oh that sounds like a treat but I am so hooked on this cacao calm shout out to Jonathan because this stuff has all of these adaptogenic mushrooms no sugar dark chocolate and I try to get in at least a gram of chocolate or a gram an ounce of chocolate every day I really try to get more like two of dark chocolate because it's so good for you but this turns your chocolate into a mocha you can also use my chocolate protein powder so that's another way to do this but this is a great yummy way to make your coffee too so this is my typical way I break my fast is with a loaded protein smoothie and then a little coffee Delight here with my living ratio cacao calm all right I'm going to show you how you can crank up your veggies remember I said at least five servings of non-starchy vegetables well you can get that at lunch so the first thing I've done is I've already mixed up a bunch of my favorite greens which I love butter lettuce and I love arugula so right there that's three cups and you know what three cups is three servings so right there's three servings of non-starchy vegetables see how easy that was now I'm going to add in some radishes because I dig radishes and I'm going to add in some cucumber and I'm one of those weird super tasters who does not like bitter so I cut off the skins on that and so see how easy that is right there I have four four servings of non-searchy vegetables I'm also going to add in some tomatoes tomatoes are kind of a weird one because they're sort of a fruit veggie starchy one so right there now we we basically have five servings now I'm going to add one more thing here for some healthy fat and I'm going to add a little bit of avocado so I'm going to get healthy fat two different ways it doesn't look so pretty I'm gonna get it one from avocado so this is basically one healthy fat serving and because I'm eating very lean protein with really not much fat I'm gonna also get it from my olive oil so here's another thing I'm adding some Avo easy peasy and I want you just to note how quickly this is all going down right now next thing I'm going to do I've got loads of veggies I've got some healthy fats I'm going to have more healthy fats when we add the dressing but we need our protein now I use a food scale we underestimate by what we eat by like 40 percent we cannot do that when we get to adding in enough veggies and getting in our proteins so you want you to get a food scale and that food scale is going to become your guide for making sure you're getting the protein this chicken breast right here is 5.72 ounces that means that is about 40 grams of protein right there and so what I'm going to do is take it just slice it up right so slice and dice put on top of the salad easy peasy before I do that though I'm going to add in and honestly this is like lazy salad so lazy salad I get this amazing olive oil from fresh pressed olive oil Club because I trust them it's real it's the real deal they have this guy TJ Robertson who is the olive oil Hunter who literally goes all over the world searching for good olive oil so I pour my olive oil in that was about a tablespoon of olive oil and then you could either use some apple cider vinegar or you could use some red wine vinegar I'm gonna do some red wine in here I do yeah I don't know same thing tablespoon and a little for the counter all right and then just like do that up right simple throw your chicken on top add a little bit I got this from Peru when I went to that Maris salt mines add a little sea salt there it is easy now if you wanted to add a little bit of slow low carbs in here you could throw on some lentils you could throw on some black beans some chickpeas so you can do that easy too maybe you have some wild rice left over from the night before that would be a half a cup that you would add in here what I'm going to do instead is I'm going to have this and I'm going to have it with look at this so and I just want you to recognize that because I have three different types of berries in my one cup of berries I get three servings there so between the radishes two different types of um salad greens the Cucumber the avocado the tomatoes the blueberries The Raspberries the blackberries right here I already got nine different servings plus I had the cherries for breakfast I'm at 10 already for the day and the day is not over yet see how easy that is but right here 40 grams plus and again healthy fats from extra virgin olive oil a little avocado because chicken breast is super duper lean and I'm having the fruit so I didn't add in a non-starchy veggie or a I'm sorry a starchy carb but I could easily throw in a half a cup of chickpeas or lentils or black beans in here that would be easy too very easy lunch less than five minutes has everything that you need all right moving on to dinner now here's a dinner hat whatever protein you make for dinner just make an extra and put it in your salad the next day easy all right so again at dinner we're going to always have protein now here's some wild salmon and we're going to use this thing just even though you get this thing and it's measured I always still use the food scale because it's never quite the same so this one's five ounces now five ounces of salmon about 35 grams of protein plus I added in some lentils a half a cup of lentils and I just made lentils and bone broth actually made them myself like I didn't get the canned ones I made them in bone broth to up the protein a little bit make them taste better and made a bunch for the week so I can make a soup or something else from them but here's some lentils with bone broth so we're getting a bunch of fiber and we're getting protein in that too half a cup is your serving size for that to be a serving of slow low carbs so depending on your activity level maybe you have a go wild and have a cup then I made killer brussels sprouts and I made these brussels sprouts with a little bit of mushrooms a little extra virgin olive oil so I count the fat in with that and this here is a cup and a half of Brussels sprouts so that's three veggie servings right there holy smokes and then I had some salad too so I'm always trying to have more salad so I'd start eating the protein first and eat my vegetables if I still have room I'll do my lentils but here I have [Music] um probably two cups of veggies here too so two five veggie servings and of course I added in the Brussels sprouts and mushrooms making it for a grand total of the day of 12 different servings of fruits and veggies so amazing and for the day definitely got over 30 grand five grams of fiber we got over 10 servings of non-starchy vegetables we got our two fruit servings in and for protein we got over our 100 grams and really we got more to about 110. so I just want you to recognize that this was easy this is not hard to do because I hear people say oh my God I don't have time make time I made that lunch in under five minutes we timed it here we're like four minutes and 37 seconds so you can totally do this it's all in the prep I'm a lazy lazy Chef so what I'll do is I'll get the things for my salads I'll cut up the Cucumber so rash I'll do it once and that'll last me for days same with the salad greens I'll make protein at dinner I'll save it for salad the next day this is easy to do again the structure creates Freedom so just follow that and then at the end of this I will probably have a little bit of dark chocolate and I have a whole bunch I have like a part of my pantry dedicated we'll take a picture of it because it's ridiculous dedicated to dark chocolate and all the different ones that have either very low or no sugar added that are sweetened with alulose or monk fruit or Stevia so there's so many great choices out there again I make it my point to have at least an ounce of dark chocolate a day I suffer through it and ideally more like two ounces okay there's more that I have during the day though that I want to make a point of so I will be right back with a little show and tell on that all right so I got you your three meals but what else goes down during the day because you want to make sure again that you're drinking at least half your weight in fluid and more when you're exercising so I already talked to coffee and ways to make your coffee yummy remember though you're having black in the morning but the other things I drink throughout the day big fan of green tea and again if you do some green tea with a little apple cider vinegar before a meal lowers the blood sugar response to the meal check it out where where a little CGM I am wearing the Thea CGM and you'll be able to see it one other one I love similar to the apple cider vinegar lemon juice before a meal sour takes your sweet tooth away but it can lower the blood sugar response I'm a little addicted to these sujas it's lemon juice Stevia and cayenne a little pep for your metabolism you also want to look at where you can get fermented foods in and so coconut yogurt almond yogurt if you are not dairy intolerant Greek style yogurt all fantastic make sure you're getting plain no sugar added on these and I like to take them and add some collagen in as well or you can do some fermented drinks there's a whole lot of different probiotic drinks just watch make sure there's no more than five grams of sugar generally the fermentation eats the sugar but I try to make sure I'm getting in some fermented food daily as well a little bit of legumes a couple times a week and some of them fermented foods now a couple other things that I do I do electrolytes every day I work out every day and I do the sauna a couple times a week and so I do electrolytes every day I also take timeline and creatine might appear or urolithin a and creatine every day as well creatine is super important because you got to keep that tissue saturation up and then I never go anywhere without a couple of these in my purse I have them in my car and those are my bars because you never know when you're going to get stuck and you don't have anything and so my brownie collagen protein bar saves me so that's the other thing I do along with traveling of course with my sparkling C with quercetin so I've always got my immune system in check those are the simple things now I didn't go into detail on the timing of your meals I talked about it but I alluded to intermittent fasting I am a huge fan and believer that you should eat during the normal circadian rhythm very very important you wake up in the morning your insulin's coming up your cortisol is up better time to eat you're getting ready for bed things are slowing down so there's a circadian rhythm that you want to be eating during and if you do want to shorten your eating window from that 9 to 12 hours to Shorter to trigger that autophagy there are definitely ways to do this and again I view diets as tools if you are looking for maybe some spring cleaning for your for your body to get rid of the cellular debris if you're looking to get your insulin sensitivity back quickly get your blood sugar under control you can do a lot with intermittent fasting you just want to balance it if you're working on putting on muscle because the two don't really go together I have a video here on autophagy and fasting where I explain all about how this works and how it works for your body composition goals and how it may just be the secret key to Fat Loss over 40. so check it out good thank you
Channel: JJ Virgin
Views: 557,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jj virgin, what i eat in a day, healthy diet plan, healthy foods that heal the body, jj virgin intermittent fasting, healthy diet, eat in a day healthy, what i eat in a day healthy, healthy foods, nutrition, nutrition expert, protein foods, holistic nutrition, diet foods, foods for weight loss, fat loss foods, foods for fat loss, weight loss menu, weight loss foods, foods to eat for weight loss, foods to eat for fat loss, foods for muscle growth, fat loss foods for women
Id: AjrvVQ7DHb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 21sec (1941 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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