What My Sister Really Thinks Of Me | Sibling Tag

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- Today. I want you to get to know me a little bit better. This is my twin sister! (laughs) - What? Weirdo. - You wanna say hi to the channel? - Hi channel. - That's what, hi channel? - Why are you laughing at me? - Say who you are! - I'm Dasha Varshavski. - And what are you? What are you, what do you represent? I'm a mom. - Of? - I'm a business woman. - I'm a mom of? - Oh, Steven, Daniel and Ari. - Who you've seen on the channel. She made them. Isn't that crazy? They came out of her. - The doctor ties and cuts the cord. - Sam's going to ask you a question and you're going to try and see if you know the right answer to see if you know me. How long have you known me? - Too long? - Let's get started because this is going to get awkward really fast. Peewoop! - You have to do that by the way. - Peewoop! - Good. Not bad. - [Sam] What year was Mike born? Three, two, one. - Oh, she did get that. I know what year you're born. Do you want me to say it? - No. (laughs) - How many piercings does Mike have? - What if he didn't tell me? He kept it away from me. - Three, two, one. - Imagine I said five. - Oh my god. - What'd you judge me? - Yeah. Totally. - Why? - Five piercings? - Yeah. - When you were kids, what was the worst? - When I was a kid, and she was an adult. - When you were younger growing up, what was the worst thing Mike ever did to get in trouble with your parents? - Oh, I know. I know. I know. I know. - What did I do? - Oh. I think I know what she's going to say. Well, whatever. This act costs me a quarter million dollars. - Well I'm erasing this. - I don't think you know the right. (laughs) - Three, two, one. - I knew she was going to say that. I knew you were going to say that. - I mean, that was the worst thing. - Yeah, but they never got in trouble. - He punched you in the stomach. You took two or three of his teeth out. - Is that not self-defense? This is the right answer because when my dad found out that I got a tattoo, he was going to pay for my med school. And then he said, guess what? Not paying for your med school. Cause you, I got a tattoo. - He said he used it as an excuse. He didn't have the money. - Sorry. You knew that? - Yeah. - This one. I don't know anything in my family. - What was Mike's AOL instant messenger screen name? - AIM? I know this one. - Remember that sound? The door closing. (making weird sound effects) - What? - Three, two, one. - Did you just write Mr. Mike Funny? - Something like that. - It's Mister Funny Mike. - It doesn't count. - It's very close. - Sam. - I think that counts. - I mean, how close could it be? - Who puts the adjective after the noun? You don't even know what AOL stands for. - I don't know. It's true. - Who is Mike's celebrity crush? - Oh man. That's a hard one. - This marker smells. (music) - Huh? - What? I've never once had a crush on Angelina Jolie. After she took away. Brad. Bradiston? She broke up Brad and Jennifer. So I was so sad about that. - Okay. - Do you know who this is? - Eva Mendes of course. - Who? - She's looks, actress. - Name a movie she was in. (sigh) - Fast and furious? - No! Yes she was. Wait, was she? - Keep your eyes on the rode, cowboy. - If Mike were not a doctor, what would he do for a, his a career? What's his job? - If you say magic Mike, I won't talk to you. (laughs) (music) - What? - What? - Detective? - Sports agent? - You will make the worst detective ever. You can't even pay attention to anything. How? Detective? - Do you know what I do for a living? - They send you a text. ( mimicking Mike) - What does a sports agents do? - They represent clients. They work in sport agency, you know, management. - Why would you think I would want to do that? - Because you like sports. You're like athlete. - So why don't you say I would be an athlete? - Because you're not going to be a good athlete. - Why? - Well you don't have a, stamina for that. How do you know about my stamina? This just got really weird. Okay, let's move on. - When was the last time Mike was admitted to the hospital? - Is that include mental? - I look like a lizard. (music) - Did you just make it up? Why 2009? What happened in 2009? - I don't know. Maybe for like tonsillitis or something or sinusitis? - I've never had a sinus infection in my life. - Something like that. I remember dad once said you were like in the hospital for a night. - I've never been in a hospital for a night. - Some kind of itus. - I've never had any itus. I had wisdom teeth removed. - Well this technically is wrong. - Why? - You were admitted when you were born? - Does that count? - Yeah. And I was going to write that. - So yours is wrong too? - Yes. - Okay. - What was the first social media platform Mike was ever on? - I'll tell you a line to make it easier for you. It said like interested in and you're supposed to put male or female and instead I put chicks, but not baby chickens. Quote unquote. Cause I was like 12 and I shouldn't have been on that site. - Three, two, one. (music) - What was that? - Whimit? - It was a Russian social media. - No. - Yes. - I feel bad for you. - What is Mike's favorite part of his body? - That's weird. - That is weird. That's a weird question. - Well we know it's not hair, so. - What's wrong with my hair? Cause it's great? - No, cause you always (mumbles) I just don't like it. You don't like my hair. You don't like your hair. You have a thing against hair. - This is Russian disinformation at its finest. - He's writing a lot on body parts. - No, it's one body part. Well, I actually have two of them. - All right, here we go. - Three, two, one. - What? - See? - Ear lobes? - Feel how soft that ear lobe is. Feel it. - What is wrong with you? - No, be honest. Tell me it doesn't feel good. - Weirdo. - Tell me it doesn't feel good. - What is my least favorite part of his body? - I can uh. - Be honest, dude. Just be honest and stay consistent. - I don't know what you're saying right now. (laughs) - You always complain about your hair! - I have a little head. - What? - I have a little head. - Oh my God. - No, I have a little head. You don't know that? - Did you not show people your hair? The spiky? - Do you know why I did that? Because I had a little head. So to extend it, I did spike. - He's got Dyson. - I'm, I'm. - All these tools. No girls have what you have. - Look at the camera. Video. I'm six foot three, 200 plus pounds. Your head is almost bigger than mine. - That's cause the way I'm sitting. - How are you sitting? Your head is still almost bigger than mine. That's a problem. - What is Mike's best quality as a brother? (music) - What? - I think it's the height. You always asked me to reach for stuff, change light bulbs. And I could always reach them 'cause I'm tall. - When was the last time you changed a light bulb? - You asked me to do something in your apartment the other day and I did it. You were like, can you reach this thing, and I was like, yeah no problem. - For like a salad bowl? - Yeah. - That was once in a lifetime. - Yeah but that's height. But I appreciate you saying I'm generous and loyal. - What is Mike's best quality as an uncle. (music) - They both start with an S. - Yeah and they have P. - And they have P. - And R and T - And T. So we were thinking along the same thing. - So, yeah. - Mike, how are you a sporty uncle? - Because I play sports with the kids. - True. - I didn't really put that much thought into it. - On a scale of one to 10. One being small, 10 being large. How big is Mike's ego? - Three, two, one. - Did you say 9.5? - Yes. - Do you know what I said? - Yeah. 3.1. Apparently. - Hold on a second. Do you not see the whole number? - Yeah. What is it? A pi or something? - Yeah. (laughs) - What does that mean? - Pi. - What does that mean? - It's a never ending number, but it's a low number. Can you even give one example to back up? Give me evidence. - Right now? Look at you. - I'm offended. - Exactly. - What is the dumbest thing Mike ever bought? - That that's pretty easy. - Three, two, one. - I didn't. Whatever. Why is that a bad purchase? It was my childhood dream car. I'm allowed that. - 'Cause you, you build your life around the car. Bear can't get in the car. - Bear can get in the car. - Kids can't get in the car. - Bear can get in the car even if there's kids. - The car is inaccessible. Oh, I don't have spot seats in the back. I can't put your bags in the grocery shopping because there is no spot in the car. - I will say, this is. - It's the most useless purchase. - I will say, this is so embarrassing. - And you can't even speed in New York. - So like two years ago, I was dating somebody and they flew in. - Yes. - And I was like going to pick them up at the airport. And I was like, can I be a gentleman? Pick them up at the airport. And then I realized they wrote a big piece of luggage. I can't fit in my car. So I had to go to an Uber and I had to ask the Uber to drive her luggage to my apartment. And then he followed me. She's like, why are you making me drive a piece of luggage into Manhattan? - Exactly. - And I said, don't worry about it. And he said, why? And I said, look at my car. And he said, okay got it. - What is this bags for GFS? What is GFS? - You don't know what a GFS is? - No - Okay. How about this? - Girlfriends? But that's nice. That's being generous. - So when I spoil myself and I get a car for going through med school and all this stuff. That's me. - How many bags have you purchased? - Six? - You could've purchased 10,000 bags for girlfriends and your sister by the way. - How old were you when the tattoo thing happened? - Eighteen. - That's not a kid. That's fully age. Huh! Lost. That is not a kid by no definition. - Yeah it is. Jewish religion. - Well, you're not even Jewish. (talking fast) - I don't know. - I would never date Angelina Jolie. Unless in fact she offered to date me then I would. Eva Mendes though is with Ryan Gosling. - Yeah. I would have guessed that. - Do you like Ryan Gosling? - Love that's. - Is that you celebrity crush? Hold on a sec. Can we split them up? The Varshavski family comes after Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes. Homewreckers. - Did you give him a cheat cheat sheet? - Cheat sheet of what? They are questions about me? - That was a joke dumb a**. (laughs) - You look a lot like Ari. - Oh, that's a compliment. Thank you. - I just said you look a boy but okay. Well. Officially I clearly won all of these rounds, but if you want to see my videos, sshhh, with the nephews, the ones that came out of her, all three of them. We have many videos. Click here, click here to see Ari, Daniel and Stevie, trying to explain menstrual cycles to me, ankle sprains, answer medical questions. What else do we do with no answer from build Legos while they roast me, mukbangs. Click here for all that. And as always stay happy and healthy. - Peewoop! - No stay happy and healthy. - Stay happy and healthy.
Channel: Doctor Mike
Views: 8,269,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doctor mike, dr mike, drmike, dr. mike, mikhail varshavski, doctor mikhail varshavski, sister, meet my sister, doctor mike's sister, doctor mikes family, sibling, brother, brother and sister, siblings, AIM, screenname, dr mike sister, dr. mike sister, dr. mike's sister, sibling tag, sister tag, boyfriend tag, announcement, family tag, doctor mike sister
Id: M2Ev7YxRuIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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