What medieval weapons would fantasy GIANTS really use? FANTASY RE-ARMED

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hey guys before we begin I just needed to tell you about a new youtube channel i found called overly sarcastic productions simply put if you like my channel there's a huge chance you will love their channel it was thanks to the YouTube algorithm that actually discovered this channel thanks to our randomly suggested video and from watching that video and one more I subscribed and then proceeded to binge watch several more they basically do the same thing that I do which is to look at history and other educational topics and presented in an entertaining and easily absorbable way which is the key history education and even any technical subject can be done fun and enjoyable with humor and also enthusiasm because the best thing is when you when you find a channel or a subject that's done on you know a subject made by people who legitimately love it that's when you can really enjoy what they're talking about and that's what overly sarcastic productions do their video quality is top-notch the humor is great and the quality of the commentary is perfect of course we do our best to maintain an atmosphere of professionalism get a crazy person knew that your parents raised you better than the face yes oh god my best buddy Petropolis so if you enjoy history presented in an easily absorbed and entertaining funny way and really they do a better job than me in my opinion and if you also like classic literature presented in the same way a discussion on literary tropes that appear in movies TV shows and of course novels books you'd really need to go check out their channel because you will love it like I said if you like my kind of content you'll love there's ratings I'm Chad and in this video we'll be looking at the best historical medieval weapons or weapons that could have been you know built with medieval technology for giants the YouTube channel scholar Glenn Ettore has also done a video on the best medieval weapons for Giants and it'll be really interesting to see you in with my video the points where we agree and the points are we differ so I will link his video in the description below snap jelly much smaller channel has also made a video talking about best weapons for Giants and so again his video is also linked so you get as many perspectives on this subject as is as I have found on YouTube first big question is what type of Giants because Giants will vary in size heaps there are like the Giants from Gulliver's Travels and then of course there are giants like from Game of Thrones they're also the Giants that are shown in sky and there's also Giants that we see in say Dragon Age Inquisition and they aren't think bigger than that double the height of a human the interesting thing about Giants the bigger you go the less weapons they need because they just become more of a weapon in and of themselves so that's an interesting observation that that's come to my mind is so therefore in all in respect to that the bigger you go the less of a question what type of medieval weapons would suit them so it suits us more in this discussion to look at the Giants that are not as monolithically huge as they have been represented in certain types of fantasies so I do think the game of thrones kind of size of giants works really well for this discussion the next kind of thought is what creatures would they most often be fighting and I'm gonna be using the standard that I have with all my other fantasy creature weapon video stuff is it generally fighting humanoids that are human size specifically because I know you know hobbits and wharves a humanoid but they're not keeping the size the advantages that these giants would get because of their size mass and then their strength my goodness they would be a force to be reckoned with and this is what we really need to establish our what kind of a characteristics based on their size and something that's important to consider here is a thing called the square-cube law we have to understand that fantasies break physics all the time like we discovered with are the best weapons to fight dragons video.this they're your way dragons are presented they are not structured a way that they'll naturally be our to have flight according to physics and with giants the way that they are structured because they are so similar to human proportions they probably wouldn't even be out of support their own weight they're they're the size of their bones would have to be as thick as what we see elephants legs like the bones of health and legs is what I mean when I say that if you had a double something in size or yes its size is doubled but its surface area has increased by a factor of four and it's volume would be increased by a factor of eight and sorry if Giants are a minimum of double the size of a human and of course it will depend on the weight of certain internal bodily organs the weight of muscle compared to the way to bone and but generally we could say that Giants would weigh approximately eight times as much as a regular human this is going to affect the Giants movements and capabilities to a drastic level they would not be able to be as quick to accelerate as a human would be or as easy to slow down as a human would be and in terms of bone strength that well there's a number of things that bones could either be much thicker like on say an elephant or their bones would be made out of just much much stronger and and this is where the fantasy hand wavey 'm comes in we can say the natural bone density of giants are crazy strong that's the great thing about fantasy but it is funny oh be great if fat that was taken into account in terms of moving stuff like that as well what it would look like to us is that giants would appear to move slow but it wouldn't really be slow they would slow to accelerate but their maximum speed would be ye faster than a human's and a B ol it'll take a lot more of a distance for them to slow down because of inertia this comes in very interesting into the matter of strength because we don't really know how much of the giant strength is actually being used to support their own weight because of their already supporting their own weight it's hard to determine then how much access strength they have to lift certain objects it means that they probably wouldn't be able to pick up nearly as much as you think they would be able to but the force they would be able to generate due to momentum and speed because of their mass would be huge generally I find that fantasies have giants being able to pick up something really huge and in comparison to themselves and then if you were to shrink them down to human size a human wouldn't be able to pick up something that big in respect to their own size but Giants can and so they generally we even ramped up the strength of giants more so than in relation to their in size when in actual fact if you were trying to look at the physics and you know in my imperfect way of doing it if especially depending on how much strength their muscle mass will be able to produce and stuff like that giants probably would actually be a pick up things of less size in proportion to their size then humans are able to that doesn't mean those things are their same weight or size as what the humans this is a proportionate ratio and so in reality I would still be bigger and heavier they're not humans Canon we could also consider the intelligence level of the Giants and then their weapons that they were able to produce and that can be a big factor because Giants don't seem to be that intelligent in some cases they are and if Giants are dumb as a stump they're not actually going to be developing some very sophisticated weapons and a log is the best the I think it doesn't take much intelligence to pick up a big hit a wacky thing and they would be quite happy with that but I want to look at weapons that are more sophisticated so if Giants are able to approach it with tactics and intelligence maybe humans have helped them out a lot likely humans are employing them in comment than the humans would try and apply all their knowledge of warfare and weapons and stuff to help make this tiny even more lethal than he already is so with that in mind I will be looking at our anytime of medieval kind of weapons strategy that could be employed and there are other physiological things we can try and consider as to how much endurance they have do they need to how much do they eat to try and set you know you could produce the energy to support the movement and their strength endure these giants having all these things like that which would be really fun but what you what we would find just like what I've already done is that the answers would most often contradict our giants are portrayed in most fantasies and stuff like that because the most fantasies they eat as much according to the same size ratios humans basically they have no real issues in terms of that how hot they can get because of excessive movement how easy it is for them to cool down and their endurance seems to be out that same so that's what we need to go with but with all the other analysis that I have to do even if their physics when you really think about it and this robot and I love doing this to represent showing you that it would be great if more fantasies really thought about the physics involved of these fantasy creatures because we'll make things more realistic meaning believable and then immersive but to be fair with all the other interpretations of these creatures that have come before I just need to go with what the fantasies have done because and even though it's not really explained it doesn't make as much sense when you're trying to look at the science of it because fantasy and with all this in mind now we can start to have a look at the weapons well like I kind of mentioned already but I emphasize because the larger Giants are the more for weapon they are inherently but that doesn't mean that they're not just a weapon with it being double the size of a human they're they're our weapon absolutely the amount of force they can generate just through natural whim movement is insane so one of the primary weapons and really one of the more most effective ones are because in general terms I like you in combat you generally weaponize the limbs that are best able to get access to your opponent and damage inflicted on your opponent's so for us humans we generally fight with our hands don't we or we hold things in our hands and fight but when say a little dog is trying to nip at you you lean down and punch n't know know what's the closest limb to that your boot and so you kick the thing off so this concept already exists very much and so with giants depending on this size but still just being double the height of a human they already have a limb that's far closer to the humans than their hand and that's their feet so they're not following this same logic I think their first order of business in terms of which part of my body should I weaponize to fight these creatures they would weaponize their feet I my opinion before they weaponize their hands not saying they won't because the more weapons are better and but but first and foremost feet easiest one stir steel cat boots my goodness and look yeah steel cat boots you know is that a traditional medieval weapon no not really yeah still can't boots did they even eat it they might have but but if a giant really wanted to be nasty you would put spikes on those boots or other bladed things net now spikes can be there are pros and cons because depending on how many spikes things can get stuck in them and you don't want your boot get to get stuck into whatever you're kicking so there's a bit of a con in relation to that but even just kind of knobs or alright I like a stutter they're they're steel on it what that means is is if there are parts on this steel cap the toe or the you know the of this giants foot that have smaller surface area it means the force that their boot yeah we should just be huge already would then be again concentrated to a smaller area and therefore deal way more damage this doesn't mean this would be the only means to weaponize them because they still have their arms and then I was doing nothing so so if their main weapon are going to be their feet just booting these humans wherever they go oh there would be a bloodbath what do they want to do with their hands and in terms of medieval medieval combat which is the baseline that we're going off one of the other mentalities that do exist is that if you have offense covered well and generally say if you have a weapon in one hand your offense built your offensive ability is pretty good what are you gonna do with your free hand well let's cover defense but this the interesting thing about our defensive it would deplete on how much is needed because with the same you know logic if offensive covered with one hand what can I do with this hand okay what about defense but if you're already defended adequately enough say if you're wearing full plate armor steel well now I can you know increase my offensive ability and make me even more lethal so I could have two weapons or I'm going to use a two-handed weapon and go nuts so then what would it take for a giant to be adequately protected and this is this is interesting because we know how effective how did armor can be I made many videos on this subject depending on how well the giant would be able to handle our heat endurance and how they can because I wonder if increasing the thickness of the layers of padded type of armor would increase how exhausted and tired and hot it would get inside or if their ability to cool down is that same to humans in terms of ratio but still if a giant just wore a padded armor and it's interesting like padded armor has certain limits for humans in terms of thickness for several reasons one is maneuverability the thicker this garment gets the stiffer it gets and the harder it is to move around because it's thick garment on the next thing is how hot it does get inside so that's something to consider but with a giant's larger surface area which is more area for heat to escape and may hopefully cool down that might mean that they could handle a thicker insulative layer than what the average human can be and then just by virtue of their size it would not restrict them in movement nearly as much as a lot of humans so the average say gambeson for a giant so i've gambeson is that thick i like giant garrison could be like could be this thick like that right you've never cut through that stuff you'll never get through it with an arrow or a lot like this stuff would be as difficult to deal with as plate but offer even more protection because it would be so good against blunt force which is generally the weakness for plate because I'm wearing pay you get a big mace and that's how you hit him and be like hitting a big padded pillow you would not be at a harmless giant at all in fact our padded armor would be a better pick for them in my opinion then steel armor and if they just you know cover head to toe and it could be hides of beasts that could be a perfect substitute instead of actual laser laser linen but then if they really want they could do that all they would need then is like big padded say mitten glove kinda things perhaps and a good helmet and they're invulnerable oh I good you would only be able to kill them with seeds level weaponry then but this also means then that the hands are freed up again for more offensive weapons if they want now does that mean that they are like when I say invulnerable and venerable they are the seeds of the weapons could be a danger for them just like there are certain weapons that are still a danger for the person in plate and so what did the person in plate armor do when that they've still felt threatened another defensive item a shield in fact this is one of the theories which say that the heater shield was still used when people wearing plate armor and why the heater shield is so much thick in comparison to other types of shields because I was there to block the types of weapons that could you know damage someone in heavy armor still and so perhaps a giant might still want to shield to block the huge death arrow things from ballestas and stuff and catapult shots and I'll you know the types of you know offensive weapons that could potentially injure and kill the giant he might still want a shield it depends what he need to know I think one would do the job perfectly fine and then he still has a hand for a fence and that and the shield is still optional he might think all this padded good helmet both hands so then one of the best weapons for a giant in that case well most of the people that their enemies the giant will be firing would be waist height or even lower depending on the giant because there is some really like you know when I say we're looking at this size a giant given I'm not really yeah give a few meters not take if you mean you go down a few meters is giant a bit too short in my opinion but I could make it be even a couple of meters bigger then say just double to a human and if that's the case they they hands you know are maybe head Hydra human but probably want some reach to hit them at a further distance from them best weapon in this regard a good old Club and this is funny where we think well isn't that the weapon for a giant not necessarily see clubs are great in the right context okay they're great against people in armor they're great at smashing other things they have a decent kind of target area and this is an interesting point you see swords have a good target area where the entire length of their blade is a part that you can potentially injure someone as opposed to say it acts where they are the actual offensive area is much smaller the difference between a sword and mclubbe is that a sword is thin Club is thick bigger surface area so it has greater potential hitting more than one person in one swing and they have so much force they don't necessarily mean to focus that force into such a fine thin sharp edge is what a sword enables to do because a sword is just this profoundly effective force multiplier because it's a you know focusing that force to the thin bladed edge which means the force that an average human can produce can suddenly be far more lethal that's not necessarily needed for a giant because the floor they can reduce is already massively lethal therefore having something with a being a bit of a bigger surface area just means as I mentioned greater potential to hit more than one person there is another weapon that I think would be absolutely brilliant for a giant and I've had this thought idea for ages and it's a weapon that's not generally employed much for and people think you know if a fantasy will give it I'm talk about the scythe of course Grim Reaper scythe is not really an effective weapon at all but it's come up there and in like Soul Calibur oh yeah yeah character who use a scythe in one of the versions of the game nore that's not an effective weapon at all it's weight would be off and all these things but interestingly for a giant it would be really effective but not the fantasy version I'm actually talking about the proper historical scythe which was meant for cutting grass you see contrary to the fantasy version of a scythe he's a proper you know tool scythe the blade is not in line with the shaft it's actually offset a bit so on angle when you're hot and a half handhold and on angle when you're holding it down the blade is actually in line with the ground level and that's the kind of design that this giant would have and the amazing thing about the scythe is remember that there are striking ratio I was talking about a sword it basically does that because this was the other thing why our swords weren't as effective in my opinion as for a giant that's a human is because a lot of the striking area that the sword gives the giant would not be as employed as much because you still need a reach these little you know yet people that you're killing I had are away from you which means the main business end even just from reaching to the ground is going to be on the end of the sword already which is another point in favor of the club and it means a lot of their evening danger area closer to the hilt of the sword is kind of useless but a scythe takes that it takes a blade of the sword and puts it all on the ground on the is on the area where the enemy is which just utilizes the striking blade of the sword essentially a hundred percent whereas before it was just a sword on the handle and it's wasted blade that wouldn't be getting used nearly as much scythe absolutely and so a giant with a slice with just the arrow do you just saw slash swaths before him and just plow through troop formations if things like that now I know Matt mentioned scythe in his own in his video and I'm not copying Matt because it comes up there this was an idea I had previous to him even making his video and I do want to address one of the points that he mentioned about it which is a point of difference because when he said sighs he thought he thought it wouldn't be as effective because terrain is a noise flat and that would be a detriment for the swings my opinion the ends of that is just make it a little shorter so it doesn't have to be so close to the ground a scythe that slashes at head height is not only just as deadly probably even more so than a site that's build to slash closer to the ground and that means the differences in terrain would be nowhere near as much of a problem and then I would go a step further and alter the design of a scythe you see a scythe is curved try and when you're slashing the grass the grass gets kind of caught in the curve and falls within the cutting area to get cut off you don't really need that design element for a weaponized site for a giant in fact it would be far better if the blade was double-edged which means after the first slash you can just bring it back for one and of course when you put a double edge on a blade it's better to be straight then curved so it would be a straight bladed double-edged kind of sword blade on the end of a big pole and that would be so deadly and then you just slash routed our opponents kicking anyone off to the side and would be vicious so the most sophisticated developed weapon medieval style weapon that could be built with medieval technology in my opinion would absolutely be the size and that's weapon in their hands okay and that's not taking into account our other types of ways times can be employed in common so I'm talking if they're fighting humans and for a single hand and I get clubs can be double handed but clubs are also really good pick for a giant for my own reasons as I've mentioned them to you the next and last topic to cover about giants weapons and such is ranged weapons well as you probably would we already be out of tell if you've seen any of my fantasy creature videos stuff like that bows are really really good weapons and if there is any creature that has greater physical abilities in some way than a human that generally means a bow will work even better for this creature than it does for humans which makes him a great pick really the only creature that's come up that Burroughs wasn't good for where there's little guys a halfling hobbit sad gnomes and goblins those something that a lot of people miss I was saying in my oldest video that humans would be able to be as accurate and deadly with a bow as elves would be if you've missed that I encourage you probably go watch it again and listen to what I'm saying cuz I don't want to rehash it here and dwarves are far more equivalent as well sales and Wars but but still okay Giants right well of course I try and bigger uh sorry sorry bow good bigger borough better giant humongous bone I absolutely love that scene from Game of Thrones where you see the non-person shooting up at the ice wall and the giant comes in with his PO wouldn't be no winging it as accurate the thing about bows it is really the accuracy thing and the other problem is is they can't do huge amounts of damage I mean unless people are lined up in a row and you can kind of get several in one line a giant bar doesn't have huge damage potential and it would still be great I'm not saying it wouldn't be I just think there's that that actually be a much better ranged weapon for a giant than a giant boat and that is rocks just give him a big rock in a hand and they can throw him and my good that would be crazy deadly but is there a way to weaponize thrown rocks a little bit more oh yes there is slings a giant with a giant size sling that can hurl oh my goodness Josh can you imagine a giant like the amount of rotational energy that would be developed by this giant it would be faster and more deadly than any tribute she could ever hope to achieve and depend on the size of the rock so I say giant hand like if you just wanted to have to rock in his hand sorry something like that big right but even something that big but that big even bigger if ee-vie if you wanted this big put in a sling thrown by a giant oh my goodness just think of how much force a rock would have if a giant just picked it up and hurled it alright that I I almost equate to the amount of force maybe from our standard trebuchet depending on the size of the giant of course but as we load trebuchet --zz were pretty good at knocking down castle walls but but not as good as a certain video games proposed as well I it's a balance a they weren't as good as people think but they still effective because they were use in history and they did knock down castle walls of course it didn't mean the castle filled then because the rubble of the wall doesn't disappear like in video games just falls down and you still have a barrier between you and getting inside the castle so a lot of people miss the difficulty in trying to knock down castle walls trigger shows and other things like that but what I'm saying here if we can equate a throwing rock from a giant to about the same as a throwing rock from a trebuchet and then combine that with the amount of energy that can be produced through a sling maybe then these stones would be as destructive as many videogames of movies show them to be against Carson well they I suppose I'd imagine one of these things thrown through a you know a line of enemies like a big arm this would be more deadly in my opinion there are giant using big boots without clubs or size or anything big rocks thrown from slings and a massive unbelievable distance rocks traveling some crazy fast as a result of such size you could decimate human armies from a distance in fact in my opinion this would be the most deadly feared weapon that a giant would ever use and then become the iconic weapon of the Giants slings slings and Giants match made in heaven or hell depending on what for sorry there are on your side heaven if you're fighting against them yeah it's a yeah hell slings and Giants let's make it as synonymous as spaghetti and meatballs people I would run if I like I don't care if I'm a level 100 whatever right if a giant at a distance with a big rock in a sling I don't care how many pluses my armor have I would leg it but there you go this has been the best medieval weapons for Giants thank you for watching guys I hope you've enjoyed it it has been a pleasure to make it as always also just wrapping this up I do again encourage you to go check out overly sarcastic productions phenomenal YouTube channel and of course I hope to see you again until that time ever [Music]
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 846,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: giant, giants, wun wun, won won, wan wan, game of thrones, medieval, historical, weapon, weapons, sword, swords, club, sythe, sling, rock, skyrim, lord of the rings, fantasy, dragon, katana, samurai, dragons, brandon sanderson, rpg, roleplaying, role, playing, video, game, dnd, dungeons, d&d, shad, elf, dwarf, dwarves, bow, gnome, knight, for honor, viking, longsword, monster
Id: iix5MdZiNQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2017
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