THE FANTASY RANGER - historical origin and most effective weapons | FANTASY RE-ARMED

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[Music] greetings i'm shad and in this episode of fantasy rearmed i want to do a deep dive on what unfortunately has been an underappreciated character class in my own regard i have disregarded the ranger too much in the past but as i've really looked at what the roles of an adventurer would be and also the historical president for different classic kind of adventuring roles the ranger actually ends up being near the top of one of the more functional and practical roles or character classes in classic medieval fantasy you see in the past i kind of looked at the rangers a bit of a poor man's fighter or knight or whatever's where you didn't get as many options with the armor that you wear and a lot of the other features you could kind of get through other character now my main you know like familiarity with dunder dragons is third edition and 3.5 and so in those editions you could easily gain skills like like certain actual tracking skills and other abilities that were more identified with other character classes from another so if you went a fighter you could easily train up in the bow just as much as a ranger would and get certain tracking feats and the only things you couldn't really get was like the favorite enemy stuff i don't know how they did in fourth edition even though i've heard good things about fifth edition i'm not sure if you could still do that but because of that some of the features of the ranger became a little redundant yet this is the thing when i actually have looked at the best weapons an adventure would you know would want to take with them and other things like that you can check out the videos there i find interesting like this is one of my favorite loadouts here if i was an adventurer these are my options definitely a longbow like ranged weapon is almost like a necessity and longbow is faster you know reload than a crossbow and the damage is vicious and powerful and then i went with a really big two-handed sword just right there and of course something like a dagger as well then you got your arrows here and you will notice that uh the bow my my longbow is hanging on a nail catch attachments to my back scavenge and so i could easily draw my bow out really quickly shoot it the nail catch is an attachment that uh i came up with that is really functionally effective i got a whole video on it that uh enables you because one of the problems is like how would an adventurer carry a bow with them it's that easy and it works really really well and can work in conjunction with my back scabbard and so i can draw either one out at a moment's notice and so an adventurer uh i actually feel this is would be really functionally uh practical and uh it works in real life and so this is kind of the loadout that i've been experimenting to see what would my loadout be as an adventurer and oddly enough when i pick my favorite loadout it's like huh it's got a bit of familiarity or similarity with certain classical ranger loadouts like i'm not wearing the heaviest armor because i want to be out of travel in it and i'm not you know shields would be too cumbersome because this is the thing about adventuring most of it would be traveling that's the kind of thing that a lot of people miss about adventuring and so if you were to take that into account the lengths of trouble like lord of the rings okay most of the things that the heroes do in lord of the rings is traveling and the fighting is few and far between and so if you're going to kill yourself because you've got too much stuff to carry or your travel takes far too long to the point where the forces of mordor invade all the lands and you couldn't get to mount doom soon enough because you're lucky around too much inconvenient crab well the loadout and the type of stuff you take with you is very important i've done a video on backpacks as well and uh the kind there's a lot of interesting takeaways with that video i would want to avoid a backpack and so pouches look at all them and so yeah it's very close to the ranger type loadout and so the classic ranger actually fits the tasks you would do as an adventurer the traveling side far more practically than any other class but the thing is that doesn't really come into game play too much because when we play d d or role playing games whatever we like to skip over the traveling and get to the exciting action and then everyone wants to go at night or a fighter or a wizard or a rogue and stuff in my own experience in d d the ranger is probably the least used character class that i've ever seen played in my own groups i'm sure there are exceptions i know there are guys watching you say but this is my favorite class i always go the ranger this is my anecdotal experience all right so perhaps i'm wrong perhaps there are groups that just love the ranger to death but this video is going to not only explain the historical basis because there's actually more foundation historical foundation and practicality for the ranger role in history than a lot of other classic fantasy roles and then once we talk about the precedent forum i want to explore what really would be the best weapons for a range now you think you might know it and take away yes of course the bow is like totally up there but in terms of their melee weapon i have come to a conclusion that i don't think you're gonna i didn't expect this and it's awesome and so i really i'm excited to share with you what the best melee weapon would be for a ranger but first historical precedent the ranger as a role or a job technically still exists we have park rangers all right but we also have army rangers as well and this is an interesting kind of dichotomy where the role of the ranger is very much wilderness associated you know looking after a forest or anything but it's also combat associated that's really interesting so where do we get the two well the original one of the original historical origins of the ranger comes from the medieval period instituted by william the conqueror originally called under forresters they were instituted by william the conqueror to protect the virt and venison i don't know what vert means but venison is specifically deer now i know in many instances it was illegal for certain groups of people to hunt deer you have to understand that this wasn't a universal thing that always exists in every part of the medieval period and every time of the medieval period but there were specifically royal forests where the king and also lord so if the lord had his own domain they wanted the deer the venison for themselves and they didn't want them to be hunted to the point where they weren't in the forest anymore and so they said no it's left to us okay of course the king had the widest range of you know land to be able to seclude that privilege to himself and so there were royal forests except how would you police that how could you actually placed a forest this is where the under foresters came in or the original classic ranges they had an interesting kind of type of law enforcement role to make sure the king's law was obeyed in the furthest reaches of his forests so there is kind of like a combat role associated but not really it's more like law enforcement but if they ever needed to enforce the law they would need to be have the means to do so and so that's where the kind of combat part comes in and then there is that kind of stewardship association with their role as well because they had certain you know obligations to make sure the forest was in the right order for the king as well and so you actually see a bit of the original thing is a bit of a combination between the forestry ranger and the army ranger almost into one the concept of a fully dedicated military ranger type role well actually came around in different parts in history one example is actually during early american colonization history where certain parts of the frontier needed to be patrolled between the different forts and stuff like that when america first started to be settled and so they created a ranger core and the kind of role the ranger was to be a full military soldier yet their unique role was actually traveling through wilderness and patrolling the wilderness specifically and so what's interesting about the ranger is that we see combinations of law enforcement military capacity combat capacity but one of the key defining features for the historical ranger role is the ability to travel through wilderness forest okay not just you know hills like this but actual thick forest and not only that not only travel the capacity to survive without too much difficulties they needed to be able to hunt and live off the land as they traveled and to be fully self-sufficient and so we have elements of survival we have elements of being able to traverse and travel independently on your own not relying on horses or other things like that maybe sometimes you take a horse with you and also elements of combat and law enforcement's all associated with the historical ranger adapting this to fantasy can be kind of interesting because there are obviously people in the past who had all the skills that say a ranger would have but they wouldn't call themselves rangers historically ranger was actually a role or a station someone designated you as based on your occupation and so you would be an under forester or ranger which it came to be known for in the medieval time when you actually were given the role or occupation to do so same if you're a military ranger that was it yet in fantasy anyone can just be a ranger so perhaps with fantasy you could employ that and in some examples of fantasy properties they've done that an example is a song of ice and fire series game of thrones where you have the knights watch there is a ranger core in the night's watch and this is one of the most apt kind of translations of the concept of arrangement or fantasy property that's done really really well to the concept and idea of what a ranger is the rangers travel beyond the wall into the wilderness that's their job and it is a wilderness and so a core defining feature of these soldiers is being able to survive some of the most hellish conditions you can imagine and so they are considered the rangers and so that works really well but there is another classic ranger in one of the most iconic fantasy series ever lord of the rings aragon himself they are called the dunadine rangers and so one of the other ways you could adopt this ranger concept into fantasy is that there is a task that needs to be done that everyone kind of is aware of and sometimes it could be supported by the crown or anything like that but say there's a monster that is in the wilderness and everyone knows these monsters need to be kept in check and you need to be able to traverse the wilderness to do it and so people who take up that mantle or all themselves and it could be people who you're trained up specifically by masters who want to do it but i'm trying to give you an example of where you have a decentralized idea of a range where you don't need a lord saying i need you to be my ranger not a scout not a soldier but i know you can track i know you can travel you're going to be my ranger where this is someone just saying i want to be a ranger for xyz reasons and fulfilling the same tasks or roles that a ranger would generally do without being given those tasks or roles by a higher authority and it could be protecting an area but but for it to be clearly arranged it needs to be a very difficult wilderness for people to just travel and move through and even live through because that's the key defining thing and it would require some type of martial training and capacity as well which is why this wilderness might have abundance or monsters that you need to be ready to deal with and then so if you cover those two key kind of features you would be filling the role of a ranger and if it's just for the good of the land and you're not doing for a king you could still be called a range and perhaps that's fill me in the comments because uh i'm not too familiar with the uh role or necessity of the dunadine ranges that aragon is a part of and if they're organized by a higher authority if they're just they're there but aragon in terms of his um abilities his ability to travel and his skill sets if he fulfills the roles of a ranger as well and so they can be incorporating the fantasy very seamlessly and in actual fact if you look to the precedence in history definitely like a king who has like a forest or a wilderness that is uh too hard for him to have complete i guess governance over overseeing over like he would need rangers to enforce his law in the you know outskirts of his wilderness and so he like ranger is a role that many lords and kings would need fulfilled and they would be hiring people and so you could be arranged to just you in between jobs like a lordless ranger who knows that he has all the skills and abilities work for it or he trained for it and he is seeking employment and he could become an adventurer on his own but he is a ranger because this is what he's done or this is what he's trained to do and it is focused on surviving traveling and dealing with the dangers of wilderness and forest this is this is the ranger and when you think about that man one of the most iconic and useful roles of an adventure is definitely a ranger for what they can do and so it's pretty cool but now that we have a pretty good understanding of what a ranger really is all right what would be the best weapons for them to use to fill their duties not only that just the tasks that they need to be trained and equipped to do so i already gave that absolutely right the bow got caught on them is definitely best pick all right it makes so much sense that the ranger would use a bow though there is a uh a bit of an elephant right in regards to uh the boat okay and it's its size and inconvenience if a ranger needs to travel through wilderness a really like something that's really really big actually is a more of a detrimental issue than not but i think you'd be willing to accept some of the inconvenience of a really large bow for its usefulness okay because if you need to hunt food to survive bo is the best way i mean trapping in other ways of course is to get by but definitely a bow and arrows is one of the best ways and best survival tools for getting food as you travel through the wilderness and so it makes complete sense that one of the classic and most iconic weapons of a ranger is a bow now that doesn't necessarily mean it has to be a war bow this is usually it depends on what they're finding if a ranger only is using a bow for hunting a warboy might not really fit if you're in a if you're in a fantasy setting i think it'll always be needs to be warbo category because of the monsters that you would run come across but the thing is though just because a ranger would be using his bow you know as his main survival tool doesn't necessarily mean there would always be better arches than any other role or class in this world setting okay military archers it's a bit of a complex kind of discussion there because there is a debate on as to how accurate military warbo arches needs to be when you're shooting with hundreds or even thousands of other archers at an oncoming enemy force i reckon they definitely need a certain level of accuracy to just hone in on the target you want especially if you need to aim for open parts of the armor or better you know if you're just aiming for the horse much larger target but definitely you're not going to be shooting blind having said that though the ranger's use of a bow would usually be more target oriented than say large-scale warfare archery and so perhaps it does make sense that rangers would be naturally better archers than a lot of other character classes and roles they could be considered the best archers in your entire world makes sense especially they train so much with it now as to the type of bow i think it would actually be more convenient even for like a woodland ranger to have as much as it hurts to a smaller bow not in not in power you can actually get pretty compact bows made out of multiple materials combination of horn and other things like that that are pretty compact and smaller but still pack a massive punch okay and so the classic medieval longbow isn't the only high poundage bow in human history but in terms of medieval inspired settings the warbo is the classic european medieval bow the longbow sorry and uh and so it depends on how you want to balance it with your fantasy you can just say this fantasy setting they have more complicated made bows that are more compact made out of multiple materials layered and things in different designs and ranges would then if they're available i think they would almost favor those type of bows because they are more convenient but as i have been out of show you know even in this is that you can definitely let me just get that in um carry even a long bow in a much more convenient way just on hand grab it out when you need it so you can definitely make a longbow work just to say that they're too inconvenient there'll be a level of inconvenience but you can definitely manage it but then we come to melee weapons okay because sometimes they close the distance and a bow is not an effectively weapon at all so a ranger definitely needs a melee weapon to use now i really think like just looking at this practically and logically whatever melee weapon they use they're going to want it to be practical and functional in as many uses as possible now when you're traveling through the wilderness there is some clear uses of certain bladed implements if you're going to be you know in the wilderness you need a lighter fire you need to get wood okay so dealing with wood but also what if you're traveling through really thick wilderness let me show you an example so one of the uh very common things that you're gonna have to deal with as a ranger traveling through and this would even be as adventurous but if the adventuring party has a ranger in their group this would kind of be their role and it's dealing with really really thick bush you know bracken or whatever and look at this this is what i have in one of the corners here in the shadowlands and this is you know an example of some of the type of really really thick wilderness that you might run into and you need to deal with so i'm going to walk up and come and have a close look at how thick this is it's basically a wall of just bushes and crap and so you're traveling it's like oh ah okay ah so the dungeon and or dragon's lair is through this now you could try and push through it and you're only going to get so far let's see how far we can get into this without getting too stuck ah ah where's that goblin guy already i'm getting stuck on all this crap okay ah it's cording on so all right hang on hang on crap take the bow off let's see if i can make better progress with the ball okay so look at this through here right this would be an absolute what an audience to try and get through okay so you could try and push through with difficulty and it depends on how much time you have alright but if you know you need to travel along this path decent amount you're going to want to clear the way all right and this is where the tool weapon you have is going to be really important and especially if you have like a pack animal or horse okay and much taller and crouching down to get underneath all this crap so if you have a pack animal or a horse even if it's only a one way that you intend to go you're really gonna need a clearer path it's almost a necessity now so what would be good at getting through this now rangers have a couple of iconic melee weapons aragon for instance uses the long sword and perhaps if you had a long sword on your side it wouldn't get in the way when you're getting through it but i mean i had to be holding my bow to get through that because i was just sticking up too high but for clearing material like this this is the reality right a sword depending on its type is not a good pick okay so if i grab my really big you know it's like a really long long sword or as a smallest kind of great sword um i call it a war sword this this size this one's my blunt one so i can't show you how ineffective this one is but there's actually a really big problem when it comes to big swords like this when you're trying to chop resistant material wood being a big one and it's the the inefficient transferal of force this was surprising and it's not intuitive you think big sword a lot more weight chop through a lot easier that can be detrimental for a cutting capacity when you get to swords of long sword size and greater and not many people actually kind of realize this it's not to say that these weapons are inefficient in combat against a person the extra reach and range really really useful and when you're hitting you know areas that you know are a bit more squishy it's fine but when you hit a really resistant material this isn't resistant let's pretend it was say this is like a really thick branch or something and i hit it okay when you hit something the top of the sword still has a large amount of momentum and i actually have another you know version of this sword where i did some destruction testing just trying to chop it into a log i could not chop the sharp version of this sword into the log and i tried multiple times and i was honestly shocked by it where i had a much smaller sword like thing a machete chopped got in it not a problem at all and i found that amazing and what that actually meant is that the machetes had a far more efficient transferable force into the target than compared to the sword and in actual fact the transfer force became so inefficient when i hit down on this log right that not only did it not get stuck in it actually bent the blade it bent because when i hit down there was so much momentum in the top part of the blade that when it this part hit the log but this part bent down slightly actually bent that way because there was so much high momentum now if all that weight of the sword was concentrated on the part that actually hit the log it would have sunk in not a problem but the problem is the weight wasn't concentrated in that spot it was much further up which put the points of inertia different so when it hit this part of the blade wanted to keep moving but it wasn't being braced by anything and it bent the blade and damaged it swords like this are not made to cut wood which makes them uniquely inefficient at getting through brush like this because you might think oh something like that easy but there are parts in this bushland especially down low around here where the wood is a lot thicker and this is not an efficient or good tool to cut through this brush so then you might be thinking well the best weapon that can also function as a tool to get through wilderness would be an axe i disagree actually the axe is great for splitting wood and chopping down trees you're not going to be chopping down trees to clear brush okay and there is a problem like an axe absolutely would be out to chop through any number of these branches just to give you an example example here not a problem okay so we can definitely cut through that so an axe can definitely do the job but there are some drawbacks one it's very top-heavy so every repeated swing is going to take a lot of energy that's really great when you want to fell a tree because you need a heap of energy but not necessarily for cutting through brush and i guess and stuff you know so there's that i just pull you back up takes an effort then there is the cutting ratio if you accidentally miss a cut and you hit on the shaft you've wasted your swing and you just need to do it all over again and so there is a tool that is also a weapon that does everything that you need to do and that is [Music] the machete and i'm not kidding okay with the right type of one it is actually like machetes are orders of magnitude better at cutting through brush than anything else and the cutting ratio anything along there is going to do the job now the axe was uniquely inconvenient just cutting a branch before cutting this thing here compare it to this first let me finish that one off but if i wanted to get through this okay now make sure everything is out of the way so if i want to get through this all right i'm going to cut and so first of all come close see how deep that one cut got on the tree depending on how good your swing is um and i've been clearing brush on my property with this very machete i can get through stuff this thick in two swings that was one if i get a really good swing next i'll get through it but i doubt i will because when you're doing it on camera you always miss but so that was four but it's only because it took until the fourth swing hit me to hit in the right spot part but this and i've been using it is incredibly efficient at clearing brush so a couple of days ago i was here in the shadowlands needing to clear some brush why did i need to clear some brush i needed access to the border of the property specifically the fence line yet all this junk all of that is in the way so that uh put my good old machete to work see how far it'll sink in on a cup like this ready holy crap did you see that it's almost all the way through that's insane that is easily halfway through that branch and seriously it can sink so deep in because of look at how thin this blade is oh deficious so i'm gonna try and get a wedge now chop off that wedge look at that look at that holy that's two cuts three cuts to get through a branch that freaking thick that is one cut like that's one cut so this is the path that i cleared with this machete here so a machete is in my opinion by far the most useful tool for what a ranger would need to do if it's traversing thick wilderness especially he has to clear any type of brush out of his way trailblazer plath for perhaps a pack horse or just himself so absolutely but the thing is though is the machete a medieval weapon there is another medieval weapon that is often compared to a machete because of its similarities and there's a bit of a discussion to be had as to the comparison between this weapon and a machete are they the same are they different and the weapon i'm referring to is the falchion now the machete i'm holding right here is actually surprise the blade shape is surprisingly similar to that of many classic style fashion shapes figures though falchion is actually a collection of different blade shapes and one of the identifying things single edged usually curved not always but the blade edge curves and the hook construction specifically is that of a sword so if i was to replace this blade with a standard cruciform hilt construction could you call it a falchion well it depends very much on the actual geometry of the blade because there are a lot of machetes in the world that are not made to be used as combat weapons they're thicker their balance is off and it'll be an incorrect comparison to consider that a proper falchion yet what's interesting about this machete right here is that looking at the blade geometry of itself it's actually very similar to that of a falchion with a couple of differences but i think it would definitely be close enough here is a cutlass but the interesting thing about this cutlass is it has very much a sword blade on it and if i was to replace the hilt with a you know cruciform hilt this would be a falcon by definition and just for the difference between falchion and messer if the hill construction was that of a knife with a full tang even with the exact same blade geometry this would be a messer by definition a lot of falchion and messer blades are identical the difference being the hilt construction now looking at this blade right here it's actually very similar in terms of its cross section to this machete the blade thickness looking at the thickness right here is one to one and a half mil thick it's the same with this now this one has a fairly pronounced primary bevel going along the edge it's actually quite the same here there's a bit more tapering on this one going down from there to there but only slightly the main bevel okay kicks in around here but it just curves in gradually so you can't see it so distinctly as compared to this that's one of the big differences between machetes and actual sword blades and falcions is the actual tapering of the blade if it has a distal taper going from the base down to here and the amount of tapering that goes from the spine to the edge okay and tapering is how it angles down and in and there is a certain amount of tapering coming in here but most of it happens right at the edge still not every sword blade has distal taper this one has only the slightest amount this one doesn't machetes aren't really concerned with that level of specific sword geometry but not every sword was either okay and so if i was to put a cruciform hilt on this blade i think very rightly would be considered a falcion for that reason all right and now i'm not talking about every single machete could just change the hilt and then it would be a sword by definition kind of but the blade wouldn't be optimized for instance this one here even though it's now damaged it's much thicker than either of these blades one of the key defining features of a falchion blade certain types is how remarkably thin the blade is which is why this machete i think can so well qualify for a fashion because it actually conforms to so many parameters and design features of a falchion blade and that's his thinness but that is also why this machete cuts so dang well the blade is so thin it's only look like one and a half mils thick where this one on average is at least two mil to three mil at different points and i've tested this one and cuts like garbage but when compared to this one this one it's cutting capacity is brilliant and i've put it well to the test all the way down there and so this means in my mind the easily the most effective and efficient melee weapon for a ranger specifically is a falchion or messer which is of course made as a sword but has the design features of the blade that are efficient effective optimized enough to be able to chop through brush i mean have a look at all the damage that i did through this woodland here all with this one um if i remember this one it'll took like one and two cuts to get through really really efficient and so it means you have a very effective sword falchions and messer blades are deadly specifically cutting through cloth armor falcion specifically because of how thin and then you have a phenomenal practical tool that helps you deal with so many issues that a ranger specifically would deal with more often actual fact adventure is in general but ranger is more optimized for the type of terrain that adventurers would have to face quite regularly unless of course they're you know the soft adventures that just travel on roads weak it was well known historically how devastatingly effective falchions and messes were at cutting and their design was very much optimized for it remember how i said you know classically falchion blades actually very very thin like look at how thin this blade is right and some are so some that like actual ones that survive from the period right are so thin that there are holes that have rusted through on the flat of it because they've been that thin that's how like crazy thin some of these blades are and we are talking like sometimes a millimeter thin and because they're so thin right there there is less material that needs to be pushed apart when they cut which is one reason why they cut so efficiently but there's another profoundly effective design feature on falchion blades which this effectively is okay and it's the optimization and position of the weight look where there's a weight concentration on this remember the weakness i had with this two-handed sword chopping through wood that there's too much weight away from the area that struck to the point where it bent this is almost the reverse where it concentrates weight on the striking area so more force is delivered right into the target with less damage being done to the blade itself and when i tried to chuck this blade into the same bit of what i was trying to chop my two-handed sword into this sunk into it and got stuck in it not a problem because it's thinner and the weight of the optimization was better and this is the hot take this is an insanely good cutter as a result so much so it's better at cutting than many other famous cutting like swords i would put money that this blade right here can cut through wood and brush and you might think this is obvious but would cut through a wooden brush like this more efficiently and easier than a katana would and the katana is famed for its cutting capacity okay now it's a great cutter for a sword yet it is not nearly as optimized as something like this look at the shape okay this is optimized concentrating the weight exactly where you need it as shown in european history okay it's a devastating cutter and was used by knights it wasn't actually wholly a peasant weapon it actually seems more favored by higher more wealthy people because a lot of the surviving fashions we have have really fancy hilts okay and uh quite expensive must have been because of how they made and the adornments on them and so absolutely knights and higher-ups used falchions all right and for all these reasons this is such a great amazing weapon so imagine this is a falcon now with an actual you know cruciform blade this is such an amazing weapon for a ranger which comes into an another interesting element it's better for it to be one-handed than two-handed to optimize because if this gets too long you're gonna run into the same problem that uh my you know uh war sword happened into where too much weight is away from the striking end if you really want to get devastating cuts that concentrate on it too long can actually be detrimental depending on design there's caveats there but one-handed works better and more versatility and easy to get through brush because not getting caught on things like that sword has been caught on a decent amount so one-handed sword now the thing is though if you actually for the tool normal uses one-handed all right yeah you're only using one at a time yet when you get into combat and you and you know they got they got in close you can't use your longbow and you have a one-handed weapon you have a free hand what do you use could you use a um a type of falcon or messer that has long enough handle do there's two heads yeah you could there's that or what about a shield a shield's too cumbersome maybe a buckler you could get away with just carrying a buckler and you know buckler and falchion or messer or two fashion messes this is where actually dual wielding might be a more appropriate and functional pick than other weapons which is usually dual wielding is seen as a novelty that isn't done a lot historically that was the case and it's not really for the battlefield because it's in the battlefield if you've got a free weapon you're going to be using a shield or you have enough armor to warrant two-handed weapons but for a ranger a two-handed weapon is more detrimental to the function of just getting through the bushland and so one had a weapon as well and then two weapons and this is the crazy thing i never thought i'd come to this conclusion one of the classic iconic styles that are associated with the ranger in dungeons and dragons is dual wielding i can't believe that we've naturally come to that same conclusion just through a logical analysis of the core base functionality of what the most appropriate weapons as tools as well would be for a ranger but as to the like it's dual wielding which is crazy the same but the type of weapon the type of sword specifically would be one that you could use essentially as a machete to get through bush as well which would be a fashionable message you're wielding falcons or messes would be one of the best picks for the fantasy ranger the most functional and this is talking about melee of course the bow is the king king of all okay the bow is the main weapon for the ranger but then when it comes to me like i'm dual wielding and you're not everyone needs to do with you got the buckler thing but i think dual wielding fashion and messes it works like surprisingly well and d got it right i'm not sure they got it they picked that for the functional reasons of being able to discover in this video i think it's like rangers need an iconic thing to do wielding yeah let's do it now we've actually come to it justifiably and logically i can't believe it here we go so ranges much more appropriate much more functional just for the fantasy setting than i gave it credit to in the past and the best weapons and equipment forum there we go thank you very much for watching i do hope you have enjoyed and of course i hope to see you here on the next video on shadowversity so until that time farewell [Music] you
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 449,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: s2GuPK3Lyo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 19sec (2479 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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