How would MAGIC be used in large scale WARFARE?

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[Music] greetings i'm chad and i want to discuss the concept the idea of using magic in large-scale warfare because it's a bit different when you consider battles on the large scale compared to the adventuring party and when you really think about it there are some really cool opportunities to employ magic in unique creative ways and also using ways that perhaps people haven't necessarily thought of it changes the game completely because it would also change warfare in really significant ways now this is such an expansive topic and a broad topic that i'll never be able to cover every single part of it all right magic can do anything that the writer wants to say it can do all right but if you have a strict or not even strict but a defined set of rules even rules that still allow magic doing really incredible on a vast number of things really anything um you can still understand and then explore within that framework to get a good idea of how to the extent that magic would be used in such you know types of applications now when considering a type of magic we will be coming to the kind of idea between soft magic and hard magic because once you know what the magic can do that's when we can really explore how you would employ it in warfare and considering the hard magic and soft magic i would suggest my video on hard magic and soft magic systems because i think the definition can sometimes be a little bit misunderstood i feel soft magic is magic that generally can do anything but not necessarily the characters who use it for instance in harry potter the magic can really do anything but it's only restricted by what the characters know or are capable of performing with and they have to learn new spells and same with wheel of time and things i mentioned this in the video but going further detail and then hard magic systems and magic systems that are restricted in what they can do far more i feel both have rules and you establish what the rules are by showing what it can do when you show the magic does something you're saying the magic can do x and so once you have that framework you can then try and discuss how would it really be employed one of the first things that i think you'd need to consider is how prevalent the magic is if everyone can do it or if a large number of people or if it's only one special individual kind of like gandalf and lord of the rings yeah i know again that's not the only one but effectively for the group that you know are adventuring yourself gandalf's the only magic user if you're creating a story any story really this is for role-playing applications or just if you're a writer world builder of any type you need to be very mindful of really all the possible applications that your players or individuals characters would do when you introduce even just one spell not just the whole magic system because i've seen cases where one spell you know effectively is doing one thing but then there are so many drastic applications for that one spell that would be really really useful and one of the examples i want to give is like the magical opening door that lets you travel to another location that has significant crazy applications in a combative sense and especially on a large-scale battlefield so instead of being able to explore every possible thing in magic i could do in battlefield i'm going to be giving certain examples that hopefully will illustrate the the concept of thinking outside the box what else would you be able to do the magic in terms of warfare and uh and talk about ways i feel is helpful in approaching it so one of the best examples that i can give of like using the magical door opening um effectively in in new ways but also especially how it would be used in large-scale warfare are some examples that i'll be referencing from the book series the wheel of time so my favorite book series i have the whole series right amazon's actually making a tv series that will be released very soon i'm hesitant but hopeful uh hopefully it'll be good but i really recommend you checking out the book series because these uses of magic and in warfare happen in the later books i'm going to be avoiding spoilers as much as i can just describing how the magic is used not who's using it when it is and things but really i really recommend checking out the entire wheel of time series for its use of magic in creative ways and in warfare and there is a way that you can actually dive right into it starting out for free because luckily enough this video is sponsored by audible and all you need to do is go to forward slash shadowversity or if you're in the us you text your diversity to 500 500 you sign up for the first 30 days and get your first audio book for free grab wheel of time they're big chunky books and there's a lot of them but they're so good there's some like i really think in terms of quality of story character development everything fantasy literature has the best okay the books are better and one of the easiest ways to absorb them is listening to them on audiobook you can do either driving while you're cooking while you're doing any number of things and i end up enjoying them so much that i just end up listening to them on the couch it's one of the great entertainment meetings of the modern day if you haven't tried it already i really recommend you do not only do you get that access to the audiobook your monthly subscription gives you a credit to get any audiobook you want and that credit is a lot cheaper than the retail cost of these audiobooks i'm not kidding so you can get the entire wheel of time series at a fraction of the price and then on top of that your subscription and you get access to this in the first 30 days for free you get access to the audible plus catalog which enables you to enjoy full audio books not using your monthly credit you get this with your subscription and the first month is free so you can join a special curated selection of audiobooks not just audiobooks self-help books sleep tracks podcasts just go to forward slash diversity or if you're in the us you text university of 500 500 you'll open up a whole new world of entertainment and story like such great story and characters that other entertainment meetings especially tv and film they honestly rarely even come close to how great they are and real time is one of the best you could also check out my audiobook chronicles of everfull shadow of the conqueror unique uses of magic as well it's such good value you're missing out if you're not enjoying audio books and even better right now for a limited time audible is doing a special holiday deal where you can save 60 off your first three months of audible that is only 5.95 a month and you get access to some of the greatest stories ever told in one of the most enjoyable methods having these stories read to you with a great engaging narrator so it's really great that audible is sponsoring this video thank you to them and so now i want to discuss some of these specific ways that wheel of time uses cool magic in warfare so wheel of time has the portal opening magic that kind of spell is used in a lot of things in fact we even see it in like the mcu the uh sorcerers you know doctor strange using the whole portal opening thing and in the mcu they are using it poorly in my opinion because that type of magic can do drastic incredible things and actually show it do something the same that's in the mcu in a little time yet wheel of time they've la they latch onto it and you start to use it in creative ways and what it is is when the portal closes it can chop off people's limbs or anything caught in the way we see this happen uh in infinity war one of those portals closed chop off a limb well there's a point in infinity war where they needed to get something off someone's hand and they was really struggling to disarm the thing from the person's hand when dr strange had access to those portals which we saw could cut off think people could have been useful just saying well in wheel of time it shows like all throughout that if you are caught in the way of this door opening it will slice you in two cleaner than a razor like this cleanest cut ever right and of course if you caught in the doors it closes as well well they not only realize that this happens then they start to use it against people and in warfare to the point where there's this adaptation of the spell where they have this opening and shutting magical portal door that happens really really fast and can move through swaths of the enemy slicing them to bits like yeah it's a really useful spell and you could use it drastically in battle you could also just open up portals underneath people drop them through and they're going to be falling from any height all right that is such an unbelievably potent like large scale spell because people usually think portals they're not like battle combative they're not firing fireballs at people or shooting lightning but in actual fact they have the capacity to like affect large-scale armies far greater than a single lightning bolt ever could like imagine if you could funnel your enemy down through a position they either charging or turning around a corner and they can't see or something like that and you open up a portal underneath them which then teleports them several hundred meters in the sky and they just fall to their death and you can take out a massive amount of army right there also depending on the size because can you change you know the the the volume of what you can put push through these portals so usually they're restricted by size but the larger you can make it the more it can affect an army a really interesting way that they use them in wheel of time is they open up a portal above an enemy's position and then they use it to look at what the enemy is doing in real time it's like a video feed to see the enemy's position that is unbelievably useful like the entire battles have shifted in their ability to win lose right based on information where is the enemy at x time you can defeat an enemy by flanking them at the right time catching them unawares do you have you know soldiers hidden in a certain area okay like amongst trees and stuff in the battle of agincourt a lot of the archers were actually hidden amongst the trees on the sides of the field and are able to shoot into the french cavalry okay so positioning is great and the french knew that oh there are more arches off to the side and they could determine that with a view down position wow massively so especially seeing you know a position of the anemone or opponent behind ridge lines and things so just information using those portals of information it was brilliant and so i really love that there's this thinking outside the box that happens with the all of time and this is just one example one spell but there are so many other ones one of the common types of magic that we see employed in large scale warfare is necromancy because raising up lots and lots of you know undead and it's usually done by evil people it's like there's an unspoken geneva convention or something like that saying you're not allowed to use necromancy but if you're evil you don't care and you just do it anyway but i wonder if people could kind of give their consent especially in a battlefield scenario it's like look i consent for you to use my body upon my death raise me up as a zombie or something to fight the enemy and it would very much depend on how the rules would operate in world okay would your soul still be okay if your body is raised is it is it the body just a husk and your soul is fine in the afterlife and it's just possessed by some dark force but does it have to be a dark force i don't know you know could you get good forces could there be good uses of necromancy but what this more largely brings up is kind of the overall world consensus of what is appropriate in warfare and what isn't because we see in the modern day there are some things that are considered inappropriate and of course geneva convention is an example and if magic is so prevalent can do such drastically horrible things not just in necromancy there might be things considered too far and there be large rules over what can really be used now of course in a fantasy setting maybe it'd be harder to enforce and when you have dealing with gross evil they don't care about rules a bit different but there are interesting complexities and dynamics you could add into a story that could cover some things like that like fireballs okay but napalm or magic that effect that makes something effectively like napalm it's a little too much but many people have used napalm-like equivalents in even modern-day warfare but something that has been largely frowned upon is chemical warfare okay and that's the type of thing that magic like in d d you have essentially chemical warfare that can create poisonous clouds of uh some noxious fumes and things that's a horrifyingly dangerous and even potentially effective spell that could be applied in our warfare scenario so much so that it could be banned or attempted to be banned by the good guys or people that are trying to do a more civilized if you call that type of warfare but magical based chemical warfare would be horrifying truly horrifying and because with d d like magic and you know dungeon dragons or in the settings that use dnd magic and stuff there's a lot of large-scale warfare but how many people are using the applications of those spells like just death cloud right you also have to be careful about magic being too overpowered and so i'd say giving magic certain limitations or even weaknesses could be very very important i have a video exploring that and it's framed around the discussion of how could a knight be effective in a world with magic but it's a large discussion of non-magic users versus magic users and the possible limitations or strengths weaknesses that you could employ in a setting to make it a bit more balanced because if magic is very common prominent and effective well one of the large differences is entire army is made up of magic users they could have backup melee like weapons but magic is extremely even if like yeah the magic was as simple as throwing fireballs or some type of magical energy projectile that's incredible it's effectively a gun and depending on how prominent effective it is well the gun developed to the point of being so effective that other types of warfare and melee types of combat uh was phased out completely not saying it happened right away but it eventually did and magic can give certain armies or even individuals offensive capacity that is very comparable to modern day technology and if you're operating in the realm of this is almost pushed to modern day warfare equivalent well the average knight in his sword probably isn't going to be very prominent in that setting either you would have entire troops armed with like their fireball spell and perhaps a big shield or something to try and project protect from the other magical projectiles because this is the other thing fireball is a typosphere that usually explodes so that's like a bazooka right we're talking about a lot very modern warfare equivalent types of warfare and combat here and how would it be employed have a look how they're employed in modern warfare except the difference is you could arm every single person in your army if it's a common enough spell to have a bazooka shooting out of one hand and if that's the case shields and armor isn't going to do spit so as a result you probably would see vastly less armor if i if it doesn't protect people and then it just weighs them down barely anyone would be wearing armor or shields and if that's the case like if you're dealing with people that are shooting explosive projectiles the classic kind of troop formation way that warfare was conducted would be done away with as well all right as soon as we get uh well not as soon but when gunfire artillery and things come in warfare change from troop units moving you know in these specific formations to like trench warfare and things because bullet fire is just so darn dangerous as well as um being shelled and such but that's what you can effectively achieve with magic fireballs and things and so people on the battlefield will not be running in unit formations they'd be spread out apart and there would be mad rushes to try and get to them or shoot back at them with your own firewalls and stuff and so the regular unit formations i would not see them existing in a world with very offensive magical capacity you'd almost see things like trench warfare and modern day tactics of cover moving flanking rushing positions and stuff and we're going to be talking about if most of your soldiers could be armed with a fireball equivalent spell which is like a bazooka let alone crazy things like portals that can open and slice people in half make them drop full from crazy heights magical based chemical warfare like that type i if you had a prevalent magical chemical warfare you wouldn't be seeing a lot of people on the battlefield for how dangerous because now we come into another side of it is types of magical protection because that like in the medieval period we see almost an arms race between offensive and defensive technology okay um projectiles bolts arrows becoming more powerful let's get the armor even stronger okay the armor got stronger things got stronger here and back and forth would that would happen in a magical setting drastically so oh oh chemical death cloud magic well now we have like a bubble of breathing around a person's mouth or their body and things to protect him which could almost nullify that completely which could phase out and make that type of offensive magic not used but still around and so it's in in their backup if they see an opening where they're not protecting or giving themselves a breathing bubble then it would be there ready to be used because these are the ways that it's really fun to develop your magic system establish rules counters but don't forget something if it contradicts or overcomes or fixes something because if you take away that condition it's still useful it's still there and so you need to remember what the magic is doing and how you're extrapolating these ideas further now you could just say in your magic system that the defensive capacity isn't as prominent as its offensive powers and so make the rules tell what you can do but if you have magical shields that can block against fireballs and death clouds and other things like that well guess what you actually might be bringing the good old sword and knight back into the mainstream you might even return to the troop move and stuff if you could protect them adequately to the point where very little magic is capable of penetrating these these protective barriers and you have to walk through them or have a weapon that actually can pass through and hit them completely but does it block weapons as well because if you have really strong shields well then you need to change how you could defeat them completely the portals might still work if you can open up something underneath them and they fall through like i can't really see how a magical barrier could protect them because the magical barrier is usually locked to you and you move with it and so that wouldn't really stop you from falling through a hole and it wouldn't really stop you from falling through a portal either would it stop portals opening up within the shield maybe it could do that but opening up a portal outside that you fall through all right how do you defend against it you also what about earthquake magics all right uh what if you could get the earth to just jolt up really suddenly in this like big earthquake-like attack but only briefly but if it jumps up by a meter or two and you can launch people like a springboard 10 20 meters in the air you could effectively kill the entire army if you could get that earthquake effect to happen just briefly but over a large enough area and if their troops are like that they're dead but again magical counters what about there's a classic spell in d d feather fall we cast and you fall softly right so this is the fun thing to consider if there's any offensive use of magic there might be a defensive use that could fix it or be employed so that's what you need to consider for your own magic system what is available what's the attack what's the offensive use and what's a possible defensive use if at all and does it outweigh one another because if you have magic that is more offensive with very little defensives that's when you need to consider all right how is this going to affect combat large-scale warfare in and we've explored some interesting ways here just to give an example because we can't cover everything but then you can have it the opposite way where the defensive magic is even higher and that could bring it back into more traditional warfare that's blocking it but remember you would only have the defensive magics per se if you had the offensive ones around as well and so if you had such more powerful defensive magic then block you know the chemical attacks the firewalls lighting bolts maybe even protect them against other things like earthquakes and and portal openings and things that would then usually evolve to melee type weapons but then if there's a way to make the magical shield fail it's like oh there's an opening now we can lob the fireballs and that could be one of the challenges the conflicts in the story to circumvent or deactivate the magical shield that is so effective because what is causing it is there a special magical gem focusing the energy protecting it or are these individual spells that individual soldiers are making to create a protective shield that protects them is there an anti-magic type of thing go look at the video where i talk about knights versus because we talk about lots of ways in which magic could have weaknesses to be circumvented that you could then employ in a large scale and it creates conflict it means all right to do this we need to achieve x okay like we need to either get them into a anti-magic field in just something that nullifies their magic or touch time or any number of things and these are great conflicts that the characters need to work through to achieve something and when you have like defined rules that um the characters need to work within it means the results are very satisfying because the reader receives it as being justified yes it works and then if they can do it in creative ways that the reader wasn't expecting but when they see it it makes sense in the rules it can be incredibly satisfying as a result you know one of the types of magic that i feel is wholly underutilized and has such unbelievable devastating uses especially in warfare it's illusion magic now illusion magic especially like in dungeons dragons and other things can be unbelievable uh if you want an example of a fantasy that actually employs types of illusion magic it's in the stormlight archives there's a character called shalon who can actually make magical illusions and it's really interesting what she does even in large-scale warfare to employ that magic so there's great examples and again if you're wanting to dive into some of these great books you can get it through the audible sponsorship really suggested now illusion imagine what you can do right you're going to make an entire loser like depending on the scales you can do even moderate scale like a unit of troops 12 50 100 i depends on the scale but if you can make an illusion of entire troop of you know of your army initial one you could get your your enemy to move away think the numbers you could manipulate in so many advantageous ways get them to even retreat perhaps sometimes what it feels like a low scale illusion and this is one of the crazy ones what if you could make an illusion of a bridge over a thing granted it would only work on the first few people because that after they see them falling they might get the idea but if you if they're charging and they're all really you could actually wipe out a fairly sizable number of the enemy by making an illusion of surface over a pit but what if you did it in multiple ways what if you had like a field and you got to prepare it and you made pits everywhere and just illusion over top it's like traps with that covering over top but you don't need to go to the additional trouble what about an illusion that just makes you look bigger and stronger to intimidate the enemy i illusion is such an incredible useful spell that has applications in warfare that i rarely ever get seen and that's why it was so refreshing to see it in stormlight archives used in some really fun cool ways and this comes to another like unbelievably potent application of magic and that's magic that can affect the emotions or even mind of an individual especially if you're able to take it to the large scale all right wars were usually one not necessarily by wiping out the entire enemy but getting them to break and retreat and that just means breaking morale so a fear spell would be insane now what's crazy is the fear spell in d d is one of the lowest level spells granted you know you need to be higher level to be able to overcome the person's will save but if the enemy army is just made up mostly grunts essentially low level a fear spell that can affect a certain area would be unbelievably potent in a warfare application like in a battlefield application that's crazy and especially if you can get it even further like because there are even mind control spells oh yeah i'll just take over mind control that group or enemy over there and this is the type of magic that could be banned you know well it's almost on the necromancy kind of scale but these applications are unbelievably potent and it's just kind of funny when you think about this and consider that some of these spells are very low level spells in d d in actual fact i'm going to get the d d book out 3.5 players handbook classic all right i just want to look through some of the low-level spells and see which ones would if you extrapolate this further have far more devastating application on the large scale now d d is a unique kind of thing because effectively anyone can be a magic user but that's in character creation i think in world only people who have access to magic you know the right stats or whatever that are born with it can really touch the magic but still it seems like so many people can and if it's to the point that anyone can learn magic magic is so much more powerful in certain applications that most of the soldiers would be magic users or a hybrid and although it'll be with greater protective spells something like that you'd bring it back to melee kind of stuff again magic versus you know knights and stuff a zero level sorcerer wizard spell days humanoid creature uh of four hdls loses next action all right imagine if the front line of an army where they're all able to cast days collectively against their opponent and the point where they lose their action that could give the the people who utilize it such an advantage that like losing an action that's essentially a free attack almost uh and uh it could shift the course of an entire battle mage hand all right magen every it's only five pound telekinesis really have you heard of a fleshette okay these are like metal spikes that were actually dropped from planes in world war one right but they're not that heavy yet they can get the velocity to be have great penetrated power and if you could have made 10 just raise them high enough and get enough people just raise a whole heap of flechettes like essentially kind of like weighted bolts to the world to the limit that they're able to use the telekinesis and have the enemy move into position and just drop them like applications right first level source for a spell like shield that would be a very common i think you know everyone just you know grab a shield spell if you can cast it mount summons a riding horse for two hours a level like cavalry extremely potent on the medieval battlefield and now i'm not saying that you could have spells that could counteract but if you're saying that normal like um medieval style combat was still very effective and unemployed and you had like people that could summon cavalry you mean you wouldn't have to like um raise the horse feed them take them with you deal with all the issues that taking cavalry has right and also horses are expensive and you're saying you could field an entire army with a horse when they need it instantly with a spell that just gives everyone a horse for like two hours at a time and you could yeah have your entire army now i'm not saying cavalry can't be defeated there are many cases where they were but there are many instances where cavalry was devastating and you could give everyone a horse it just seems easy that's another one spell oh my goodness true strike plus 20 on the next attack like an instant hit attack the all the frontline soldiers just cast true strike wipe out the front line of the enemy all collectively in this one hit or at least do damage against them okay remember you win battles by getting the enemy to break morale and if they suddenly everyone on the front line gets severely injured or killed instantly that could be devastating and you could have almost like you know rose and uh and the volleys of true strike where everyone cast through strike bang wipe out and then they move back the next one they're finally firing everyone casts true [ __ ] [Laughter] so i i've always thought that was like an op spell like in normal d d adventuring it's not really op but employed on scale over a large volume that's a crazy spell charm person level one all right everyone just cast charm person get the entire front row of the enemy to just be your friend would they join your side but they'd get them to stop attacking oh gosh sleep look i wake up when they're attacked but if you put someone to sleep and then just like kill them instantly the classic in 3.5 was the coup de gras move or you could you know give it attack and i think it's a safe versus um saving through versus death or they die right oh my goodness what do you think it was your laughing i was just like uh charm person and diplomacy could resume silent image this is like a level one spell create a minor you know illusion of your design but if like you had enough people that can cast a spell that's even just a still image no sound but a distance they they're visible you could effectively make your army look twice as large as it is ah yeah i'm this is kind of in the realms of everyone in the army being out of caster spell uh or and so this really comes with the fact of how prominent or common is the magic is he and how many people in the army is the entire army capable of just casting one levels give them one one level in saucer or wizard they can just cast a couple of prissy spells right and that would be insanely effective if you had enough people doing it collectively cause fear enlarged person where you could double the size these are all level one spells oh my goodness webb 20 foot radius spread with sticky webs that makes them unable to move like if you could web an entire army and then just pepper them with arrows from a distance that's level two granted blur attachment attacks missed subject for 20 of the time blur your entire army invisibility oh my goodness eventually you can pay make like not even an army even 50 60 i get up to 100 men just invisible get them to move position the enemy can't see him into a high position where you know the high ground is actually effective in warfare unlike one-on-one combat vastly different one-on-one ob1 i'm looking at you but in warfare having high ground is very advantageous especially for ranged units invisible inside archery unit get them behind an enemy where they're not shields they're hard to protect and just even up to a when you say close range like as close as 50 feet or something it's still far enough away they wouldn't be heard and just offload it's just oh my goodness some of the ways that you can employ even essentially low level magic as look i'm not saying d is a perfect example it's just an example but the type of magic that even dutches and dragons 3.5 the best and i know pathfinder is basically 3.5 enhanced and better all right i get it but even the way that d defines oil of magic the way you could employ it in warfare oh boy even just one like if magic is so rare but you could just use one spell and not access all the other even just some of these spells just one use enough of them being able to use be used collectively could tip the tide the scales in the battle drastically it's unbelievable conjuration spells there's a fun one now this is not just like being able to summon creatures to help battle you what if you could just create big large because where does it be created is there a limitation that it needs to be within your vicinity or could it be at a distance could you conjure create large rocks just hanging in the sky that once they created then they just drop on an enemy all right um so yeah creating things just can you create explosive um chemicals well not but even then like how explosive it depends if you have chemical technology in the setting but conjuring the weapons and equipment what about conjuring food because supply chains are such a problem in warfare but if you can create that and you don't even take it with you that would give an army an incredible advantage just more stuff to consider we've talked about so much magic and we haven't even mentioned something that would be incredible incredibly potent healing healing now it depends if everyone could heal like what would be the limits can you only heal them a certain number of times is there a limit of magical power or volume and so like if you have a larger arm you could only kill everyone once but if you have an army half the size you can heal them twice but i'd still probably give the advantage to the larger army can they heal themselves is it type of regeneration or is it instant all these things need to be considered but if both sides can kind of heal themselves the same level to me that would just extend the length and duration of the battle engagement not necessarily make it decisive for one or the other but of course if one side is able to heal and the other isn't and that would also affect the kind of breaking and the morale issues and stuff because people don't want to die but if they know that they can survive because of magical healing vastly more without it obviously that means that i feel would be um more willing to risk more like they'd be at risk more in the engagements and be less likely to break because of fear or worry that they're going to be injured or killed because healing and what level of healing we talk about resurrection you know like all these things should be considered because this is incredibly potent stuff that would affect how warfare was conducted vastly especially with how it operates that's what you need to really nail down how is the magic done okay what's causing it where is it coming from is there limitations or the amounts okay or the limitation the amount of spells you can cast or volume or magical energies or whatever when those things are defined you can more accurately figure out okay how would it how could we employ it in war how would it be logically employed in warfare because are we humans we're very creative people all right and if we love to exploit things as much as possible for our benefit that's perfectly fine uh but that also means in warfare if we have any new technology created us humans will start to try and explore okay how can we kill each other with it unfortunately or always defend each other and sometimes defense you need to kill the evil aggressor but still that's what we figure it's one of the very common things we always look at and that magic would be no exception even a seemingly non like um combative spell just how non-competitive like levitation is not well drill levitate rocks and drop them on someone right healing it's a healing you know that's to help people it's it's it's non it doesn't inflict damage at all but employing it in healing the troops of an army right and so nearly any spell not like a lot of spells can be used in a warfare scenario and some more potently than others and if it can be average humans mostly i all the time will figure out or ask how can it be done and that's why we need to do it in storytelling as well because otherwise there's sometimes there's a technology that is created in either fiction fantasy science fiction whatever and they're only using it for one thing and you're like they would obviously use it for this application especially if it has a combative warfare applications of course like um teleportation in sci-fi right this is one of the reasons i love uh stargate sg1 for a lot of reasons but one of the cool things like they eventually get teleportation technology uh and so you know what they do in some instances it's not teleporting bombs into the enemy spacecraft and blowing them up because obviously right it's teleportation star trek never did it all rarely ever did that but it's so crazy of course shields block it right but as soon as the shield is down and shields lower in star trek combat all the time instead of shooting a photon torpedo at it teleport a photon torpedo into the middle of the engine room and just blow it up okay so and they never do it in star trek and it's baffling so when you have something that can have a logical application uh because people would obviously do it that's why it's important to think about these things especially with magic but a lot of what we've been talking about also applies to science fiction technology now as i mentioned there are so many examples that i can't cover which is why i would love to see hear your suggestions in the comments below what is an interesting or creative use of a magical spell that might be very common but has vastly greater applications in a larger scale warfare or just in combat generally usually spells that aren't even considered to be very offensive can have incredible effects combatively like that portal thing they think the portal is about transportation no if they can chop off limbs when closing that's a devastatingly useful thing for combat and warfare and there are many examples i'd love to hear them in the comments below please do share them and i hope you have enjoyed this discussion to just try and help us see ways that we can think outside the box to explore ways magic can be employed on the large scale so thank you for watching i hope to see you on the next video here on channel check out some of the videos that i mentioned here like knights versus wizards hope to see you there and until that time farewell [Music] you
Channel: Shadiversity
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Id: Kl3LbxdZ290
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Length: 37min 53sec (2273 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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