What medieval weapons would SNAKE PEOPLE really use? (Naga) FANTASY RE-ARMED

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this episode of shadow versity is brought to you and sponsored by Viking partners yes thank you war of clans and please note that Viking order yes thank you we get it you'll buy order what I'm trying to say is that these worker thank you Inori sorry I can be rather fantasy interpretations which I don't think you're gonna complain about too much [Music] like Oh fine mortgage warm class that better yes if you haven't tried this game before it's a perfect time to start because a new version of it has just been released now available on mobile you can also get it on tablet and PC and you'll notice it resembles one of those classic strategy games in the 90s choose your own play style destroy cities build impregnable fortress azure use diplomacy to rule the world for myself I've always preferred building impregnable bases in these kind of games so if you have a spare five minutes why not download this game via the link below for a few in-game goodies specifically a free protection shield and a special bonus of 200 gold not not real under goalie in-game currency gold but 200 and find out why millions of people are so addicted to [ __ ] war of clans will you prove thank you [Music] greatings I'm shad and welcome back to my series where I take a look at the best historical medieval weapons for a certain fantasy creature according to my own opinions and in this episode we're going to be looking at snake people first of all there are a lot of different kinds of snake people in fantasy a very prominent name for them are Nagas but the issue with that is that they're like depending on the fantasy they're different for instance I in classic D&D and now go is simply a snake with a giant snake with a human head and so with that you know it changes I'm just going to say snake people and for the purpose of this video specifically this means are a giant snake that's also half human so there's a human from torso up and it doesn't they don't need to have a human face they can still have a snake-like face but as long as they have two hands okay and it's a snake body from waist down that's the creature we're going to be looking at I know there are some variants that have more than just two arms four is common first snake to like people but no we're not going to be looking at the for armed version just to our versions and indeed for armed creatures that that's a topic for a whole nother video which I will get to interestingly there is kind of a semi traditional weapon for this type of creature not nearly as iconic or traditionalist say the axe for the dwarf or the bow for the elf but snake people and there are very often depicted using long curved swords scimitars or swords from the Scimitar family scimitar is an odd kind of bag efficient regards to sword classification but yes scimitars and dual wielding also very common a question is then why are these weapons often given to this type of creature and I can't really think of any specific physical characteristics that would give unique benefit to scimitar curved swords over many other types in fact as I think about it there are a couple of weapons that come to my mind a bit more prominently that suits the this creatures physical characteristics over swords so I can only really assume that they given to say people because I don't know yeah snakes are often featured in either kind of Indian or Middle Eastern masala and so perhaps they give scimitars to the snake people because of the area that snakes are associated with that cultural aspect perhaps well let's throw kind of the culture side out the window and just look specifically at their physical characteristics and what type of not only weapons but combat would at best suit them so one of the first things that I think is often forgotten about snake people is that they're half snakes but of course what how do we forget that in terms of combat all right you see they're like when people are giving snake people weapons there always seemed to be just thinking about the human component they got arms or give them swords but they're half snake more than half snake they're technically just in take away weapons a giant snake okay the actual snake body portion is far bigger than any real-life snake in the world this is just in and of itself a giant snake and that there has some very significant implications you see snakes have a combative style that exists naturally already all right board Alice and evening to figure out a lot we can just look at nature and its constriction okay when small snakes - even large anacondas that's their go-to technique constriction and so this begs the question as well if a snake person is far bigger than a normal snake why on earth would they get rid of this technique why wouldn't they use it in fact this technique is scary deadly crazy scary okay if we look at the largest snakes in nature an anaconda the amount of force that an anaconda can produce in constriction is insane alright looking up some of the statistics they can produce ninety pounds of force per square inch okay that's forty kilos combined together with the full you know force on every square inch of the body that's like resting a bus on your chest okay but the force is distributed all around the body but still that is an insane amount of force and this is for an anaconda alright so I multiply that for a snake-like body we're and the girth of that you know sneakers about this big anaconda yeah about bout yea-big like think about the force that these snake people could produce it just constrictive power that's crazy the other crazy thing about this is that an anaconda is able to maintain this force from 15 to 20 minutes think about that all right think about how much force our muscles can produce and then hole I like just pick up you know some dumbbells or something like that and hold them out and using all your muscle strength on there see how long you can maintain that all right a snake that's insane 15 to 20 minutes maintaining their full muscle strength in tension that that's in it's crazy right so that means that like just a muscle strength of a snake person in normal use just from their arms they could probably maintain like intense muscle exertion for a way longer period than humans could now the question is would this type of constriction be a viable combat technique in fighting against us a human adventurers in a fantasy setting specifically would be more viable and more effective than using actual weapons yes I do believe so if you know their snake person has a means to protect itself to initiate the constriction and this is what leads us into the first important weapon that I think the snake would employ with its arms and that is something defensive that would protect itself and enable it to close the distance very quickly to its opponents and then just slide around them and then wrap them up and that would be a really big shield so yeah something like tower shield you know just a note on the tower shield because I also like to mention some of the more important it like a accurate information cast history and stuff tower shield is an a historical term it doesn't exist in history but I actually think it's perfectly fine to use because it communicates exactly what it needs to be now I know they're the most direct use for an equivalent to a tower shield is the Roman scutum and if you want to look to the medieval period you're probably looking at a palace and the Metatron actually I think pointed out the proper pronunciation for it that a purveyor very sorry very probably butchered again but I actually think the term tower shield is a perfectly acceptable term to identify this family or type of shield and then we can say the specific types of tau shields is a very Paris and scutum yes I find so yeah Terra shield no problem I think it yeah now if a stake person could initiate a constriction on an adventurer they're screwed I have no idea how they'd be able to resist once they get wrapped up they literally bound okay there is one thing that I think the snake you know would want to protect itself with and that like this is alright well yet when I've been working up artistic interpretations on depictions of the snake people vomit seems to be a scarce thing and if they are wearing armor it seems to be only on the upper body which is odd all right yeah like I in terms of going to the anatomy of snake people I've only I actually did see a picture of someone showing the anatomy and that the heart did seem to be situated where the human how it would be but you know with a snake I think they're like terms of pushing the right blood through through the whole body I'm not sure a human heart will be antigen good job I actually think that heart would probably be more logically and were situated somewhere where the heart on the snake would be which means there one of the at least one significant vital log and if not more it's actually in a snake part of the body not just the human part of the body so that would want it to be protected as well so what type of armor would work really well with this snake type creature male it's perfect male basically has complete flexibility me rely on there's no restriction in at all and so with the snake you know slithering moving around even wrapping around people and stuff male would not restrict that one bit socially think a snake person would want to wear male all the way down its body and if that was the case even if someone got wrapped up okay in their arms astray so they're wrapped up from body down from the snake person they can try it back hit this snake's body and that's not going to do a thing because interestingly I like looking at anacondas they can't receive some you know almost lethal injuries from animals and wrapping up if they get wrap around a horn and accidentally Pierce themself on the side or something like that that can spell death for the for the Anaconda but if you know this snake person was protected that male and look mail can be thrust through but with difficulty and it's almost perfect protection against slashes what could a person do if they get wrapped up like this and then think of the extreme amount of force that can be applied all right I'm confident that such force would crush you know cave-in armor break bone snaps spines don't load your suffocation they'd just be crushed in this thing girlish you did you can't do a thing so absolutely I believe constriction would be a very viable and oft used technique by snake people but is it a universally useful technique no because there's one you know significant thing about this to this style fighting right it's mainly you know effective against one opponent all right once you have more than one it gets difficult maybe you could wrap more than one in you know but ah so if this snake person was fighting you know more than one person constriction might have to be a backup or reserve for when there's only one person left there is also another very significant physical characteristic and ability that this creature would be out I have okay that we can also infer from looking at real-life snakes and that is their ability to just jump forward with crazy speed and attack alright so a snake will cut a coil its body yeah you know kind of like a spring and then just leap forward and the range in terms of its size that is able to get like it can leap forward in it yeah what over I was gonna say half it's like lettuce yeah that's tricky with this body but in comparison to a human of equivalent size alright the the ability like the the contrasting or equivalent that a human has is simply in a lunge a human can lunge forward and try and strike right and we can get maybe the length of our own bodies in a full length lunge maybe two meters if we're really trying to jump but this snake creature okay half human half snake gee that I like with a full coiled with the length of this body I'm thinking you could reach six seven meters that's nuts okay which means it it's in its ability to engage in combat is at a whi greater distance way than a human and so they are in lethal striking range but a human would be way out of range do you see this significant advantage in that and so this creates two very contrasting but specific styles of combat that a snake person would want to employ one is crazy close combat with their constriction wrapping up grappling their version of grappling and then crazy long range distance all right in terms of melee combat we will get to range combat but first focusing on melee so that was the two types of combat extreme close range grappling uh you know combat and extreme long range combat where it engages in these crazy big lunges and the type of weapon that suits this you know staying at a distance and then leaping forward with this crazy you'd reach that of it's able to make you know you achieve a spear suits this combat really really well now in terms of spear variants a lot like you could look at halberd and stuff like that I think it wouldn't want a weapon that's too top-heavy because they're the more heavy ended Pollin the more difficult it is to aim that point and you get less point control and so I think having good point control will be very important in this lunge because you would want to pinpoint this spear strike and so think about it this would also mean that when it actually engages with their opponents and I'm always placing against humans if they're using a spear they are still at a very safe distance from the opponent because they can use the spears reach to get out which would also increase so maybe they could it like that their ability to engage in combat could be up to maybe ten meters from their opponent which is insane and what a human really be aware that the engaging potential of these snake people would be so extreme I don't really think so and we reason why I fir that is because when I've looked at other people you know just depicting snakes and creature stuff like that only in fantasy and video games they kind of appear you always see these creatures fighting at the regular human distance and they really kind of are considered more with human fight Styles then really you're taking advantage of their snake physical characteristics which just seems to imply to me that we as humans already have been regarding these creatures are too human-like already and so when a human comes up against this creature they probably are thinking well it's half human that means I am going to be thinking human levels of distance to my opponent is still safe and so the human walk way far into the actual engaging distance that the snake creature can employ without realizing which were and maybe they're they're just like they're not there their guard isn't even fully up because they just want you know and they're thinking what I'm six seven meters away I'm still safe that banging it remember how fast these things can move just leave sward with this crazy fast attacker that can get such range with a spear chest they did and remember that other you know weapon that was very useful to protect them if they were ever wanted to get close enough to do that you know constriction attack big shield tower shield so tower shield and spear is looking like a really good and deadly combo for these creatures and even if it misses on the first strike I think its ability to pull itself back because it has such a long body behind itself to try and recreate a coil its body for another spring was probably be pretty effective as well so imagine he could just like lash out and then just come right back in ready to attack again and so these fast lightning quick attacks are just coming out at their opponents without even realizing and then before they can do anything they're suddenly out of reach for the human people that they're fighting why screech is deadly right yeah it's just funny I like with so many creatures that we've looked at when we really look at a physical characteristic stuff and how we find such deadly combative techniques that they could employ based on such different characteristics gosh you wonder how humans survive in these worlds if they actually fought what I think they would have a really employed all their abilities at their disposal there is another kind of ability on top of all these other things that a snake could really employ in which a spear becomes really really useful and that's that it can kind of keep itself at a distance but also at a much higher elevation as well because a snake can pull push itself up based on its kind of snaky buddy and then hover how many meters are I good several meters above the humans I think about like you know head compared the head heights the snake person could lift itself up way higher than the human just kind of spoke down and then could the human like especially the snake angles its body forward a bit like that depending on what the weapons a human has felt like say they have a sort of something it wouldn't even be had a slash at their snake anything and then they got dealing with this spear and if they rush in to try and slash at the snake's body because the the human body is about in the carriage so they try and get the body guess what they've done they've put themselves in direct you know constricting range and the snake disaster wrap around them and then crush them to death so those are three very significant physical abilities and they would have constriction aa coil kind of leap lunging you know attacks as well and being out of put itself at a much higher elevation saying I have a higher ground because I always win that that's like why would I huh in if you look at specifically that it would be a de put the rest of its body out of range and then just poke down that's where we're getting Santa jannat just by inherently having high ground over someone else okay yes all right tower shield spear those are my picks what are we at range weapons now at first I was thinking ranged weapons wouldn't really have any significant difference over a human using range right but in fact the humans probably want to really use range weapons against snake creatures but then I remembered that very significant muscle characteristics snakes have it they can maintain full tense you know that they're they're tensing their muscles full exertion for such a long period of time and and then I was saying I feel that muscle characteristic would carry over to the whole body that would affect ah you know you a type of range weapon bows specifically and that is when you pull a bow back to full drawer we often rag on you know movie depictions we were just holding your back a bow willy-nilly and I mentioned this in my video best types of weapons for women you know there you go and that the bow is generally considered a weapon more appropriate for people with less strength and I talked about how difficult is to hold a bow back at full drawer especially a war boy okay and the average was maxing up out at around 15 seconds right but a snake can apply pressure through their muscle structure from 15 to 20 minutes I mean this thing could actually be an older bobak a full draw for a really extended period of time you know is that a huge advantage I don't think its massive okay but it does mean that they perhaps could take their time and a and your zone in and aim a bit better and say humans would I especially moving targets your main target and yeah you know trying to keep the bows steady and still like moving along in those situations you do need to hold the bow back at full draw for a you know a bit of a longer period and then you when you're reaching your maximum you have to let go because otherwise you'll you'll ya won't work will it but yes snake people I feel would actually get that just a bit of advantage in that regards that they could actually hold you know bows back at full draw full muscles you know intense use for as long as they could with you know applying their force in their constriction so there you go I don't think it's a game-changer specifically and I also don't think that snake people have a specific environment that is you know that's where they all right like for instance are they always in dungeons or are there monsters or stuff I don't know and I look at our fantasies in general snake people sometimes are given status of that I have full Empires alright and then there their environment actually kind of equivalent ish to humans and stuff so I don't think that that would affect weapon choice specifically which is what leads me to the choices that I have given and I don't think that would be overly inclined to use range weapons over melee weapons out depending on say a battlefield situation in the battlefield there's always like mitigating success which you'll want to use range weapons for the sake of the battle not physical characteristics of your army but if one of the most effective weapons to be used against snake people were range weapons that means they'll be putting themselves at a disadvantage by staying at range but also in range of the opponents which means they would want to close the distance and nullify the effectiveness of those you know archers and stuff they got big shields if they're using the ones that I pick and in fact imagine a snake shield wall right you see a line of shields or and if they have their bodies coiled like one of these shields just suddenly leaps forward up to you know seven to ten meters with a big spear and then I was back into the shield line and then these random shield with you know long Spears just different things well I should go the enemy and like I'm Way larger distance to the enemy shield line so that's just an interesting thought it oughta be like in large-scale combat well in this video I'm sharing some of my thoughts in regards to their venom the first question they need to be asked is do these snakes have venom and I think it really depends on what type of head they have and it seems to be 50/50 half the time they have very human-like heads and then other half the time they have very snake-like heads in fact it seems to be the gender that really determines this if the snake is a female they're made to be an attractive you know very human-like body from the waist up but if they're male they seem to go more monstrous snake-like head and who knows maybe the female variants also have venom fangs as well and if the snake does have venom well it really does depend on how lethal the venom is and venom doesn't kill people instantly it does take a bit of time depending on the type of snake we have venomous snakes here in Australia certainly take effect quite fast but that's like in a couple of minutes where people start to really feel the effects of the venom but that definitely could be a viable combative move especially the snake has the shield they can close the distance use their constriction wrap someone up and then bite and depending on how strong the venom is that can be go move and they can just slither away and let the person you know die or go unconscious or whatever the venom does and then they've won the fight haven't they so again employing the venom is simply a matter of closing the distance and a big shield certainly helps out in that regard but boy this was a fun one to consider I like creatures that are still slightly human-like but different enough more different than say ills or Minotaur xoring things like that is when suddenly this consideration this discussion the best historical weapons these creatures gets really interesting we had a lot of fun like that where the video on centers as well and so yes a lot of fun thanks for watching guys I do hope you've enjoyed and I hope to see you again until that time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 522,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snake, people, medieval, weapons, snake people, fantasy, middle ages, sword, swords, weapon, creature, monster, naga, madusa, gorgon, dnd, D&D, dungeons, dragons, dungeons and dragons, skyrim, roleplaying, rpg, role, playing, game, video, lord of the rings, game of thrones, armor, armour, half, human, lamia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2017
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