Best medieval weapons for four-armed creatures: FANTASY RE-ARMED

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Lightsabers. General kenobi...

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/finishedstephen 📅︎︎ Dec 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

Sawed off shotguns.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/cjg5025 📅︎︎ Dec 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

Two very large 2-handed shields. Become the wall.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/BusinessPineapple 📅︎︎ Dec 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

A combo of polearm, shield and short sword?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/jotunsson 📅︎︎ Dec 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

Two spartan shields and a fatty glaive

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Moriras 📅︎︎ Dec 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

That man is a national treasure

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/javerthugo 📅︎︎ Dec 22 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Objectalone 📅︎︎ Dec 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

Sword shield and a gun. Short and long range dominance

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/sewer_child123 📅︎︎ Dec 22 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] ratings I'm shad and in this episode of Fantasy rearmed we're going to be looking at the best weapons that a creature with four arms would want to use based on the advantages and disadvantages that this might bring it's a very kind of interesting and complex creature type to look at I can't pin down exactly a just broad flat type of fantasy creature that is you know considered a race that is commonly known okay I can think of examples like the creatures in John Carter of Mars they've got four arms there are individual monstrous type you know characters that have four arm doesn't Goro from Mortal Kombat so the idea of this creature type is at least prominent enough to appear in several different fictional kind of properties and of course has appeared in fantasy not generally as a flat blank fantasy race but certainly prominent enough for us to look at and the interesting thing about it is it leads us to some sophisticated kind of discussions on the properties of combat and weapon types sorry perfect fodder for a good fantasy rearmed episode so like usual we need a set forward some of the basic physical characteristics and I don't think these creatures would injure inherently have greater strength than humans in actual fact I think it's more fair to just look at them with fairly standard humanoid characteristics they could become particularly muscly like I'm sure Goro is stronger than the average human but that's through trading and other things like that and the other Mortal Kombat fighters get just as wrong sorry look within the range of what an average human could attain and stuff will go with that and the main distinct advantage or disadvantage are these forearms and so there are a lot of different combinations to really explore because there's a lot every ones that come to mind like could two shields four swords two two-handed swords two shields than two swords for one-handed I do say for an essence it's as it's often confused okay so I'll just have to go through one by one pros and cons and hopefully come to a weapon type set that would offer the most advantages for this type of creature so a creature is capable of holding up to four shields well that's pointless cuz he wouldn't have a weapon and even if the situation where I want to you can actually just get a shield that's large enough like a single shield just one shield that's large enough to cover your whole body and so if you can do that why would you hold for smaller shields to give you enough protection and if you want to fold forward shields what's the point because when she was enough to protect yourself so I think we're kinda answered the question that even two shields would be a bit redundant here because one shield is enough you only ever need one shield so if there's a situation where this creature needs a shield one shield will do the job a kite shield would definitely be his best pick oh look he could go with you know a tower type shield like a sputum or something like that so that would also do the job and if he is on horseback and he needed a smaller shield to get more maneuverability swinging it back and forth stuff like that well then actually he - shield might be a good pick and in that circumstance two shields could be advantageous they could work now of course you only need shields if you're not wearing enough armor to protect yourself properly or you're facing opponents with weapons that can offend you while still wearing armor so if they are wearing full armor wouldn't really need a shield so I should look at a situation where you might want to shield and you might not need a shield we're back to for free weapons what weapons would that be so the first kind of thought is what about for individual weapons for swords for maces and you could mix another like a sword a mace a Warhammer and then something like that dagger or something in the other hand and stuff and so this kind of really comes into the question Arthur how much individual versatility or control the creature would have with these four individual arms when they get to a point where it's too awkward because there are some movements just so there are two hands that can kind of muddle and funnel us like the tapping your hand and rubbing a belly kind of thing right yet you could obviously train yourself to do awkward counterintuitive movements but generally our hands seem to be fairly synced to work off one another quite well and when we start to try and tell them to do specifically opposite movements it can get awkward unless with specific training and there's the fact that if this is a legitimate creature race they might have a genetic in code you know just with their reflexes to have higher coordination with technically six limbs two legs four arms that enables them to use their arms in very complex counterintuitive movements separate to one another kind of like an individual brain segment controlling each arm independently but then also being aware how each one is moving so you don't get tangled and stuff like that and in that circumstance oh yeah my goodness for weapons would be crazy deadly something that's interesting to point out which brings us to back to one of those more sophisticated discussions of weaponry combat and things like that is the issue of length okay and that when a weapon gets too long having more than one of them can actually become more awkward okay so the longest one-handed weapons that we on a standard level just the average okay we is the rapier okay the rapier is basically one of the longest one-handed weapons in history with the exception being the spear but it depends cuz spear is not as effective you just using in one hand and so on so forth but anyway okay so the rapier now jewel wielding rapiers certainly was a thing that people tried out there are because of manuals you know in the treatises explaining how you can do it but more often than not in actual combat when you wanted to drool wield and you're already using a rapier that dagger was a complimentary weapon why is that well there is the fact that having two really long weapons they can get caught on one another and in the way so say if you have a weapon out and you need to move this weapon down and the weapon is really long well guess what you get a hit me arm you're gonna hit the tip your sword and so having something shorter actually gives you more maneuverability and options in where to put that weapon if you're already holding something that's particularly long and so the rapier and dagger was a far more preferable combination than Arabia and rapier well we can extend that logic to forearms if we are going to with weapons that are particularly long well there's even a higher chance that these weapons are gonna hit one another and get tangled and such now this would be less so with Spears Spears I can't be kind of interesting because you don't need to do sideways cuts Spears are always thrust which means there's far less chance of them getting caught in the way knocking against each other then say the swords and so four Spears can you imagine fighting a creature with four Spears thrusting at you in different angles different hides it was your stuff how can you fight someone you need a really big shield I think that's one of the only things you could do effectively to protect yourself against a creature with four Spears yeah sometimes they're showing to be taller than humans but if they're the same height as humans okay they could try and reach around and get the spear around your shield and then yeah because if you went to block a shield that's trying to get it around you have to broke up and you open it it would be tough gosh alright but going back to the swords if you're gonna be quadruple wielding swords you're wielding triple wielding quadruple swords okay you wouldn't want them to long in my opinion for the fact that they might get tangled in with one another you could get you could use one that's particularly long but even that one that's long as soon as you want need to maneuver that sword in a direction where one of the other swords during the way they're gonna hit and sorry arming swords are about their heart furthest length I feel you would want and look this is all speculation I don't have four arms I can't exactly test this sorry in my own logical estimation I think I mean sword would probably be as long as you'd want to go but the shorter would be the easier and more convenient and so shorter swords would be more effective and it's funny there are short swords but then there are swords that are shorter than arming sword but aren't necessarily considered short swords because they have a lot of punch basically like the fashion the faction is generally shorter than an arming sword but my Gooden is that cutting power on that thing it's beasty okay because when people generally consider short swords they think of a sword that has less punch in an arming sword but a fashion that as easily as much cutting more cutting power than a regular arming sword and so if you still want a sword that was shorter but still had a lot of bite to them I think a falcon could be really really good far worse and the thrust and so you could then start to mix it up what if this forum creature jewel did to thousands so maybe a falcon in each hand on the under hands and then the upper hands two Spears I you've got these two Spears being thrusting at you and one of the tactics was spear fire again coming back to some of the complex sophisticated things that we need to consider when looking at just general combat is one of the ways to beat spheres is to get inside the range so if there is someone if your opponent is using one speed and they thrusted you if you can block that thrust your sword then is pushing away kind of warding off the opponent's be there hit the spearhead is to the side you can just rush in inside their guard essentially and just hack him to pieces and they're gone so that's one of the most effective ways to fight someone with the spear but if they have a backup shorter range weapon you run in and then you've got other weapons to deal with so it's more difficult to do this as a regular person because using a spear in one hand is far more awkward and so if you were doing a spear and short sword yeah it's difficult you could do it and it's a good way to protect yourself if someone closes the distance so with this two-handed creature well I mean you got two functions and healing with as soon as you try and close the distance not only that he had ward off you know one of the spear attack you got another speed until in these creatures would be pretty difficult to find and if a creature wanted more control over the sphere well they could use one spear with their two side hands here and then they could use a shorter range weapon now when I say shorter range there's a bit more complexity to this as well because even a longsword so which is a sword that has a longer blade can offend people in quite short range because the blade well you can defend people on the whole length of the blade so even if they move behind the tip of the sword you have the blade neither handling it it can still strike with so if you were if this creature wanted more control and leverage in there striking so therefore using a spin to hint and then a chanted longsword the other side is like there's a head here and then it a hand here am I getting Oscar so there's a handy and and here holding a sword like this but that the both hands will be of kind of like the same side right and then they would be double handing a sphere on this side even if the opponent closes the distance behind the spear point you can still get this big drop on the head like this T and and sword then I mean there are a lot of combinations that would be pretty ton effective but I am quite liking that two-handed sphere and two-handed sword even probably more so than the two Spears and to function combo because of leverage and control more often than I will prefer a long sword over dual wielding swords and I've tried the combination stuff in lots of different sparring situations and it look admittedly dual wielding swords have some really big advantages the thing is though if you want to take in personal fitness into account stuff like that it takes a lot more energy to use to like holding up the guard you know to hand the swords for an extent period of time takes far more energy than the standard guards of long swords and long swords you can find a guard it's actually also a rest position and so I can actually fight better for a longer period of time or the two-handed sword over dual wielding even though to begin with when I have full energy I can use two swords far more effectively in offense than a single longsword and so for the forearmed creature well they could hold their longsword in a rest guard position maybe down or something like there and then have the spear also there which means they would be out of fight very effectively for a longer period of time because as soon as you go again to the you know two foul shots to things you're holding a single weapon in one hand which it takes along again if you get proper guard positions I have to hold them up so idle fatigue yellow quick up so because that I'll say once again I think the two-handed spear and two-handed sword is probably the better pick in my opinion so far now if you wanted to add a shield into the mix well you could still get away with this you could hold a spear with one hand probably in the upper one and the bottom hand on the left side holding a big shield protecting the whole body and then a two-handed sword in the other side in comparison to a regular human as soon as you are using a shield you only have one hand left to use your weapon and using one handed weapon against someone who has two hands on their sword there's a big difference in leverage and reach and so the advantages are quite striking and a creature with four arms would be able to do that an employee shield at the same time a shield a spear over top and a tree head a sword on the side it's kind of covering everything really long range you can defend the opponent if they ever close the distance you know you could get in behind that the spearhead points with your big fan and sword just chop them up and even if they're close range because you can strike with their you know the blade just above the cross guard you don't need a shorter sword to be able to do that then you get the added advantage of leverage you get like so and then you have the protection of the shield as well oh goodness I think we might have found it spear kite shield two-handed sword it covers most of things and if you are you wearing armor well you then you can use your spiel with two hands get more leverage and maneuverability and even greater speed with it and then to your handed sword question now is what if we throw those matches up against each other a foreign creature who is using two Spears and two swords so for weapons all up against a creature that's using a two-handed spear and to Anders sword well I think the comparison is actually quite comparable to comparing just a regular person with two arms dual wielding fighting someone with a single sword generally I give the advantages of the guy using two swords but the guy using the two-handed sword the longsword has greater reach and has more leverage can give heavier strikes and generally is able to adopt better guard positions which are able to maintain his energy for longer and so it becomes far more even in that comparison so I can't really give the edge to either one in that situation and I know which one I would prefer I prefer the two-handed loops I like reach I like leverage and I like rested guard positions so yeah I would still go for three handed spear chair a sword if growing army if not wearing heavy armor shield spear two-handed sword now of course I have to mention range weapons because the borough has come up so many times in our fantasy rearmed episodes and usually the bow is great mainly because these creatures either have smaller kind of strength to weight ratio like the dwarfs or they have greater strength like the orcs or they have better kind of speed in narrowing in on the targets and for cultural elements I can regard to the elves or they just don't want to get into melee fighting like smaller people the bow has generally been a really good pick for most creatures but in regards to using two bows because they have four arms so could they use two bows yes and no right it depends on how they held if you're holding the bow on the side okay and you're drawing as soon as you have another arm trying to hold a bow one of these arms are going to get in right in the way of the string of the other bow which makes it very impractical and you wouldn't be able to hold your bow that way the only way you could do it if you had your two upper arms holding the bow and what kind of you know pulling your backside way and then your bottom set of arms doing the exact same thing as soon as you pull it onto the side the are one of the arms of getting it in the way the problem with pulling the string on the side of a bow like that is he can't do a full draw weight offset this is to just increase the draw weight of the bow so you could probably only pull it back that far then it should have as much of a range but still the power stroke which is the length that the string passes before launching the arrow would be shorter so you're running the same problems and limitations that you have with kind of crossbows so it's not necessarily to say that a higher power bow that you need to pull back for less distance would actually be out a shoot arrows as long as along a distance as a bow that you could do a full draw and get a strong longer power stroke as a result so again I think there are limitations in doing two bows on the side like that but what about a really big bow so one arm holds the bow and then it's pulled back with three arms or even two hours what if you've got what if these creatures got a particularly high powered bow and they use two arms holding it on one side and two arms pulling back the string on the other that should mean that you would technically should be able to double the pound weight of that bow we should make the bow twice as powerful maybe four I'm creatures are one of the only other creatures that can use Orca bows really easily because orcs have greater strength say it bows would be thicker strong and stuff like that yeah forearms kind of does the job because like you know imagine you can pull the string back with two arms all at the end pull a higher weight and let us suppose the run-around say yeah for our creature either two hours or three hours pulling a string back so that is this bows would be a really good peak once again it's almost like every other fantasy creatures better with bows than humans are except dolls I mean look go watch my videos that there are certain surfaces which else get an advantage like seeing the dark but in terms of their ability to aim I did I do still feel that humans technically have just as good ability to aim as elves do you know gasps turbos Bush the other creatures jaws or Giants but still Giants medalist things but still all better with posting humans the fantasy rehabbed episodes we always come to the conclusion that humans stuffed in these fantasy universes so quickly let's try and think of some other weapons flails no you don't want to be wielding for flails three times the chance of the flail spinning around getting tangled with the other one and heating yourself said no flares are not bad I mean he serve other weapons would be useful depending on circumstances because any situation where a sword is not a good pick like you're finding something in heavy armor that to end a sword on the side not a good pick you'll then want to switch it in and out with other weapons depending on circumstance so the shield and spear I think are great combinations on one side but the other side switch it up depending on are you firing service someone in armor or then ya get a big pole arm in the other other sets spear shield pole axe and again depending on circumstances switching up maybe you want spear shield and two-handed spear spear shield and two maces alright but I think that like a spear is such a good when I say it's versatile it's versatile in a sense that it's effective in so many situations you get so many people and gets armor the weakness was always getting behind that spear shaft but if you have another primary weapon that's a backup if they ever close the distance in the spear well you're never disadvantaged in having that spear to use its reach and it's and all its great advantages all the time so spear and shield and the shield to protect you and then if you don't need to show because you're wearing armor two-handed sphere but always having a spear at least if there's a situation where you could always use a spear and not be suffering from those weaknesses you would always want to use a spear and so I think the spear is always going to be a combination set to the weapons that this creature is using so on average that is the combo spear shield two-handed sword or any other weapon depending on the circumstance that's pretty cool in these creatures they would be tough to fight wow what do you think I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below I look forward to seeing you there thank you for watching and until next time [Music]
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 470,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weapon, weapons, creature, monster, medieval, middle ages, history, historical, fantasy, dnd, dungeons and dragons, d&d, roleplaying, role, playing, game, rpg, tabletop, video, skyrim, goro, top ten, top 10, game of thrones, lord of the rings, anime, knight, samurai, sword, swords, castle, castles, longsword, hema, four, arms, armed, alien, aliens, pop, culture
Id: wZz06vgKSFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 22 2018
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