What Makes Wish's Music So Bad?

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wish has a horrible soundtrack I know that you know that pretty much everyone knows that by now everyone's already memed the horrible lyrics and bad pacing to death so while I'll touch on that that is not the main point of this video I will be looking at every song with one easy question in mind what is the point of this song in a good Disney movie every song has a purpose they contain important character motivations or plot developments that you need to understand the story some explain a character's goals or Ambitions some showcase an important moment like the villain instigating an evil deal or some give us necessary details to move the plot forward in other words if you remove the music from the movie you miss out on a crucial part of the film and spoiler alert wish fails it this spectacularly so let me break down why the soundtrack of wish and wish as a whole is an absolute disaster the reason this video took so long to make was because I wanted to actually watch the movie before ripping into pieces and I'm glad I did the film opens with a story book telling us the tale of king magnifico and the creation of the kingdom of roses it jumps to Asha talking to her Granddad about how his wish may be granted one day maybe even today and then we get our first song Welcome to Ros us and it's not great the main over working problem with the song is how it's obviously trying to be the family mreal from Encanto but missed what makes that such a good opening song encanto's family mreal does a lot for the movie in just a few minutes it tells you about the gifts of each character showcases the magic house plants the seed of curiosity about what happened to Bruno and showcases the main conflict of the movie mirabel's family all get gifts but she did not it also does a fantastic job showing off Mirabel as a character she's so sassy and upbeat even though we see she didn't get a gift there's a lot packed into the song making it essential to anyone trying to understand the movie and yes they sing it a bit too fast to pick up on all the lyrics the first time but it's still an amazing opener song from a writer standpoint now let's compare that to what welcome D rosis accomplishes it explains some of the timings of certain events seriously that's it honestly it was surprising I'd listened to this song maybe a dozen times before watching the movie in preparation for this video and I'd always assumed the only reason the song existed was to explain to people who King magnifico is and how the wishing ceremonies work but they already did that in the intro seriously all this does is explain the timing of some of these events we now know that you have to be 18 to give magnifico your wish and that he grants a wish once a month but all the rest is just repeat information the song feels almost completely useless and the entire time they're trying to show us why roses is so interesting and they fail spectacularly hey come live here people have long hair and can dance on beat listen long hair and stilt people just don't compare to weather control or super strength everyone keeps telling these characters why they should love it without really showing how magical or amazing anything actually is now let's compare this to one other movie that introduces a kingdom Tangled the kingdom dance scene is incredible because you can see how much it means to Rapunzel she's wanted all her life to come here and the kindness of the town's folk and the discovery of new foods is magical far more magical than still people I'm being way too mean to this guy aren't I the town isn't telling her why it's special we get to see Rapunzel discover its beauty which is just so much more organic and now it's a good time to talk about wish's animation it is horrible when the trailer came out it got mocked for being lowquality and cheap and Disney rushed to defend it saying it only looked that way because of Youtube it'll look way better when you see it for yourself they said well I've seen it and it was horrible it legitimately feels cheap all the details and lighting have been sucked out leaving us with the most Bland and lifeless looking movie I've seen in ages okay fine it's not as bad bad as Aquaman 2 but that's not much of a compliment seriously look at the vibrant colors and lighting we got in Encanto then look at which no comment section I am not re-recording that Tangled came out 14 years ago and looked better you cannot tell me that wish cost more than both spiderverse movies put together it just doesn't make sense and now let's bash on the cinematography a bit shall we typically if a movie has Bland or uninteresting camera shots you don't notice it because it's Lively and colorful we've already established that wish is neither during a lot of the song There's surprisingly little movement the background stands still and the on-screen characters feel kind of lifeless and so during some of these dance moments which are sadly some of the best in the whole movie there's no feeling of life or energy I think it's mostly just the bad lighting and art direction that makes the cinematography feel so stale but watching this movie just sucks out my soul I can't stand it so I guess the last thing to cover is does this song sound good no not really not at all the lyrics Don't flow well Asha pronounces things in a way no human ever would many not many and then a lot of lines just feel like filler like the ly it's just not great the part that feels the most off though is the chorus this sounds good but the line directly after it feels so awkward they try to cram in about twice as many words as they should and it doesn't work and then the all of us Rose us lines don't work either everything about the song just feels a little bit off but you know what all of that can be forgiven if this is the low point of the movie maybe things just get better from here right let's Jump Ahead to the next song and see if that's an improvement I will prot at all the next scene is an atrocity of basic writing Asha and her best friend both spout information to each other that they both already know just for the audience's benefit hello best friend could you help me with my interview today oh you mean your interview with the King to become his Apprentice the one you've talked about for months now seriously nobody talks like that but anyways our friends I'll grab some cookies don't get attached to any of them they're mostly meaningless to the whole film and the queen enters telling Asha it's time for the interview then you've got that scene in Harry Potter where he's in Dumbledore's office and gets attacked by the candy and in comes the king Asha gets embarrassed but then she and the King connect over the death of her dad and the King invites her to the wishing room honestly the king is a pretty okay character so far his motives make sense he seems nice I wonder how this could go wrong and then there's a song I look at each of these songs Through the lens of what does this add to the movie songs should only be in a movie for a reason and this song at all costs has absolutely no reason to exist it's clear that King never shows people the wishes so logistically they shouldn't be in there in the first place but beyond that this song accomplishes nothing magnifico and Asha sing vague meaningless words about protection and safety as they look at the orbs this song 100% could have been cut and nobody would have noticed it it's almost like the song had a different purpose originally and once the plot got changed they have hazly stuck it where it didn't really fit oh hey would you look at that yeah so originally this was a love song between Asha and the Wishing Star who was a humanoid instead of this Luma ripoff the songwriter talked about how he wanted this song played at weddings and you can tell it's totally a love song I'm pretty sure everyone watching this video already knows that star boy has a bigger fandom than wish itself the world has United in the fact that the movie the concept art talked about is a lost Masterpiece and since at all costs is the clearest view we have of the movie We Were robbed of and it's useless to the actual film so there's not much to say there I'm going to look at it from a slightly different angle would this song have been the next I see the light or was it doomed to fail either way first off I actually really like the chorus the words work the song flows everything sounds really good for me this is easily the highlight of the movie and a great building block for what could be a classic song the problem is aside from that the rest of the song has the same problems the whole movie does let's look at magnifico's lines Aang thing it would be you that's a pretty cool way to kick off a theoretical love song but then we get if you tell me the feeling you bring i' think it untrue which is not near as good the feeling you bring isn't very specific but that could be forgiven if they didn't use the amateurish UDA and ended on untrue which just feels odd then we're back to pretty good withar Wonder like it's cute and it fits well and then yeah it's a good line but magnific delivers it so weirdly that the nice words don't land well is a good enough line but it's followed by which feels off because it's incomplete if it was I'm mesmerized by the hold I'm in that would sound better but still not amazing and then we get our first example of what many have labeled Yoda speech nobody talks like that W is also a bit amateurish but again that's a nit bit compared to the rest of my complaints so then we get the good chorus which is promptly ruined by asha's verse the way she pronounces explain the way she abandons the set rules of the song When She Says I try to I'll never Dre like I us why they add the do it sounds so much better as I'll never dream like I used to you don't need to do and then her line it's probably the worst line of the whole song it's basically meaningless doesn't fit the meter and it feels like the writers knew what they wanted to say but completely missed the dartboard the following line would be better if Asha didn't jump straight into Yoda mode with and by then it's too late to save which L isn't half bad on its own the chorus repeats and then the bridge starts strong with you should know by now that good lines are just warning signs pointing out trouble ahead and sure enough we get which feels weirdly placed is great and thankfully is a good continuation but then we get what's that supposed to mean people swear on something like their life or their mother something that means a great deal to them swear on my response is meaningless and if someone swears and their response that they love you you should probably break up with them their word means nothing so then the chorus repeats and there you go that's the whole song I said I wouldn't break down songs like that so why did I spend so much time on at all costs because I wanted to explain that I don't think keeping star boy would have fixed everything from what I can tell it sounds like the only line they changed was love you at all costs to protect you at all costs the rest of the song was probably pretty much unchanged people keep saying that we were robbed of a masterpiece but the best look we have what we missed out on suffers from the exact same problems that the rest of the film does poor pacing bad writing and ASAS awful habit for going off Tempo I'm not saying that the concept version of wish would have been as bad I'm just saying I don't think it would have been much better again this song means nothing in the movie we did get so at the end of the day all we're left with is a thinly veiled love song between a married man and a minor great morals Disney you're really winning over that next Generation but it's about time to move on so let's see if wish's music gets any better it's been meaningless so far but not offensively so so they can dig their way out of this mess right so I make this wish to have something more for us than the so next up is Asha confronting the king about the wishes everyone's already talked this to death yeah I'm on the king's side it's clear from the opener that anyone is welcome to come to Rose us and the King later says people can live there for free so the only real tax is your wish which could be granted everyone who comes to Rose us knows exactly what they're signing up for their wishes are their tax and they know going in what they're giving up for protection Free Housing and general happiness I can see asha's point about how the king should return wishes to people if he won't grant them but at the end of the day magnifico is in the right and Asha is in the wrong it's pretty obvious but nevertheless Asha runs away distraught about the state of the wishes and we get our next song the big character defining Let It Go of the movie and this one's tough just like the last one you can see inklings of a good song but they're muddled by everything else you've probably seen a few other videos about this song or I want songs in general so I'll try to run through this pretty fast all Disney musical movies have the moment where the main character sings about what they want what drives them Tangled when Will My Life Begin it's about Rapunzel dreaming longingly about the outside world and kto is waiting on a miracle it's about Mirabel desperately wishing for a gift so she can feel like she belongs moana's how far all go is about how she wants to break free from expectations and explore the world you've got Aladdin singing about how he doesn't want to be a thief Simba singing about how he wants to be a king and Ariel singing about how she longs to be part of the surface World in other words this I want song Always expresses a clear goal motivation or wish for our main character so this wish should precisely explain asha's longings and motives right nope her longing is literally to have something more for us than this it's so vague so non-specific that it's essentially useless and that's a running theme for this movie by the way nobody has any real driving force or motivation it's always something vague and directionless the Crux of this movie is that Asha wants her granddad's wish to be answered but his wish is literally to inspire people magnifico points out that it's too vague he could be trying to inspire Rebellion or something but I think even that's too grandiose and specific a conclusion to draw if he inspired someone to tie their shoelaces or stand up straight then whoopy dooo guess that's a wish fulfilled and asha's wishing for everyone to have more or live better is just as vague and meaningless they have everything they need they're happy and if they feel incomplete maybe they should move somewhere that lets them keep their wishes and dreams but has taxes you don't get everything in life kid I made a short not long ago about the parallels between the story of wish and the biblical story of the Garden of Eden and when you look at it through that perspective this song takes on a whole new identity for those who didn't see that short or haven't heard the story in the Bible God created Adam and Eve and told them to do whatever except they couldn't eat from the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil King magnifico is the movie's version of God and the one thing people aren't allowed to do is touch their wishes just like God told Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit but Asha gets just a tiny little taste and she desperately wants more isn't truth supposed to set you free why do I feel so we down by is the opening line of the song and it's a great biblical parallel trust me once Adam and Eve ate the fruit they knew the truth and I bet they wish they'd never disobeyed but Asha isn't Adam and Eve in this scenario she's the snake she knows the power these wishes can have she's seen what they can do her happiness and innocence is gone so she might as well ruin everyone else's the next line is if I could show them everything I've seen open their eyes to all the lies would they change their minds like I did now that she's tasted the fruit it's time to drag everyone else down with her oh and the I'm may be young but I know I'm not wrong line is great I may but I know I'm not pride comes before the fall kid get ready the rest of the song mentions what she now knows and how she used to do what she was told but oh she's got freedom now she's throwing caution to all them warning signs it's time to let everyone else taste the fruit so they can be free from the shackles of God as well now do I think Disney sat down and said hey you know the Bible let's do that but bad no I think the parallels here are completely accidental but I do think that it says something about theth of a company when even if y'all don't see these particular parallels the whole world can agree that Disney made a villain the hero and a hero the villain the moral compass of this company is so completely busted that I don't know if we'll ever get a meaningful moral from Disney again and this wish this is only the beginning of wishes dark side but that's enough of a Bible study for now let's briefly look at some specific sections of the song musically the chorus sounds good every warning sign okay the warning signs line is pretty dumb but for me I personally think there's way worse lines in this movie overall it's not let it go but it passes the big Disney song test until the final line to have something more for us than this is more than just a meaningless wish it's a mouthful that doesn't fit or feel like a meaningful way to end the chorus the words just don't flow well and the verses are even worse the whole section from is the perfect example of why Asha needs to go back to music school it's like she looks at a song book reads it for a second gets bored throws it out the window and does her own thing and it just doesn't work her riffing and jumping all over the place makes everything feel messy and halfhazard so in that way I guess this wish fits with the other songs perfectly just like at all costs there's the bones to a pretty okay song here but Asha tries her best to ruin it and succeeds masterfully so the main question what does this song accomplish the answer is the absolute bare minimum Disney wanted to make a song about a girl Wishing on a Star and that is all this is there's no clear Direction no real motivation aside from ooh I guess I care too much huh whoopsy Daisy yes Asha you do sit down I don't care if you're already running so yeah bad song but far far from the worst star the Luma ripoff of a star comes down the goat can talk and magnifico feels threatened by the magical light he sees off in the distance Asha asks what the heck is going on and we get our next song people have been meing on this wish or this is the thanks I get which we'll get to in a minute calling them the worst songs Disney's ever made musically I still think the Scuttle butt from The Little Mermaid remake is way worse from an audio standpoint but there is no song I despise more than you're a star you know how is complaining about asha's motivations being being so vague they're meaningless that was nothing compared to this song so the song starts by asking deep hard to answer questions why do we look up at the sky for answers why are flowers such elegant eloquent dancers and what forms tree rings or Mak seeds sprout we don't have to look far the answer's right here you're a star yes that's that's it this song asks all the right questions and then gives us the most meaningless useless garbage answer I've ever heard okay sure I'm a star what does that have to do with me what does that change how does that have any bearing on my life it's such a frustrating and worthless answer it's absolutely meaningless and Disney knows it's meaningless they act like whoo did we just blow your mind while knowing full well they've said absolutely nothing and this is a disturbing Trend I've actually seen a lot in children's media lately I made a short on Orion in the dark a while back it's a horribly paced movie with awful characters but what really stood out to me was its surprising glorification of nihilism nihilism for those that don't know is the belief that everything is meaningless nothing matters and we come from nothing and we return to nothing and since nothing matters just do whatever you want it's not going to mean anything at the end of the day because you mean nothing Orion in the dark pushed this message hard Orion studied the Arts of nihilism and existentialism and he's praised for being such a deep thinker when he tells others about how nothing matters heck there's a scene in the movie where he's helping a night Spirit give somewhat dark thoughts while they sleep and he reminds the sleeper that life is meaningless and will all disappear one day he's congratulated for doing such a good job as the sleeper wakes up in fear yeah this is the kind of thing your 5-year-old is probably watching and you're a star it's that again you know all all of those great questions you had kid all of those things you really want to know about the world well guess what you're Stardust you're just a cosmic accident if you really want to know just who you are you're a meaningless clump of cells that entered the World by chance and will one day return to nothingness I mean when you really ask what being a star means it means absolutely freaking nothing except what I've just said the song ends with the forest creatures talking about how connected they feel and how they should get along better sure life is meaningless but as long as we're together we can forget about that for a minute until we go to sleep that is this song is so frustrating because as a Christian I know these questions do have answers why do we look up at the sky for answers what forms tree rings or makes seeds sprout who set everything in motion the answer is god listen even if you hate Christianity you've got to admit that at least we've got hope instead of singing about togetherness we know the world has fallen in sinful and we'll never be able to fix it on our own but we have hope we have hope in Jesus we know that he loves us and we know that one day he will return and set everything right so I've got one more thing to say Disney is wrong you are not a meaningless clump of Sals with no reason to live you are made in the IM of God the Bible says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made and God has a wonderful plan for your life I feel like the kids that this movie is targeted to are being attacked from all sides right now being told ways to fix themselves or be happy that'll just leave them empty and make them feel increasingly more meaningless but you are not meaningless you are so so much more than just a star all righty sorry for the positivity break let me get back to roasting this kid's movie yeah the lyrics to this song stink too whenever I'm having a bad day I remind myself that several hundred people at Disney green lit the line Watch Out World here I are and I remember I'm doing pretty okay as for the point of this song There is no point it is as meaningless as the rest of the movie are you beginning to see a pattern so yeah that's my least favorite song in the movie but there's more to talk about so let's keep going I guess yeah I know this technically isn't a song but I wanted to take a moment and talk about how horrendously Stupid wish's humor is there's several moments where it goes for the lowest possible definition of humor such as when the star draws a mustache on as's chin or it has itself a little fashion show oh so cute it's almost as if they remembered Oh wait we're supposed to be entertaining children I guess we should make this movie at least halfway interesting because honestly wish is one of the most boring films I've seen in a while you don't feel attached to any of the characters and things just kind of happen I know if I was a kid I would have been bored out of my mind and so we get loads of egregiously bad funny moments none of which is worse than the chicken dance Ash is hidden the star and the talking goat in a closet and her friends ask her why she's being so suspicious and demand to see what's inside so she opens the door and the star is magically given the closet chicken the ability to sing and dance as the goat leads them for a full 38 seconds the chickens sing and dance and sing some more it feels like an eternity the stupid joke goes on for so long but don't you get it don't you see kids chicken chicken funny Disney funny yeah okay that's about all I got on this one and this is the so Asha gets her friends to help her sneak into King magnifico's wish room so she can steal her granddad's boring wish and her best friends distract the king magnifico comes out telling the town someone's practicing forbidden magic and he would like information the town agrees to help but requests a wishing ceremony which puts magnifico in a bad mood he stalks up the stairs muttering about how unth thankful the town is and so the music begins this is probably the most hated song in the entire movie I'll get the Bad lyrics out of the way since that's probably what you've already heard about the name I'm magnificent disrespect I just underwe I'm grateful much I got these CH from out of space all you you're not I let you live it for free and I don't even charge you yeah there's some of the worst lines Disney's ever put in a theatrical movie but what magnifies the Bad lyrics is that this is supposed to be the villain song this is the big climactic moment where the villain's true evil is supposed to shine so let me remind you what that's supposed to look like villain songs in Disney movies are scary they showcase the power of the individual giving you good reason to fear them maybe their power is the power of persuasion maybe they have strength or a commanding Voice or maybe they can manipulate people by using fear even if their first song isn't that scary it usually comes back for a much darker reprise is it reprise or reprise reprise rri okay yeah that's stupid Disney villain songs don't just move the plot forward they single-handedly set the tone for how powerful and terrifying the villain is so with that in mind what do we learn from this is the thanks I get king magnifico is not scary it's that simple this is the thanks I get does absolutely nothing to make magnifico an intense powerful or horrifying character he just seems like a spoiled brat throwing a temper tantrum the closest comparison would be the gueston song But if Gaston was an insecure jiny loser praising himself in the mirror to feel better magnifico's villain song is a joke for one simple reason magnifico isn't a good villain all the other villains I mentioned have clear goals maybe they want to be king or they want to be immortal or they want revenge they they want power and are willing to do anything to get it magnifico doesn't have that unlike all the other villains his motives are actually decent sure he's self-obsessed and a bit of a jerk but he's not a bad guy his goals and Ambitions are pretty positive he went through some bad stuff and wanted to make a place where that would never happen to anyone else did he do a perfect job no but at his core he's trying to do the right thing which means he makes for a pretty terrible villain and Disney knew it too because this is the thanks I get is the turning point for his character and it makes no sense as I said he's not a bad villain so far but the story now demands an evil villain so Disney decided hey how about we make him get possessed by dark magic this is just a horrible way to move things along and a dumb excuse for magnifico's complete 18 0 of a character Arc have I talked about how this song sounds yet this is the things I get just doesn't sound like a villain song it's peepy and up beat and the little in the background only make it feel less intimidating again this is a temper tantrum not a real villain song I've talked about Disney's refusal to make strong male characters before but I find it kind of funny that even the all powerful sorcerer King has to be such a weak and useless man and you might be saying well of of course it sounds bad nobody makes an upbeat villain song except I've got a great example of a kind of pepy villain song that's still horrifying and it's not even from Disney Anastasia is one of those movies that seems like it should be a Disney film but it actually isn't and aside from maybe the art style it does Disney really well you've got your princess character your music and your villain Rasputin who gets a deliciously evil ballad that Rivals anything Disney's ever made in the dark of the night is the song Rasputin sings in the Underworld about how he can't wait to kill Anastasia and it's pretty py and upbeat for a murder ballad will be sweet the C be the main dividing line between ruttin song and magnifico song is that rutin is scary and has an easy to understand goal while magnifico is just kind of ranting one is upbeat and intense and the other is upbeat and cringey it's just that simple oh and I guess I can bash the art style a bit more I watched a bunch of Disney villain songs while making this video and not only did they all sound a million times better but the visuals were delicious whether it was harsh greens horrifying Shadows fire and brimstone or even something as simple as Den F the villain songs all felt like climactic events and then you've got King magnifico tossing a few wishes around and crushing one or two Holograms the moment with the magical book is actually semi decent and the line desperate times call for desperate measures is a good one it reinforces the fact that he has to keep reassuring himself that he's doing the right thing i' give it points if it didn't follow a Yoda cameia oh and then any kind of imposing or threatening power he had is completely Stripped Away by his where was I oh yeah it's almost as if Disney desperately doesn't want him to be threatening so what does this song accomplish a good deal actually Asha steals the wish magnifico turn turns to the dark side and Asha sees it happen overall this song is integrating plot moments into music way better than the rest of the film I guess when you fail this badly in one area you've got to make it up somewhere but yeah lyrically this is probably the worst song in the whole movie but we ain't done yet strap in cuz it's time for asha's response so Asha returns her granddad's wish to him and magnifico shows up because someone turned her in but by using the awesome Unstoppable power of a bookcase Asha defeats the all powerful sorcerer and runs away nothing to see here great riding all around Asha leaves her family on an island returns to find that she and her friends are wanted fugitives because gasp friend four turned her in oh no and her friends are questioning what the heck is going on so in her infinite knowledge and wisdom Asha shows up to tell them everything in the form of another awful song listen I could break down how the song fails lyrically tonally on a basic level for music as a whole but the fact is that I'm late to the party and the channel brainless Mastermind made an entire video breaking down the song better than I ever could seriously go check it out it's my favorite video breaking down wish that I've ever seen but trust me there's far more to talk about than just the lyrics so instead can I talk about how Ash is the villain again we've already established that the king isn't a good villain because his points make sense and Ash is the villain for ruining the peace and happiness that was just fine without her we've also talked about the weird biblical parallels between the snake from the Garden of Eden and Asha and this song is more of that Asha has seen the fruit and she tells everyone else the knowledge they're missing out on and suddenly for the first time there's unrest in Rosas maybe the people aren't happy with their king after all see in the Bible after eating the fruit Adam and Eve realized that they've sinned and they try to hide from God in shame but here's where our story sear at asha's friends buy into her words of Revolution and they like it to use our analogy they've fallen from God but they're okay with that because it's time to take God down and show him who's boss again I don't think this is the story Disney meant to write heck I might just be looking too far into this kid's film but they've proven to be pretty morally corrupt by now so we can't exactly say that's off the table and again what are they really revolting against everyone here agreed to the social contract of trading their wishes for safety and no taxes but now they've got a problem with that you're literally living on his land if you don't like it go somewhere else it's that simple the whole invented Revolution makes no sense oh and how about we ask what the heck is supposed to be going on in this scene they're marching around the seller looking Place moving items as if they're preparing for something so are they building weapons of war or fortifying the room no they're literally making Shadow art every single item they put in place is just to make a cool looking Shadow and they're trying to catch the star who's dressed as magnifico I can't tell if this movie is made for 5-year-olds or made by 5-year-olds within seconds all of her friends agree with her which you know what I won't knock too much she's grown up with these people and they love her so of course they come around to what she's saying except I will complain about this guy he's the grumpy one who complains and doesn't believe in anything not even his friend's ability to get the job at the beginning of the movie he's the one calling her untrustworthy literally 2 minutes earlier and we're supposed to believe that a minute into the song He's just all ready for revolution now really I tell you man Disney can't write a character to save its life then the queen shows up ready to March into battle with them listen I think if they wanted to go with the the king's been possessed and his wife desperately wants to free him even though he's evil storyline that could have been maybe kind of interesting but no he's been evil for a day so down with the King these characters man I can't deal with it so what exactly does this song accomplish Asha successfully shares the fruit and inducts her friends and the King's wife into her cult I mean Revolution as for the shadow art they make during the course of this song I just why just why the song ends with a dramatic pose that feels straight out of high school musical let the revolution begin I guess I'd rather the movie just end but we're not quite there yet it's time for one final song will be greater than all his magic combined so yeah um spoiler warning for the end of wish if you still care it's time for The climactic Showdown you want to see a a clip that showcases exactly how horribly they've mangled magnifica character there will be no more hope no more dreams and no Escape yeah the slightly misguided but good-hearted guy is completely gone replaced by a Saturday morning cartoon villain is it the evil spell that's making him evil or was he always this bad I don't know this movie is just so poorly written nothing works or makes sense sorry about that but yeah Asha starts singing to save the day and it's a song you've heard but sung a little bit differently so I look out at the stars just like me oh boy Gee let's mix that horrible I want song with a nihilistic message from you're a star what could go wrong have you ever seen that Doctor Who episode where all seems lost but the entire world gets together and thinks doctor to save him it's one of the cheesiest and most stupid endings to anything I've ever seen and Disney looked at that and said yeah okay let's do that for our 100th anniversary spectacular the town uses the power of togetherness positivity and nihilism to defeat the all powerful King magnifico and imprison him in his own magical staff the king is gone the wishes are free and the town is saved yippe lyrically this repre has all the same problem the original version does words are stressed strangely the meter and Tempo are all over the place and that throw caution to every warning sign line returns heck they say the [Music] line which just makes zero sense your wish held high is a meaningless statement and you're saying the King taught you to do that didn't you just say his promises were confused for protection so his word is as meaningless as I don't know maybe swearing on my response seriously none of this makes any sense it's a fine enough finale until you look down the street and see what Encanto did it's finale song all of you Blends together the best parts of multiple songs from the film includes several important character moments like Bruno's reunion and Dolores finally being seen showcases the character growth of Mirabel and her grandma and ends on a beautiful way of tying the whole movie together with the dornob scene it is a fantastic finale song leagues ahead of this wishes repre in every single way so yeah Asha becomes the town's Fairy Godmother Peter Pan shows up and the Goat can't wait to go off and start a metropolis Utopia for animals that wear clothes it's a horrible and cringe filled ending that perfectly fits a horrible and cringey movie wish is by far one of the worst movies I have ever seen I've watched loads of bad movies this year and even went in with Rock Bottom expectations but the undertones of evil and the blatant worship of nasm just send this movie into the next level of awful y'all have asked why I hate Strange World so much and it's because that film is just as heavy-handed with his messages as wishes it just beats people over the head with environmentalism not nihilism back in the day we'd get movies that could be fun and cover interesting topics well but now Disney's afraid that if they don't slap a silly with the message we won't get it there's this thing called subtlety Disney Once Upon a Time you knew what that word meant so yeah I'm a lot concerned for upcoming films like Moana 2 and zootopia 2 or even films from the guys next door like inside out 2 and Toy Story 5 Disney as a company is so creatively and morally bankrupt that I don't know if we'll ever get another classic from them again I would love to be proven wrong but wish is genuinely bad enough to ruin every bit of Faith you might have in the company it's disgusting if you want to celebrate Disney's 100-year anniversary Go watch Beauty and the Beast The Lion King Tangled or heck even the non- Disney Anastasia it certainly feels more like classic Disney than this mess of a celebration movie and enjoy it because there's a lot of good Disney to celebrate great wish sadly is not included in that and I will happily dump it and all of its music in the garbage bin but anyways those are just my thoughts what are yours please tell me in the comments hey editor bacon here thank you so much for watching this video it's literally taken me months to make the darn thing so I hope you enjoyed watching it as much as I enjoyed making it in case you're new here I'm a shorts YouTuber that posts a new short every day at 9:00 a.m. eastern time where I talk about movies games literally whatever the cro I can think of if that sounds like something you'd be interested in please check it out making this video took a lot out of me so I think I'll probably take a good long break before I make another long form video I've got two others currently one on Star Wars one on How to Train Your Dragon 2 both of which are probably on the screen somewhere I'm very proud of them so if you enjoyed this hopefully you'll enjoy those too but yeah thanks again for everything I couldn't make these videos without you guys so from the bottom of my heart thanks for being such a great audience
Channel: Bacon Guy
Views: 37,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RxJ4VY7f2aU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 52sec (1852 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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