trying to fix wish's dumb villain song

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all right all right okay I'll do it God he's so annoying so I just did a video where I looked through one of the songs from wish um explained why the lyrics were stinky in general the lyrics of this movie are just awkward they don't sound good in the Rhythm flows about as well as a river wet concrete or they just don't make any sense uh so I went through the song explained what I thought was wrong and then tried to fix it cuz it was honestly kind of a shame these these songs they they they it felt like they had a lot of potential potential which Disney kind of snuffed out by giving the writers no time and also I think hiring pop writers instead of musical theater writers a lot went wrong they totally sh the bed and I want to help uh these songs to get to the best they can be now am I saying that my songwriting is the best but anyway you guys seem to enjoy it when I did that the first time so I'm doing that again this time with the song that probably rubbed the most people the wrong way this is the thanks I get the quote unquote villain song of wish and if you haven't seen this movie just wait um and you'll know exactly what I mean by that okay let's watch it I couldn't find the actual scene so we're just going to watch the lyri the lyric video the song is what's important though let's just let's just do it I can't help it of my got um so like so just for context this song it happens right after the scene where he's like talking to the people in his kingdom then the people start like questioning what he's doing like yeah and now he's pissed off about it and then the first thing he says is man I'm [ __ ] hot I just don't see how that's like relevant I can't help it if mirers love my face I mean I guess at this common I guess it's just him like talking to himself and being like you're a good King those people are stupid but I just think there's a better way to say that like he's making it sound like the main thing he's mad about is that people don't think he's hot enough or no that he's too hot anyway that line needs to go and then he says it's genetics it's genetics yeah I got these jeans from out of space I got these jeans from outter space first off saying genetics and genes in the same bar it's just absurdly lazy but also I got these jeans from Outer Spa huh I mean maybe he's talking about his like magic that he got from outer space but that's not genetics they explained at the beginning that he was just a guy who until something happened to him and he was like he's he decided to learn magic it's it's quite literally not genetics so what are you talking about what's a better way to open this fill and song than him talking about how hot he is like I can't help it if you you don't uh know the way I can't help it if you don't see the way see now we're making it about him being mad that people aren't respecting his authority not a is face peep the name I'm magnificent I put the eye in omnipotent yeah I don't get this line either I put the eye in omnipotent I put the eye high and omnipotent see it's one of those things where it sounds right until you think about it you usually when people say I put the this in this it works cuz the thing you put in the thing means something you ever heard someone say I put like the cool I put the cool in school cool is a word and then you shove it into school and it's another word it makes sense so what do you mean when you say you put the i in omnipotent at what like the first person pronoun you put you in omnip like no man stop someone praised me for my benevolence just look I give the close off Benito back if need I'd give the close up B is this an example he's giving a his benevolence cuz that it's not what benevolence is and yeah maybe the point of the song is to say that he thinks he's benevolent but he's not but also he's not stupid like and then the next line IUN Henry home like that he's like mentioning people that he is putting In Harm's Way on purpose purp does he know that he's evil or not does he think he's helping why are you saying this okay why did the fan on my laptop start making noise all of a sudden hold on it's so egregious that I'm trying to think of a reason why they why would you write that in why would you say [Music] that now this is just this this is just absurd I didn't think I'd have to do this but the sentence I let you live here for free and I don't even charge you rent is [ __ ] redundant because if you're letting someone live there for free that means you're not charging them rent and this could have been easily remedied by not using the word and where it makes it sound like you're going to elaborate and say something different but instead you just said the same thing twice I feel like I'm stopping so often that instead of stopping and then thinking of how to rewrite the lyric I'm just going to go through the whole thing and then write [Music] it is that true though cuz the movie makes it seem like you're pretty reclusive you stay in your Tower because you're the king and you have important stuff to do Asha hadn't seen you until this movie so I don't think you are always there when they need to vent huh bifico he just a little respect and then okay yeah here's where it starts to lose me now up until this point the sort of um instrumental that it's not quite evil but the sort of upbeat tone Works sort of because he's not fully evil yet you think they'd all be content uh but then we get to this part and it's just thees doesn't make any sense so that's definitely the first thing I would remove if I were to remake the the instrumental of this song this is the than this is the thanks I get yeah so riveting lyrics yeah I remember that classic um song from The Lion King uh I think it went like be prepared be be prepared be prepared just singing The Hook over and over like this it's it's too pop like they're focusing too much on having this catchy hook and it sucks at least for the context of it being a villain song so instead of this is the thanks I get it it it should be it should be a spoken line where he's like this is the thanks I get something like that or at least or at least make it minor key you know you're so brilliant oh that's the least you could say okay the timing of that lyric was odd that's the least you could say yeah so another example of not stressing the correct syllables hey there's more admit it you're cute and strong and bold and brave thanks you're cute and strong and bold and brave I like I like that line that's a fun line you know he's talking to himself um trying to Hype himself up I'm trying to I'm trying to I'm I'm looking for good thing I'm look I look contrary to popular I don't I I like liking things and and I bu it up and you still complain ungrateful are you sure they you're not the prop I love to see if try do my job huh I built it up and you still complain ungrateful much yeah struggling to figure out what it is I don't like about that maybe it's just the way he says it you know what this song could do with being slower that I think that would sound less awkward if you said it slower are you sure you're not yeah and then he says are you sure that you're not the prob who who who says that like ever that's a high percent and now you're questioning your king and now you're questioning your king I mean not only does the s the the emphasis not fall on the right syllable but Chris Pine seems to not get that and is just stressing it even more than he needs to and now you're questioning your king disrespect I just under this disrespect I just under I feel like he okay so they're they're they're obviously trying to find rhymes for get cuz that's the title of the song but this just weird he's saying these unnatural things that just sound so strange just so they can rhyme and they don't they don't have to like find a different rhyme and then still end with this is the thanks I get always yeah it's no the day you were and the day that we met since the day you were born and that there's something about that line that doesn't make sense like if I had got your back since the day you were born you don't need to then go and say and I've also had your back since the day that we met this happen several times too they just say redundant things to fill fill words and this is the is the this is like it's ridiculous Frank it's frankly Preposterous nonsensical if you will I didn't want to do this I swore I'd never do this but I'm hypnotized by these yeah so this this is now the music is changing to V to more villain music and I this is what I feel like needs to happen through more of the song instead of like that I didn't want to do this that part that that is good that is yeah he delivers that line really menacingly like Chris Pine he does a good voice acting job through the rest of this movie he just doesn't sound like a villain when they're making him sing this [ __ ] but I'm hypnotized by how these Pages flip cuz I refuse to have my power stripped but I'm hypnotized by how these pages flip CU I refuse to have my power stripped just feels off I mean I it's just the pronunciation of that line is awkward to this book I don't want to be tether but desperate times call for desperate measures to this book I don't want to be tethered but I would have slightly changed the timing of that one you would go to this book I don't want to be tethered but desperate times call for desperate measures I would also work on that rhyme it's not great to this book I don't want to be te he says to this book I don't want to be tether butt I don't know it just it kind of makes it sound like butt is part of the rhyme where was I oh [Music] yeah yeah so now we're back to this's a traitor in this town and still I remain unbent there's a traitor in this town and my whole family just got murdered by a ni psychopath with an axe yeah I really hated them and now I don't have to pay my taxes what I don't know let's keep going come out now explain yourself I'm sure it's all just an accident well whoever finds them first yeah the the song lines and the spoken lines are not meshing well it's it just sounds like sh when songs combine uh song lines and spoken lines I I don't know there's a better way of doing it whoever finds well that's a wish well spent now honestly keeping you safe should be worth every cent what is he talking about I forget who is he talking to keeping you safe should be worth every cent he's either talking about keeping the traitor safe which is Def is probably not it or keeping the person who finds the traitor safe guess weird thing to like end the verse with right before you go into the chorus also like worth every scent of what the use of that phrase impli like the involvement of money which there isn't these are the things that you need to think about before writing us for writing things and then including them in your future film this is the than so get oh this is the thanks I get okay so yeah Chris Pine's doing his best there and you know they're trying with the visuals but the music is clashing so hard like oh my my God like how about this is there um just the instrumental we can listen [Music] to yeah it sounds like the end of a Disney Channel sitcom intro exceptional exceptional and there was that one part where we got like a taste of the villain song music like this is like that's that's good [ __ ] that's great that is so good that's such good villain stuff what went wrong with the rest of it anyway the song is a disaster uh what can we do about it I don't know how I should change the part where he's like i' give the clothes off Bonito back okay here's what I got I give you food I would give you clothes I took out Bonito I feel like he should be mentioning people by name I give you food I will give you clothes if you really need them most saying it this way is putting less emphasis on the taking away from someone else and more on the giving to the other person want volunteer my troops my I don't know just again I don't want to just say Henry cuz it doesn't make any sense like what and so I sat at my desk rewriting the lyrics of this shitty song for like 2 hours uh it was way too long I ended up changing basically every single line uh and I realized that it would be boring as [ __ ] if I just showed you every single time I changed something so I just did a little summary so I scrapped the I let you live here for free line I welcomed you all here from nearby cities and distant lands and the main goal there was to not have to repeat the uh same rhyme like five times he just got kind of exhausted after he said rent and then vent and then content and then respect and then this is the things I by the time we got to the hook the rhyme was played out in my head there's like a dramatic pause and like like a dramatic sigh before he says this is the thanks I get the first time uh I fix some of the awkward like syllable stresses like instead of it's the least you could say he changed a little bit to it's the least that you could say and just generally tried to make the lyrics sound cooler and less like they were the first draft and now you question my methods while you reap of my generosity and then here right before the evil part I mean I just added a little line to sort of bridge the gap there no hesitations no regrets I didn't want to do this and then we and then we we get to the evil part but I'm hypnotized by how these Pages flip cuz I refuse to have my power oh oh oh oh oh oh what if at the end of this part we brought back the at all costs line I have to do this at all costs that's the name of another song in the movie so in this book I may have my mind lost but I must protect my home at all costs that that's cool we like that uh well that's basically it for the lyrics you know a lot of these probably aren't final so I'll I'll leave them for you to hear when I'm actually done but now I want to see if I can like make a better instrument Al for the song um I'm not sure how but I'll figure it out I found it I found it so my dad has this snare drum that I think we might be able to use cuz the first thing I thought this song could use was like the a little bit of that sort of like a sort of like a a Sinister [Music] March I need something that I guess people usually use a or something but um I just use this Maran shirt that was lying on the floor yeah that's the sound we want how am I going to dampen the bottom of the drum too sounds like a roll sort of is there something I'm like look I I'm not a percussionist all I know is hit instrument with stick [Music] now we can come over here we need like Sinister chords for this I mean this is just like a proof of concept so probably just end up using piano key is this song in B flat so I'm like that type of beat now like I said for the most part this this sort of instrumental in the beginning it does work to to kind of keep it a little bit upbe but not too upbeat yeah I'll go with [Music] that and for this part I basically kept the same sort of vibe except for the just for a little extra weight it's kind of rough but I think it sounds okay oh I did steal that one part at this at this part so the biggest changes I would say are um not adding the and also at the end of the verse I put in this uh jarring piano chord just this sort of a yeah so the piano sounds like sh cuz it's just me playing it and then going into the microphone but I'm try in here and in the end I wanted to uh make it even more dramatic so it kind of slows down and you get and you get [Music] this so see I think all that's left to do now is the actual uh cover I mean I'll try my best to be evil but I'm not great at it and I'm definitely going to be changing the melody cuz it's too major for my liking I want to see if I can make it minor yeah like when it comes to Keys miners are my favorite so I'm sitting here listening to what I recorded still kind of sounds like sh I me I'm really not sure about some of the lyrics I changed honestly I'm I might have made it worse also I can't I can't like do evil villain voice I just can't do it and also the recording of my quality is garbage I also went back and listened to some of the older Disney villain songs for inspiration and I'm slowly realizing that they're all [Applause] British yes it is he but not as you know him Poor Unfortunate Souls there's a specimen yes I'm intimidating like Fire H fire knows best you Granny lied ra sh so that might be another thing holding this song back it's just a guy at least to you know American ears you know villains are British it's I I thought about doing a British accent but I that that that would just be terrible but I don't know I'll let you be the judge did I make it worse or did I make it less [Music] worse I can't help it if you can't see the way it's pathetic you think you know best you think you know pain I'm the king I work magically when it comes to looks no one matches me yeah I'm passionate I'm not petulant someone praise me for my benevolence just look I give you shelter I give you clothes if you really need them most I be the first one to volunteer my troops if ever you're in trouble I can't let this Kingdom crumble I welcomed you all here from nearby cities and distant lands I clean up all your messes and I keep you safe any way I can I give and give and give and give there's no need to pay me back all I want is just a little bit of [Music] respect and this is the thanks I get oh come on don't worry about them you're a great king is that so of course I mean where to even begin you're so brilliant that's the least that you could say there's more oh come on now yeah you're cute and strong and bold and brave thanks fellas I'm a saint it's true I built this whole city just for you and now you're complaining you've got no clue how hard it is to do what I do I did 14 wishes last year that's impressive would you agree and now you question my methods while you reap of my generosity no I've always had your back so why can't you just trust me I've been nothing but gracious and kind since the day that we met and this is the thanks I [Music] get no hesitations no [Music] regrets I didn't want to do this I swore I'd never do this but I'm hypnotized by how these Pages flip I refuse to have my power stripped a potion a spell a summon a curse anything to make that light reverse in this book I may have my mind lost but I must protect my home at all costs there's a traitor in our midst an errant Insidious snake just come on out I'm sure that all of this is a big mistake I'll find you soon enough until then I will take no break the sacrifices that I must make no nothing can ruin this claim I've sted I've been through the storm for all your sakes and yet yet this is the thanks I get [Music]
Channel: Jonah Who Two
Views: 513,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jonah who
Id: V-npkWxzZhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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