Disney's Wish: An Immoral and DANGEROUS Message

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this review probably won't be one that you typically see reviews for movies tend to cover things from a more artistic perspective focusing on a nuances of the plots characters designs sound music things along those lines that'll be quick and easy plot sucks it looks half finished and almost all the characters are flat and uninteresting instead what I want you focus on is the metaphysical message that the movie is trying to portray the ideas it wish to get across to children and make no mistake this is not a family movie like Disney used to make this is just an outright kids movie children either fortunately or unfortunately listen a lot more than they realize they're basically cultural sponges absorbing everything they see and hear around them whether or not they know they are doing it it's why I've made several videos now revolving around the concept of stories and why the stories that we watch are so much more than merely entertaining fiction and it's why I consider Disney's wish to be dangerous if not borderline evil but before we go into the important bits the quick review of the more artistic side of things movie is easily forgettable main character was yet another oh look at me I'm so quickk the archetype that Disney has been vomiting out since Tangled at least with tangled it made sense she was trapped within a tower all her life and never had any kind of social interaction she was quirky and awkward because she had a reason to be not because the wrers mely wanted her to be the plot was overly rushed things happened at several points that nearly gave me Whiplash making me wonder how we got here so fast the biggest culprit went from how the villain went from model idealistic character to Saturday morning cartoon evil because he was asked a couple of mundane questions but we'll get you that musical numbers were largely forgettable a couple songs could have really been good but then they did something to otherwise ruin it I might have to listen to some of them again without the movie as it might have just been the movie that ruined it but let's get on to the main point of all of this and why I labeled the movie as dangerous to show your children and put those ideas into their fragile subconscious stories especially children stories tend to have a message to them the boy who cried wolf told the tale about the dangers of lying and destroying people's trust Disney's Pinocchio is full of so many allegories and metaphors that has caused certain psychologists to go on to multi-hour lectures about how every little detail in the movie is perfectly constructed let's start with the movie's so-called villain King magnifico let me give you the brief rounddown of the villain Board of humble Origins to an average family his home and lands were ravaged by thieves and Marauders his family seemingly killed so he began to work tirelessly on himself learning the ways of magic once he imaged enough inner personal power he set off to an uninhabited Island from there he began to build his kingdom he never forced anyone to join his kingdom he never tricked anyone people from around the globe came willingly to live under his peaceful rule we human beings love strongly by association and with good reason sometimes the association can be otherwise pointless and silly but will still carry the strongest of feelings if you don't believe me by all means go about your day with a Charlie Chaplain mustache and tell me how your day goes if anyone makes any associations about you regardless of your thoughts or beliefs on those associations the movie starts right off the bat and I mean literally right at the start when it's doing its whole Exposition dump from a fairy tale book associating these otherwise positive traits with the villain and that would be fine if we ever got to see a proper subversion of any of the negative traits or showcasing how the otherwise positive traits can end up being used for evil and a main character to Showcase how it should be used for good maybe if the king gained his personal power in order to do evil and Asha gained her personal inner power to help others that could have worked but that's never happened for years decades the king ruled over the kingdom of Rosas peacefully without a single underlying negative trait or reasoning behind his rule no seriously when King magnifico has his villain song there was no one around to hear him so he is just singing to himself not trying to trick or manipulate anyone let me read you some of the lines of the song before that I suppose if I were to try and make a poor counterargument to myself his main flaws are that he's a little arrogant and self-conceited but if you manage to learn magic powerful enough to let you build a peaceful Kingdom from scratch I'm not really going to care if you take pride in that and also think you're goodlooking anyway the lyrics I'd give the clothes off Bono's back if you really needed that I be the first one to volunteer if your home were to crumble or if you were in trouble I let you live here for free and I don't even charge you rent I I didn't write this into the script but I just noticed I let you live here for free and I don't even charge you rent well the free part kind of implies that you're just repeating the same W this is this is bad writing in general anyway moving on with the lyrics again I clean up all your messes and I'm always there when you need to vent I give and give and give and give give you think they all be content and all I really want is just a little respect and this is the thanks I get this doesn't even sound like a villain song this sounds like the song of the heroic main character who starting to feel like their hero's journey is not worth it or they started to get some self-doubt the dude does not have evil Tendencies period with everything I've laid out so far does it not sound like King magnifico is actually a great person maybe even someone young kids should look up to well let's take a look at what exactly Disney did to make him such a bad guy when people turn 18 or when they move to the kingdom they willingly give him their wishes when they do that they forget what those wishes were King magnifico chooses the wishes that will be good for the kingdom of Rosa and for the people and holds on to the rest none of this is for personal gain he's already the king everyone already respects him he doesn't get any power from this at least not until they shoehorn forced evil magic into him he does it from how the movie portrayed out of the benevolence of his heart this is a motif as old as the very damn concept of wishes so in other words a motif that has been around and passed down since the beginning of civilization be careful what you wish for sometimes what you think you want is it actually what you want there are unintended consequences All That Jazz this movie made by Disney who brought many of these old fairy tales to life over the last 100 years is now trying to destroy this Timeless wisdom in the eyes of young children we live in an age of horrible self-indulgence and this movie is a reflection of that who are you to say that people shouldn't have the wishes granted you might say that's one of the more Darkly hilarious bits asha's motivation if you can really call it that more on her later is that her grandfather is turning 100 and has not had his wish granted yet she wants it to be and that's what sparked all the series of events in the movie Her granddad's wish is that he wishes to inspire the younger generation on its surface with rose tinted glasses it sounds great but as king magnifo showcases in his kingly wisdom again I can't believe the trench make this guy a bad guy this is not a good wish it's too vague Inspire them in what way what if he inspires them to do something dangerous what if he inspires a bunch of INR children like Asha to try and overthrow the kingdom cuz they think they can do it better some dumb old man accidentally sets off the French Revolution in this land I mean hell in a vague image of someone's wish we see some character standing as if he just conquered a piece of land if his wish was granted and he gain the power to conquer kingdoms even if he doesn't choose the kingdom of Rosa and goes off somewhere else he's going to start wars get people killed who knows what else again be careful what you wish for so again for the sake of his kingdom potentially other kingdoms for those people involved he only grants a select few wishes with no sense of malice or greed or anything else along those lines all he wanted the villain all he wanted was for the people to be happy and to get a little respect for building a kingdom of peace that they all willingly went to and Disney is telling the children watching this that all of this is bad born out of villainous Behavior his toiling away at himself to get the strength to make his kingdom what it is meaningless why would C when we can just have your wish granted we see an example of him granting someone's wish someone wished to make the most beautiful clothes in all the kingdom he didn't give her the ability to magically manifest these clothes he hands her a pair of magical scissors and I think another tool she still has to put in the work and this was done during a scene where the whole purpose of the scene was to make you dislike the king because he chose this wish over asha's Granddad if Asha had her way wishes just get magically granted and that's the end of it at least with Pinocchio he had to go on one hell of a journey before it truly became fulfilled here magic pixie Dusk to hell with the King and his tedious studies for the good of humanity those things make you arrogant be like the main character who well exists I guess these wishes these dreams that people have they're not the usual subtle allegories that Disney has done it's a lot more in your face there's no subtlety here and here they are trying to tell the young children that any wish any dream you have have it deserves to be fulfilled it should be fulfilled the wisdom of the old benevolent king with a lifetime experience under his belt is wrong and this 17-year-old who doesn't have a single redeeming quality of a princess or heroine she knows how things should be let's talk about her the main character Asha she is the every man or every woman nothing particularly special about her and that's not exactly new Disney has a long track record of making good characters like that Mulan was nothing special from looking at her at the beginning for example but while she didn't necessarily Jive at the culture around her she still had good traits about her ones that were exemplified by conflict her going against the grain is what leted her stay in the Army and trained to be so strong her out of the box thinking is how they were able to thwart the Mongols on multiple occasions her inner conflicts came to ahead at the climax and helped to save all of China Asha has nothing like that nothing her motivation was to have her granddad's wish be granted but when she was told no she became a spoiled child she told her Granddad that his wish would come true and he got understandably pissed why go as far as to take the Hope away from him not like anything can be done by that point so she gets all say and makes a wish on a star and the star falls to the Earth and starts granting people's and animals wishes they and by they I mean Asha and the magic star decide to break into the king's study and steal back the wishes the idea I guess was to give people back the wishes so they can pursue the wishes themselves that sounds fine in a contextless vacuum but I don't know if this was done on accident or was intentionally malicious but the wishes they showed us that we got a glimpse of were either impossible like the lady flying in the air or dangerous like the one old woman who was sailing a giant ship or the Conquering guy mentioned earlier you want to see a movie that does a good job explaining the dangers of granting everyone what they want go watch Bruce Almighty everyone wins the lottery Suddenly It's Not So Special a kid who uses the pain of being bullied to write beautiful poetry that inspires a generation in the future that future no longer is going to happen cuz he got his wish of super strength and was able to beat up his bullies and now wants to be a pro wrestler multiple examples of how everything goes to hell if everyone gets what they think they want but none of this crosses the mind of the 17-year-old this is reaffirming the current societal cancer of the immediate gratification ation living for Pure self-indulgence kind of people we have today instead of combating it they're promoting it with pretty colors and happy smiles They are promoting Universal vices known to be vices since human beings learn how to think reason and put two and two together be careful what you wish for not everyone gets what they want your wishes may have consequences but consequences be damned back to the king the following star made a lot of pretty lights and colors and noises he wants to find out what happened and tells the towns folk whoever brings him any info will have their wish granted he does this cuz he fears the kingdom might be endangered because reasons the town's folks start asking him questions like what if they want to change the wish or other things like that it makes sense in the context of the scene why they would what doesn't is why this would cause the king to fly off the handle after this triggers the villain song it leads into him using an evil forbidden book of magic which has an implied evil entity basically take over his mind and enslave him to the book it was strange in shows that this movie was really rushed because the whole thing was just vaguely implied at various stages in the movie you never really got an idea of how it affects the mind just somebody made a casual statement about it you see in it a drawing of some kind of entity but that's it just a drawing of some entity never even implied it exists outside the book they do nothing to enforce it they don't show the book tugging away at his mind or anything he just becomes power hungry for the sake of being power hungry we which is saying cuz he's already the king he can now eat people's wishes to energize himself which leaves people feeling depressed after he does it at this point he's just pure evil nothing of his previous good side is visible many people have shared the sentiment it's like the first half and second half the movie were written by two completely different people in the first half he isn't even a villain in the second half it's like he doesn't even have any real goals Beyond just being a villain for the sake of being a villain so does Asha at any point in this movie really Le any anything does she go through any struggles any realizations any form of the hero's journey at all no she is quite literally and I mean literally in the literal sense of the word and not the bastardized modern day metaphorical sense of the word literally the same person from the start of the movie to the end of it she never does anything wrong I would AR you never does anything right but anyway even the scene with the Grandad mentioned before where he got all pissed at her it looked to be made in old for you to GA sympathy for hood and to make the Granddad seem unreasonable in fact and this may come as a real big shock to anyone who's been following Disney's bull craap for the last decade or two nearly every male character has some kind of notable flaw to them while every female character is a Mary Sue with no negative traits even the background characters the biggest flaw quote unquote in a female is that one needs to walk with a crutch but that's not really a flaw as a never comes into any play one way or the other checkov is rolling in his grave right now one male character is just an annoying always negative dick another is basically a stoner another his whole personality is he's constantly sneezing because of allergies so that's something character development we cover the grand a one of the male characters after he gets insulted by everyone ends up turning on them to get his wish granter naturally he's one of the very few white people in the spanish-based culture so of course it'll be him to betray everyone and there's obviously the king and that's it for the male characters what's the lesson for little kids that the main character is meant to instill I guess you're fine just the way you are I don't know nothing was done with her this script isci to close in on 3,000 words so let me bring it all together stories are filled with allegories and messages children absorb those stories like a sponge this movie takes universally agreed upon positive character traits and Associates them with villain re they take what is otherwise a very good human being and tell the kids you must view this good person and his traits as evil they tell kids to lean into the culture of self-indulgence and self-gratification that they deserve to have their wishes magically come true regardless of consequence instead of that villain what the kids should be looking up to is an empty husk of a character they never change never improve never become a better version of themselves they just exist as an empty shell be like that empty shell children there's something Darkly poetic about this movie it's supposed to be the celebration of the last 100 years of Animation at Disney and this is the best they can give us now I saw in an interview earlier in the week something to pressing apparently Disney has gone ahead and cleared out much of what they used to make 2D animations so you most likely want to see the classic 2D animation styles again but the art style is the least of my worries at this point when you have stories that demonized moral virtue and praise this kind of self-indulgence the dressing and a cake doesn't matter the state of media right now is considerably worse than most of us probably even realize don't watch this movie
Channel: The Dragons Treasure
Views: 585,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney wish review, wish review, wish movie review, wish movie, disney animation, chris pine, disney movies, walt disney, walt disney animation studios, Disney wish bad, Disney wish criticism, disney wish box office, disney wish, wish reaction, clownfish tv, chris pine wish, disney movies ranked, disney wish movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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