ABANDONED JAPANESE MILLIONAIRES MANSION - they fled from their home leaving everything behind

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hello explorers and welcome back to a brand new video so this is the start of my Italy trip hopefully you enjoy it new videos every week of my new trip so please please stay tuned soon this explore we're in the north of Italy exploring a beautiful mansion owned by a Japanese family but a story goes back to 1995 when she fled Japan with her two children for the reason why we don't know foreign just anyone she earned her Millions when she applied for a company called Ghibli that worked beside Disney doing animations so after she made Millions she bought this beautiful Villa where she met a new love of her life but the fairy tale didn't sound all great when she completely disappeared in 2012. right near Christmas now leaving this place completely abandoned did a dog pass catch up with her who knows so guys in this I'm using a new microphone and I apologize for a bit of interference love you loads any new YouTubers today were exploring a beautiful millionaires Villa in Italy so just feel like what we found out is owned by a Japanese lady she had a four-year-old and a one-year-old and she fled Japan but she built a life up in Italy and what we found out from the some of the letters that she went for um she was working for a studio uh doing videography and then she um I went for a job and she built a way up doing I believe it's like filmography we'll find out as we go around and explore this place but I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone who supports awe for all the love you've given me just by watching the video obviously like And subscribe means the absolute world to me I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone so also in this video who said also in this video it's going to be a dark my new little dark and I want you to find him it's going to be somewhere but yeah let's take your own little tour and you watch guys that's a spin in the camera around this place is absolutely incredible let's get on with a video Chandelier and these beautiful like French doors everything's literally left behind guys look at his staircase it's incredible I feel like we've hit the jackpot look how to banish the star the lion Works its way down all the way down to Lion's port and look all the detail you think every part of this staircase is completely hand carved you see part of this ceiling there it's completely come down I think this is a beautiful work of art but it's very I just don't understand what this is about here it's kind of like a child but it's like riding a dragon or a cherub sorry sitting on a dragon it's absolutely amazing there's even a pair of a pair of glasses sitting there as well cannot believe this as soon as we come through the front door I'm not going to take you up the stage yet I'm gonna head around and look downstairs first you can do and again I see things here Japanese and it's like a headless Japanese guy there everything is covered and I'm drawing on my mind Steve oh my God see the little Japanese garden isn't this like a Japanese tree hello [Music] in this cabinet as well dude look at this it's all like brass so straight into the dining area foreign guys don't forget this beautiful dresser table with the dining room it's absolutely incredible you see this place has been abandoned for a long time ceilings literally flaking above us it's always try and picture the families sat around here Japanese family eating their dinner together all the blinds opened at the sun in these rooms wow apps a Christmas decorations still left in these doors look at these doors and a wood paddling this is really a true literally a true time capsule I don't know what they are and they're little boxes [Music] so guys just coming out of the main dining room just take a look at this hallway it's so Grim so much decay just want to spin it here as well and show you look it's a lot of Japanese stuff on the walls feel that they definitely had a love really [Applause] oh look at this guys [Applause] makes me sad when I see little children's chairs still sat there for the shoes things are still literally here completely rotten and decaying away [Applause] the family just left and never came back oh Dusty beer can sitting on the side Les postcards so I've translated this Japanese letter here it's basically I can't speak Japanese I've used Google translate it's the child writing to his dad said that Dad was crossed with him and he can't wait to go back to Japan for a trip um so yeah it's just like a ghost house and it's the same question I asked myself every time why did I leave what made him just go oh wow it's even got the original like servant Bell bits [Music] loving this kind of 60s tiles I'd say around the edge and this was like the main heater for the house I think blows heat up through the pipes and into the rooms oh look is like they just left near Christmas or over Christmas his family just disappeared they vanished so there is other Italian explorers here today which kind of freaks us out as we walked in and they even said they're not sure why this family just disappeared what really happened here children's photos memories I forgot this place is riddled in asbestos I hope you want to touch too much stuff I've got a mask on as well but I said he's still there please I'm not sure what these are wow loving this colored grab glass as well I'm so excited to go upstairs I really am this breakfast table and chairs a little wind chime sitting on the wall it really is this abandoned time capsule look at this I do love these I don't know if it's for like warming towels up or something but you put your stuff in there to keep them warm look at the bowl it's a little like bag hanging up off the radiator there's still like drinks and stuff in the fridge I'm not seeing nothing with dates on this place [Music] as we head back through the hallway and you can imagine this rug probably how beautiful it'd be underneath all this I'm actually walking on the ceiling guys no graffiti nothing pure Decay this is what we love still there's logs look they're going to obviously put in the fire ready the jacket's still hanging out the little worker's Hut look at it oh gosh check that chandelier out like the staircase this is unbelievable you know sometimes when I explore places I think this is the best I've done and then I'll come to another one and it just blows me away each time wow so guys probably last DVDs I watched the informant Matt Damon the Russian The Rose and his children's toys here her little soldiers Samson TV There DVD player from VHS Cuba Libra I really like one gets to me sometimes she just thinking of you know dragging a family away from their home or up and leave for the kids but you never know the stories it could be death they're about to get away quick do love these Italian Villas and these French fillers of all the sharks on the windows this this is for the English watches didn't this remind you of Only Fools and Horses if you've not heard of it us Google it it's a TV show of the 70s just Google Only Fools and Horses um living room let's just have a look at the patterns the very 70s 80s look at this thick marble fireplace there's a trophy here as well uh trophyo 1976. the angel light tight with the wings and here it's a little like a little clothes magazine for a lady you know dump settling the mirrors falling apart the lights just literally broke look at this it's like comfort and he's a woman I size these drawers [Music] where's that cleaning stuff four in one look at a parking flooring as well we've still got a glaze to it even though it's covered in debris and dust look at the boot racks just saying here these two figurines are absolutely stunning I love this little V12 engine maybe a kit that has started to build and never finished I see some books there Japanese books English trying to learn the English language I'm guessing obviously we've got to be so careful when we go outside guys but look front balcony looks amazing looking over the hills so the views you would have in this place would be absolutely incredible I'm not sure why the sofa stacked up there very bizarre really is so weird so as I leave the living room area let's go and explore some more look at this flock wallpaper that type of velvet you feel I didn't notice that as well just look above the doors oh it's very well preserved and looked after [Applause] so we're going to check the basement and then we'll head upstairs oh look at that it's like a ship being made out of like a viking song oh it's all made out of one ivory this little Ivory ship so which would have been your garage to come in oh wow I didn't expect that to be in the basement another beautiful table look at that how incredible is that cast iron bits on it solid thick Oak and again we're seeing more Japanese symbols now to me this looks very japanesey the little table as you translate this to Spanish it's about the basic the great fire the Bulls six beautiful Brave balls Antonio adornas probably pronounce that completely wrong so you can go and see this and this would be a live band with entertainment on the show it's an old poster of an old bull fight [Applause] how cool is this it's like a little bar area little ice cube Pickers look at look at the size it is if you can hear me all right guys I'm using the new mic system so let me know what you think of the Audio I look at the old labels Uncle Jack's whiskeys Jack Daniels All-American type whiskeys there oh look at this and see how long them glasses have just not been touched [Applause] I'm trying to find something with a date on it [Applause] I mean this letter here and what the shark's got a dress but it's 2012. I mean that doesn't give a a great sort of date but looking at the decay in the ceiling it literally wouldn't surprise me [Music] you see that little horseback Riders all carved in yeah that was a picture of the two Japanese children 1987. these are older than me I was born in 83 and there's no way they look like maybe five-year-old there four-year-old sorry this could have been abandoned a lot longer than I thought guys checked the stall out really didn't expect all this in the basement I can't believe I'm walking on this rug it's amazing it's walking around in the life of someone else it is so if I'm all fiber room or not I don't empty oh no it's still the coats have rotten away in them that's 1977 on that one there's still all the wine in them pretty sealed this place could be abandoned a lot longer than I think so I just love how well organized this place is all the stuff's in rags little beer cans again called the tools as well the old Vice beautiful pictures here look and made their own like Shadow bald things hanging up foreign again very religious okay look so the Pub's called the old so this is the old The English Pub [Music] that's so cool look at the time stopped at eight o'clock loving this little food trolley here let's just take the stairs [Music] because the staircase is absolutely incredible look at the detail I think everything 's been hand carved because nothing's exactly the same look at the Decay up here this big huge plaster lumps I think these squares weigh an absolute ton [Music] yeah you wouldn't want that on your head just looking back down the stairs [Music] I cannot get over this staircase look at here I sounded like a kid in a sweet shop or a toy shop right now [Music] wow absolutely wow I'm loving this natural Decay even though it is kind of sad to see it like this but this is what we explore for guys this is a true time capsule you've got to agree as well the colored glass is amazing so we're up at the top of the staircase we're walking here you imagine coming out in the morning stretching yourself right at the top of your staircase one of the family members sitting there playing the piano you can imagine the acoustic sand in this Hall the old creaky floor Waters and walking them the happy chandelier glass foreign you can see a lot of statues all in the gardens grand villa we'll get some drone shots at the end anyway so which was most likely see at the beginning and partly through the video try and translate this letter again foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] it's basically saying I'm gonna try and read this because it's not going to be perfect but it says on 1995 July 24th Tokyo today in Tokyo Tokyo finally declared the opening of The Plum blossoms the temperature has risen to 34 degrees today so it's really hot let's move this mask so by the way the other day I was very sorry for suddenly sending you a handwritten letter also consulted Mr Manago about the property but in the end result of Consulting the mother of the bride called Miss even if I borrowed the bright stress from the owner I would not be able to use the week okay other arrangements were also difficult declared over where I'm sorry to bother you but at the end I didn't bother you but I was very governed and remembered see some of this may not make sense it's Google translated tries almost 10 years have passed since I first fled to Italy with my children oh wow so this family literally fled four and one I don't think I'm old at all but to think about it I was just in my 30s but already in the 40s is early however experience living in Italy at the early phase started to remain in memory a very good time for the rest of my life last Saturday by chance I was in temperature interview for a director of an animation studio okay so this is probably where she got her money from uh 20 years ago is now a very populated in Italy and also there is a famous work called grave fireflies I saw two children during the wars be part of the 50th Century Japanese interview and broadcast on the fifth uh 11 o'clock I wrote some rambling but in case the bridal dress which caused a lot of trouble I'm sorry to bother you I'm sorry for always saying random things and random thoughts I also want to go to Milan I look forward to meeting you at the time until we're back please take care of yourself nice vacation hot weather yoshiko her name wow that's pretty incredible so this lady fled from Japan with a one and a four-year-old so you can imagine the women viewers if you if that was you you've had to flee in a country to a complete different language it's not even very similar it's not like you're fleeing from just spanning Spain to Italy I mean the language is totally different but it's probably easier to learn it's incredible it really is the story that we've just found out but then it makes me wonder why did she flee this house [Music] the toothbrush is leaving literally everything behind it's been Fair that's pretty personal for me to leave the toothbrush behind you're smelling this bit it's disgusting dusting wow look at this shower all my days I've never ever seen a shower like this right here as well imagine it just chilling in here it's literally nine degrees in this house really cold I love bought a bit of sugar to me but looks like she's come a long way [Music] this is when it gets a bit really weird with the clothing has literally been rushed out maybe she was trying to flee again who knows again it's greeted by this gorgeous Chandelier don't really want to climb over their clothes but I feel like there's no choice the wardrobes have been literally dug out yeah it's so weird isn't it it's all been like pulled out you've got the balcony out there which I can't go out there but looking over Italy and that cloudy sky today oh let's hop back over this yeah try and be as respectful as I can guys loving this little dresser look at this it [Music] all right oh wow slow children's room well I'm guessing it's a little children's room [Music] now you can see outside foreign town you can just about see the old Chapel up there in the background no it's going to go blurry okay this room just sits completely still and then it will serve in tight bones the little writing desk everything was incredible this is all rarc controller there you think the last things that were written in there there's little like scent things been lit I love Snoopy you know it was the first ever teddy bear that I got bought for me when I was a baby look at the date of that 1950 to 58. oh wow it's a real taxidermy leaving the birds decaying away I don't know your fools guys but I really don't rate Taxidermy I think with somebody dies it should die imagine having your loved ones stuffed in your house if that was a thing who freaks me out I know we wish we could keep everything forever ever but and Fortune's life you know the little dolls just makes me sad they're just waiting for the child to come back jump into bed tuck him in with them there in Jesus and it's another little Japanese thing next to the bed let's see some odd little toys little Play-Doh plaster things they've made oops so stiff he was pretty chilled sitting there all back over to here look at this texture on my side but also a little dish little clam figurines that's one of those plugs all right oh still clothing in the drawers the facts of these doors are incredible look at them [Music] so even the little children's room behind and then straight into another little one so I feel like this is where she's all like women's clothes but they didn't stay actually sorry boy or girl it could have been a boy and girl oh look at the little old doll down there corner sitting on the beds so if anyone disagrees I've got them out and sat on the bed but they're just hid in the cupboard and this little cross there look at it little beads around it wow there's another card here as well this is really English this is only enough I appreciated letter I wish to have a Christmas and buy that hope with all the new heart that you are you'll be surrounded by only thing your love and respect for people and the amazing your mother you have been all alone in this country isolated with no one but the happy happy joy that you bring people and the winter jelly this is the next big gift but it's a new with my heart with love once it appears please believe in this and please call Santa Claus this is just right here Christmas they fled why it's just got to be the truth this is why they've just fled the garden out there the Old Stone bench loving this look at the painting on the wall of the horses this light above it is amazing look at little tennis racket you can see a little Japanese type sword there oh there's another Dolly on the floor oh just another bear I'm sure what that is oh it's a dog there you go [Music] help your family again I love these little things I forgot what they call them let me know from the links below [Applause] the mold that's set in the paintings another bathroom right at the end of the corridor and nearly I've seen it quite a lot of this green tiles tissues [Music] they decaying molding is unbelievable foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this place just keeps going thank you wow very very Japanese up here the bamboo furniture [Music] wow straight into another little room with a little bedroom all the boxes literally decayed in the corner of a little Ryan desk I keep saying everything's little it's just a habit the pictures not a massive fan of pine Furniture I'm sorry what is up there no [Music] I'm guessing I'll take the ladder in a minute [Music] from it's huge not much to see the only dust and debris guys must have seen the loft it's a very spooky this room I don't know why thank you see I'd always been abandoned to say he's just literally folding out oh wow I've gone in the tower guys I would have to put clear glass in this I'd want to see right up I can't believe this bit is it's left like this okay we're straight into another room so we might as do this room while we're here look at this little candle holder next to the bed a picture there so beautiful it's really weird it's really strange it feels like you saw you know you're in Italy and you feel like some parts in this video you're still like Italy and then you get this Japanese bit again okay it's now ensuite [Applause] very spooky this room I don't know why she had always been abandoned to say he's just literally folding out oh wow foreign was straight into another room so we might as do this room while we're here look at this a little candle holder next to the bed through there so beautiful it's really weird it's really strange it feels like you know you're in Italy and you feel like some parts in this video is still like Italy and then you get this Japanese bit again Okay so it's not sweet [Applause] and then you've got this middle room here just wonder if this was bitful it was for guests when they stayed over maybe it's very um it's not really anything sort of personal up here but it's unbelievable it's such an amazing house [Music] [Applause] thank you the ivory keys and the wooden keys are just falling off as you can see that glass now just looking back here it's amazing so we don't want to upset any neighbors the neighbors are just there so we're gonna head back up let's see what you can go a little Wishing Well there [Applause] this fear looks crazy guys look at the seating area so we might have our blocks are too forward about this dog is Gonna Come flying at us so guys what's an explore I cannot believe how that place looked it was absolutely incredible a pure Time Capsule 10 years abandoned where did they flee to so many questions to ask we're going to try and find out a lot more history on this place and hopefully it'll be in the beginning of the video but um yeah just want to say thank you so so much for everyone who supports awe buy us a coffee all the all the love and support you've shown us I'm just watching a flashlight there shining over us um but yeah just want to say a massive thank you to everyone love you loads guys stay safe and I'll be seeing you on the next adventure look at that and the clock strikes at the end of the video and the clock strikes at the end of the video so sad for me guys out from Steve I'm from Braddock take care guys love you loads and see you on the next adventure
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 70,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, Abandoned places, abandoned house, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned mansion, abandoned mansion everything left behind, abandoned places everything left behind, abandoned places explorered, abandoned places in the uk, abandoned world explorer, abandoned house tour, abandoned hidden in the woods, abandoned house renovation, Abandoned House frozen in time, abandoned places frozen in time, Frozen in time, Abandoned House uk, Exploring, exploring abandoned
Id: s6p3OyMatpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 18sec (2958 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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