What keyboard should you buy in 2023? (BUDGET FRIENDLY)

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okay i get it you want to know what keyboard to buy and howdy hey i'm hypeotech and i'm here to help i've been making keyboard videos for two years now so i think i can help now in order to give you guys the best recommendations i've given myself some rules the rules are the keyboards need to be in stock they need to be hot swap and i need to have seen them before now about one year ago i did a very similar style of video and i'm gonna see how well it's aged let's just say keyboards have gotten a lot cheaper now if you're just getting into keyboards and have no idea where to start then you've come to the right place in order to keep you guys entertained i've picked out some of my favorite keyboards that i reviewed over the last year of making videos these are keyboards that you can buy right now using any of the links down in the description which will be affiliate links which make me money speaking of money you know what's free hitting that subscribe button because 79 of you haven't and that makes me incredibly sad you'll get an extra howdy hay if you do howdy hey so these keyboards are in no particular order but what i will say is i've saved the cheapest for last now in my video a year ago i said that the drawbault was pretty good and pretty affordable well that has not aged very well coming in around 180 to 250 dollars the drop alt is a pretty good keyboard that's too expensive now i know what you're thinking oh well then what's better well it's been a year and kikron is absolutely killing it that's a name you're going to hear a lot this video the kikron q2 walked in slapped the drop alt around and said get out of here i'm the new big dog now this board is 180 fully assembled or 160 bare bones if you're new to keyboards we like stuff that we can customize and most of the keyboards in this video will be customizable via hot swap basically what this means is you can take apart the keyboard and replace the switches without needing to solder which is amazingly helpful this keyboard is also a gasket mount which we'll talk about later basically just means that it feels better to type on now you're probably thinking oh customization big whoop it probably looks decent well what if i tell you it can also sound decent that's pretty good right now this is a bit of a bonus shout out the zoom 65 is a keyboard i've reviewed in the past and they're a previous sponsor full disclosure but it's gonna be restocking quite frequently now starting at the middle of august which is why it's in this video it's a full aluminum board with a gasket mounted design it sounds incredibly premium and the color options are quite nice now that's 160 dollars without the keycaps and switches so it's not the most budget-friendly but look at all this foam that it comes with also honorable mention to the bakken echo which sometimes comes in stock and the qwerty keys qk65 not in stock these boards are arguably pretty cool and honestly with keyboards you gotta keep your eyes open for these types of boards that come in stock from time to time as they're usually a better value but do require waiting but that's why you kind of have to figure out what you want the most out of a keyboard and then weigh your options with how long you're willing to wait and how much you're willing to pay now i can hear you you're saying hipio these boards they're like a hundred plus dollars that's absolutely ridiculous you're insane i don't know what that has to do with any of this but here's a budget option for you coming in at around thirty to forty dollars here's the wilmier 60 this can typically be found in stock at amazon link down below and it's a diamond that needs some polishing if you're looking to do some diy this might be the keyboard for you if not then uh never again personally i put 20 modding this thing and the videos in the top right by the way and i got it sounding good enough i'll have some other budget options later in the video though just listen now here's the point in the video where everybody starts wondering what about the numpads i need my freaking numpad uh bing bong numpad time now i hear you some of you want numpads and yeah some of you are very weird but i get it i get it there's like seven of you out there last year i recommended the epo baker gk 96 because it was one of the cheapest options that also gave you a numpad unfortunately few things have changed in the space for numpad gang but there are a couple things that i've looked at in the meantime now it's got all your standard stuff hot swap rgb wireless decent keycaps decent switches and there's also some fun other options like the th96 that features a knob but in general they're all just a bit expensive now if you're really a die hard for a numpad and want a good board well then you could aim for the kikron q6 you remember everything i said earlier about the kikron q2 well this is that but bigger with a full size numpad zero compromises nada they've got some cool keycap colors they've got an option to get it bare bones so you can build it out yourself that's pretty good but with shipping that's gonna be around 210 bucks which i know a lot of you are gonna have trouble justifying and that's why i say for a hundred dollars less get the epo maker gk 96 it covers most of what you want but it doesn't go too overboard now is that too big you want something smaller oh okay well last year i recommended the epomaker ep84 for 75 keyboard this thing is pretty affordable albeit a little bit cheap but what if i told you that there's a board later in this video that's better for cheaper now at this point in the video you're probably wondering why does hippie keep bringing up kikron so much what's going on with this guy is he a shill well a little bit i i'm an affiliate for them but let's just let past hippo explain what i thought would happen another honorable mention is the upcoming kikron q1 this is a 75 aluminum board that looks like it's gonna shake some things up and maybe be better than the gm mk pro yeah the amount of stuff that's changed in keyboards in a year is crazy like this whole video making process is a nostalgia trip back then if you wanted a good 75 keyboard you kind of didn't have one the gm mk pro wasn't out the item about id80 was kind of like the only thing now at like 140 bucks it's still in okay 75 percent it's aluminum it was my first keyboard i'm partial to it but the id80 kind of falls short in a lot of places the mounting style was pretty stiff which arguably i did like and it was very pingy and hollow and a little bit sketchy then came along kikron that swooped in and said howdy hey we're gonna sell you these keyboards that are pretty nice now are kikron keyboards perfect no not by any means in fact i've clowned on them for sounding like blacksmith anvils from time to time but now there's so many options for 75 keyboards that it's really hard to choose all those features that used to be things that set keyboards apart well they're now just included standard like hot swap and gasket mounts are pretty cool when they work properly too like look at this catskip math these are the gaskets i was talking about earlier they're usually little foams that make your typing softer oh i got you there didn't i yeah that was a little preview of my loudest keyboard ever video but yeah all jokes aside you can make any keyboard sound bad with the right switches and the right attitude but the kikron just got a little brother that is a lot cheaper that i'll look at very soon but before we do that we must first transition into budget town now you remember i said i was saving the cheapest for last and cheapest i also mean best wait a second this is just the gamma kk66 that i featured in my video last year what's that it's still one of the top budget keyboards well yes and no the k66 was one of the first boards that was easily available on amazon had south facing leds hot swap good enough stabilizers and when you mod it out yourself it can sound impeccable in this example i used about a hundred bucks to modify this keyboard so it came out at about 150 total and sounds amazing now this isn't the best keyboard yet but this is a good example as to why being a little bit more creative with your purchasing decisions might be more fun and more rewarding in the end it's nice to just buy a keyboard that's oh what's this is this a new challenger approaching oh my gosh sorry guys i don't have the editing budget for that and this is what you've probably been waiting for the whole video what i would arguably say is the best value in keyboards right now you're probably thinking hippie oh this is just another kikron board it's probably a hundred plus dollars no it comes in at 65 bare bones and 84 fully assembled now wait don't leave that comment that's gonna boost engagement that is incredibly similar to the ep 84 but the performance that you get out of this board is insane in comparison it's loaded with a bunch of enthusiast features that you might think you won't care about but are actually so nice it's got dual stage feet it's got silicone dampening it's got these switches that are very nicely factory looped it's got dampening foam in it but it isn't a gasket mount which means it's a little bit stiffer to type on than some of the other boards that i featured but look at this thing it's got rgb oh i could be a gamer now these keycaps aren't for everyone but just listen to this sound test and that'll swoon ya this is stock but i'm not done yet i've made keyboard videos for a whole year you think this was the last thing i had up my sleeve budget gang i hear you you told me eighty dollars ain't enough well check this out twenty dollars oh twenty dollars oh now this is from one of my most popular videos where i upgraded the most popular keyboard on amazon this is the eusu and it's as cheap as 15 from time to time now it is bottom of the barrel basic but it has some crazy crazy potential if you're willing to give it some love kinda like me now it's got terrible keycaps it's got terrible blue switches it's got a plastic case you're probably thinking hippia why is this in the list at all this is garbage well as i mentioned before if you got a couple hours of time which i'm assuming a lot of you might have more time than money then you can turn this into something way way better these are 20 keycaps that i put on here not bad right now if you don't leave a like and a comment for how good that was i don't even know anymore but ultimately all the keyboards in this video are good in their own right and it really just depends what you want as keyboards are preference do you value having a keyboard that's just the best right as you buy it then one of these more expensive keyboards might be a bit better for you does every single dollar matter but maybe you have a little bit more free time then one of the budget options in this video might be suitable for you are you just really lonely and kinda need a friend well any of these keyboards will work cause the keyboard community's so nice if i happen to leave a keyboard out that you can think of then leave a comment down below as i'd love to know i'm only one hippie but i would love to try a bunch more keyboards this year and next year and the year after and then i might go on retirement actually but who knows [Music]
Channel: Hipyo Tech
Views: 1,194,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keyboard, mechanical keyboard, mechanical, switch, switch review, novel keys, keys, gateron, kalih, sound test, switch sound test, keyboard sound test, keyboard asmr, asmr, typing asmr, mech keyboard, aesthetic, wholesome, reddit, id80, panda, alpacas, krytox 205, krytox, type, test, keyboard mod, keyboard asmr mod, TKL keyboard, red, 65%, 60%, RGB 65%, taehatypes, :3ildcat, 3ildcat, tech, MKBHD, Linus tech tips, Taeha Types, Tech Review, Banggood Review
Id: 4ID07-TVhKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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