The BEST budget keyboard. (For Beginners)

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wait jeremy how did you get in my room i speed ran this is my friend jeremy it's a keyboard wonderland he doesn't have a custom keyboard but he wants to get into building them why because they look cool sound cool and most importantly feel cool i bet you also want to get into building custom keyboards and i'm gonna get into that very soon but what he doesn't know is that i'm gonna be making him build it himself and on top of that he has to leave in just over an hour and a half so we're doing a bit of a speed run here to show building a keyboard isn't actually that hard now jeremy has literally no idea where to start and i bet you watching this probably don't either in this video i'm going to be breaking down how to pick your switches your keycaps and most importantly get into lubing no no no it's not lewd we're going to get into that soon altogether to build your first custom keyboard now this probably looks incredibly intimidating but trust me we're going to get through this together first step is going to be getting jeremy familiar with keyboards now you at home might not have the luxury of trying out a bunch of different keyboards so for that i recommend going down to best buy or something like that just try all the keyboards tell them you want to buy one but you don't have to buy one figure out what type of feel you want so first we're gonna take him down memory lane and he's gonna try and feel some keyboards so when trying to figure out what type of keyboard you want there's a couple different options there's linear tactile and clicky what trying these is gonna do is it's to give yourself a little bit of groundwork to go off of when you choose to buy your switches generally most people gravitate towards linears but we'll get into the rest of that soon is there something weird about that one spacebar this keyboard is from my ceramic keycaps video and what jeremy doesn't know is i've put a pen spring in the space bar that weighs like i don't know 10 times more heavy than any other spring so it's super hard to press it's really heavy boy can you press it easily no no i cannot this one has the most interesting chassis to me in terms of the look there's so many keyboards to choose from about how i just take the one that you use nope nope so i'm trying to figure out whether or not you like linears whether or not you like tactiles whether you like a clackier board a thalkier board there's a bunch of different types of keyboards you can go for as a beginner now as i mentioned there are so many keyboards to choose from and if you're looking for a keyboard specifically and don't care about the process of building it then i recommend watching the video in the top right don't don't watch that yet just watch the rest of this video it's entertaining i swear so what you're trying right now is an electro capacitive keyboard it's different to all the other mechanical keyboards and that it's not actually mechanical don't tell it definitely has that like creamy sound and like feel and i think i like that better than the tactile fair enough now i'm gonna have jeremy try just a couple different keyboards so that way he can narrow down what specific type of linear switch he likes now as i mentioned before if you go into a best buy and try out a bunch of different things then maybe a keyboard with red switches might feel too easy to press that means you want a heavier spring now maybe a keyboard with red switches is just perfect so that means you need a lighter spring that's the type of thing that we're trying out here this is a really satisfying space bar like yes super deep oh so now that you've tried all of them which do you think is the most expensive i might guess this one just because it's wooden and i feel like there's a particular artistry that goes with that sure or maybe this one there's just something about the build that it feels like i mean they all are solid well yeah that one is the most expensive oh yeah it's a more solid type of aluminum okay okay that's like kind of what i was trying to say yeah so after figuring out what type of switches we want we need to figure out what type of layout we want well maybe we should have figured that out first but who's counting i don't even know how to count now if you don't have a hippie at home they can just go through his closet and present you with options to pick from then that's where you need to do a little bit of your own research now i can't do this research for you that's why you're here oh wow you're watching the video good job i'm so proud of you there's a bunch of different keyboard layouts now you could go with something full-sized you could go with something 65 which is with the arrow keys you could go with something without the arrow keys or maybe something with the f row or without the afro what are we thinking anywhere between this okay and this okay do you play games i do play games what type of games do you play well i play a lot of games like what um well at the moment i can't think of anything but um i play a lot of games okay so requirement is games i think what i've decided is that you need a 65 percent keyboard or 75 keyboard with linear switches probably lighter maybe on the lighter side and uh we're just gonna have to go from there let's go so we've narrowed it down to roughly two options we've got contestant number one the nj80 the budget badass if you will then contestant number two the iqnex og-80 darkside exclusive prototype but which one does jeremy want i prefer this one oh he chose the nj80 it's got a knob knob content now something you might notice uh it's not built yeah you're gonna have to do that except the knob so uh how long do we have left in between an hour an hour and a half okay so generally when you get your keyboard it's gonna have a bunch of different accessories and let's run through those real fast so that's a switch puller and this is the keycap thing yep that's a keycap puller and then the point the cord what is that a paper with words on it what do we do with papers with words on it there you go so the first step for building this keyboard is going to be preparing your base kind of like with a pizza now on the back you'll notice that this keyboard is wireless so there's a little switch on the left and then flip it around normally you'd loop all your keyboard switches and that would be a lot of fun we have literally no time but for the sake of the video i'm gonna make you lube one switch otherwise you don't get any so these are the switches that you're gonna be using we've got switches from wuche studios i don't know what they are they were in my bag but they are a linear switch they're of a relative weight that you like based on the switches that you've tried oh yeah i'm here by the way we'll go ahead and take one out i wonder if kinetic lab sent me more lube or not what do you think of them um they're very cute and now i'm gonna show you the basics of how to lube a switch keep in mind this isn't a full tutorial but if you need a little bit more help then i'll leave a link in the top right or if i ran out of space in the description so to lube a switch first step is taking it apart we've got this guy which is a switch opener that i pulled out of my hipiotech lube pouch link down below exclamation point merch gamers there's holes and there's holes so i think the holes meet the hole yeah so you want to make sure that these guys go up into the claws from the you know oh oh no oh that's supposed to happen though yeah that's supposed to okay okay we've got a lube palette and a lube brush now that brush is kind of a bit big honestly but i'm giving it to you anyways because you know why not now when getting some lube on your brush less is definitely more you just want the lightest layer possible first let's start with the housing so grab the housing and now you just want to brush a light layer of lube on each side of the slider the slider is the plastic bit on the right so do three strokes and then flip the brush on the other side then three strokes bing bong boom and then go lightly around the hook perfect boom one step done okay now we gotta rush now you gotta grab the stem with the stem holder and this is the stem holder i don't know if that's gonna work with this one oh yeah that kind of works right now for the stem basically all you do is get a light layer of brush and then brush all of the contact points it's nothing too crazy now usually we would lube the springs but uh for some reason we didn't now generally i recommend back looping them however you can brush lube them as well so then we're gonna put the switch together first start with the spring on the tube now next put the stem on yeah like that and then press all the way down until you get a click oh and now does it work we got it lubed lubed we forgot a step i'm gonna make you lube the stabilizers no escape there's like such light ticking that it's almost not even worth lubing so we're just gonna put them in and then adjust based on if they tick later so yeah the stabilizers on the nj80 were so good factory lubed that we did not need to lube them ourselves now if you were at home and you were like please hippie please i need the loop stabilizers please help me there are a lot of amazing tutorials out there that i don't need to go through uh just search how to loop stabilizers you're gonna get through this i believe in you now it's time for the switches yay so the metal bits are the pins you need to line them up with the holes in the socket okay now press down okay so try and do it a bit more gently because you don't want to accidentally pop out a hot swap socket now here's how to put switches into a hot swap keyboard if you got a soldered keyboard i'm sorry rest in peace that actually sucks so anyways hot swap means that the keyboard can have its switches replaced without needing to solder desolder when looking for a keyboard make sure you go with the hot swap keyboard wait you haven't bought a keyboard yet have you oh gosh oh no so what i like to do is you want to support the switch kind of like the whole way so like i do like that to make sure that you're applying top and bottom pressure and that it doesn't like click in usually i recommend you support it from the back but i don't want to take this keyboard apart because it's got a battery in it and it's going to be a whole ordeal that's what she said so now we need to do roughly 82. let's go uh oh bent pin alert bing bong bent pins tend to happen if you aren't gentle enough when putting it in or if the pins were already bent now bend pins are important to keep an eye on because if you put them in then they might pop out a hot swap socket which would suck because then you have to solder it back in the final switch not long left on our clock what type of keycaps do you want colorful fonts come with me into my closet uh these might work but the font is kind of gross [Music] oh that's not bad you like the banana i kind of i like yellow i really like yellow oh that reminds me of a different character i've had on the hippotech channel now when picking out keycaps it's entirely stylistic preference however there are some differences between profiles and sound etc but we'll talk about those in a second jeremy has decided that he likes these the idabout m.a blue cat keycaps he decided that based on trying a couple of different keycaps on his board and i figured you don't really need to see that but he says they sound thawky now in general you'll see a lot of keycaps that are a lot of different prices and there's not really a best way to sum it all up without a 15 20 minute video but essentially get what you think looks cool and just make sure that the layout will support your keyboard now next we have to parse through this whole entire big smorgasbord of keycaps and then put them all on the keyboard and we're going to do that in 20 minutes in 20 minutes oh gosh okay you know what here's here's what we're gonna do we're gonna do magic and then if there's any interesting bits that happen then we'll cut into it jeremy we've got five minutes left we can do it we're almost done go go go wait am i blind though i feel like there's no letters left there's just numbers oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh it was in the box the final key cap of the speed run this board is looking so clean all right oh you built the keyboard it feels really good oh and the sound hello that is so deep that's insane you built the keyboard in an hour and a half and it's that good and it's that good jeez and anybody could do that would you do it again oh i would do it again did you have fun building a keyboard i had so much fun doing it now what would you say to everybody at home that might be thinking about building a keyboard but is too unsure of where to start two things one let's just be practical if it's in your budget hey if it's not don't do things on your budget two watch hypotech because hey he he knows what he's doing but now you know what you're doing and i ask a lot of questions and that's okay and it's great to ask questions if you have questions to ask them make sure you join my discord link down below it's a great place to ask questions but don't email me please don't email me so many of you email me and i can't answer every question so jeremy made a beautiful keyboard and you can too if you follow along at home now you could get this exact same keyboard which is linked down in the description or you could switch it up and build your own using some of the knowledge that you got from this video if you did then you know send me a little tweet at hipfiotech with the keyboard that you built with this video that would be actually kind of fun anyways back to jeremy i know i gotta go you gotta go goodbye goodbye jeremy see you later miss you you forgot your keycaps goodbye leave the rest behind
Channel: Hipyo Tech
Views: 1,174,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keyboard, mechanical keyboard, mechanical, switch, switch review, novel keys, keys, gateron, kalih, sound test, switch sound test, keyboard sound test, keyboard asmr, asmr, typing asmr, mech keyboard, aesthetic, wholesome, reddit, id80, panda, alpacas, krytox 205, krytox, type, test, keyboard mod, keyboard asmr mod, TKL keyboard, red, 65%, 60%, RGB 65%, taehatypes, :3ildcat, 3ildcat, tech, MKBHD, Linus tech tips, Taeha Types, Tech Review, Banggood Review
Id: DpW00AIiTy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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