How to build your FIRST custom keyboard! (BUDGET FRIENDLY)

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howdy hey hipyotech here

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AnotherBrock πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Nice video.

I think the conclusion is a little faulty. You compare her to other prospective newcomers to the hobby, but she’s not this hobby’s demographic, i.e. computer users...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nomnaut πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 24 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Your-in-truffle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I gave a friend her first hit of heroine.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chars101 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 24 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
this is my friend josie hi do you even have a computer no really she doesn't have a computer but for some reason she wanted me to build her a keyboard now you're probably wondering why does josie look so sad if she just got a new keyboard well josie knows basically nothing about keyboards and i'm gonna make her do everything herself from purchasing to lubing what do you mean you're not helping me i'm not helping you you mean i have to do this by myself oh yeah oh my god are you excited no not anymore oh oh i goofed it up real bad you guys why are you making me do this by myself ah i don't know i've packed up all my keycaps oh my god well howdy hey hypiotech here and the rules for this video are pretty simple josie has to purchase and build a keyboard entirely on her own however i'm not completely evil so i will give her three lifelines lifelines are a chance for her to call me in and get a little bit of help if you're brand new to keyboards and have no idea why people spend hundreds of dollars on them this will be a really good new perspective on it so stick around we start today's story with josie going shopping by herself the keycaps are what i'm most interested in and my favorite color is yellow so i figured why not just get some freaking yellow keycap i'm just gonna google yellow kitty cats see what i oh god there's a lot of yellow keycaps honey and milk beam we know how much i love milk i love milk a lot well most people when they drink milk their stomach hurts and when my stomach hurts i drink milk i think this is it i think i found it that was freaking easy now how do i buy it um aliexpress is that can i trust aliexpress i don't know just seems sketchy trust amazon but uh yeah it says that it's xda profile i don't know what that means but i guess and it goes with the cherry mx switches i don't know what those are either i guess i'll have to find out add that to my cart okay now i have to get look at the keyboard the switches i know i feel like the switches are more important this keycap has to fit specific switches cherry mx switches we got some yellow switches that's cute then it would match i like that so this next part is josie's descent into madness when she started looking for switches first off she fell into the bait of cherry mx equals good because gamers big gamer time i guess and then second she kind of just had an information overload which makes it hard on any new beginner oh my god okay clicky tactile or linear clicky switches are the best switches for typists what does a clicky switch sound like clicky switches are as the name implies they are clicky okay linear switches smooth consistent and quiet noise i like the sound of that i don't want it to be too loud so the switch makes the sound heavy it is what the mechanism is but the case material also matters and the design how much empty space is there in the case so the keyboard also makes a sound that's what she's saying to me right now why are you making me do this by myself ah shirt by jwk slash duroc okay none of the words he's saying makes sense to me how will i know if a switch goes on to my keycaps what do i have to even google search for that poor josie got herself really confused and didn't know what switches she could buy that would work with her keycaps this is honestly some fair confusion as it's a little bit confusing with how many switches there are if you help me out man i have a question i'm using my lifeline it's official how do i know what switches are gonna fit my keycaps doesn't matter this fits cherry mx style meaning the step okay what is this this is where the key cap goes on to the little cross okay so if any of the switches have like this style of cross then you're good so with josie's new found knowledge she was ready to go look for some switches and she found quite a few that she wanted but unfortunately she could not get them well um that's all sold out with her newfound sadness she had to go back to basics aka the fact that she likes the color yellow and not much more than that milky you're gonna give me is he gonna talk about the milky yellows oh i like that one clacky clacky kind of sound okay yeah i'm sold i have to buy it um how many do i get does that depend on what board i'm getting oh no okay now i have to decide what board to get generally for beginners i'd always recommend starting with the board and then going with keycaps and switches as it makes your life a little bit easier for layouts and all of that i think 75 would be too big and 60 would be too small so i think we go straight down the middle with the 65. um i'm going with idabo hippo talks about idabow a lot so it's got to be good right um no it's that doesn't mean it's good and i feel like i kind of failed my friend here like sure this isn't the worst board but when she came to me and she said that she wanted the id67 i was like um okay so no there's no idabout hillary here but she went with the id67 because she said i like idabout a lot i guess well i think i'm gonna go with the black because it matches my lucky cat set 67 keys okay okay so i need 67 keycaps so i'm going to order 70. so i i have the switches and i have the keycaps and i have the board that's it right no no no they said i had to freaking lube the switches okay so josie didn't have any trouble finding all the looping supplies she ordered all them and then we just had to wait howdy so it's been a couple weeks and everything has finally arrived so i'm going to open up my packages and start building a freaking keyboard hopefully i bought everything that i needed to we're going to start opening some packages this first one is from kinetic labs this is the switch puller okay and then we've got it says the switch opener gold it's a little cat and it comes apart let's open this one this is from dan keebs okay so we got the blue brush we got oh this is fancy what's this [Music] it's like a creature from aliens yeah i don't like that let's put that away and then these i think are are what we call in the in the community um stabilizers or stabs these are my switches gather on milky yellows they're very cute actually i think they will go with my keycaps really well the lube cry talks 205 g0 you can find all the stuff um with the affiliate link in any of hepotex videos save five percent with code hippia [Laughter] the meat of the potatoes really getting into it here is the keycap set which is obviously why i'm doing this whole thing to have a really cute keycap set freaking milk and honey keycaps look at this look at this look it's a little milk carton that's what we're talking about now the freaking bees got an egg i don't see how that's related to the theme at all then that's the keycap set my keyboard which is right here and when i actually went to buy it it was out of stock but hipio happens to have one that he was willing to give me for this accord the butt of the board and we have the front of the board very sleek i wanted something that wasn't just like completely plastic so i'm happy with that at about 867 i think is what this is there's there's nothing in here to tell me but i'm pretty sure that's what i bought there's all this foam i don't know what to do with that i'm assuming it goes in here but i there's also already foam in here first things first is i don't know what i'm doing i don't know how to lube switches but based on the few videos from hippia that i've seen i have a general idea if this turns out bad i guess you know you live and learn okay so josie actually managed to get everything well almost everything let's see how she does with lubing switches so i'm gonna just get into trying to lube switches what i think i have to do is take it apart and there's this the yellow part and then there's the top of the milky part and then there's the bottom of the milky part and then i'm pretty confident there's a spring inside oh i think i have to lube the springs i think that's a thing but i did not prepare for that oh oh no this is gonna be very messy this one makes sense you like fit oh oh oh oh dang it i'm going to watch a tutorial how to loop mx style switches for mx style switches thank you moving one final advice before we dive in the key to lubing is less is more less is more i have a feeling i'm going to be really bad at this so josie picked teja types and myself for a little bit of lubing research and i think these are good choices and it's really kind of hard to go wrong with lubing overall but i think laziness is gonna get the better of her the outside oh my this is gonna take so much time i'll use it to grip the stem by the crucifix otherwise you'll just buy the crucifix you know what i think it'll be faster to just take them all apart all right okay does these springs are a nightmare and i think that i saw pipio bag lubing them but i would like to use a lifeline because i have two left i'm calling a lifeline hippie up hip yo how do you lube your springs i almost always bag lube them okay what is that you'll take all of your springs you'll pop them in a bag with some type of oil-based lube and then you'll shake them like crazy can i borrow those things i feel like that's more than one lifeline i feel like that's a life well i'm going to purchase a plastic bag i could use this plastic bag we've got you bag lubing supplies okay so here's your bag super lube oil that you can get down in the description you want to put at least 10 drops so now you see how it's nice and inflated yeah it seems like when you get a pet fish at the pet store and you have it in the bag don't actually do that we don't do that 30 seconds have passed massage massage massage massage so bag lubing can easily tangle springs so here's a quick tip quick tip time guess springs are tangled you just want to rotate them in separate directions there you go all right have fun bye-bye okay we got our springs bag lubed and we're going to loop the rest of the stuff next it was time for josie to lube all the switches and you know what i'm just gonna let her lead the tutorial uh here you go josie now we're gonna we're gonna do we're gonna do what what hippio does in his videos which he goes around the world and i think he goes in the hole too but that seems seems like i don't want to do that i don't know why now we put it on on the bumps first okay there's some on the bump we do it boop on the other bump then we do it on the back and then we go back over here get all on the sides and then we do this part and we do it on the are these the stems or the legs i forget uh no this is the stem the whole thing is the stem okay and you if poop knew what overlooped sound like i would say that sounds like it 66 more to go oh my god i did it backwards everyone this is not a successful lubing experience i goofed it up real bad you guys there we go hey hippia how's it going i'm just gonna help you out here that took so freaking long i don't think your magic works for me it was only a couple seconds we're not doing that again so it took josie over four hours to lube all the switches and i think she did a really good job but you guys will let me know when you hear the sound test at the end she's now ready to build the board yeehaw but it also took so long that she wanted to go home and we had to regroup a few days later so here you go all right well it's been a few days so i have no idea where we left off i'm just gonna have to take everything out again it already has these things in it and i think that that is what these that i bought and so i don't know why i bought them if there's already some in the board the stock stabilizers in this board are really terrible so it's great that she bought the derog v2 stabilizers i don't know how to take these out of the board though i think i'll have to take the board apart which means i need a screwdriver we're just going to go for it and see what happens hey that's my wow stick this is a wow stick wow this sound kind of reminds me of being at the dentist which isn't the best sound ever but the experience is well worth it not the dentist i'm talking about this oh that was definitely wrong do i have to lube my stabilizers dang it oh my god it's in pieces i don't know how to do this okay so i looked up a video how to lube and tune stabilizers and i'm hoping that he will also show me how to put them together and put them in the board hippo again i find lubing stabilizers to be one of the worst parts of building a board so i'm a little bit curious how josie will feel about it she looked up the teja types video and tried to follow along to the best of her abilities however she did go a little bit rogue and that ended up hurting her quite a bit i just put it in this little screw hole and screw it down let's see what happens screw that's not working there we go oh okay hold on did it go in at all no no it didn't oh he's screwing them in through the back that makes that makes a lot more sense so i did that wrong hip yeah i put the stabilizer in wrong and i need to take the screw out [Laughter] he got it there you go thank you because josie used the lifeline i went ahead and showed her how to tune her stabilizers as well but she had already lubed them up herself and she did a pretty good job we're gonna do some magic and now i think all i have to do is assemble the board foam this oh okay put this in i've heard of them foam modding beautiful okay now all that's left is the fun part the switches gather on milky yellows we're gonna pop them in here hope i don't break anything else as i'm doing that oop very nice look at that another magic incredible i think i bent a few pins along the way um place your bets to see how many we'll see if it works or not but now i get to do the freaking keycaps magic here we go that's so exciting i've packed up all my keycaps oh my god okay everyone a moment of silence please for josie's hecked up keycaps okay back to the regular scheduled programming oh we finished it which is great it's adorable it matches my shirt isn't it cute it took a very long time i'm very tired i wouldn't do this ever again probably but now that i have a keyboard i can get a computer next it was not easy there was a lot of research that went into it a lot of time like googling things and being panicked about did i buy the wrong thing and is it gonna fit was it fun medium fun it was a bit of a challenge which i enjoyed and it's fun to look at this so i'd consider that a win it wasn't worth the money oh my god absolutely not no i would say no this was kind of a terrible idea but it was i guess fun so so there you have it josie built a keyboard and it only took a lot of struggles honestly most of her struggles were purchasing the stuff and doing the research and i didn't include a lot of that in this video as it would be over two hours yikes i think you did a fantastic job thank you wow not bad for a beginner keyboard build i would rate this a solid you did good out of ten fantastic i can't help everyone build a keyboard and that's why i wanted to do this experiment so i could see the perspective of someone that's very new to the hobby now granted if you're building your first keyboard i recommend joining a discord and having some people help you out in real time you know the greatest part about keyboards is the friends we make along the way or something like that anyways i'm gonna be leaving you guys with a sound test if you like this video do a sound test of your own in the comments and let me know what you thought of this format please watch the whole sound test to support my youtube algorithm overlords as this video is already really long finally a special thank you to all the people that hit the join button down below like matson x i creation fanny joseph crang no ray cool keys body plot and aquarius keyboards thanks guys bye [Applause] you
Channel: Hipyo Tech
Views: 2,387,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keyboard, mechanical keyboard, mechanical, switch, switch review, novel keys, keys, gateron, kalih, sound test, switch sound test, keyboard sound test, keyboard asmr, asmr, typing asmr, mech keyboard, aesthetic, wholesome, reddit, id80, panda, alpacas, krytox 205, krytox, type, test, keyboard mod, keyboard asmr mod, TKL keyboard, red, 65%, 60%, RGB 65%, taehatypes, :3ildcat, 3ildcat, tech, MKBHD, Linus tech tips, Taeha Types, Tech Review, Banggood Review
Id: WM8SloaOHx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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