I hosted a $500 keyboard tournament... and it was crazy

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(dramatic music) - 16 Keyboards, $500, and only one winner. All of your best keyboards submissions are pitted against each other head-to-head tournament style, and whoever you vote for will win $500. (upbeat saxophone music) First up is Randyocean versus Dr. Pingu. Let's begin! "Hello, all, I'm Dr. Pingu." I'm gonna say that he's not a real doctor I think. "And this is my scuffed Tofu65 with lubed alpacas. It's got a polycarbonate plate and cloned GMK Iceberg keycaps." Honest man, admitting that they're cloned. Dr. Pingu is on the left side of the arena, and on the right is Randy. "Hi, I'm Randy." Why everyone starting with hi I'm blah. It's like the first day of school or something. "Hi, I'm Randy, this is my keyboard. There are many like it, but this one is mine." Oh my gosh, he's writing an essay over here. "The last couple of years have been tough for everyone in many different ways. In times of need, we come together. Truly the wind beneath my wings." Cheesy, very cheesy. Okay, we've seen their looks. So sound is the most important part. So this is Randy's. Make sure you have headphones on. Headphones on, everyone. (keys clicking) Keep that in mind when we compare it to Dr. Pingu. (keys clicking) (upbeat music) Randy in the right corner. Dr. Pingu in the left. I will give chat three minutes to vote, and it's a fight to the death. Whoever loses this round will be eliminated. Everyone who does not win the $500 gets a CableMod. You get one of these bad boys given to me by CableMod. Little, nice USB clippy things, cable management. And yeah, that is the prize. I actually think this is really cute. Chat is defending Dr. Pingu. Come on, it's Pingu's mic. Randy's sounded so thock. Oh, so stock? It's a super close call between Randy and Dr. Pingu. Oh my gosh, stop, ending poll now. And the winner of round one is Randy with 56% of the votes. (celebratory trumpeting) He started at 60 to 40, but because of chat defending Pingu, (upbeat music) waded all the way to 56 to 43. GG, Randy, GG. I'm sorry, Dr. Pingu. Next, I'm not going to reveal anything, but next is Rizzo7 and Coltigo. This is probably the match of the century that we're going into. There is Rizzo in the right corner, looking fine and dandy. So Coltigo in the left corner, Rizzo in the right. Just a simple Drop Carina build. It is looking mighty fine. And Coltigo, pink with pink build and some GMK Olivia clones. Everyone's being so honest about the clones. I applaud all of you. And I know what you're all waiting for: the sound test. Here it is, the wonderful sound. (keys clicking) Ooh. Jeez, okay! Let's move on (laughs). (keys clicking) This is hard, this is a hard decision. Another three-minute poll. Coltigo is pink, Rizzo is POM Jelly. If you don't vote Rizzo, we will sacrifice you to the... When did this become so violent? The votes are in for round two, but it seems like chat had a really easy time choosing, because it was pretty much a landslide. Rizzo wins with 62% of the votes out of 776 votes. That's pretty dang good. We have Rizzo7 here moving on to the semifinals. Next, Stig versus Aubadide. Stig, we have a Keychron Q1, and he calls it, "It's an almost Keycult," because he doesn't have a lot of income, "and hence, am too broke to buy an actual Keycult." Don't worry, Stig, we are all too broke to buy Keycult. And then, Aubadide. "It's a pre-owned," ooh, wow, "pre-owned, ultra budget keeb with an ultra-budget backlight keycap set." Finally, and ultra-budget Cookie Monster mat to complete the ultra-ultra-budget look. You can't get them ultra-budget enough. I said that way too many times. Shall we listen to the ultra-ultra-garage-modded keyboard first? Are your ears ready? Because mine are not. (keys clicking) That was true ASMR doing a sound test with not even your fingers, but I don't know, some makeup brush. We don't want to tell his identity from his fingers, right? Stig on the left corner, Keychron Q1. (keys clicking) This will be an interesting one. I feel like it will be unexpected. Three minutes on the clock with 792 votes, Stig wins with 61% of the votes. Another landslide decision. Part of me really hoped for the underdog story. Part of me was like get the dude $500 so he can get away from his ultra-budget keyboard, but that's okay. Chat decides. Round four, CrusTIL versus Katsuu. All right, CrusTIL gets the first sound test, because that's fair, and why is there food in this picture? Okay, let's just play it. What is that (laughs)? (keys clicking) Katsuu! (keys clicking and light background chatter) Okay, Katsuu in the left corner, CrusTIL in the right corner. I swear people are voting against CrusTIL because there was food in the video. We all eat, okay. You eat, I eat, he eats. He's allowed to eat when he's typing. The poll is over, another landslide of a vote, crazy. Katsuu wins with 70% of the votes going to him. The interesting part is will he win against Stig later on? Okay, next, we have Bloodface versus Snikrep1. Bloodface on the right, and this is his first build. Then, we have Snikrep on the left. "Looking for something smooth, classy, and won't wake up your sleeping wife? Look no further! Guaranteed to sound like delicious popcorn without the annoying, grinding, scratchy ping of the original Outmeu blues." That's pretty smooth, it's pretty smooth. Are you excited looking for a keyboard that isn't going to wake up your sleeping wife? I'm ready. (keys clicking) Crispy, and then Bloodface. (keys clicking) Pretty thocky, pretty thocky. The chat has voted. Another landslide vote. Bloodface winning with 75% of the votes. All right, next, we have Wong versus Monkey King. Wong says, "I picked this up on my way back from Mars. I was doing a space walk, conducting repairs of the solar panels of the spacecraft." And then, Monkey King on the left. "I built this keyboard for my dad, 'cause he types a lot for work. And I wanted to give him as much comfort as I could." I think that's pretty cool. On the right, we have Wong with the Magnet 65. On the left, we have Monkey King with a stacked Arisu build. Oh, sound test, Monkey King! (keys clicking) It's very thock, thock. And Wong's Magnet 65. (keys clicking) (glugging) I feel like this is how we determine herd mentality keyboards. Like what does chat really, really want? Because everything has been just like 70% to something. With 635 votes, Wong won with 72% of the votes. We've got Bird versus Kuma, which is funny because kuma is Japanese for bear. Bird versus bear. Is this a marketing survey? That's all we're doing. We just want to see who wins. And then from there, we'll just sell the information to companies and be like you've got to make this keyboard, because this will be the best dang keyboard ever. All right, Bird versus Kuma. This is unfair. I don't know how this happened. It's not fair. For Kuma, this is my second custom keyboard, and I wanted to try something different. So for the first time I feel like we've got a price. We've got $200 versus $55 (cash register pinging) on the high end. I feel like the sounds will be unfair, but we'll listen to Bird. (keys clicking) Sounds pretty dang good for $55. (cash register pinging) And then, Kuma with the 200. (cash register pinging) (keys clicking) A lot of sounds in my ears. (upbeat music) This isn't a landslide, but Kuma does win. To the next round. Gambol versus Technologikl. The lasts round of the qualifiers. You know this is gonna be hard. One where the pictures are looking crisp AF. Gambol, you said, "I do not actually want the prize on the slim chance that I qualify to the top 16 and win. I would prefer it goes to someone who could make good use of it to better their lives/setup." Gambol with the humility here. Good man, good man. Everyone's saying Gambol better win. Let's move on to the sound test. All right, we've got Technologikl first. (keys clicking) And then, we've got Gambol's sound test. Please don't show Gambol's sound test, it's crazy. (keys clicking) (laughing) That was crazy, what! We don't even need a poll, bruh. Do you really think he'll win the whole thing? Between him and Rizzo, I don't know who will actually win. All right, three minutes. Gambol wins with 75% of the votes. Randy versus Rizzo. Now, it's getting intense I feel like. Randy with a really nice photo versus Rizzo with the POM Jellies and Aqua Kings. Here you go with Rizzo's sound test. (keys clicking) And then, Randy's sound test. (keys clicking) Looking at some intense competition here. Let's see what chat is thinking. Rizzo wins with 69% of the votes, another landslide. I'm sorry, Randy, but I mean you made it pretty far. Pretty good, pretty good. All right, Stig versus Katsuu. Ooh, I remember what they look like. These are hard. Stig has the Keychron Q1, and Katsuu has the Nintendo Game Boy based keyboard. It's a tough one. All right, Stig, let's go. (keys clicking) And then, Katsuu. (keys clicking) This is a tough one. I feel like this will be pretty close. Katsuu wins by more than 70%, that's crazy. That surprises me. All right, Bloodface and Wong. We've got two 65% keyboards. (keys clicking) This is Wong, and this is Bloodface. (keys clicking) They both look amazing, and they both sound amazing. The competition's getting real as we approach the end here. It's been four minutes. Wong wins with 61% of the votes. Kuma and Gambol! This is like not fair. Okay, let's listen to the sound test. Before I open Gambol's sound test, make sure that you're ready for it, because it's sort of intense. (keys clicking) Gambol and Kuma. People are going crazy for Gambol. This was a close one, Gambol wins. I would say barely just 'cause it's sort of closer than all the other things at 56%. Hey, Gambol doesn't wanna win, okay, people. Keep that in your brain. All right, Rizzo versus Katsuu. We're in the semi finals now. Now, it's getting exciting. Let's see it. (keys clicking) (upbeat music) Rizzo wins by a landslide. 67% of the votes going to him. It's going exactly like what I thought it would go like. Wong versus Gambol. We're looking at some intense competition here. (keys clicking) Can you even choose? This one will be surprising. We'll see, we'll see, we'll see. We give it to Wong, but we acknowledge Gambol. Sounds like a deal. (glugging) It's been two, I will give you five minutes. This is crazy. It's 50-50. All right, five minutes over. The winner is Wong. He has 51% compared to Gambol's 49. But according to chat, if Gambol wanted to win, I think he would have won. Wong moves on. (dramatic music) This is the last round. The final to end all finals. Wong versus Rizzo. I'm sure you remember what they sound like. (keys clicking) This round is crazy. It's like thock versus, well, I don't know how to explain it. Thock versus clack, is that where you're going to call it? The final round. They're all very unique at this point. The Magnet 65 versus the Drop Carina. #WongForLife. Is RGB all that matters? I mean we're gamers after all, okay. It's five. The winner has been concluded, okay. We have the winner on the left side, Rizzo, with 54% of the votes. (celebratory trumpeting) It was a very close battle. Respect to Wong for winning against Gambol, 'cause that was like impossible. (upbeat music) Rizzo wins, F. Just barely, barely, barely wins. The winner of the $500 keyboard tournament. Rizzo wins the grand slam prize of $500. After taxes and fees, it could be different, but $500 goes to Rizzo. (cash register pinging) And everyone else here gets a coiled cable. That was cool. Thank you to everyone for participating. And if you really liked this video, please join our Discord server using the link down below, and also watch this video here. And don't forget to subscribe or you'll miss our next cool event.
Channel: Switch and Click
Views: 640,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 800C7uuyCRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 18 2022
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