Top 5 Ways To Make Your Keyboard THOCK (On A Budget)

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so you want your keyboard to sound good maybe even well howdy hey I'm hippiotech and these are some oh oh no please God anything but that oh my God anyways I've been making keyboard videos for two years now so I'm gonna show you how to make your keyboard sound good now you might have a gaming keyboard you might have an incredibly nice keyboard so I'm gonna go ahead and show you some quirky little examples yeah that's sand you're saying on your screen essentially I'm gonna walk you through my top five ways to make a keyboard sound better now these are in no particular order but I have saved the best for last I'll also tell you what not to do don't do that here's some rules they must be relatively affordable and doable by basically anyone and most importantly I need to have done them before now I'm going back into the archives to show you some of my favorite mods I've ever done and some of the best keyboards I've ever built so you too can and I know what you're thinking you're probably thinking hippo I don't even own a keyboard or my keyboard already sounds good well trust me there's gonna be some interesting stuff I filled keyboards with pillow foam do you think I'm not unhinged speaking of unhinged I'm incredibly unhinged that 79 of you aren't subscribed but I'm incredibly happy that we hit 500k thank you so much oh my God now first things first if you're a veteran of the hippyotech channel you probably know what's going on here but let me explain some of my methodology the tape mod is literally putting tape on the back of your keyboard's PCB so that it sounds more poppy or thalky you're probably thinking hippo you're ridiculous why would you ever put tape on your keyboard well okay I'll show you a before and after the only differences in any of those clips was tape on the back of a PCB that's it now typically to do this I use painters tape however if your keyboard has a battery you should not use painters tape use electric tape as painters tape could be a fire hazard if you're trying this at home to make your keyboard sound better then generally you take a couple thin layers of tape and put it on the back of your PCB usually I go with two to three layers now wait pay attention this is the most important step you need to kind of like I'm doing a motion with my hands here and you can't see this I'm not very smart just like pinch down the tape so that you get rid of all the air bubbles there you go here's what I really like about this mod it's super easy incredibly cheap like three dollars and will make your keyboard sound better just objectively it'll sound better here's what I don't like it could leave a residue on the back your keyboard but overall very clean now this is a mod called the hippo mod because I invented it I use press and seal and I wait I I use press and seal that's yeah I kind of forgot I was notorious for doing this in the past and you know what I I'm not gonna apologize it was a great idea until it wasn't now this requires your keyboard to be Bare Bones AKA none of the switches installed but essentially you wrap your bare bones PCB in a layer of plastic wrap AKA press and seal this is very big brain as it's essentially doing the tape mods but also like a PE foam mod on the front now if you're watching this and you have no idea why people would even want their keyboards to sound good first of all thank you for making it three minutes um second of all check out some of my other videos like my beginner guide so I'll link one in the top right maybe now this plastic wrap mod I only recommend for super budget keyboards that you don't care about breaking as there's a chance that you build up so much static electricity that you zap your PCB however if you don't zap it you will have now found that your keyboard sounds significantly poppier this is like my sleeper hit when I'm working with a budget keyboard as it's also incredibly cheap at roughly three to seven dollars for a thing of press and seal where you can steal some from your kitchen cabinet however I don't necessarily recommend this one as much as I recommend any of the other ones in this video simply because of the static electricity Vibe I personally have never Zapped a PCB but I've heard others talk about how it could be an issue also some other cons if your board isn't hot Swap this isn't really gonna work very easily but with a hot swap board you just press the switches in through the press and seal and it works just as well now I didn't have a before and after of just like press and seal and not press and seal but you're gonna have to believe me on this one it makes them sound better now if you're just getting into the hobby of keyboards uh first of all welcome howdy hey and second of all you might be hearing Lube thrown around like literally everywhere Lube this Lube that we aren't a bunch of dirty uh people sometimes some of us but Lube makes your switches sound better don't believe me listen to this some switches come factory lubed and you really don't actually need to do anything with them but some come quite dry and some of those Factory Loop switches could actually still benefit from just a little bit of lube a little bit of TLC we all could now lubing is a process that takes a little bit of time but you really only have to do it once for your keyboard and then it's over with as you heard it makes your switches sound better and I can't really show you but it also makes them smoother what I can't show you though is how to lube them now I'll have everything linked down below But first you need some type of loop I personally use cry talks to a five grade zero but you could use a couple different Loops you also need a switch opener a stem holder and some super lube oil for spring lubing we'll get to that in a second now you're probably thinking hippo I was trying to figure out how to make my keyboard sound thoughtky what is this now we're getting into lubing switches well trust me this is actually the biggest secret of the whole video I sound like a one of those little ads but I'm like if just for this one quick trick you can make your keyboard sound good anyways for bag looping you put 10 drops of Super Lube oil in a bag then you shake your Springs that's all you do for your springs for lubing switches you want a light layer of Lube on your brush I use a Lube palette from kinetic labs and then you just put three Strokes on each slider of your switch that you've previously opened and then go around the world very gently around the world so gentle oh God I actually have no idea why that clip is red and shaking I was using old footage but there you go it's red and shaking then you place your spring on your low open switch that you get a light layer of Lube on your brush and you Lube the stem Loop all the high contact points essentially what this is doing is it's making it smoother and adding a little bit of lube to dampen everything if you're lubing tactiles don't Lube the legs by the way unless you want those to be less tactile now there's great looping tutorials out there this was just a quick one but there you go if you've got lubed switches then you've got a really good foundation for any keyboard if you're too lazy to lube there are lubing Services out there but I can't inherently recommend one of them as I use my friend Toby now they won't make your keyboard prettier but but they will make your keyboard sound better and that's pretty good [Music] now you remember earlier in the video where I told you what you shouldn't do this is gonna have a lot of that now I'm the guy that put Play-Doh yeah Play-Doh and a keyboard I'm that guy it was Dumb and I did it and it was done in case you're wondering video in the top right it dries up but it's kind of cool I'm also the guy that puts pillow foam in a keyboard and right about now you're thinking why why hipio well actually it's dampening dampening is very important and yeah it was a real pillow there you go look at it I'm squishing this is my opinion but I think dampening usually makes a keyboard sound better dampening comes in many forms like included Foams with your keyboard which some keyboards come with a lot of included Foams like the Zoom 65 or some DIY methods like my favorite the kill mat this is really really good if you don't have a lot of space to dampen your board it's an automotive dampener or some even more fun cheaper methods like silicone pores yeah like like silicone that works best for tray Mount style keyboards like some cheaper budget keyboards heck a lot of keyboard companies nowadays are making their own silicone weights but you can make your own too oh and kinetic sand I got a whole video on it but here's a before and after but essentially put some type of foam in your keyboard and it'll make it sound better maybe not sand though now when I say I want to make my keyboard sound better thalky even probably the last thing that comes to mind is keycaps but as you've learned with this video a keyboard is the sum of all of its parts one specific thing isn't gonna be that Silver Bullet but doing all of these things might help now if you want your keyboard to sound a bit deeper you generally want a thicker PBT style keycap if you want it to sound a little bit clackier you generally want a thicker ABS style keycap if you want something in the middle then you want a thick tall keycap like mt3 profile I'm simplifying everything a lot here but you know now I'm incredibly biased so I personally recommend getting polycaps hippo which is a PBT keycap set that I make and sell linked down below but there's a lot of keycap sets out there and honestly as long as you get something that's thick PBT it's probably gonna make your keyboard sound better than those really cheap thin ABS gamer key caps there's also fun novelty style keycaps like metal keycaps check out my video on that although they're like 400 plus dollars so maybe maybe don't and other types of fun keycaps like ceramic that aren't quite available but I'll link them down below having a good keycap really just adds to having good switches and a good board I didn't mention keyboards at all but I do have a what keyboard should you buy video you can check that out and also here's a side by side so yeah everything that you put in a keyboard has the ability to change its sound and if you follow most of these steps then you'll probably have a keyboard that sounds decently good or uh if you didn't have a keyboard to begin with you probably have a lot of confusion but while I still have you confused I guess uh make sure you leave a comment and hit the Subscribe button or whatever anyways if you stayed till the end howdy hey
Channel: Hipyo Tech
Views: 671,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keyboard, mechanical keyboard, mechanical, switch, switch review, novel keys, keys, gateron, kalih, sound test, switch sound test, keyboard sound test, keyboard asmr, asmr, typing asmr, mech keyboard, aesthetic, wholesome, reddit, id80, panda, alpacas, krytox 205, krytox, type, test, keyboard mod, keyboard asmr mod, TKL keyboard, red, 65%, 60%, RGB 65%, taehatypes, :3ildcat, 3ildcat, tech, MKBHD, Linus tech tips, Taeha Types, Tech Review, Banggood Review
Id: GaeIEKilzVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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