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either wherever you are we tango for the spirit of power love and a sound mind but we believe free for the spirit of power because it takes a long time to pray for the spirit of power if we start the spirit of love we'll be on it for a long time amen so we are praying now I want us to pray against cancers that I believe are operating in your life in my life amen and how are we going to do that we're going to secure angelic interventions all right now Daniel chapter 9 and I go we are going to pray against six or seven cases it depends on how much time we have because I told you we can end very suddenly and within a few minutes we've ended but we've not yet ended I'll tell you and when you hear this particular music is getting to the end that's the last music that we have all right so you want to know when you end that is part of the training the part of the training is wait when you go to a doctor's consulting room [Music] to see somebody you sit and you wait because the present may not know exactly when he can see you it depends on what is happening so he waiting so wait upon the Lord so that's part of your training all right you can wait just go of ten of the screen and go away there's no struggle about this no one is mocking a register you can't wait cold we are praying they're happy to be here praying you get it yeah so I said the Lord and I'm aware that you may have to go to whack so go just go to whack we are praying those who can join you're welcome don't watch and criticize it being said cast instead of a blessing we have praying against cases by the way there are 12 cases that I want us to go against but is too many to deal with in a day but I I want us to pray now notice I Daniel understood so I set my face to seek by what by what prayer supplications with fasting sackcloth and ashes so prayer supplication sackcloth and ashes are things that eradicate cases why do I say so because if you go down in verse 11 is from chapter 3 chapter 9 and verse 3 I'm showing you how to eradicate cases you see in verse 11 it says yay all Israel have transgressed thy law even by departing that they might not obey thy voice therefore is the case poured upon us and the oath that is written in the law of Moses the servant of God because we have sinned against him so the case that had been poured upon the Israelites was the real thing that Daniel was trying to tackle by his prayers his application his sackcloth his fasting and his ashes alright so all these things help to eradicate casas amen that is the prayers and so on and so there are cases that are working and Daniel recognized a look that gas has been poured on us not a porridge has been poured or tea has been poured but a curse has been poured on us he can you can see vest 12 and he has confirmed these words which he spake against us and against our judges that judged us by bringing upon us a great evil for under the whole heaven has not been done as has been done upon Jerusalem one of the things about cases is always something unusual about it alright as it is written in the law of Moses all this evil or all these cases the understand have come upon us yet made we not our prayer so prayer would affect the case are you watching yes all this evil has come yet we didn't pray before the Lord our God that we might turn from our iniquities and understand the truth okay so now therefore the Lord has watched or supervised the evil eye with me and brought it upon us for the Lord our God is righteous in all his works so if you want the case to be prayer to be removed prayer is one of the key things that eradicate sore ameliorates or neutralizes the case that is a way and Daniel the prophet recognized it clearly and that is why he wanted to pray he says yet made we not our prayer underlined that part yes we didn't pray before the Lord you see all the evil has come and will not pray so right now you see that a lot of evil is happy sometimes in your life or in your family sometimes something is going wrong in your life and your family and yet you not pray Cass is poured out like tea I said we are pouring out orange juice is being poured out on you and on us and I think that all of us need to be a led by the spirit of wisdom and revelation to detect things that are cast I look at my life i I can clearly see certainty that they must be cases if it was not a case why is that what is happening in my life must be a kind of a case because if you saw oranges and then it gives you tones you see it is something completely different from what you were expecting you you should even wonder is it something why is this happening to me you know so he says the case is product and all this evil has happened to us so Daniel in verse 7 also said O Lord righteousness belongs you but to ask confusion of faces so all law to us belong as confusion of face is so confusion and shame you know the word is in the other versions would say shame do you see but why because of this five five is the Kiva's amen we have sinned three types of sins amen we have done wickedly and rebelled so rebellion very bad amen very very bad thing to do all right so Daniel set his face to pray and he confessed the sins he confessed the sins all right and the Lord in the end an angel appeared amen are you with me so I believe that the Lord wants to deliver us from evil amen verse 17 now therefore hear our prayer and the prayer of thy servant Amen so we need to pray and God is going to say just after that an angel appears as he is praying for Israel and he's praying concerning the great evil that has come so now I want us to stand up and start praying otherwise I'll end up talking too much let us stand to our feet and we are going to pray now confessing the main prayer is confessing of sins and iniquities and transgressions all right and Lord whatever represents a case we are begging you for our sins in the sins of our fathers and our relatives and our uncles and our Nations amen are you watching yes lift your holy hands and pray let's begin to confess our sins to the Lord's and present our iniquities to the law inequities in the name of Jesus column and Ernie you read a video related bellavita holiday rush on deliver a chi or copper area for robo's see under Alabama law tori niemann is solely lebara rakia so thoroughly let da da da da forevermore grew up what elements of a liberal rush shop and 11 Yokoso learn more go son de ba ba [Music] rah rah rah rah rah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let me know Polly Saudi Arabia winning and away we are parody radhiya [Music] - Adria let me go sir let's take a cell a little bit men can see bones Valley momochi let's set for parody and Avila Martel episode 11 la la la la la la fa la mano Sarah lemon in a name djembe reveal a provocateur no more jelly Bella Rosa follow me knock attending Lindo Palomino let's show parody on the red Dominic helium loaf are Adeus or a reputable lake otah l'amour azorín mm column or one tokoto l'amour mean to follow me on the women a parody Coachella for an Amana Maya who have so compared already Lisa Rinna Betty Atossa Barra Diaco parody Inaba mondo sunbrella via most macabre adere cephalic oota Paladino sora de belem major belly call Paula loose le resto l'amour mondo Vienna mezcal Emunah lo pradier cheese yellow rocket Alamo mondo say Villopoto Soren Gianluca Tomo Giavotella revenue phenom Fred have been a que los Impala dual-eligible acaba la quinta level Rancho karate on the lemon mint developer Estonia Robert apostles let me go ball Soren ma chambre clock limo jumbled across limo John block clock limo oh yes don't block luck limo yes red majestic la libertad of all lost a very lucky Salomon Rocker get late for idea Ross already married so so no mames I'm in every sitting down can everybody sit down hallelujah now we are praying and I believe that as we pray you know when you read the Bible you see that God has a great plan for your life many great things have to happen but the world that we are born into you are born as a child of a sinner do you see your whole family are sinners we come into the world clean yes so not only are you carrying the sins of four generations because in Exodus 20 says that he visits the iniquities of the father's to the third and the fourth generation but what you must realize is the fourth generation and the fourth generation which you are talking about has four generations before it also who sins have affected that fourth generation I with me and then the other four generations are connected to four generations before and have reaped the sins of those four generations and that is connected to the for another four generations so it goes all the way to Adam that is why the Bible says by Adam sin and death and death it's something that is here so as we are here we are not free and there are cases working and I believe God today that by this prayer prayer eradicate neutralizes or helps in the matter of cases and angels appeared then I was praying on him the angel appeared let's be that part he says a wise I was speaking and praying and confessing my sin for my people invest 20 and presenting my supplication so confessing my sin and then the sin of my people and presented my supplication before the Lord my God for the holy mountain of my God has 21 while I was speaking the man Gabriel whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning being caused to fly swiftly touched me about the time of the evening oblation amen and he brought about a message amen they said in verse 24 seventy weeks [Music] determined amen are you there now to finish the transgressions Wow to finish the transgressions so some cases are coming to finish the transgressions then number two there are three types of sins to make an end of sins so since transgressions and to end all of them and then the third part is to make reconciliation for iniquity iniquity means crooked you are crooked and that crookedness is visited on children that is why you have it the father and a child has a tendency like the father the iniquity means crooked or perverted twisted so sometimes you see that you are twisted now oriented towards something and it is a visitation of your father's twist a penis on you are you angry with me because of what I'm saying yes you have a disposition all right twisted nature towards something so we have praying you may not like all these things but they are there there are real things and we are supposed to pray about them and I believe confession of our sins the sins of my people and the sins of my nation God have mercy oh yes you see this people who are being meted somebody's been meted is somebody's father father probably somebody has killed somebody how is it going to end then somebody's shop has been looted stolen all these things killing more people it's not easy for the things to go away so whatever represents an inherited case today's press are bringing an end and an angelica intervention in Jesus name every standard and then I'm going to give you a specific case to pray about Monica Parra dolly Marbella devera [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we pray we pray we pray [Music] another rich [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Montez Soper area code so Lee parabola low Raymond is shown there he apparently underwear let's go revenue it will go solo Grima parody inaba let me get a better way zoria when did a work of per area live whatever of a load of a lava Mountain remainder available the rapper Televisa paradesi row column or so ready whenever we do you wanna rub a little rah-rah lucifer ah ba ba ba ba ba ba ba rusev Alibaba Redcoat ololo more main temple le we will control a lot more low mononym is a very rebellion to Rocco solo ball Julia vanilla base rhythm in the way [Music] Lima rock patrol Oliver Li Catalano go rob my attentive ear a little bit women available bit a little bit a little bit yeah yeah a little a little a little a little a little walk Rockport sólo la puerta Lolo Rock go sailing they should [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes yes last for the Louisville last owner of all websites available live Baba what Nicole Victor Kershaw reporte la la la la la la shondo Marchenko Cavalia less available Asif Kapadia legacy and amo Montel available via para da ba da ba director no mercy on da ba octave a llama Sunday Ange umbrella theatre report Oliver Meredith ideas or Nia Yakov Italia as fllm fiato Greg Prato Lola more to amenities in a lots of papaya we as chefs are solo a portal olive or main table Akiyama grappa Tony Romo letís 11 / reporter la la la la la la voz Zoran mMmmm Robert dole Obama Jelly Belly cola zera Bela Karolyi Terra Bella khatola July Jennifer Turner Jerry Bella control a lipoma Center fellow Yocto idea Molly vadose repent o for Nia live Minaj eliminated so low lumo guamazo Lolo poco less support area less of Cavalia less of propylaea less of paella Robert Ababa majority Bella Bella Bella Bella Bella Bella my chainsaw for Katya la paura we are scored 11 you have four total emoji under them we are some con cada dia Leadbetter [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah father we thank you in the name of Jesus now the first case I want us to pray against and pray for forgiveness you see the way we are removing the case is to apply the blood of Jesus and to finish transgression sins and iniquities there are three types of evil so the first one is your life shall hang in doubt before you and you shall fear day and night and have no assurance of life Deuteronomy 28 66 so where your life now is uncertain like we can see now uncertainty has come into the world and it's a sign of a case are you with me your life shall hang in doubt before thee and thou shalt fear practically day and night and thou shalt have none assurance of thy life it's a case and that is the case that has entered into the world i with me and so whatever represents a case in our lives you know and it makes you also have a negative depressed feeling everything is useless nothing is going to work in the end is over there's no point and it makes it look at the vessel says your life shall hang in doubt this is the case as I said in Deuteronomy like this 15 it says and all these cases are come on D from verse 15 all the way to the end this end your life sound and in doubt before thee and thou shalt fear day and night and shall have none assurance of thy life so you know I want us to pray whatever makes your life and set in you know your life is hanging in the balance there's no assurance now of anything you are not even sure whether you'll be around you know I mean we have no sure we'll be around anytime but it's even more uncertain than it has ever been yes and I want us to pray listen for these 12 cases but I don't think we can do all the 12 but at least some the Lord forgive us yes forgive us have mercy no don't think compression of the night it's a father forgive me for what I did yesterday last night three days ago in Jesus name Amen confession of sin is tight sometimes you can pray the whole day you know pay the whole day just confessing asking for mercy for forgiveness and so on that was all Daniels parents was in the evening that the angel appeared so we are praying now in the name of Jesus the Lord thy life shall hang in doubt whatever now McNulty's I know that you don't know how your future is not just because of the pandemic there may be another pandemic in your life a person a pandemic it's true us we are here experiencing pandemic do you know that other diseases are going on people are that being diagnosed with cancer people are being diagnosed with different diseases people are battling with different problems I mean all kinds of things the pandemic is also moving and maintaining his pace and then Ebola has also arrived new and new one has arrived in the western part of Congo by sauce it was in the East and suddenly it has appeared on this side you know so whatever represents this case in your life my life we are begging God for our sins your father's for generations ago three generations ago to ten generations ago you know maybe your father destroyed somebody's life and a woman I guess your father and his children and you are the child that has been cast by something that your father did but a lot of women cast men because of what what is done to them they have died out they have no power so they cut off aid women as in men before random testing in the inside a room so you don't know what who you are just wake up hey you're moving not knowing that you are a child his blood be on our children don't forget so we are applying the blood of Jesus amen why because the blood of Jesus to develop shall we escape all cases but there is a need to an faucet otherwise just like all the things that we just bought for us we may experience very little of them because we don't apply salvation in that department that's why Jesus bosses you shall prosper Jesus came to save us from so many things but we don't experience all in that way yeah experience all say you have to mean your taste that shall take up serpents you shall do this you do this I do it so there are many things that have been bought for us but not experienced in it so their life shall hang in doubt it's the first case I want us to stand up every standing everywhere please you know I want to say to you that if you are planning to do something just concentrate for just this short time and let's break these cases and pray like Daniel prayed the case is going out of your life in the name of Jesus combos and alibi bada cast number one die life sung in doubt and thou shalt fear for the various rates and the caution of Florence yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes Katya [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Lola Bashara khatola LeMond developes oh look parody and Zoran a maniac Oh Sally official Imam Shafi tacit LM a gem plant is all about emotion no rebel everywhere sorry and analyst of a rock for total Obama Mendez 711 rush awfully low Coteau la la la la frontiere kateri sampled a futon over jour anemone and a brass or copper brass or copper brass or copper brass or copper brass or copper brass or copper brass copper brass or copper we have photo Lala Vova revered llm ma zouri name any loss of quality drop Coteau la la la la torre de belem Remenham also grew up copper oh dear Cherie radiant oh boy run toca Salemi libre de bal Ababa a locatable a charade amen amen yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo rock soy yo Rock soil rock toyou dropped oil rather than a lemon Rivendell 1130 elevator Jorian ah mama you have taught for telling Joran a minute rapid alia poor Madame Alison sudeerneer en to do up control of you have control over what control of war report olive or ribbon f ma zouri on da ba da ba da ba ba nationally local telephone sorry underbelly with passes ah sorry and Elizabeth remained an element local solo more sorry Amanda ba leash and Olivo rocket olive oh sorry indelible lick oh poor a rocket apollo sore enemy and a lotta Monica sulla Jory rebellious Robert Allah more temblor cloudy libera da da Xue Lila me on toe rocket aluminum metal a medium OSA Paula milk of LM a gelato Sao Paulo leo roto copper area Ramon develop more soap rakion it does not feel a more German go Lobo here occasionally be rickets in a little bit rickets in a little a look at the little a rickets and Lily Robin the lava man tally and olomana zoria cattle a rabid Ababa Sandalow bubble Joran a manicure rubber toes Alamo a bigger than a more vato yo sorry Raymond a loss Charlie reports on the wall you uppity la la video more dropped acaba left a photo far Dora Mae [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Poli Poli risk of cardio rush of the cardio risk of Cal Poly Oh rustic Italian risk of the failure Rasika Palio lists of kapadia with availability jordan in romania - vanilla vanilla vanilla tow-rope column or leave Parvati underway Lori the most notable in Rondo be ready we have got so low low for a little bit of Le Mans I mean now second case that we are playing against a man some the first one is when number one your life is uncertain so uncertainty high level uncertainty that is what we are is a case and we are praying for forgiveness and message to be delivered from this case number two something you cannot escape from something you cannot escape from as a cast it says in Deuteronomy 28 and verse 19 happy when thou comest in and cash out now P when thou goest out so wherever you go it follows you do you see when you are coming when you are going you cannot escape it it's always following you when you go here it happens when you go there it happens when you go yeah it becomes another I mean you can't even know how is the thing is happening in this circumstance as well you live here you go here it's coming you go to another place a stuff everywhere you go that same trouble follows you it has to be a case so the case of something you cannot escape from no matter where you go is breaking by our prayers of not even anger but for forgiveness for ourselves for our sins and our iniquities you know I want to talk to you about iniquity but not now since we are wretched so we have trained God up messy let what ever is following us when I go here when I do this when I don't do this when I do that and I I just myself this way I go this way I did dozens of people marry first marriage second my tech my all the marriages are leading to the same thing and you can escape it today you are skipping by power by forgiveness by the message of God every standing in every print para milada main drag a bunch in bulbous Solon Dharam a katana sure it echoes bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah Rose already better Catalano Mosab Redell Mme a massage suppose a most chapter 5 in verse 19 it says as if a man did flee from a lion and a bear met him and a man leaned on his hand on the wall and a serpent beat him so the man is running away buddies from alarm and work what do you meet a bear then it goes to the house to rest as soon as arrest a serpent bites him in the house so he escaped from the line then he met a bear escape of the bed animated serpent you are skipping totally whether it is here maybe you have come to work different jobs every job you can meet the same case same difficulties same type of man same type of woman same type of situation pallava whatever represents a cast wakey-wakey I cannot escape it I am escaping it by the blood of Jesus and by forgiveness and a parody parody at arena at Ellucian avocado cassava ruptal comin in here Loretta this is Amano Kapadia sure an epidemic on Sunday they rocked acapella da la da da da da la serena may mention brother Cecil Kapadia wrote definitely a Sunday Romano Robo some predicate cell MMA lee-char Abydos rot tsongkhapa yet Kapadia Rossum bearethere remain a cat Rosa Rosa Paradiso remain as chief 11 Indo grab Cortana more symbol le welcome our area Zora dabeli match Umbra Delia Guatemala Lee Jacopo Jacopo Jacopo Jacopo Jacopo Russia tell Kelly Ripa tell anymore so Romanian D Laura ba da casa chescaleigh marie de paula jory my name is Lim para doc is so rampant a gala Cleo moaning of cattle Aliana ba raised a better idea Lea de L'Amour semper Edition surah Rahman Anil magellanic assalam o more Robin so low lumo more repeat ll ma zouri la vía posole Jim Bellino Jeremy nearly reminiscent Azure blue da ba da casa de ramble ollie on the main cast mulatto rebel MLM leader a table a rock coats on the wall Rock Orso Lobo drop Kosala more rockets on mobile rocket allah wa so relabel element Ron Thom Brenneman rim an Amana assemble of cleaner during a Melanie rubella Leo Soren Emily let Catawba bar on in the audio range of Allah more save a Latino rain band element say mala monomino Casa Loma very rebellious olomana Mochan Olivia Rasika para dia dia rockefeller li ER rockefeller we are rockefeller Lee we are part of a family we are acapella Lee we are twice acapella lose grip it in an MMO Zorin mmm oh mmm oh yes oh yes [Music] oh yes oh yes yes yes the name of Jesus ending yes yes take I approve of Jesus Christ of Nazareth amen amen the third case that we are praying is no vision and no prosperity my vision lack of prosperity Deuteronomy 28 verse 29 it says you shall group at noonday as a blind man groups in the darkness you shall group at noonday just like a blind man groups like you are not blind by you be like somebody who can see your whole life is your just existing and thou shall not prosper in that way this is Deuteronomy 28 ER this is the list Casas and that shall be oppressed only a present spot MMO and no man shall safety now if you look at the black man in everywhere this look at the case we are seeing now in America wherever he is look at this condition and most evils even this pandemic who is it affecting more in America so you may want to discard but you see the pictures and the statistics show us that there's something working I think that it is it is pride that makes you not accept the reality of cases working because at one time I has a man of God do you believe me yes I'm not cast I'm not saying that he was proud but it's like it's like it's it takes something so no I don't have any case in my life I'm blessed I'm blessed with a band blesses our mind it's true we are blessed with a bronze but this is also true I mean the Bible says in the sweat of thy face thou shalt eat bread Adam and Eve that is it who is not sweating you know that time we came here you know that time we slept you know that time we woke up you know we are doing after you don't have any idea pandemic or no pandemic so brothers and sisters I think that it is very unrealistic to say that there is no case when it's biblically we can see the thing is working so we are praying now he says and thou shall not prosper in thy ways and thou shalt group at noonday that's like you can't see no vision no zeal for life or what to do where to go what to do next what is the next thing to do in your life it's not clear and thou shalt not pursue the lack of prosperity is also an you and you realize it runs in families no prosperity anybody who is our president is family is likely to have a president you couldn't even be a district MP and it's not likely that you are going to have an MP in your family soon yeah so whatever it is that takes away prosperity [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Oh [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Cass number for forgiveness marital disaster and marital contradictions and marital opposites that's that is what I call it marital disasters marital contradictions and marital opposites deuteronomy 28 verse 30 you shall be truth a wife but but another shall live with her you shall build a house but you shall not dwell in it so your home is destroyed listen you've married a woman and another man is playing with her and doing things to her or sleeping with her is a disaster and it's a contradiction and it's a case the one who is doing it is cast and it is a case that is happening in the family because you go ahead pay the dowry you pay for the engagement everything for the wedding and then not expecting that you are the one going to enjoy that another comes to enjoy the person the person is saying delicious words and doing delicious things for another person it's a case I'm it's a contradiction it's an opposite of what you expect you come we are very happy the person is very unhappy it's a contradiction it's an opposite you come with laugh the present gives you accusations is an opposite-sex contradiction accuse you opposite you do your best as a wife and then your husband does his waist you work hard to provide and he provides nothing you do everything in the manual and the person does the all the opposites of the things in the manual as a contradiction and it's a Morita opposite and it's a as a marital disaster the home is destroyed he said look you shall build a house and you not well in other words you built but you never live happily in your house you never live happily in your house you may have fun each and every time I never leave a bleeding these are cases and you see when you look back at all our families you see that it's not it's not it's not it's not difficult to find a case somebody's cases on my child a grandchild they said that because people I even bore you don't know how they are born yes their presence is even a mystery Hey so you you wonder about our I can law I mean well they believe in their sister's child that is Del Rio child yeah and it's from experience maybe people on their deathbed have confessed this one kweku is not your child this coffee is not is for this person this one is the driver's child this one is this presence job and he'll confess all we never knew so there's a reason but you see all these things are cases deception treachery wickedness wicked when Derek Prince died you know he wrote a book and he confessed something that he had done in the book I said he didn't want to die with the wrong impression so he wrote it in the book he had written died he faced all his life everybody knew that he didn't have a child but at the end of his life he would and he had a child that was when he was an unbeliever yes stay with an uncle oh and you see there are cases oh yeah so you may not know how is connected to you but all these so whatever represents and that's right sometimes we enter into my with the most ideal imagination of the most ideal everything and is just a beast we are pastors we are pastors we know what you are saying just a beast after pissed after missing so God is showing forgiven we are going to confess maybe you as you are sitting there your existence is that distract somebody went mad because you exist yes there are people who go mad there are women who bore mad when they lose their husband to some outsider who has given back to you so you ask you walk '''l have made somebody go mad you don't even know and you are pray for blessings happiness to live happily ever after Abraham's blessings are mine that's what you are singing no Cassie Sawada look when Joshua built Jericho when Joshua Bell Jericho he plays a cast on the one who were built foundation who develop it on his child and they gate he'll build it on his son so 500 years later somebody came to build Jericho and it happened now so that death of those two men was connected to something that he said 500 years ago was that house would have caused the premature death of those two guys probably young guys nobody even even connected so somebody is dying of what you are thinking is an accident by it's connected directly to something that somebody pronounced 500 years earlier so watch out when somebody says I can see all be cast you may think it's nothing but there are real things and those are the things we are battling we try to all of us there is no but I don't think you can say you I am dead from this I don't know which country you are from stop acting special over there I've seen you you think you I isn't it we are praying every standing are you with me yes Marita what disasters and marital opposites and marital contradictions of every idea we are column oh sorry one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] women [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Raymond honey Jesus Christ thank you yes Morita opposite Jesus Morita contradictory the following my life forgive me we dip our heads our hands and our feet and our whole selves my god into the blood of the Lamb Michael run the blood that take us away my god sins of the world in the name of Jesus Saviour of the world DeMarre abolish iike a cobra cattle medal orally in Jesus name Jesus name we pray man I mean hallelujah amen right now I want us to take out an offering we are getting to the end of our prayer meeting before we move to the fifth kiss are you glad you are praying about these things yes check out your offering and we are gonna listen we are going to use this offering as a prayer against a curse number five of carrying not ripping munch not ripping good things it says the cast number five is a lack of harvest a lack of good harvests it says you shall carry much seed out to the field but got a little in for the local shall consume it Deuteronomy 28 verse 38 you shall carry much seed into the field but shall gather little in mercy so going to work a lot and carrying little in carry much seed and bring little this offering and this prayer was we are praying and at the same time we are going to give our offering its forecast number five case five I hope you are noting there were these are specific cases we are praying against carry much seed so in a lot sowing into people's lives and getting little from anything from any we're going to work very hard and getting little from all the hard work you do sowing seeds in church and getting very little blessing in your life and frustration from sowing seeds and we have been a little being a good wife and getting little out of it being a good husband and getting little out of it being a faithful husband and getting nothing no harvest being a faithful wife and you get unfaithfulness oh you get little as a result of your goodness messy is it something you can relate with thou shalt carry much seed out into the field and shall gather but literally so all of us are going to pray don't give your offering yet please don't give your offering wait I want us to hold it and pray we are praying over this lack of harvest lack of good habits as you call it a lack of good habits of failed harvests let's pray to the field right now yes in the name of [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] maracas [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes messy after you [Music] No Jesus everyone give your offering now if you want to even change your offering you can give even a better but it's a special seed breaking the caste of no arrests on little habits breaking the case of little habits that's your prayer with your offering breaking the curse of much seed with little it's a dowser very much seed into the field but shall gather but little in forgive us Lord you see Daniels prayer which is what we are praying that's what I brought us here is that the case has been poured out so these are the pouring cases 12 pouring cases that we are expanding from our life and how do you expand these cases by prayers of supplications forgiveness for iniquities for sins and for transgressions these three types of mistakes amen are you with me now cast number six captivity of children it says you shall begat sons and daughters but these are not be yours for they shall go into captivity there is nothing more painful than to see children becoming captive of something else some other idea takes up take them up they are captured by wickedness drugs alcohol boyfriend/girlfriend most sexuality some he says you shall give birth to children and they shall not be your source when happy they are no more yours what you raised them up to be they are not that and they are now belonging to some other ideology do you understand put a scripture for us to see I didn't give you the scripture Deuteronomy 28 verse 41 Deuteronomy 28 verse 41 amazing amazing desire in the Bible it says and that children will not be yours so you brought them about they are not yours they actually belong to some other movements you look at the side there's my child thou shalt not enjoy them he says thou shalt not call you don't enjoy them when they have gone into captivity of other things but another version American NIV and so on they says as end days but they will not be yours they will not be yours or you not even join them any SP they will not be yours they are not yours mmm Oh baby through divorce they are not yours then we will be given to somebody else and they are not your children or we're even you are divorced and then whoever has the children will tell the children don't have anything to do with your father oh that is a bad person they keep telling me the bodies of bodies our bodies our bodies our bodies are bad for then for them to grow up and I may never know that is actually a good person so all these are cases and captivity of our children so let's rise up and pray we haven't finished whoever you are wherever you are praying against there's nothing more painful none at all and your children to be taken into captivity they are not justice shall not be yours you will not keep them American says these are not be yours King James says you not enjoy them American says but they will not be yours they belong to alcohol they belong to drugs they belong to the homosexual group they belong to some secular ideas they belong to unbelievers they belong to some man they belong to some boy they belong to some girl they belong to some underworld you are they are your children they of course as you sharp but they will go into captivity they are captured by those things let's let's pray you know I know things you leave these things for just to happen one of our happy should happen I think our prayers are necessary every standing [Music] [Music] ready Rama Rama T gavel body average or anemone and Oh Mondo's Valeria Rosso Kapadia and Lemmo soul link Aradia so rainy lalalala Zoran emini le paradis AA lot o say Kelly LeBrock e otama mando Sandoval le le parc Isabelle la la cosa family llamo mention pehlivan omo racer copper area until available so rotten copper area element Yamaha Sam Botta cotton oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes that is part of koper aerial enemy state we are thwarted in our prayers already [Music] yes [Music] [Music] oh Jesus number seven is a sickness which cannot be healed the Lord will strike you notice the expression with the boils Deuteronomy 28 best 27 with the boils of Egypt with tumors with tumors and with the scab and with the itch whereof thou canst not be healed you see the main characteristic of this is something that cannot go so all chronic sicknesses fall into this group things that cannot go and sometimes they are not even life-threatening but they don't go are you I understand what I'm saying it's not even threatening your life but doesn't go it says the Lord shall smite thee amen and then invest fifty thirty five it says and the Lord will strike you in the knees a lot to strike you where in the knees smite thee in the knees and in the legs so all these knee pains there are cases and on the legs with severe boils which cannot be healed from the sole of your foot to the top of your head Deuteronomy 28 35 so whatever represents a knee pain pain in the legs Jesus under your feet ah joint pains back pains from the soul of that feet to the top of the head so the Lord shall smite thee all these are the lists of cases I didn't write a Bible then Deuteronomy 28 verse 60 and again you notice the first one is that from which you cannot be healed another one is from which cannot be healed which cannot be healed which cannot be healed that's the thing moreover he will bring back on new all the diseases of Egypt of which you were afraid and these are cling to you also every sickness and plague which is not written in this book with a lot bring upon you until you are destroyed again it gives true notable characteristics of the diseases one is that you are afraid of it because you see that this pandemic people are afraid of it yes so it's a case and then it's something that consumes you till you are destroyed are you with me yes so whatever disease you are afraid of in Jesus name Lord is delivering us by our confessions and our prayers we are any very soon by our prayers and our confessions these things are going out of our lives and every sickness which cannot be healed we are praying to God we beg we beg you I beg you show us mercy of anything that cannot be healed that is not going and that doesn't see that this one there is no cure just take this medicine every day and this colonised in that group says of the disease's where of Tao was afraid and how tell you if you ever work in the hospital that is ready should you be afraid the first response is fear yes I will not lie to you if you are a doctor when you see certain things you become afraid yes I have known people who have left certain departments was they were afraid you but you can literally be afraid so I want us to pray I will pray for anything but you ourselves yes so let us pray our selves and our children for Macy's from God father I thank you that none of these prayers who ever fall to the ground name of Jesus we are asking we are healing healing forgiveness forgive me I was singing i won we keep oh my god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] so Leo [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] Rockets are available Rama Nana nanana nanananana rocket a record terminal or via bodily and the war Montrose under Bo we're took on the world rocked of Carnival gentle countable women lllll events Jory Debbie and the war righto Kapadia very lemony and away Zoran Emily and [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] Bing or yes we pray and Oh lalalalalala yes long hey van de la la la [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] which I am afraid of [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] lalalalalalalala whoa whoa rifka sofa ready Toma Toma you are Tony Romo yeah Tony oh yeah Jori Jori Rizzo Veridian - rubbish a kettle LM a leap Italian da ba man chosen Vallely Reposado belly was shocked of our idea and liberator above a man chosen bell 11 rama suthep la la la la la la maman rasa revelry hasta la la la mamma Manto son delivers Ramadan Ababa Robert olive alia rebel Shaka tell MA le paradis Inaba Montes send or more righto Kapadia lead padania under both miserable la la la la la la la la la la ba la la la ribera lopez shoddily acaba la SOTA Kapadia relatively unaware Montrose and eleven Resaca para Nia Luka radiata nominee mention parody okoto lhamo la-tso parody leper Aradia Torre under level we want to rebel a 1 to level a want to rebel a run Torres la grunta rebel a want to rebel a live rabbit LS ml available MMA Asif Kapadia Joanna many and abode Montes Sandoval Oh rock opera via live parody and Abed Makoto la la maman grandmas le under a red pencil Alamo lo se pehle kiss o Muhammad Ali Jared Yokohama Raman Jalalabad a loss of our dear okata la la mama okata la la la mama Casa la la la mamma Rafa Dahlia neva mondo son dilemma very well copper idea matches Isabella more reporte lemon lemons and a lemon ricotta llama llama Xavi de la mama rosha parody on da la ba ba Rotech sll mmm Montez on del MMA record hola mama hallelujah hallelujah amen amen how many we are praying against number eight we are praying against mental and emotional so I guess there's any mental and emotional disturbance all mental disturbances are cases amen and we are praying against them it says in Deuteronomy 28 verse 34 so you shall be driven mad because of the sight which your eyes shall see thou shalt be mad because of the site of the an ISO mental and emotional you know very sad very very crying sorrow mental and emotional struggles can often be traced to cases so whatever represents an emotional struggle marita disasters can do that relationships disasters in relationships can lead to mental and emotional cases so mental and emotional instability and confusion anything like how many I realizing that a lot of these things seem to be working in your life already huh yes there are real things and it's in the world we are praying and I believe that you know since I began my career I've never really prayed against and I've never really prayed these families and but I can see that what can explain it family cases and generational cases something that somebody did oh you didn't do it all visiting the iniquity on the children so we are we are somebody's child sometimes we people see you they can't believe that your father has given birth to a pasta because they know your father's a bad person or your mother has a bad person she was swinging high in those days a favorite of many men and guys she was a favorite dog for many guys and now I pasta so when they see were in the black just to hit the hat yeah shops so the cases the children come to reap things so we have almost finished don't be tired arise and shine we are ending very soon very very soon you can see that we are ending yourself can see that we are ending we are praying don't call me one day I tell you no Bishop can we please start those do you remember you used to have some parameters at 4:00 a.m. and we will pray for a lot stopped those ones don't even start this is it when it's over it's over so Android wireless mouse is we have a few minutes more to the end I can see that it's around 10 o clock but we'll be ending within do not even be more than an hour before we end what we are number seven we are going only a few numbers up so let's pray right now rise up right get up get up check yourself hey oppa okay okay okay okay let's get some tea or coffee and just make yourself a let we are ending with strength and maybe out of these twelve cases maybe God has decided to select one and just end it in your life today for that prayer that you are amen yes yes so you may see on a particular thing this is okay this one end in the name of Jesus forgiveness and grace every dilemma yes or mo-chica anything domestic intimacy topological shook it's coming Jamboree district Italian is s name let's send about Jenny we have a tank of Hawaii with a power like Joey was a very nice article every since kaalia kaalia kaalia kaalia kaalia kaalia kaalia kaalia [Music] Kalyanam Livonia karate vanish you are selfish we are phenomenal women is Sunday for the moment on brenda more difficult any other cause is already no no mama Ianto novo C&L Mme Dominic I see Ramona copper area John Raymond a Tony Raymond - underlay great personal emotional over on the Neva sia rocket Alamo man tacos and LM a parody romanticize le moco's enemies ego Lamonica Talia co-author cake alien an AMA be Turkish co-wrote potentially lemon Jordan and many on Domino rests on fake Italian tose canola was C and oboe it Potosi memory rim Amanda no lovable so relatable Kapadia a yesterday Casey Coteau la la mama wants a cop Ariana Baba ma Regina Lasko rare parody and away Aliso records elements via so directly Roboto Domo Zorin Emily and Emily yato solo role of Oh yeaaaah c'mon Aliante unjam reveal a more rapid LLL Mme oh la la la la la la la la la mesilla posso so Rene many and a parody and hola mama javis Katella Melia Rama dr. Bellamy no sorry rebellious Kapadia a jelly osco belly on brento panda because some pradhan loco Chu Lai Yas Honolulu boom Reba Dalia soar anemone Raimondo la la la la ba ba rocket Oh Loulou mom Isabelle MA Roscoe Korea launched a very common enemy Raymond LM LM ma Ozzie bajalia co ricotta no no more zip Aradia can resemble le bellum Bosa Melhem Bosa bellum Bosa bella cosa Bella Bolsa Chica Palelei reso common dilemma so rapidly as you co quality yet so no more elevated river a little Mme yes oh no no no more Rondo lovable remained NL mmm we cannot believe a grid parity and Abbas leave mama mama Jordan MN mmm Oh column or er solo Lobo more available MMA coach oh no no no bubbles he under elevator away oh yeah Moses name in Jesus name number nine a case of something being stolen from you oh you're up shall be slaughtered before your eyes but you shall not eat of it your donkey shall be violently taken away from before the Deuteronomy 28 verse 31 and shall not be restored to you your ships are be giving to your enemies and you shall have no one to rescue them all right so whatever the enemy wants to steal from you Amen you're financed your marriage your health your children your reputation all right people trying to take it away from you it's one of the cases and whatever is working in your life to take from you what is yours we are praying you know there are people that have inherited things and they never enjoyed it many many many people it is mine but it was not given to them and somebody swears and ticks what was given to them amazing people have their livelihood money everything is taken away by a thief or by fraud like many nations in certain parts of the world the wealth has been taken away and looted and people are mysteriously prosperous some few people are mysteriously prosperous every standing I want us to pretty quickly so that we end today it ends today [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] - Sandhya Jordan Emily echo Monticello presente que se llama petroleum leav and Alamo masala mom Kalyani is orientable reso Pacus alia Rockefeller moment man Jesse and Oh Rocco Melanie Zoe nominee adore rebel alley and away Masako Paria rock opera do many enemy Sunday logically acapella Lear's Oriental MMA midoriyama cosa razo capillary loss ceremony Laura baccata zora nominee and a aunt umbrella fill a row so per area ledger gazella more rows so copper area in Jesus name in Jesus name now I just want to let you know that I want we are going to have communion Wow as we end this meeting is we are ending in about 10 to 15 minutes so the last part is communion Holy Communion the blood because the blood is the answer to these cases hallelujah amen amen the blood of Jesus is the answer to these cases so I want you to get ready your communion everyone call your neighbor who is falling asleep anybody who is retired out of it we are praying and leading the blind party Jesus yes against all this you see yellow we cannot sacrifice a new cow on uShip or a new good we cannot do there's no money we can give there's nothing that is going to cancel that but the blood that sacrifice has been made we are activating the blood of Jesus this matters yes we can smell the cosmos a cup and you smell a scent oh yes I mean I don't even know who you are but I'm sure you can feel that these things is in some way all right so we are going to do that at the end which isn't about 10 to 15 minutes when we just end in all right I'm just are letting you so that you if you need to get your bread you all you need to do is have either bread biscuit or and then any drink you can get if you have wine is beautiful all right and it's going to be supernatural and power of hallelujah amen amen oh thank you lord thank you no valid ear qatar cash number 10 the case of not being promoted or being demoted so when you miss your promotions it's a case and when you are demoted being brought down low it's a case and I want to read it to you that case is ending in your life says in Deuteronomy 28 verse number 43 it says the alien who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you you see if we look at it in the American version you get it a little better the alien the outsiders will go higher and higher so when you miss your opportunity to go higher and higher but then you will go down lower and lower oh you see your support now you see some of you are satisfied with going higher ones but it was supposed to be higher and higher you went high and then it stopped you missed your promotion so missing of promotion world and others being promoted instead of you being promoted now others are brought in to do aliens that's what is called alien or what does the King James say the foreigner does he see the foreigner the stranger amazing amazing and then Dasha come down very low when you are brought low very low low low low low low is a caste and remember when the Israelites we're doing do you remember this morning I don't know if you were here we're praying about power power to wait for God to judge power to wait for God to do when God dealt with that is it they themselves said their care should be on our children thou shall come down very low so it's happening it's real so whatever makes you not to go higher and higher and higher to the end we are praying it against it right now every praying that's the end of you stopping is the end of your devotion in the end of the in your eyes Oh in Jesus name hallelujah hallelujah now the 10th 11 we are praying about it is no anointing oh oh and nothing that doesn't work it's a case a case it's working that's why that 90 doesn't work they come pour l on your head and it doesn't work laying on of hands and it's not working you are near they are noted and it's not working the anointing of the unknown Tet is not having an effect on your life it's not it's not inducing the same graces that are there in your life like posit that is Aras that hours ahead of me the same commit thou to faithful be strong in the grace that is around the grace that we experience in bostonia it doesn't ain't I knew it anointing doesn't because a Cass is at work let me show you show us a you shall have only trees throughout all your territory but you shall not anoint yourself with the oil for your ellipse I'll drop of deuteronomy 28 verse 40 the source of the anointing is there then oil the thing is there but it is not able to affect you shall not unknown to yourself it doesn't come it doesn't affect you it's present but it doesn't affect you say Cass and I and you see it sometimes you see people they listen to the preaching they go tribe it doesn't change them they are like salted grounds you come pour oil pray for them they walk with an anointed person they don't become anointed this as if they didn't receive anything all the years that they wear around as if they didn't learn anything you can be with a loyal person and become a disloyal become a disloyal like Judas maybe there was a case in Judas family go that's why the love of Jesus Christ the closeness to him the kisses the intimate personal relationship between Judas and Jesus could not touch his heart for Judas to have a meeting with other people and tell them how to hold him hold him very well and I'm sure the mother saw that he's very strong he is a lot he's big he's slippery he can fight Jesus was killed capito he was a what skilled carpenter could try and Bruce Neal saw cuts do everything very skilled carpenter Jesus was an ordinary carpenter he was killed everything he would have done him excellently it will be the best so the unloading of Jesus he's the faithful one obedient even unto death he was just text to Judas in that power that character didn't affect him who are you near to and whatever graces that peasant has is not protecting you no a cast is at work when the olive trees dead our lives are there but on yourself no on yourself no doesn't work rise up every rising we are ending around with communion this is the 11 down 12 then we finish all right lift your hand and pray no no no you there's an anointing in our church ud yes all over the world and other even dose-related oh yes I wish we had more time there are more things I want to share with you but there are so many things graces how to escape cases beautiful holy hands Cumbrae they say one day Danielle said the cast is poured out so he what what did he do he pray you are doing yes yes in this house yes okay chaos number 12 and the last is the curse of an unsaid prayer a Amen this case causes your prayers not to be answered you pray but no answer after praying you pray but there's no answer why because a kiss is at work and you see describe vividly in the Bible this is the last one it says and your heavens which are over your head Deuteronomy 28 verse 23 your heavens which are over your head shall be bronze or the King James is brass and the earth which is under you will be ion are you listening yes now yes he's talking about literal F that is I am and heaven that is brass that rain doesn't come but it's also talking about the spiritual heavens yes from where the windows of heaven are opened and blessings come and answers to our prayers descend angels descend and he says though heaven over your head shall be bronzed and the earth will be ion so f is not working and heaven is also not working for you life on Earth is not working and the heavenly support the prayers that would have been answered and not been answered at all the Evan over your head shall be bronzed oh is it good it's a bad thing so every time as we pray concerning this final you know maybe we've been praying and praying whatever represents a an unset prayer retrieve all your unanswered prayers will be our pray for forgiveness now says that Lord's hand is not shortened that it cannot save nowadays yeah stop that here yes and in heaven it's a chapel cornea well cool to us Aparna de gallo Magellan Oh [Music] [Music] yes my God my God my God my God eco solar Robo see on the rim we are two important emissary rebel chair anemone arco de belem is so superior me and a yokota no no mama Ronzoni reveille Yasuhara dia lesser koto no more yen Jamboree reminisce mmm eh eh oh la la vaca parody and ll mmm a rebel shocked oppa lazarey amo così indelible a Ramon dallo say yes Bela kiss or oboe rubbish Kelly - am Baracus LM a man cello moans salmon Aviva Sora Bali ricotta no mom or denomination dilemma he approached on Aloma C&L MMA he of katsuyama more Raymond tele Underwood is a man annia regilla Casali la de la manera de Lomo gentleman a grimace or EA rod le jour and Mo Rocca solo Mon chéri d ottawa Lauper area he of Coachella low moan Montrose and hola mama drama de la memoria one toe sandal MMA career occasionally or carry occasionally or carry occasionally Oh Kelly occasionally Oh representing mmm Verena Musa Jia locust or column on de Jour enemy on de Jour anemone on de panamá jettison della medication ramadhir Casa del la Melanie Oh Oh God los zetas vez Mo Rocca so low lumo more Ian's watch ll Mme Roscoe sandela Papa I want us to thank God thank you lord every thanking yet God right now Lavaca let's thank our Father thank you Lord which is in heaven years we have not because of our righteousness because of that because of his kind we are again again today thank you Jesus thank you thank you we thank you yes yes Saruman OC Allah baba rockefeller Devi or soda lemonade get me so Tosca folly Oh No shondo fan delegate technical asuka techo para de la barra da Gama was a very reasonable Angela follow Cusco BLM a lemon damu no parodius every Rock Italia mentioned jugo-slavia Italy Lilly Lilly oh la la la ba ba ba ma Java Nicasio Farah Dhabi also determine mmm wrong damn person don't coach upon talimena no more ivara de bolsa you carry rebel rebel Italy oh go dossier Romana Sam Bregman at essaouira da ba ba ba Deborah Borgia a codon of all Roman an anemone and a venom Anusha Tess Kelly more poorly and a bit less show show show cocoa chili a minute he'll rob a Basia a focus and eliminates he Jesus Jesus Jesus oh my oh my god my god Le Monde Oh Lulu Vasya kalamos oh Jesus Cavalia khatola more per area very sore amana mama domain a cassava hora de Vaca chandelle Ibaka partying ah bah-bah-bah our day so far a day infer any case under baba la copa reliable a Sarah vo vo Vesta Robitaille memory castle luckily Del Amo zamboula fabula calm balanced Guillermo Tsukuba ley del Aguila chola Mona bond ah so Bella Mina for v-day tsuzuku quarterly gentleman Monday's more Philomena piccoli jeez la Rosa Toula came alone rebelling ready men furthermore the poll tells a little Cocola don't believe Serena calico Chalisa Salamone welcome enna lambda D del amino the vessel is stable Pollyanna Delano Lamar cinammon nakkeera eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh ill aluminium aluminium Rima monomino cosa doe remain acusa jour anemone akiza gorromini cat hola mama Thomas over Oh Oh God okay always Thank You Thomas your life honking in demand over a rev hacia la cosa Larry revulsion deliver Cabo's socket Allah praises Cabo socket and liberal Jesus Ramirez hola mama the case of your children is written about my God my God nikasha my God my God the case of cigar my god that cannot be my God my God sit with you Alfredo is here and B is about me we're catchin a little sia mama is working Jesus the case of on Sunday and a little baby may the curse of living by you Jesus eternal inertia rock or even a little [Music] oh yes Jesus Jesus in an animal oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus we thank you we praise you oh yes more Ramos is a very sober Mira Devi's over a review cosa oh Jesus mondo Luko Sunday a baby rattle mania via de Bordeaux Bacchus and ababa Doran Emma Kazarian de la ba ba ro fairy castle thank you Jesus thank you Lord Jesus Russell indicate a radius R is overrated yoko-san dama father we thank you for nice when our prayers yes Lord just thank the Lord thank you Jesus thank the Lord and they're gonna have communion Samba Vallely say thank you Jesus equal all over sir Paolo is Laura Minos Chhabra de Vere casa biondello more Zoran amania Kota Robin Delhi Belly baby Zuri rubella lyoko parody ah no no more Joran ma Chiefy atossa Pando Lomas umbrella ritika veridia simona kota g bellacrest Oh Palelei Amina Mendes Oh Li minakata Doraemon annuity Paran van de Souza kukup Akasaka doggy poo Sokka cassava gali moussaka Kazakh gali moussaka Kazakh gali moussaka Kazakh gali Rhett a fella Giotto am bravi stay Fremen amo samu check in Fulani Oh Dora Montes Ibarra DNA Renee Mika sora bodily on de Jose may vibra Brazos predicate is a son bran docket am Jose Joran ma che cazzo follow knee in bozo in da bozo Zoran amania Reza better be Sarkoja toss all right take your communion take your communal whatever you are in the house I want to pray with you and have communion with you Oh hallelujah now every caste that is working Jesus the Bible says God sent Jesus Christ to bless us in Acts chapter 3 I believe God sent Jesus Christ to bless us so there's a blessing as we received the body yes and the blood of Jesus and this Bible says in acts 326 it says for you first God has raised up his seventh and sent him to bless you send Jesus Christ to bless you bless me by turning everyone away from your wicked ways so you are being blessed by being turned away from your wicked ways amen put it in the King James please beautiful God raised up Jesus son Jesus and sent him to bless you Wow in turning away you every one from his iniquities so you are being ten amen that's American is easier to understand God sent Jesus to bless you so this is Jesus we are receiving the body of Jesus Christ father as we receive the body take your bread in your house wherever you are as we receive the body of Jesus Christ we thank you this is a cup of blessing as Obama is superimpose loss of our lives whatever cash is terminated terminated terminated permanently today in Jesus name take the bread now take the wine now the Bible says the cup of blessing which we bless you know this is a blessing whatever you are receiving whatever you have is turning into the blood of Jesus at this time father we bless this cup and we thank you that is a cup of blessing yes well we are we recognize many cases we we now we are praying we can see everywhere and we pray that this blessing is superimposed on our life another presence of your blessing will lead us into the goodness that you have for us we thank you in Jesus name the cup of blessing [Music] yes nobody this merciful we named Jesus name father we give you thanks and praise oh you run for us in Jesus name god bless you thank you for being a part of this thank you for watching may the Lord bless you and strengthen you all our meetings are continuing exactly as we have been doing for the last week there's no change at all so just Friday we start at 4 a.m. not 5 we start enough for so make your mind 3:30 and then we start being here and Sunday at 12 for service normal we don't have any service that will fit into whatever so your service is what we have you watch on multi TV and also is 20 satellites Southern Africa is coming on and also what else yeah internet alright be blessed let's bind the devil before we go any demonic work that is working against you any demon that is sitting in your house yes in your room yes outside your door you're asking you to be Cassatt no Devils oh yes in the name of Jesus in the [Music] [Music] this copper audio Jordan anecdotally and ABBA let's Johan and tango thank you Lord Father we thank you we think you've done more than we could have imagined we've done more answered our prayers over and over and over we love you we love you we thank you we thank you and we praise you for a table in the mighty name of Jesus Jesus amen amen god bless you thank you for watching it's raining in a crowd right now these are showers of blessing significant oh yes and prophetic oh yes of much blessing a cursor comes over all of us brain calling on the Lord in Jesus name Amen god bless you thanks for watching bye be blessed
Channel: Son of Dag Heward-Mills
Views: 13,909
Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Id: oyDTL1R1MHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 10sec (11830 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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