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right now the next thing is that young people who serve the Lord must stay around and see wonderful things and they must therefore the hard followers had what followers had some 63 verse 8 my soul followeth hot after thee hard i want you to decide as a young person to be a heart follower now what is the heart follower a heart follow a somebody you can't get rid of like you can't get rid of him like he's there for everything always around you are a heart follower my soul followeth hard after thee there are people that are not in this camp but they are following hi they are trying to get information what is happening here my soul followeth ha you can always tell those who follow hard after thee and those who follow officially there's a difference this young man is following hi yes you know it's not easy for me to know somebody I ask forced me to know him and even the project and there was when I saw him I asked mark about his project that he's doing school or whatever with the homeless I mean I'm in your view I live in doe your name can I know your name it depends on the way you follow my soul follow wet let's not his camp this is nothing to do with this country at least come to sit in the front room maybe himself as though this is history he was ushering outside it was assuring outside stopping people from coming close to me and like this bishop so no one can me why so from here a visitor my sole follow-up study great and thy right hand is doing magic you see when you follow heart the right hand of God starts to do magic for you and lift you up in different ways yes a hat follower is somebody who is at every thing that happens young people are like that young people they are not embarrassed by anything those grown-ups you know God forgive us we have so much pride take somebody like John do you know of anything he didn't attend John do you know of anything he didn't attend he was there for all the city he is the one who recorded all John all these Jesus that this is if you do this in my you have tribulation my flesh is meat my body flashes but nobody wrote all those things he attended all the meetings when they were going for Transfiguration wonderful for Transfiguration he said I'll go huh everybody wait he joined gonna so Peter intended cryptic guy yes he joined them when they was going for Transfiguration they left the others behind he was FC all the boots or the boat rides or the fish eating chips huh laptop he was there then the cross reported act on it between be the bad John was thing John was at the cross all the others were not there my soul followeth I'll be there I'll be there cross everybody once I saw John and his mother Mary mother Mary PETA was in there was a picture please look after my mother James please no girl only richer people John was the one who was there and now that stood by the cross of Jesus his mother and his mother's sister Mary Mary Magdalene dawn and Jesus saw his mother and the disciple standing by whom he loved my soul followeth hard after leave and he says to his mother mama John I know he's young please take him as your son and and the next one and he said to the disciple behold thy mother mother and from that hour they decide that disciple took her unto his own home as some people have give me the book after following you see to follow is a very important thing for a young person you don't have to physically even be with a person to say that you are following the passenger yes that is one manifestation of following one magnetization is physical we go got some people they can be there physically but they would they don't even want to come like it's even the actions or their turn to come but they do not they do not they do not thank you but there are those who can't come but they are following when I went tells I'm going there again this week when I went there I could see that I've been following half after Hagen Kenneth Hagen haha yes if you look at my life in my ministry you see I'm building a Bible School just as he build a Bible School my soulful web ha daddy you know this book the author following is the author following is the master key for every young person to to do well why why just watch some wildlife okay there's a documentary called it's about migration what we call born to survive on to remember whether the one of migrating great migrations if you are interested you can watch it great migration you see fish bed crabs antelopes elephants all of them travel for miles is for parts they travel for thousands of miles this they can put a tracker into a shock I will and watch it travel from America all the way to Africa swimming in the ocean and going back how does he find his way in the Black Sea the Seas back and eyes that its navigator you don't know God has given us my great three navigational skills internally and you see the animals he allows one of the animal to know supernaturally how to travel butterflies travel from up in America somewhere like Chicago area fly it down into South America you know what it means right all of our Mexico all the way down into South America of them and fly back it's all in the documentary great migration they studied a fantastic yearly they do it what do they know the way from there in an aeroplane somebody come here and fly off course yes of course some of the accident some of the things that they fly land is unaware we we are way of where we are supposed to be but you see God provides for his people to come to where he has planned them to be for them to be listening because you are sheep whether you believe it or not you are a sheep and God is going to use you and bless you the way he blesses ship so I how do these elephants know where to go across the desert one of the dangerous things in the desert is like you go to last for maybe 2 or 3 4 days and you'd be dead you got to go in the right direction you have to your life depends on it so you must grow up as a young person to follow follow her you see God anointed me to do certain things and when he anointed me he blessed the people that were behind me do you see so that they would know what to do but many of them did not want to do it Isaiah 48 isaiah 40:8 are you there as I for the Aged okay verse 16 come in here and to me here ye this I have not spoken in secret from the beginning from the time that it was there are mine and now Lord the Lord God and His Spirit has sent me that says the Lord thy Redeemer how do you have a song my redeemer lives isn't it is there not a song like that my redeemer lives will be singing my redeemer lives and all that is it my Redeemer what is me my Redeemer little creation testify let us live within me cry I know my redeemer that's a redeemer right there that is the Lord thy Redeemer ty redeemer the Holy One of Israel I am the Lord with teachers be to prophet and I seek you how to prosper prosperity is taught by God your Redeemer I am the lord I thought which teachers be to profit with leave that be by the way the dull shouldn't go young man young girl don't make the mistakes yesterday I gave you a vest I first father has filled my first pallet have seen your father's are also fought a human beings many fathers have seen one of the senses nor follow what God gives I first saw her her same as I for the three my first father because I'm also a father to you go back to 48:17 I am by reading and I leave you I leave you I leave you so everybody the way one of the way God leads you he puts a ship in front of you and the ship is going follow the bottom of the ship follow death the back that until all the animals they know how to most of them they go the right direction by following the antelopes migrate from each Kenya to Tanzania hundreds of miles every year across the Serengeti they go and they come they go in the calabria they just get up one day and they start moving they just start moving in this we are going to the next destination is fantastic they know the way they know the way to Kenya and they come back the next year this is fantastic God is going to lead you and if you follow there will not be anybody who ever be asking how much is milk how much is sugar Tama it will massage to you I prove myself I'm at the spot look at this 18 plus a co2 my commandments then how do I face these us a ripple and thy righteousness after waves of the to detract so much faith so much more peace so many of us not having if you listen to what I'm saying you're gonna get married and have peace believe you me yesterday I told you about the palm palm tree on the beach yes there is an island a small island lot of people don't live there you'll be going exploring on that island it's just personally for people in love yes just for you Wow there are several islands level in the islands for Seal Island for series and buy one at their own island receive it in Jesus if only you are listen you will have had so much peace your peace would I'd be like a river like you know what is that you have a river like when you wake up in the morning to flowing why doesn't dry up like it's dead all the water that was LSI has passed and more nice water has come and I said where did it come from Wow please during your honeymoon he's after your honeymoon these two years after your honeymoon these three years after your honeymoon peace is flowing like a river ah if only you had listened to my commandment look at it Isaiah the righteousness would have been other ways of the sea I've ever stood by the vision the way stop coming receive a never-ending river and wave of blessing [Applause] verse 19 by feet also have been as a sand and the offspring of thy balls like that gravel there off and his name should not have been cut off nor destroyed from before me Amen now go on go ye forth of Babylon flee from the Chaldeans with the voice of singing declare this a tie to the end of this the LORD hath redeemed his servant Jacob is that your Redeemer sing that part again think that does a little part [Music] [Music] women cry my regime but anyone and they says that not they said not when he led them through the desert when God is leaving you you you will be in the desert and that is where you will not be tested most of the people who left me in Ghana years ago thought that I would be feeling cesky by now because when he led me okay with these few people and look after them in this desert I stayed never expecting anything and I'm still not tested in the wilderness or in the desert where there's no water no drink that's where I am not feeling thirsty and people are living at where they think this ring and where they think there is water and not calling for an case of water and calling for new water supply is amazing he caused the water to flow out of the rock why does water come out of the rock Prospero's prosperity is one of the most elusive and mysterious things is I should have turn out to be one of the poorest possible people because my profession I chose was to be the pastor of these children in a classroom in Gannon No everybody was a poor professor but I chose to stay with these people there's no way important person in the church my organist who had not played an organ or seen one before became my organism he went to Ebenezer secondary school and I said come and play he calls what has to flow out of the rock he cleaved the rock also and the waters gushed out that's why people are poor they do not that they don't follow they don't follow when you say to hear they don't do my great tests look the the most the most common thing that I have found in the church the most common thing that our founding the Chet is that people do not follow although that a lot of people around me everybody around me is following to his own in his own way oh yes my soul full way my soul for what study decide to be a half follower there's no point in being a servant and following is going to lead you to prosperity I know of so many people who would have been married either just have listened to me injustice this there is nobody i pasta who I am NOT content about the person getting marriage it's one of my top priority for our assignment and achievement for me I don't come I don't want to pass by you you don't you don't marry that's if you want to marry if you don't want the mind of different but like you want to marry no I see all the children yeah you are like my my own daughter I can't imagine Jesus having a daughter who not get married can you imagine Jesus having a daughter who's not getting married no my heart bleeds my heart it pains me I fight all those around me some of them you see they've been around for years anonymous they are stubborn each often you find us a man this one wall over here the UK you know we don't just want to people and tell people what to do you know you can't just tell us what to do you can't just tell us what to do it's kind of like a modern society you know because the school run telling people what to do especially when it comes to marriage sorry sorry sorry I don't know who said that maybe the people at the back [Applause] numbers 14 numbers 14 quickly go back go back go back numbers 14 Oh Wow is it amazing as a fantastic Wow I'm excited I'm going to give you one of the most important people numbers 14 and now I received a letter part a lot my god be great about the earth I was talking this is Moses he was praying for these and all the congregation lifted up the voices in web verse 1 and the children of Israel and against Moses and Aaron always complaining wherefore the Lord brought us into this land to fall by the sword with our wives without children we pray that's why I don't employ a lot of people let's you come and start complaining why don't we have this and why don't we have a look stay in your job please stay in your job please it's not easy to be full-time and this x1 and let's make a captain let's go back to Egypt Moses and Aaron fell on their faces best 5 Pareto whole don't do that and Joshua the son of nun and Caleb which were of them that searched the land ranked their clothes and they speak to the company say is the language video repeating the words of their boss the language we sent us to his good land as to what they said but the others who say let's have a new captain is Moses guy I mean charlie are you ready to follow don't make the mistake some of you of your father's of me best nine it's a lot deliver he will bring us into this land only Rabello please all about but all the congregation bids to the store this is both free look how you kill a cop Stone him killer where you Sunday it's like the or on go success for the guys stop a guy stole him is that Josh right here is that me Joshua here top figure you are just wrong just like Ella you are not just one but what have you I'd like everybody so far [Applause] right so let me try if they're right they're right for somebody to identify himself as Joshua I want Afghans to be on this guy all guys who doesn't you are jealous by your net be so Joshua no no like that if I feel like yes please explain it you know cuz he said Joshua alone was standing up south jealous cuz of my jealousy I think one is the help you're preaching to flow so that's why you wanted to eat planet I wanted to help the preaching to flow cause we were standing outside nobody was standing up and say but well you're not afraid to identify yourself as something that you are not I was on young men to follow this guy hey yo suited me I used to do me okay tell your liver i other ha follow Wow aha Caleb are you Joshua are you sure you're Joshua the ten spies we don't know their names your name will be forgotten when you I rather you never be remembered will never be known when you are rebellious and complaining always finding something wrong but these two guys they were different and Moses then they prayed and at the end Moses said all these people look at verse 22 which I did and they shall not see the land neither shall any of them doctor walk me see all of them will die and the old I step is two guys except verse 24 loses but can let my sad man that's why people name their children Caleb this is a dead but myself and Telep because he had another spirit I love the spirit with him and has followed me solely here that was followed me fully some 63 that said my soul followeth ha ha ha Celine I'll never leave you I'll be there I'll be there I'll be there I'll be there I'll be there my set my said one killer because we have another spirit with him and has followed me fully him will I bring into the land where into he went and his feet even his children shall be blessed not after that all of them died Oh like everybody knows kill every day health his turn I've had a habitat what oh my god a lot then Joe I said oh this one has cancer so is I oh this one has been admission this all of them and you are still there attended the funerals of all these police's every body for 40 yes another end of it you are still there yeah at 20 you must be ready to be and my and I right hand up hooded when you follow her his right hand just keeps on working wonders that I can be turned into a living wonder Wow Caleb the Joshua Caleb and Joshua this is your vests yeah myself and Caleb memorized numbers 14 24 but myself and Caleb because he had another spirit with him you see the spirit that is with you makes you complain the spirit that is with you makes you flow when you see somebody who is always negative flowing positive to understand all those things all those things they are the different spirits that now with the you can't see a spirit you can't see a spirit fantastic sit down do you love Ida's music huh tell your neighbor for the art of following ducts is my favorite yes don't forget some 63 verse 8 at 20 you must be ready to follow yeah at 20 you'll be at all events I said you'll be at all events my soul followeth stop Sabine follow follow ah my sofa was hot [Music] I'll be ready at 20 ready for the wall [Music] I'll be ready at 20 for the work of God [Music] there is nothing I can do for the Lord there is nowhere that's too far no battle I can't fight ready 20 [Music] let's give applause to this glorious mission unreservedly let us never think that our time of trend alternatives are alone let us carry case them all to God and to his world let her give our Khopoli got a provision they appear ready at 20 I'll be ready at 20 ready for the war ready up 20 I'll be ready at 2400 [Music] I'll be justified and sitting here while so many appearances without me miss abrasion Overland we must be ready to fight for the law will be laboring traveling the at night ready up 20 I'll be ready up 20 ready to walk [Music] we must instruct we must teach it's not rip you can't reach the work with all long-suffering and unanxious geez I are four below we must be in stock in prayer for the carving up Oh Holy Spirit upon your people ready as 20 I'll be very up to wear for a walk very expensive I'll be ready at 20 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'll be ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] God is gracious do not run away from him all right a few more days and our down here will suck when it done if some for eternity your life Bank is irrevocable it remains to be constantly very get you ready up twenty would you be ready will you be ready at twenty ready for a walk ready up lady will you be ready up twenty four are you ready as twenty ready for war are you ready us 20 grand sir are you ready up twenty ready are you ready as twenty red position are you ready quickly ready to go ready to face red sir red fire red emission red preaching ready position red councils Wow are you enjoying Ida's music ready at 20 are you going to be ready Wow numbers 14 24 my seventh Caleb because he had another spirit a man ready acquainted to follow Hebrews six twelve Hebrews be he not slothful don't be lazy laziness is one of the reasons why people don't follow when they look at you this ah man is always working when does he rest I can't follow him if I follow him out I brother doc take it easy no don't be lazy that ye be not slothful that's the first thing that blocks people from following well if you want to be a singer you want to follow either use a lot of words you have to learn the thousand songs yeah because the songs are preaching true or not true you got a land you can't be you can't be lazy when you want to follow somebody want to follow me on the follow me let's go we go to the next camp [Applause] ready at 20 are you ready for the wall Wow I'll be ready at 20 ready for the war ready to preach ready to find ready to serve Wow but followers follow away far away follow away you should be proud to say I am a follower that's what I am and the follower not just a member and the follower I follow this follow them not even God follow them who through faith and patience have inherited promises like everybody has inherited the promises the word has inherited the prosperity that has been promised to those who are redeemed they do not say that I am your Redeemer as I forget the services I'm the Redeemer who teaches you to profit has everybody inherited the profiting and I love I will give us with teachers be to profit with lizardy by the way about you this book plus everybody received it now some 23 verse wants the Lord is my shepherd and what is the fastest time that a lot is your Shepherd or that you are following him hungry like a sheep I shall not want prosperity prosperity prosperity not everybody has inherited that prosperity not everybody has inherited that prosperity then he has not but the Bible is saying in Hebrew 6:12 look at his I'm teaching you the verses in the Bible be not slothful but followers of people who through faith and patience that it was in fact patient winsome when somebody's inherited some of these through patience it means it wasn't as fast thing that's happened to him but he has inherited the promises decide to be followers follow on the podcast listen follow if you want to follow me follow me when I was a student like you when you're going to listen to the point man oh you listen to the McKenna you hear earlier messages I love listening to people's earlier messages you know somehow as time goes by when you see the old faces you don't preach what you should preach because you see the people do look tired of what you're going to say so you don't say the most important message anymore or you water it down low just summarize it yeah so when you listen to the old messages then you hear this thing in a way you never had it like that following there's no message I can I take an ever-present 1950 something that I don't have I'm following you I'll follow anybody whose message I'm following I have all that exists or that I don't have oh my soul followeth after be following so you are following very lazily very lazy be not slothful business stuff but followers of them true who to face and pick it and you follow somebody with faith like you believe faith is believing you have to believe that people have a shifting through believing follow be proud to say I follow as a member or a 70 so I'm a mom in the house of God I'm a servant of God I mean the Church of God oh I mean the Church of God I'm a seven of God I am a follower I also have full of Didac he was Musa first of all don't say his name in that way now the first point that the first one they've also just correct you on that yes it's not a colleague don't call it name is aqua yes don't mention in that way at the first point and the second point is that I am more than a follower what do I think you're full of I'm a follower and I'm glad about it yeah otherwise our course of young men to fall on you don't be lazy from today don't be lazy some of you I'll teach you to smile together beloved and you are too lazy you are too lazy to smile [Applause] you know my wife she told me something she said that her father used to tell them as daughters smile led my smile led must what smile led my smile and since I listened she told me anybody I meet who doesn't smile enough I always see the passenger smile that is I even call people and as hello how the words yes are you smiling I'm starting right now I'm starting right now okay bye bye I just called to ensure that you are smiling [Music] it's very important for you to land things amen now my soul followeth heart and some of you are so lazy that even the smiling you can't start my recently I saw one of my sheep I told I told after dare to smile and she's not smiling it's okay to have to me that maybe should not get a beloved because this is the advice I'm giving you it is what I know it changes Hey it changes your beauty you become more beautiful become nicer yes if you are beautiful up to fifty percent it goes to like eighty percent with a smile that's why when people are taking selfies they do 50 to 80 percent changes totally changes she's still smile if you guys think I you must smile when you are singing my soul forward you can never see am somebody was no prospect so I have a prospect way beyond what I thought I would ever take grace to prosper comes on you as you follow if I'm walking if I'm walking through a pasture which is green and I'm eating green grass and you follow me when it's time to eat and you bend your head down you think green greens out there just following alone makes you rich yes so follow follow and what does it mean to follow I look I have not stopped what what is it when I meet people who are past that for like twenty thirty years they tell me what I told them I'm surprised it's the same thing I'm saying now and I'm so surprised same thing I bet somebody on side of the person was telling you look how you faced me about my father 23 years ago actually she said you because I was angry with my father I wasn't talking to him you blasted me you added my beloved and my beloved took me as beloved to go and see my father and make friends with him and when I went I add all my feelings my father and that was the end of it and then after that we were best friends yes yeah I've been saying seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness for more than 2530 years that's the secret that it has led me into prosperity and peace what people are struggling to get finagling I've been added and are being added like a river never stops being added to me yes in the morning is there in the afternoon is day the evil is at Christmas and when I sleep and I wake up the rivers flowing bah look I'll tell you I'll tell you a story you know last year we had a camp in Germany and one night there were some people around and I decided to go on an exploration in the middle of the night and I went on exploration into a mountain and into a river we got to the riverbed and we decided to find the source of the river as I've been at this camp I keep on meeting people who tell Bishop I was with you on the river who was with me otherwise anybody here because hours hours with you you took me to the river is it all those who followed me went to the river all those who followed me that night when saw the river we saw the water clear we went to the source of it we walk in it because no one not anybody wanna do I was on my own exploration I was exploring the woods and the river I liked such things some people followed me I didn't have to follow me they said they were following us let's go we climbed a mountain we came back down then we went and follow the river all those who were with being tried the river and all those who are following had after me are going to enjoy the financial river that is flowing all around receive your River so what Jesus said the allies come that the Son of man should be glorified verily verily I say unto you except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it bringeth forth it it bringeth forth much fruit he that loveth his life shall lose it he died hated his life shall gain it look at verse 26 the service notice I said if Amy mom sent me let him follow me if any man says me let him follow me so you can serve without following yes you can serve with us followings I'm in the chat and I'm saying if I don't follow so when when I'm at a Riverside you are not at the riverside but you are serving your floor you are serving but you are not following why why what merciful and and where I am where I am there my servant will also be if I mean imagine myself will be in the mind sense if I'm upstairs my cell phone will be upstairs if I'm down says my server will be downstairs if I'm enjoying cool air conditioning myself I will enjoy cool accorded but my servant will be serving me in that cool air conditioned if any man says we let him followed me follow and prosper if any man serve me him will my father honor God alone are you God will honor you God will honor you if any man serve me let him follow me we have fallen not just a seven don't just have the ship Richard follow him Pullo is that you icinga you see either there's more to singing than singing you know that you really know that as ma testing yeah there's more to everything that means that if any man said let him follow me follow me follow me even when I was not full time people started sending me cash I don't think I don't know about a guy in my life even now I don't have a car just use cash yeah yeah long ago long ago when I was in school that's when I received my first car took I received two cars in school I had two cars in school no no I'm serious in school I had to cut I didn't buy and wear one of them I bought I bought away bottle I bought a car to sell and I bought a car I had money my medical school prizes is thousands like doing well in school and my vision what I'll never do well is found one only one to do well in God I decided in mb2 1984 when I got my results and I passed I said this cool I will never spend if you want extra second on the school again finishing school and now got seven from then I started to win prizes a lot of money parents who yes I came shopping in Europe [Applause] no foreclosed forecasts receive the grid [Applause] [Music] ready at 20 s already up 20 ready at 20 ready at 20 are you ready to prosper are you ready to prosper are you ready to start are you ready to follow are you ready at 20 you're ready up 20 ready to start are you ready to follow are you ready to fight are you ready to prosper I'm ready at 20 I was ready at working you'll be ready at 20 you'll be ready at 20 you'll be useful at 20 you'll be useful at 20 ready operating [Music] radius radius I see various choices ready some people are already aware [Applause] [Music] please scan our first lava but we are all we are happy we are dancing and then you are you are slipping or you are your phone well your phone are 20 nobody's your iPad and this your food put your things down put your thing down down like ready while explaining ready at 20 ready at 20 ready to serve ready to follow I'm ready to fight I'm ready a twisted I'm ready to cross bar I'm ready to prosper I'm ready to build I'm ready to buy I'm ready to prosper I'm ready are you ready untie this are you ready attractive I'm ready and I'm already up 20 we should be ready at 20 will you be ready at 20 ready for what ready for what ready for what ready for one ready ready ready [Music] I'm Michael [Music] [Applause] [Music] how they are going to be hard followers there is no event that you can be there that you should not be there which should never happen turn to Acts chapter 5 go back after the 5s one there is no event that must happen that you you'll not be there but a settlement named Ananias with Sapphira his wife sold a possession and kept back part of the pride is one of the most famous events in the whole history of the church his wife also being privy to it brought a second part and came too late other focuses academic life - it's like this is everything apostle this is your head we sold yesterday we brought this meanwhile there were more things give me your iPods and your things just hitting them this was we got yesterday apostle tell me the street touch my life so much it's my husband and I we really love you I wanted to pray this to you please bless us Chris please please please was Lionel all whistles these are what they got just for this one lying to the apostle quick you wherever you see lies the además kayo never lies are over in my life no more life wherever they are life daddy we're gonna settle in the father like if I see you here I know your father will be somewhere around yes no father must be ironic it's not in England is in the world where's your father your dad your biological father is in Manchester look this girl I found her yet what's your name come to Lisa T Lisa this is to Lisa okay - Lisa now as I found to Lystra here well we wish part of England are we Stevenage her father must be somewhere around it's not in Stevenage in the UK England oh it's not even in England immunity the world on earth and I just found out that her father is in Manchester so whatever you see alive the father of the life will be around in the area John the Sun and was the father of the lie who is the father of lies say so so wherever you see life the devil or the father of the life is in the area yes that's why I said anywhere you see somebody telling life in me they say demolish some kind of demonic activity somewhere in that person's life and all these are deceptions and a demon of death was about to take her over so Peter said Ananias why has it comes to it is it you are welcome or blessing has settled told you heart to lie to the Holy Ghost to keep back part of the price when it was used was it not your own affairs also it was your own so why have you conceived this thing in your heart and that was not light unto men but unto God and another asked hearing these words fell down and gave up the ghost and great fear upon all them that had these things best sex ooh this way you come in this way you come in I think you never miss any event that is happening in the state and the young men the young men are loose and wound him up this is a young man the other ones who do that this dead body work and carried him out and buried him does it address of young men here my soul follower if they were here for this fantastic you know like you come and tell Eliza father no you die now the wife is coming it was about the space of three hours after when his wife not knowing what I've done came in it and it as a letter to me whether you saw the land for so much and she said oh yes yes constant yes please Peter said unto her how is it that you have agreed together you planned it you planned your life that is the default of the life is in the area agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord behold the feet of them which are buried our husband are at the door and shall carry thee ow the feet of them the young man rs.10 then she fell down she fell down and you know that the ghosts and who came in again the young man came in these young guys they were they were flowing everything that happened hid soils they were there there were lots like John John was there for every meeting it was there for to be a Transfiguration meeting it was there for the cross he was there for every because this work 3 Shawn was there yeah I so full well there's nothing like a book you have not read what what it hook you sorry and exam you've not done you must shame the grown-ups by doing all the exam to become possessed off you do also want to be shepherd want to be put in facet but because your brain sir I write on to young men because you are strong your brakes are strong your rosary for brain failure some of the older ones we even make exemptions for older people but it's not easy to memorize things when you are older yeah yeah younger you can memorize I saw a little girl in the church shows like this and I said can she could Timothy she said she does at all and I don't know what her to her length 20 beds or land safely on Shetland it's okay I saw a mother look my daughter took what you said very simple just memorize it second Timothy chapter 2 says mama I mean I was joking like she are taking it too well Cup now secular - well well so I'm up to not going to prepare my prize that I promised them yes well cap following how many are taking the act of following - well cup how are you in love with this man yes acidosis of Aldo calling this man this man don't say that word this month don't it I wear this man that's the first thing I want to clear that with you face don't face this man speak respectfully and secondly yes I am following and I'm not just following and following and his right hand is doing magic if you as you follow thy right hand uphold as me something to city 3 verse 8 I right hand uphold as me you can't do something I won't do how do some I'm following you see I just music nice wherever your branches there should be nice music follow yes if you are singing the song sing them well something is happening we all be feel funny when you say got a knife song I'll be ready at 20 ready are 20 ready to serve and we're ready to fight I'm ready to build are you ready at 20 ready our train will be ready are we ready a quick already expected somebody said the event this morning Bishop I'm so jealous please I'm ready at 47 other ready at 20 ready a stranger ready to serve ready to follow [Music] yes some of our hairstyles of our hairstyle wait some of our hairstyles listen the question you must ask yourself is what are you following yes and some of the ear Oh some of the earrings boys wearing earrings like this boy here what why are you wearing is hearing you don't know why and I'm telling you why what is a boy we're hearing your trees yeah no I'm telling you some of you if you go home your your father may not like that your hairstyle you look like a terrorist [Applause] but I thought I thought you were following hand you wanted to be a man of God now you want to be a ruffian what are you following and who are you following have you ever have you ever thought about that huh I will yeah like what do you want to be like who do you want to be like who do you want to be like that's what he needs to follow that that's why that's why when Princess Diana war I drove this mini-minor what is it called Moorish man everybody because people want to be like everybody bought one when she wears a dress everybody wears because it's like there is a way in which we are all following something or somebody is that what you do I like to be like that because it's not you are nice to me so what what is nice to you is reflected in what you are doing so that you see people who are a second wave following all kind of things that's how you like to be but you have your Bishop preacher that look [Applause] listen listen listen you are now a gentleman you are not a man of God now got7 all those things are passed away do I defend people altogether your role models have changed instead of like you are you are sort of downgrading to a kind of a dull life know your people that you follow in this life in this work no different people profit at twenty profit of 20 can you imagine if you are the one standing here preaching with it with this hairstyle and earrings does it go together it doesn't really go together and so that is a rule by yourself look at it in that way yes some of you given your parents they said what are you wearing so sorry daddy's in the UK you know we do what we want some [Applause] in the UK you know we do what we want to do you call really sir you can't really tell us what to do with a tedious algid out the core just tell us what to do you know we're adults you know I'm 16 you know daddy I'm 15 that you can't talk to me that way I'll call the police I'll call the police I have right it's my life it's my life I'll do what I want to do with my life [Applause] can't tell me nothing right you can't tell me no nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing yeah nothing tell me nothing more life you know do what I want to do with my life I'm not happening I'm not happening [Applause] [Music] when students how many have been like that how many of beans that I'm not having it not a donut it's a bad spirit I'm already at 20 to be you are going to be the darling boy of work from darling bye what will you become that is why and from that is why what you become national hero take it away [Music] when sit down Wow you can't tell me nothing not having it I'm not having it my life I can do what I want to is it not happening right nonsense you are not having one let's go go let's go all these girls on Arminius don't get you happy you are happy we will tell you what to do place it down my sole follow-up yes yes Syd I have to tell you something quickly now young people the next point young people can be mazarites Nazarites Amos Amos chapter two young men young people can be Nazarite another right is a devotee somebody will be booted a seventh of God like before Ted seventh of God a devoted was seven Amos chapter 2 verse 10 I brought you up out of the land of Egypt and led you for forty years through the wilderness isn't it to possess the land of the amorite and I raised up of your sons for profits is there not amazing and of your young men for Nazarite is it not even that all ye children of Israel and is that also what is asking is that not so children of Israel they are not raised up some of your sons and your young men to be Nazarite I look at the next day as I said sometimes the father but you get the Nazarites wine to drink sometimes they all that people would even give the younger ones because that Nazareth was not supposed to drink wine or shave his beard cut his hair and so they were devoted to the Lord don't have time to cut your hair no Jake nothing just God special huh and then you see what you call it versus just 11 verse 11 I raised up for your sons you see young men sons you have God God God has for you rather to be a prophet relevant a pornographic stock one day a young girl came to one of our churches huh I didn't say the story you know she came to one of the churches and after the pastor preached all about fornication she came forward to see the process he said that is her problem she said in this town that I'm in I've slept with more than 80 people then she took that she took then she took this motor she took a paper and she would the names of a band including the policemen in the town this sent different people a girl smoker before 20 that's why I am saying that there are 20 you are going to be the exact opposite of how the devil has planned for you to be so that it is as I raised up for your son for profit this one God is doing a you are being raised up to be prophet to do greater works and your young men for Nazarite Nazarite ad booty a seventh of god I said I've been a servant of God for years I've been a servant of God for years years and years and years deported and serving them not that I'm good it my life is trying trying so hard to serve God that's why identify more easily with you because when I see a young person like you are struggling as like I can see mother I'm also struggling to try to save God that's all it's not anything big a man of God something whatever hole we are just trying to serve God I was also not trying to serve the Lord I can see that you are trying coyote but I see that you are trying said the Lord teller you are just like your bishop just the stage and you see it has God that you have been given to evil and to sin and now he's trying to do something wonderful in raise you up and make you a prophet and make you and NASA right hey is the other another right never I cast a convener seven of God to weld cup yeah that's right it's like an extreme you know like he's really like it streamed like when you go to Israel I see you there when we are gonna have the first love is really tall so you have to start planning it to be called shepherds in Israel [Applause] huh when you go to Israel you see that some people who wear the small hats with long beard and they say they are different from there those are the Orthodox Jews yeah they don't work they don't work they don't join the army all Jews are all these really are supposed to join them and they thought they said we will never join that we don't have time for fighting we are here for prayer praying for we're praying for Israel don't have time for going to war well Nazarites World Cup is taking the Jewish thing to well top and Beyond and you are also going to be known as a wild seventh of all sit down give me the book many are called give me the book many alcohols thank you Ephesians chapter 2 Ephesians chapter 2 verse 10 chapter 1 of this book many are caught I'm showing you books you must read and study can't reveal you to take you 10 years to read this book it will take you nothing less than 10 years to read this book it will take you nothing less than 12 years to read as or following yes I've been reading the final quest for over 15 years I'm still reading it there's nothing like you finish reading it at least 10 years of soaking and soaking and soaking and you will always be blessed different little parts of the book but this book many are called make sure you get it you see that's where you realize your inclusion your inclusion in the words of God he says you are his workmanship look at that like when God has done something like when you say oh you see this table or you see this wood for this guitar that's my workmanship how do you take this off put it down all right Charlie we don't know things you don't know things [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] when you make a guitar just wanted to do ship a nice thing like this design different size different time different design this is what somebody could make now you you you are what got to do like [Music] Godfather design is you we we are hit wet man don't cross this line we are his watch West - you are what God could do yes like to save somebody like you wow that's really something huh somebody like you and somebody like me so why was he created you are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works you are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works God wants to do something good with you don't die without doing the good works you are his best his best like efforts if you you nice effort some of you don't like yourselves at all like you wish you were like somebody else you're always saying it you're always saying it I wish I was like this I wish I had this like this I wish my this was like that I wish my I was more like this I wish this one look you are beautifully and wonderfully made you are you see this guitar it is made babies handmade even this is somebody's effort this is what he could do you see his workmanship so you you are God's workmanship teryn love God's workmanship Vince was the name Daniel Oh God's workmanship Abraham consequences you are what God could do Sarah you know what God could - it's fantastic how you eyes be so nice yeah some of you are being blacked out so much you don't believe yourselves anymore like Charlie you are nice I mean I know people always want to be somebody else I wish I was like this I wish I was this person I wish out that place know each other but you are you are very well as God has made you and what are you being created for good works what what are those good works waiting for the with God us or gain before like before you were born God has ordained that you should walk in those good words and do certain good things in this world that you come to is good you are finding out at 20 cuz if you find out later it's like wow what a life is doing all this I don't know miss 20 years of though of the thing I was created for ready you be sending it as ready as 37:27 yes after you should have be ready because the Bible I read you yesterday so many scripture from numbers of this tribe from 20 upwards from 28 upper strength and upper 20s uppers all these people are going to walk amazing is it not amazing is it not fantastic yes so are you gonna walk in those good works a man I don't I don't I don't really see whether you know because I know some of you are call to the shop you see this is hardly your father's focal it's how they spoke oh these are they were always talking to when I speak the father's will be saying WOW not everybody's you know and not everybody is a prophet and you know everybody cannot be a pastor everybody gonna be a pastor you know this obviously everybody cannot do this you know look at Amos chapter 2 verse 11 a must to I raised up your son's as prophets and I was taking some of your young men to make them Nazareth and all your children says a lot in verse 12 but you you you get the Nazarite wine to drink when I was calling them when I was calling them you called them aside and said he said you shouldn't drink drink drink cream oh come on take it here he said you shouldn't drink try to exchange j-jake Gentiles he said you should go for that no be a lay person this one when she was coming to work with champion repentance was ten years old ten years old since she was ten years old when she finished University with first class she was coming to work for me fresh fresh then one of the they called them to give a drink come and get a drink when you are called as a Nazarite don't drink drink just one of my practice what are we practicing don't don't do that don't work you don't do that it's not a good thing I say shouldn't you take my name ID none of my stories as you machine names is not mentioned I may mention your father you know you're here good night [Music] you should have mentioned my father in the preaching so remember the scripts are you - I didn't write the Bible it illustrates profits and what is that you are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works God has attained you to do certain good works what you do from today onwards is that there are good works you are being ordained to do simple and short and so and to do those good works you have to set God and follow him that's all this is about being paid 90% of the people who work for God cannot be paid by the church there's no such money 90% you have to go to an island get a job stay there do the multitasking that's what I'm saying if you cannot come for it come when you are doing exams or vows in school or whatever I don't think you can be working in a job and find a way to work for God oh look school life is a hundred times easier than working life this is the easy part of life true or not true every creditor I said true or not you said true but I'm my English we're magnets we're not good when I suck few or not you can you say true so these are my English wearing coat other time for the money does not respect me [Applause] [Applause] maybe he's thinking that my English wearing good at the time Wow are you his workmanship like are you like the world thing that God has done yeah you know you're the world thing that God has done he's made you and everything even all the bad things you've done it allowed you to do an escape without dying because some people have died doing what you've done now you do you didn't die huh somebody's press office died she didn't die one of my parts as he told me he said I was a number by he was a number by in South Africa and he told me that every single one of his friends are dead he's the only person left alive and it was a pasta I became a give his life to Jesus so now that you are his workmanship and that guy I told him you have to serve the Lord but he stopped serving the law he stopped serving the Lord I cried over him tell you hit me yeah you know when you stop serving the Lord you go astray you start becoming poor because you serve the Lord and he shall bless you next many are called Matthew 22 verse 14 many are calm many hours cold many are cold cold if many are called huh is it no more likely that you what does many mean is it not more likely that you because lot of people are called high chance are you are call a lot majority several plenty large number of people that's what many means many are called me a lot of people are called so when you see us sitting at six people are passes or three people are passes it's not true it's many who are called but few end up getting chosen because few listened and there are things that spoil people's lives on the way so they start out by then they get married one brother said when you get mad and I still see that you are knowing two then I know God has called you if you are knowing that after getting married symbol amazing yeah I called you Nazarite maniac or did I write the Bible am i Jesus if you want to be angry with Jesus what what take it out on Jesus don't take it out on me I didn't say all these things look if many are called amis de like all this group of the call and maybe and maybe and maybe one or two you come let me just let me just one out of this group and then one person from the back come come no no she wants to come badly so we just just these two are not called out of all these are called [Applause] you understand like like this this time to get over there you you believe you are called yes don't worry I'll pray for you after so all these are the many and just a few coming up three these three are not called out of this whole group that the English language means that all these are called and these few are not called so if you are standing here you are more likely than not to be called by God the English where I didn't if it were good enough or wearing good worried good wear it good it were good tell somebody to a good now let's say no and what are you called to do good works fruitfulness John 15 verse 16 you have not chosen me John 15:16 but I have chosen you and ordained you that you should go forth and bring up or did you so even you you are even ordained before we have our day knew all those who say I want to be order you already ordained in that's in the Bible Oh Steve look all of you young people I want you to really respect yourselves from today callings they come from the womb before the world go back to Ephesians 2:10 it says 2:10 Ephesians 2:10 workmanship created with God hath before ordained that you should walk in them all those with wild hairstyles come and stand here father thank you for the calling for their lives Jesus name thankless if you are the world has done yet no another girls boys [Applause] hey Brian are you part of them almost [Music] Sonny wait quiet quiet quiet come okay your hairstyle is not good compared to these guys due to your head average listen listen you see your father may not be able to tell you but I'm telling you [Music] we'll go back go back unless we can't see the robot go back here hey now ah what is he doing on his phone what I do on your phone they're recording it Wow why are you recording it you can watch it after where's the other guy behind you here now this is your calling okay stand here understand you know when when you when you stand here you do this I kept preaching okay does it suit the hairstyle that he has next Oh another preaching you are pretty to the people look at the people you don't put your hand on your additional wear it good at a time [Music] where it good other time next one what is good other time it is laughing at himself go back next go back next you see this is what God has called you to you are being called to you have been called to greater your colleague is not to be a fool your colleague is not to be in in Ghana we have a word called G motto we feel it here yes it's not as your calling is not to be quiet your calling is not to be just a useless fellow they certainly we call wet class fellows and you can see it in from the outside it's not in the Bible thou shalt have this hair dyes are not happy I said there's nothing neither so you can definitely you are okay biblically but impression wise you're coming to preach even when I see I said [Music] go back next gather the preaching Pusha you're going to be a preacher man you look me around preaching down all the others next next [Music] [Applause] [Music] I did a good head start [Applause] is it a good answer are you worried [Applause] that guy that guy wanted to be famous Wow sorry you guys are going to be great [Applause] see there are there are there are there are things in the Bible sons that are somewhere he says now other we make him marry behold the men of the city sons second sons of Belial beset the house around and bit at the door saying old man bring for the man that came into the house that we may know him it's weren't good at that time if one's done here son here two three four come nearer stop make your faces and like you're going to fight all of you [Applause] you see that they look more like sons of Belial than passes as I know true do you want to look more like a sons of Belial or like a pasta yes you see this comes the fact that you are here they show so much about you and it showed something good about you and I'm not just another saying something to make it nice the theories and the things that you are wearing and all that it gave people I in the Bible go back go back go back now the sons of Eli we're sons of Belial and they knew not the Lord Eli had children boys and there were sons of Belial they knew not the Lord you can have a pastor as a father but doesn't mean you are going to be a pastor Eli was a good priest but his sons were sons of Belial Bishop forever once I had him years ago his son went to England and came back with some as I said never his hair house never and not having it here Oh do you depend see but again it doesn't matter to you if it does if it doesn't matter if you think it's biblical Bible doesn't say that so no if I I wouldn't give you scripture to support your hair stuff I can I give you two scriptures I give you to scripture 1st Corinthians 10:13 all things are lawful another thing so often sign is lawful to us there's nothing unlawful there's nothing the matter to cut away I'm just asking what what is your goal now I ain't already at 22 said the Lord you know I know did not come here to be ready for the war ready to fight ready to step ready to preach ready to build ready to do something good what do you want to look like I want to move your face a I'm coming what do you want to look like what do you want to look like on our looks Pierce me I want to I see them yeah yeah ba in seconds Sam well he said these were the last words of David the anointed the sweet Sam in the spirit of Allah speak by me the code of Israel the rock of Israel speak to me he that rulers were men must be just he shall be as a light of the morning although my heart be not so with God yet you have made me an everlasting covenant this is all my salvation and all my desire verse 6 but the sons of Belial shall be all of them as pawns thrust away because they cannot be taken with hands huh you see funds you see when you are sons of Belial you are like pawns anybody who tries to take you to control you get head what you say back your feelings that will come back will be hit by trying to be involved in your life do you want me to be involved in your life or not alright when I touch you and I say oh come this way lens like a formal or cut my hand how many of you have been songs to your parents raise your hand if you've been for my appearance your parents ahead but you are changing you are going to be the darling boy of your house don't give your father dear darling boy be it done be a darling care don't tell that I'm going to be a daddy boy don't you know cause daddy I am your darling is known those days it's the secret after some time they realize they've been charmed by you somebody realize that you've become right I don't know why us they are likely to like you so much most of the time in the ass Roboto watch it have you been going to I've had people who want to come and see me said you'll change my son came my daughter yeah sons of Belial you will never be a sons of Belial and in first Kings when Jezebel wrote a letter to kill Naboth for his land she wrote in the letter saying setna boffin high proclaimed a fast and set to land sons of Belial to bear witness against him saying doubt this blaspheme God and the king and then carry him out and stoning d'almeda you know there are people who we know as for bad things the way you are you can see that these guys look like my four guys again come again four guys step forth set your karate or judo pose it's one chooser you are not into karate that's how you fight which are refusing to karate I think I know more than you when you want to do something but there are some people you know this other one you look like it if you wanted some some people to grab it some people in the hotel shall we not call these guys [Applause] and later you maybe say no they don't like black people now whether you are black or white when we see you we are freaks it's not like you are black or whatever you look scary look scary turn around let me see the back of your head [Applause] it's wearing good at the time when Saddam [Music] now John 15 verse 16 John 15 verse 16 you have been called are you guys coming it before all other sons of Belial group I'm giving you a name sons of Belial convict it lift your hands up father thank you that every one of these apparent sons of Belial are converted into sons of the anointing they will shine a bright light for your glory in Jesus name I say Amen now what have you been called to do you have been obtained that issue go forth and bring forth fruit that's all now how many would like to have 20 people who look like this bring forth after your own kind it's like a bringing forth what sons of Belial no not to bring forth good-looking Christians your parents will love me they will send me offerings well sit down all right how many accepting the call are you accepting the call are you accepting the call to be fruitful yes so what does it mean to bear fruits bear fruit after your own kind so it means if you're a young girl kumkum idea if you're a young girl you're going to bear fruit after is going to go to bring forth more young girls like you what do you think if you are young man young man any young man but my seven killer but my seven killer what are you going by my seven killer which have another spirit with him and have followed be food he shall enter into the land amen so bring forth children like yourself where are you from in the world Trinidad Trinidad fredita Oh 20 Dan alright 20 done so you bring forth Trinidad bring forth fruits Caribbean blacks where's my brother from an island who would testify what is he come come she she she Seamus Seamus Seamus is a white boy [Laughter] Seamus must bring forth fruits many white people will be saved through him many what do you think is a fantastic do you know that Satan has rarely taken white people is he armed somebody ask what are you me I'm my mother is white my father is black so I I see from the black man's world and from the white man white man's world so I don't go to the white man I'm not on the white man side of the black man side I'm on God's side so I have the two worlds in me very clearly I've never had a black mother mother that's white as they come a Swiss as they can be deep Swiss my mother my mother language is not even English a real language is German does a mother turn yeah now we need more with the white people have been giving to the devil you see that is what is allowing other religions to come to dominate England the most common name given in England is a non-christian religious name you know that is the most common name now given yes and people like Seamus have to bear fruit you see if somebody sees me even though I have white blood I'm classified as black when I go to Ghana when they see me and classified as white so it's like we reject you because we don't you are not really like that so he has a great task very great task great task isn't it as a great task if only you will do it if it does more and more a time will come when we meet it will be a mixture of white and black and not mostly black mostly black and one or two white I tell you you wouldn't even be able to you won't even be able to know which colors which color is the main color here yes it would be a very wild mixture yeah but you see what happens is that the fruit when you bear fruit he said that each tree will bear fruit after his own kind like how you are what you are is more natural possible easy and realistic for you to produce what you are like so that is how come you see some decimal yes so why do you have almost only black people in your chest because it's not easy for a black person to reach to a white face even in South Africa there is not dough mixture Kapoor app if you see them together on television it's a job there is no mix at all in South Africa some other source artists Africans here is it true or not true there is nothing they don't have anything to do with each other at all when we went for the crusade if we have a chance we could show a documentary you see where we were once you can talk to that Khaled like Microlife Khaled this is black then there's wife three colors day once we spoke to a colored person here is the road here the colored people here the road here the black black people never come they do you see they will be savvy look you never come there when we go to the black look like no wife ever come there all over the world this is this is South America is like that rue des artists so God is always looking for one person from within and he uses that one person yes and that person becomes because our church was at first only ganyan only got in but now I want anybody I asked where you from I don't know which country is going to mention Congo then it's a shout in Zimbabwe the starts are the Trinidad different every but everywhere Jamaican what happened you know listen I wasn't what's your name Isabella okay from where now nothing him you are from nothing here Joshua told me you were coming she's also from Nottingham what a name again Isabella white girl she's gonna bear fruit after her claim we see more is am a spiritual is a ballad more spiritual sheamus's founding until we will even become when you ancestor is it like you came here five years ago right that's why you are confused we used to be kinda black now we are colored we can tell our ecology figure five years ago that's how come you can tell you are confused when you entered look like you were you the last time we had was five years ago yes that's how it's going to be but it takes one person who refuses to fall away and I believe it will not follow me so God is going to use us what like me cuz cuz I'm a doctor ffs people who go to become passes all and educated people like if you don't do well in school then you become a pastor don't do well in school become rapper so when high did well in school I became a doctor then I became a pastor then it inspired more people I thought that I just have to optimize as kuzmin's okay I'll see a doctor I said all right in front of it I came with her from Ghana she's right in the corner yeah if I Christmas in an open I'll see a doctor who is a pastor we have about more than thirty of them in ministry I close my eyes open I'll see a doctor that's Ronnie Sanna Sanna from Botswana I said medical school doctor is what if he from cameras well I just close my eyes and open now see a doctor if after my own kind when the way medical so they were always following the airport following the size of their missionaries now he's a missionary in Botswana I've got a huge church huge Church of a thousand people yeah the medical doctor is not being paid by the church is a rapid we've been servants of God for years we've been in full-time ministry for yes as to dance record about collecting salary salary part is some small group if you need a lot you need sir we were ready to do because we are ready to do anything ready at twenty I ready at twenty very at twenty already at twenty ready at twenty ready at twenty okay okay how many believe that this group is going to multiply this is England Caribbean Ghana Ghana Ghana so the multiplier Africa Caribbean England father let it be a true reality Lord show method to England because they came all the way around the world and died preaching please show mercy again to England in Jesus name let English people white English people come to Moya turn things around again Lord so messy and kindness we have in Jesus name Amen god bless you thank you ready at 20 ready at 20 ready to serve ready to fight ready to preach ready to bet fruits ready to go ready to witness ready to serve ready to cut my hair ready to do the right day ready to get rid of a urine ready to preach ready to bill ready to walk ready to run ready to trow ready to follow ready to follow ready to follow [Music] then reach following keep watching me following ha keep watching me I'm ready at 20 already at 20 I'll finish with fooling I'll finish with foolish I'll finish with foolish I'll finish with City policemen lawyers I'll finish with me live I'll finish with politicians [Music] answer I get married I'm ready expected ready up drinking I'm ready to serve on the railing to follow I'm ready to obey I'm ready to go right in the metro I'm getting ready to read fruit very fruit a very crude give watching me keep watching me I'm already up 20 [Music] and we're ready to build I'm ready to go down I never listen you made ants bite me like that individual thing another thing that my feel will win you a crown everybody gets its own crown even though we are dancing in a group it's up to you when I leave this camp I'll be ready I'll be ready ready to follow ready to obey my car how many are called many are called those who are not gonna few like your odd ones out are you the odd one out you will never be the odd one out of digital course you are not called are not in this room if you are here you are called believe that many are called many are called amen sit down some people are called in a spectacular way number three so number one is many are called number two some people are called to fruitfulness number three some people are called in a spectacular way and number four some people are caught in an ordinary way do you love that song ready at twenty you want either to sing it for you again some people are called in an ordinary way you see we have two different types of calling that is why people get confused and say I'm not called because like you're expecting like an angel to appear you get it you know that angels come around sometimes we don't even know they're around I don't know why God does that to me people see angels around me but like I don't see them maybe one day I will see them but like people see angels I don't see them sometimes I feel them I felt angels and I'm out of time but like seeing them like seeing them amazing during the independence we had an independent service in Ghana the largest cradle there are squares in the world the largest square in the world is Kiana means square in China China means square is the largest open square official square in the country and the second largest is the one in Ghana black star square independence firm is the second largest square in the world that's where we had our Good Friday service Independence Square black star square it's a very very huge square you need to drive on it you never know how big it is so you work on it yeah so we have this service and that what you call it after the service when I was a little girl she told her father daddy I saw angels going up so her father happen to see me say my little daughter saw angels clean and again it happened that I happen to you know at the back of the stage after the service so that this is the little girl so I said I bend I said what did you see so I saw angels so I said how many is that - so I said how big were the angels like me but tries when she said no three times your size with a little girl three times you're saying president what she said three times your size click turn so I said well with any what way they didn't said they were going up little girl I saw Wow people see angels but I don't want you to be worried that you don't see these changes because this was happening to me - did you get it like we had to two of us right people seen the Angels all the time one time I was in South Africa there was a white old lady she was tall though so we think of old lady you think she was short but she was tall just tall like that after preaching are pitching in an Indian church tent she called me she said young man come here now when an older lady calls you that way you have to go yes so I went she said sit down i sat down she said did you know when you were preaching on stage Jesus was changing was cooking on the stage I don't know have him anywhere never seen her before and never see me again did you know that when you were pushing Jesus walking on the stage in front she said no she told me I see visions in three diamonds I see physically with me you assume that program yeah what were you then Bishop is the house there is there did you see the lady I was there when Joe speaking to you oh you were there what did she say which oh she said that she sees spiritual beings as human beings an idea if there if there are angels and human beings in a place you see boys it's not like an apparition or something she sees clearly and he said that when Joseph was preaching as she was moving Jesus was walking behind him and she said she added that it is very rare it's very rare I was there having you that I mean we were all yeah I guess then she asked me that he was aware that any time he's preaching Jesus said no actually we're dinner about to boot though just after dinner what about to go to dinner I talk to her alone you see this tell you a truth you know some of you think that just picking up things real things Jesus I'm going for a camp in Canada but one time I was at a camping come and I know what yeah just like this there's a chair you know like this give me a check check no no yeah and I this Chennai this chair here lighted on this stage and there was a girl for the small town not so many she was sitting there and they come she was crying she wasn't she does the face wasn't moving my brush was square inch-- was crying for just staring staring and I thought of this emotional type of people so sorry I put my bad thoughts but that's what I was thinking and afterwards she told me Bishop Jesus was sitting on a chair that was to change there he was sitting there just watching slow going up and now we're talking was it a Swain claim so people have I sue your ice cooking [Applause] ready to be a prophet but somehow I haven't seen all these things by city dress tonight people I don't know that yeah I knew her but same thing another lady came white lady she came to like six other white pastors which was one of them after she said she I left she called that was can you tell him himself everywhere you know some people see and so Wendy when they tell you God has called them you really feel those few people who see all those people who see have confused the rest of us and this made us discouraged Janice tan is like it caught a really corner where the angel yeah like you've got a bit wasn't forgotten where is the angel Oh [Music] one day Benny Hinn came to Cannon and we had a crusade for three days and one of my pastas he had about Benny Hinn coming he decided to come to visit Benny Hinn's proceeded not to visit me so but he came and he stayed in my house we didn't have anywhere to stay and he stayed upstairs in my house I had my house house upstairs and down sir so he was upstairs with me yes my room yes his room I was staying in one of the rooms any state of a Benny Hinn who say that way after the crusade he told me hey I almost died I said why he said that card was so thick that a point they were moving together and I was lifted so my feet was not my feet are not touching the ground yeah I said it was scary his feet were off the ground he was up in the crowd ladder hardest moving around then a few weeks or months later he told me another story he said something happened to me when I came to your house I said what happened - he said the second day he was in the room and the door opened and Jesus walked into the room I said you can't be serious if I'm sure Jesus he said yes he walked into mine and said suggest out your hand stretch up he said he stretched out his hand and he just put something like coal fire in his hand and said my palm began to burn yeah then he said I've given you a new anointing told him not me he told him when he saw my shadow wow that's that's that's wonderful that started us you get it but deep inside I was very angry and very jealous but you know if somebody share with you a nice testimony you have to show some kind of happiness like you are sort of excited about the wonders of this testimony because the point I'm making is that if you are Jesus you are coming to somebody's house the house oh nice little man why don't you say hello at least to the owner before you pass by a third giving gifts to people to visited you know when I got married that's my wife one day I came to the kitchen I said what are these she said these are glasses special glasses but as his stress sharply so what are before the Apple visit is this it is visitors what about we were here these are your glasses these ones are your glasses these are for visitors then I said that you see as the owner of the house I have to have some privileges and I said from now I'm going to use the fireplace and the special glasses the best one now in my house I use the best place because as the owner of the house I have to have some special treatment how many I agree with the treatment so what I'm saying is that Jesus is coming to my house after another I should have had some special treatment passed by at least a wave I believe in I slept through out the night Oh some people just are blessed with these fantastic experiences that's how it is some people are just blessed they have all these things all these things we see the here it just comes to them the rest of us just believing in your heart that you are called like a conviction do you see but that's how God calls many of us yeah many of us I don't know why do you know why I don't know why but you just have to sort of accept because if you say I'm not going to accept hey even you're calling to be saved you say you are not say because you haven't seen an angel but that's very dangerous very dangerous tell somebody that's very dangerous Wow are you excited about the Lord's work many are called now that's amazing now how different people are called in different ways that's what I'm saying that some are called in a spectacular way now think about Peter James and John all of them got caught in a slightly different way but most of them were caught in an ordinary way like it was almost like a conversation we'd like to come along or he come you you come on I'm just full of it let's go but Paul he was struck down struck down he saw a light he got up couldn't see was blindfolded and God had to send on an ass and an ass the red one to leave him he was blind take him to the house this is fantastic look at this way he's being called these people I just told him follow me follow me they just came up but this one is being led blind lead him putting that him kneel down and pray for him this is calling very complex colleague say I don't follow me so closely I'm calling a lot of eyes apart from you the others were called I have to call mr. Liang sorry for that I have skills to follow up his eyes oh well I can see thank you this is an an answer thank you so much ah is it these people cut these are mine are my disciples this one spectacular caught all of yours I see you touched Matthew that after a wicked man collected that I used all of you can change on pizza very miserly come let's all go so out of all these people who are my disciples all these people are following me in the ministry only one of them must have a spectacular an unusual way of being go and that is this guy here yeah when the rest of them is wrong what I mean by the fishers the Audis were fishermen this was the tax collectors are different types of people and you got ferried I mean little little children look at this small John look um you be John come on let's go all of you come see and and and like I like way I'm convinced I'm working then Peter James and John come to see this - this one's follow hard when I'm leaving go to the toilet they are coming they're following my soul followeth after D Peter James and John let's go finish rest of you come along these are disciples yeah but only one of them had a wild vision Thunder like me had a voice so when I asked our you go so basically I was by the peak I was just working and then Jack came along and he said if I would if I would like another vocation or like another kind of job like vision I should come you're fishing man a fishing people are making fish mess I thought it was well why not and I decided come on disciple system so the majority they don't have spectacular supernatural things to know that they are called the majority is ordinary it's just like you just like me look at me every day I'm praying to see Jesus look one day I went to a hotel to protect Jesus today I'll see you there is today I will see you today Debbie today I now down by the bed and night trip in his hotel I just open my eyes dribble over one day I went somewhere to pray I was praying up to am the night insultingly ahead Wow I said this is it this is it suddenly two am disciples to cruise cruise now follow it look I need a bit of space so I said this is it this is the day it has happened when I went you see the glass that the chandelier chosen is Chandler the whole thing has fallen down in such out of them in the middle then I just came bail so Wow instead of seeing Jesus I went for a broom he's not fast sweeping the whole place oh oh dad all my disciples at least with engines and soldiers are being close by when you are you don't have to go far it does go back and then you come back like that you see I thought that wow this is it Jesus has come to the house because I was alone in the house those nobody out there and I've been carrying out my whole you do when you see these well would you be scared was I said I'm sharply scared well I'm not expecting to see him so I've been preparing myself no so my heart rate and everything will remain the same you know I've been carrying myself up to see Jesus but it was only the broken disdain and I thought I was in to see me stripped her swept or 3 a.m. in the night I was stricken learning the cut the glass she's just wearing them [Laughter] you keep laughing one day I will come and tell you something I'm following after him yeah yeah but another feel his presence in an odd way you know that somebody's there somebody's there and he speaks to me the proofs that spoken to me proof living proofs yes giving proofs Wow they just shall live by his faith you know when Jesus appeared to Kenneth Hagin he told him you know this is Allah the last time he'll catch him I'm sure you very sad he said it the last time I parent you like this that's 1950 from 1942 to 1960 he appear to him 50 any back in 2012 50 50 previous they're in a no vision 53 years no vision is it because the real way he glitters is not these are extracting but that calf has to walk by better others who have not seen and yes they believe yet degree yet they do yes they do is it amazing how many are going to follow that conviction that call of God that people can tell you they be seeing angels they know this is a good for you good for you good for you but they just are led by his faith and I also believe that I'm having seen angel evincing anybody event said but I believe in my heart that God wants me to work for him and I want to work for him I go to work I could work footage tell the person full-time already time already I get this concept about full timer tell them unfold I'm already I'm following a baby full-time ministry for yes you get this idea that's how you got like salary that you are full-time ministry I didn't learn this from where do you get those ideas for justified salary from the third annual full-time ministry huh let's say you have people back bunker he laughed at me said but better back you think you go to heaven by adding a skeleton well as faster so much I become so lean and they do this I was wearing shorts and we're not allowed to wear trousers with a shorter like a sketch and my legs were like a broom now what in the school like that with my face my shot tied around and I'm walking in the school very thin Hey walking walking walking walking walking working so that when I walk and I come and pass a group of girls and the girls will be laughing at me when I walk in front of them they'll be laughing it my walking's will change a bit and one one guy said to me you think you go to heaven by being a skeleton but that take your time take your time I'm kicking the seat to walk up do you understand the message how many understand the message I hope I hope extra faith in God nobody comes in me to perform for this but for my time setting here and it's not about collecting I've been full time for years it's not 1991 I became food up in sport I'm serving caught the modern whole time I was in medical my aim was to do this here in my time going to medical school go to university in 1982 October and I've gone to the forest to wait on God in July August police at in October and impressed not even once I did not pay for 30 minutes of academic work let's focus out the total Minister when I enter the hall for the interview they said come for interview come over whole leg on University of Ghana when I enter the hall students of all over the country of hundreds of them they've all come for interview when I entered I didn't know I know one or two people Bernardino where were soon as I entered oh ha ha ha they all looked at me she and they realized I was at on speaker I think if you don't know anything these times you know the sign what I try perfecting I am these things are following me ibaka bah bah bah bah bah bah Allah Allah Minari that's how I enter University speaking in tongues yes the medulla science and have no vision to be a doctor my fishing has been for yes I want to serve God in school I wanted to serve during my a level I was fasting when I was doing a level physics this is chemistry but I was fasting I was praying praying for the work of God and I thought everything well do exams [Music] my brains work we're working on ketones not glucose kittens you say you quality salary from the check the lowest form of full-time is collect salary it's the lowest form of full-time the lowest form of full-time easy to collect salary from the church but a dark take your time but I do what pick yours ok can tell me to take my time I'm a seven and following I am every the mcquewick I prayed for God's work so after let's disciples to the side to the side after the work where's John Oh John John is my favorite kid oh wow yes you know I like John the eyes they're like love eyes this John is like the young ones like you know said cast likes you I never proposed a demi quick as some of you are pretty all unlikely fire ice kept discovering things in this food the weight I had a friend you know other words machine his name are you I gave him any like I said called him serious say you are serious about this school here taking the school to welcome I said I'm a serious but a serious every serious I never prayed then I met a friend she told me baby I learned before she should be a few tricks see that was my blessing just showed me one or two keys yes show me one or two keys yeah then people were having classes like a student has become a lecturer like he just learned so much about it the same year we all in the cinema is Elektra up with a blackboard and he was doing note God allowed me to see that class and see what I people like I didn't I thought I didn't know what - well then I don't know how I passed the exam I pass yeah my my goal look you say God has come here taught me for just hopping but when you say yes on that day you are full time this fear about collecting salary you can do cholesterol from that let me tell you it is a small percentage of full-time as you collect salaries that's why look last week I had a meeting with some of my fellows justice I caught one of my Tesla you know Telegraph some grown-ups in Tesla we call them wait a lab number life is very great because we've been able to have Tesla for a long time so they are great they have free class yes they've graduated too great a lot I called one of the use is a bank manager I said come he can give us both people that have put away evident because full-time is not about collecting solid that guys full-time as far as I'm concerned it follows us everywhere he goes from at 3 a.m. to 8 a.m. on Sundays everywhere this is the same as full-time whatever it is food about the World Cup mini ministry well cut a plane in Brazil fully not taking the thing to Brazil don't worry when con con SU Here I am you shave your head clean you look remove the earrings suck all the girls who destroy your life or the virus oops glistening soupy and blistering what do you call it Springs glistening bristling what do you think are you called I gonna follow the call do you love the Lord you like loving the Lord Wow are you going to be ready at 20 are you gonna be ready at 20 I like you I like the way you are ready at twenty profits at twenty man of God at 20 don't let anybody despise you you have four engines working for you as a young man what are the four engines still love hardwork joy mission this for the other people needed they need to like pray about it you do you have Springs and fountains of these things love to take supplements purpose advice I mean be hundred to give them these four things is it amazing look at Joseph how did you ever know he was called he had a dream as soon as he had that dream his ministry started he entered into full-time straight to prison straight to prison that was it that was the full-time ministry that he was in prison with salaries equal to collect in prison who is going to pay him salaries in prison huh have you thought about it who is going to pay him salary in the prison no no no no no that's not how it works God has much more in store for you what do you want Jesus to say when he sees you finally what you want Jesus to say when you like when you see even if I don't see him if I don't see him now you get it and I'm able to see him there and he was smiling how many would like you just to smell anything it's like you know sometimes our there's a serious person serious face where's John where's John well it's done this is all we are looking for smell open is on and say well done is it not fantastic it's gonna happen to you it's going to happen to you because your smile and say I love you well done good and faithful servant sit down how many now feel really cold we're not your full-time ministry started it's already started people will say sister what sister na na ma what take the will say to you what take your time and you will say what I will say no aunty cut look sister what victory sister victory what will they say to uses that Vicky was take your time there was with each other I'm taking it to work well cup up players you don't relax you can relax I've gone to a Brazil I've gone all the winter grass what is the next World Cup where is it going to kata-kata kappa Russia is being changed from kata to Russia Russia Moscow they're taking the thing to Moscow [Music] if I had to share my life again Archie I serve you all my life if I had a chance what my life alone I choose you so much Maria so much to you try so many other things they all disperse the vanity no one makes me feel the way I feel this I found you there's no one I love like you can't wait to be afraid please I love you will use a flyer and tell me well done good and faithful servant there's no one like you for Jesus will you jump I'll well done [Music] you when I think of all the venture and they are also [Music] so much drug all people it means so why's that confidence see the skew lines your work Wow believe me I think I'd be on this show me what I have to do and vessel like you y'all wait to see your face I love you [Music] well done good and face them [Music] well done Gouda Babel [Music] [Applause] [Music] well [Music] [Music] the first boyfriend I had Peter oh he won my heart die ha [Music] he came into my life a dream come true I did everything he told me to do I just wanted to be together I would cover him with so many Oh [Music] he loved where is he now he the lover he would not say [Music] my god so many boys they were done I thought it was a hell Oh many relations [Music] when I needed someone to hold me Pablo oh the kids what's up in all the wrong places I didn't know that I was to see boys my feet just would not date Oh [Music] I could not understand it relationship building and I did not understand it boys nothing the Lord builds the house hey Dave are they without me you can do nothing love and peace are filed in Jesus greater love is only whoa [Music] love-love-love [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi Jane so glad you could make it here tonight for this meeting but can you excuse for one second because I just need to do something surprise told me I know it sound kind of funny because of the way is bad but I won't be safe I'll let us pray oh you know what let me pray oh god help me please help me I want to serve you I really do I won't suppose please help me she's given me the Holy Spirit I know that only you can make me short today I have to do what is right because I don't want to fall into this mess and gained [Music] our incomes and the seed was poured into the ground and died I know you may be strong enough to do this I love you thank you I have to meet you here today there's just so many things I really need to test things right I'm here to speak the Word of God we've been living in Seoul [Music] we both know the fornication I can't go [Music] damn just with MJ I'm not anything here today [Music] this relationship is wrong [Music] I've been pregnant three horses [Music] costing babies just do that I feel sick [Music] I cannot do this twist along I will be seeing you anymore oh no no I can't help Rihan have asked me and Tommy crying all week if time for me to send my girl [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus so I can't deny I can't be not using happy yesterday you make me laugh you made me cry I just love this and so I feel Terron me to you [Applause] ha ha ha [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you will know all those if you're looking great Oh God goodbye I'll be prayer [Applause] you see I'll be prayin prayin I'll be proud for you good I think it's louver Z no morning [Applause] [Music] just quick [Music] [Applause] are you still here are you walking around or you are listening to the music that listen to you one more what song you want either to say [Applause] cherish we get inside hello when I begin some my favorite prey be that piece ha ha charge like a battery you will be strong you will be true [Music] bu da [Music] we think you are Amala cover a paprika ah you will be strong [Music] you must speak in times every day no one knows how to pray how you are Holy Spirit he gives you a dress he leaves are fearing supernatural breath that's the best kind of Prayer you will be strong you will stroll I have a thermometer I'll be here are we speaking car engine power [Music] with understanding I can play when I pray I build myself up I can spray without [Music] battery speaking [Music] we keep seeking solace [Music] [Music] [Music] we begin speaking sir we speak in turn we speak in trouble acara mama trouble speaking de we speaking ha we speak [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 7,107
Rating: 4.9322033 out of 5
Keywords: 2016, DAG HEWARD-MILLS, DAG HEWARD MILLS, BISHOP DAG, EVANGELIST DAG, ANOINTING, TEACHING, CAMPS, MACHANEH, UK, STEVENAGE, READY @ 20, READY AT 20, evangelists in africa, evangelism in africa, pastors in africa, Christain authors in africa, african christian authors
Id: ru9bCjeCZmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 29sec (11849 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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