What is Victory? - Nouman Ali Khan - Bayyinah.TV

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim milah hawa hawa him in fatahna laka fathan mubina' young few alaikum wa mata Kodama means my kilometer far away UT many Mehta who are linked away dear cousin you step in y ahora con la una Swan Aziza Robuchon recently recently MD well dr. Millis an EF Kigali al hamdu lillahi rabbil alameen o salat wa salam o allah al anbiya wa l-mursalin why Allah Allah he was happy Romanist and omission that he Diomedes a lot more and I'm in home I mean alladhina amanu aminu sorry heart whatever so we'll hug but I was always odd i meani rabbul aalameen insha Allah Allah today the secret topic I told the organizers it was secret because I was still thinking about it but the topic is actually something I've been thinking about for last couple of months and I feel that in the oume there are lots of different kinds of confusion and we see the world around us and we think about the realities around us whether they are political realities or social realities or economic realities or they are realities of in regards to our own life and we you know we have to figure out what it all means you have to make sense of things like the news or we have to make sense of you know the our own challenges in our lives but I feel more and more that we actually don't look at reality around us through the book of Allah in other words the best way to understand reality is to understand certain concepts from allah subhana wa tada and once you understand those concepts your view and your perspective and your opinion changes now I want to give you an example before I begin the specific conversation and that is that you know imagine that you are wearing glasses or you have really weak eyesight you have really weak eyesight and you're not wearing your glasses ok so you can see but you can't see accurately right there's something missing in what you can see you may see that there's a sign but you not me you may not be able to read it you understand what I'm saying but once you put the right lenses on you put the right glasses on then now you can see things clearly I want you to think of the Quran and especially the Book of Allah the Quran as a kind of glasses once you put them on once you start thinking through the Quran reality becomes clear like you start seeing things in a different light but you did not see them in the same way before okay I'll give you a small example of that before I actually talk about the ayat that I really want to talk to you about and this is actually in my opinion it is probably going to take me about six months to a year if not more to study this one surah before I can comprehensively talk about the surah but right now I'll just share with you some brief concepts but before I do just an example if I was going with a bunch of young men and women on a bus and we drove by a beautiful mansion so just a gorgeous house on top of the hill on the other side there is the ocean just an absolutely beautiful stunning house and the driveway into the house there's a gorgeous car parked outside and on the back of the house there's this incredible backyard and a swimming pool and all of I mean whatever you can imagine is there it's like it's piece of Jannah on earth and you see the guy walking into his house we're driving on this bus and we see this guy walking into his house and I asked these young men and women do you think that guy's successful do you think he's successful overwhelmingly what is going to be the response yeah that's pretty successful and the guys look at them look at what he's accomplished in think that's a pretty successful person okay when you take a picture of someone graduating from college they're shaking hands with the president of the university they're being handed their diploma and somebody asks you you think that's successful what are people going to say you know it's going to be muslims and non-muslims everybody is going to say that that is a kind of what success we are going to I'm going to congratulate my children one day when they graduate from college to them because that's a kind of success when somebody gets a job is that a kind of success sure we congratulate people when they get a job when somebody buys a house when somebody starts a business when somebody gets a new car when somebody gets married when people accomplish things in life then we celebrate them because these are different kinds of small and big successes isn't that true so the bus keeps driving and we see a man a homeless man who's living in a cardboard box on the street and he looks like he's wearing clothes from a couple of years and you don't want to go close to him because of the smell and I ask my students do you think that guy's successful what do they say I say he's not successful now I imagine if I was riding in this bus but in this bus there were not Muslim boys and girls but they were Christian boys and girls or Jewish boys and girls or atheist boys and girls or agnostic and girls or Buddhist boys and girls and I asked them the same exact question do you think their answers would be the same yep their answers would be the same that's the problem the problem is the way we think about success and the way we think about failure for Muslims it's supposed to be different all human beings can see it a certain way that's fine they have the apparent view of success and failure but us Muslims Allah has given us clear glasses and once you look at reality through these glasses you see something other people cannot see you see something other people cannot see so when you put those glasses on then you start thinking about the Book of Allah and you realize that one of the most beautiful captivating magnificent homes that was ever built was the castle of faroan those one of the most amazing homes ever built and if our bus was driving by the castle of faroan and he was walking into his house and I asked my Muslim children is that successful is that guy successful what would their answer be fedone is not successful he's the word that one of the worst losers in all of human history isn't that the case what was the second kind of person we met itwe ran into those one guy walking into a mansion or was the other guy hablas guy okay ibrahim alayhis salaam what was kicked out of his house he was told to leave the house so he's homeless what was he successful it was actually one of the most successful human beings that ever lived now the quran is teaching me that a homeless man is successful and an incredibly wealthy man is what a failure you know what that little quran is teaching me the quran is teaching me that success has nothing to do with wealth and nothing and failure has nothing to do with poverty success and failure are different concepts for us than they are for everybody else some of you want your children to get a good education I want you to think about this the parents here you want your children to get a good education why do you want your children to get a good education because you want them to be successful isn't that the case you want them to get a job you want them to get a good career you want them to have a good life you don't want them to rent an apartment you want them to buy a house you want them to go into a good paying profession you want them to become a lawyer or a doctor you want them to become an engineer you know this is what you want for your kids you want them to have a good life now tell me sometimes we send our children to school and we send them to a different country or we send them to a different state or a different city and even before our children left our home to go to these schools you already notice that they are starting to disobey you they're becoming disobedient to you they're becoming less and less and less regard mindful of their prayer and you're thinking in the back of your head may maybe if they go to college in a different city that things are going to get worse they're going to become even more rebellious even more independent even more careless but then you think to yourself but if they don't go to college in a different City they're not going to succeed they're not going to succeed so you know what most parents do what decision they make let them go let them go then four years go by and then I get the email I get to email my child doesn't talk to me my child wants nothing to do with me my child has run off and married a non-muslim my child tells me that it doesn't believe in Islam anymore or whatever whatever whatever that didn't happen overnight that that process began a long time ago but you know what even though most of the concerned Muslim parent maybe they didn't think about success and failure for themselves and for their child clearly enough to make the right kinds of decisions because in their head so long as they graduate from college they must be what successful the price was too high the price was not just the tuition that's not deal you just pay tuition you paid the price of guidance in some cases that's a too high a price to pay there's a lot of serious things for us to think about is families when we make our decisions so this was just an example to give you you know just about the concept of success and failure how are the way we look at it from the lens of Iman from the lens of the Quran then our view changes we can't don't think of it the same way as everybody else anymore now I want to come to you to the example that I I've been thinking about for a while and like I told you six months to a year I still need before I really completely formulate my thoughts and my research on it rasool allah salallahu alayhi wasalam after so I'll give you a brief history okay so that was all sigh Salaam we won the battle of badr under his leadership then we had some serious losses in the in the incident at offered there were two battles now between us and the mushrikuna of Makkah are in Medina there in Mecca there we've clashed militarily two major times the third time the Polish say we don't want this 50% chance we win 50% chance we lose we want a 100% guarantee of winning so what we're going to do is we're going to gather all of the tribes of Arabia and make sure we have all of their support as many of them as we can get we're going to go to each of them and say listen the Muslims are our enemy but I tell you if they become powerful they will come after you so if you want to stay the way things are you should join us let's end this problem because right now this is our problem but if you don't help us and don't become the United Nations of Arabia United tribes of Arabia this is going to become all of our problem we have to eliminate the Islamic threat we have to do that so then they went to all the tribes and they said you need to unite with us and we all go together and instead of waiting for a battlefield we'll all march to Medina and our army is going to be so big because it's going to be made up of all the tribes that we're going to walk into Medina and we will kill every man woman and child of the Muslims we'll get rid of all of them we'll just finish the story and the problem because it's becoming a serious problem so a lot of tribes who used to be neutral they did not hate Islam they were not enemies of the prophets eyes on them but when they were given the story that this is a matter of national security they became convinced and they said fine if it's a matter of protecting the way of our life and the way things are we'll come with you so now a huge region which is why it's called an Assad different groups huge Legion of armies are coming heading towards Medina on the other hand the Jews of Medina who had made a peace treaty with the Muslims of Medina made a secret treaty with you know the Yemeni tribes and some of the Christian tribes in the back of the Muslims and said listen if the Muslims get attacked and we don't have known enough have enough forces you guys can attack from the other side you can take us out from the agin you can take them up from the other side so from this side the correlation will come and get them from this side you can come and get them they're going to be done we'll help you from the inside now the Muslims have three enemies one enemy coming from above one enemy coming from below and one enemy that is we're inside this is going to be over this is it Allah Azza WA JAL decided that he is going to describe this entire scenario in surat al-ahzab okay surah number 33 is where this entire scene is painted is if JA you come in okay come women as farm income well zicatela bazar wobbler cattle Kanu bhai Naja whatever new novel I have on una una deke abdullah al mu'minin was illu Zins island shetty that's incredible i odd when the armies were coming from above you and from below you and when your eyes were wide open like this you couldn't even blink your eyes you were that scared and your hearts were reaching into your throats and you were thinking all kinds of thought then and there the muslims were tested and the earth beneath their feet was shaken was o0 zanza and shalida oh they were shaken all right they were intensely shaken oh that is the scene of the battle of Azad and then we know that the advice of Shah Mardan fallacy of the allahu ta'ala anhu was to dig a hole dig a trench all around the city so that their horses and their cavalry can't enter into the city they'll fall into the ditch but they won't be able to come up and that is the only thing keeping the entire city alive that is the only thing now we're in this crazy situation allah azzawajal protected the muslims anyway and they are waiting outside because you know the city does not have all of the food supplies and all of the rations inside eventually they're going to run out of food eventually they're going to run out of supplies so they will have to surrender eventually so the armies decided that we'll just wait outside the trench fine we won't fight we won't come into the trench we'll just wait outside after five six weeks the people inside will die anyway of starvation or they'll come out and surrender Sol Sol you know scent is you know it's alluring Rehan what you knew that lamb taro ha we sent winds against them now imagine the Army's camp guys I want you to imagine this picture there are soldiers they've got a move where did that come from Allah sent winds and somebody sent a balloon well anyway ok so so you've got these tents armies soldiers have tents and how do they cook they make a barbecue outside with a fire right they don't have microwaves back in the day so they had to have to make a fire and they're cooking their food or whatever and a wind comes and the pot tips over and it sets fire to the tent and when it sets fire to the tent of horses go crazy and they run away and the fire spreads and three or four or five tents are on fire now in other words these winds kept coming and causing so many problems for the army on the outside that eventually they said we can't stay here anymore they left they left so instead of waiting for the Muslims to come out they couldn't handle it on the outside Allah defended the Muslims by the wind by the wind and they left they failed they failed in their attack six months later I'm fast-forwarding history for you said you study the Selah exhaustively because these are important events in the life of the prophet salallahu harding's Adam but I'm giving you I just want to get to these ayats I'm giving you the fast-forward version six months go by and after six months the prophets of allah alayhi wa salam says i have seen a dream and in my dream according to my and by the way the dream of a prophet is what he is revelation so what he sees we have to do it i have seen a dream that we are going to enter the kaabah and we are going to enter the kaabah peacefully we're not even going to have to fight and we're going to go there and make Hajj now when you go to Hajj can you take your shotgun with you can you take your sword with you can you take your spear with you can you take your bow and arrow with you no no you don't take weapons to hunch okay you don't take weapons to hunch the dream says that you will go and will you go for war or you will go peacefully you're going to go peacefully and where are you going to go let me ask you again so I know you're still awake where are you going to go you're going to go to Mecca where did the courage come from Mecca where did they come to Medina why did they come to Medina to kill all the Muslims and now the Prophet sees a dream six months later we should go to makkah and we should go without any weapons to make hugs and nothing's gonna happen because i've seen a dream and the Muslims believe in let's go if you've seen a dream let's go if you ask anybody else to follow into the city that was just thirsty for your blood you want to go there and make hives are you sure are you sure that was your dream no no let's just go la la la hora sulla hora bil Haq he said the truth let's follow him so they go now when you go to Hajj or you go to Andhra from here how long is the flight hmm I don't know tell me 14 hours Allah when another died he went la hey la Jeon 14 hours I'm sure their trip from Medina to Makkah must not have been 14 hours it must have been less away they were walking there walking from Medina to what Makkah so it's gonna take a few weeks maybe even months before they get there they're not like you who go to the airport then wait in the lounge for two hours then go on the plane which is air-conditioned with a TV screen in front of you which helps you prepare for hugs okay and there you're sitting on the couch ah this is so uncomfortable my back II you know 14 out there's a one hour delay stuff oh these guys are walking is there air conditioning is there any lounge like a club lounge where you can get a snack No is there anybody walking over and offering them headphones or a wet towel or Oh is there snacks offered every few hours or and the closer they get the closer they're getting to their own death I mean if you think about it they're get who wants to kill them the mug guns and you're going into their city you're going into the Lions Den itself without weapons you're going to get killed so they're walking with Russell's eyes on them they're going to Mecca they get close enough and there's an interesting story you have to understand different sides of this story again because I have to fast forward this for you I have to skip parts but the courage found out that the Muslims are coming so they what is there a fight back there what happened it's okay that's not that interesting if something interesting happens I'll tell you okay so what was I saying something about Islam was I saying remind me the Quraish the Quraish found out that the Muslims are coming and they also found out that the Muslims are coming unarmed they're not armed they're coming unarmed so they said if they get too close there's going to be a problem let's try to kill them before they get any close so they sent holiday bin walid or the allahu ta'ala anhu because he had a fast battalion him and his men were fast they were a quick horsemen to go and catch the muslims quickly maybe even around the area of weather quickly catch them and kill them kill all of them before they get close to Makkah I'll tell you why they didn't want the Muslims to get close to mark I'll tell you later but you know the society salaam found out because he had sent some scouts he found out that holiday is coming this way so the Sims went the other way and they ended up in the place called hood area they ended up in ho de BIA now the thing is let me tell you why the Quraysh didn't want them to get close the Quraish what do they have all around the Kaaba do you know what did they have all around the Kaaba idols and these each of these idols is from a different tribe okay so each they're not all try or idols for the collage some idols are for the people of five some idols for the people of somewhere else you know the hoodies or whoever else right different tribes all of their idols were sitting in Makkah and why does everybody respect Makkah why does everybody respect the porridge because they hold the idols and also because they take care of people who come and give and do the pull off and do the Hajj and why do they have respect because if somebody comes unarmed to Makkah to do Hajj even if it's a hunch it even if they come for that then the Mekons will take care of them or attack them they'll take care of them and that is the only reason all of Arabia respects Makkah so if the Muslims are coming for Hajj and they are unarmed and the Quraysh attacked them then they will lose the respect of all of the Arabs and all of the Arabs are already angry with Makkah because Makkah told them garage told them to leave their homes and come out and kill all the Muslims but did they get to kill the Muslims no and is it cheap to gather an army or expensive it's very expensive so all the tribes spent a lot of money to come and try to attack the Muslims but that failed and now they've all gone back and are they lists are they ready to listen to Makkah again to Qureshi again know that you wasted our time and money we went out there for nothing we're not listening to you people again and now the Muslims are coming and if you try to kill the Muslims when they're making Hajj it's not like the rest of the tribes like Makkah right now so the caleche are like if we attack the Muslims after they have reached them apart and if they reached for the abya then all the Arabs are going to say forget these McLean's man they cost us all this money and now killing her judge forget these people let's kill them so now the Koresh cannot kill the Muslims they're stuck they're stuck but the Muslims don't know that the Muslims are just going and they think the most that the Koresh might still what kill them they stop at ho de bia rasool allah saw them send somebody inside he sent Othman oh the allahu anhu inside as an ambassador we're coming to make Hajj we're not going to fight we're just coming to make Hajj which is pretty amazing you guys just tried to kill us and now we're gonna walk into your house so would you you know well so and we're gonna go around your house I'm gonna walk back you know what that is that is spitting on the enemy's face and saying what you gonna do huh what you gonna do so the Quraysh they don't know what to do but they arrest us man they're panicking you don't know what to do what you want this guy what is he doing here what do you mean they have an ambassador what do you mean they're in familia capture him or detain him arrest him and they arrest him and the rumor spreads that they killed him the rumor spread that the the garage have killed who Othman OD lejano where's the Prophet Solomon all of the Muslims where are they you tell me now they're had a BIA so these Muslims are inferred a BIA and they get the news they get the rumor that Othman has been killed but the truth of it is our earth man has not been killed he has only been what arrested but when the Prophet here is that earth man has been killed while the allaha argue he gets very upset and he gathers all of the Muslims and he asks them to take an oath of allegiance under a tree he calls them and says you have to pledge to me that we will take revenge for the murder of earth man we're going to go into Makkah and we're going to take revenge for what they did to earth man now he's going to take this oath from the people who came for war or came for Hajj so do they have weapons or no no they only have the knife the small life that they used to slaughter the animal that's all they got they have no shields they have no bow and arrow they have no Spears and they're going to go inside the most heavily armed weapons depot city in all of Arabia and that is Mecca they're going to go inside Mecca to take revenge for earth man and also some says I need you to pledge to me that you will be loyal to me and you're going to go because we have to seek revenge for Earth man that the Muslims agree they agree all the Muslims who agree are they also now they also know what are the chances are we going to win are we going to get killed so we're ready to be killed we're ready to die now I want you to understand something actually no not yet I'll tell you later I'll tell you later now the Muslims are ready to go kill and when the movement the caleche find out the Muslims are ready to go into war they say no no no we didn't kill all of mine we just arrested him you can have him back take it back take them back calm down now the Muslims were already ready to fight but then they want to calm down then they said ok let us come make Hajj no no no you can't make Hajj you can't make Hajj let's make a treaty it's called the Treaty of what or they'd be a full of Arabia let's make a treaty and if you know anything about this treaty you know that all of the terms in this treaty go against the Muslims every one of them goes against the Muslims and every one of them is in the favor of the coalition so they give this treaty to the prophets I've summoned this is the treaty what do you say and the prophets lie Selim signs it or doesn't sign it he signs it he signs it and that means that you will not make Hajj this year you can come back next to you you don't make Hajj this year you can come back next yeah now let me tell you something if you paid for your HUD package and you flew to Medina and when you got to the airport in Medina after a 14-hour flight and a couple of halal McDonald's when you got to the passport office the guy looks at you says come back next year well what are you gonna do what are you talking about my you can't do that to me I came for hugs what do you mean go back yes go back and go back peacefully you can't do this to me I flew all this way 14 hours I paid for my ticket I got the visa I got the approval I have the Hajj package no go back where did these people come from they came from medina Muslims came from Medina did they fly over to my car did they walk over to Makkah they walked over to Makkah are they hoping to make Hajj yes and when they finally get there Rasul solemn says he signs the paper and says what okay everyone let's walk back to Medina now I want you to understand human beings have emotions human being we're all human beings so how are human beings to human beings have emotions and it is very hard sometimes to control our emotions and sometimes when our emotions get out of control we become chaotic we become chaotic you don't want to a large group of people become very angry they can be a riot isn't that true because they're because of their emotions there can be chaos is doesn't that what is that what happens is everything okay did I do something no okay all right you were trying to do some kind of sneak attack but I caught you now you have to reset the game and start over again it's like a video game I got a ah you know from last checkpoint anyway what was I talking about Islam or something I was a Tom on emotions now let's go back to this story a little bit I haven't made my point yet I'm just telling you a story right now I haven't made my point yet I'm gonna make my point soon very soon be very patient okay also a solemn six months ago along with all of the Muslims almost got killed yes which emotion was there when we were almost killed fear extreme fear yes okay every man woman and child that fear is described in surat al-ahzab we were in a state of fear okay six months later the prophet saw Salem says I have seen a dream we're going to go where Makkah now there's concern really are we going to go to look at maybe even doubt but no he said it we should go we should go and now there may even be more fear because that time the murderers came to us now we are going to the murderers the killers came to us that we're going to the killers so there may even be even more fear then they finally make it tougher they BIA when they get to for the idea there is hope because now we cannot be attacked so there's hope that we will do what we'll do Hajj by the way is going to Hajj cheap you have to spend a lot of time and you have to spend a lot of money you have to spend a lot of time and a lot of lies that it's not cheap even for the Sahaba to go to Hajj it's not cheap so now they're full of hope then the news comes that Othman will be along where I'm who has killed and the Muslims are full of what anger then they take an oath that we will take revenge and they are full of courage and excitement you know when you before the war begins before the general says ha but before he does that what are the soldiers doing you know like the guy in the boxing match before the before evening thing before a UFC fight ok don't pull each other's ears don't bite each other go but before he does go what are people doing what are those two guys doing you know you're filled with aggressiveness right is that a common motion or an intense emotion that's a very intense emotion so we're talking about intense fear intense hope intense aggression intense anger these people have gone through a lot of intense emotions you with me so far now rasulullah salallahu alaihe salam signs a treaty and they feel like this treaty is intensely insulting what we don't get to make hugs what if one of us runs away from mecca we have to send it back to Mecca what we have to go back we can't fight them we were ready to just take revenge right now and now we have to just go back home disappointment frustration there are so many emotions in these people and it's not one person it is lots of people now let me tell you something if you have one young man one young man who has very angry extremely angry is it easier to calm him down no calm down calm down son calm down just relax relax okay okay just right back good sister it might take you 30 minutes before this young guy whose nostrils are you know they're they're feeling swelling up like it might take a while before he calms down you understand that is just one angry man are there there are they in the thousands if there are hundreds if not thousands of angry men is it easy to calm them down no rasool allah salallahu alayhi wa sallam turns to them and he says we're not going this year let's go back they said i thought you saw a dream we're going to make Hajj I know so someone said I never said this year what do you mean you never said this year if it wasn't this year why did we come here but they didn't say anything and also some said everybody take your arm off because once you put the alarm on you have made the intention for Hajj and also seisonn says everybody take your arm off they don't take it off they don't take it off why not you tell me not why not one angry man's emotions are hard to control a huge mob of angry men is impossible it is impossible if all of you were angry at me and I said calm down calm down I would be dead it's all I cannot you're gonna kill me you understand that you cannot control a mob it's impossible it's absolutely impossible you know when there's chaos in a like you know sometimes you see on the news there's a group of people and somebody fires a gun in the air and the whole crowd what happens to it they all everybody goes in different directions and they're running over each other and there's chaos and if somebody saying everybody stop do they stop no you can't control them anymore their emotions are too high now the soon lost I saw time comes back into his tent and he's shocked because this is the first time he has not heard Samina what Aparna is the first time first time first time and his the mother of the believers sees him and she says don't worry you just take yours off they will calm down so he takes his off and then when he goes and you shave your head and she goes outside and what do they start doing their angry their upset her I can't believe we're not going to we're gonna walk all the way back now why did we come all this look fine we'll just take it all off we'll take the alarm off or going back home now this was a pretty important incident so allah decided to describe this incident this all now i'm at my point this is I painted a historical event for you so far what happened in history now I want you to see how Allah describes this event not how I describe this event not how you describe this event not how the Sahaba thought about this event not even how does a little more salallahu alayhi wasalam sees this event but how Allah sees this event the ayah comes down to describe this entire story and the ayah says bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim in fatahna laka fathan mubina' no doubt about it we have we in fact we have granted to you an obvious unconditional open clear victory you have been given a special favor of the most awesome victory of all time that is the currents description of what happened this is actually the ultimate victory why this is the ultimate victory if you ask a Muslim child what is the what was the day of victory in Islam in the seal of the Prophet Allah what is the day of victory what are they gonna say when McCullough's conquered yes when Makkah was conquered was the day of victory in fatahna laka fathan mubina' did not come down when Makkah was conquered in fatahna laka fathan mubina' came down when we didn't get to go to Hajj when we signed a treaty that was against us when we were completely disappointed where's the victory I don't see it CNN won't see it the historian won't see it even Sahaba dossier what Sahaba don't see how can you call this victory oh by the way Allah did not say in fatahna laka fathan mubina' in na fatahna laka laka ya rasool allah laka salallahu alaihe wasalam but had mabini i want you to understand this according to Allah according to Allah the greatest victory of the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam because this is not a victory for the Muslims this is not a victory for Islam in the ayah this is a victory for rasul allah salallahu alaihe wasalam the greatest victory in the serie of the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam are the Sahaba who even when they have the most intense emotions they still obeyed rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that is the ultimate victory this mob who was able to control their emotions because their emotions are very high but their loyalty to Allah as messenger is even higher and out of that loyalty they can maintain their discipline there is never ever going to be a greater victory than this ever it's not how they via its the Sahaba that's the Sahaba people miss this point why am I telling you this because nowadays we make the out for victory we make go out for victory yes or no we see the Muslims in the difficult situations around the OMA and we make dua that Allah gives them and gives us victory if we don't understand what victory means from the Quran then maybe we don't understand what we're asking for the victory of conquering Al and the victory of removing the Kafar the victory of seizing territory you know what Allah calls that wha okra luntik de la la ha gotta hop allahu be ha alright secondary Allah calls the conquest of land secondary Allah calls the conquest of the hearts of the believers primary that's not my description that is not a historians description look anybody else who would read the story of food idea they would think of it as a loss but Allah will describe it as a victory he'll describe it as a victory the one thing I want you to think about here and Angela I'll give you the secondary benefit - before I close but just this first ayah this is I mean the if I talked about the second ayah we'd be here till Fajr and I got a flight to catch so we can't do that but the the just as first I want to share something with you you know there's a secondary benefit of enough attack malacca fatima bina let me explain the treaty says that you are not going to fight with us and we are not going to fight with you but if a Muslim runs away from Mecca what would we do send them back we'll send it back and among other disadvantages to the Muslims okay let me not tell you about the CEDAW for a second let me tell you about international politics major governments in the world say we do not negotiate with terrorists never heard this before governments say we do not negotiate with terrorists if you negotiate with them that means you have accepted that they are legitimate yes or no because you sign the paper with them you shook a hand with them you did a press release with them you did a treaty with them which means you think of them as a legitimate government so if we sign a treaty with them that is proof that they are legitimate in our eyes okay and now if a government thinks that the group their enemy is small and they can crush them they say we don't need to make a treaty with these people we can crush them their criminal they're nothing but if a group becomes powerful so powerful that you can't just crush them then you become weak and you have to accept that we have to sign a what a treaty the political victory in this ayah is that for the first time the Koresh who up until now what did they consider the Muslims they considered the Muslims a cult they considered the Muslims traitors you can call them a terrorist group back then slang which but now they are signing a treaty with the Muslims which means the courage have accepted the might and the muscle and the power of the Muslims and Allah made them accept the power of the Muslims even when the Muslims didn't have weapons in their hands they did not accept the might of the Muslims in Azad they did not accept the might of the Muslims and brother not an offer not in a job but they accepted the power of the Muslims when Muslims came in Iran I need you to understand that power is not about weapons power is not about weapons in this aisle the way we think of how when will the cafe understand the power of the Muslim one will they recognize the power of the Muslim we have an emotional thought about that but the Siena and the the Quran have such a deeper understanding of this issue they have such a powerful it's such a powerful reality that the courage have to sign this treaty now all of Arabia the rest of the tribes they don't like chorus you remember why they don't like courage because they made them go all the way to a sub now all of Quraish all of the tribes see yo the Quraysh they were gonna kill the Muslim six months ago and now they are ready to fine a tree these Muslims are powerful man these Muslims are serious they are even more powerful than who then Koresh because the Quraysh were forced to sign a treaty even when the Muslims were not with any weapons that's crazy man there's some crazy tribal politics and in this time we have ten years of peace ten years of no fighting ten years of no fighting guess what I want you to ever seen the map during election season this is this party's this party is colored blue the other party's colored red right so the blue is this big and the red is that big right now think of it like this I'll say that will give the Cornish purple purple was huge and the Muslims White was very little it's very little but especially during a sob during the trench wars all the tribes were against to the Muslims so the purple map was huge and the white map was very small now this little tiny white map goes over to the Quraysh and they make them sign a treaty now the white White has become a little bit bigger and the rest of the huge purple map has become neutral why did they become neutral because they don't like polish anymore so what are the Muslims do during the peace time the Muslims go to every one of those tribes and say hey you want to stay neutral fine but if you want to side with us you could sign with us too because we're big we got muscle look at what we made the horatio and so some tribes saying oh you guys are I'm scared of both you guys I don't want nothing I want to be Switzerland okay and some other tribes say you know what sign me up and guess what happens in these is supposed to be ten years it doesn't take ten years but in months the purp the map of the of the region the white starts getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and what's getting smaller the purple is getting smaller before guys are getting squeezed and they're so so squeezed and they're scared because one of the items in the treaty is if we fight or you fight if any fighting happens then the whole thing is canceled then the whole thing is cancelled so the correlation ended up fighting by accident they didn't mean to do it and just ended up in a fight and some Muslims got killed Oh No if the treaty is gone then what will the Muslims do take over and now that the white is huge and the purple is tiny they have not you have no power left so Abu Sufyan who's not a Muslim who's one of the great leaders of Koresh has to now come to Medina he has to come to Medina imagine they used to consider them insects they ain't considered them nothing now they have to come to Medina and he has to go find make a meeting with a civilization so he goes to the House of Las Olas they sent him and by the way his daughter is married to Las Olas I saw them so he goes into the house he sees his daughter he goes inside he's about to sit down she says dad wait a second and she rolls up the mat now you can sit on the floor and he says excuse me am I too good for this mat or is this mat too good for me she says well actually that's the Rasmus I solemn is mat it's too good for you Hey now he's already been told well what is he going to negotiate now his own his own daughter just kind of put him in his place you know and this is you don't treat an ambassador like that imagine an ambassador comes to your government it comes to the you know Parliament House and the sakes you're about to sit on a chair they move the chair please sit on the floor that's insult isn't it that means this ambassador has no respect with us you you are nothing to us now you used to think we are nothing now we think you are nothing so he has no room to negotiate begging and pleading please don't attack us please sorry we made a mistake I know the treaty is cancelled but can you please renew the treaty please please please please and the Muslims say what no and we go and we make Hajj and we make it peacefully we don't take weapons we just go make Hajj and we conquer Makkah without a single weapon we just conquer Mecca but all of that happened the day the Muslims were frustrated and they couldn't fight and their anger was high and this is come on let's get the revenge for all of mine and that's it come on let's just make Hajj come on we're right there with the enemy unless with us let's just go fight them why are we accepting these these insulting negotiations against the Kafar we should take the confer on Allah is with us the Angels are with us let's do this right now that is the time where Allah would calm them down and they would listen to rasool ullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and they would learn to back off because just within that year you won't have to pick up any arms you're just going to walk right in and that all of that began with the first domino that fell was for the via the treaty of hudaibiya and allah sums all of that up with one ayah in fatahna laka fathan mubina' we have given you clear league for you we have given a special kind of victory we have given a special kind of victory well like I tell you something in Arabic in fatahna Vuitton Mubeen and laka is expected the jar module is supposed to be at the end the grammar when you make it more cut them it actually becomes most us which means especially for you we have given a clear victory you know what that means this is the last few comments I have for you these are just again this is not the full lecture on the subject these are just the thoughts I have thus far inshallah Ptolemaic door I'm able to complete this study and do something comprehensive because personally I believe Muslims need to understand sulukule fought very very clearly because this is the surah of victory and I personally believe there's a lot of confusion among us what victory means there's a lot of time earlier hello Salome Medina worked ok ok so one last thing about enough attack knock off at home arena how do countries win in wars by bombing by killing by war by by overpowering the forces by sending tanks into the city isn't that how they win wars and even when they take over if a military takes over a country does that necessarily mean that the people that live inside that country have given up has it happened in the world today that there's a military from another country it takes over its its invaded but the people have not accepted it does that happen so you cannot call that a clear victory it's a military victory but it's not a victory of the hearts of the people it's not even a complete military victory it's not a victory in every sense of the word it's maybe just a victory against the army but not a victory against the people it's not it's not you know in every sense of the word you understand so it's very difficult to say in wars that a victory is absolutely clear you get me in the fatale Macha allah says in a fatahna laka fathan not just a tan in nevada laka fathan mubina' it's going to be cleared the clearest victory in human history is the victory given to rasool allah salallahu alayhi wasalam and that victory wasn't even the result of war it wasn't even the result of war it was the result of strategy it was a result of patience it was more important than anything else it was the result of discipline it was the result of discipline the Sahaba are the ultimate victory not because they go in the battlefield because they obey the messenger sallallaahu Nadia Selim unconditionally when he tells them to put that Haram on they put their Rahman when he takes it off they take it off when they walk to Makkah they walked to Makkah when they have to walk back they'll walk back no complaints no complaints we want victory Allah is telling us the prerequisites we have to have discipline you have to have control over our emotions we cannot be mobs angry mobs that can't think clearly we have to be people that understand the definition of victory from allah sook we have to become these thoughtful people you know the ummah today the last thing you find in SS discipline that's so sad the last thing you see in SS discipline we don't even have discipline in the way you park our cars outside that much did by the way when salat begins it's beautiful discipline it's beautiful we all you know you could be anywhere our kids could be going crazy when a comment to sell out of combat the Salah we all line up perfectly is that the case you everybody checks their feet everybody lines up perfectly and as soon as salat is done we go back to chaos again the salat five times a day what does it teach us discipline and actually it proves that Muslims are capable of amazing discipline you cannot find any other religion that just a simple call is made Allahu Allahu Allah la ilaha mohammed rasoolallah Salahi la vela become and all the conversations will stop all the cell phones will turn off although everything will go dark you know and I will stop playing everybody will stop sitting down everybody will stand up perfectly line up like an army even though they don't know each other they never trained together they don't even know about general is was leading a prayer they don't know nothing but they will line up immediately that is impossible anywhere else other than this religion we are a people of discipline but unfortunately outside of Salah what we what we learned in Salah needs to now come outside of Salah we need to become disciplined people these are some thoughts that I wanted to share with you especially with the younger generation here just to illustrate that there's a lot to think about in Allah's book you know there's a lot to reflect in this Deen a lot to understand a lot to grasp and if we begin to become people who deeply truly understand the Book of Allah then we will be in a better position to act on the Book of Allah if you want to act on the Book of Allah you first have to understand the Book of Allah if you don't have a good understanding you're not going to have a good action you're not going to have good a good implementation of a Loess book and this book is not like a magazine it's not like a an article or a blog you can't just read it just like this and I got I get it I get it a fan I attend a balloon of Quran what they reflect deeply on the Quran every ayah you have to think about it you have to ponder over it you have to study it you have to dive in like you're diving into an ocean and then you will get the wisdom that you can act on you can't just casually browse through it it's not a casual read you can't skim through the Quran to get its treasure you understand that we unfortunately today we have a very shallow appreciation of the Quran we have to change that in our culture we have to become a culture of people that celebrated abroad in the Quran the Furqan the Quran the album of the Quran studying the scene of the Quran in-depth studying its language in-depth understanding it and pondering over it and discussing it in depth so that we can all act on it in the way that we're supposed to act on it that is my job for this omma that we can really make us a people that are connected with his book the way we're supposed to be connected that understand it in the most pure the most refined way in the way it was supposed to be understood may allah azzawajal makers of people of the quran that don't take it you know don't become lacks in regards to it the month of the quran is still fresh in our hearts we just came out of ramadan but don't let it dry up so easily steady applause book guys study a las Book you spend your nights discussing world politics and nothing has changed how about you spend your nights memorizing a surah or two how about you spend your nights studying the Book of Allah a little bit more if the world won't change at least you will change at least you will change and well lucky when you change then the world changes until you don't change the world will not change a lot the world will not change the Sahaba were the ultimate change they brought an amazing transformation within themselves by a Las book and because of the change inside of themselves Allah gave victory in their hands the victory of conquered conquest was nothing that was just nothing you know that was insignificant this dunya was created for us it's been made for us we just have to become we have to prove to Allah that we are just for him when we proved to Allah that we are for him that he will hand the knee over it's not no big deal to him there's nothing to him Subhan Allah
Channel: Bayyinah Institute
Views: 278,858
Rating: 4.8866019 out of 5
Keywords: Nouman Ali Khan, Arabic, Quran, Islam, Bayyinah, Bayyinah TV, Bayyinah Institute, Koran, Islamic, Education, Muslim, islam, muhammad, muslim, what is victory, Nouman Ali Khan (Person), Religion (TV Genre)
Id: WwgtOWApFeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 10sec (3490 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 25 2014
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