The Month of Forgiveness Nouman Ali Khan

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mm in a shape or nobody yeah levena booty ballet motion commands available economy on a safari gnome in a van LED neutral una vídeo para whiskey women total waffa waffa ahora no porn le de la fille he'll Odin in Nashua Bayonetta Nell who don t mention commercialism women even a whiner suffering that'll mean a year in her you read allahu biqawmin you so every do become all knows when he took me on like that when he took a Beulah Harmon terribly chakras Audrey where Cindy Emily worked at a medicine EF Cody hamdu lillahi rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa salam o and I said in India even Mussolini mother and he was happy he aged behind mama bath Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh inshallah I was asked today to speak about sort of an introductory does on the coming of Ramadan all of you know and all of us are excited about the approaching of Ramadan and I pray that Allah helps us witness this month once again and that all of our a by that before then and especially during then are accepted by Allah Azza WA JAL and I pray that every single one of us and every single one of our family members is able to find a little cuddle this this chantara so i want to share with you some reflections about the way the Quran talks about Ramadan and there are a few things all of us have to know Allah only talks about Roma Bahn once Allah talks about taqwa many times Allah talks about Al Queda many times Allah talks about different prophets many times Allah talks about different Gham many times but when he came to LA Mabon there's only one place that's it there is no repetition it's not mentioned anywhere else and that is in surah Baqarah many of you already know that but the place in which it is in baqara is important to note you know the first half of surat al-baqara is allah giving reasons to bani israel why they are not the chosen on my anymore what mistakes did they make Allah made a list of them in surah Baqarah at the end of that list he talked about ibrahim alayhis salam why because ibraheem alehissalaam is the link between the Arabs and the Jews why is he the link between the Arabs and the Jews the Arabs are children of smaran and the Jews are children of is hub so that the common bond between them is the grandfather which is ibraheem alehissalaam ibrahim alayhis salaam is reminded of the Brahim alehissalaam because they say we will only accept a prophet if it comes from our ancestry and by our ancestry they mean the children of is hot and allah reminds them why are you obsessed with the children of his heart and you don't care about the children of ibraheem alehissalaam because ibraheem alehissalaam also is the father of his married and through him domicile allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so the idea was that this chosen ummah is the children of ibraheem and it used to be through the lineage of his half and now it's through the lineage of ismaeel alehissalaam but at the end of the day they're still all what children of abraham so there's not a change this is not really a change so they are told after they're given all the reasons why they will not be given Messala anymore then they are reminded of ibraheem alehissalaam and the story that is meant ibrahim alaih-is-salaam is where if your fire Brahim al-khawaja dominant with us mary robinette a couple min in the current a similarly whenever him alehissalaam was building the foundations of the Kaaba that is mentioned now at the end of this first half of surat al-baqara why is that important because the Kaaba that am NOT just a Shara alaihe he just hinted at it that he's building the abraham i son built the kaaba a few ayat later you know what's gonna happen Allah will command the Muslims that they should not pray towards Masjid al-aqsa they should pray towards as much evil Haram there should be pray towards the Kaaba but before he told the Muslims they should pray towards the Kaaba he mentioned that ibraheem alehissalaam is the one who built it why because the Jews and us Muslims until then we used to pray in what direction a luksa we prayed in the same direction as them we prayed in the same direction until the ayat came and now the Muslims were commanded to pray in the direction of al kaba now you should know also that when the Prophet SAW Salam was in Makkah it is possible to face the Qibla and at the same time face al-aqsa you can stand in one part of the Qibla and when you're facing the Haram you're also facing emotional up slides possible but when you go to Medina you don't have that option anymore either you will face the Kaaba or you will turn your back to the camera and face a laksa you cannot face both at the same time anymore when was houla sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in Makkah he was able to face both of them when he's in Medina he can only face one of them and he was facing al-aqsa and it hurt him he didn't like he missed facing the Kaabah that's why I even mentions that in the Quran when the real Kubla the ayat of the change of the tabla are mentioned that's why Allah says karateka Lubavitch a calf estimate for the new alien Mecca tablet on table aha we saw your face turning to the sky so we're turning the table Allah says but anyway the point I want to make is a nation and please listen to this carefully a nation is known by its capital when you have a nation you have to have a capital okay and especially if you are a big nation and you have to have a respected capital in the capital as part of your identity you know if one city in a country falls to the enemy the enemy takes over one city or one village or one town no big deal when is the country completely defeated when you take over the capital when you take over the capital that country is no more okay so the capital represents the identity of the nation the qibla for the Muslims is our identity it's our capital market is our Islamic capital we all face in its direction when Allah changed the direction of the Qibla he changed our identity he changed our identity now the Jews of that time interestingly enough Allah wants us to become a separate nation yes that's why he changed our capital and as soon as he changed our capital he says what Cavalia ja now come on mutton masala after he changed the capital he says that is how we made you a middle nation he inaugurated us as a new nation now because now we have our own capital the other thing that's important to know this is a conversation especially where I come from because I talked to Christians and Jews a lot where I come from in Texas Allah is the witches us in the Quran that the Jews did not like when the Kaaba the Qibla was changed they didn't like it the question arises why didn't they like it I mean do any of you have non-muslim friends if you do if you have a Christian friend or you have a Jewish friend or you have a Hindu friend or you have a Buddhist friend whether you pray this way or that way or that way do they care they don't care it doesn't matter to them if the Jews are a separate religion they're a separate religion if the Muslims are praying towards tibula or they're not praying towards Qibla if they're praying towards Hawks are they're not praying towards Aqsa they shouldn't care but Allah says say Apollo so Faja Amina and a smile a human ability him and Lathika no Elena the idiots among the people are gonna say how come they turned away how what turned them away from the Qibla they used to be on how come they change their direction in other words the Jews were offended the Jews of Medina were offended why were they offended because deep down side they knew that so long as they're praying towards that direction that is still the capital which means we are still part of the accepted people but as soon as the direction changes that means we no longer have our capital we have to accept this as the capital which means we have to accept the children of Ibrahim and Ismail we cannot no longer hold on to our identity our supremacy is gone in the sight of Allah and this proved that they believed in the messenger of allah salallahu alayhi wa sallam yeah any funa who come iit funa oven at home he know they know him like they know their own kids they knew he's the Messenger of Allah and that's why they were offended and they by being offended proved that deep down inside they had accepted him as the messenger were still refusing and that's what makes them fools say oh qoodles oh haha the fool gives up his secrets so Allah says the fools will say what turned them away from the pitlor you understand so the first thing that made us a separate Omar was the change of Qibla is official we used to by the way we used to fast on the same days as the Jews we used to pray in the same direction as the Jews and we before the five prayers we had the same okata Salah the same times of prayer as the Jews why because it was the Sharia of musa alayhis salam until new sharia comes we adopt the shell yeah that was given before us the Prophet SAW a solemn adopted all of the things from the Sharia Musa and till Allah gave him his own Sharia all of it was maintained now we used to fast the same days as the Jews iaat came down yeah you had Athena a Maluku tiba alaikum you see on those of you who have iman fasting has been made mandatory upon you okay kamikochi Baha'i Lavina monopoly calm just like it was made mandatory upon the people who came much before you who are those people who had fasting as a thought on them the Jews the newest Riley the Israelites the shitty almost on insulin so even Allah is saying part of your identity is the same as the identity of the Jews but in the same surah already he separated us from them by separating our Baba he separated them but now he's saying we have something in common with them which is what fasting fasting is the same between us and them then he says that I'll become tacticool so that you can have taqwa you people can have taqwa now it's interesting that in the first half of surat al-baqara allah talked about who again if you were paying attention who does a lot talk about the Jews and Allah complains the entire time why don't you have taqwa the entire time the problem is they have known taqwa and now Allah says you are given the same exercises them which is what fasting and what's the point of all of it so you can have that what so let's the first conversation I want to have with you was that fasting is something we have in common with the previous nation but why do we fast why do we fast is also the same why they fasted was to get taqwa why we fast is also to get doc why I want to attack talk to you practically what does that mean likewise you know the people translate that is the fear of Allah doctor comes from the word with kaya with kaya actually means protection not quite similar to if they ought to seek protection to try to protect yourself that's why on Judgment Day on Judgment Day everybody will try to protect themselves so Allah says vaca attacked ahuna in kafir tone yo man yo Jalen with Danna Sheba how will you protect yourself on the day if you disbelieved the day on which a baby's hair is gonna turn gray so he uses the word that the punter described protecting yourself that's what the real meaning of taqwa is to protect yourself Allah says Allah gave you fasting so you can protect yourself what does that mean let's try to understand what that means human beings us we have certain training you have to go through training if you want to get good at something especially physical training like if somebody is they want to become a soldier or they want to become a police officer then they have to go through certain kinds of training and their body Stern learns to adapt like at the beginning it's hard and then it gets easier and easier and easier for them right and this idea of training putting yourself in difficulty it helps you in not well by the way when you're in training things are easy when you're in the training program things easy like for example when they train firemen they set up a fire to put it out but they control the fire it's not like a real fire in a building it's controlled so it's easier they make you jump down a building but it's easier it's not like the real thing they go easy on you and then when you get good enough then they put you in the real-life situation you understand that right now the same thing happens with fasting fasting you're constantly feeling something aren't you especially in Qatar especially in the Fillies you're constantly feeling thirst you're constantly feeling hunger there is not a minute that goes by that you're not feeling it you're your throat is fighting with you your lungs are fighting with you your throat is yelling at you and saying give me water give me water give me water whether you like it or not your throat is begging you and you tell your throat shut up throat it's not marketed yet your stomach starts talking to you sometimes very loudly Amen come on what's going on up there where's the supply Hey you know and you're like it's fudger dude you are you starting already you know you have a conversation with yourself but you know what there's a war going on inside you when you're fasting there's a war physical war going on inside you your throat is against you your stomach is against you your body is getting weaker and begging you please disobey Allah please disobey Allah and you stay the entire day fasting fighting your body and you say no my heart is submitted to Allah and therefore I don't care if my entire body wants something I will not give it to it you train your heart to control your body that's what you do when you fast that's what I do when I fast why is that important because when the fasting is over you have to continue to train your now your heart is ready to control your body so you're not just gonna eat what you want you're not just gonna go where you want you're not just gonna look at what you want because all of those things your body wants but who has gotten stronger and when you passed the body got weaker got stronger the heart got stronger and we're a stock arrest in Nevada come in touch when Purdue the heart is with a place of taqwa when you give your body that the weakness you give your heart to strength you train yourself to stop yourself from other things so my dear young brother the young guys that are here if you're fasting staying at home and watching movies you're not fasting you're not fasting because you're still your heart is still giving in to your the wrong temptations the entire exercise our fasting is you constantly remember yeah just like I'm fighting my stomach just like I'm fighting my throat I gotta fight my eyes I gotta fight my I gotta fight my mouth I gotta fight my tongue I gotta fight my desires I gotta fight my hormones I have a fight with everything now the thing we see is the drinking and the eat this you know the eating but everything else now I'm welcome to taco if we don't remember this then we become just like when we saw in they fasted but they didn't have what they didn't have taqwa man they didn't have taqwa but they fasted if you forget why you're given the past then you're just doing what beneath I you did Allah said to you Couty borrow a comb accion and they come cut them this is called Mohammed Romo cut down especially on you I mean it's your turn now I am giving you what I gave to them they did not benefit from fasting they didn't get taqwa hopefully you won't get taqwa that's what am I saying that's what Allah saying when he gave us fasting what is the first thing people think of when they think of fasting they think of if thought they think of a thought fasting is your training for real life and by the way and told you when training goes on when training goes on then it's easier controlled fire controlled situations what does Allah does Allah make fasting in Ramadan easier does he catch caged up shape on as he put the shirt on away he does doesn't he think he's going easy on you so your heart can get a chance to train and get without being in the battlefield ii Roma Bahn is over-read Mubarak guess what Chevonne is out and the war begins and all of that training will now come in handy but if you didn't train yourself properly yeah look I mean just to help the younger guys if this is for the younger guys especially if a guy wants to join the army he has to go through physical training so they make the guy jump over a wall or climb a wall and go on the other side so two guys joined the military one of them jumps over the wall the other one goes around the wall they both got to the other side you have to do it 10 times one guy jumps over at ten times the other guy walks over at ten times right now when they're on the battlefield and they have to go over a wall who's gonna go in who's gonna fail you understand they both can say I did it I made it to the finish line well that's what you wanted to reach the finish line I did it you will fast and your brother will fast but your fasting will not be the same it won't be the same the guy who applied himself and actually trained himself and the guy who didn't train himself they're not gonna get the same results now let's move on Allah says a Yama mat do that a yam I'm not do that which means very few days you know what that means the ayah I just talked to you about is not about Rama bond this is not rama bond yet the word mat do that in arabic grammar they call this general kinnda which means less than ten nine or less nine or less which means this ayah is about the old fasting the fasting before rama bond which was on the same days as the jews or do you know the middle three days of the month and all of that few days Allah says I've made fasting mandatory on you just like the old nation meaning just like them same days as them Yama mat Duda come on can I mean come on even wanna suffer for it that too many Yami no heart of yours if any of you is sick or you're travelling then you can make it up later medina new takuna home video from Thomas Kean and the people who don't have the ability to do that you know they can't make it up then they can feed a poor person so now I'm gonna remind you so you pay attention there are two things you can do if you miss the fast this is before Ramadan what did I tell the Muslims there's two things you can do what are the two things you tell me what's the first thing know if you mate if you miss the fast what can you do you can make it up you can make it up what's the second thing you can do feed the poor it's two options there's two ways you can fix it two ways to fix it remember that two ways to fix it but two ways to fix it before amel daughter after Ramadan no no no this is before Roma Bahn came down these I are not about Roma Bahn these ayat are he Muslims in no matter Milan yet they just knew about the fasting like the fasting of the Jews and if you ask those few days and you missed them you can make it up or you can feed a poor person okay then unless has momentum well hiya run for thyroid level now if you give a poor person sadaqa or you feed a poor person or you volunteer to make up the day Allah says if you volunteer to make up the day it's better for you it's better even though I'm giving you both options you should make it up okay but it's not you're not sinful if you feed the purpose and this is what the Sahaba had okay one two sumo hide only cumin confirm that and the moon if you fast it's better for you if you knew fine now Allah talks about Ramadan so I want you to understand the history first when the Muslims first about heard about fasting the Sahaba heard about fasting or the aloha run much money it was less than ten days number one there were two day two ways to get out of it number two and even if you want to volunteer you can make it up but you have the option you have the option okay now Allah says Shahada Ramadan the month of Ramadan this is the next ayat this is the only ayah actually about the fasting of Ramadan in the Quran this is the one and let the ONC daffy he'll Quran now listen I told you when people think of Ramadan what's the first thing that comes in their head if they'll record a sumo say make sure you have enough ketchup in the house you know you go extra shopping for all the sodas in all things people Muslims usually they they don't lose weight in Roma Bahn we gain weight in Roma Bahn hey that's our practice even fasting even if you when you think of it ah Mabon the first thing you think of is fasting if you don't think of the food at least you think of fasting are you saying man Roma Bahn this year is coming in the summer oh it's gonna be hard that's the thought that goes in your head Allah says in the Quran the first thing you should think about when you hear the word Roma Bahn shahru ramadana alladhi unzila fihi laurent not a lead led Kuti bhavishya alladhi unzila fihi LaRon the month in which Iran came down Roma Bahn the month in which the Quran came down the thing that makes Ramadan special is not the fasting the thing that makes Ramadan special is the Quran that is a lot telling us that is a lot telling us now you have to ask yourself if you are fasting in Ramadan but you don't recite any for on your fasting in Ramadan but you didn't memorize not even one page the whole thirty days not even half a page not even two ayahs you didn't memorize anything in the Quran and from the Quran then how would how do you understand what Allah is saying the entire purpose of Ramadan is to celebrate the Quran I told you the first thing you need for a nation is a capital whats the new capital Kaaba the second thing you need for a nation is a constitution what's the Constitution Quran and when the Constitution is written and passed and every nation celebrates every nation that has a constitution has a constitution day the day on which their constitution was implemented they have that day okay our Constitution is celebrated it was revealed in the month of Ramadan Allah didn't give us one day to celebrate he gave us 30 days to celebrate the coming of the Quran this is the month of Ramadan is the celebration of the fact that Allah made us an Ummah now we have our own capital and we have our own constitution and we have our own days of fasting no longer the same as the days of the Jews no more a Yama not do that now at sha ha Brahma bon they did not have Shyamalan so Allah distinct just from the previous nation now completely now it's done now if you want to be you want to consider yourself yeah uhand Lavina amalu you gotta change the direction you pray and you gotta change the days you passed you don't have the option you know before they were told about Karuma iraqi aim yeah we're told you can make record with those who make record and they might not have had a problem with that why because it's still in the same direction but now it's changed it's gone nine by the way on a side note recently I made friends with a rabbi in back in Texas and I you know he's a research scholar and Judaic Studies and I talked to him about Messiah he said I'm and other things we talked about so I asked him one day when you guys pray do you have do you have rock or Quran says about the Jews were karun well rocky rain he didn't say what's to do massage it in so luminescent a nice vodka room are working so I said how come on let's add that to the Jews let me ask if you have rapport I mean I know they have such that they have the corset they said we have some rapport we do it once a year we used to have it all the time and I said you have so Jude and he said yeah we didn't have such de we didn't put our head on the ground but we have a prayer now in which we complain about how we don't do it anymore yes Alam okay that's that's there I mean I didn't make this up he told me this as a rabbi telling me this stuff you know so they they lost asides that and they have something from Naraku or left so let's hold em what Caro Murad rockin and he also told me with their in their prayer actually the final part is Roku that the new core comes after and the size that comes before for their prayer right if they do make such that they make it first and they make little cooler later and when Allah was talking to Maryam Salomone he said what's Julie work i right he told her make sajda make luca's in their Sharia such that came first and Rikuo came second so he it's appropriate to the ayah but anyway coming back to our subject in the in the month of Ramadan Shahada Mabon and lezzy unzila fihi or on and he says Hotel in Mass this part of the ayah is a slap in the face he says Quran is guidance for all people this ayah is not just to the Muslims it's also to the Jewish community of Medina they believe that when what he comes it comes for who just themselves it just themselves Allah says no you are not going to this time this way he is not just for you it is for all people who didn't ask he didn't even say hold on little Arab but that Lebanese for ie wouldn't leave any smart but then leave any ever ah he no no no no hotel in ass this guidance for all people this is one of the most beautiful things about our religion folks it is one of the most beautiful things about our religion I don't care if you go into oh my in America or Australia or the college or Pakistan if there are multiple nationalities multiple nationalities standing in one row you don't make a distinction that rich people should be in the first row middle class should be in the second row the janitor should be in the third row nope nope everybody stands in the same row and it could be that the boss and the worker are standing together and it could be that the worker is in the first run the bosses in the last row that could be - it could be that the guy who works for you is leading prayer and you're praying behind him that could be to Allah made this guidance for all people you know what that means he made all human beings equal just by Quran by the institution of salat we cannot be racist because we have salat we cannot be supremacist we cannot think my nation is better than your nation my nationality is better than your nationality my language is better than the org language my skin color is better than your skin color my village is better than your village we can't do it and you know when we are reminded that we can't do that when we stand together in salat when bilal radhi'allahu anhu is standing next to us man with the Imam and who we are reminded that were equal this is hotel in us that's what that means you know why I'm highlighting that because I noticed it on Muslims I noticed a Sevilla and Muslims I noticed Muslims make fun of other nationalities look down on them talk bad about them talk bad about people that speak a different language the Rd the arabe makes fun of the non Arabic the Bangladeshi makes fun of the Pakistani the Pakistani makes fun of the Indian the Filipino makes fun of the Malaysian what's going on here don't be mixed a lot but we mix a lot as if that's what our if we're not learning from our salat if we're not learning from this Quran then we're just it's like I tell you we're just a shell you know if you have a shell and you don't have any egg inside that's what our Islam is sometimes it's just that you look like Muslim you say the words that Muslims say but inside your heart there's no there's no love for your Deen every one of us here that are sitting in this audience so many different countries are sitting in this audience right now it's such an international gathering right here this is a United Nations meeting right now you know let me tell you I don't know your name some of some of you know my name I don't know your name but you know what we have a relationship with each other that is thicker than blood it is thicker than blood just because of la ilaha illallah just because of that this Quran binds us together and this was told to the Jews you know why because the Jews believed they were special everybody else's second class we're first class everybody else's Gentiles we're the chosen nation Allah says anybody can become people of Quran who darlin ass open invitation to humanity that eradicate racism nationalism tribalism egotism it gets rid of these things so Hana but what an amazing religion is it's such an incredible thing even in America I can tell you there are black churches there are Spanish churches there are Greek churches even of the same denomination and then in the in the heart of Brooklyn you're gonna have in New York in Brooklyn you'll have different churches different ethnicities you walk into the muster that's an international conference again all the same ethnicity standing together they don't even speak each other's language but they're praying together the same Quran unifies us because when we stand in salat what are we listening to Quran Oh Delia nas well Peggy na Tillman and Hoda and there are multiple proofs clear evidences from guidance Allah took this ayah was supposed to be about Roma Bahn Leanna ha ba da ATS bikini mat shahru ramadan the ayah began with shirahama bond but so far he says quran came down in it it's a guidance for people it's got multiple pre proofs from the guidance meaning the the guidance itself has miracles that if you look at them you will know this can only be the word of Allah but he not in meaning who da14 khan and it distinguishes between right and wrong all of this up until now allah didn't say anything about Ramadan what's the only talking about Quran more than 1/2 desires about Quran why is he doing that because he wants to make sure no Muslim ever forgets that Ramadan is about the Quran Ramadan is about the Quran it's about the miracle of this book I told you I made friends with who rabbi huh they tell you a fun story about the rabbi so rabbis of course which prophet do they love the most well solace let me talk about Musa al-salaam he and I we talked about messiahs we disagree on everything but we talk about Musa Aisha and I don't talk to him to insult him I want to understand his position I would really like to know about bunny so I yield from bani israeel i would really like to know because Quran talks to them so much Japanese ye-yeah bunny is lying it talks about their prophet so much they became our prophets so much I want to know what you guys think so we talk about Musa alayhi Salam and one time I told him one of the great miracles of the Quran if you don't know is the name Musa the name Musa I said so what does Musa me and they don't say Musa in Hebrew they say mouche so torah to musa they said taurat mouche that's how they pronounce it I said what does mouche mean the word move for them is similar to the Arabic word mad what does Matt mean water Musa is the one from water that to them the one from water okay now the thing of it is that means that the word Musa is Hebrew the word Musa is Hebrew I told him the word Musa is not Hebrew it cannot be Hebrew and he says why not Messiah his Salam is from buddy he's trying he's evil I was like listen where was he born tells me Egypt when he was a baby where where did he end up where did he end up in the castle of Pharaoh who took kingship in charge of him their own Aussie elody lejana and then the mother came as a servant so when there's a newborn baby who will name him the people in charge are the servant the people in charge and the people in charge will name him in the language of the slaves if they're going to raise him as a prince they will raise him as a prince yes they should name him in the language of the slaves or the language of the master the language of the master and the language of the master is Egyptian it's not Ebru his name is Egyptian his name is not evil but the problem with Egyptian is that the Egyptian language died the Egyptian language was already dead three thousand years when Rasool Allah came samehada he was held up nobody knew the Egyptian language so if somebody asked at the time of Rasulullah sallallahu I never said am what does Moosa mean nobody could tell you why not because the Egyptian language was already dead we live in fortunate times we live in times where because of Egyptology the Egyptian language was revived and translated the heretics and the the phonetics of the Egyptian language have now been translated so now we can go back to Egyptian and find out what what means Musa means but before I tell you what it means let me tell you an ayah from the Quran musa alayhis salam came into the castle his mother his foster mother the queen picked him up she took him to fit her own and she said you know she said to him ha ha and yet fauna lucky though weather then maybe he could benefit us or we could take him as a newborn we could take him as what a newborn a newborn the word Musa in Hebrew and in Egyptian means newborn the word Musa in Egyptian means what newborn she came to Pharaoh and said maybe we could take him as a newborn make maybe we could take him as a loser quran translated musa alayhis salaam name into whether than the quran knows the Egyptian language even when it's dead even when it's dead hold on translates it accurately she must have called him Musa cosmos an era in Egyptian is newborn and Quran says we should take him as a newborn well neptr Hilde who well events Allah like you people don't have what we have I disagree with him on everything and it's part of our identity we have to disagree on our Kaaba on our days of fasting on our prophets all of it all of it but anyhow now coming back to this really awesome subject allah azzawajal now give us how many days 30 days 30 days of fasting now you tell me was that more days before our last days before it was less days before how many ways to get out what were those two ways to get out either you can make it up or feed the poor okay this time he says famine can I'm in comedy a famine kana marathon Allah Sephora in determine a Yama no ha if you are travelling or sick you have to make it up you have to make it up how many options what no option number two no option number two so the previous ayah was you have not 30 days a few days less than 10 and you have two ways to get out then Roma Bahn came and now you don't have three days or four days or five days you have how many 30 days and you don't have two ways to get out now you have only one way to get out did things get easier or harder things got harder things got harder and as soon as they got harder Allah says to us you need Allah who become illusive well now you need to become when the hawser Allah wants ease for you he doesn't want difficulty for you so Han Allah the moment he made it harder immediately after making it harder he said by the way I want ease for you the gamma B you just made it harder why are you telling me you hunt ease for me how was this easier this is harder he's telling us something very powerful he's telling us something very powerful the first lesson from this is Allah will give the Muslim the power to fast and Rama Bond that he will make fasting easier in Ramadan than any other time of the year you I can guarantee you when you fast in Ramadan it will be easier and the week after you fast in Ramadan it will be 10 times harder because Allah says he wants is for you those 30 days will be easier than 3 days outside of Ramadan Sohan Allah that's the first meaning you need Allah who become will you serve Allah one sees for you the second thing is if you have two days of training three days of training four days of training you got some training but if you have 30 days of training are you stronger stronger will that training last longer it'll last longer allah azzawajal gave us 30 days of no Shaitaan 30 days of all Quran 30 days of the heart controlling the body 30 days of that he really really prepared us for this training and when the training is hard by the way when training gets hard then when you finish it you get a certificate and you celebrate you go to people and say I finish I got my certification people congratulate you they give you a hug when we finish our training what do we have we have a we celebrate so how the lobby can become successfully completed this year's training why were we given this training so that we can deal with the real-life situation now the war which - and yourself begins again let's go go into the battlefield but you know what even though the fasting is no longer with you every day what should now go inside you that you never want to let go of or on the real weapon you will have against Shaitaan will be your Quran that's why we when we recite Quran we ask allah's refuge first but it'll come on faster it will diminish 8:1 of a dream you will come out of Rama bond stronger because you will have more Quran in your heart I am Telling You guys brothers sisters everybody that's listening here you have to memorize Quran in Ramadan you if you've been lazy stop it get started I don't care if you do - I odd I don't care if you do two pages set your goals high Romania Taha observe our aim high aim high say I'm gonna memorize a whole just this month I'm gonna memorize 20 pages I'm gonna memorize 10 pages I'm gonna finish the entire you know just I'm not or something a my even if you don't finish but put yourself in that position when somebody tries to memorize the Quran or you know you go to fudger at the Masjid and you decide you're gonna stay back a couple of hours and you're just gonna sit there or maybe at 30 minutes 40 minutes I'm just gonna memorize Quran I can tell you that is one of the most sincere acts of a bada you will ever do in your life because you're not memorizing Quran to show off to anybody else when you memorize Quran the only one who will know is who you unless you have the problem you go over here by the way by the way I know so to lavage yeah so you know if you have that problem then see me later other than that if you're memorizing Quran who is it for yourself and you're spending so much time on every ayah and every time you repeated the angels are writing it down because when you memorize don't you have to repeat yourself every time you repeat yourself the angels are writing it down every time every time every time every time it's not one time for you is 10 times for you 20 times for you pariah the barakah of the Quran are entering into your life this is what we have to do when it comes to Rama bond now the real reason I came to talk oh my god I only have like how much time do I have 15 minutes I need like an hour I just need an hour can I have an hour or pray - continue - all right okay okay so this is the part I really want to talk to you about I'll set the scene for you first I am the head of a small Institute and I have 60 students in a year I have 60 students I teach them for five hours every day when I finish teaching five hours I'm tired one student comes to me and says the staff can I have five minutes I only want five minutes I say okay and give him five minutes then another one comes and says I only want five minutes then another one comes and says I only want five minutes then another one five minutes and another one five minutes sixty students come to me each one of them says I only want five minutes how many minutes three minutes how many hours is that as to the hours 300 minutes masha'Allah there's a good math program and Kutta excellent PhDs in mathematics in the house 5 hours I was already dead from teaching now I'm in the ICU but each of the students says mad I only got five minutes I didn't get any time there are 500 people sitting in here maybe more if I only talk to each of you for one minute one minute that's 500 minutes that's over eight hours that's eight hours of one minute each and every one of you will say man I only got 60 seconds that wasn't a real conversation you understand let me give you another example my one of my daughters had a health problem and we had to go to a specialist you don't just go to the regular doctor you have to go to the specialist now the specialist is very busy you can't just walk into his office you have to get an appointment and they give you an appointment three months later and you say no you don't have anything sooner no he's booked for three months what can I do okay and if you miss your appointment it's nine o'clock if you show up at nine oh five gone they have to get another appointment after four months so if you want to meet important people you cannot do it on your schedule you have to do it on their schedule you have to go on their schedule if your boss calls you you don't say when I have time in chawla you know you go cuz you're on his schedule he's not on your schedule you're on his you understand that's the nature with important people now with your children that's not the case if you call your child he better show up he's not gonna say dad take an appointment I'll get back to you at 8:45 or something you know I'm free then no no show up he has to show up right away you understand now last example if you have a the employer of a company maybe there's a company CEO you know the owner and he has 500 employees 500 employees does he know all of them no he only knows a few managers and those managers have a few team and their team has their managers of what sub teams and sub teams so he knows 10 people 15 people he doesn't know everybody he doesn't know everyone and if everybody sent him a request directly can he answer them no he doesn't even care he doesn't care who's this guy he's the security guard I don't care I'm the CEO who's this guy's just an accountant I don't care he's just any employee now understand this ayah what either Alaka a body I'm me too in a panic when my slaves ask you about me when my slaves ask you about me then I am near Yugi would alloted that yada ha I respond to the envy of anybody who calls as the at the moment they call me I will not put you on hold you will not go to voicemail you will not be told within 24 hours I will respond whenever you call whenever you call that is not possible for a human being it's not possible even if I love you I cannot answer you I love my children when they're sitting in the back my four daughters are sitting in the back and they're all talking at the same time can I answer them no and even if they ask me one says I want to eat ice cream the other says I want to have pizza the other says I want to go home and go to sleep and the other one says let's go to the park I can only do one of those I can't I'll answer all of them at the same time I don't have the ability even if I love them I have to say sorry I can't Allah Azza WA JAL says to his prophet I know you still have to wassalam when they ask you about me tell them I am close and I will answer whenever they call I will answer their door whenever they call the the thing in Roma Bahn the secret to Roma Bahn it's okay children crying should not bother you by the way sister if your kids are crying it's okay other sisters stop looking at her stop staring at her just look look away look at the pretty lights on top or something else okay stop giving her the look of death now if your child is super crazy then just take a walk and come back okay those are the bills of my only conditions we should be happy that mother's come to the program man it's hard if you're completing your hard will baby must be real much hotter we should be happy they're here milliput Baraka and this mother and her child and their life and all the children that are here now this takes a lot of effort to do that I know I have kids getting them into the car is jihad piece of Eden though then on top then on top of that you got a drive in this traffic you know in LA he went nightly he wrote your own one guy has to go to the bathroom the other ones hungry the other one fell asleep and you wake him up and he's cranky oh my god you know it's not like you single guys over here let's go to the most it's not like ahead it ain't like that bro you know and those and probably the father here recognizes his sons screaming and if you do like a hum dude allow my wife is here I don't have to hold the baby but the the talk I want to give you guys after salat is about Dora and these ions specifically these ayat they have so much treasure in them there are so many gifts from Allah in these ayats that they can't even be counted but a few of them I want to share with you in sha Allah Allah Allah why become because I want to encourage all of you this Rama bond should be a month of Quran and should be a month of a lot of Dora and you can combine both of those things and inshallah we'll talk about how you can combine both of those things within that data every time you have an option to earn halal money and a more option to earn a lot more money but it's not exactly halal then you remind yourself fully to commute Allah Allah is greater than that money so I'm not gonna go there every time you're lying down in bed and the Adhan is being given for puja and Shaitaan is holding you down just five more minutes Chevonne says to you and then you say to yourself five more minutes I can catch the first rocker I could do it no problem I'm amazing at waking up whenever I want and then next thing you know is 10 a.m. right when that happens then at that moment we'll need to compute Allah you say Allah is bigger Allah is greater than my sleep Allah is more important than my sleep that's what this means to prioritize Allah Allah is a bigger priority than my own temptation my own laziness my own desire my own urges my own hunger my own greed all of those things are less Allah is greater that's the training of Ramadan well he took Kabir ilaha ila maha darken welcome - guru and the ayah ends beautifully and so that you can be grateful now the question is grateful for what the ayah began shahru ramadana alladhi unzila fihi al-quran so the first nimah the first blessing that you and I should be grateful for is what the Quran so you can be appreciative of the Quran now let me tell you if I come to your house and I give you a gift hey I bought this for you I bought some silly crystal thing Pakistan is like crystal things so I give you a crystal thing and you saw this is so beautiful thank you in front of me is that insulting I give you a gifted in front of me what did you do you say you thanked me what you threw it away or I say hey I bought you this book I thought you would like it I said well thanks so much and you take a piece of cloth and you wrap it up and you put it behind the fridge I didn't give you a book so you can wrap it up and put it behind the fridge I why did I give you a book so you read it you're not grateful for this gift you understand Allah says say you can be grateful meaning you appreciate the Quran like you never did before once Ramadan is over it's like you found this new relationship with this book you can't put it down your all you always want to know more about it you always want to recite it more Allah has given us a direct link to him no other religion has this no other religion has this what we experienced in salat is a direct link to Allah literally the word salat means link it literally means Cilla's connection literally and the words of Allah that are being recited are what connect us to him who are Hubble Allah Almighty - Amma in an odd it's the stretched Rope of Allah from the sky to the earth the Quran itself the more connected you are to the Quran the more connected you are to Allah the more disconnected you are from the Quran the more disconnected you are from Allah that's a fact you have to be and I have to be on a life mission to get closer to this book and nobody can say that they're close to the Quran nobody this is a notion that doesn't have an end I can't say alhamdulillah this this talk is for you it's not for me it's actually more for me than it is for you so because the deeper you bill do you realize I don't know anything I need to go more I need more I need more I need more now the ayah of Doha Allah every word of this ayah we begin with the word either he that is transported us Allah carry body right so it begins with either he that means in English when when there is a difference in English and in Arabic between when and if I want you to understand the difference between when and if will Allah be on a pool in in well let me echo subhana wa ta'ala wa in al akkari by di Nicola either al akkari by the enemy so what's the difference between if and when let me tell you a story there's a mother she sent her her son joined the army and he went to war now she's missing her son and she doesn't hear back from him no calls coming no emails coming nothing he's at war when you talk to her about her son does she say when my son comes back I will be very happy or does she say if my son comes back I will be very happy which one does she say she says when my son comes back I'll be very happy she does not say what if my son comes back I'll be very happy because if she says if my son comes back then she has accepted that he will die if she says when then she's expecting him to come home you understand when you lose someone and really want them to come back and your heart cannot accept that they won't come back you don't say if you say when Allah says when my slave asks you he does not say if my slaves ask you why because he's not saying or maybe they won't ask Allah is expecting you to ass he's waiting for you to ask it's not just a possibility it's like am I saying when are you gonna ask so how Allah either it's a there's a taco there's an expectation there's a pub there's a love inside the word either if Allah was talking about people he didn't care about them whether they asked or not who cares he would have said in say Allah he said e dasa Allah then there's Allah itself so Allah fear and Molly you can say it is a loo also either eucla alayhim if that comes with Mubarak that comes with Mahdi either comes with the present tense and comes with the past tense when it comes with the present tense it means over and over again meaning if my slaves ask you over and over again that would have been it is Elka it is Anoka everybody but the ayah says Eva Psilakis Allah is the past tense the past tense you seal in el maraa al bara wahida is one time something that happens one time meaning I'm waiting for my slave they figure they can only ask about me how many times once I'm not even waiting for a lot of times I'm expecting just one time asked then he says Allah they ask you yeah it was food allah salallahu alayhi wa send them allah is waiting some Sahabi says that i want to know more about allah who's he gonna go ask rasoolallah sorry salam alikum body and then he didn't say sonic aha Allah these people Sonic alladhina amanu those who believe so an economy known the believers so allah called muslim moon as a book none of these he said Holika Holika ibadi my slaves my slaves and he didn't even say a bad do now or a bad Allah he said anybody the e at the end of that means I my slaves Allah uses my in the Quran my you know sometimes Allah uses he sometimes uses we sometimes uses I right you know that right when does he use I he only uses i when he has a lot of love or a lot of anger there's only two times if you read an ayah of the quran has I in it it's either Allah showing a lot of love or he is showing a lot of anger there's only those two there's no normal situation this is an ayah of a lot of love so he says a body that a bad owner my slaves they're mine you know even when you when someone is distant from you but they're yours my brother my sister my mother my father there's an it's not it's not just you own them you love them when you say my to someone it's an expression of love and they're a bad now these people may not be worshipping Allah but he still calls them very bad now who did they ask let me ask you if you were paying attention the people who asked about Allah do they ask Allah to they asked the Prophet they asked the Prophet they asked the prophet sallahu them so what you expect is now here I'll say the English if they ask you about me then tell them I'm near but the ayah does not say tell them I know does not say tell them here's what the ayah says but I like anybody I need for iniquity when they ask you about me than I am near then I am near what is missing then tell them I have coulomb in the Karim there's no Facundo home there's no tell them why not the people came to ask the Rasul salallahu alayhi wa sallam somebody comes to ask them about Allah with Allah answer my door I have a lot of mistakes I missed a lot of salat well Allah still answer my door I will elope well luck would mean Hellfire he's asking the island in this case he's asking Allah Allah Allah Allah and Allah says he puts the rasul aside and he answers him directly he starts talking to you and talking to me he's not talking to us who don't lie anymore he says but in the Caribe I am near I'm so near I'll talk to you I won't even tell the messenger to talk to you I'll talk to you myself that's the beauty of Quran people came and asked pursued allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Allah did not tell him you go tell them Allah said no no I'll tell them myself I am so near you don't believe me well now why did I say you don't believe me he said in me in now is used in Arabic Allah is a lot a shock you know a little hotter matter what Eric did and hooray so if someone is in doubt then you use another Allah is saying don't you ever doubt that I am near why are you doubting that I am near why do you think I would go away from you you turn your back on me I don't turn my back on you you turned your back on me you disobeyed me you stopped loving me I never stopped loving you you become distant I stay near and the word Caribe also cannabis is samsara which means I'm always near the sentence actually means certainly I am always near let my slaves know now the other thing is how many names does Allah have at least 99 at least 99 so many beautiful names of Allah and the one when Allah and Sun and the messenger is told when people asked you about me when they asked a prophet about Allah then the most important thing you need to tell them is which name of Allah or which description that he is what near that he is near why because when he is near it's easier for you to talk to him when when someone is far you can't talk to them when someone is near you can talk to them when someone is near you can respect them listen kids you guys how many kids in school hear kids from school all right like for kids excellent ok what are the rest of you do ok anyway anyway so if you're in school and the teacher walks out of the classroom the teacher walks out of the classroom do you behave the same way or no no and don't lie you're in the Masjid okay go outside and live I am kidding okay when the teacher is near do you behave differently you do don't you now you're taking a test the teacher walks by he just walks by do you cover your exam a little more you know just a shadow makes you like haha oh my god especially if he puts his hand on your desk and he looks down at your paper and he goes ah ha ha ha when I come out I do that to my students because I really enjoyed torturing them psychologically this is one of the great joys of teaching you get to mess with students oh my god Allah says if my slaves ask you about me tell them I am what near when you know someone is near you act differently when you know the police officer is near you act differently when you know your boss is near you act differently when you know the teacher is near you act differently when you know your mother is there you talk differently to your friends when she goes to the other room then you all know them in the face or whatever but when she's there you talk differently when you realize Allah is near you will become different forever because he's always near but in the iqari now if he's so near then what does he say boogy boogy boogy booin arabic means to a job a means to respond to give an answer but there's another word in Arabic which is estaba khmer hulu quran t Mulder offer faster job elohim rob buho hostage a barrage of Elohim called faster job Allah who he said he responded to them their master responded to them so there are two words in Arabic are Java and esta Java there's a Java and esta Java now a Java file is actually immediate when you answer somebody immediately without any delays that is called a Java when you take time to answer you don't answer right away but you answer over time that is called esta Java Allah says og boo he says I respond when immediately I respond immediately some people make dua and they say when is I'm not going to respond what is the help of Allah coming I'm sick when is I'm not gonna make me better I can't find a job what is Allah give me if you're gonna give me a job you know I can't get married what is I'm not gonna get me married my mother keeps turning all the dishes down what is I'm not going to change her heart this one's noses too long this one's eyes are too far apart this one is you know this one doesn't know how to make chai properly I can't get married my mother is killing everything yeah when is my mother gonna you make dua to Allah unless as I will respond when immediately and by the way by the way these are the ayat of Ramadan yes so if you really really want immediate answers when do you make the Ramadan man and if you really want a lot to be close get close to Allah first recite a lot of Quran and then make go out then recite Quran and McDonagh then it's head Quran and McDonagh that's what you should do a little not o man you'll enjoy Ramadan if you make lots of Doya you start enjoying them a lot you don't make lots of dua you won't enjoy them about the joy of Ramadan is in Doha so he says you g vu I respond then he says that what that there is such powerful words he says I by the way is used when when did I say ìin we and hey when is I used too much love too much anger which one is this too much love I respond I myself respond immediately respond now respond to who you might think Allah responds to someone who makes a lot of God I only make dua like once in a year when you have exams yalla I have an exam I mean and then you take the dog you know or you make Daria if you know you cut the red light and you're about to get the 5,000 real ticket like ya la get the angel between me and the Cantor license plate in the camera don't let me get the text message the SMS anything but the SMS SMS you know then you remember Allah Allah now if you if someone makes a lot of door you use the word drop if someone makes door out one time just one time you call that that wat on Dawa with the time or Buddha at the end the time of what is used for muscle Marva it's used for the words in Arabic that happen one time like Dharam means hitting but dollar button means one time hit uncle means food but ik mattoon is a single meal the Tama Huata makes it one time Allah says that what a diary I respond to even the one call the guy only made the how many times one time Allah does not say to him where were you all year you never made any Salaam you only make one Doha to me your whole life forget you you only remember me one time you know if you are an employee and you only show up to your job one time in the whole year you don't have a job so who are you I work here what when I got my job last year what are you doing here well you know I was uh I don't know but I'm here now at least can we start all over again is your boss gonna say yeah sure oh right away sir please why don't you get a promotion no he's not gonna offer you that Allah is giving you in the word that why he's saying I will even answer the person who never makes the I'll only may draw one time even they should say Allah he will answer don't say to yourself man I don't even have a beard Allah he's not gonna answer my dog I only have a mustache Allah Allah you know I just watched like three movies before I move on because I figured I'm not gonna watch it no move on now I'm gonna make da ya ll still answer your dog don't watch movies but don't expect never think a lot will not answer even the guy who makes one da now you say ok ok the guy made one da but maybe it's a really good guy maybe it's like al Saleh I'm up min someone who has a lot of taqwa and or maybe a guy who made Tova oh gee booth at what at Taibbi i respond to the door of the guy who made Toba he didn't say that he said i respond to the guy that that WA the one door of the guy who called a DA the one who called the description of the guy is that he did what he called in other words that Allah put any other expectation on him then he said that littell know sadly that I was a good Turkey Darla's tell me no he didn't say you have to have taqwa he didn't say you have to have Iman he didn't say you have to have it in not in this door none in his daughter why because Allah is talking to people who are so far away from Allah and the first thing he tells them is look I am near you're far I am near and then he tells them look I know you have nothing but this one all right now that's okay just give me just give me this one dog even if you're just a doll you're just a color you I have no other description for you I can't even call you Salah yet Muslim yet not many I can't call you anything I am just calling you a da the color that's not even a qualification just that it's good enough just call me it's Halle what an invitation from Allah and before I go on I told you sometimes a boss has 500 employees does he know their names no especially if the employee only sent him in his entire life only sent him how many emails well any real how's he gonna remember if he sends him a text message he doesn't have his name saved he doesn't know where this number came from Allah did not say Yuji Buddha what a die-in he said og Buddha whatta uh uh the UH Nephilim in the world makes it matter - which means it makes it proper specific in other words anybody who calls Allah Allah does not just say someone who calls me he goes that one who called me that one in particular he is you are specific to Allah Allah knows use especially personally no doctor remembers your name if he sees a hundred patients a day he doesn't know your name he just tries his luck because Mohammed how are you come on you know everybody's Mohammed you chances are you know he doesn't know you by name you know I need people Allah he I meet people I was in Baltimore this elderly fellow came to me the son girl came to me is better how are you I remember when you were so little used to run around in the mush that I was like I'm from Texas man but I said yes I remember - it is nobody don't remember people don't remember allah azzawajal even knows you in particular you might say how is the CEO of the company gonna know my name I'm just a security guard he is so high I am so low how will even know my name how will the president of a country no one citizen how is that possible how will I know if you all of you came up to me and told me your names will I remember I don't know I don't know if some of you got my phone number please don't take my phone number but if you got my phone number and you sent me an SMS I don't have your number save do I know who it is I don't know it is I just have a number I don't have a name oh nothing you call Allah Allah knows who exactly you are and he wants to answer you immediately he wants to start a new relationship with you immediately whatever happened yesterday is done start today you become Muslim today you become a caller to Allah today would G would that with a diary now the question I told you before was the problem I gave you before was if you want to meet someone important that happens on your schedule or - the important person schedule important person schedule you don't say I would like to meet the Minister of Education let me just you know walk over to the Ministry and say let's go I want to talk to you for a minute I can't do I'm not gonna fly to DC and say I need to have a pizza slice with Obama I'm not gonna do that you can't just go and walk up to the president I can't even if you're an employee like if somebody works at Microsoft back in the day when Bill Gates was still the Emir of Microsoft go say hey Bill you want to go grab some pizza or something they're not gonna do that I don't have time he doesn't have time for you when will Allah when can you what's a good time to call a lot people say what's a good time to make there are people say that right and of course we're talking about Ramadan what does he say though he says og Buddha whetted re either whenever whenever the honey whenever he called me whenever you call me I will answer you immediately call me one in the morning I'll answer you call me in the afternoon I'll answer you before you go to sleep you call me I'll answer you hon Allah this is not the whole ayah this is the first half of the ayah I will answer you whenever you call this is the invitation of Allah how is it that we don't listen to this invitation how can a person stay away from dua after listening to the word of allah i don't understand you know then he says it now I've given you my invitation my invitation is I'm near to you I'm ready to listen to you whenever even if you haven't made except only one time I'll still listen to you doesn't matter if you have no other good Islamic qualities except I'll still listen to you what should you do though this is what a lie is doing for you what should you do for him he says fine yes that G Budi the other word remember there was a jabra and estiga is t jabra also means to try to answer somebody says brother I want to have lunch with you I say I'll try to make time I don't know if I can do it I'll try trying means maybe you will succeed maybe you will fail Allah says finally esta G Bulli they should at least try to answer me you are asking things from me Allah says you're asking me for a better job you're asking me for health you're asking me to protect your children you're asking me for your parents you're asking me for a house you're asking me for all kinds of things I'm asking you some things too what about what I'm asking you finally esta G bully then they should respond to me they should respond to me now the the thing is in the Fatiha in Surat al-fatiha what do we want from a line so little party anybody no we want guidance but what is Allah want from us robada Yaka now you do well yokka mastering necessary means we want help but before we ask allah what we want we tell allah what we will do for him what will we do for him yokka na'budu what will he do for us is Tiana he'll help us so what you do for Allah should come first what you want for yourself should come second but in these ayat of rama bond he said i will answer you whenever you call me and then he said you should answer me he didn't say you should answer me that I will answer you so Hana ha he even put himself second and you and me first in these ayat he put himself second well yesterday bully will hit me to be they should respond to me they should have really man in me they should really believe in me Allah whom your children so that they can be sent straight they can be good people they can change themselves so how long are these few ayat of Roma Bahn are transformative then completely changed the way you think about this month if we reflect just on these ayat the relationship you are going to have with the Quran the relationship you're going to have with draw the relationship you will have with Allah after Ramadan is done these are the things you have to internalize now as I conclude with you guys I want to give you at the end I'll give you some practical things but today inshallah at least I want to give you some observations the things that you have to look out for the thing we want out of Ramadan for the goal of fasting is taqwa the goal of fasting is tough one the goal of Ramadan is three things to complete the 30-day training to declare the greatness of Allah and to be grateful he took communal Maha Maha Darko Riley took me on you talking with a local high school all three goals of Ramadan itself but now I want to tell you what the real threat to your taqwa is in countries like the one you live in like but I like the way like the Hadees like that much of the Arab world much of the Muslim world the big danger to you and to your children is materialism that is the big danger your children and you are becoming obsessed with the car with the brand name clothes with the brand name phone with the gadgets with the new movie with the new song download this is what you know with hanging out at the mall with Facebook and how many likes you got on your comment you're getting obsessed with these things your entire life only means these things nothing else and this is a tragedy because the youth of this Ummah are so powerful Allah he they are so powerful when the young people of this Ummah internalized the Quran they can change the world really the world will be a beautiful place if there's the young people of this Ummah wake up but the young people of this Ummah are being put to sleep by the iPhone 5 by the sense of Samsung Galaxy touch by the iPad by Facebook and those things can be used for a lot of good they can be used for a lot of good but man those things are poison to men they are poison to the sword is good if you pointed at the enemy but it's pretty bad if you pointed at yourself you know if that's what it is these tools they are a force of good they can be I am on Facebook you know how much never my pictures on Facebook some things I say are on Facebook I am actually almost never on Facebook never I'll tweet things once in a while I'll send a tweet message I never checked what response is there people said whether you never report the response to your respond to your Twitter and say I'm leaving a sundown don't worry but say something good that will benefit somebody else right and then don't worry about don't caught up in online conversations you have more important conversations how you have time for all those conversations man how you have time to read all the comments under a YouTube video where did you find the time where did you find the time I'm shocked so you have to you and I have to detox we have to get rid of the gadgets especially in Roma Bahn guys get rid of the gadgets delete the video games on your delete the game apps off your phone delete them all Roma Bahn you say me at least I can redownload them later I don't care at least in Roma Bahn every sisters - I'm sister get off his Facebook right now I see you I don't see you but you just got off the Facebook and the joke is on you but anyway you know get off of your devices you have to do this materialism is killing us and I tell you the real anecdote the real solution to materialism is understanding the Book of Allah personally personally understanding the Book of Allah the more you start understanding the Book of Allah for yourself you will no longer be interested in materialism it will not fulfill you it will leave you empty this will start giving you joy that you never felt before you get to talk to al-amin you get to talk to Allah when you talk when you recite Quran what more can you ask for so this is the there's some practical or some advice I want to give you add a warning I want to give you guys in particular and of course materialism is hitting everywhere but I noticed like the malls and like the you know the glitz and everybody's like the youth are like flocking towards these things I don't get angry at them I just feel like we haven't given them Quran we haven't given them something to be excited about it's our fault you know now the last piece especially for the parents that are in the audience here's how you can make good use of your Oh Madonn everyone here should have some goals in Ramadan here is my recommendation my recommendation is you should memorize a couple of short surahs shorts Allah means a page a page and a half a couple maybe four of them if you can three you know to between two and four of them in the month of Ramadan and you should not do it alone you should do it with your family you do it your children do it the husband does it the wife does it first one to do it gets 200 reals now the father will do it very quickly okay so but do it memorize Quran as a family memorize Quran as a fan make it a family project we're all going to memorize this surah it's a beautiful thing when a family gets together to get closer to a less book my recommendation is the Muslim be hot like if you memorize so little Gemara so to munafiq own sort of Taha one these surahs and these these three surah is beautiful Surat and they really help your iman the next thing you want to do this is again in Ramadan my recommendation is to actually listen to the ruse of those same Sora's that you've memorized listen to lectures and explanations of the same soon as that you memorize now the Sudha's I recommended to you were soon as number 62 63 and 64 those are the numbers of the surah I picked those pseudos on purpose because those three Sora's are about a Muslim Ummah that is losing its Iman and Allah is fixing their Iman again that's what those three stores are about an Omaha Zeeman is weak and Allah makes it strong again and he protects it from hypocrisy and he shows them the fruits of really man right so that's why those suitors are very particularly beautiful and easy to memorize also okay what's the rose where they see if you're paying attention 62 63 and 64 now what you can I don't recommend doing other studies in Ramadan like you know I I personally am a big believer in Arabic studies and other studies but those aren't spiritual studies or loom alia right they're tools to get to higher studies you can put the academic studies aside in Ramadan the only thing you should study in Rome about is what gives you gets you closer to Allah directly immediately so if you're an Arabic student don't do Arabic studies in Ramallah and do Quran studies in Ramadan do tafseer studies in Roma Bahn don't do Arabic studies in Roma Bahn okay or if you're the dweeb student don't study tajweed in Ramadan memorize more Quran you understand now I have there's a project I'm working on that I have basically dedicated my entire life to at this point and the project the goal of this project is to do only two things I believe every Muslim in the world who can speak English at least every Muslim who can speak and understand English should have access to learn the language of the Quran and not not just at a beginner level but at a very advanced level that's my belief that every Muslim it should be available to them and the second is that every Muslim should have the opportunity to listen to an explanation of the Quran not read what what did I say listen why is that important because when you listen to something you remember and when you read something what happens you forget I remember the speeches I heard 10 years ago I don't remember the articles I read 10 years ago I don't even remember the article I read this morning but I remember the speeches when Quran is presented as a speech you tend to what you tend to remember when you go home and read the IATA fasting today you'll remember a lot of things I said because you were listening if I gave you a printout of my speech and you read it guess what would happen you want to remember if we want the Ummah to get closer to the Quran we have to make the explanation of the Quran available in video and an audio so they can listen and then remember that is a mission that's a mission by itself alhamdulillah the first phase of that mission is complete I was I started at have seen or a basic tough sere project of the Quran when I was going to do an a translation of the Quran and explain it in the easy language so that the entire family can listen and learn something about the Book of Allah ayah by ayah by ayah it was called the cover-to-cover project it's done alhamdulillah and there it's all posted online I told you to try to memorize surah AZ number 62 63 and 64 then what I would like you to do is go to the website listen to daru south-south our site Gemara munafa kun and table these three schools that lectures on those tools are already up online listen to them two three four times until the message of those surahs gets inside your head it's inside your head and next time you stand in salat and you recite those soon as you have a real salat you are really connected with allah because you memorize the ayat and you understood what they mean and these some things from what they mean is inside you and inside your whole family so when you're at home and sometimes you didn't come to the mushrik for some reason and you're leading salat at home and you're reciting this little your whole family understands your whole family has kosher and that's a lot you know that's what I want you to reach so the website for that is vagina dot TV if you don't know how to spell Bay you know it's a hard spelling so I'll spell it out for you it's be a take your cell phones out so you can put it in hey I know you have cell phones come on don't be playing me seriously and then after I'm done telling you this I'll talk about marriage no I won't but that guy just woke up wow man so holla la gotcha anyway the website is by inna da TVB ayy - is B ayy i na h da TV if you can check out the Guru's on luteal Gemara gonna feel cool and table I think you'll benefit from that and Charlotte are that tremendously maybe not okay I hope you guys benefited from the conversation today about Roma Bahn I pray that Allah accepts all about Roma Bahn make dua that I have a safe journey back and Charlie as I leave and I'll be making lots of dog for you and your community marek Allah who do you like on ceremony
Channel: One Islam Productions
Views: 28,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: islam, muslims, muhammad, allah, quran, koran, nasheed, zaky, lecture, Nouman Ali Khan (Person), Muslim (Religion), Forgiveness (Quotation Subject)
Id: TnMMwhfhtVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 45sec (5085 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2013
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