The Craziest Things To Happen At Disney Theme Parks - AskReddit

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a drunk woman dressed to Snow White pretending to be the character by signing autographs and taking pictures with people employees of Disney what is the craziest thing you've seen happen in the park I was working in the kitchen at Cinderella's castle when this family of four came in for their dinner about halfway through the dinner the husband politely stands up and taps his glass for attention he announced that his wife of 15 years has been cheating on him for over a year the entire place stood still in shock he motioned for his kids paid the waitress and left the wife crying at the table I used to be a cast member at the Disney Store in my local mall we were required to greet everyone within 10 seconds of them entering the store there used to be a game online that kids would play about getting to the back of the store grabbing a stuffed animal from the plush mountain and get back up front before getting greeted I saw this one teenager run across the store and dove headfirst in the mountain of stuffed animals only to quickly find out that they were on risers he was taken away on a stretcher but ended up being fine and yes I greeted him while he was in midair so he lost the game former Disney cast member I swear most of my crazy stories come from working there things I've seen more than once adult drop trouser and take a dump next to a line of people and walk off laughing a mother climb a tree and swing down in the middle of another families meet-and-greet with Beast she didn't want to wait in line three people in wheelchairs in the same tree at another time I have no idea a man tried to swim in Cinderella's moat during fireworks I was guarding the ropes I tackled him five dots Snow White being thrown over the shoulder of a drunk man in Epcot and in attempts to carry her away a Brazilian tour group beat the crap out of Donald Duck nights of joy is hell on earth the park is open to Christian youth groups and has Christian rock bands preformed during these nights extra staff is put on an extra security because there is sex and drugs and theft happening around every corner my managers were preparing us for it they said if you see a bush rustle kids are having sex behind it the bathrooms have to be checked every five minutes and any ride that goes dark for more than three seconds will have Randy teenagers whipping their junk out those nights those terrifying nights my brother-in-law worked there in the Student Program two things he told me were the worst a couple was trying to ride Space Mountain and had a black duffel bag he heard something come from the bag so he asked them to open it they refused security comes forces them to open it it was their six month old baby I don't remember what attraction it was for but he said a little boy from make-a-wish got to go to the front of every line this one lady saw it and which so loud about how this little trash kid didn't deserve to cut in lines and a bunch of other BS he described the look on the boy's parents faces as nothing but nightmarish heartbreaking he told the lady to get out of line and stop being such a witch explained that the kid was with make-a-wish she apparently didn't care and asked for a manager which is to manager she is banned from Disney World my brother-in-law almost lost his job right there due to all of the commotion that was caused luckily he didn't when I was a kid at Disneyland I was in line for the Train rollercoaster ride a man on the ride got his head ripped off when the coaster malfunctioned and he hit his head on a beam the park employees just said the ride was broken and to come back later they were escorting away the people who were on the ride with the guy who died a couple days later we continued on our vacation to Las Vegas and our first night there Siegfried and Roy got attacked by Tigers it was a good vacation as my name implies I work at Disney World as a cast member there are a lot of crazy things I'd rather not get into but the worst was one night during the fireworks exit we had a bunch of twenty year olds being dumb on the resort platform they start punching each other in the arms being the usual pricks to each other one of them ended up missing his friend in cold clocking a twelve year old girl 12 year old girls dead had to be six four inches and 320 pounds and built I mean really built it took four security guards and to Orange County deputies to pull the guy off the bloody pulp that remained of the kid his friend ended up jumping into the bushes to get away from one seriously angry father I'm not a Disney employee and the story isn't that crazy so I really have no business commenting but those guys have eyes like hawks I had a couple mini air horns in my bag and they told me I couldn't bring them in I said I was going to take them back to my car I walked a quarter mile away and tucked them in my socks as I walked back in a guy flipped open his Disney badge no joke and told me I needed to give him the air horns I wasn't even mad that was amazing I worked in Tomorrowland attractions at Disney World and there were many stories but one of the craziest was when I noticed a Down Syndrome child waiting in the back hallway not a normal place for guests I figured he was waiting on his party to finish riding I was bumped out of my position for a break 10 minutes later and he was still there I got him to walk down to the unload area with me figuring his family was probably freaking out about where he was no one was down there waiting for him I waited for 15 minutes and realized his family was not on the ride after calling managers and coordinators conducting a search throughout Tomorrowland we found his family riding Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger spin they just left him at space I have never been so upset at work there are so many others but this one always comes to mind used to work attractions at Anaheim Disneyland on the Indiana Jones Adventure there are 3 48 inches height checkpoints which small guests must hit and there's often drama here one of the lowest points in my Disney career was having to hide check a [ __ ] I couldn't make eye contact all he said was really and I hung my head in shame and nodded another time an african-american family had made it all the way down to the last check point which was in the station the poor kid was too short but the mom lost her mind when I said her child couldn't ride she started screaming at the top of her lungs that this racist mother effer won't let my precious baby girl on the ride you are racist you are racist etc cleared out the station temporarily shut down the ride she was escorted out and bent from the park I was a Disney employee for the summer my two favorite memories coming out of a bathroom stall and washing my hands next to a half-dressed Mary Poppins I was sitting with a group of guys by where Mickey and Minnie get rest when they came out the guys started catcalling Minnie the guy that was Mickey said in a perfect Mickey voice if you look at my girlfriend again I'm gonna pop you not a cast member but I witnessed a cast member do this I was in line at Disneyland California with a group of Japanese teenage tourists were ahead of me in line I speak Japanese so I could understand that they were making fun of Americans they were mostly saying things to the effective on TV they seemed so cool but all of these Americans are so fat and ugly they were laughing and even occasionally pointing at people I was just staying quiet but then one of the cast members who evidently also spoke Japanese walked up to them and told them in perfect Japanese you guys should really be careful most Americans can speak Japanese they all froze up and looked around at people many of whom were giving them dirty looks I nodded at them like I was backing him up and they were horrified they all left the line promptly afterward I worked in Frontierland foods I didn't see really crazy stuff but there are a few entertaining ones I remember I saw one of the stilt walkers trip and fall during the surprise celebration parade he was on the six-foot stilts and went down hard to other stilt walkers came over and positioned their staffs so he could climb up and get back on his feet he had to have gotten hurt but he went on to finish the parade I saw guests nearly get hit with pieces of fireworks shell from Mickey's very Merry Christmas party a special event after normal Park hours they were launching fireworks all around the park not just behind the castle and a big chunk of shell landed right in front of the turkey wagon I ran out and picked it up before anyone noticed a smoking hunk of cardboard and plastic in the street I nearly walked into Pat Sajak he was backstage as I was bringing my cash drawer in for the night and he popped through the doorway just as I came in he smiled said hi there and was gone out the door I was taking my paycheck to cash it at the cast members Bank which is behind the real Bank on Main Street as I walked up the gate that leads out to the street slammed open and Donald Duck stomps through followed by many goofy and a few other characters Donald ripped his head off slammed it on the ground and yelled stupid kid kicked me in the balls I had to try to not laugh at the enraged 4 feet 6 inches actor in half a duck suit out of fear that he'd kicked me in the balls employee at the original Disneyland here I have spent most of my time at the gate and screening tents a list of few man cold clocks a girl security guard in California adventure on New Year's Eve all Disney police come out at a massive fight breaks out between security and the guy with his two friends the original attacker chips his tooth and starts yelling Oh repeatedly from under like four or five guards on the floor states that he gave them no right to touch him like that while screening an Asian man comes in with a Segway not allowed goes right past me and ignored everything I say he has like 12 people with him all Mexican and tux only through them his friend states that I may not check his things in his Segway as his disability device the Asian guy's manner suggests si is used to being treated like a king he doesn't look me in the eye wearing business attire says he knows a CEO etc I tell him to stay there while a lead comes out he starts heading very slowly to Disneyland gate trying to sneak away I walk up to him and he tells me that I will get Disney in big trouble for what I'm doing security ends up coming and spends two hours with him before they escort him out of the resort the Asian man in the Mexican group with him reveal cameras and microphones all on them and say they are making a lawsuit case out of this exchange nothing came of it recently a hobo man comes in throws a snail stuffed animal like from turbo that one movie no one saw into some bushes and we treat it like a potential threat bomb we separated the area while the dogs were coming to investigate I lose track of time and a kid hands it to me saying it was lost and found by him I freaked out a little but it was just a stuffed animal in the end man calls my friend a twitch at the ticket area I closed off his area and said you aren't coming in today please choose a day you can be a human being it felt amazing he eventually came and lo after an hour with managers lady has a jug for her kid to pee in I don't know why we tell her anything to hold what should go in sewage is not allowed she says she will take it back to her car tries to hide pee jar on her purse gets it all over her FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT lady tries to fit through turnstile can't trust big stroller gate can't we had to open our overflow gate for her she was pissy with me the whole time as if I forced pounds and pounds of sugar and fat down her for all those years there are so many more when I worked on Space Mountain circa 2003 Tom Cruise came on Space Mountain with his then girlfriend Penelope Cruz and her family his group gets on the ride they go have fun and they come back to the station as his standard procedure we asked if they wanted to stay in the car and ride again this is so they don't have to get out just to immediately reward Starr privilege we dispatched the car and as it starts to move forward Penelope's non-english speaking family starts flipping out apparently they didn't want to go again so they stand up this causes us to press the button to stop the cars in the station only alarms start going off as the ride is about to break down if we don't start moving them the alarms start flipping out the escorts everyone but the people who work the ride are flipping out beeping yelling good times anyway we release the station stop I have to manually tug the car to the next spot in the station via the passenger handlebar in the front this is when my hand came in contact with Tom Cruise's I never washed it again maybe not the craziest but certainly the grossest one day a kid had ate a bunch of pasta with marinara and then promptly threw it all up right in front of the entrance to Big Thunder Mountain it was a huge pile of watery barf easily two feet wide and three feet long so we called custodial and set up a couple of trash cans to do her best to block the area off so people couldn't step in it this dude wearing all white white shirt shorts shoes comes running down the path from the exit of the right to try and get back into the line as soon as he can we tried to yell at him to stop running but it was too late he thought he would be a super cool guy and jumped between the trash cans he didn't count on there being a river of barf so he jumps lands in the barf and his legs slip out from under him and he falls and rolls into all the red mare Nerra barf it took him a few seconds to comprehend what had just happened but he eventually let out a blood-curdling scream thankfully a manager was walking by when all this happened so my fellow greeter and I didn't have to actually deal with him we did have to write a quick report on what we had witnessed in case the guy tried to sue or something though as far as I know nothing came of it though I'm using an alternate account for this but I've written about my experiences working as an atmosphere character at Disneyland before on reddit I played a multitude of characters at Disneyland in Anaheim California from 2007 to 2009 including goofy woody Baloo mr. incredible Frozone Captain Hook and other 12 once I was out in fantasy land and hub as the Queen of Hearts who is pretty much always played by a dude and there was an Alyson both Tweedles out there with me as well we were having lots of fun as a unit with me acting like a Percy witch and making people bow and curtsy to me and kiss my hand etc and the Tweedles causing general mischief while alice talked to kids we were over near the Dumbo ride and there's a small fountain over near the line for the ride that was drained for whatever reason on this day all of the coins that people throw into were still in the fountain I guess one of the Tweedles decided they wanted to steal some change but they're only about five feet five inches and the costume is basically built around a hula-hoop to give them the round shape so when he bent over into the fountain he fell in and was stuck I just remember turning around and seeing his feet sticking into the air kicking back and forth out of he fountain it was amazing overnight cast member here please please leave your cremated loved ones at home stop dumping them in the haunted mansion they just get vacuumed up and disposed of I used to be a cast member and would work evenings on the attraction sounds dangerous staring Drew Carey sadly this attraction is now closed but it was fun for me during my college program most of the workers didn't like the gig because you had to get on stage and give a speech and it was a one-man show kind of attraction so you worked alone for me it was a chance to get a few hours to myself while working in the busy park my other position was at the Indiana Jones epic stunts tacular anyone who is familiar with the attraction knows that there were eight minutes of complete darkness during the show so that they can play mind games with sounds buzzing bees knives whizzing past your head etc what they didn't know is that I had a monitor in the back connected to a night-vision camera so I could keep an eye out for children that got scared and I could help us court them out yeah it was fun to watch the reaction of audience members when the sounds were happening especially how everyone would squirm and scream when the elephant squirted water at them but it was far more interesting to watch people who thought no one could see them there were lots of people making out I have heard some stories of people trying to have sex don't ask me how but I'm pretty sure they were caught since the screen comes back on halfway through and then goes out again I never saw anything that extreme but here is my wildest story one time as soon as the lights went out I saw a guy straight up using his fingers on his girlfriend it was obvious that he had been on the attraction before because he had it timed perfectly so that no one knew what he was doing he wasn't even caught when the lights suddenly came on and he was back at it as soon as the lights went out again these kinds of things were not common occurrence but it was funny to watch those people carry on as if nothing ever happened afterwards not me but my older sister who worked at Disneyland for around four years number one star tours wife trying to give her husband a hand EJ with their daughter next to them after making an announcement about family friendliness she tried again but this time over-the-pants second reminder stop that full cabin of people by the way number 2 monorail sexist foreign dude refuses to stay in the nosecone front part with the driver with a female pilot just to mess with him we kept bringing in female drivers until we ran out once we ran out we had a guy drive him over to the next stop he then got bumped out by another girl he walked off in a huff at Downtown Disney not knowing he was outside of Disneyland number three guy gets out of a car at Autopia walks toward the exit stairs stops for a second and a piece of poop just plops out of his cargo shorts he just walks away number four Autopia again someone pooped on the eggs a [ __ ] and people ended up tracking it all over the place had to make a human wall of cast members to stop people from walking in it biohazard and all number 5 late at night so the monorails fairly empty couple gets in the back obviously a little bit shady so we checked the cameras about two minutes from the station her head was in his lap between his knees the quote was hey will be at our next stop in about two minutes so you might wanted to finish up didn't stop yes we're talking to you two in the back they stopped number six star tours while checking seatbelts we came across a lady with a backpack on her lap so I tell her to put it under the seat she refuses and I noticed that the backpack was moving I asked her to open it and she refuses I asked her one more time and she did there was a baby in the backpack she was asked to leave late to the party but I was a safari driver at the Kilimanjaro safari traction and animal kingdom we had this elephant named Willy Willy was an exhibitionist I was driving a safari one day spewing out facts about elephants when I hear a tiny voice from the back of the truck yell boom he has five legs I turn and sure enough there's Willy standing with his five foot long genital just swaying in the Florida breeze I had to turn my mic off I was laughing so hard former cast member here I spent many years at one of their media companies but in college I worked at a Disney call center for the Disney catalogue eventually they opened a new division that was the Disney World priority seating call center so people would be calling me in Kansas looking to make brunch reservations at Cinderella's castle we were told to never let people know we weren't actually on the property if a customer asked where we were located we were told to say I'm at Disney they would even write weather updates every half hour or so on a big board overlooking the call center room craziest thing hard to judge in general it was a really bizarre how tilt a 50% of the employees take the job very seriously and lift the Disney mindset I do not have the diction skills to nearly convey how bizarre this is to experience on a day to day basis picture going into work every day attractions for me Jungle Cruise and watching people that have been working the same ride for 10 15 20 plus years put on the biggest smile because they legitimately enjoy what they do and never get bored that was URI man Jungle Cruise got old for me in a week or two but was an exciting experience for these people every single day for years admittedly I would get a bit giddy when some six year old girl would want her picture taken with me because I made her day with the fake jungle tour but enough was enough after about three to four months one time I whipped out my phone when no one was looking except the coworker dude next to me around my age 20 to 25 I thought the guy was cool but he proceeded to lecture me about how it ruins the experience for the guests if I break the show by doing that I was checking the time dude do you think these people seriously believe I'm a 1930s young Explorer I TWA s 9:00 a.m. no one was there yet all of the managers smiled so hard I swear their facial muscles needed some serious relaxation techniques every night one girl super hardcore Disney employee girl got written up for not smiling enough which was impossible in my eyes because this girl was smiling 24/7 and she held back her tears best she could until break when she was crying buckets in the break room until her shift resumed one more thing before this becomes a wall of text of doom those Disney tunnels you hear about Google if you don't know are nearly religious in their indoctrination attempts if you think churches are bad you have not spent one minute in a Disney tunnel my favorite story is when a woman was dressed to Snow White in the parks belligerently drunk and pretending to be the character by signing autographs and taking pictures with people she was escorted out by the PD and caused a huge scene and resisted arrest there's a photo hung up backstage in one of the parks of it people swaddling handles Avadh collect newborns and stowing them in the undercarriage of their strollers to smuggle them into Magic Kingdom I was in the middle of a brewing international feud between a group of Brazilians and a group of Argentinians you could tell by their tour company shirts standing in the middle of the crowd screaming back and forth and shoving each other I was just merchandise at the time so all I could do was keep innocent guests out of the way of the fight had another fight break out between two American families a fat woman in an electric scooter ran over a child's foot the child was shrieking bloody murder so loud that I heard it from over fifty feet away over the sound of the show going on atmosphere sounds and the regular din of guests the families were screaming obscenities at each other and one father was getting in the face of the other father and started to poke his chest and used wild hand motions that basically told everyone looking on that it was about to go down I've been shipped by a guest at a character meet-and-greet because they had to wait for 10 extra minutes I told her there was no way possible for me to expedite the line and the ten-minute gap was necessary the gap was mandatory for the level of heat we had and we were required by law to have the gap for safety reasons so she shoved me and told me to make it happen I've had a group of brazilian girls try to fight me because they were being rough with the characters and I demanded they stop these were characters that couldn't really defend themselves a guy rubbed his nipple and asked if he could strike a deal with me so his kids could meet a character after I had closed the line no means no even if you were rubbing your nipples working grad nights is the worst I myself went to grad night and thought I was a cool guy but now as an employee I see everything in a new light besides everyone illegally high drunk were on pills high schoolers are horny so I was working at one of the dance club areas I kid you not a couple was getting intimate on the dance floor genital out and all he was escorted out by security not too long after thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for more videos about Mickey Mouse and his friends click the right box for the theme park playlist let us know in the comments what your experience at disney world was like you
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 282,997
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Keywords: askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit best, reddit stories, reddit story, reddit top post, reddit stories 2019, reddit comments, reddit funny, askreddit funny, best of reddit, reddit creepy, radio tts theme park, reddit disney, reddit disneyland, reddit disneyland secrets, reddit disneyland creepy, disneyland empty reddit, disneyland, Disneyland workers, reddit theme parks, Disneyland Secrets, reddit theme park workers, reddit theme park employees, reddit theme park secrets
Id: XhvBfNMdPxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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