What is the Future of the Muslims? - Yusuf Estes

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something different in today's world that we didn't see at the time of rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam for that reason I put something a little different from what we know of the hood Buddha from the Rasul saw the light of a summer almost always you'll hear some of what I just said in Arabic in the German football almost always you'll hear at least yeah you'll Idina a minuite Allah haka to cut the heat while atomo tuner Allah 1/2 Muslim moon but the Imam will stop because that's the end of the ayah but then I continued was part of the next ayah well a test see move bihabli llahi Jimmy I well a lot of article so first I will give you the translation of this and I will tell you in sha Allah how this relates to our subject today Islam tomorrow the future of Muslims the ayah that you always hear has a meaning in English something like this o you who believe give Allah his rights by having taqwa for him which is to put a shield between you and Allah is punishment on the day of judgement so what we usually translate as pious or righteous but tough well actually is to put up a shield between you and the punishment of allah subhanho wa taala on your own kyouma on the day of judgment so it continues and it says and don't die allah accept as muslim as believers in islam and followers of the Prophet Muhammad SAW exelon this is the meaning behind being a real Muslim why did I add that and how does that apply to my subject today which is Islam tomorrow because the meaning of that next little bit is very very heavy and exactly what Allah tells you don't do I can promise you somebody's going to do it otherwise he wouldn't mention just as in the very beginning for the Jewish the Christians and certainly for the Muslims we know that our Father Adam was tested with one thing what was he tested with don't kill somebody well he was the first person so wasn't nobody to kill anyway don't steal anything how can he steal for anybody everything was all there for him that wasn't the problem about fornication the only woman created was his wife so there's no problem there it's one thing he had in front of him Jenna the lowest level of General Eden or Eden he could eat he could drink anything he wants from gentlemen except one thing don't eat the fruit from such-and-such tree when I was a Christian I heard this pondered by some of the priests and the preachers and pastors they talked about this subject what did it mean some of them said well it meant don't have sex which is really stupid because it was only two people that ever some said that it it indicated that they were naked which comes up later some said it was just symbolic some even said it wasn't really a tree at all it was just don't sin in general there are a lot of opinions about it maybe some of you have thought about this question why why because Adam and Eve ate from a tree how did that bring such big sin into the world Christians are really consumed with this idea about sinning in salvation because their salvation really hangs on a pretty thin thread admitted by their own Bible that if Jesus on the cross is not real they don't have a plan of salvation that's what it says Paul said it if Jesus on the cross didn't write and everything we're preaching is Fault well guess what to take another look at that Adam and Eve and in the best place they were created in the best place now there's on is there the devil is there we know that that's in their Bible the interesting part about it is in Islam it's clear that both Adam and Eve both of them they sinned they broke a covenant here by eating from the tree it's clear they both did it in Islam we know that they're equally responsible equally they made talbo equally they were forgiven simple story very simple and then Allah took them out of the paradise put them on the earth and that's pretty much how it went in the book of Genesis in the Bible it clearly states that the woman is cursed even today because of Eve what she did and it's her fault and blames her and the last time I was here we talked about the blame gun and exactly that's how it starts blaming other people for your mistakes she is blamed clearly not just by word but extension going on to say that not only is she cursed her monthly cycle is a curse on her having pains in childbirth is a pain a curse on her these paints all of this is a curse on her her and then her children are cursed because of her sins so suddenly the sin of Adam is carried forward on generation upon generation and then the only thing that's going to cure that up is slaughtering an animal and the blood of that animal is going to have to pay for eating the fruit although it gets pretty expensive if you stop and think about it and this continued on for so many generations that people were making money out of this we're talking about thousands millenniums were told in many years and when people wanted to slaughter it had to be such and such and so and so and by the way the priests were the only ones that happened to have exactly what you needed but it is going to cost you some money then you could be forgiven another thing that went along with that was if you brought the wrong kind of money it couldn't be used in the temple you have to change the money over here for this money and I don't know if some of you have had this experience I don't you probably never had to change any money in your life did you never had trade currency did you we do it all the time and we know when you trade you're going to lose part of your values true was no exception back then according to the New Testament it said Jesus growth these money changers out of the temple for doing what made them number one made them buy these animals that they had these are sacred animals these are pure animals yours aren't and you have to use this money that we have and we're not going to give you full value for it so we'll get you twice once when you change the money and then once when you buy the animal this will read the Bible's what it says for us we don't have this problem because there was no extension here Adam sinned yes Eve sinned yes both of them made tawba they repented to a law Allah I made the scene I'm sorry they cried about it they asked Allah forgive them and they never did it again so therefore they were forgiven symbol is that simple and it's illogical it doesn't mess up your mind it doesn't make you start thinking okay what kind of God is this he's mad because and then we have to I can't get it confusing aslam is very clear everything in Islam is straight you can understand it if you want to and how does this apply to our subject today I want you to look back one more time at this subject why is it that Allah said don't eat from the tree was it because Allah wanted that tree for something he was going to eat later no Allah doesn't eat food Allah has no needs of this creation so why did he tell him that why was that order there from the beginning why did Allah create a tree there they didn't want him to eat if it's paradise that's strange isn't it this is before we get into the subject of the devil tempting him and all the rest of it as a Muslim I don't think everybody here is ready to just tell me all in one voice because it's a test we know this life is a test again it's very easy to understand isn't it you're born and then you die and in between you do stuff what are you going to be asked about you won't be asked about being born because the law caused that to happen and you're not going to be asked about how you died unless you did it to yourself because the law is going to cause that to happen but what's in between is what you're going to be asked about true or false that's your test didn't it because if there's no test then you should just keep on living forever but you don't everybody dies khala allah subhanho wa taala Kulu nufs and Iook at the moon every single soul will taste death you can't get around it I can't get around it no matter how you try no matter how you plan ahead with health insurance no matter how many people you other doctors that can fixed up the brakes you're going to die and you're going to be seriously asked about every single thing that you did in this life so you can party now but the day of payment is going to show up and then what will you do this is why Muslims are so careful in some of the smallest details of their life because they know they're going to be asked about it it's easy for me to say this because I've seen so many Muslims in so many countries I will tell you the Muslims even today are still the most conscientious about their belief and about their religion even the ones with big mistakes I was told that in one country an Arab country that even when these Haram EES guys that steal stuff before they go out to steal they say cover culture Allah let's go but it doesn't mean it's good it just means this is how even subconsciously they're going to think before they do anything about all my Almighty God obviously I didn't think about it very deeper they wouldn't steal stuff the point is though on the tip of the tongue of the Muslim hangs the word Allah ask any Muslim anywhere anytime how's it going how you doing what's up how's the family what will be the automatic answer even if he has the worst problem or just had the best experience he's still going to start with these words and hamdulillah when I was a Christian we used to hear some people the born-again Christians say praise God praise God we used to hear that sometimes but from the Muslim he's saying all did all the praise all the worship is only for Allah many times a day maybe even in the thousands of times every single day Muslims are saying alhamdulillah alhamdulillah I'm happy hamdu lillah I'm not happy I'm the lights kill the same answer and this is a good sign now we come to why Yousef the Jew add the next part of that ayah in surah al-imran why did you do that 100 how does that work how do I relate to that when we come back we're going to talk about that so don't go away a it's Muhammad Allah with Allah - Islamic rule alone while Ali was a BH main al hamdulillah rabbi l-'alameen wada Geronimo's to me in the first football I was talking about very clear proof that this life is a test everything about this life is a test but Allah did not leave us Allah did not leave us without the curriculum without the material for us to study for this test he made it clearly available to us in number of forms first and foremost Allah gave you uncle everybody has octal your own brain your understanding he gave all of us the ability to think and the ability to think only came from Allah the knowledge that we have came from him yellamma ma baina aided him or myself of whom will live eternally level unto her I mixed two eyes together this is in surah Baqarah ayah number 255 from ayatul kursi yellamma ma baina 80 him or maka from allah he tuna be shake em men ill me ye illa bima sha allah tells us he has all the knowledge of everything in the universe you don't have any knowledge except it came from him plus or minus translation so if i understand this if i understand that all this knowledge has come from him I realize now that it's up to him to give me what I need to get through this test second thing that he gave us he gave us the ability to choose he gave you this ability to choose you can choose right or wrong and people will tell you there are many choices on a subject you know you could go in many directions but in reality there's really only One Direction a lot the absolute truth any other direction you take will be wrong so that's pretty simple too isn't it when guidance comes to you you will see one path which is clear you'll see the one you should take but there may be a lot of other paths but not any other one is going to be right just that one and that's the path called the sirat al-mustaqim go back and look Allah tells us and we say this many times every day yokka na'budu wa iyyaka nastaa'een it's you a law that we are worshipping and it's you a law that we ask for guidance Medina's the law to mustaqim guide us Idina us plural on the Sirat singular most uh key so there really is only one Sarat only one way there's all of us in one way anything else you choose it's not going to work so stop saying oh this guy is real nice he does a lot of good deeds he just doesn't believe in the law how come he can't go to paradise stop saying that Allah has made this very clear and he's given everybody the same chance the problem is that some people have rejected it they don't want it and if you try to tell them they're not going to accept it it's as simple as that none of us as Muslims are allowed to force Islam on anybody nor has it ever really been possible it's impossible and it's also not permitted about that first we look at the word Islam it contains within it a word in Arabic sincerity surrender submission obedience sincerity and P sincerity is there how do you convince anybody to be sincere by force can you do that put a gun to somebody's head and say you better be sincere oh yeah you betcha I'm being sincere ooh say whatever you want me to say better sooner you take the gun away you'll go back to whatever you did before the same with the sword they say slam spread by the sword how do you spread sincerity by a sword or any other weapon you can't it's not sincere sincere comes from the individual it is from their own heart and there is nothing you or I can do even Allah does not force them look at what he says in the next ayah in surah Baqarah agraja 15 he's telling you there is no forcing or compulsion in the Dean of a law and it continues by what means in the English that the way is clear the way is clear now for you look at it and whoever accepts the e men and the law they chose the right way but whoever continued in the false worship that target they're the losers this is real loose translation but you read it you'll see it and this is coming after ayatul kursi you have to put it together to understand clearly if you really want to that Allah is telling you who he is and who he isn't once you understand who he is and who he isn't the logical conclusion will be in front of you if you accept there's a creator and a sustainer then who created you should you say thank you and who sustains you every day should you say thank you and we're right back to our subject how do you say thank you to allah in arabic al hamdulillah al hamdulillah tourbillon I mean who will love you on the muslimeen now you're going to come back and say well wait a minute hum did ah thanks a lot for that but you still didn't tell us why you added that little bit in the first part of the juma when you said well I Tessie move be ugly lucky jenia hola to Farkle well now's the time look at the meaning of them after Allah put such a pressure on you by saying don't die except in Islam don't die except as a Muslim no matter what happens don't die unless you're on this straight path they live long homeowners alone and so it starts with wah pay attention it's starting with what means and so keep reading what this seam will be hug lilo here Jimmy out hold tight all of you to the rope of a law how Jimmy are together how together together together well uh cuff article and don't separate don't separate is this a danger to us today in this world have the Muslims separated have we separated from each other have we separated from our families have we separated from our brothers and sisters in Islam have we separated in our massage yet across the world today have we divided up into groups and how we come up with different belief systems even to the extent that some believe that about Allah but others believe about something else we have six pillars of faith in Islam that are mandated by Almighty God that without which if you have even one missing it's not Islam anymore the first is to believe in the law well my Lyle cut to hear what Cuba he wore is silly while the ELMO a sir will cut it to law it is to believe in the oneness of Allah in all that goes with that in this could take volumes to believe in the law is just a word but whenever you read the volumes you understand more a website we put up for this purpose has made a huge difference in the English language to the people of the West non-muslims when they saw it because in the search engines when you use the type God space Allah you would get attack after attack after attack and they're all still there today except one the number one answer comes back from our website rod along comm and on there you will find what it is we really believe and don't believe about the one home I to God and it answers the questions for Muslims Jews Christians Hindus Buddhists whoever wants to look and understand it's there hummed a lot of El Alamein the next thing we believe in the Angels okay you say believe in angels what do you believe about angels well number one you can't see them they're made from light along the way it's not mentioned in the belief system but when you go into details you find right away the belief in the jinn and they're made from a smokeless fire we believe in the books how do we believe in the books I am surprised how many Muslims send me emails asking me about the Bible because they want to study the Bible they said well we believe in it so we should learn it I said what what who is teaching to Islam there isn't anything left of the Bible on the planet what you're reading is translations of mistakes that people thought about a book that they're not even sure exists the names Matthew Mark Luke the first three synoptic Gospels these are made up hundred years after Jesus was gone the books were there with a letter on them but they want to make it more personal so they came up with these names that's a fact so how you going to go in here you're going to say well maybe this maybe that's something else and you don't even know the Quran yet you haven't even memorized the Quran and you're going to talk about somebody else's books and they're definitely not the books that we're believing in we're believing in the original books that came from Allah to those prophets for their time period best finish Hallows don't go there of course we believe in the last book do you want to know what the Bible said read the Quran Allah tells you what he revealed for the people before and it's in language you don't even have to think about it there that's what a lot said he said that he said this he said that you want to know there it is and you don't need to argue with these people about a book just exist tell them what you have not what they don't have let them figure it out remember it's their choice what's the next thing we believe in the messengers what do we believe about them now that much I'm sure you know we believe that all the messengers of the law were the highest of people of their times the best examples that there were for the community and at the same time they were not God none of our prophets were God or had gods inside of them or were so close to God that they were turning into light or anything else they were human beings like you and I they ate food they went to the bathroom they made normal mistakes just like you and I they just didn't make the big mistakes and we believed in the resurrection that you will be brought back in a full body a body you know flesh bones eyes nose mouth ears you'll have everything when you're brought back on the day of judgement and that same body is what's going to testify against you on a day judgment you know what he made me do and the body is going to tell it all the prosecuting attorney in your case in court on the day of judgment is you your body don't forget that then this one is the problem and the prophet saww sallam told us this was going to be the problem in the last days we find that's exactly true the cuddler of a law as he predicted it has happened Muslims argue about this subject maybe more than anything else even some so-called scholars so-called wannabe presenters of Islam have made big mistakes in this area the cuddler of a law I could give you a whole on this subject because comparing from the Greeks and Romans and what they said the Jews what they said Christians what they're saying today and then of course what islam teaches you be surprised a whole world of misbelief comes out of misunderstanding the cuddler of law everything with the law is already a done deal it is already written it will happen nothing you and i are going to do to change what a law wants to happen nothing now get one little thing in your head so you understand this if something was coming to you that was bad really bad but you made a daughter or you did some good deed then it would be diverted away from you we understand that how do we understand it we understand that Allah already knew all of that before it ever happened you didn't know in fact we don't know half of what's going around us but Allah knows all of it so all of it is known to Allah even that you were so bad that you almost went to hell i over below but then at the last minute you did those deeds of righteousness Allah saved you and you can say wow just because of this or that but I'll already knew it that's the clutter Allah knows simple sentence Allah knows and you don't these points are very critical because this is where Shaitaan comes to confuse the believers and it's one of the places that Muslims begin to divide up or actually they use it as an excuse to divide because they wanted to divide up anyway ego the nufs of the individual of the believer is his biggest problem yes or no the biggest enemy enemy of all the enemies that we have is who ourself Shaitaan is for sure the instigator and he'll do everything he can to help you make the wrong decision but the bottom line is you made the decision Shaitaan never forced anybody never you made the choice he made it attractive you bought it so we can't blame him or anybody else just ourselves the idea of the Muslims dividing up and this has happened this is already happening brothers and sisters listen carefully our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a real prophet of the real God with a real message is not bogus is not a joke it is clear how could any man stand in front of his congregation 1400 years ago and tell you exactly what would happen unless he was a true prophet especially when he tells you the negative things that you will do and we're doing it because if he was a real salesman trying to sell something he made up here will tell you go just get my religion it'll be easy Allah said in the Quran no it won't be easy when people come into Islam Allah said good the human beings think they'll be left alone on saying we believe and they won't be put into a great fitna just like the people before them were putting the great fitna by a law so that we will see who are the ones doing the truth and who are the liars and yet Allah already knows that - hmm so he didn't promised it was going to be easy and then it continues telling us in Islam and the last day exactly how we be a good sesemann we'll take a yarn but at the end it'll be so nice and rosy everybody will be you know having love for each other the lion will lay down with the lamb and it's going to be so easy do you see anything like that today huh no that's Christianity to promise me that no after he sadly Salam comes yes that's known but hasn't happened yet this our point about Islam tomorrow the future of Muslims today is understood here real clear with a hadith the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said as the yahoodi the Jews one nasara' the christians have divided barakah into 71 or 72 sects or groups you muslims you're going to divide into 73 the meaning from arabic idiom here isn't by numbers it's by meaning no matter how much the jews divide christians will divide more no matter how much the christians divide the muslims will divide more so don't worry about counting how many groups there are on the earth today some brothers are doing it oh is 72 70 hey wait a minute i got 82 how did that happen huh because that wasn't the meaning one brother came to me one time he said chest i think it's the last days i said why he said i counted seventy two groups i said which much did because that's al bhed we've become we have divided up like that exactly like our Prophet SAW salam said and then he said hulu all of them fin are all of these groups every single one of these groups is going to help you love what except for one the one that me and my companions are on to daily and what was the name of their group i want you to pay close attention to this because the name of that group is the name of the group that saved on the day of judgment and it doesn't rhyme with goofy or Guney and i think you know i'm talking about exactly it doesn't rhyme with any thing other than what muslim in quran allah said about these people they declare themselves to be on what room verily with a law the only way the way is the Dean Dean means wave is Islam in Edina in the Lockean Islam true or false an ascetic warming up dougies viral Islam Edina follow you belong in hula hula Philly our 30 min or Kasserine here Allah is telling you in the same chapter chapter 3 of the Quran verse 85 whoever wants a way other than what Allah prescribed for them Islam they will Allah will not accept it and they will be with the losers Allah is going to reject it how does this stack up take a look one more hadith or wrap it up with this I want you to think carefully the Prophet cellularity sallam told his companions 1400 years ago that in the last days the enemies of Islam would come to the Muslims and invite other people to come to the Muslims to attack in the same way that you invite people to come to eat hey come on over waiting hey come on over having a feast there you don't want to miss this got chicken man hail and you like go come on over Hey right do we see that today are the enemies of Islam joining together going in and invading Muslims yes or no and look at that time one believer could fight against 10/10 fought against a hundred a hundred fought against a thousand this was known again and again and again the Muslims had victory yet they were outnumbered so that was the natural reason why this AHA be asking is it because we're going to be so few in number color whistles a Salaam that nope it will be because what hubba duniya the love of this material world and the fear of death in fact in the same IDT told them that we're going to be scattered all over the world like scum on top of a flood we're going to be everywhere are Muslims everywhere today are we you can hardly find any place on the planet except somebody's the Muslim humbly lung in South America Islam is spreading very rapidly did you know that and there's a lot of so-called Muslims in those so-called Muslim countries today we know about that many of them didn't even come from Jumanji David but they still call themselves Muslims right and what's the condition of us today we love the material world so much and we're afraid to die has that happened because if you can ask yourself that honest question and give the honest answer you'll understand where the future of Islam is for us the Islam for tomorrow is up to us right now today and if you said yeah wait a minute but I'll already knows we know he knows we're not going to be asked on the day of judgment about what Allah knows we're going to be asked about what we intended to do is it important in Islam for us to share the message ask yourself that question do I need to know my religion ask yourself that question how would you know your religion the real religion of the real Islam and how will you share that with your own family your mother your brother your wife your children how will you share that message you need to know I need to know and we need to share it how will we do it carrier pigeons people used to use that at the time of Napoleon they used birds and they put a message on it and release it it would fly back home and when they got it they could open up the message you know what's going on out on the front where the war is going on pretty good deal huh takes a little while and if anybody's hungry along the way and shoot your bird down the message doesn't get there does it today we have communication in front of us like never before in the history of the world our problem is today exactly what the Prophet Solomon said we love this Junior so much and we're so afraid of death we don't even start to think how easy it would be for us to communicate this message most of our youth today use the Internet and they know what Facebook is and they use it but not for Islam most of our wives and our children know how to do text messaging probably most of us know how to use text messaging on our phone and we use it all the time but not to share Islam the internet text messaging television hamdulillah that we finally and I've been begging Muslims I'm 20 years old this this year and next month makes exactly 20 years in Islam and from day one I've been begging the Muslims please please get this message out to these people please tell these non-muslims please tell them in the English language what is the message of Islam because when they hear it they stop they stop everything they freeze they're like Punk what because it's the fitrah it is what they were born on to start with they left it you're calling them back to what they started with the belief that there is God you have to do what he wants you to do on his terms simple as that and it's only this year and my 20th year in Islam that allowed blessed us to give us another tool we got the satellite to broadcast this message all over the United States and Canada and what we're doing right now here today just in a few inshallah this will be shown all over the United States and Canada on guide us TV humble our Bellamy within two months allow gave us two more satellites we now have three satellites broadcast in twenty four hours a day nothing except Islam no commercials no subscription watch it free and already people are making Shahada and already and of course it did you already know that the enemies of Islam are watching it the politicians the military all these guys are watching the channel seeing what we're going to say next some are even concerned maybe we're going to start some big problem in United States I don't want to cause any problem in fact I want to help them solve problems and Islam is there for solutions the solution to every single problem lies within one of the most beautiful statements you or I could ever make it is the number-one statement of the universe this is the solution to every single problem la ilaha illa allah la ilaha illallah la ilaha illa llah and a statement that goes with it confirms it and shows you what to do about this statement Muhammad Rasul Allah and this will be the subject for another hood but another time but for now we're going to pray and we're going to ask almighty law to wake us up to cause us to be of those people who recognize the time we live in and to prepare for that last day to prepare for Eastside listen on when he comes to prepare ourselves against the fitna of the Dajjal one of the things prophets our salaam and all of his companions always talked about on the Juma football on the member was this fitna of the Dajjal and one of the signs of the last day is the khateeb won't do that anymore and we find hardly anybody mentions it we ask Allah way Casa Allah guide us Adeena sirat al-mustaqim guide us guide us guide us guide us guide the people guide the human beings guide all the people around this world to this beautiful teaching there is only one God and Muhammad is His Messenger army robbing our Tina after dunya has some popularity as it joaquina Dobbin are robbing allah tuzik Cubana but there is a day Donna what hub Donna Miller do karappa in ohonta allahumma inni de l'homme - enough said old man cut hearing well are you approve the novela hunt for 30 min 40 min in the Quran in a factor before Rahim allahumma salli ala muhammad Wael Ali Mohammed , select al Rahim while al Rahim in our family allahumma barik alaa muhammad wa ala ala muhammad hama baraka ibrahim ali brahim in a family in al hamdulillah rabbul aalameen who are lovely generous for me echo masala you
Channel: Digital Mimbar
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Id: KLO7Hf0l2ZU
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Length: 44min 32sec (2672 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 24 2012
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