A Simple guide on how to perform Ablution (Wudu)

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is one of the most beautiful acts of ibadah that we as muslims we perform every single day the prophet sallallahu alaihi told us that before we perform our salah we are required to be in a state of purification to be in a state of moreover allah tells us in the quran all you have believed if you stand for prayer then allah subhanahu ta'ala mentions the procedure in how we purify ourselves for salah so as wudu is an act of ibadah it's an act of worship we start with an intention a knee and the intention is not something that is verbal or it is said but the intention is as the they said it is that its placement is in the heart it was the practice of the prophet salallahu that makes their intention is to wash their hands and this is done simply by what have if you have a tap or if you have a bucket or whatever means you are drawing on using the water is to have the water you know run between your hands after your hands are clean then you pick up the water with your right hand and you are now going to wash and rinse your nose and your mouth the rinsing of the mouth in arabic is called mother and mother mother requires that you swish the water round and then you spit it out and then there is the action of inhaling the water ever so slightly and then blowing it out with your left hand after you've done that you are now going to wash your face as a loss of panasonic says you get the water in your hands and then you bring it up to your face ensuring that we know what the face is and this starts from where the hair would usually grow where it starts from down to the bottom of what you can see of the chin not underneath and then from one earlobe to the next after you have done your face you you're then going to then wash your hands up to and including your elbow so you wash your hands ensuring you take the water and you can allow the water to run down your hand and ensure that the water is all over your hand your upper arm including your elbow you do this with your right side and then you do the same for your left now with your head you're only required to wipe it and not wash it therefore when you take some water for your head you're not going to cup an amount of water rather to wet your hands under the tap or in whatever vessel you're taking from to have your hands wet and to start from the forelock here and to move your hands all the way to the back okay ensuring that the hands as much as you can cover the head and it is also the practice of the prophet sallam to then bring your hands back to the front if you did it from here just to the back that would be sufficient this is the wiping of the head after you have done that it was the practice of the prophet salallahu to use whatever water was remaining on the hands to then put your fingers and your thumb in the ear and not to take new water so the prophet sallallahu asallam would use his index finger and his thumb and the thumb would be used to wipe the back of the ear and the fingers would be used to wipe the insides of all the crevices after this you go to the final part of the wado and that is to wash one's feet and that is to ensure that water reaches all parts of the foot starting with the right the prophet saws also and it is recommended for you to ensure that the water is and it goes between the toes so if you use your finger and some of the ruler i mentioned you can use your small finger to go between your toes to ensure that water reaches between all the toes that the whole foot is then washed be careful not to waste water if you have a tap not to leave that tap on the fullest that the water is you know flowing away like this so be careful not to waste any water it was also the practice of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam to say allah make me from those who frequently repent and make me from those who are those who are purified as belarus he used to do that after performing he would perform two raqqa and this is something that many people forget and it is a well-known sunnah authenticated son of the prophet sallallahu alaihi sallam that after you perform although that you can perform two rakah after that it was also authenticated that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam recommended the use of the miswork at the time of so when a person is about to do the mob mother and that is the cleaning and rinsing of the mouth that once used the tooth stick to swish around in the mouth to ensure that their mouth in shallow tile is pure when a person is going to pray insha'allah it was also recommended that the prophet told us to use them as work just about we're about to pray as well inshallah tyler we ask allah to allow us to beautify our worship in order to be rewarded by allah foreign you
Channel: Digital Mimbar
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Keywords: islam, muslim, muslims, islamic, quran, koran, allah, muhammad, mohammed, mohamed, prophet, hadith, sunnah, shaykh, imam, lecture, khutbah, khutba, ramadan, bilal philips, sufi, salafi, hanafi, hijab, nasheed, nashid, almaghrib, dars, halaqa, bayan, convert, revert, shahada, dawah, da'wah, maher zain, sami yusuf, atheism, science, atheist, qur'an, recitation, surah, afasy, religion, religious, deen, madhhab, shia, sunni, Wudhu, how to make Wudhu, A Simple guide, Wudu, Ablution, Wasim Kempson, Green Lane Masjid
Id: 7ZzuodN_Sao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 8sec (368 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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