How To Predict Droppers

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[Music] on the 29th of april 2020 skeppies shocked the world by winning 2 grand from skeppy's extreme 100 corners event the event is a choose the right corner type game where random corners are eliminated by droppers it's a game of chance and this one would have been nothing out of the ordinary had it not been but only 10 days earlier skepies had won another one grand from the same event just 50 corners needless to say skeppy and his viewers were shocked look at it i did it is legit it is legit of course three two one [Applause] and while it was a bit suspicious they just wrote it off as very good luck until it happened again on june 25th two months later skeppy's got the top 50 in extreme 14 corners due to these absurd circumstances skeppy began live streaming the event to prove to himself and to others that it wasn't false scuppies continued to climb to the last 21 people where he actually chose the wrong corner and got eliminated but here's the crazy part skeppies had already gathered a reputation in the event community it had amassed a few followers throughout the ongoing event and when he got out him and his followers did and the total dropped from 21 players to seven players losing exactly 14 people the most iconic meme of skeppy's youtube channel whether this was purposeful or not is up for interpretation but while the odds were against it skeppy's winning twice in a row is really just good luck as droppers are completely unbiased and random or are they what if i told you in fact droppers are very predictable and predicting their behavior is quite easy if you aren't that knowledgeable on the subject like i was and still am it'd blow your mind so today i tend to teach you that as best i can the mechanics behind droppers and how to predict their so-called randomness so if you want to be able to easily do things like this and probably impress your friends too i recommend that you stick around to the end of the video to find out how but all that said i hope you enjoy just before i begin though i'd like to quickly thank matthew bolin neil and captain wutex these guys are the awesome geniuses behind what i show you today and without their incredible help i'd be completely stuck as to how this all works they really helped me through it and gave a ton of advice so thank you so much i'm very grateful if you're into this type of stuff or just want to help me show gratitude i highly recommend subscribing to their youtube channels which are all linked below but that said let's get into it throughout minecraft history since their introduction droppers have been the basis for randomizers in minecraft the most basic randomizer looks like this it involves two items of choice in the dropper one stackable and one non-stackable stackable items input a weaker pulse strength and unstackable ones allowing you to make this very clever system that gives a random output based on which item is chosen and since droppers are random the system is very good for a 50 50. or is it well no it isn't minecraft is a game it's coded and randomizers follow suit droppers don't produce true random numbers they're pseudorandom and they are picked somehow but how well before we get to that as well as how to predict it let's address some other not so random randomizers first something that i've seen a surprising amount of people talk about is spawn randomness when you get out of your minecraft bed or respawn anchor in the nether it sends you to a random location or so i've been told however this is actually false and there are certain spots with higher priority that dictate where you respawn with a respawn anchor for example you can think of its range as such from testing with the latest snapshot the earlier color in the rainbow has more priority so in this picture red wool has the highest priority of respawn if it's blocked then orange then yellow then so forth until right on top of the respawn anchor if all these spots are blocked you'll respawn back in the overworld you can also go downwards two blocks and the location is still prioritized as shown before similarly with a bed you also have a spiral motion of spotting priority where red is the first place the bed tries to spawn you followed by orange then yellow another thing commonly referenced as random is chorus fruit coarse fruit have an eight by eight by eight range of teleportation and are quote random with their picking a bit skeptical i decided to test it out i made a void world with a grid and whenever i landed on a block eating from the center i would increase its color by one further in the rainbow and then switch to wool after running the experiment 64 times here are the results as you can see the distribution is relatively uniform with the maximum number of times the spot was landed on it being 5 of 64 which is quite a bit but does indeed prove that this is most likely random most likely because chances are if you go into the game code chorus fruits rely on the same pseudorandom generators that droppers rely on thus also making them somewhat predictable another quote random thing is minecraft's world generation world generation is a subject that i'm not very qualified to speak of but again it's outside of my code and the placement of structures loot and everything is some extent predictable different parts of the seed have different impacts on your world the most unique random generation is that of terrain which is formed using purlin noise purlin noise is a very cool subject and it's type of smooth random number generation while looking at a graph of random numbers you know this jagged uneven random pattern however take a look at purlin noise and it's far more natural while still being unpredictable that's not to say it's impossible to guess what's coming up but this algorithm is certainly one of the most random parts in all of minecraft the final randomizer i want to touch on is a chicken randomizer a chicken randomizer involves a chicken and two pressure plates the chicken i decide when to walk and when it's put just pressure plates a new output is formed regretfully well it's randomizer may be very good depending on chicken ai it actually sucks because it's too random this randomizer doesn't give the user a choice when it switches it kind just does its own thing if you want to give you a random value it can't on command the chicken ai decides when to move and where so again for our purposes it's too random as you can't query it but now let's return to droppers i'm about to go a bit deep into code so before i do let me show you just how cool this code is as an incentive to stay what is widely considered as the base of minecraft randomization is actually very predictable watch let me create a whole new world place a dropper and fill it with different random wool i predict that the order the world will come out is as follows yellow black yellow purple light blue how cool is that we have just successfully cracked minecraft droppers allowing us to predict the seemingly unpredictable but how can you do this yourself and why can use in the first place if you just want to see how you can do this and don't really care why you can do this skip to the time on screen however if you're interested in what's all possible then do stick around i promise like a tutorial soon this stuff is just really cool and i think it'll be a waste not to show it to you but that out of the way let's crack randomness the majority of minecraft's randomness is built around something called a linear congruential generator or an lcg and lcg is the thing that is used to get what appears to be a random number and understanding how it generates is the key to predicting it let's say you had a very basic equation y equals x plus five we all know what's going on here let's change it a little to x equals x plus five if you've ever taken third grade math you notice it is impossible because subtracting x from both sides gets zero equals five which as far as i know isn't true however this statement is perfectly valid in coding you see the reason minecraft's a random number generation looks so random in the first place is because they keep updating their formula you can think about it as x n plus one equals x n plus five when you first load up a world minecraft picks a seed for your lcg let's say for example it was just one and our lcg was x equals x plus five now this isn't actually a valid lcg because they do have a strict format but it will serve our purposes in this case x is our seed we can plug in one for x on the right side and our first random number is six one plus five now what minecraft does is that seed becomes the new x so when next time you want a random number instead of using one minecraft will use six so our next random number will be six plus five or eleven and the next time minecraft is a random value it will use eleven and our new random number will be eleven plus five or sixteen really good random number generators will use tons of different things like the weather or time of day or anything they can to make your seed values as unpredictable as possible but for better and for worse minecraft doesn't bother the equation for the minecraft lcg is this mess we have our seed we multiply by this massive number add 11 and then take mod 2 to the 48 to get the next seed if you don't know what that is that's okay you don't have to know you should know the smart people do and they've done the hard part for us an example of numbers taken from this lcg if you begin with this number our next one would be this one and then this one and so on and so forth to the everyday player these do look like randomly generated numbers however they aren't and we know how they're actually made to massively oversimplify it if we know the seed for our droppers lcg we can find the random numbers that will be generated with it and then look at minecraft's code to find which dropper slots those random numbers correspond with but all of that said how can you do this yourself well again since all the awesome smart people already did the work for us all we have to do is download a few files and trust me it's super duper easy from there so let's do that the first things to download are and droppercracker.jar just follow the first link in the description and you can click both of them to download for convenience you can drag them into your desktop afterwards but you don't have to if you don't want to now right click the zip file and select extract here if you don't have this option you may have to download winrar but i doubt it you can then delete the compressed folder the next step is to download an ide i recommend intellij and to download it just click the second link in the description and then down the community edition you can also drag us to your desktop if you want now that we have these three things it's time to install intellij simply double click or run the exe file and then complete the setup i already have it installed so i won't finish it but you should next open up intellij and hit new project select java in the top left and java version 1.8 hit next next give it a title if you want and finish after that open the drop down go to source and then make sure to make a new java type class and give it a meaningful name after that head to the final link which take you to a pastebin copy can paste a small chunk of code to intellij and change the second line to whatever you decided to call your class minimize the window for now but do keep it open next go to percent updated percent which on windows can be found by going to the search bar and typing that in and on a mac i don't know you have to look it up open up dot minecraft saves and then drag in your dropper not the jar file into your saves the next step is to boot up minecraft and look for the world in your world list it should just be called dropper cracker load it up and then hit the birch button in the bottom right you should see all the lights flash and then randomly turn on wait for around 30 seconds maximum and then run the jar file once you're on it this small window should show up and carefully click check for all the boxes that have lights on as they correspond with the grid in the world once you've done this hit crack it should take a second but then you should be given a number as this is your dropper seed click copy and open up your intellij project where it says your seed here paste in the seed and be sure to keep the l at the end or it won't work finally adjust the number right here to check how far to the feature you want to go will go six future calls in now your code is completed and just hit the small triangle next to the second line it should take a second and then open up a little panel at the bottom the numbers appearing in order from top to bottom represent the slots which the dispenser will be firing from you can then open up a whole new world or use that one and it will still be consistent throughout all of your worlds it will only break when you close minecraft and that's when you have to do the box checking thing again if you want to look further into the future just make the number larger from before now in theory there are more things you can do with this and i just the droppers don't have to be full currently do keep in mind if the dropper isn't full it will have some strange side effects and if you're fluent enough in code you can account for them but i won't get into it this wraps up the tutorial though and i did hope it works for you now all of this considered do i think skippy used this to cheat in the skippy corners event while in theory yes it would be possible i think it's extremely unlikely as they would have another dropper seed as well as what items are in what slots of the droppers so i do think he just legitimately got lucky and i too consider myself lucky if you have made to the end of this video i sincerely hope you did enjoy but that's all i have for today thank you so so much for watching and as always peace out have a good [Music] you
Channel: Wifies
Views: 421,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wifies, mumbo jumbo, amazon mumbo, amazon grian, dream, skeppy, grian, georgenotfound, george not found, sapnap, how to predict droppers, 7731451767421, droppers minecraft, minecraft dropper, dropper, how to guess dropper, dropper cracker, Are droppers random, are droppers actually random
Id: Vip25Tet4tA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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