How To Find Diamonds FAST AND EASY! | The Minecraft Guide - Tutorial Lets Play (Ep. 4)

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[Music] hey hey there wattlers how you doing it's me your boy lilgamer here welcome back to the minecraft guide episode number four i need to start today's video off with a big thank you the support for the series it's been amazing the reception is warm and it's getting me even more hyped for this world than it was before making this end uh yeah i was already like crazy crazy hype so thank you all so much also by the way i need you to do me a big favor go down below this video like you've been doing so far and hit that like button in fact no this time don't hit it kick that like button that's probably a little harder er what was that oh yeah that's right nothing anyways i love this world welcome back to the minecraft guide episode number four so not to brag or anything but we're doing well so well that i've actually added another chest to our lineup here yes it is a little embarrassing that this lineup is still outside under the sky but it's okay we love nature we'll fix it soon inside of this chest is whiteboard ores all of the ores that we found in the last episode i did smelt up everything that we had including this trash right here but there's a gaping hole in this chest it is bad uh right here or right here uh probably there should be shiny blue things things that are a lot better than this other blue stuff right here and way better than this absolute garbage over here diamonds we're missing diamonds last episode we found none of those this episode we're finding at least 10 of those things mark my words also i'm a little bit of a liar i said i was going to end the last episode looking good and then i forgot to do that i got overwhelmed completely forgot today we're going to start off by looking good we're going to make a full set of iron armor right here and suit up now armor in minecraft is kind of interesting iron armor isn't the worst year of armor but it's probably your first year of armor you see in minecraft leather armor exists but leather armor is kind of just garbage honestly that's the easiest way to put it and you see what's interesting about leather armor it costs 24 leather to make just like iron armor but leather but the thing is uh 24 leather not exactly easy to come across unless you're slaughtering all of the cows in your world and if you do have 24 leather you'd probably be better off saving it and using it for bookcases instead of leather armor so iron armor is probably going to be the first armor that you get once you put it on uh take a look at this right above my health brand new bar that bar is my armor bar the armor bar is a visual representation of how much armor protection you have so take a look at this iron helmet plus two armor unsurprisingly in minecraft every piece of armor adds a little bit of armor protection now iron armor is actually the third best armor in the game at least as of right now diamond armor is better than iron armor and netherride armor it's better than diamond of course you already know your boy wants another right but first we need diamonds today we're going to talk the easiest way to find diamonds in minecraft so diamonds that's probably the best spot to start today we're finding at least 10 of those boys hopefully a little bit more but 10 would be good if we find 10 we'll have enough diamonds for a pickaxe a sword and an enchantment table the three essential must-have first diamond things uh that kind of sounded weird but yeah we want to dive in piggy axe and a diamond sword and an enchantment table now diamonds are interesting because they are the best ore in all of the overworld but they're actually not the rarest store the rare store is actually the emerald now crazily enough we found three emeralds in the last episode which i mean i feel like personally is a pretty good sign for this episode three emeralds that's kind of crazy and we weren't even like looking for them like that's some crazy luck so today hopefully 10 diamonds easy off the books in fact it's actually already done now uh finding diamonds finding diamonds can be a little bit tricky in the last episode we were caving we were also mining it means pretty much the same thing but you see today elites it's all different we're gonna switch it up in this episode we'll be mining but we won't be caving instead we'll be branch mining now what is branch mining well branch mining is one of the most exciting things in all of minecraft believe it or not a picture this you're under the ground like we are right now but you're not at y41 you're all the way down at y11 y11 is the best spot more on that in a minute you're all the way down at y11 and you're digging uh not like up or down or anything cool like just digging like digging a long two block tall hallway that goes on forever and ever and ever until you decide to turn probably right or maybe left and then you just go all the way back uh yeah that's branch mining basically long tunnels looking for ores branch mining honestly isn't very exciting but it's amazing for finding minecraft ores you see most of minecraft's ores or really honestly all of them have one big thing in common you can actually find them all generating down low in your world so if you head down low you could find a little bit of everything maybe some iron maybe some coal you know basically everything that we're looking for now uh real quick uh we're gonna switch things up a little bit because i hear some zombies i wonder oh ooh okay all right i didn't expect this this is really cool this is a mine shaft i have a feeling this is probably gonna be the mine shaft that we found in the last episode but wow a mine shaft either way that's really really cool we have rails in here i didn't think i yeah i didn't get any last episode okay okay so we're gonna actually have to take a little bit of a detour here just a tiny one and actually light just a little bit of this up honestly oh a skeleton okay well you know what you know what you know what i'm a new person you can get out of here buddy get out of here exactly iron armor you can't stop me skeleton uh anyways we're gonna go ahead and light up just a tiny bit of this mine shaft make it safe and then continue moving down to y11 we should be yeah we're pretty close now but we're not there quite yet i heard that where's the creeper um okay okay nevermind uh false alarm oh some lapis don't mind if i do we're gonna need that suit and gold too you know we actually surprisingly might need some of this trash soon i don't like to say it but we actually might so i'm gonna go ahead and grab the gold two thank you gold but also on thank you because you're gold gold is garbage ah gold ruins my day every day always anyways i've got a little bit of the mine shaft lit up there are more ores around here but why 11 that is my goal so we're gonna move all the way down there now if anybody tells you to branch mine or strip mine as it's also called sometimes on anything other than y11 like y10 y12 they're lying to you they straight up just don't want you to find diamonds they are being a terror hey uh more mineshaft i'm assuming very interesting uh but yeah they're straight up lying to you they don't want you to find diamonds they're like trying to keep them for themselves or something rude like that i don't know uh yeah don't branch mine on anything other than why 11. scientifically not proven not prove it at all but y11 is my lucky spot so i recommend that you go to y eleven two goodbye creeper okay this is creeper cave all right all right there's like okay there's at least three more creepers that is cool that is cool we love to see we actually hate to see it please go away uh did that take out uh i think that took out two of those boys big brain move we use the creeper to get rid of the other creepers but there's even more creepers there's one there and there's one over there and there's a skeleton too hey maybe big maybe we can get that skeleton to shoot okay yep that's not gonna work i was gonna say this skeleton to shoot the creeper that would have been cool no matter how you put it sooner or later we're gonna have to move into this cave so why i mean we might as well just go now our health is doing good oh baby zombie baby zombie not so quick oh another one another one now lava okay uh mine shaft up there insanely dangerous probably should eat a little bit more lava over there and more creepers i told you this is creeper cave this is not cool creepers enough with it enough with it i get it okay you know what yep thank you thanks thanks that's perfect i planned on that to happen i definitely did 100 uh okay so we have the water bucket definitely gonna want to get rid of this lava make it a little bit safer and i guess light this up then we're going to branch mine i said we're not caving today and okay there's more what is that what is going on in this cave what is this this is not funny anymore yeah just go away whatever and there's more lava okay all right now when you're digging down to y11 you have a couple different options but i highly recommend just making a staircase a simple staircase for now will do we might come back and make this areas a little bit better but we definitely have to go back up the staircase right now and make sure it's all bright and also grab some wool for a bet when you're branch mining i definitely recommend setting up a little bit of a like a starting base a starting camp right at the entrance of your mind the starting base or starting camp should have a couple things thing number one a bed beds are great to have really anywhere including down in a branch mine you're gonna be under the ground so you'll be safe at night time but let's say you want to go back up and it's night time well you can flip it over to daytime with a bed down there you're also gonna want to have a crafting table down there another good thing to have probably a furnace you're gonna find ores down there and if you wanted to you could smell those horse up right away you could go with a blast furnace if you were really on top of things finally you're gonna want to have a chest you're gonna find a lot of random things down there probably a lot of cobblestone which for us that's really good news i actually love the idea of finding more cobblestone you see i want to do a build very soon and for a build we need building blocks coincidentally cobblestone great building block so anyways finally we've made it down to y11 once you've made it down to y11 i recommend clearing out a little room now this room could be however big you want it to be you can make it like literally tiny or you could make it a little bit bigger we're gonna go with a small room but not like the tiniest room in the world this room is going to be our base camp room now this is entirely optional if you're really wanting to find diamonds right away then just go for it don't worry about setting up some kind of room that's definitely not necessary but we are probably going to use this mine for a little while so i want to make it at least a little bit nicer uh now this whole cave system stuff over here kind of a problem i'm terrified of it it wasn't exactly the most welcoming cave in the world so we're gonna probably block it off somehow maybe with just like a bunch of cobblestone or even maybe some fences fences might be a good call but there we go a small room right at the entrance and it's pretty messy in here uh honestly because of the whole caves or something so you know what let's actually switch things up let's dig this way instead no way no way no way no way why 11 you see what i mean no way we have diamonds we have diamonds this is not a joke elites we have diamonds right here y11 right off the bat you see this is how you find diamonds the easy way if i didn't ever find that cave system if i didn't ever get sidetracked with going back up and lighting up my dark staircase if i didn't get sidetracked with making this room we would have found diamonds right away this is beautiful but well you know what's not beautiful the lava always once you found diamonds clear the area make sure there are no mobs nearby like creepers that could ruin you or uh even worse lava lava will take the diamonds straight up right away don't let the diamonds fall into lava ever wow this is crazy this looks like we're gonna have a solid block of four diamonds or like a like a two by two so like eight diamonds total wow this is crazy that's like most of the diamonds that we needed right off the bat no way wow this is beautiful i need to get a picture of these okay yeah not gonna lie this is the luckiest i've ever gotten with diamond binding wow this seat is literally probably like all sevens the start it was lucky the follow-up it was pretty lucky too and now right now we're lucky this is crazy i feel like we should probably go to the nether like asap and start finding netherright because i'm sure it's going to be like crazy easy like this is amazing anyways i want to make my main hallway going this way so i'm going to move my chest and my crafting table and diamonds those are amazing now once you find diamonds if you wanted you could go back up to the surface and put them somewhere safe or you can put them in your safe chest this chest it's not exactly safe right now so i need to really quick light up this cave i need to finish it off and then we're going to start mining i didn't even talk about how to do it yet we already found the diamonds this is crazy something terrible just happened i lost my iron pickaxe now that the iron pickaxe isn't the first pickaxe of the world obviously i mean we we started with the wood pickaxe of course but it was the first iron big axe in the world my day has been ruined forget about the diamonds the day just got it got a lot worse i can't believe i let that happen i told myself i wasn't gonna let that iron pickaxe break i was gonna have it forever and i didn't have it for very long um i guess it wasn't that special after all anyways bad news aside here's the mine entrance that i came up with it's pretty small but i feel like it has this really nice cave vibe i like it now in all honesty uh we didn't need to do this at all we probably won't be here for very long now branch mining this right here is branch mining when you dig a hallway like this that goes really really far and hopefully along that hallway you find good ores like diamonds maybe you find some redstone maybe you find some iron maybe lap is hopefully not gold but yeah good ores doing this is honestly pretty self-explanatory why 11 start digging a long hallway two blocks tall so you can actually move through the hallway just look around for oars and as you go make sure you light it up now technically you don't have to light it up but if you don't light it up and you make this hallway really really long eventually mobs are going to start spawning in this hallway and that's going to be a headache especially if you're going to make a mob farm on the ground near this area in the future now in all honesty we probably won't do that here we're going to definitely do that in this world but it would be done over at our main base this is just sort of our starter base so technically i guess we don't have to worry about lighting the whole way up but i don't want mobs in it it's just kind of a headache if we were to find like a bunch of diamonds and then have to fight our way out yeah it's just not worth it and that's not the point of this the point of this is safe mining and easy mining now we've already found eight diamonds we only need to find a couple more which i think is pretty achievable and where are we we found another cave system they're like caves all over this area this is interesting because this cave looks to be an underwater cave you know what i think we've hit the ocean elites i think we're in a water cave at least partially yeah i hear a drown we definitely have hit the ocean now that's interesting we're definitely going to switch things up a little bit and not be in the ocean but look at this a water cave maybe i could get crazy lucky and find diamonds here but actually probably not because we're not gonna go into it today the armor is just not good enough here's another totally optional thing that you can do to your branch mine while branch mining if you wanted to you could make your main hallways so this hallway right here and then it's actually going to turn because of the ocean into a three by three block wide hallway now why would you do this well really in all honesty there's no reason other than aesthetics you see when i'm setting up a branch mine it's usually a mine that i'm going to use for a long time there's really no point in setting up more than one branch mine in your world unless of course your first branch mine got really big like crazy expansive you kind of ran out of room and you need more room to mine then maybe you'd set up another branch mine but honestly it would take like forever to get to that point and at least how i see it if it's something that you're gonna be using a lot something like a branch mine you might as well spend a little bit more time and make it look good now actually it looks like we found another cave system up here this is kind of crazy at this point yep another cave definitely gonna have to light that up and would you look at that we're actually right underneath that mine shaft i feel like the game is telling me to look into the mine shaft at this point but no not today big brain gravel or sand tip right here place torches on the ground break the block underneath the gravel and boom the gravel falls onto the torch and turns into block form because blocks can't sit on the same block as other blocks and a torch it counts as a block so at least here's the move this is gonna be our main hallway right here but it's gonna turn because of the ocean so the main hallway is gonna go down this way we're gonna branch mine for a while until we find at least two more diamonds but honestly with that luck i'm hoping to actually double what we have 16 diamonds if we found 16 diamonds that would be crazy before we get too far into the branch mining let's talk supplies when branch mining you're going to want to bring a few things with you first off pickaxes if you're branch mining for a long time you're probably going to end up going through a lot of pickaxes and bonus points if your pickaxe has on breaking and efficiency and then either fortune and so touch if you're crazy lucky maybe you have mending as well enchantments are always a good thing to have but unfortunately we don't have those quite yet if you don't have a good enchanted pickaxe you're gonna need to have just a lot of pickaxes uh it happened again we hit another water cave this is not good this is not the plan at all um we're gonna probably have to make a tunnel going a different way that's just too much water to remove having a lot of food is also always a good idea but that's not the only thing that you should have a lot of you should also have a lot of wood when branch mining just like with caving like we talked about in the last episode if you're stocked up on wood you're stocked up on pretty much everything else we hit another lava pit when you find these lava pits i always highly recommend dumping lava buckets across them all and mining near them oh wow okay all right well this is a good day this is a great day this is crazy those are the diamonds that we needed right there wow that's amazing now i actually got a chance to see kind of under that block before i dumped the the water in here and i know that there's more lava under that black so what we're gonna do is this right here boom goodbye lava hello obsidian now we're gonna start carefully taking these diamonds and i also hear a slime in the background that's crazy uh okay i'm not gonna complain five more diamonds that's amazing nicely done minecraft world nicely done yeah we definitely need to go look for netherride soon this is crazy this is mind-blowing honestly 13 diamonds already okay and honestly you know what the crazy part about all this is uh we have like barely branched mind like at all i've just been setting up my main hallway and talking about random things which is crazy now let's talk tactics real quick you see branch mining is a pretty simple thing easy to comprehend but there is a little bit of a strategy involved with it when digging your hallways you're going to want to place these hallways a little bit uh strategically with some thought you see you could make your hallways like one block apart like i could put one right here and then i could put one right here but that would be a waste of time because you see in this hallway we can see this block if i were to put my next hallway on the other side of the block i'm still going to be able to see that block but on the other side the other side isn't going to be diamonds meaning from this side it's a stone block from this other side it is still a stone block to save yourself some time and definitely some pickaxes you're going to want to space your hallways out when i branch mine i like to space my always two blocks apart but some people like to go three blocks apart so right here we have three blocks then our next hallway would go right in here i like to do two blocks so i miss absolutely nothing but some people argue three blocks apart to cover more ground you see when a chunk of diamond generates it's very very rare that it will just be one single block and if we had one single block of diamond in the middle of these two hallways it's one block of diamonds we're probably not gonna miss it think back to that first diamond chunk that we found are honestly the second diamond chunk both of those chunks were at least two blocks wide if our hallways were spaced three blocks apart we still would have definitely seen those diamond chunks if our hallways were going through those diamond chunks so i completely understand the argument there the reasoning uh makes a lot of sense but i still like to make my hallways two blocks apart just so i know that i'm not missing a single thing at all so to sum up everything that i just said real quick dig down to y11 at y11 start making a hallway go back and make that hallway a little bit bigger three by three if you'd like that's what i like to do that'll be my main hallway at the front or the entrance of that hallway i like to set up a little bit of an entry room in that entry room i put a chest a furnace a crafting table and a bed then i go down that main hallway and start digging hallways off of that main hallway the other hallways are still all at y11 y11 is definitely the move as i've proven today the hallways that i dig off of that main hallway are two blocks apart but you could go three but i like to go two two is the way and we have officially looped back into the other cave system again where we started this thing is crazy now honestly we haven't gone that far but i hear a slime i need to find that slime you see slime are kind of crazy they're not very common in a minecraft world we have a slime oh no way that room right there that room is a slime chunk okay okay wow this is crazy we need to get over there like right now and take that slime out slime are pretty rare this is crazy wow and i think this is a is it a bit oh it's a big slime too which means the most slime possible now you want to be careful with the big slime because they are big and the big slime they kind of pack a punch but the little slime not a problem at all that actually can't hurt you they're too small to hurt you but i still don't want them to be alive i'm sorry slime i would rather have those slime balls 13 diamonds eight slime balls so far that is honestly pretty crazy that is like the best branch mining that i've done in a long time but now no more distractions we are officially on to the tunnel digging my plan here keep digging tunnels until i hit at least one chunk of diamonds after that i have no clue it just really depends on how long it takes sometimes it can take a long time to find diamonds other times you'll get crazy lucky and find diamonds right away it's really a toss-up when branch mining i do highly recommend that you take out every single piece of ore you find a chunk of coal take out all of the coal you find iron take the iron you even find gold well take the gold when mining out blocks other blocks are exposed down here so low in the world those other blocks could definitely end up being diamonds maybe i'll get like crazy lucky and that'll actually happen that would be like perfect but yeah always mine out every single ore that you find down here it's just a good call and in case i haven't said yet diamonds generate between y1 and y15 in your world if you do end up branch mining above y15 just straight up you're wasting time unless you have some oddly specific reason for branch mining above y15 always below y15 and hey would you take a look at that emeralds which means we're in a mountains biome again another thing that i like to do sometimes when branch mining is dig out all of the diggable things so a diggable thing something like gravel or dirt shovels are really cheap and dirt is really easy to remove if you're lucky when you take out the dirt you'll find [Music] diamonds and so here we are more diamonds this is a beautiful sight and how did i find those diamonds well easy i was digging out dirt what did i tell you about digging out dirt in these branch mines look at this so i was thinking that probably maybe i'm going to want to level some ground when i'm setting up my starter house probably next episode so i decided that yeah every single big chunk of dirt that i find needs to be dug out i was digging this one out and boom count them one two diamonds now honestly two diamonds is kind of laughable that's not like the most diamonds at all but i mean that's pretty good and i think that's actually where i'm gonna call it today i've been branch mining for quite some time we have even more things here another entire stack of iron ore yeah things have been going pretty well branch mining is both easy and safe it's also the most reliable way to find diamonds if you're branch mining at y11 okay in seriousness you don't have to do it at y11 but y11 is definitely my move it worked out pretty well for us today so final count here's what we have a bunch of random blocks inside of this chest including a good amount of dirt and a good amount of gravel pretty excited about that and then over here all of these doors and actually we need to turn all of this redstone into blocks so we get our final count boom right there look at how much more iron i found this is crazy and a total of 15 diamonds too you know i'm pretty happy about this one today this one way better than i ever thought it would one final big brain move that i have for you when setting up a branch mine that you're gonna use for a long time make the staircase up and down uh something better than just jumping on blocks like make actual stairs or maybe make like a bubble column or something like that because you'll end up wasting a lot of hunger and with that food by jumping up and down these blocks all the time in between episodes i'm going to do exactly what i did last time i'm going to try and smelt up all of the smeltable oars in my blast furnace over here everything else belongs in this chest including those precious precious diamonds and solace that's gonna do it for guide episode number four if you're looking for diamonds the best way to do it is branch mining until next time oh wait there's more we have comment of the day today's comment of the day is from my guy akoto kuzumoto the question how much planning goes into your builds and how much of it is just as spontaneous this would look good feeling so honestly it's i would say about a 60 40 mix i'd say about 60 percent of it is a vision that i've had before i start the build you see usually i try and plan something out either in a creative world or in my head but of course while actually doing the build other things come to mind those other things make up that other 40 of the time usually those random spontaneous things are smaller details on a build though building is one of my favorite things to do in minecraft when i come up with a random idea that i wasn't thinking of putting into a build or adding on to a build and then i put it in and it looks good it's an amazing feeling and speaking of builds we are missing one big one next episode i think it's finally time to take care of it today i'd like to send a big shout out to my patron brown banana13 thank you so much for the support and also big shout out to my boy nutty for these brand new pop-ups you know these things right here the pop-ups they're super clean i'm gonna go ahead and link nutty's twitter down in the description below if you haven't yet slide down below this video and kick that like button also subscribe turn the notification bell on so you never miss an upload until next time elites stay cool it's been me your boy waddles good bye everyone [Music] you
Channel: wattles
Views: 1,093,459
Rating: 4.9332719 out of 5
Keywords: how to find diamonds, easiest way to find diamonds, minecraft diamonds, minecraft guide, minecraft 1.16.2 lets play, minecraft branch mining, minecraft best diamond level, minecraft diamonds easy, diamond easy, minecraft survival tips, survival lets play
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 51sec (1611 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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