What Is SHR And What Is The Difference Between Synology Hybrid RAID And Ordinary RAID

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hey guys welcome back today I want to talk about Sh arsalan to your hybrid right and what is the difference between that and normal raid so let's get started so tonight's your hybrid right or just sh r has actually been around for a while I think it's been more than two years since you first adopted it on the announce platform and it's pretty much available on all of their newest devices even the ones that use pretty crappy CPUs like a few armv7 in the ds2 and 6j and stuff like that in the long and short of it sh r or salami hybrid rate is their own proprietary version of what you know is largely regarded as right technology now right central redundant array of independent disks or if you're old old-school redundant array of inexpensive disks now raid was originally created because a lot of hard drives were very small indeed and large hard drives cost a great deal more money so what they did is they would combine the array and the available storage on multiple drives to create one super volume and this worked a little bit more cost effective and often improved performance on top of that one of the other major benefits of rating if you've move away from that single rate single drive architecture what you can do is if you've got data across a bunch of drives what rate can do is save you from hardware failure and inevitably the loss of your data so if you're if the data you're putting on your hands is incredibly important mission-critical almost you know irreplaceably valuable and by that I don't just mean it's got pictures of diamonds but I mean it's pretty silly and kids that you can't replace no insurance is gonna pay out for that now what a raid does is if you've got say two hard drives and it will enable you to have copies duplicate or something called redundancy of your storage so for example in a tube a device a common rate will be raid one that's two drives to cloning one another so you have to exactly you have two drives with a copy of one another so if one of your drives dies you know this hardware can do or you'll do your data is safe but RAID one is so basic and there are other raid levels that have grown from the simplistic systems of raid 0 raid 1 and by the way raid 0 just combines all of it into one giant drive what SHR does is SHR give you the same ability to standard right with a few little bonuses so before we really talk about those bonuses how about we talk about what is the most common trade level for those bigger boxes and that would be raid 5 raid 6 raid 5 raid 6 are kind of the go-to particular thing like enterprise level circles but now more home users buying for bonuses that raid 5 and rate 6 has become increasingly popular what it is is so you've got four drives a four by device that did it now in a raid 5 environment what happens is every time data is written to the drive just imagine it it's a sweep of data being written data is written across those first three drives there's one joint drive you'll see and data is written across the first three drives and on the last drive it doesn't write that data what it does is put something called parity parity is kind of like a blueprint of the data that's been written on the other drives in this wife so you have three drives with actual live data and the last one with a little blueprint of the data that's on those three so far when the next wave of write of writing the data comes along same thing happens but this time the parity skips to a new drive and the date your is written on the other three this continues with every wave of data and each time the parity jumps to the next drive along the result is that if one of your drives fail say dr4 fails they're not only if you got data still on those first three drives but the system can rebuild the data that was lost on that fourth drive utilizing the parity on the remaining drives and the result is your data is protected and that is a raid 5 in essence a raid 6 does exactly the same thing but with two drives of parity now what is the difference between that and SHR well actually precious little and an SHR and SHR to raid 5 and Rea ticks respectively the data is real are still written in that same one but because of serologies proprietary rate system you have two major advantages compared to a traditional rate in this environment a advantage one you can remove these drives and introduce them to a new sonority system and it will pick up that raid immediately there's no worries about system not initializing or seeing that data appropriately and SHR can be carried from from phonology to Synology system but the biggest advantage with an Shi is the fact that in the SI chart you can mix the drives in a traditional raid volume you cannot use different drives so by different drives I mean different capacities different brands different speeds you can't put a WD red with a Seagate blue with an HDFC desktop you can't do that an additional rate if you do try to construct a rate with mixed drives all the drive will be seen as the lowest drive and by that I mean if one drive is 1tb and the rest were 6 TB drives your system will only see them all as one TB will see them all as the lowest denominator of those drives in SHR however you can mix and match any drives you want and although you're not going to do that from the day one why would you do that and put mixed drives originally you get a bit above and getting a rapid drives but two to three years down the line in an SHR maybe you get some new hard drive maybe some of your drives come out of warranty or maybe you find a good deal on one you suddenly want to replace a few drives with bigger better 810 TB drives in an SI child you can introduce new drives and the system will recognize they are bigger drives and it will incorporate that into the right now if you introduce one bigger hard drive you don't really see much of a difference but then you start including more and more bigger drives as they become available or maybe you're merging from an old system and utilizing your old hard drives and SHR will take advantage of the additional storage or the additional speeds that become available to you with those bigger and better drives whereas a traditional rightful volume will only see those drives once again there's the lowest common denominator amongst them so that's really the biggest difference between SHR and traditional ride of course there are other rival volumes out there we didn't discuss raid 10 50 or 60 the SHR still covers those neatly SHR you've really got to think in terms of rate fired and rate 6o although an SI chart it's the same as a raid fire at a rate one for example so an SAR on two drives that will instantly treat them the same is it a raid one would in an SH our equipment with two hard drives that what you can do is start introducing new drawings now I know you're thinking there's a to drive sir can tell me there why do I care when it makes upgrading to the new drives infinitely easier so if you've got a tube a system in a raid 1/2 a cup of drives if you want to introduce new drives what you end up having to do is you know remove one of the drives on parent our remove drive install the new drive and the system will go work well us the drives are right in trouble and it will see the new drives that you've installed to bigger drive and it will try to rebuild the raid but will only see the new drive in whatever small size or whatever the old drive was then you remove the other drive introduce another new drive and you're gonna have to start removing um what's it called partitions on those drives as well and it's a very finicky process and it's a lot of mucking around and it does it makes a very unstable raid in the interim and the last thing you want when transferring data from old to new drives in this fashion is an intermittent or problematic right now when an SHR what you would do in the tube a system is once again you would introduce a new drive into Bay 2 and yes it will show up there's a problem with the raid and we can't find that second drive but it's not the end of the world because in this scenario it will identify that new drive in its full size in its full speed immediately so straight away you can see the new if you have a 40 be driving you've introduced tonight you can see that item how you killing has a go you can see that new atv drive which is good and then when you introduce the other 8 TB after the right has reconfigured there you go you've got your two new drives our two new 8 TB drives one or two years down the line and you haven't had to migrate to a third party cloud backup on to another network attached drive and basically free up a crapload of storage - for your data to live on while you make the transition from drive to drive ultimately choosing an S HR is just as quick and easy as choosing a normal right but it's the long-term benefits that make s HR logic hybrid right ever more impressive I'd love to tell you that some of them do the only company out there to do this but they're really not there is actually another company that do it and that is a drover and they have their own beyond right system very similar indeed and exactly the same as traditional SHR as well so Grabow anton ology are really doing you know a big thing on this and doing that and anyone else sorry I should have mentioned there was one more advantage to sa Charlie's largely overlooked but it's something that you'd have to be so paranoid about your data to take advantage that it's you know something I'll Chuck here on the end of the video and that is you can create a three-disc system a two and three disk redundant system so say for example you buy a for pay device you can set up a standard Raider or SHR with lots of hot spares what that means a real terms is you could have all your data on drive one and then have three more clones of that drive at all times and if your data is so mission-critical it's unreal you've got three copies of your data in case one of the drives fails that said the reason I don't talk about it much on the channel the idea of a three-disc redundant right configuration is largely because having all your eggs in one basket in one device and since you know having three do so redundancy sounds good that means you can suffer three double disks worth of disk failure but having it all in one system is a dangerous game because you know as I said it you open all your eggs in one basket and not recommend it but let's wrap up the video those are main different we SH are and traditional right I do recommend you go for SHR where it is available and remember sh r 2 is 2 discs of redundancy if you did enjoy the video or found it helpful don't forget to click like and subscribe it's the very least you can do and it keeps a journal supportive if you learn more or see more examples of writing some more information about this do visit my article there on the screen in the comments at the bottom about the main difference between sh r and writing it's far more detailed in this video can give you but thank you so much for watching this is Tammy she's asleep I'm that boring I'll see you next time
Channel: NASCompares
Views: 25,537
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Keywords: Best RAID, Best Synology, Compare RAID, DS216, Mac RAID, NAS Synology, RAID 5 or SHR, RAID 6, RAID Differences, raid OR shr, RAID Software, right RAID, SHR, SHR RAID, SHR vs RAID, SHR-2, SHR-2 or RAID 5, sYNOLOGY hYBRID raid, synology nas, Synology SHR, what is RAID, Which RAID, Which RAID do I need, Which Synology, Which Synology RAID, DS1817+ SHR, DS1517+ SHR, DS218+ SHR, DS118 SHR, DS718+ SHR, DS918+ SHR, DS418 SHR, Synology SHR DS918+, SHR or RAID, RAID 5 SHR
Id: c_Ic4QJuU7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 11 2018
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