7 Fun Things to do with your NAS Whilst in Self Isolation

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[Music] hello and welcome back and today I want to show you guys some of the things that you can do with your Nass whilst in self-isolation let's face it a number of us are even working from home right now or we're being forced to effectively be at home self isolating so it can push through this whole Co vid 19 stuff but many of you were looking at the corner of the room beat your home office maybe your front room and you're seeing an as device sitting there and apart from enjoying your media and backing up your devices it's not doing a great deal and you're kind of looking at it going there must be more to this device I've got in the corner of this room then what it can be doing and that's what I'm going to do today I'm going to tell you seven things you can do with pretty much not all but pretty much all nares devices right now there's a few exceptions and obviously some of these very brand specific but the majority of these can be done on pretty much any nas out there with a couple of exceptions so without repetitious beginning out the way let's go into number one the first thing you can do with your nails right now while self isolating is going through that photo collection let's face it a number of you have probably got decades of digital photos backed up onto these devices and the idea of going through decades of photos let's face it is exhausting the very idea of sorting through them and thinking my god there's just thousands and thousands of photos to go through right now and of course thanks to modern as development and modern air software particularly from sananda internet you are able to use a iPad photo recognition with Synology moment and Q naught Q Maggie this application which is available for the majority of their news ranges allows you to just scan and index your entire collection of photos and it will return with a I embedded programming an AI embedded recognition go through those photos and present you a better cataloging system this is obviously combined with different sequencing and search tools available from both now as brand but it allows you to scan those years and years and years of photos that you've taken with facial recognition thing recognition things like food locations landscapes items and of course facial recognition to like to tag people and then allow those tags to be used as a system of recognition on those albums what that means is rather than having to go through literally thousands tens of thousands hundreds of thousands in some cases or photos from your past you can allow the recognition and the tagging to be applied to these albums via that software and allowing you to export the information and therefore later on you can go right on and look for photos of Tim or I want to look for photos of food particularly fish in food or I want to see locations or different kinds of photos you can search that way rather than looking for filenames and it will allow you during this quiet time when you've got a bit of free time in your hand perhaps and this device sitting here in the corner vibrating along not being used allow you to go through those old fart collections and make something a bit more meaningful and accessible going forward the second thing you can be doing right now is playing old retro games that's right the majority of NAS devices that are sitting there doing nothing can be used as an old arcade server now there is lots of programs out there but both available and easy means or as a container that you can install on these devices to turn them into retro gaming centers be they over the network over IP or locally with a control pad or a Bluetooth controller that you can just connect to the realtor device via USB and this will play the games on these systems there's one very particular popular one known as retro arch that you can install inside Isis store and qnap systems and have HDMI output there's other localized ones that you can access on the Naza for your network and access over the network by your local PC on a Synology nas now I've done videos on the installation of these hopefully here on screen and of course there are you know legal loopholes that you should really you know think about really when you're going to be doing this particular with roms that you're gonna be accessing drunko for free where one to know it's a lot of freeware available on the Internet Archive you can go there something else I've mentioned on other videos but it'll allow you to utilize your mass as a retro-gaming servant and it's incredibly straightforward to install a retroarch and a lot of rom packs you can download this loads of free ones out there and freeware ones or ones that have become license free that you can then access with a controller on this nows with an HDMI output or locally via the network on a Synology now it's a third one moving forward is to play with Linux VMs the majority of now systems as long as you've got one that's got an Intel CPU and at least a gig of memory you can climb with a Linux VM I've been playing with this quite a lot and doing videos on this for last few weeks and in the past of course but you can install Linux containers on a sorrentinos all you've dedicated Linux software on Asus tour and to not necess to allow you to set up a Linux VM either locally with HDMI output and keyboard mouse known as KVM cube or video mouse or over the network if you choose to access in your local system and play with Linux and Linux has come very very far it's no longer the kind of complex hard to get into platform it once was now it's incredibly easy to get into right now and to play with it and close with some of the programs and the configuration options and there's a very good time to have a good you know play around with Linux as a platform just to see how it compares with Windows or OS X in your own operational environment is some shortcuts available to you with your notes and particularly as a vm when you're on the go after Coe bid and all of this isolation stuff has calmed down number four make your own podcast it really is that straightforward remote the majority of nice platforms in their unofficial app centers all on their third party app listings allow you to download the podcast generator app it allows you to attach a microphone or pre recordings if you choose and run a podcast server from your nose it allows other people to hear your thought what's going on right now you can produce it allows you to put graphics and just host it like any other podcast and allows you to host the files from your mass and podcast generated the more recent versions I'll let you do a lot more meta background stuff on these files and I need to create something approaching you know quite high production standard so if you've got a lot to talk about in a bit of free time this is something you can do and maybe it's something you've always wanted to try out it's an option open to you number five copy all of those CDs DVDs and blu-rays that you've got at home that are just gathering dust chances are like a number of you I have moved you know i've moved on to diskless platforms to enjoy my multimedia i've got a lot of digital files i've got things that i've purchased online i've got things i stream on online services like netflix and stuff like that and at the same time because i'm not you know i'm not earned fifteen sixteen or wherever i've archived a lot of optical media in my past music cds albums have purchased or DVDs and blu-rays that i purchased these are things i still have now you can buy DVD readers very very affordably you can pick them up via USB connection pretty much any way and of course I'm talking about Amazon here but you can connect these or are the USB ports on a number of these devices and once you connect them if you go for the compatibility list of these vendors find the compatibility the compatible CD DVD and blu-ray readers that are compatible with these devices over USB and then you can access that CD on this nas like it would be any other kind of external media and then you can just lift the file now sometimes you're gonna need them or you know complex program like X copy or some of the qnap has got a few software and that it recommends because they've got a few now solutions with blu-ray drives built-in but it allows you to rip all of article media into a digital form which you can then enjoy just like all the other video parts so if you've got a bit of spare time there and you're twiddling your thumbs that gives you something to do right now whilst killing time so you can get out the house and converting all that optical media that some of what you you know watched four years into this format you'll find it quite rewarding and you might even have some old stuff on there that you just can't download anywhere online so that's something to try out next number six take an advantage of the surveillance software inside the NASS now technically a number of you're probably gonna be doing this anyway but there isn't a highlight in my top 10 things to do with your nose while you're sat at home twiddling your thumbs is because if you don't want to go out of your way to buy IP cameras and you were thinking are well it's nice to have that software but these cameras are thirty to fifty quid a pop well it's not necessarily that tough to use cameras you have two main options if you don't want to spend anything if you've got old mobile phones knocking around your home old Android phones I don't even have to be very modern ones at that you can convert these into cameras for surveillance QNAP allows you to install an application to convert your phone into an IP camera to be picked up by its surveillance station and qvr probe software and you just need to make sure there's a battery source or you can utilize third-party apps like IP cam and stuff like that to convert old phones into IP cameras as well if you're a Synology user so nology have actually got a couple of very good programs that you can take advantage of that allow you to livestream from a mobile phone as well as a snow letí's own live cam software that we talked about last year that converts your phone into a camera a surveillance station 8.2 so if you've got old cameras looking around you can turn these into an eye surveillance setup and if that's not enough you can even use old webcams you've got knocking around old USB webcam connect them into the USB ports of your Q net now and allow you to use those as cameras in that surveillance setup using us cam 2 USB software that they arrive with and you can download completely for free even the serology application allows you to livestream those feeds as well in case you want to utilize those cameras to talk these people online and communicate with people who are also in self-isolation now years a lot you can do with live streaming those cameras you can even host a complete live stream if you want with d2j I believe it's known as from QNAP that allows you to do a whole YouTube live stream or third party without YouTube live stream to viewers family members and friends directly from any of these camera means that I've just talked about from the nads and is something to play with and you can use old webcams or even your existing phone or an old phone if you so choose now what is our number seven nice and simple you can use these devices to help people you can install applications like be own I think it's all bunk whoever it's known as or the folding project so folding at home that allows you to convert nas's into devices that when your CPU and memory and hardware resources are being actively used it can go towards medical research where they are analyzing DNA structure analyzing the breakdown of how viruses and infections work so they can create simulations to come up with kills and it's something that's been running for a long time for PCs and Macs and Linux service and natus do that as well you can run these programs in the background on the nares so when it goes into standby mode those Hardware resources can then be diverted and used by these projects to hopefully change lives and these are seven things that you can be doing with your news Watson self isolation and twiddling your thumbs thank you so much watching if you found this video helpful or thought of other things that I've not mentioned let me know in the comment like if you enjoyed this click subscribe to learn more and I'll see you next time
Channel: NASCompares
Views: 49,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NAS Server, NAS Drive, NAS Guide, NAS VMs, NAS Podcast, NAS DVD COPY, NAS Optical Rip, NAS Drive Help, NAS Drive Science, NAS Drive olding home, NAS FUN, THINGS TO DO WITH nas, Things you can do with a NAS, NAS Hobby, NAS Photo Storage, NAS AI Photo recognition, NAS Photo Catalogue, NAS Gmaes, NAS Drive Games, NAS Drive Retro Arcade, Emulate Games NAS, NAS Retro Gamer, NAS MAME, NAS Surveillance, NAS NVR, NAS CCTV, NAS IP CAMERAS
Id: 6r9BKn_wWtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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