INEO M13 PS5 SSD Copper Pipe Heatsink Review & Temperature Testing

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so in preparation for today's video i did wonder whether the use of the word overkill for this device seemed a little well overkill so i thought you know what oxford english dictionary let's look it up so i cracked on with there and they describe it as a noun it's one definition is excessive use treatment or action or the amount by which destruction or the capacity for destruction exceeds what is necessary i think that perfectly describes this absolute overkill of a ps5 heatsink [Music] so there it is i've been talking about it on the channel now for about a week or so since this thing arrived on my doorstep um this is from the company ineo or eno but let's be realistic about this this is not the only example of this shout out to some of the youtube watchers out there that have highlighted it there are several different brands marketing this product at the moment this is very much one of those solutions that's come out from the east that's been rebranded and relabeled by a bunch of manufacturers all at the same time so the price is kind of flexible all over the place i've seen it for as low as 25 quid but i've also seen it going as high as 40 or even 50 quid this is one of those devices that at launch there's going to be a lot of muddling around for the price tag on it and for those aren't aware this is a heatsink with a difference it takes advantage of a heat pipe it's known as a heat pipe cooler and unlike a lot of the ssd heatsinks that we've talked about for the ps5 thus far um this one really takes things to and whole impressive and dare i say it more aggressive level now when it comes to utilizing ssd in your ps5 system if you are looking at upgrading in case you're not aware and if you are well aware fast forward a couple of minutes these devices m2 nvmes that live inside this system the ps5 and the m2 upgrade slot there they can get quite hot the playstation 5 has a slot dedicated to installing these inside but the ps5 system does not include a heatsink with it for this ssd so you're recommended when you get hold of your ps5 and m2 ssd for upgrading do you get a heat sink for this device a heatsink is a small piece generally of aluminium but there are other materials out there that draws the heat away from the ssd doesn't stop the ssd getting hot in the first place the idea is that those chips on the board as electricity is passing through it the heatsink lives on the top and it draws the heat allows dissipation of that heat away from the important components the most important of all being that one in the middle there in the case of this ssd this is the team group t-force cardia and this ssd that controller needs to be kept as cool as possible you need the heat to be taken away from that into the heatsink now all of that isn't new the um heat sinks not only for pcs have been around for a very long time uh with one fine example there being a chunky one from sabrina this is a pc based premium prosumer heatsink the ssd goes inside there and it draws it all the heat away and then dissipates it into the air but the ps5 has a very unique build structure it takes advantage of something called negative pressure internally where the vents there on the front and on the rear are drawing air in via a circular a vacuum style uh fan internally drawing air in and then pushing air out it needs to have that nice contained environment so when you have a heat tick inside this you don't actually have a lot of room to play with on the m2 slot included now recently the solutions for this have kind of fallen into three camps camp one is to go for generic heat sinks again like these are much much smaller than these like the ella teng that we talked about and these heat sinks fit inside the m2 slot inside and they dissipate the heat away from the ssd and even though they're in that contained block they seem to work very very well we've done heat testing on those and although they don't dissipate heat anywhere near as well as some of the other options i'm about to mention currently they cut they cut it quite well which people are wondering though how long that'll affect if there's any possible degradation to activity on the ssd again we are still talking more right than read let's bear that in mind um but still nonetheless a lot of you are wondering about whether they do the job given that they're designed for pcs or the more open air chassis moving around and not the more contained slot inside there so the second camper people are people that buy ssds with heat sinks included two classic examples here two of the best heating's on the market right now this is the seagate fire cuda 530 this is an ssd inside there super fast ssd that has a full surround heatsink there contained inside of all the thermal padding and more on top of that you've got the wd black the wd black there again another great little heatsink part ventilated all the way through and a metal surround heatsink and this allows dissipation of heat away from that ssd all the time and they fit within that ps5 slot then again because they're from the same manufacturer as the ssd they can be tailored and designed with the thermal pads in the right place and the heat dissipation off of the ssd in exactly the right areas because not all ssds are built equal in many type cases the control of that chip in the middle will be located at the top or at the bottom or the nand will be on either side and more so it's important that if you get a first party heatsink one of the most appealing factors of that other than it being installed in a dusty environment is that the ssd inside there is being applied within the heatsink environment in the most efficient way possible which brings us now to where we're up to which is heat since designed for this system it's been enough time that manufacturers have designed heating that go inside here now one that i've talked a big big game over and really really liked was the sabrint designed ps5 heatsink it fits inside the slot inside there it fully occupies that bay and you don't use the metal plate that covers the top it simply fills the cavity and still covers it over while still capturing some of the airflow inside that ps5 again we did some tests great little heatsink we will be comparing against it later but this one and i know this has been a long intro and i apologize is a different kettle of fish because this one not only encases the m2 ssd in its own hugely designed and vented heatsink there in that aluminium design there with the heatsink living right the way inside there i saw the ssd inside with thermal pads on either side but it also screws in to the screw hole and i am going to do an installation in a moment it screws into the screw hole normally resigned for the cover on the m2 heatsink and then we have this copper this um copper pipe here that's drawing heat away from the heat sink and then dissipating it into the air with that fanned area there you can't quite make it out but it is completely ventilated there at the top now if we open this up in a moment you'll see that that copper pipe runs all the way directly over the ssd inside so again i'm going to do a full installation in just a moment just let you know what you get for your money there we've got the box there that's where it sits there at the top if we remove join giant bit of foam inside we have the first time installation guide there and again simple bit of paper but this is not rocket science to install i will walk you through in just a moment information on the brand a little bit of bits and bobs there on your guarantee and your warranty and stuff like that and again there's a one-year warranty i believe on this which is all right it should be lifetime though um on top of that it arrives with additional screws that can be utilized in the ps5 this is a tiny little thing the extra heatsink and mount screws but it's the fact that they include it no one else includes the additional screws for their ps5 there and i know a number of you have already noticed that the threads those screws inside these are actually quite soft and if you do use quite harsh or inappropriate screwdrivers they tear really easily you've also got a screwdriver there which we're going to use in a moment and we have a whole selection of thermal pads now bear in mind really you're only going to need two of them for the installation here but it's nice they've included four because again you might do a re-application or make a mistake so it's good that they've included extra thermal pads but again that's a very minor detail there so those are our extras i've chopped all of those in there the ones that we're not going to need we're going to need those thermal pads and what we're going to do now is install this heatsink inside this ps5 and show you exactly how it's done so let's move that out of the way there is my ps5 again i've removed this cover like a billion times now um so again we crack that off from the top there we go there and as you can see inside that's got the regular cover there at the bottom that is the one your ps5 arrives with so again what we do is we take our screwdriver oh there's my lucky screwdriver there remove it again lefty loosey righty tighty remove that first screw and again once again there is our official playstation screw there but again you get a spare extra screw with this casing remove the panel panel so again there is our pretty basic metal panel there and there is the inside of our ps5 next up let's remove the m2 ssd screw because we're going to need that in just a moment but it's worth remembering that at this point we can stop utilizing the ps5 you pop that there because now we need to put the ssd inside this the ssd is going to live inside this casing before we install it in there so take the screwdriver that it hands us again that noise you can hear of movement that's just the bracket there something i'm not really in love with the fact that that's not affixed but we'll talk about that in just a moment and what we're going to do is remove these screws from either side of this again lefty loosely right you tighty we have four screws there and it's a magnetic screwdriver as well which is quite pleasing to see and what we're gonna do is remove all four of those and get this installed inside our ps5 i may have had quite a lot of coffee this morning so again already i could i've got no doubt that this is going to work not withstanding their big bold claims that this is 50 less in cooling but it doesn't really give much information on that statistic um i already can see that this is going to dissipate heat my main query is going to be how much it obstructs the rest of the assembly inside this system because once you remove that base plate you can see that thermal pipe all the way running through so that is where our ssd is going to live and they've gone diagonally on purpose because of the placement of the controller being different on different m2s and that is what is going to draw heat away not just from the heatsink but also from the ssd itself and dissipate it kind of like an antenna there at the top so the next thing we want to do is apply our first thermal pad so again we remove the first bit of plastic there and we stick that on here so again first bit of plastic off apply it the adhesive side evenly on there so pop it there try not to do it wrong on camera so again push it down as you can see then make sure to remove the next layer of plastic there don't leave these bits of plastic on so again there is our first part applied there the next bit get the base panel that it arrives with there again metal and once again repeat what we just did get your thermal pad remove the thermal pads first layer of plastic apply into the slot face down make sure that the little dip there where our screwdriver goes in is not covered make sure that is not covered there at all then remove the next layer of plastic there so again now we've got a nice sticky adhesive panel then take our ssd once again we're using the cardia here we're utilizing this because it's a single layer ssd there bear in mind i've mentioned this in other videos if it is double-sided it doesn't matter because the way this design nand is allowed to get warm it's the controller that is our main concern here now when doing this make sure you've got your m2 slot going at the top end make sure it's chip side up and then apply it so the dip the screw hole there a dip there on the ssd is in perfect alignment with the same dip on there on the base you want to make sure that they both line up the ssd dip and that of the casing press it in there you'll know it's fine because it won't drop out then get your plate thing here and once again you can see on the rear there another dip there at the bottom for our screw so that's how you guide this in and then just align it with the screw holes on the side and pop it on and there you go it's inside now we're going to attach all four of those screws but that's really it for installing the ssd inside this heatsink again i'm gonna keep using that word overkill because it does seem to me like i'm not sure the ps5 is ever gonna push an ssd hard enough to generate this kind of heat maybe you've got your console in uh like real tight environments and it's gonna get hot there maybe you're a pro sports gamer and you clock up 8 to 10 to 12 hours of gaming a day and in that scenario the ambient heat of the ps5 is going to be something that's also they're going to degrade the points of the ssd and even then these are hypotheticals this is quite a high end heat dissipation and calling solution for a console um yes it's a closed system and it needs unique solutions not just relying on pc components but still seems tremendously um over the top so the next thing we need to do is install this inside now what you're going to want to do let's remove that there and remove the screwdriver out of the way so we want to angle this thing in make sure you've pulled that tiny little latch screw hole thing up and then install it inside the slot you'll feel it click and then press it down as you can see there everything's in alignment so that is the installation right there next thing you're going to want to do is now that ssd has been installed you want to get that primary screw there for the m2 back inside that slot if you've done everything i've directed you to do so far the screw will match immediately in with the screw hole on the console and then just go ahead and screw it in lefty loosey righty-tighty and get it inside so now that ssd is installed inside that slot with the copper heatsink the next thing you want to do is maneuver that little latch to live over the hole which that thermal panel there was already on take the long screw that it arrives with that playstation screw alternatively use one of the two screws that it arrived with and install it directly in there and you'll feel it click into the hole and then simply screw that down into that slot again there are additional screws if you've lost yours and there you go that is it installed now the first thing worth bearing in mind of course this panel that ain't going on there there is no way that's fitting on there it doesn't go in at all this is going to be a highly exposed environment there but bear in mind that remember air is being drawn in this way via the front and then that's going to be drawn over this and again over the heatsink and the thermal pipe i should say as well and then it's going to be drawn out the back on those rear vents there so again i've got no doubts whatsoever that this is you know no doubt that this is gonna um call the ssd down i think this is probably going to be the lowest temperature ssd i've ever tested here on the channel what i'm concerned with is this thing living in front of that fan yes it's you know going to get lots of lovely air which is fantastic but this air coming in through here isn't just for the ssd the cpu gpu memory everything about this system needs to be kept cool and efficient and i'm just slightly worried about that being directly in front of that vent it's useful and it is ventilated of course so it can pass through it but when we run our temperature test in just a moment don't worry we're getting there not only am i going to be looking at the temperature of this m2 ssd inside there with a thermal uh node on the controller and i'm going to be running a second node in the ambient environment down here there's no point we put in a sensor here at the top it's too close to the area of ventilation it'll just get cooled off we'll get an irregular reading we want to know what the temperature is at this point when the air has had a chance to pass through the system we want to know that the temperature can still be good at this point because if it's not good at this point it's going to be bad at this point so for now let's go ahead and get this thing set up with the old temperature sensor from our other videos and i'll talk you guys through the test method i'm gonna go for and then finally run through the results okay so we've set the device up with the temperature sensors so before we go through the results of when we were bench testing this on a few games there let's have a little closer look about the setup here now the first thing i want you to note is that our temperature sensor with two nodes is coming out of the top of the device here and the back corner that's going to be very important because as we bring this device down on its front and i'll show you how we've wired this up you'll see that there's actually you know quite a busy operation going on inside here so if we remove those cables slightly down we can see the full layout of what we're going for here so as you've seen already when we did that installation earlier on in the video we've got the ice cold heatsink in there it's already too tall to put the cover on there it's way too big for us to put that cover and inside that metal container we've got our ssd fully plugged in we've got a node hopefully there's a photo there for you guys on screen with the cable running into the inside of that adapter and laying on top of that controller underneath the thermal panel so we're not testing the temperature of the heatsink because that's no good it's meant to be dissipating that heat what i'm going to be really interested to see is how much heat is dissipated by this copper heat pipe now normally the heat will be dissipated sorry pulled away from the controller the nav little bit and the ssd in general and then it would be soaked into this heat sink here and then it gets dissipated into the air but the whole point of the copper heat pipe is it kind of works as an external antenna point for all of that to run out and then be dissipated in this fanned out copper area what makes that interesting is it is next to the ps5 fan assembly there so remember heat is being drawn in and out of these vents on either side and the hit the air is going to be massively over this dissipating heat point there which hopefully means that when it's in operation heat is being dissipated away from the ssd through the heat pipe and dispersed into the air efficiently and quickly enough that it can continue to dissipate as quickly as possible so the main thing we want to wonder is one what temperature that controller is going to maintain during this operation of the couple of games and the heavyweight heavy read transfers we're going to do two the ambient temperature around this device we've got a second node down here that's going to be testing the general airflow throughout the device it's also been really really important that we make sure we don't restrict the airflow as much as possible and i've tried to keep the the um sensors as low as possible and as mentioned this cabling here is being maintained via the rear right here at the top corner of the device where there isn't a vent point so hopefully the cables have no or at least a very small percentage of any kind of obstruction there and i don't think that's any and really the big question here is going to be one is it going to keep that ssd cool enough which i think it's almost certainly going to but two what about the rest of the system operation that is quite a large um copper um heat pipe there that's right there in front of that fan assembly point there so it's going to be very interesting to see how the system reacts to that having this foreign object here in the venting of that negative pressure but for now i'm going to get this re-cased up set up our thermo and camera points and start running our tests right so the first test we conducted with the eno heat pipe cooler for ps5 was utilizing red dead redemption we compared it against that of that ella tang there on screen and as you can see they both started a very similar temperature both of them start in there in the 30 to 34 c now the first thing we're looking at here is the controller temperature that's the brain on that ssd and this is the part of the ssd which you do not want to get particularly hot the rest of the ssd the nand the memory that can get a little warm it actually helps them improve their performance but the controller you want lovely and cool and because that is what's doing most of the file transmission work and the data handling now the ella tang there did certainly very early doors start to raise its temperature again the other thing they're designed for a pc system with a much larger more open-ended airflow the result for that was that because it's in that small confined area there doesn't seem to be an enormous amount of ability to dissipate that heat into the surrounding area and that's where the vents of the eleteng are kind of largely designed whereas in the eno heat pipe design not only does it not have that cover on top of it because of the larger kind of ice cold aluminium surround to go around the ssd but that copper through pipe that worked as a kind of um you know heat antenna if you will results in not only that lower base level temperature we're not going to focus on too much because remember we're looking at the heat difference but also later on you can see that it only really went up a couple of degrees now that's because the heat being dissipated out of the ssd controller and into the heat sink is also further dissipating that temperature down that copper pipe which is located next to the ps5 internal fan and that negative pressure vent that's drawing in that air the result is that throughout this testing the ella 10 pc heatsink in the closed contained area reached 40.8 c by the end of this gameplay session you're watching here a rise of 5.9 c whereas the heat pipe um and the eno design and the surrounding aluminium casing resulted in this ssd going up to 35.2 c an increase of just 1.4 c across the whole thing a much smaller increase overall but this is the performance and the temperature of the ssd what about the surrounding ambient air let's perform the same test this time monitoring the surrounding temperature in the ps5 now the surrounding area and temperature inside the ps5 case underneath the plate but not on the ssd itself told a slightly different story as you can see with the ella tang it started at around 24.4 c whereas the heat pipe from eno started at 27.3 c now bear in mind this second wave of testing was utilizing a second um temperature node not one that's touching the ssd and also when we finished the previous session red dead redemption was then closed back to the psn the system was left idle for a minute and then the game was rebooted the result is that in the intervening period the ambient temperature on the ella teng test was much lower in the surrounding environment thinking that it went down remember from the previous test from 40 c right the way down to 24.4 c in the surrounding environment whereas the heat pipe on the eno heatsink with copper pipe there started at 27.3 and although it stayed at 27 it still kind of fluctuated at that mark and therefore the surrounding air was certainly warmer on the eno heat pipe than it was with the yellow tank now a big part of that of course is that the ella tang designed for pc of course is in that closed m2 slot with the lid on therefore although it may generate a lot of the heat a lot of the heat is contained in that little slot and that little box how much of it ends up getting dissipated before it affects the system is hard to know but that meant that that heat is in that small contained box whereas in the heat pipe it's actually capitalizing on having an external build and therefore utilizing airflow on the ps5 to call the heat pipe but it did result in the tiniest fraction of an increase on ambient temperature in the ps5 indeed towards the end of the testing the ella ting uh 10 heatsink there the internal ps5 system reached 25.9 c an increase of 1.5 c overall but the heat pipe on the other hand only went up 0.4 c overall at 27.7 so it still maintained that temperature which was arguably higher although we have to bear in mind ambient room and temperature and the day of the year but still nonetheless it didn't dip lower because of that heat pipe so that's worthy of note but for now let's try a second game and make the switch over to gta 5 for similar tests heading over to grand theft auto 5 here this is still a one player experience we're using here we call a cab and we arrange the cab to take us to another whole part of the city that allows us to create a controlled test environment as well as moving through the game quite a lot to introduce new assets more ai stuff and basically keep the system on its toes it also means that we introduce as few kind of player controlled elements as possible that may change these variables now the eleteng heatsink again started surprisingly high at 4.0 c whereas the heat pipe on the eno cooler here started at 34.8 and noticeable degree lower but again thinking of ambient airflow thinking of the time of the year these are only not you know they're academic we're looking at the temperature difference between them from start to end now short of a few differences during gameplay where cabs or cars that we went in decided to go different routes and introduce other elements these two tests were largely the same and it has to be said that the increase between both of them was incredibly small but with one key difference the ella teng starting up 4.0 at 40 c ended at 40.5 c just half a degree increase there at 0.5 whereas the heat pipe starting at 34.8 actually dropped in temperature it decreased down to 34.4 c so that had a drop of 0.4 or minus 0.4 degrees which left a difference between them that although it's simply a degree was actually quite intriguing because much like the previous test the heat pipe was clearly doing its job during the course of gameplay dissipating heat very very efficiently and in this case actually lowering the controller temperature on that ssd we have to remember this isn't a highfalutin ps5 game but this is still a consistent gameplay experience that one might expect and therefore knowing that you've got a heatsink that's dissipating heat incredibly quickly and in some cases quicker than the system actually needs is actually going to be quite a bit of peace of mind there but once again what about the ambient air what about the surrounding environment outside of the m2 slot does that uh copper pipe still bring the temperatures higher while keeping the ssd cool let's repeat the tests looking at the general ps5 temperature once again as soon as we started these games up after cancelling them for the previous play then rebooting the system after a minute or so cooldown the ella teng started at a noticeably lower temperature there at 32 c 32.7 c compared with how it ended previously at 40.5 allowing a lot of dissipation there the heat pipe on the eno or ine oh heat pipe um cooler there starting at 29.3 so again around about three degrees difference between them now once again it became very very clear while watching this that the dissipation of the surrounding internal ps5 system temperature was more effective on that ella tang in its closed area that heat pipe although enormously beneficial to the ssd stored inside the ps5 was definitely kind of borrowing a lot of that airflow that originally in the design of the ps5 was likely designed for the cpu gpu and more the heat pipe did increase things and break into the 30s and did increase the temperature we didn't see any minus figures this time on that heat pipe ssd heatsink however the ella ting started to drop its temperature later on it spiked a tiny bit at the beginning but with the um ella teng 10 heatsink it started at 32.7 in the surrounding temperature so not on the ssd but the surrounding area and ended at 32.4 a drop of 0.3 so minus 0.3 degrees a third of a degree give or take whereas that you know or ineo heat pipe cooler they're starting at 29.3 ended things at 30.6 so again not an enormous increase just shy of a degree at 0.9 in terms of increase but i still can't overlook the fact that the contained ssd in that slot there was clearly making sure that the rest of the system temperature was kept lovely and cool whereas the heat pipe with that extended copper pipe although very beneficial clearly for the ssd i am slightly concerned about how that affects the rest of the system it's a tiny increase and no doubt the odd degree there can be shaved off the cpu and gpu for the betterment of storage but it's still a drop so now we're going to make our way over to some extended read and write activity let's head back onto the playstation 5 xmb and begin the read performance test on these heatsinks and the ssd now this first test was to copy the games that we've played so far and a few other games of around 350 gigabytes from the ssd in underneath that heatsink and onto the ps5 ssd so this is reading 350 gig of data so it can be moved over to the ps5 storage area mostly read but obviously edits had to be made to the index on the ssd and this does have an impact in temperature now the ella 10 pc based heatsink there starting at 40c went up quite quickly early doors the heat pipe there from eno started at 26.1 and immediately started raising quite noticeably now again this really surprised me because up to this point i imagined this heatsink was going to stand up very very well but that heavy read activity certainly left its impact there overall and it was an area in which the heat pipe for me although still very good and still well within the boundaries of what i would deem acceptable for a ps5 ssd for gaming was still higher than i expected it to be for this kind of activity and certainly something i would have expected more on on this drive the ella teng really stood up for itself with this heavy right activity and something i was quite surprised by to see such a distinction between them overall they both of course stayed very well within the parameters i would expect with the heat pipe ending at 39.6 and that ella tank pc heatsink ending at 46.2 a larger degree of temperature from the yellowtang but still you've got to factor in the different days they were recorded and still the yellow tank is still holding true just being at ten dollars great stuff let's repeat the test but sending the data back to the ps5 with some heavy write activity ignore what i said just there what i meant to say was the data being written from the ps5 ssd and onto the m2 expanded ssds in the heatsink and as you can see there both of them are transferring all of that data over now this was much much quicker um unsurprisingly because the way the ps5 architecture works the heat pipe started at 34.5 c and the ella ting pc heatsink the 10 one there starting at 31.4 now again this is another area that left me really really surprised because the heavy right activity of course is where we care the most about the temperature of the ssd the previous test of where we were writing the data back onto the ps5 ssd we cared a lot more about the um ambient temperature there in the surrounding environment but this right activity that we're looking at here what makes this important is 350 gigabytes although not that much in the grand scheme of things when most of these drives arrive with 500 a terabyte of storage plus the infrequency with which you're going to perform an action like this it still really surprised me how that ella tang was not built for this kind of activity as you can see there because it's in that closed box and writing activity onto an ssd inside that slot is going to be very intensive and very hot the ella 10 went from 31.1 c up to 46.5 by the end of this transfer something you're going to see in a moment an increase of 15.4 c overall 46 is actually surprisingly high getting quite close to that roof point there of 50 c where things afterwards can get a little performance intensive with throttling towards 70. whereas the heat pipe there starting at 34.5 c ending soon at 36.4 c was an increase of a simple 1.9 again incredibly small and throughout this testing as you're seeing it draw to a close now it's never been you know um a question of whether this heat pipe can dissipate heat from the ssd very well as every test we've seen show so far that shows that when the controller on that ssd is now it's concluded you can see every time there's a test where the ssd temperature is paramount or is the concern or is the focus this heat pipe from eno has done the job every time and that increase up to just 36c when you compare it and another test coming up soon against the wd black which hit a stonking 50 c compared to the others again relative to things still quite small still nonetheless really surprised me with that temperature being where it was the heat pipe does its job on behalf of the ssd but still nonetheless throughout all these tests there's still the nagging thought in my head about how well it plays with the ps5 cpu gpu and memory and its build and the way airflow is designed ultimately the ella teng has done itself proud to deal with ten dollars but this heat pipe for the preservation of your ssd holds up very well let's conclude things well what do i think well let's be completely upfront it certainly dissipated the hell out of the ssd i've tested a lot of heat sinks over the last few months in this very system and none of them dissipated the heat as well as this did so again if you are looking for something to dissipate the heat off of that ssd and the controller to maintain performance efficiency durability and more this is the best ssd heating out there for that however there's still a few question marks for me first and foremost how much overkill is this once you look at an atypical heat sink and just how big they are and you see just how aggressive this is i'm not sure this system is ever going to push ssds as hard as this thing can protect it now yes of course longevity once you think uh you know years and years and years of playback with constant use then we're having a different conversation there because you want the ssd that you're utilizing to maintain you want it to last and i think in those scenarios when you know you're going to be clocking up four five six hours minimum a day if you're maybe a professional gamer then something like this certainly has a place the other question of course is its impact on the internal system when in operation because there is still that question mark about this existing so close to the fan assembly it is completely see-through at the top there those fancier that is not a solid mass so the air is still passing through it and it is one solid piece the only movable part pause being that clip there for the screw but the fact it doesn't have that cover on the top i think is going to bother some buyers and i think although it is an impressively well designed piece of kit i query just how versatile it's going to be in a closed system like this and if you are someone that likes to really really think big and think protective and want to be you know have three or four backups at any time and be protected from absolutely any eventuality you are the kind of buyer that's going to want this device but everyone else you may find this just a little bit overkill and also it was worth noting that again i don't know if you guys noticed it when i was setting up earlier on that the way this copper pipe lives there at the top it's really really close to where the casing um plates sit and connect with this device so you do have to be quite precise about this thing's installation because there's a little movement there of like one millimeter when installing your drive inside where once you screw it into place this device may be just one millimeter higher which gets it covering one of the holes internally where the plates go in so as long as you install correctly it should be absolutely fine but still this is a good piece of kit i do think it does exactly what they said it will do but it's whether you're ever going to need something as overkill as this is a decision you're going to have to make but otherwise thank you so much for watching we are going to be doing as mentioned earlier in the video big comparisons between all of the heatsinks from fire cuda and their heating to the wd black heatsink there and of course the current favorite the sabrin ps5 heatsink right there we're going to be comparing all four of these in the dissipation of all of those different games and transferring of data to see which one does the best for the money so thank you so much for watching if you've enjoyed this video then do you hit like it helps me understand what you guys enjoy and it makes every video better than the last click subscribe to be alerted to when we're going to do these big heatings and we've got some other big ssd face-offs coming soon if you are uh interested in buying the right heat sink you're still on the cusp and you don't quite know what kind of kit you're going to need for your budget for your needs for double-sided ssd for more then do use the free advice section linked in the description as well as a lot of my guides specifically designed around the idea of ps5 storage upgrades thank you so much for watching and i will see you next time
Channel: NASCompares
Views: 4,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best PS5 heatsink, Best PS5 SSD Heatsink, INEO Heatsink, INEO Heatsink PS5, INEO Heatsink Review, INEO PS5 Heatsink, INEO PS5 Heatsink Review, INEO PS5 Heatsink Temperature, INEO PS5 SSD Heatsink, INEO PS5 SSD Heatsink Review, Heatsink for PS5, ps5 best heatsink, ps5 copper heatsink, PS5 heatsink, PS5 SSD, Recommended Heatsink for PS5, Recommended PS5 Heatsink, GRAUGEAR PS5 Heatsink, GRAUGEAR PS5 SSD HEATSINK, HEAT PIPE PS5 HEATSINK, INEO COPPER PIPE PS5 HEATSINK REVIEW
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 1sec (2521 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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