Can You Beat Cuphead Without Touching the Ground?

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today we're gonna play through cuphead as well as the new cuphead dlc but with one catch i'm not allowed to touch the ground now obviously this wouldn't be possible on pretty much any stage without some help so today just like i did with other games in previous videos here we'll be utilizing devilish cheats which contains a modifier that allows us to infinitely jump but first some housekeeping rules i'm counting ground as anything that the main characters can walk on this includes platforms clouds and ashtrays and secondly the ultimate goal of this run is in any percent completion that is to beat all of the main bosses in the game and no walking on the overworld doesn't count as touching the ground and since we absolutely have to start a boss fight on the ground that initial touch won't count either anyways with all that said perry that like button below let's see if we can beat this game groundless alright so to kick things off i actually did end up doing this later on in my run since the chat was curious but let's see if the tutorial stage is doable without touching the ground now i thought i'd be able to easily just jump over everything in the stage to get to the end but nope there's actually an invisible wall here that stretches even off screen so yeah off to a not so good start as even the tutorial stage isn't possible thankfully though you don't actually need to do this tutorial to progress through the game as you can just exit to map here to keep going so no the run is certainly not done yet anyways now starting the actual run after talking to apple fella here for an easy three coins first up is the first run and gun stage we'll be tackling here forest follies you don't actually even need to do any of the running gun stages to beat the game but i just wanted to get some coins here so we can unlock some better weapons thankfully things start off pretty easy for this challenge here as avoiding the ground is incredibly easy since it's mostly way on the bottom of the screen the only semi-difficult thing here was that oftentimes a few of the mini plant boys fall from the top of the screen so if you're too close to the top there's a chance that they can smack you otherwise easy peasy now with eight coins in hand we can pay poor crime to visit to purchase some upgrades now initially i bought the spreadshot upgrade but as we'll soon find out this wasn't the best idea now since i opted to take the route that speedrunners are taking after the latest update we actually go do all of the dlc content first so that said we have to complete the first mausoleum here to unlock it and here is actually where i ran into the first major roadblock of this challenge since we now have unlimited jumps cuphead can't parry any attacks or the ghosts in the mausoleum here that you need to in order to complete it and as such this wouldn't be possible given our circumstances here thankfully there is a rather easy solution to this but it required me to restart the run this time instead of buying the spreadshot weapon at pork rinds you have to first buy the smoke dash charm which then lets you buy p sugar which then enables you to automatically parry anything when jumping this was an absolute savior for this challenge and as you can see here it makes the mausoleum a breeze with the mausoleum crushed we can now set sail for the dlc island but for whatever reason after chatting with chef saltbaker here and exiting the bakery the game would like wrong warp me back to aisle one it was super weird but thankfully exiting to map from the bakery still seemed to work properly now that we have the astral cookie we can play as miss chalice and this is actually really good for this challenge since her parry is tied to her dash attack so we don't really have to worry about needing the p sugar charm any longer then after talking to pork rind once again to purchase crackshot probably the best weapon in the game for this challenge we're finally off to our first boss fight here against glumstone the giant the first phase of this fight wasn't all too bad as you can just keep jumping close to his face to avoid most of his and the gnome's attacks and you can also easily just jump above all the geese to avoid them as well and thanks to the crack shot we can basically be wherever and still do damage to glumstone here for the second phase against the puppets the bulby throw was no threat at all but the gnomes were jumping incredibly high and fast making them sometimes tough to avoid if i wasn't paying enough attention the third phase inside the giant stomach is when things started to get tricky though at least at first several times i'd try to avoid the stomach ulcer thing but then end up touching one of the skeleton platforms by accident but it turns out that there's actually no hitbox or anything above that isn't the boss here so after a few failed attempts i just jumped around and above this thing that looks like it should probably be checked by a doctor and just like that we bagged our first boss of the challenge mortimer freeze is up next and the first phase was surprisingly not that easy here i thought i'd be able to just float around undamaged but whenever he would spawn his little ice minions they always seem to damage me at this point i'm sure some of you are wondering why i don't just stay above the screen to not get hit and while that would certainly help me not take damage the problem with it is that it's easy to lose track of where i was so if i ever did need to drop back down to do more damage or something oftentimes i'd end up hitting something when falling or would build up too much falling speed and would end up falling to the ground before i could react fast enough and also i'm sure it's much more interesting to see the character on screen for you guys watching this video than if i was just hiding off screen the whole time so yeah there's that too anyways the second phase against the snow monster was actually not too bad here but after finishing that phase we run into a bit of a problem it turns out that the fight actually won't progress to the next phase unless you actually touch one of the platforms since this isn't anything skill based and out of my control i'm just gonna chalk this up as a meta ground touch exception just like the one for the start of the fight anyways now on to the last phase here the best strategy i found was to just keep moving to the opposite side of the screen from the boss i also did end up touching the platforms going across a few times so when switching aside the best thing to do was just go above the screen to avoid any platforms otherwise it still took a whole lot of blasting but that's another boss down the howling ace doges are up next and although we're already flying i still have to avoid touching the airplane on the bottom here thankfully that's not all too difficult but avoiding everything else was kinda tricky now at first my plan was to chill up in the top corners of the screen but this was a problem when the dogs would throw the tennis balls or when the large fella would fall from above often giving me little time to get out of the way so it turns out that since the developers probably didn't expect anyone to jump this high the airplane or the pilot actually don't damage you when you touch them so the best place to sit and hang out for the first phase is actually like in the middle of the plane the second phase was pretty easy i just had to take care to avoid the bow wow letters flying at me and the final phase wasn't much harder as avoiding the lasers was simple since they couldn't even target me way up here the only kind of tricky part was when the camera got rotated sideways since the dog food bowls were spawning near the top of the screen so i had to drop down a little bit to avoid those apart from that though probably the easiest fight so far next is the fight against esther here and this is our first airplane fight for the run and since we're already flying for these boss fights and can't really touch the ground by default they aren't really all that relevant for this run so i'll just be basically skipping through them for the rest of this video so on that note next up is the fight against the sus bugs and this was honestly one of the most difficult fights of this challenge this is primarily since we basically have to stay on the top of the screen to avoid touching the ground and since this top platform is so high up there's not much room for error for missing a mid-air jump and this kind of plays into what i said earlier although i could just stay at the top to avoid most attacks here doing so meant i had a much lower chance of actually hitting the spider so basically i had to drop down enough to hit him but still not touch the ground this made this first phase really tedious but it was still doable the second phase here is where things got really tough though not only did i have to still worry about not touching the top platform but it turns out that the hitbox for the beam coming out of the gramophone was actually extending off screen so i couldn't just hide off screen to avoid it for a while i started to think this phase was impossible and after touching the ground several times and having to restart i was starting to get pretty frustrated thankfully though it turns out if you time your movement just right at the top and get a bit lucky you can actually dodge a cycle of the music attack it was kind of up to chance when and where the beams would start to change to red and moving out of the way fast enough was still really tough but i'm happy to say that it is possible to survive this phase and things actually get much easier from here as when the third phase starts the wooden bridges in the middle get smashed giving us much more room to move around in and the risk of touching the ground gets reduced by quite a bit the spitballs were still a bit tough to dodge here but after surviving the fake knockout and defeating the snail boss oh boy that's another fight down and i'm sure glad we did it and now finally to wrap up just the dlc section is chef saltbaker the first phase wasn't all too bad just the second one was a bit tricky since with all of the pepper shakers on screen and all of the other projectiles and stuff there was just a lot to avoid at the same time the final phase was also a bit tough since the moving platforms were always a risk of having me land on them so i had to take extra care to avoid all of them coming down while also keeping fire on the heart but after surviving long enough that is a wrap for the dlc now returning to the base game bosses first up is the root pack just like normal this fight is pretty easy jumping above the potato projectiles was easy i could just keep jumping in the middle here to defeat this big baby and the carrot wasn't much more difficult either but i still ended up losing a few times to a stupid ground touch nonetheless ribby and croaks are next and here only the second and third phases were a bit tricky dodging the orbs with the fan blowing proved to be a bit of a challenge and then the final slot machine phase was a bit tough too at least depending on what i rolled the tiger result was tricky to avoid but getting the snakes was awesome and led to another boss down oh i should also mention since i'm sure many of you are curious as to how i got this health bar here this too is one of the options available in the devilish cheats mod i mentioned earlier anyways next up we got our blue pal goopy here i really wish there was more to say about this fight but honestly most of his attacks are pretty low on the screen so by just hovering around the top middle area this fight was a breeze then after clearing another airplane fight i decided to do another run and gun stage to get a few more coins to unlock another weapon and this stage was actually really easy just had to avoid the woodpeckers speed my way up the tree defeat this mini boss and now with a few more coins i finally got the spreadshot weapon once again and now the fight we've all been waiting for it's time to battle plant boy now i fought cagney here so many times that i already knew what some of the best strategies for this fight would be going in honestly by just chilling on the left edge of the screen most attacks either wouldn't hit me or i'd have enough time to just jump out of the way i did have to keep my distance so i still only could really use the crack shot weapon here but that's another boss in the bag and we're finally moving on to inkwell aisle 2 where beppy is up next now normally i'm not a fan of this fight at all but honestly not being on the ground made it a bit more tolerable the first phase was a piece of pie the second wasn't all too bad i just got hit by one of the balloons every once in a while since the health meter was blocking the pipe that spawns them in here so i couldn't see them coming the horse phase was pretty easy too and then really the only tricky-ish part was the final phase when these platforms would come down and the penguins would start to chuck their baseballs here more than ever it was important to keep track of where i was if i went up too high as you can see it could lead to an accidental ground touch so basically i just ended up staying in the middle and kept firing downwards to secure another w after flying past jimmy the great it's time to battle the baroness of the bon-bon variety although there's the lone green moving platform in the middle of the fight here overall it was still really easy to avoid it and dodge most of the baronesses and her minions attacks really only gumball guy here was tricky to dodge since all of the mini gumballs were flying high and all over the place then at the end i just had to avoid the head attack and it was all good after clearing another flying stage against wall-e here next we got another tricky fight against grim matchstick since the cloud platforms appear on screen in random patterns moving sideways to avoid touching them i was pretty much limited to staying in the top section of the screen and just like the fight against the bugs earlier i really had to keep track of where i was at all times otherwise i'd quickly fall and wouldn't have enough time to react if i was right above a cloud that said though a mix of using crack shot and the spreadshot made the first two phases pretty dang easy and then for the final phase which is normally pretty challenging i was able to just float above the dragon's head and aim down to quickly put these fellas to bed now onto inkwell aisle 3 unfortunately we start things off here with the biggest roadblock of the challenge while the previous fight had the platforms moving horizontally the fight against rumor honey bottoms here has the platforms moving vertically and as you can see there's not much room to avoid them here there are a few gaps between the platforms every once in a while but since the pattern of the platforms is random it's basically impossible to keep away from these platforms now i immediately thought this fight would be impossible until i found out that you can actually kind of fit in between some of the platforms so after starting the fight and taking a hit to fit between these platforms maybe there was a chance things were starting to look pretty promising after i was able to defeat the first phase against the b-cop but right after things went back to looking bleak pretty quickly since i pretty much had to stay in a vertical line between these platforms if the boss decided to come down on the left side i was basically instantly screwed as getting hit would knock me back onto one of the platforms causing me to have to restart the fight but there was another silver lining in sight as if rumor honey bottoms would drop down on the right side i might have a fighting chance unfortunately however though i thought i could dodge them these orbs home in on you way too well and become pretty much impossible to dodge and the triangle attack will also seek you down as well so to my dismay even with all of the stars aligning for this fight this one doesn't seem possible without touching the ground now although that fight wasn't fruitful at all let's push through the rest of the game and see if everything else is doable so on that note after getting through another airplane boss level next up is sally stage play after how difficult the previous fight against rumor honey bottoms was this one was certainly a nice relief although the angel platforms in the first phase were slightly annoying and the toy mice were a pain since they would make their way to the top of the screen where i'd like to camp out for the most part the fight was overall pretty easy even the last two phases were a breeze here at first i thought the fight against werner vermin would be difficult considering the second phase has a platform in the middle but honestly after clearing the first phase with ease by just jumping around the top of the screen it wasn't all too bad and then for the last phase since there's no damage hitbox for the cat here i was able to just stay close and deal a whole lot of damage to make quick work of this battle captain briny beard is up next and since the only ground here is the dock on the bottom things here were pretty easy once again just had to move away and switch to the crack shot when the captain was squeezing the squid and i had to avoid the barrel up top but otherwise the spreadshot was crazy good here when just jumping around up close then after a few more hits to the uvula the ship gets sent right back to davy jones locker then after finishing the final major airplane boss fight against calamaria it's on to the last main boss fight before inkwell hell phantom express by staying above the ghost the first phase was incredibly easy but then for the second phase it took a bit more precision to fit between the skeleton hands to not take a hit since being close to the head would almost always result in a hit since he moves around so dang much the lollipops were really easy to get rid of and although the final phase took longer than normal nothing too crazy here either now finally we can get to inkwell hell and pay a visit to king dice and right off the bat it became clear that even parrying the dice here would now be more difficult as not only did i have to try and time its rotation but also when i would fall close enough to actually parry it yeah as you'd expect sometimes i definitely didn't roll what i wanted my first fight here was against chip's bed again and it was incredibly easy cigar lad wasn't much more difficult pip and dot were super easy too as i could just hang out above them to deal lots of damage and dodge most of the attacks mangosteen was incredibly easy and then finally the fight against king dice honestly could not have been easier just like with a few of the fights we already saw since you don't take damage here from the king's head avoiding the cards was a no-brainer and i was able to just jump around beside the king's head to deal lots of damage really quickly putting a quick end to this battle now i didn't go through all of the mini bosses in the king dice fight but i don't think there would have been any others that would have been a run breaker and finally it's time for the devil himself the first phase wasn't all too bad for most of the devil's attacks except for either the fire or bubble attack which was a bit harder to dodge relative to the rest thankfully though for the most part i could just lay down a whole bunch of spreadshots around him without issue and i would have loved for this fight to have been some awesome climax to the game like it normally is but really even in the latter phases i could simply just jump around the sides and since i didn't have to deal with having to care about less and less platforms on screen this fight was over real quick and just like that the game is done now normally in an any percent run of the game with a dlc you don't actually have to fight the secret extra boss in the game but i figured we'd do it here anyway as a bit of a bonus if you've made it this far into the video i'm assuming you've seen everything this game has to offer but if you haven't seen the secret boss yet this is your spoiler warning so let's head on back to the dlc isle mess around with some tombstones and get to the secret devil fight to wrap things up here and yeah this fight was again super easy i could just float around in the middle and change which direction i was facing when the pillar of fire would come my way now sure the occasional fireball was a pain to dodge but overall this fight wasn't anything crazy and with that it looks like with the one unfortunate exception of rumor honey bottoms it is possible to play through like 98 of the game's bosses without touching the ground even with the ability to jump an unlimited amount of times many of the fights were challenging in a new way and oftentimes really tested my ability to time jumps and my patience as well if you enjoyed this video be sure to check out some of my other challenge and speedrun videos and consider subscribing to find your way back in the future and as always thank you so much for tuning in today and i will see you in a bit [Music] you
Channel: TetraBitGaming
Views: 3,829,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cuphead, cuphead speedrun, speedrun cuphead, cup head, cuphead dlc, cuphead show, speedrun, speedrunning, speedrunning cuphead, cuphead speedrun world record, cuphead speedrunning, cuphead bosses, cuphead world record, tetrabitgaming, tetrabit, tbg common, tetrabitgaming cuphead, tetrabitgaming speedrun, cuphead delicious last course, cuphead gameplay, wr, eazyspeezy, Ms Chalice, Cuphead No Ground, Cuphead Challenge, Cuphead without touching the ground, cuphead challenge run
Id: sBnC-37zGOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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