Hello Neighbor Alpha Speedruns are Ridiculous

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hello neighbor sure is a game although reception of the final release of the game is fairly mixed there are many fans that enjoy the pre-release Alpha builds of the game some going as far as actually preferring some of them namely Alpha 4. anyways after covering the full game speedruns which have since dropped to the game being beaten in under six minutes now in this video we'll be taking a trip through speedrunning all of the major pre-release Alpha builds and these are some of the quickest speedruns I've ever seen so let's get to it to kick things off first up we of course have the pre-alpha build and unsurprisingly this is the quickest glitchless speedrun of the bunch as soon as we start we can see something glowing across the street at our neighbor's home so just like anyone would let's go break and Enter to check it out and we get grabbed by our neighbor lovely for whatever reason we wake up back at the player's home and I guess curiosity is just really eating away at our character as we have to head on back to see just what's behind that door so we head on back outside grab this radio which we'll need later on and now instead of just rushing through the front door we actually go around back where here we'll conveniently find a nice little crowbar inside this dresser and oh yeah a pro tip if you're ever wanting to do this yourself make sure it's daytime in-game when doing this otherwise it gets incredibly difficult to see the crowbar anyways with this crowbar in hand we now want to switch to the radio again turn it on and throw it down to be a distraction for the neighbor and with the neighbor now distracted like a baby we can simply Walt in through the front door grab the key off the table here use it on the door's lock remove the plank on the door with the Crowbar and then finally we can punch in the code 4785 to unlock the door to finish this build well kinda nothing really happens when you open the door but yeah that's the end of things here now currently the world record is held by glitchy boy with a time of just under 25 seconds and that's just the glitchless speedrun the 90 category record is also held by glitchy boy with a time of 15.6 seconds in this run after reaching the glowing door you can actually evade the neighbor for a bit and you want to get caught just inside of his front door for some reason this will result in you respawning back in the same spot where you then have to quickly grab the watering can that's on the floor and throw it at the wall so some items don't despawn and then you can grab this key off the wall here lean towards the wall here to clip through it to grab a crowbar from the garage and then you can open the door the same way as before and yeah you can beat the speedrun in the same time as like a 15 second ad on YouTube now moving past the pre-alpha phase next up we got alpha 1 where things start off with like a 20 second unskippable cutscene where a ghost starts moving in across the street from the neighbor unskippable cutscenes always suck especially in speedruns but this isn't even the worst that we'll see anyways as soon as we get control of our character we have a few tasks to do here so we have to grab the key on the box as well as a few other boxes then we have to open up and turn on the circuit breaker which is at the front door for some reason then we can unlock our new home enter on in drop our kid off and then go sleep for like a quarter of a second as it's time to break into the new neighbors home again this time we barge in through the front door and immediately make a left to enter the garage to grab the hammer found inside also since the neighbor starts off in a random part of his home you basically have to pray that he isn't just in your way which will often be a run killer but if you're epic gamer enough like I am you can still outrun him anyways with the hammer now in hand we have to head on upstairs and then jump across the neighbor's Robo Shark pool area yeah everyone has one of these right we then go through the school classroom man this house is weird and then after moving through the second floor for a bit we can enter the neighbor Security office and grab the lockpick tool off of his desk next we want to make our way back down to the ground level through this large hole in the floor and after navigating through the hose for a bit we run over to the board enough door use the hammer to remove the nails and boards and finally use the lock pick on the lock and bada bing bada boom ripporino and pepperino current glitchless world record for Alpha 1 is held by Lemon with a time of 51 and a half seconds then the any percent category is just about three seconds faster with Brody's world record where by using a lawnmower the game's janky physics can be abused by clipping through the ceiling in the kitchen to knock a key down which you can then use instead of the Lockpick Alpha 2 is up next and we got another really quick one here since we can actually skip the intro cutscene this time we start things off by grabbing one of the trash cans here and placing it on the fence to then use it to get enough height to Sprint jump across while then crouching midair to just make it onto this porch overhang thing so neighbor isn't known for its amazing object physics so yeah dealing with balancing the garbage bin can be quite frustrating anyways once on the roof we can make our way over to this antenna grab the Crowbar that's just up here for some reason and then we can make our way to this comically large hole in the roof and drop down into the room below with the key card we need to unlock the main door in this build then we can use this basketball to break open this window to jump back outside and if the stars align and Theodore isn't just waiting for us at the front doors we can sneak inside use the Crowbar and key cards to open up the door to then bring us to the final segment where we run past a demonic Seance room yeah and as a fun fact if you haven't watched my lost bits video where I dove into the unused content of these Alpha builds there was actually a whole additional section of this basement that was scrapped for some reason it was pretty cool definitely check out that video If you haven't yet either way like I said this is a pretty quick run and the current glitchless record is just under 26 seconds held by tjg Jake now honestly I don't know if you're ready for the glitch speed runs of this Alpha unlike the previous ones where the glitches allowed any percent runs only shaved a handful of seconds for Alpha to hear the current world record is an absolutely jaw-dropping sub nine seconds held by Snorlax 0912 basically you can use the garbage pail to clip right through the neighbor's front door and then you can again use and abuse it in the snook here to clip right into the basement and beat the game in no time at all oh and if you do this there's also apparently a creepy Frozen model of the neighbor halfway under the floor here don't know what that's about next we got Alpha 3 where thankfully we can once again skip the opening cutscene and as soon as we get control we want to zoom on over to the neighbor's flashy new home that's much bigger than the previous one anyways we have to hustle as the neighbor basically always spawns in this room here so if you're too slow he'll open the door and see you coming but if you make it past the door without him spotty you you then have to crouch jump your way up this dresser in order to find this lock pick up here on this Shelf with it we can then run to the door up the stairs here and unfortunately you can't just use the lockpick as normal as since the game is definitely without any bugs by doing so for whatever reason you're then unable to pick up any other objects essentially leaving you soft locked instead what you have to do is throw the lock pick towards the door and then click on the lock in the middle of the throwing animation and this circumvents the glitch cool anyways once inside we can drop down this hole to pick up the key card here then we have to smash through this window and painfully slowly climb up this ladder once up we have to jump across to these train tracks and then use them to jump off and make it into this room then we have to smash open yet another window grab the Crowbar in here and then jump back outside you also have to get kinda lucky and hope the neighbor doesn't set up a security camera or a bear trap outside as either of these means he will basically puppy guard the door you need to get to for a while in my run here he caught me after I unboarded the door but you don't respawn too far away so it wasn't too big of a deal anyways after opening the door that's basically time for this run the current world record run for this category is held by baboons with a time of only 43 and a half seconds now if you thought the Alpha 2 any percent run was crazy hold on to your butts as you may be surprised to see that Alpha 3s is even faster instead of using a garbage can this time you just grab a bag of garbage and it's possible to just like throw it in front of the door and run into it to clip right through the door into the loading zone and yeah that's it this world record is again held by lemon and he was able to beat Alpha 3 in under seven seconds now last but not least for the alphas we have Alpha 4 which is definitely the most meaty of the alpha builds although the previous two alpha builds got it right with having the cutscene skippable Alpha 4 here is a step back as not only is the intro cutscene unskippable again this time it lasts over like 40 seconds brutal anyways while we're waiting through it if you're enjoying this video do consider leaving a like below it really does help the video get seen by more people then subscribe and be sure to ring the bell to find your way back here in the future as if you don't ring the bell you basically aren't subscribed according to YouTube oh looks like we have a few more seconds to go uh crazy weather we're having these days isn't it after finally gaining control of our protagonist we have to grab a pair of boxes here as well as the red key in the trunk of this car then while on the way to the neighbor's house we'll actually want to break open this window which will cause the neighbor to put down a bear trap at the front door which we'll actually need later on anyways now inside we make our way over to this elevator and by timing it right you can throw the Box towards the crack in the door and if everything goes well the Box will actually trigger the switch inside to open up the doors here then we climb the ladder for a while and get off on this floor here where we head down and walk out the door to land on these train tracks where we also want to throw down the cardboard box again in order to get enough height to make a jump across to this roof here and now comes a pretty stressful part as there are a few tricky jumps that we have to make first we jump onto this beam then across onto these train tracks which we can then take up here from which we then need to jump onto this large pipe and then from that pipe we make a leap of faith onto this tiny beam over here which we then take up and have to jump off in order to make it to this area this might not look all too challenging but if you've played these games you know that jumping physics aren't always very forgiving to say the least and if you make one little slip up yeah anyways once in this room we can use the red key to unlock this door which brings us to the nightmare closet area our task in this area is basically just to make it to the top here so we have to run up some shelves make a leap of faith break a few vases then we have to jump off the door frame and head on into this toaster which flings us upward and you have to aim it precisely onto this angle here in order to be pushed onto the adjacent shelving then from there you can grab a few darts take one of the paper airplanes for a trip across the room before finally using the darts to make some platforms to reach the top where you have to make another leap of faith to the light cord in the middle of the room which will prompt you to press jump again and this unlocks the double jump ability which is necessary to complete this build now back in the real world again I guess this is where we deviate from the glitchless runs we've been doing so far so now we have to jump off towards the ground and double jump just before landing to not take enough fall damage then we can see the bear trap that I mentioned we'd need earlier we can throw down the red key at it to trigger it and then we can take it and set it just at the base of the door if you've watched my speedrun video on the full game you probably know where I'm going with this if the Trap is in a good spot you can run into it and get caught and this will cause you to clip into the door and hopefully far enough into it to trigger the next loading zone the first time I did it here it messed up and the whole door like moved which was super weird but eventually I was able to get through it and now on to the final stretch here we have to do some double jump platforming nothing too crazy the only thing here is that the neighbor might be lurking around a corner where you don't want him which was unfortunate in my case here but eventually you reach this end hallway with the bright doorway and once you reach it bam that is time for the Run now that's the safer way of doing the any percent run but in the current world record held by baboons again we can see some more object physics abuse as you can use objects to fling yourself way up high and right into the red key door area without having to do any of the other prerequisite jumps to save a whole bunch of time with this and more optimizations throughout the Run especially in the nightmare area the current world record is 2 minutes and 48 seconds and keep in mind over 40 of those seconds are wasted on the intro cutscene and for those wondering the glitch less runs are frankly less interesting as you have to deal with cooling the red hot crowbars to use them to unboard the door and in the world record run for that category held by romerko we can see how you have to Fumble around with the Crowbar to get it into the tub here to cool it off and yeah I don't think it's nearly as interesting personally now although the main focus here are the alpha builds since I know I'm gonna get questions about it there's one more pre-release speedrun category and that's the any percent category for the beta 3 build which we'll quickly go through here as well here after abusing more object physics Jank to clip through the door you can abuse it some more with this umbrella to make it over the Gap here to basically skip the ending section of alpha 4 again we then end up in this room just like at the start of the Final Act in the full release of the game and from there you just need to grab a skateboard to use later and then you can use this basketball to clip out of the room early and then after brushing up against the toaster here to have it spring you up you use the umbrella and skateboard to fling and float your way down to the home on the back of the giant neighbor here and yeah that's basically it now world record for this category was actually made as I was finishing this video and is currently held by instatex at the time of just one minute and seven seconds and as a bit of bonus content since so many of you in the comments enjoyed Big Boys World Record reaction in my video on the full game here's his more recent reaction to his second place full game any percent run yes yes finally oh my God oh my God [Music] anyways guys that'll be a wrap for speedrunning hello neighbor and I hope you enjoy if you did check out some of my other speedrunning videos as well and as always thank you all so much for stopping by today and I will see you in a bit [Music] thank you
Channel: TetraBitGaming
Views: 438,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hello neighbor, hello neighbor speedrun, hello neighbor 2 speedun, speedrun, speedrunning, speed run, wr, hello neighbor alpha speedrun, hello neighbor wr, tetrabitgaming, tetrabit, tbg common, tetrabitgaming speedrun, tetrabitgaming hello neighbor, speedrunning hello neighbor, hello neighbour, gaming, video games, hello neighbor alpha, hello neighbor alphas, speedrunning hello neighbor alpha, hn alpha, hello neighbor pre alpha, hello neighbour alpha speedrun, pre alpha speedrun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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