Which Cuphead Bosses Are The Hardest To S Rank? (DLC Included)

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come ahead [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so some might call me a cupid Enthusiast a cup of connoisseur even and I've been playing a lot of it recently since the long way to DLC has finally come out now while I've played cuphead since the game came out in August 2017 I've never really tried to beat the game on x-ray mode I just thought it wouldn't be good enough since when I first tried to complete the game on expert mode back in 2017 Ruby and croak's evolved bosses was giving me a bit more trouble than I would like to admit [Applause] so I'm playing cuphead a couple of days ago and took a small break just go through YouTube on my phone I saw a post DLC cuphead boss cheer list and was intrigued on what someone thought the hardest bosses were well this was the worst tier list I've ever seen this list was so bad that it literally made me want to complete the game on expert mode just to prove to myself that this YouTubers list was a crime to humanity so that's exactly what I did I completed every single boss on expert mode now I'm simply beating these bosses on Expert wasn't enough for me so I decided to challenge myself even more I had to beat every single boss on expert mode and get an s-rank before I can move on to the next boss now that's already pretty difficult as it is but do I enjoy fun hell no so I decided that the only charm I'm allowed to use is heart ring it gives you one Health on your first third and sixth period of the fight so if you're good enough you can stack up a ton of health and as 10 kids as you stick your snapping fingers right up there heart ring is probably one of if not the best charm in the game in my opinion since it makes the HP requirement for the s-rank much easier and encourages you to get parries which you already need to do so I made myself use only this charm for all the bosses I also wanted to show how good heart ring is because if you have it it makes many of these bosses much easier thus altering their ranking Harvard would already be affecting to your list even if he didn't use it so I went ahead and only used it instead which I find quite funny now some may ask why I decided to also ban Miss chalice well it's because she makes a lot of these bosses really easy and a bit too different from the normal cupboard experience so let me explain Miss Charles makes most of these boss fights straight up free with her ability to double jump to higher platforms with ease Harry with her Dash which was actually easier to do for a lot of the boss fights and her Dodge roll which grants her invisibility frames so she can roll as much as she wants through attacks and not to mention the extra Health with all of this together she makes a lot of the harder bosses a joke really so I decided to stick with just using my boy bug man I also wanted to base the tier list on a more default experience of the game since that's on the majority of people would be playing anyways and it makes it more challenging that way so now that I have completed these challenges I put on myself and beat every boss on Expert with an S rank I wanted to make a cheerless video myself but before we get into this tier list I just wanted to say that this is the chairless based on my opinion and my performance on each boss so I find a lot of what most people consider the hard bosses as pretty easy and vice versa so just keep that in mind while we go through this tier list also just to make clear this tier list is based on the difficulty of beating each boss on expert mode and getting an s-rank say a lot of rankings can change due to the increased difficulty on expert mode I'll mention for some bosses what the ranking would be if not trying to get an S rank since without it the bosses are significantly easier one last thing the spot in which each King dice mini boss resides will influence the rankings slightly what I mean is that you might have less Health if you were to land on the nine as another four so you might have less Health going into fight Mr Chimes than Pippin dot you also do need to survive with enough health and time in order to estring King dice himself so because of these reasons some placements of the minibosses might not be in the exact same place you would think but also keep in mind that these bosses are still very easy by themselves and are still very low on the chairs regardless if that gives any of you a peace of mind I will also not be ranking the King of Scotland or The Secret Angel and Demon boss fight since they do not have an expert mode with that all said let's finally get into this cheer list [Music] lightwork baby let's play far the east boss under these restrictions is could be the ground this is the first boss you fight and it's for good reason the attacks are really easy to react to his first and second stage are exactly the same except for him getting bigger and he practically gives you the three parries you need for free in his last stage his age is a Dodge this is absolutely no challenge here and for that reason he's the lowest on the list so the next one up on the list is root pack I mean really all you have to do is [Music] foreign yeah that's pretty much it so not much more to say here now funny enough I actually think that Chip's bed again is slightly harder than the root pack now with smoke bomb definitely the easiest boss but without smoke bomb you had to be pretty precise for the jumps it gives you some weird holes that you have to maneuver yourself into and sometimes you just get cucked over by the next chips flying over when you're trying to dodge the first ones of course it's still easy but you actually need to pay attention to beat chips bed again so for that reason I put up just a little bit higher on the list than normal they're still about the same level peer load is honestly the easiest boss even before chips but again if you have smoke bomb it's only easier because you can of course Dash through everything but you have the liberty of having more attacks be effective against her but just bet again you either use Chaser crack shot or you can just use a normal the normal shot but you need to stand at like some weird angle to actually hit those shots while with pure ladder you can use virtually any shot and it would be good against her now the reason she's slightly above chips bed again in this case is because without smoke bomb you actually have to put a little bit more work into not getting hit and you gotta stay on your toes remember I need the s-ring King dies and taking unnecessary hits it's just annoying and bad since you have to work slightly more to not get hit and she's in the seventh spot and not the second spot like chips I think she's just above Chip's bed again in difficulty I feel like I'm gonna get some backlash behind this opinion but the Tipsy troop are really not that hard at all once you know how they work there's more to react to overall I guess but it's pretty easy to deal with the all of the wine glass throws just basically nothing it's pretty much a free kill the whiskey glass attack is really easy to jump over it's easy to see when it's coming and whiskey bottle is not hard to dodge at all and you have plenty of room to work with to react to all of these attacks so overall it's pretty easy to beat I know a lot of people get flustered at all the attacks but just don't it's really not that hard to dodge it's pretty easy I would say so if you take hits on this boss you just should just restart honestly but yeah I think it deserves to be in this spot now fear lap is not very hard in normal mode but in expert mode his attacks are a lot faster and there's more to react to like the ghost that comes up from the bottom of the stage also the Horseshoes just move a lot faster he throws another guess while you're trying to dodge the other horseshoes while the bottom of the stage is blocked off by the Riders and the foreground blocks some of your vision it's also based on RNG really where the presence land in the air so sometimes the land's so far back you don't have to do anything and sometimes they land right in your face it just depends on your luck so because of the unpredictability and hindrances the boss fight tries to give you I think it only slightly is above Tipsy troop now Mr Wheezy is not a hard boss to beat her hit but he's a bit annoying to fight and it's slightly difficult to constantly Dodge his attacks if smoke bomb was in use it would definitely be easier but without it sometimes the cigarettes that fly up in the middle of the stage can cause you to take a hit if in the wrong place at the wrong time Mr Wheezy shoots a lot more Fireballs at you on expert mode that move in a very weird pattern and sometimes just barely hit your toes thus taking an unnecessary hit it also feels like it takes forever to kill him especially with Chaser or crack shot it just depends on what shots you bring in to defeat the king dice fight honestly I personally brought spread and crack shot or chaser most of the time because it was effective against most of the bosses you also have very little room to move around and work with so it makes it harder to constantly Dodge the Fireballs without taking a hit not a hard boss per se but it definitely takes some Maneuvers and attention to beat for those reasons I think he's slightly above your lap copa's focus is deceitfully hard on expert mode and without smoke bomb since you can't just dodge through a skull attack with smoke bomb you have to actually Dodge it correctly by dodging through the very small hole that is completely random where it will be sometimes you get an easy spot sometimes you get the weirder single you have to go through it just depends on where the hole is located honestly either way he basically spams this attack on you with no rests his Parry attack is not hard but the skulls in constant dodging left me getting hit a lot on this boss if I didn't have the heart ring equipped and he was in the higher spot in the king dice boss area he would be the hardest boss by far since taking a single damage could make you need to restart the boss fight if you didn't get any hearts from rolling a spot with a heart for these reasons I think he's one of the hardest mini bosses Mr Champs is just annoying and time consuming to go I definitely like the idea of him but to fight him just kind of sucks you have to memorize or just guess pairs of cards while he's moving around the whole screen and the more you fail at matching pairs of cards the faster he becomes and the more aggressive he becomes Mr Chimes is essentially a run Ender if you get him because of how time consuming he is to fight and you need the time bonus in order to get the S rank so he's simply pretty high because of this now I don't know why but Pippin dot was the hardest King dice boss to go against on expert mode it's very awkward to shoot them without a homing attack while constantly dodging the spikes while half the stage is taken up by the stupid Spike wall while they shoot d20s at you while this weird Bird domino thing tries to get you the only attack that's really viable and consistent to use against pip and Dot are homing attacks and their decreased DPS make this boss fight last forever Pippin dot give you some stuff to Parry every once in a while so you can heal a little bit with heart ring but this boss just sucks to go against and if you take two hits or more with or without heart ring it's basically a run Ender these are the reasons why I think this is the hardest boss to get past and still be able to srink King dice now these are all the bosses for this tier remember these are all bosses that are very easy to beat by themselves I know there are some controversial picks here and there but let me know what you think with that let's get on to the next year dude this boss was so easy so these bosses pose some sort of challenge in some way but are still generally easy to beat the boss is higher on the tier list pose more and more challenges as they get closer to the next tier but are still generally easy to beat so with that here we go Phantom Express now some people think Phantom Express is higher on the difficulty scale than normal but in reality it's only the last phase that could be even a little bit tricky the first phase you just use roundabout and jump and shoot the second phase takes a bit more work but still easy and even if you do get caught with your pants down you can just stand between the two hands and not take any damage which I'm going to assume some of you didn't know it's still pretty easy to deal with the conductor the alola pop goals are also pretty easy to deal okay everything is easy to deal with I think you get the points the ghost can be a nuisance but they just give you free parries if anything if it needs to be said this boss fight has the most periods you'll see in the entire game so you get easy heart ring value and easy super the last phase is a bit tricky but at that point you should have Max HP so you can take hits until you win fenu Express is the boss you play when you just want to absolutely body a boss I have to work a little bit for it that's it King dice by himself would have been in the previous Cherry a while ago but for including needing to beat a minimum of three bosses and then him I think he deserves to be here on the tier list since you can essentially just pick the three bosses you want to fight if you learn how to hit the dice correctly you can as well against Chip's bed again fear lap and puroletta and then just fight King dice himself definitely not the easiest boss in the game but really not hard at all once you know what you're doing kagani Carnation is a boss some people consider higher on the difficulty scale.s but I couldn't disagree more especially using this chalice this boss fight is borderline light work baby let's go but it's a bit harder using puppet and mugman patience is key with his boss you don't need to make any risk of Maneuvers to beat this boss so just take your time and get those last face as soon as possible you can just Parry his little flowers in the last phase and get your parries and health back to get the s-rank and the C's are really not as hard to deal with than people lead it on to be even though they can be annoying again the way everything else is easy to do with so I think Cagney being here makes sense those are some challenges but overall not hard to ask rank Sally's stage play is also a pathetically easy boss basically nothing changes from normal mode to expert mode the only hard part is getting all the parries through the S rank since you have to get them all to the first and last phase and the meteor doesn't count you could actually make this even easier by skipping the first phase entirely by just using Ms chalice and doing the secret phase I don't have any footage of that so sadly I can't show you but anyways let's just move on this boss is easy now I hear way too many people say captain brinybeard is hard like a YouTuber right now by far one of the easiest bosses in the game he basically throws parries out like it's spared change so healing and getting her parries is effortless and everything else is simple to deal with I would say the Sea Dogs in the barrel are our biggest nuisance in the entire fight but even those are simple to deal with the last phase is only tricky because of the constant Fireballs the boat spits out and you can just duck under the laser now I know what some people are thinking well what about the burrow when it comes down while you're looking under the laser well folks I think I'm about to blow your minds because this will solve all of your problems [Applause] are you serious right now about my life I have one more bubble to pop and I can't even pop that bubble bro yes you can Dash while ducking under the laser so I rest my case I only moved catching brandybeard this High because of all the bosses below him are basically the same difficulty as him but there's more to look at and deal with so I bumped him up a little bit more than usual based on some Community opinion as well okay this is uh editing me here uh so apparently I figured out that if you were to duck on the last phase right around here on the dock none of the Fireballs hit you at all so uh that makes this boss even easier than it already was so that's a neat trick for you guys that have a lot of trouble on this especially on the last phase because I know a lot of people get tripped up on the Fireballs like I did like when I first played this game but still rest my case he's a very easy boss ribby and croaks are really not hard at all once you know how their moves work it's really about getting all the parries in the first phase of the fight in which the pattern is weird until you know what it is typically if the body fist is pink then the top is going to be pink and vice versa and if the middle fist is pink the middle one is going to be pink again this makes pairing these very easy and predictable and the Flies are easy to kill so there's no problem there the second phase is also super easy so it's the last space that usually gets people but even this is pretty easy too once I understand how it works just some tips for everyone keep your back towards the leftmost side of the screen for the bull because it makes it as simple as jumping up when the fire comes from the bottom and moving a bit off the platform when the fire comes from the top you can also apply those principles to the snake honestly you don't even need to do this but this could make it easier for some of you that have trouble on this realistically you shouldn't even be taking any hits on these first two phases so you can definitely tank hits here if you need if anything I think the coins are the most annoying part of this fight not much else to say not hard once you understand each phase's quirks Warner woman posts some challenge in his second phase but other than that he dies pretty fast and is straightforward to fight the parries are not very hard and Infused energy Beam on his last phase while all the Ghost Mice are out and makes that phase a breeze but that does mean you need to get all your parries during the first phase the bottle caps in second phase are the only real difficult part about this fight so it might take some time for some people to consistently Dodge the bottle caps and Werner moving up and down but you get the hang of it quite quickly still not a problem but I had a somewhat harder time as ranking Warner woman than the other bosses so him being here fits him well now these are all the bosses for this tier this tier is probably the hardest rank just solely on all these bosses being really easy to S rank by having to rate them on the difficulty so a lot of these bosses can be interchanged so don't get too mad if they're not in exactly the same place that you think they should be so with that let's move on to the next tier that was easier than I thought it would be the howling Aces gave me a bit of trouble in the last phase but other than that this boss is not terribly difficult as well I was debating on moving this to the previous tier but I decided to keep it as the first one in this tier the first phase has the Bulldog throw many Parry attacks and easy to dodge the projectiles so this face is a breeze the second phase with the Yankee yippers is also another very easy phase with even more pair projectiles to get you even more Health the heart ring or super meter and the last phase with a chinook pilot shaluki is not very difficult the laser section of the face is easy to dodge but the second part where your screen flips is still a very weird mechanic that causes me to take some hits or not do as much damage as I'd hoped also the last phase is decently long so I always found myself barely missing the time requirement for an S rank I think they pose a bit more challenge than the previous bosses listed but are not hard against rank on let alone beat on Expert so the bottom of this tier seems fitting for me next up is moonshine mob I honestly find the Moonshine mob to not be terribly difficult to be on Expert or get an S rank on especially compared to other bosses the first phase is actually quite easy once you get to all the different attacks and the second phase is not terribly difficult either with or without smoke bomb it's the last phase that really becomes the Run Ender here for me the antiator takes a long time to kill and the face is a bit hard to pass without taking a hit or two for me I'll still typically make it to the end of the fight with 3 HP still but I either got two out of three parries or went slightly over the time requirement so that's what made this boss take a bit more time to strength than normal but when it comes to Street difficulty moonshine mob is not very difficult to beat with everything considered I think this tier is a fair place now this is definitely a hot take but rumor honey bottoms is not as hard as people leader on to be her parries are not very difficult her phases are not generally hard and it's easy to get the time requirements I usually cut all the parries within the first phase since it's really the only time you can get Alia Paris I mean let's be honest we don't want to Parry the little ping triangles that the big pink triangle shoots plus pairing the big triangle or the pink sphere that follows you during the second phase doesn't count towards your parries to S rank but they do count towards heart ring so getting Health on rumor is pretty easy it's definitely the platforming and the well lack of that definitely get people I'll admit it's a bit tricky to constantly platform up and get past the humongous gaps there sometimes are but that's the only thing that really gets in the way of making this a reasonably easy boss I bumped it up a bit more in this tier than I originally would because I know people would find this hard simply to be an expert and not even s-rank now baby the clown is definitely a hard boss to go against when you first play cuphead but after you know how he works he becomes considerably easier to beat even on expert now the problem I kind of had was getting the parries funny enough while also getting the time bonus the first phase isn't a very reliable source of parries since usually I shot the pink ducks down by accident or shot them to not take a hit in his second phase I tend to accidentally shoot the pink balloon dogs as well while I'm trying to do damage to Betty so I was missing some of my parries in his third phase the roller coaster sometimes cucks you over from getting the parries on the Horseshoes this is a bit exaggerated but the berries are just a bit harder to get than some other bosses like ribby or Brony beard when you take your time to get the parries I tend to just barely miss the time bonus since he has four phases overall though bippy is not entirely as hard as people lead him on took me around six or ten minutes to S rank the first time due to me taking stupid hits and playing him again is even easier I personally don't think Betty is that hard at S rank so him being here on tier list makes sense Jimmy the Greet took a bit of time to get an S rank mainly because there are so many phases Jimmy has five phases that you need to get past and it's just time consuming process to get through all of these phases so sometimes I miss the time requirement also to get through all these phases and take minimal hits with the added extra difficulty was a bit harder than it should have been if I had to say it took me maybe 15 minutes to S rank because I kept on taking stupid heads and was learning how to effectively beat each phase since it's been a while since I've gone against Jimmy with that Jimmy was definitely the easiest airplane boss but still post some challenge so I think Jimmy deserves this spot here Carla Maria is a bit tough to rank because depending on your luck it's either not too hard or a bit challenging in my opinion in general the airplane bosses are harder than on the ground bosses because with airplane levels the game just tends to throw a ton of stuff at you so not taking hits is difficult with that color Maria definitely throws many attacks at you but the first phase is really the only phase that gives you you a problem it depends on what a taxi does because for me if she had summoned the perfect fish and then the ghost pirates it is pretty difficult to maneuver around all of that especially since the pattern in which the pirate fish come up is different and expert than regular the turtle is honestly such a big nuisance and is so annoying I hear people say this is no problem but man does get in the way of some attacks the second phase with the eels is honestly not that bad especially considering some other bosses in my opinion you usually have enough time to react to the bullets that you'll shoot you also have the added perk of being able to kill them as well also being right above calamaria's head with bombs is a good spot to be when she's in cooldown between her eel attacks and the Medusa petrification the last phase is a bit tricky to get through but that's pretty much it I still think this is a somewhat challenging boss so I think it deserves to be here on the list glomstone the giant definitely amps up in difficulty from regular to expert the Gnomes constantly coming after you in both the first and second phase definitely where the majority reason why I had to restart the fight constantly but honestly after that he's not that hard it takes some time to get used to the Gnomes and how to approach each of glumstone attacks but after that it becomes not too difficult to beat him an expert as drinking him on the other hand is a bit harder for sure but he gives you tons of parries so you get mega heart ring value and his last face is a breeze so again it's just the first two phases that you got to get past with at least three HP I also never had trouble with a Time requirement so overall lump stone is not terribly difficult even though it might take some time to get used to but after that he drops significantly in difficulty baroness of Honor Bonbon was a tedious boss to srink for me you have to go through three randomized mini bosses with very little opportunities to get parries usually the Ping Jellybean would come right as the boss was in the way and let's be honest you're not getting the Perry from baroness's shotgun shot the Menthol that comes out of the Whippet cream pup the castle doesn't count for parries towards an S rank but can get you the parries to heal with heart rank so while the Perrys are harder to get than other bosses there's also the problem with increased difficulty of the mini bosses now some like Lord godpacker sir Washington III and Sergeant gumbo Gumbel are bosses I would usually never take a hit on but Colonel Von pop and musky chernikov are so annoying to fight so getting them really sucks luckily I realized after some time that Colonel Von pop has the sort of figure eight pattern that he travels inconsistently after way too long so it became easier to predict where he would be overall getting unlucky with the boss selection and getting the parries and HP bonus to get the s-rank made this more difficult than normal took me around I think 20 to 25 minutes to S rank so the longest so far on the tier list for these reasons Ivory baroness Von Von Bon this high up in the tier list now I know I'm about to make some of you mad if I had a rank Grim match deck solely based on my opinion and my experience he would be in the low part of not too hard I personally think grimmastic is extremely overrated when it comes to difficulty because once you understand how to play cuphead and beat the game grimmastic is easy as pie now to Simply Be him on Expert is a breeze and would be in the didn't break a sweat tier but because I need to get an s-rank and I count on a bit of community opinion I try to be fair and I rank Grim in this part of the tier list the Perrys are by far the hardest part about s ranking group Matchstick because the only time he throws Parable attacks is during his first phase and depending on how fast you get past his first phase you're not even guaranteed to get three parries the platforming is manageable and his attacks are not very difficult to Dodge in his first phase the second phase is a breeze if you understand what jumping is so it's the last phase that definitely sucks he shoots the fireball a lot more frequently which were already annoying regular mode but that's the only challenging part about this last phase I'll just use the invincibility super art during this phase so I can focus on pure damage for at least a few seconds so made this video is just a bit easier overall I don't think gramatic is a hard boss at all so much so that I'd be in my first try right after I got an S rank on Pepe I actually beat him so fast that I had the results Board of the beppy fight in the three minute video clip I captured a beating Grim Matchstick well you know that was actually not as hard as I thought it was going to be okay I think the last boss is the dragon yeah yeah Dragon these nuts okay we keep crack shot and then we change to lobber Super it's probably just stick with invincibility yeah charm we're good okay let's go wait I think I'm getting really close am I gonna beat him first try oh my God I beat him first try what dude that was so easy I decided to fight Grim a couple more times and get an S drink and I still did it with ease so I can S3 Grim at least once every three tries I would say even with all of that I know that a lot of people consider groom magic as decently hard even people with experience so I decided to heavily amp up the ranking of grim for that reason solely just know again that if I ranked it without commuting influence it would be either at the bottom of the not too hard tier or at the top of the didn't break a sweat tier that's just my opinion now that was harder than I thought it would be now the bosses in this tier are either bosses I personally had trouble getting an S rank on or provide enough obstacles and challenges that I think they deserve to be here a boss generally considered difficult but I don't find quite as difficult as the devil now the Devil Himself on Expert is not too hard to beat it's more about having three HP at the end to get the S rank now I have a lot of experience against the devil and I've beaten him on Expert many times before I started this challenge so I'm definitely biased here but even with that I still got an S rank on my first try I played it multiple times after that an expert just to get more of an opinion and I still don't think the devil is that hard what sometimes happened though is I would always take stupid hits during the first phase with the things he summons and the last phase with the tears with the last phase really getting me most of the times so with that added challenge Community opinion and trying to be unbiased with my experience I think the devil being here is a fair enough place to put him definitely a boss that takes time to S rank but mainly because of the HP requirement if you just use heart ring it makes us drink this boss not terribly difficult but still challenging Esther Winchester is definitely a boss that deserves to be here with or without Community opinion but before I get into it I just want to say this is definitely one of my favorite bosses in the game she's just so unique and man her music has got to be some of the best in the game I mean just listen to this [Music] thank you [Music] anyways Esther has a lot going on during her phases that really discombobulate you and took me a good amount of time to get used to but you can definitely learn her games and how to approach each phase her parries are on the easier side and plentiful to get so that's not a problem here it's mainly retaining the 3 HP until the end that makes his boss hard a lot of the problem is just figuring out how to go around getting the S rank and not as much as how to beat the boss herself so Esther is early in this tier and I think she deserves to be in this spot of the tier list hildeberg was a pain to srink surprisingly like I've mentioned before the plane levels I believe are definitely harder than normal bosses the problem I had is that with helderberg it feels like the game only gives you parries when the boss doesn't attack so you're always trying to dodge everything while also gaining the Parry for example when you enter the second phase hilderberg always sends in the Gemini Twins and right when she sends her Vortex and it starts shooting bullets around a Perry always appears this kept on happening to me for whatever reason and I kept on getting two out of three parries anyways once you get used to the phases they're not hard to deal with but her moon face always got me whether I couldn't get any parries on the pink stars or just taking stupid hits I feel like hildeberg is still a bit too high on this chair list even for me but I genuinely had way more difficulty as drinking this boss than any other bosses on this cure list so far so I just kept her here this is definitely my most controversial tier rank placement but I wanted to sprecker debate so here she goes Dr Carl's robot was so annoying to S rank man now he's generally one of the harder bosses to beat in this game both on normal and expert but to s-rank Dr calls robot it took a long time to S rank and as some of you might have already guessed it was because of the HP requirement both his first and second phase do take some time to get used to and fight well consistently mainly because of these damn stupid bombs that have a big explosion radius that feels like it lasts forever so I would always run into the explosion and take a hit now what makes this such a hard boss to S strength for me was his last phase it lasts so long and there is so much to dodge and pay attention to all while the foreground blocks some of your vision I just could not get past his face with 3 HP or sometimes even the time bonus this boss was very annoying to srink and he will deserves to be at least this high in the tier list I would say however that this is a boss you can definitely learn to beat easily once you know some tricks and take your time while finishing up editing this video I stumbled across a video by just so all day on how to efficiently S rank Kyle's robot and oh boy did I need this when I was attempting to s-rank this still a hard boss but I would highly recommend watching this video before attempting to s-rank this boss Suzuki could really helped make this boss easier to deal with either way I still do think that this is one of the hardest bosses to consistently S rank so with everything considered I think this spot in the chair list is fair now that's it for this tier these are bosses I would consider tougher on the scale to beat where you have to learn their moves getting good habits before you can actually get the s-rank let alone do it consistently so with that let's move on to the last tier [Music] there are things everywhere what the [Music] foreign oh my God Wally warbles was one of the hardest to just be on expert in his first phase you are not safe from anything I just could not deal with the eggs there are definitely some spots that you are generally safe from splitting eggshells but it just feels like you have no room his second phase is super easy so no problem there now the Baby Willy warbles was deceitfully hard to get past without taking any hits he just takes forever to kill since the shells that spin around him are fast and unpredictable and block your bullets so you basically have to use bombs to do Splash damage to hit him while he's fully surrounded and that means getting at real close like seriously though he's move in such a weird way I just could not get past this without taking a hit most of the time luckily every shot Willy shoots from his ray gun is periable so the Perry requirement was no problem in getting Health from heart ring was generally easy but I took so many hits that I would have to restart anyways his last phase also feels like it lasts forever and I swear this boss just does not know what personal space is man because you have none of it there's just a lot of things to be dodging here and I really do believe maneuvering in a plane is a bit harder than flat ground so I ended up taking up one hit that makes me have to restart the boss this was just a pain to S drink it took maybe an hour maybe an hour and a half to S rank and that has been the longest so far it's taken just to S drink a boss oh my God how many shots did this guy take just die oh my oh my God please please no this has been my best run yet please just die how are you oh my god thank you oh my God oh my God that was that was like what an hour I think like I think so oh [Music] what the now somehow Mortimer freeze will gave me even more trouble I honestly could not get all the parries even though technically all faces can give you something to Parry the first phase it's based on RNG whether he throws a variable card or not so it's not a reliable source of parries especially since you will probably not get the time requirement if you take your time in the last phase the parries are in my opinion not easy to get since you usually need to go far from the platforms to get the parry and usually you'll just get hit by the other projectiles that are coming at you the second phase is the biggest pain in the app I've ever had to deal with in a boss fight so far the worst part of the second phase are the ice cubes by far especially combined with the other attacks the Snowman does every single time he switched out of the fridge he would do another attack in a damn ice cubes or to get in the way and I would take a hit it was basically the same problem but with the popsicle bats these would just always get in the way and I would take a hit or I will shoot them on accident so I also couldn't get many parries from the second phase so with all of this I either couldn't get the parries to S rank or I would just take a ton of hits and have to restart this took me forever to S rank and I only got the S string because it got lucky with the parries one more freeze for me was the hardest boss to be on Expert so he deserves to be at least here on the tier list [Music] [Music] ing scares me no I I ain't talking about that freak all right you're not here is he how do I get this thing off one shudders to imagine what inhuman thoughts lie behind that bus cruelty holy piece of this was by far one of the hardest bosses just to consistently S rank in this game if Wally warbles didn't know what personal space was then this boss gave me claustrophobia there is literally no place you can stand for more than one second until you'll get hit by something it doesn't matter what it is on the map the advantage salt Baker gets for being one of the hardest bosses in this game is that he's newer to the game at least with the other bosses I had some time to prepare and I generally knew what I was going in for even though some of the bosses I haven't played in so long but I had no idea what to expect from Chef salt Baker I thought they would add little things here and there but no I think they added just a little bit more than you think across the whole boss fight funny enough I don't even think salt Baker is the hardest boss to be on Expert and potentially Mortimer freeze or Wally warbles are harder to be on expert but s shrinking salt Baker is a whole different experience than just beating him the only viable way to really beat salt Baker is to use at least one homing attack if not not too you just can't hit him at all or get past his first phase without one or else you risk the time bonus or take even more games than usual his second phase is quite tricky to maneuver around because Studio mdhr decided that keeping the two Fireballs from the first phase instead of just one was a good idea you are constantly at risk of taking a hit especially if multiple attacks start coming after you this phase also feels like it lasts way too long and at this point you start making stupid mistakes costing you the run his third phase is a bit awkward with its hitbox and the two saws on the floor are a nuisance but overall this face is nothing compared to the previous two his last phase is also quite awkward to maneuver and jump around with because a lot of the times the platforms are very far from each other the heart is also much faster and thus gets in the way of the platforms all the time so not taking a hit is pretty hard this phase also suffers from the attacks not hitting all the time unless you specifically bring chaser for this phase which I did most of the time all of this combined made this boss one of the hardest to be an expert and also S rank again I can't imagine people being able to consist instantly as drinkless boss like nothing at least without heart rate now to be real here these last three bosses could be interchanged since I genuinely had to take at least more than one hour to s-rank these bosses just once and solid picker was quite tough to decide on but I do think with everything I stated before it qualifies enough to be the hardest boss to S rank in this game well that seems to be it these are all the bosses ranked from easiest to S rank to hardest I hope you enjoyed the video wait what's going on no it couldn't be right no no way foreign oh boy forget Chef salt Baker this is by far the hardest boss in this game there are three billiard sharks that take up the whole stage and move in an incredibly awkward way all while mangosteen shoots out orbs at you that track you like a hunter killer drone from Black Ops 2. you have no room to work with and you are guaranteed to take at least three hits so you must have extra Health in order to get past minglesteen mangosteen makes Chef's salt bigger look like a joke and for that reason he is the hardest boss in this game wait did I say hardest boss wait why is April up here wait let me give me a second ah now that's much better now this is seriously the end of the tier list this was tough to do man so I can definitely see why a lot of these video tier lists are hard to make from a community standpoint but I still think my chair list is overall fair and makes at least some sense for what it's ranking like I've mentioned many times earlier in the video there are definitely some controversial placements and opinions of mine but nonetheless I really think I am around the ballpark of ranking the actual difficulties of getting an s-rank for these bosses but let me know what you think please leave your comments down below and I will definitely read them I want to start a debate or conversation about the difficulty rankings of the bosses so comments are most definitely appreciated now I have some outtakes or extra tidbits I was going to add in the video but decided to attracted a bit too much from the pacing of those parts of the video so enjoy some outtakes I can't believe you put mangosteen 26 out of 40 on the list Jesus all the mini bosses this is probably the hardest and he says the hardest one dice it makes no sense foreign [Music] how is it that when I look for a regular picture of Chef salt Baker I can't find anything but I find this like what the hell in this how do I find this before a normal picture of Chef salt Baker well I might as well kill him right even though we're just getting Clips can I smoke Dash might as well right I'm not sure bruh oh God where am I oh whatever we'll just kill him oh God okay dude are you kidding me why am I folding what's going on okay come on do it really oh my God and you solved my God are you kidding me like how do people think this is hard like it's really not look I'm just jumping that's all I'm doing I'm just jumping and shooting look oh there's a shopping shooting that's all I have to do how does this man's Nathaniel Bandy think this is the third hardest boss in the game he really thinks this boss is just as hard as Dr calls robot that is insane to me art okay what am I supposed to think with your ball sack wait what the I just wanted to say thank you to all who stuck to the end of the video this is my first time ever making and editing a video and oh boy this took me a while to finish this channel is mainly to release any music I produce or help produce but I decided I want to make a cup at tier list since it's one of my favorite games and I got the inspiration and energy to do it because of the DLC that came out recently I just wanted to make this for fun and wanted to assure everyone so don't take everything I said too seriously but while you're here I would appreciate it if you would check out my music anything I released should be out everywhere but you'll find the most content I release on my YouTube I would also appreciate if you had subscribed and took a listen to some of my newer tracks I've only been making music for just about two years and half those years I was working on a free version of a music program so I'm definitely improving in any criticism or thoughts would be appreciated my Main outlets for my more professional music would be SoundCloud and Spotify since I can't be looking out on all platforms hell my music is even on Tick Tock but again thanks everyone for watching and I hope to see you here for more music releases [Music]
Channel: MrKap
Views: 1,196,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 6sec (2466 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 17 2022
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