How Guardian Angels Actually Work

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Angels yeah created by God they are beings of incredible uh Beauty power they're immaterial um they are wise they have spoiler at the end does your guardian angel have a name can you name your guardian angel can you find out the name of your guardian angel all that and more my name is Father M Schmitz and this is the sent present what's the deal with angels specifically what's the deal with Guardian Angels first thing they exist they're they they're good now there are Fallen Angels maybe more on that later but angels are created completely good they are uh they have free will they have intellect so they have intellect and a will um at one point in time God allowed them to make a decision either definitively for him or definitively against him so all those angels that chose that definitive choice for the Lord remain in his service remain in his presence they do his will constantly they glorify the Lord they serve him they praise His name and they also intercede on our behalf more on that and as I said in a second those angels that definitively chose against the Lord um those are what we call demons so we call the devil right and so we recognize but even the devil was created good he took his goodness took his Beauty took his power took his intellect took his will and he said I will not serve but chose to spend his Beauty his will his intellect all those things on himself rather than on the Lord but those angels that remained faithful to God they are as I said continually praise and bless God they continually intercede they protect people on Earth the angels of God are in amazing so they are beings of Beauty as I said even though they don't have no body they're immaterial uh they have intellects the intellect is a different kind of intellect than us um St Thomas quis like dived deeply Dove deeply investigated that thoroughly when he talked about how angels have a thing called infused knowledge we don't have infused knowledge infused knowledge is like if you remember that old movie called The Matrix where Neo gets plugged into the Matrix he's like oh I know Kung Fu I can fly a helicopter that kind of thing that's infused knowledge like instant instantaneous knowledge they don't learn we don't have infused knowledge we have to learn over the course of our lives but Angels they have this instantaneous infused knowledge according to St Thomas aquinus and the church beyond that the word Angel itself means messenger and so there are three angels that we know their names Raphael Gabriel and Michael those three angels are called archangels because they had a greater message right they had a great message and Arch Arc me Arch me Arch message they had a big message and so Gabriel rapael and Michael are archangels now another category of angels are called guardian angels and we get the idea the notion that the belief of guardian angels from scripture in fact Jesus himself says that don't despise these little ones because each of them has an angel that goes before my heavenly father so that's that sense of like wait a second if each all these children around Jesus who are trying to get close to the Lord have an angel go before the heavenly father wait a second that mean we all have a guardian angel the answer yes we all have a guardian angel we all have an angel that is essentially assigned to us at our conception to guard to guide and to to lead us to the Lord Jesus so many Saints have talked about this so many Saints have talked about how we won't know until we get to heaven God willing until we get to heaven the number of times that our Guardian Angel has protected us the number of times our Guardian Angel has guided Us in and as as protected and guarded the same words but but has has led us to a place where we should go and away from placees we shouldn't have gone so it it's really a it's a good thing to have a devotion to your guardian angel to actually have an awareness that right now as you're listening to this as you're watching this not only is is the Trinity Father Son and Holy Spirit completely present to you but so is your guardian angel that that your angel is there and you can you can ask your angel for blessings in the sense of this you can ask your angel for protection you can ask your angel to go before the face of Our Father in heaven and bring your prayers of petition there your intercessory prayers there or even to ask your guardian angel to bring your prayer of Praise or Thanksgiving Before the Throne of the Living God so to be aware of this now the last thing I'll say is is sometimes people will say that they you should you could you can name your angel um or you can find out the name of your angel I I know that's kind of popular in some circles I would have to say please do not ever ever ever do that please never ever do that he say ah but it's really cool my angel's name is such and such like no here's here's why in scripture people would often ask the angel who appeared to them what the angel's name was and the angel most often never revealed that and so when it comes to like the name of the Angel we don't name the angel beyond that because to name something is to have authority over it right to name something is have is have some kind of power over the thing and so we don't have power over our Guardian Angel so we wouldn't name it because we wouldn't take authority over our Guardian Angel also it's like I want my angel to reveal his name to me well you know if we're opening ourselves up to uh the good spirits like Angels um we also might be inadvertently opening ourselves up to evil spirits fallen angels and so just don't do that is my encouragement you're not going to name your angel and if you had a practice doing that you're going to stop this with me saying that in a very nice way hopefully but we are going to have this awareness of this is a relationship that maybe you've neglected your whole life with you and your guardian angel this is a relationship that the moment of your conception God assigned you this Angel to be aware of that angel to be aware of his presence and his again his guiding you his guarding you his leading and protecting is a great great gift anyways that's what I got here to s present my name is father Mike God [Music] bless
Channel: Ascension Presents
Views: 476,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ascension, ascension press, ascension presents, fr. Mike, father mike, catholic advice, catholic inspiration, catholic motivation, fr. mike schmitz, fr. Mike schmidt, father mike schmitz, michael schmitz, fr. Mike advice, fr. Mike videos, guardian angels, angels, are angels real, believe in angels, catholic angels, catholic church on angels, name my angel, my angel's name, name an angel, communicate with angel, good spirits, bad spirits, demons, angels vs. demons, demonic
Id: aVhQ1DaAuOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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