How Demons Actually Work

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winning the battle part of that it's helpful to know the tactics of the enemy so we're going to talk about that a little bit [Music] hey i'm father mark mary with the franciscan friars of the renewal and this is ascension presents we're going to talk about some of the ordinary extraordinary works of the demonic devil and we'll begin with a little disclaimer if because we're gonna talk about possession stuff like that if you're very sensitive to this stuff uh for example it just generally freaks you out scary movies etc keep you up at night and uh you have a tendency to sort of over seeing the demonic in things perhaps feel free to not if you know yourself and this just may not be a good idea feel free to just not watch the video there's nothing you'll be missing which is going to prevent you from salvation so um you can be you can you can you can go on so these are the the resources i'm going to pull from personal experience but secondly it's going to be we had a class in seminary with a psychologist who's one of the experts who helps to evaluate those who think they might be possessed to see if it's possession or if it's some sort of other sort of mental illness something like that more natural means and then i live with one of the friar priests we live with in in the friary is an exorcist for diocese and most of his work he does is deliverance type ministry which is sort of intimately related though it's somewhat different than what he does as the exorcist here's sort of the typical classifications the way in which the devil is going to work or the demonic is going to work tentacio infestatio opressio obsessio temptation infestation oppression and then um possession right and perhaps maybe there's some other groups where maybe there's some other people who've used slightly different categories but this is just the ones we're going to use and i think they're sufficient tentative right temptation we're familiar with that we'll come back back to that at the end infestation is the sort of demonic activity in a place oppression is a little bit outward and and then possession is where it's a little bit more sort of further along a little bit more intense internal getting into sort of the will and the intellect things like that so so what do we why why bring it up what's the point first of all we want to root it we're gonna do something a couple things we're gonna just sort of acknowledge its existence we're gonna root it and sort of contextualize it talk about how to respond to it and how it affirms catholicism in particular and then lastly we're going to talk about uh sort of the most aggressive demonic activity that we need to be aware of so first of all it's like rooted let's just root it in in the fullness of the truth of who we are sons and daughters of god living temples of the triune god and i'm going to share the story as i was at i wasn't living at the friar yet i was there on time to retreat where the priest meets with people prays with people and and i'm a couple floors up and i'm just sort of praying to my thing and i hear this screaming and i know what happens there so like it took me a second i was like what's going on then i realized what was happening he had a man and a woman meeting with him and he was the the young woman was showing signs of the demonic so he's praying with her and we hear the whole the whole shebang of of cussing of vulgarity of blasphemy of voice changes is there a chance it was something psychological sure i'm not saying 100 this was the demonic but all the evidence for me for the sake of what we're doing here seems like that was what's going on so he's praying with her for a while again sort of this whole thing's going on and it's pretty it's pretty dramatic so what do i do i get up i'm a priest already praying saying the rosary throwing some blessings praying through seeing what what not just sort of just entering in accompanying prayer from outside that session ends up the the man or the woman they go home and i sort of get into bed getting ready to go to sleep and the priest comes up and he he knocks on the door he's like hey sorry about that uh that doesn't usually happen i didn't know it's gonna be that loud blah blah blah this and that i'm like yeah no yeah no worries you know i just um yeah just prayed for a little bit and all right all right good night see ya and we went to bed and here's the thing right like we're not like hardcore we're not any more hardcore than you or i we just know who we are right the mind can't touch us unless we invite it in or unless god allows it and like god god's got us you know i mean like like compared to my like like chill out like we got god and so we're good and we see stories with this with um padre pio st john vianney saint there's like you just know who you are and know who god is and just live in that reality remain in a state of grace and chill like we can do battle but we do battle with this sort of confidence like like we we got dad you know i mean and dad's big and actually that's divine so we're good so i just want to contextualize it like that because if you come across it don't freak out don't oh certainly we don't want to over try and diagnose it oversee it but if you're if you're in grace you're a living temple of god like chill like we're good we're good and again i don't want to be flippant but serious like we're good and second okay it's important for us to acknowledge this reality right so let's share it a little bit firsthand account i've had in other times of manifestation around me but like let's let's look back at the whole tradition of the church going back to scripture and beyond it's like throughout the history of christianity in particular there has been very explicit sometimes sensational work of christians against the demonic this isn't something new again it's scriptural jesus is doing it all the time we see it through the lives of the saints as i named some uh therese padre pierce and john vianney it's it's a real thing and why that's okay and why that's good is it it's important just to remember to be honest like if we allowed to be can be good for our faith like it's good to remember that the angelic beings are real demonic beings are real the spiritual battle is real the spiritual life is real invisible realities like we confess at the creed each sunday they're real they're just real and there's lots of evidence for it and then lastly is this is the way in which it confirms catholicism talking with with a priest exorcist who sometimes invites brothers in just just to pray and also to sort of let them experience it firsthand is is one of these this is like you see how the demons respond to the name of jesus you see how they respond to the name of mary you see how they respond to the crucifix to icons of our lady to miraculous medals to holy water even when right maybe they're not explicitly known to the person um who has the demon activity within them like it just confirms everything about about catholicism like if you're in an exorcism and you see the way that which the demon starts to react to the name of like our lady all a lot of these like well isn't she an enemy to god and like a lot of them get shut down pretty quick because they do not like our lady at all and so that's it's good it's good for us to remember or if you just see the way in which the authority of a priest manifests itself in those like uh the work of christians particularly through priests um in deliverance ministry and exorcism ministry like it just confirms big time the fullness of the truth the catholic church like yeah this is this is all real no doubt and lastly i just want to come with this is right is as we we talk about it it's good to name it for some of these reasons just to be comforted in the strength of our identity to be reminded of the truth as demonic and this is the whole spiritual life and its reality it confirms catholicism but like also this this is why we talk about it but we don't emphasize it because i've never met anyone who has suffered the ultimate injury which is the loss of grace right committing moral sin because of an infestation or because of an impression or because of a possession perhaps those those the lack of grace was already there and that opened the door but i've never seen anybody suffer the ultimate trauma and ultimate violence because of one of those things but i have seen it in hundreds if not thousands of thousands of people because of temptation and so one of the reasons the devil doesn't like or doesn't refer to all of these other sort of more sensational uh extraordinary attacks on us and attacks on the kingdom of god are because his best work is done in the dark in the secret and there's these little subtle ways in which he invites us to to lust he invites us to gluttony he invites us to cutting down another and these little subtle works of his they get us to just freely straight up basically kill kill kill your own souls you know and so that's how he wins uh is winning most of his battles so my brothers and sisters this like okay yeah the demonic's real and and it confirms the spiritual life it confirms the authority and the truth taught by the church the way in which he's coming at you and i the most is going to be through temptation my brothers and sisters let's say no to the devil he's a liar he's an accuser he hates us and all he's trying to do is to bring us to hell and he's trying to do it in little subtle ways and so let's be renewed in asking god's grace to deliver us from temptation and let's be renewed and saying no to the devil and let's be renewed on calling on our lady and her grace to help us in battle and in saint michael the archangel right like let's just say no to gossip let's say no to lust let's say no to pornography let's say no to um to getting wasted let's say no to cutting down a brother and sister say no to all of this sin let's say no to temptation yes to the good lord jesus let's grow in grace let's build up the kingdom let's send the devil and all his little demon friends back to hell and let's build up the kingdom of god and let's win this battle all right so let's pray well let's pray well let's live well let's do battle well particularly by calling down god's grace by living from our identity as as heirs heirs of the kingdom and let's live in peace let's live in peace thank you for watching so much peregrinos we're pilgrims on this earth what poker little by little bomb will say we're gonna make it god bless you
Channel: Ascension Presents
Views: 374,658
Rating: 4.8406067 out of 5
Keywords: temptation, demonic activity, demonic activity 101, paranormal activity, exorcism, catholic exorcism, Fr. Mark-Mary, CFRs, Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, Ascension Press, demonic possession, are demons real?, St. John Vianney, casting out demons, exorcisms, exorcists, St. Therese, Padre Pio, St. Padre Pio, St. Michael the Archangel, lead us not into temptation, deliver us from evil, snares of the devil, ruin of souls, possession, demonic infestation, demonic oppression, demonic
Id: 6mHDKux38tQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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