What If You're Trapped on an Island? ft. MrBeast

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HEY THERE! WELCOME TO LIFE NOGGIN! So, you somehow got stuck on  a deserted island. Now what? Well, it may make you feel better to know that   some people have managed to survive  being trapped alone on an island   for years. Does that help? Great! Now that  you're feeling better, let's talk survival. Oh. Hey Mr. Beast!... Wait… Hold up. Mr.Beast!? MR.BEAST: That's me! BLOCKO: What are you doing here!? MR.BEAST: well, you started talking about  an island and I just kind of appeared here. So what's the reward for this challenge?  10 thousand dollars? 100 thousand dollars?   a million dollars? we're giving  away the island? What are we doing? BLOCKO: Um, well, I have like…$3 in my bank  account and none of this actually real so... I just wanted to talk about some tips  and tricks to survive on an island. MR.BEAST: Oh...well yeah I can do that! First things first, you need  to find a source of water. Humans can only last a few days without  water before their bodies can't function The exact time frame depends on  the climate, their activity level,   their health, and their size. But,  in any case, it is the priority! to find water you can locate a river or  stream, or you can collect rainwater,   or if you're big brain, you can build a solar  still that creates and collects condensation. BLOCKO: You'll also need to build a shelter to keep out  of the sun and rain and a fire to keep you warm,   ward off any predators, and cook  your food. Ah Mwah! Chef's Kiss! You can make a shelter by collecting sticks,   branches, and foliage and forming them into an  angled lean-to shape., Then start yourself a fire. If you don’t have any matches or a lighter, this  may sound easier than it is, but there are ways   to start a fire without them. Such as by rubbing  a stick in the grove of a larger piece of wood. MR. BEAST: You’ll need food as well, especially  if you’re stranded for a while. Humans can survive weeks without food,  but let's be honest, that would suck! Glucose provides your body with energy!  Once that storage of glucose is gone,   you'll start breaking down your  own tissues, like muscles for fuel. But finding food shouldn’t be too hard. Since you’re surrounded by water, just go  fishing, or ya know, collect some seashells. Just remember to cook them to kill any parasites,   and if that's not your cup of tea you could  also try your hand at any fruit or vegetables. BLOCKO: Just be   sure to test them out by rubbing them on  your skin and then your lips and tongue,   and waiting to see if there’s  a reaction, before eating them. During all of these tasks, and anything else  you do on the island, it is essential that   you avoid injury and predators. If  you don't have any medical supplies,   even small cuts can become deadly. Now that you’re hydrated, fed, and  safe, let’s get you off that island! Chances are that people are looking  for you. But to help them find you,   your fire or a big “S.O.S” in the  sand could attract their attention. Triangle Bob, that is not what i told you  to write. Nobody even says that anymore. Wait, Mr. Beast! Are you leaving already!? MR.BEAST: Don't worry Blocko, I'm never really gone! BLOCKO: but, but we were  having so much fun together! I'll be right here if you ever need me. Dab. BLOCKO: MR.BEEEEEAAAASSST!!!! Come back!!! *seagull caws* *Sighs*   anyway, What would you name your own private  island? Let me know in the comment section below! Thank you so much to Mr. Beast for  being in this video! Go subscribe to   him if you haven't yet for some reason!  He's very close to infinity subscribers. As always, my name is Blocko, this has been  Life Noggin, don't forget to keep on thinking!
Channel: Life Noggin
Views: 849,542
Rating: 4.9660401 out of 5
Keywords: life noggin, education, education channel, life noggin face reveal, edutainment, edutainment videos, blocko, blocko life noggin, science, educational, school, explainer, mrbeast, mr beast, mrbeast6000, island challenge
Id: ddv3_P3g7es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 29sec (209 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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