Surviving 24 Hours On A Deserted Island

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this is a deserted island with zero inhabitants and we're gonna spend 24 hours straight here yo this looks like a Dorito speaking of Doritos we've brought supplies hey vs. mountain dude are the Easy Bake Oven this for my poop we've brought for night monopoly cuz deserted islands are pretty lonely who did you bring Chandler heavy object and everything else here is just tents chairs and boring things you ever go to the grocery store oh mama and they gotta take all the bags at once all right boys the boats are gone they're not coming back until tomorrow we have no cell service we're on a deserted island please do not let anyone die I got to go pee over there you guys keep setting up camp I'm gonna build the best tent you ever seen good Chanakya build mine nope they're over there like I said earlier treasure chest full of money we're gonna find a spot to bury all this money but I don't know where I don't want to deceive me they're right over there what if we told them we were playing hide and seek and then but instead I buried the treasure all right my fellow Islanders I want to play hide and seek real quick I need you guys all line up over here okay drop what you're doing go all the way to the water and look that way after caught cheating you're never allowed to compete at a challenge ever until the day you die but I'm immortal they would never expect it to be in the middle of the camp and the digging decoy a hole we're really close to camp just why I don't think they'll check here they're gonna think it's further out all right guys I lied about hide-and-seek you can turn around you're trying to bury yourself and you could know I buried treasure there's $10,000 buried somewhere no it's not just kidding so I lied it's not $10,000 there's 3,000 go $3,000 in $1 bills I get it more they look the more footprints they make and the harder to beautify I see you Taylor I know Jimmy they're lazy doesn't like to go for which is why he went for I'm going to Europe my shot is to follow Chris and then push him when he finds it and bring it back faster I'm gonna have a nice meal and tonight I'm gonna go grab down wow you already built you ten that took eight very a long time tear it down because it wasn't on camera no dude we're keeping big tent industry in business we just keep on buying saving the tips first step of building a tent is to complain angry did you exist three you know where the treasure is right yeah let's see did see cuz I don't settle for fifty-fifty Chris I'll take 200 bucks I just wanna find it you just want to find it I offered him 2,800 bucks see if you can beat that yeah I've already found it you're building this tent you're working hard I went through all my ranks Cub Scouts before Boy Scout and then I became a Boy Scout they're gonna ask me to help them later and I'm gonna say give the seagull to help you we're kind of hungry if you don't mind well I'm dealing with the problem I it's going behind Vikings tend to block the wind that is actually kind of smart children gather round for another clue of your treasure it's on this side of the island I found it Dustin found the buried treasure you know Dustin it's a shame we're on a deserted island and no one will know what happens until nine o'clock found it so he should give it to me I'm gonna try to get Josh to build my tent for me I'll give you like 20 bucks whoa why won't you win a one $3,000 $3,000 give me 20 bucks Wow all right so who pay me for this bed how about I give you all a chance Heusen dollars oh you're gonna like that it sounds pretty good it sounds amazing nice you got it getting so frustrated too oh my there you go stop hurting me go for a swim enjoy hey Jimmy Mattel you just go pro all right man Chandler about to go scuba diving we'll let you know if we find anything there is another Island over there and we're gonna go swim to it because we need content oh look we have a shark in the water all right guys we have a long treacherous journey let's get going I'm a shark boys the islands all the way over there keep going this we can swim to Europe [Music] can we break a tent over here you mean you wanna head over there hey Jake give us slow motion I need a goggle tree what do you want you were like I want to slow-mo boy [Music] Chris we need to get out the water and make a fire so we can eat hot dogs jr. good boy he's rolling around in the water right now we're sending the drone up so you can see how small our island is Islands getting small the islands getting small who said that mother nature what the heck mom guys we got a migrate that little we've build a boat I'm not migrating anywhere I don't know if this moats gonna work hey let's see let's see that's it oh it works we need my boat yeah he pulls guys get to digging protect the village Oh another whoa here he goes jealous drain it to the ocean boy that'll burn your thighs right there [Music] we survive it's protected we're doing good boy digging all right the wall is secure on this eyelets go on the east this area right here it's got about five feet we're good our next point right here here comes a big one oh that's a really big one oh my god we live to fight another day who would have thought there's water on an island thought an isle am not an eye water I was just thinking we should make some food Chandler do you see what it's happening right now yes we did a great job and I think we deserve a meal we can't make a fire if the village is under water Chandler think Chandler please help all right hold this okay don't lose it okay what is that tag you build this note we get food food yes keep the island from sinking and we will give you all the hotdogs you won all the hot dogs in the world so wait don't want you to have hot dog gets hairs you want some food food some water what about food okay what if we drink water first and then we eat food okay the mote works this is the best idea we've ever had it actually withstood high tide now we're gonna eat some food heat up some hot dogs it should be fun you know it's pretty easy sandy and also there's a lot of water and birds are just pooping everywhere I heard you look like you look like birds now like a majestic bird okay okay okay what kind of bird is focusing on my fire what do we need to start a fire you just want me to say the thing again don't you hold my fuel huh blame oxygen and everybody said no you breathe out carbon dioxide but it's not your blowing and it makes the oxygen go to the fire so you're wrong comments-section you geniuses i'm suppr forgot sunscreen I know and I'm a boy scout Cub Scout that's the first rule of Boy Scouts Cub Scouts sunscreen no no pair we're roaring now boys get your weenies ready and also your hot dogs Jimmy appreciate me I made you fire I don't care I want to feel appreciated it just sounds like Matthew I need a takeaway come on Maddie good it'll do that easy Joey it's not true 100% not sure it's just like I was with the boys and the opportunities presented itself for a funny joke you know I took you so it's okay right right yeah okay yeah love you Maddie Oh God be ready with the night someone takes that neck for this the only way to stop a crazy was with another crazy Taylor attack boys think of your friendship touch fire no flame that's not worthy Chandler what do you do say that that's how you get rid of them hey Chandler yo give me that give me this oh god if I don't get food in the next 30 minutes I'm walking around naked and you know what also I'm gonna tear up the camp that's what i'ma do I'm putting out the fire I'm getting naked in 30 minutes if I don't get too high I haven't washed my hands but uh cook our wieners yeah we good what you haven't watch your hands are you digging your crack we're not dealing with optimal conditions for Wayne or cookin all right let's go ahead and get the buns ready and the ketchup and the mustard they ready yet no get out of here this is my wiener these are my wieners everyone gets two wieners that's your rations for the night prayer me up daddy Chris thank you I'll be the first thing you up I don't get much of those it's gonna fall close your bun let go no way these are our wieners what you doing to catch me master tarik I don't know how many dogs how many doesn't refer got it what that's what you guys once many every time we go on a trip we always forget to bring ketchup and mustard which is no big deal it's just kind of it you know on the mountain it was water I can deal without water you can live without water we're gonna die variation but a hot dog without ketchup and mustard you might as well just put me in a coffin guys the drone shots not good enough you can barely see us not see us [Music] that's the time for swimming that all the stuff that I just don't feel like moving I'm just gonna sleep here good night going a bit hungry because I dropped my hot dog I'm gonna go to bed I'm tired after being on an island all day I'm gonna want to leave in the morning though they can't come a light off the dock once falls tonight up now I just looked like a dork I ended up in a tent I don't know how it's left here with sand is not comfortable good back to bed please all right good morning I slept in this chair I think we're just gonna get out of here it's almost been 24 hours hopefully this boat oh come soon that's probably the worst night's sleep I've ever gotten everything hurts I'm covered in sand there's one shower can have a shower now so guys I just thought of something what if the boats don't come this morning why would you say do we have a flare gun I doubt it no brick yeah well we better hope the boats gonna be an island sucks I agree don't spend 24 hours in desert island like it's miserable though doesn't come soon I'm gonna go crazy we're currently packing up and hoping the boat guys didn't forget us we're making sure we pick up everything we brought to the island cuz obviously you don't want to leave a mess that's for both the environment our boats are here hey guys good news the boats are here no no no no were there I mean yeah the boats are there I'm done I'm gonna need you to carry me how much do you weigh Oh 168 trick only cares 169 yes true hello thank God it's about [Music]
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 65,393,272
Rating: 4.9236984 out of 5
Id: lBYC4_Lccjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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