Among Us Science - When Does Lying Go Too Far? ft. TheAmaazing

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BLOCKO: HEY THERE! Welcome to Life Noggin! No one likes to be lied to, but we all have. This is especially true when meeting someone  new. A 2002 study on first introductions between   graduate students found that 60 percent of  the participants lied about three times in   just their ten minute conversation. I brought  in someone who is an expert on lying...well   kinda. He’s really good at Among us! Maaz!? You there, buddy? MAAZ: Hey! Sorry. I was uh...fixing wires. BLOCKO: Oh. Perfect! Well did you wanna  help me with this video really quick? MAAZ: Sure. That sounds like a great alibi.  I mean lie...I mean time….time! A great time! BLOCKO: Okay! Go right ahead.  I completely believe you. MAAZ: While lying is generally bad,  gaslighting is on a whole other level. Gaslighting uses lying - a whole lot  of it - to make someone question their   memory and experiences., It is considered  psychological abuse and can be very harmful. In addition to lies, the gaslighter may isolate  their victim to control what information they   receive, question the knowledge and motives  of anyone who contradicts them, and even   plant evidence to support their lies., Eventually,  when the victims no longer trust themselves, they   become fully dependent on the gaslighter - making  it very difficult for them to escape their abuser. BLOCKO: This manipulation   tactic is named after a 1938 play called  Gas Light where a husband makes his wife go   crazy by dimming and brightening their gas-powered  lights and convincing her that she’s imagining it. Like the play, gaslighting can be  seen in romantic relationships,   but it can also occur in other power-laden  environments. For instance, people of color   have been victims of gaslighting by  institutions like the police force   and education system, and whistle-blowers  can be victimized by their employers. Victims can suffer long-term mental  health effects such as anxiety,   depression, and psychological trauma., MAAZ: In real life Gaslighting hurts   people by causing intense emotional damage, and  clearly lying and gaslighting are not something   you should do to other people… unless maybe you  are playing a game. Like one where you need to   convince other players that you didn’t just kill  someone or how that you’re not the imposter…which   I’m not. I’m winking but you can’t see  that because I don’t have eyes… or a face! In that case, there are some methods used  in gaslighting that could come in handy. You   could flat out deny any accusations against you or  counter with your own, or divert their attention   to something else by changing the subject, OR even  make their beliefs seem irrational or trivial. BLOCKO: Spotting a lie is not that easy. One   study found that participants accurately detected  truth from lies just 53 percent of the time. But,   for those crewmembers out there, there are some  ways to determine if you're being manipulated. This is easier if you know the person and how they  normally act. Any deviation from this norm is a   good indication they’re being less than honest.,,  But there are some general indications too,   like sweating, fidgeting, being vague, or  buying time before answering questions.,,,   If you think you’re being lied  to, try asking for more details   or for them to tell their story backwards.  Chances are they will dodge you or slip up. If you do catch them in a lie,   they may become defensive and try to turn the  tables on you because they’re angry they got   caught. But just throw that imposter out  the airlock and congratulate yourselves! MAAZ: Yeah guys. It’s for sure Blocko.  He’s been acting sus this entire time. Blocko: What!? No! I was with you the whole time! MAAZ: No you weren’t. Blocko: Huh, i guess you're  right. I’m the imposter guys!.   Maaz wouldn’t lie to me. Great call guys! So are you good at lying?  How often would you say you   do lie? Don’t lie answering that question though! Thank you so much to Maaz for helping me out with  this video! He makes amazing content over on his   youtube channel AND he streams Among Us on Twitch.  You're definitely gonna wanna check that out! All his links will be in the description. As always, my name is Blocko, this has been  life noggin, don't forget to keep on thinking!
Channel: Life Noggin
Views: 679,571
Rating: 4.9348712 out of 5
Keywords: life noggin, education, education channel, life noggin face reveal, edutainment, edutainment videos, blocko, blocko life noggin, science, educational, school, explainer, among us, imposter
Id: O_skHDCjs3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 52sec (232 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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