Face Reveal / Q&A - What's Next For Life Noggin?

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Hey there! Welcome to a very special episode of Life Noggin! So, recently we hit 3 million subscribers! Well, not really recently, it was about 2 or 3 months ago, but the world has been really hectic and I was waiting until I could get in contact with a good friend. You’ll see later, but forgive me. It’s still just as amazing. Although I think the celebratory cake has gone bad. Thank you so much for 3 million subscribers! It seems like just yesterday I was a lonely block boy with no friends making videos about president facts for some reason? 2014 was a weird time, huh? You, the amazing person watching, made it possible for me to keep teaching you all sorts of things! We’ve gone on so many adventures. We’ve been to space, sailed the ocean, battled glitch monsters, We’ve even been to a garbage dump, I can't believe they let us in! I figured we could do a little Q&A to celebrate since there are a lot of questions for me! First one up: Blocko when are you gonna do a face reveal? Ya know, a lot of people have been asking for a face reveal. I don’t have a face. My animator sometimes gives me a weird face and it scares people, like it gives them nightmares, but I don’t really have a face to reveal. I do have a great friend Pat who would love to say a few words. He might sound exactly like me, but that’s just because he copies my style. Total ripoff if you ask me, good guy though, but anyway let’s hear from Pat sha’ll we!? Pat are you with us from the IRL world? I am! Hey there! Blocko: Really? Okay, hi there! Much better! You might be thinking “didn’t they already do a face reveal?” and you're correct, we did, but so many people kept asking for one, so I guess a lot of people didn't see the first one. Figured we might as well do another one. My name is Pat, I’m the co-creator and creative director here at Life Noggin and this is my face. Sorry if it’s not what you expected. I didn’t expect this either. It just happened. Blocko: At least you have a face...I just look like a fresh tissue. Anyway, thank you to the Life Noggin team past and present, the co-creator of this channel Ian, and anyone who has supported this channel to get it to where it is today. Thank you thank you thank you! It has been an absolute joy to work on this channel for 6 years!? 6 years! Wow! This channel doesn’t run without the amazing people behind it! I also wanted to say thank you to YOU the amazing person watching this video, because if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have this channel. Fact! There's another fact for ya! IIt makes me so happy to see the love you have for learning and you guys keep coming back week after week, and you guys have so much love for the characters on this channel. It is incredible. BLOCKO: Hey that reminds me of a question we got. “Are you making any new characters for the life noggin world?” Pat: Actually yeah! Here’s one that I've been working on. I know don't really what their name is, so if you can help me out, lemme know what you think this person's name should be. Blocko: hey that new character isn’t gonna replace me right? No! Nobody can replace you Blocko! I hope so, he’s way more buff than i am. Why'd you make him so buff? Next question up! What is Blocko working on? Well, Life Noggin is working on more explainer videos, Blocko is hard at work filming more dear blocko videos, and also we have more made another Life Noggin IRL episode that will come out soon, so i'm very excited about that. Are you working on something Pat? Something that isn’t Life Noggin? Where can they see more of your human face? Well, you can see more of my human face on Undo Circle! I started a channel where my 2 animator friends, and I play really fun drawing games, we do really fun drawing challenges. it's very chaotic and silly. We also have a bunch of other animator friends come by and hang out, and they draw stuff! I highly recommend it. I know I'm biased because I made it, but it's really good. if you wanna go and support the other thing that i do, you wanna see more of face, click the first link in the description. Go subscribe! Appreciate it! Thank you! Blocko: Yeah! Go comment and tell them Blocko sent you! Pat: Man it really feels like i’m just talking to myself you know? Blocko: well maybe get a new voice, bub. MY voice pays the bills. Pat: You know I made you right? Blocko: Yeah right, I look nothing like you. Pat: I was literally there when you were born. Blocko: What? I think I’m going through a tunnel. What!? I can’t hear you. Pat: Blocko… this is a video chat. I can still see you. I can see triangle bob in the background eating more rotten cake. Triangle Bob, don't do that. Blocko: Oh no the call dropped. Click. That’s a shame! Anyway! Please let me know if you have any other questions for us in the comment section below AND also tell me what you wanna see more of. A lot of you guys said you want Triangle Bob to host an episode. So maybe we’ll get to work on that! Thank you again for 3 million subscribers! Thank you for supporting this channel! I hope you enjoyed this video! As always, my name is blocko, this has been life noggin! Don’t forget to keep on thinking! Nope you're still there! I can still see you. How do i hang this thing up? It's not..the end buttons not working. I can't
Channel: Life Noggin
Views: 411,307
Rating: 4.9684267 out of 5
Keywords: life noggin, education, education channel, life noggin face reveal, edutainment, edutainment videos, blocko, blocko life noggin, science, educational, school, explainer, face reveal
Id: pto1AKpps1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 21sec (321 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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