What If Frieza Turned Good? | Dragon Ball Z

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yes you read that title right it's a holiday miracle [Music] hey guys marzico x here now if you are familiar with this channel then you might have known that we tend to follow the common dragon ball trope and it is really a common one that is about investigating what might have happened had a particular character switched sides and instead fought with the good guys or if you want to be more accurate the site that is featured the most history is of course written by the winners as some people say anyway there has been one scenario which i have categorically eschewed from thought due to the fact that i didn't really think it would be possible or at least not done well lots of you out there though have asked about what i thought of this and many times i have pushed back saying that it just couldn't be done but here and now just a few days before christmas i think i have an idea which might work it's a bit of an ambitious one i admit but here goes nothing what if frieza turned good now before you either gasp with glee or recoil with uncertainty and plenty of eye rolling hear me out here this isn't going to be something that we saw with deborah in dragon ball z where he pulled a complete and unnatural well be it hilarious 180 and he was a guy who was so pure they would want all the fruit gummy this idea i feel is going to require a lot of thought and logic behind it that would make sense within the story of dragon ball and for ages i thought this was beyond reason and not anything that could be viable as a compelling story and be true to frieza however we were talking about something during the weekly what if roundtables recently that's the stream where myself have rock and sophie b friends of the channel go through your ideas about potential what ifs during one a few weeks back there was a particular train of thought that really got me thinking and it all started to click together to make something that seemed pretty reasonable to the average dragon ball fan and something that added a lot of story and deep narrative to it something dramatic but before we begin do check out the merch store at massacre.cc store for some post holiday purchases as it really does support the channel and it also gives you some pretty awesome designs at the same time i mean who knows one design may come from this very series we shall have to see what we come up with thank you for your time now the first question for any new what if is this where does it start what particular moment sows the seeds of change within the world of dragon ball do we go far back like we did for what if bardock convinced the saiyans do we make something that is a recent occurrence during the days of dragon ball super where we see frieza being a team player for universe 7. and yes we do know that this was his own personal gain ultimately but it's a lot more than what he would have done when he was a little younger in the nemic saga in any case we are going to be starting during the namek saga at a time similar to another what if we did what if frieza listened to goku back then when i first came up with this this was my next best solution back in the day to answer whether frieza would turn good to answer the questions about it whether he'd have an about face with a thing that seemed pretty realistic but now i think we can up the ante with this but if you want to watch what i did with that story then do check it out up top right we begin with the moment that we of course all know frieza gets duped by the two destructo discs that he makes for some reason and lands on the ground in a heap like in the previous what if he decides to take goku's advice about using the saiyan's key to escape the planet before it blows up reluctantly he watches us saying he had been tussling with fly away how dare that monkey make a fool of me i'll show him one day or maybe right now frieza gets an idea to lure goku into a trap stalling for time monkey wait use my ship goku stops in this tracks is this frieza helping him it can't be true what do you mean your ship is still around in this chaos don't underestimate my craft fool it can withstand anything the galaxy can throw at it or even me when i'm having a bit of a tantrum come i remember where it was parked frieza flies as fast as he can given his condition and goku chooses to follow king kai consensus going down and is watching closely if things get hairy he may have to step in and rescue goku mid splooty they get to frieza's ship and it's resting on top of chasms and flames cascade around it as the emperor opens the door and guides goku to the control center the bridge why are you helping me a second ago you were trying to end me i saw the error of my ways monkey i realized there is no point holding back progress and whatnot i needed to be set straight that's where you came in this is really strange goku doesn't know what to think of this but they are in freezer's ship and are heading to the bridge to get out of here then they do get there and calmly frieza activates the controls and the craft begins to teeter and totter its way off of the ground hovering into the dark red sky frieza is struggling what with only having one arm so goku offers to help steer the craft out into space and to a safe location king kai is nervously watching but really wish that goku just iced him sooner pun definitely intended when the ship reaches the outer atmosphere there is no time to spare goku can see the sky change from red to a deep blue as the stars begin to twinkle in its welcome to outer space they're gonna make it i don't know what to say frieza you catch your word thank you i'm glad you've seen sense frieza bows his head and smiles a little too sinisterly yes indeed i have seen sense i know what my destiny is yours though i am sure ends here frieza immediately blasts the cockpit window out and the space begins to suffer decompression goku is using every fiber of his being to stay in position barely any energy left to stand frieza is initially feeling very smug with himself he had fooled this monkey into thinking that he was going to live he had started to laugh his victory laugh but this might have happened a little too soon goku grabs frieza's remaining hand and powers up as much as he can and begins to spin the emperor around and around outmatching his target's power goku roars with anger and sends frieza flying out of the window all this before sending out an angry kamehameha after him frieza cannot counter this not realizing the extent of the energy gift that he'd received frieza is overwhelmed and is left being flung back towards the planet orbiting it just as it explodes as well as being in the middle of an angry kamehameha goku can feel the heat of the explosion emanating from behind the ship and slams on every single button possible to activate the blast shields which he does manage to do with seconds to spare flames licking in the cabin now with frieza gone he can take this ship far away from here he slams what could be the controls to steer the ship and collapses on the floor just completely and utterly exhausted meanwhile frieza survived the explosion but not in much better state than he was in the original story sure enough king cole had been observing the whole thing and sends out a party to rescue his son bringing him back on board after what seems like weeks frieza regains consciousness but his response is not what it was in the original story it's different while he had been out of it his mind had been rattled with the fact that not even the most darkly of his own tricks could work the saiyans had won he was powerless to stop him his plan had failed and his daddy had seen the whole thing going down it was so embarrassing he was broken figuratively and literally king colt can watch this going on on his son's face and looks perturbed what had happened to him he's not like himself at all frieza thinks to himself perhaps i should have just blasted him the first chance i got after more time cold has a heart to heart with frieza asking him what happened frieza looking just as morose tells his father the whole thing cold looks absolutely shell-shocked the monkeys they've gotten that strong frieza was no match for this super saiyan my dear boy what shall we do shall we sit across for this earth where the saiyans are hiding show them how strong you are now with your upgrades and the power of the mighty king cold the superior being you deserve to a natural vengeance son how dare they hurt you normally frieza would revel in this idea but there is no reaction other than just turning away it's useless father you will only get stronger they probably are already i found out about their way to get stronger when they survive great injury that goku he's probably even more powerful than when i pretended to rescue him cole's eyes open you what you were feeling for this goku boy did you want to see him live no i wanted to trick him and no son of mine would have done something so long-winded and risky the freezer i know would have taken them out on the spot without mercy you've changed and not for the better perhaps this new dawn of super saiyan is not something that you should face i need to make some arrangements cold gets up and without another word lees freezes quarters not long after that frieza is then stripped of his title as lord frieza emperor of the north galaxy that title going back to his father cold albeit temporarily he had lost his status and his empire he lost everything just because of a single stupid comment when frieza goes to talk to his father now the king again he is met with an icy reception what do you want boy i have an empire to fix after you messed it up you're lucky your brother isn't here he would have made sure you never set foot in this place again i'm nice like that he smirks sourly frieza then tries to persuade his father to give him his empire back but his father doesn't want to know as far as cold's concerned frieza is clearly not fit to rule where there are super saiyans and the likes of vegeta knocking around more powerful than ever he let vegeta go as well frieza sparked with anger at this and cold rebels in this resentment is my baby boy all mad come now i've saved you from the big bad monkeys they scared you so it's for your own good my son frieza powers up and tries to attack cold directly and connects cold is shocked his own flesh and blood attacked him this will not do cold lets out a roar and powers up to his own final form and counters frieza's attack that was a big mistake boy cold rips off freezes mechanical arm and tosses it aside before kicking freezer down to the main floor of the throne room get back to your room i don't want to see you again you disgrace me this desperate tactic was the final straw for cold freeze was clearly too unstable to rule he had proved it himself on the way back to his room frieza watches the hangar as the latest mothership is being finalized in the distance he can see a ship hidden behind various crates as the construction efforts for the big ship are taking priority frieza has a plan he heads for the hangar but before he can enter berry blue spots him and knows what he's up to if you go you can kiss your life here goodbye i don't think your father would tolerate somebody who would resort to sneaking around and fleeing it's not like you frieza frieza grits his teeth and holds himself back from attacking her this is his nanny the only person who had shown any kind of affection to him i fear beribuh that i may have already kissed this place goodbye now leave me be it's time for me to find some answers one thing is for sure i won't find any here berry blue watches frieza slink away to the ship hobbling on his robotic legs still somewhat damaged from the scuffle with cold but chooses to let him go this is yet another life lesson that the young boy needs to face she is pretty relieved though that he didn't attack her frieza heads to the ship to steal it but meets resistance as cold has stripped frieza of any clearance big mistake you scum frieza then immediately tears apart the guards and gets onto the small vessel piloting it clumsily out of the hangar and off of frieza planet one or should that be cold planet one cole can see the ship shakily fly away but allows it to do so i didn't think i would end up with two failures looks like it's time to head back to the drawing board where we last left frieza he had managed to find himself a ship and hightailed out of king cold sight the king himself allowing this to happen as his estimations of his former favorite pretty pink princess had vastly decreased in just a few short days cold was effectively casting him out but without having to do any of the dirty work the weakling had simply just shown himself out good he won't last long out there not with people knowing who he is but that's the thing cold you're wrong this could be the best thing that could have happened to frieza well the best in this timeline obviously who would know what frieza would look like now frieza's final form was known only to some select cold force higher-ups king cole himself obviously berry blue and kikono and of course goku vegeta and some of the dragon team that saw it happen on nemic as for your average space joe out there they have no clue that frieza had transformations his first form to them was his only form so this could mean a whole new world was open to frieza nobody would know what he looked like this robot hybrid this mecca variation was the freezer but that's not what is on his mind right now all he cares about right now is just getting far away from his former domain the place he called hope the life he had lived since the day he was born there was a little change from here on out king kai had been paying attention to frieza since he returned to his home world naturally to see what he would do and couldn't believe what was going on what he was seeing with goku on yard rat seemingly he was getting a little nervy but this time it felt different frieza wasn't heading anywhere in particular and nor was he in his mothership he was in a little planet hopper without any sense of direction or idea about what to do goku you won't believe what i'm receiving here goku listens to what king kai has to say and then asks whether he poses any kind of trouble for his friends on earth hard to say but from the way he's piloting the crap and from whacking sense from his energy he's in no condition amount of challenge i'll keep an eye on him and let you know goku takes this to mean that there's no need to do anything and so his grandmaster pibara instructs him to continue his meditation to learn more about spirit control as well as of course the basic technique instant transmission now if you're wondering about where this is coming from read the manga freezer is indeed not aiming for any world in particular he is taking time to process what just happened his robotic arm or what's left of it is crushed and in need of repair his empire is gone and he can't be sure whether people would try to rat him out to his father should he venture onto a planet that was formally controlled by himself and now his daddy but he can't just keep flying in space forever he would need to stop for fuel and supplies even he knows that he may be mostly robotic but he does miss the simple pleasures like a good glass of rose he checks out the craft's database of planets that are under the empire's control and locates a world which was considered to be the organization's dumping grounds for any old robotics and old tech that could be somewhere that might be able to build on a new appendage lickety-split frantically he changes course and lands on this junkyard planet seeking components and people who might be able to build him a new arm what do you want roy boy i'm sorry my ears are playing up what did you call me dirty boy on the account that you're a droid don't you know who i am how dare you talk to your superior frieza clams up realizing he's digging himself into a hole possibly the mook leans in fiercely no i don't if you ain't gonna treat me right then this transaction will be terminated the zeni drops this guy has no clue who he is he can just charm his way to a new arm in no time with no worry of his father finding him this person doesn't look very smart he can easily run circles around him all he has to do is play along with this bozo and he will be on his way and able to right this wrong and get his empire back frieza apologizes for his outburst in a very simpering manner and then decides to humbly request that he's acting on the behalf of lord frieza hopefully news hasn't gotten round of his abdication yet and requests that a new droid arm be constructed for this a mere lucky who'd gotten himself into one too many scraps i mean i'm sure the irony is not lost on you good sir now be a dear and patch me up would you you wouldn't want to upset the boss upstairs am i right oh yes of course you were you got any credits credits i'm sorry what if lord frieza sent you he would have sent a credit check with you for the materials but you've got the materials already the whole planet is made of the materials practically you buffoon please or no frieza credits of how we do business here if you are indeed who you say you are you would know you don't get anything in this empire for free so no credits no patching up now scram unless you want to work for it frieza's eye twitches work seriously him sing for his supper never where else would he find such an ample bounty of tech to repair his damaged body without fear of anybody ever finding out who he is he was lucky that this guy didn't grasp him up to king cold yet fine ow work i'm glad you came around brody boy now you better get started because you're going to be working for a long time frieza turns for a pile of metal which was several hundred feet high and was regretting his decision immediately king kai was trying his best not to laugh at what he was seeing frieza doing menial jobs what a new low well hi for the king obviously the king was creased up on the ground causing bubbles and gregory to be very concerned for their boss's health and well-being several hours pass and the mechanic comes out to check thinking that frieza would have given up but finds a pile of junk gone the hillock was nowhere to be seen all organized in the right place frieza was sat on the ground impatiently waiting for this bozo to return but i don't believe it this should have taken you weeks to shift if at all how did you do that frieza turns and responds lazily it's not that difficult i'm not a weakling you know nor am i a simpleton big stuff goes there small stuff goes there wires and cables go there you'd have to be a filthy monkey to not understand that name's kit i'll get you y'all frieza follows and sits down to have his new arm fitted finally some kind of service around here while kitt fixes up a robotic arm from one of his stock he explains that nobody has ever been able to finish organizing that pile in the past three years people try to score three parts but they either give up or just keel over out of exhaustion no i'm grateful for that buddy it's not every day you come across a super powered drifter actually there's never been a day that's happened thank you frieza turns away not wanting to respond to this gratitude nobody ever said thank you to him before well never said thank you with any kind of sincerity or a lack of quivering fear in their voice he was getting an arm and he'll be gone you'll be out of here he'll be out of this dump what whatever just hurry up so i can get out of here whatever you say droody boy i have a name oh well i don't care not one for names except my own from besides i liked rodney boy enough that calling you anything else would be kind of weird right now as frieza leaves the planet with a new arm he is left feeling quite refreshed yes he would naturally feel better with having no broken bits to his frame he did some work and got rewarded for it with actual genuine kindness he had been feeling a little bored of getting everything that he wanted prior to goku and his cronies taking everything from him actually making him having to put in effort this was no sign of wanting to be friends with him or anything kit's not his friend but thanks to them he was left with nothing but a ship and a drifter's life ahead of him okay so what happens next well this does actually cause some ripple effects some other stuff to happen with our good guys since mechafreeza is now preoccupied with his own endeavors when future trunks arrives there's no sign of frieza on earth or his father or anyone resembling them nobody's here not even the dragon team well this is weird mom definitely said this was the day that frieza showed up and goku was meant to return here well what is going on is that the likes of vegeta piccolo gohan and krillin arriving to see that this new power has suddenly arrived and what it's all about trunks spots this and instructs them from afar that he is here to wait for goku at least somebody's here to tell them to come to this precise location to wait with him he's going to be here soon but little do they know that goku ain't coming king kai had been keeping tabs with goku about frieza's location but since the tyrant was doing nothing really just flying through space goku had told king kai to not bother him anymore with this update so he could work on more training having grasped the basics of instant transmission having cleared that hurdle pibara offers goku the chance to focus on a particular power that he could specialize in if you've been okay with the manga recently examples could range from multiple copies of yourself gigantification and healing instead of me choosing this power arbitrarily i'm going to leave this up to you what does goku learn out of these three check out the poll up top and your result will be carried forward now that goku has the time to improve his training as for trunks frieza's absence has made him out to be a bit of a laughing stock just a guy appearing saying these things will happen and and they don't vegeta grows tired of this hanging around in the desert waiting for a future event to not happen either you tell us why you're here or get back to your supposed future brat fess up i don't understand goku is supposed to be here and so is frieza gohan steps up twigging the fact that frieza's still alive yeah he's meant to be some kind of robot version of himself and his dad was meant to be here well that's what my mom i was told the cheetah scowls so kagarot failed to finish him off i knew he'd blew it that super saiyan power should have been mine trunks realizes that his mum might have been wrong but he can't leave without telling these guys about the androids it would have been a total waste of time no pun intended so he has no choice but to tell the group here before he leaves he asks gohan to give this heart medicine to his father should he return because he's going to need it in about three years time what for exactly he doesn't tell the kid but with his mission complete the best of his ability trunks heads back to the future and the gang now have to figure out their next step without goku around to help them great back at coal planet one though king called us busy observing the creation of an advanced project which has got all of his attention he has not left its side since day one the day that frieza disappeared the project files read similar to freezes in that of coolers the former brother it reads trojan we start off with our dragon team unsure where to begin because goku isn't there to give him the guidance that does happen a lot himself swanning about on planet yardrat focusing more on his spirit control training this does mean that he is stronger slightly than he is in the original show at this point having gained a better focus of his overall energy output then being able to kind of fine tune it to make it one specific point more efficient but one mystery which we shall now address is what power does goku choose to specialize in after consuming his basic training and that was down to you with a categorical seventy percent of the vote you chose for goku to focus on the yadratian technique that is healing okay this means that goku now has a limited ability to heal which could come in use some time but i think to make sure that this doesn't get broken and since we're uncertain about the scope of the skill that the odd ratings have as of late in comparison to what dende can do if you try on a saiyan it's not sufficient enough to produce a zenkai-like effect if you heal them it just means that it heals an injury like anyone else after this goku decides that this might be the best time to head home and surprise his crew with the new powers that he has pibara thanks goku for his time here and wishes him well perhaps he could come back and visit sometime oh pibara you should understand by now how fickle goku is really goku vanishes from yard rat and arrives back on earth at kame house the gang are astonished to see suddenly goku here in roshi's lounge but they are more surprised that he didn't choose to go to his own place and greet you know his wife and son but he explains this because he's not quite gotten the handle of his power in the instant transmission from such a great distance he basically had to really lock onto a place that had a lot of energy around it and this fitted the bill with that he does indeed head home to an awaiting family looking understandably a little apprehensive frieza has been slowly repairing his robotic body with more and more parts that was superior to the slap dash job that the bumbling freezer scientists had done when they were frantically trying to save him now with time to focus he had at least gotten an appearance which was less mangled and random looking and it looked a bit more in sync but still not quite frieza but there was no mistaking that he did look a mess but at least now he could blend in a little more with less of a chance that a former soldier of his would recognize him this was quite refreshing for him as it enhanced the idea of starting anew that being said he hadn't forgotten about that goku person all this upgrading having to sneak around streamlining of his body was in readiness to one day face goku again and tear him apart for all that he's done ideally in front of his loved ones oh yes that would be the day that he would look forward to it isn't the days of him conquering worlds for profit anymore or anything like that but koku right now was his only constant of sorts that he had left and yep that sounds like your typical dragon ball antagonist after sparring with goku one time doesn't it as that was going on king cole had proceeded with his third iteration of creating the most superior being other than himself of course the project labelled trojan was near completion and even though it would be a while yet before it was awake and moving around alerted mobile all the previous instances from cooler and frieza's upbringing were accounted for and corrected i do believe that i've done it now hopefully i can retire and my legacy will be assured for eons to come he touches the container where the trojan project is just stating do not let me down my son somewhere out in the depths of space frieza has the compulsion to feel a chill and sneeze he feels something deep within him kind of like how he feels with his brother at times something filled in with dread that he could not or didn't want to explain away with goku back at home gohan offloads the information that trunks had told him about the androids as well as saying that before that date he would also need to take this medicine to avert something bad from happening goku takes the vial and inspects it and you're sure that this guy was on the level nobody seemed scared of him dad and he was keen to tell us despite vegeta scaring him somewhat goku nods again hmm that sounds like vegeta all right why don't i think i need this though but your dreadians taught me something really cool how to heal myself gohan is amazed to hear this his dad knew the same power as dende did seemingly how cool placing the medicine down in a drawer goku rushes outside to show gohan the fruits of his training chichi looks at the medicine in the open drawer and decides to place it in a much safer place anything that may make sure that she doesn't lose her husband for a second time needs to be taken seriously frieza having spent most of the last few months evading planets under his previous control decides to take a punt and land on a cold planet to see whether he might be able to slip by undetected this would make things so much more relaxing for him he'd gotten lucky with kit and the garbage while being under freezer control but would he be just as fortuitous on a more standard planetoid when landing the former emperor feels instinctively like hunching over when he's walking around donning his cloak with the cowl up but this time he decides to keep it down and try and regain some of his former swagger he parks the ship up and proceeds to head to a place where he could perhaps get something to eat having not had a proper meal i mean that the meal that he would have once considered standard fare from his rich background in what seemed like an eternity however he did not account for something he may not have been recognizable as his older self but his ship was frieza orders some food and takes a seat in the back of the restaurant trying not to draw too much attention you know one step at a time here he's just glad to have a meal meal sadly though not long after he began to tuck into his food and recall the glory days of fine dining a fracas begins in the bar where a young green skinned girl had stolen something important from a rather plush looking patron who is very very big looking frieza tries to resist breaking this up and just focus on his food but it gets worse you're right girlie you're starting to really get on my nerves and over what you took back or else the only thing left of you that would be recognizable will be your hands the girl isn't fazed though but other patrons are as they begin to scatter sending plates crashing everywhere and any illusion of peace and quiet that frieza had hoped to have were dashed frieza breaks the fork that he had in his hand into several pieces and gets up storming over to the proceedings the girl is slowly beginning to regret her actions fumbling for the item but then before she can hand it back frieza stands in between her and the patron pick off droid this ain't your predicament frieza stands for salute oh i think you will find that you have made it my predicament by your constant prattle get out of here or else i will make you the patron isn't scared not being able to sense energy and decides to dunk on this lunatic which does nothing the girl is surprised to see this happen and uses this distraction to slip away oh you got some upgrades do you droid really i guess they're going to try a little bit up as the patron raises up again frieza grows tired and does a basic punch to the gut which totally wins him and almost tears this patron into pieces frieza then suddenly remembers that he wasn't here to try and attract attention at the last second and with a flick of his cowl he plops some coins down on the bar keep the change my dear and walks out spotting the girl walking away trying to blend into the crowd i hope what you took was worth it urchin the girl whips around to see it's frieza and not the other guy i didn't need your help frieza doubting this thought hard walks up closer to provide some further scolding it looks to me that you are absolutely begging for mercy if it hadn't been for me you might have ended up looking even greener in the face than you already are like those namekian filth the girl is utterly confused at this remark but rallies herself whatever you gotta ride out of here then i wanna hightail out of this dump i've been stuck here for months wow what gumption well i would offer you a ride but i don't help ungrateful little urchins such as yourself now be a dear and run along and wait for the next overly generous benefactor of yours i'm sure a girl like you can find one sooner frieza's ramblings are halted when he spots his ship being carted off by a coal transporter officers sprawled all over it having recognized the craft parked awkwardly and then spotting that there is a serial number of a vessel that was stolen by the escaping freezer oh great the girl smirk returns was that your eye frieza looks torn he could easily regain the ship from these weak moocs yeah but that would go against what he was trying to do right now and blend in there was nothing he could do right now and she knew this fact completely that was so you're right huh oh tough break bud now you're just like me unless you want to do something dangerous frieza seems suspect and what would that be the girl gets up close and mutters in a quieter tone meet me back here at the dark and we'll get your back i know how to get in there plus i'm small and i know where they're gonna take it if you know this then why didn't you try to steal a ship yourself uh duh look at me i'm not exactly subtle nor did i have such powerful backup like yourself back up back up he lord frieza he has to swallow his pride for now though because this was the only way of getting his ship back he really didn't want to have to go to all of the effort and bother to try and find a new one right now i mean he'd only just gotten used to where all the buttons were on his ship fine you better know what you're getting yourself into girl the girl does the ok symbol don't sweat it old man i got this as that's going on goku and gohan begin their training with piccolo tagging in likely in the original and the rest of the gang also step up to the plate when it comes to dealing with the upcoming android menace with goku's greater understanding of spirit control and energy in general as well as the ability to heal the training is even more effective than before with the gains that the trio get being even more potent than in the regular timeline plus the fact they can heal up instantly and keep on going goku is fired up with his choice meaning that he and his son can train together even more than what would have been possible before you know when they had to rely on senzu beans and they had a limited supply it was so good this then sparked something else to happen vegeta decides after weeks of training on his own to join in with the trio the reason well he concerns the difference in energy from when he last saw kakarot anemic and now the games he had gotten in particular was so profound that he demanded to know where he got this power and understanding goku then just casually tells him and asks him whether he would like to as well how long did it take for you to gain this power kakarot i don't know about 11 months or so well i'll complete this in 10. and with that vegeta begins his own training on yard rat finds himself surrounded by pink and blue beings who give off a very mellow and happy vibe now remember this vegeta currently isn't as receptive as his super counterpart and this kind of thing really is not his style at the moment pibara has been informed by goku about vegeta and anticipates that this saiyan will not be as hearty nor as nice as the one that he had trained up recently that being said goku did dig up vegeta for being dedicated and focused but not how he got that focused and dedicated and that all of this is just to beat kakarot and not for anything noble like saving the world or anything like that no no no no no the pair get down to business the prince somewhat glad to be away from kakarot for a while and to have some alone time meditating just for a little bit getting stronger because of that little does he know that this training is a lot more cerebral than he bargained for while that's going on frieza and chili have waited until the cover of darkness to try and recover the former ship before they go ahead with the mission though frieza actually realizes something well wait a minute why can't i just fly over the fence i can do that it's not covered or anything in fact why do i even need you girl chili looks to him with a blank stare i can do this she takes in a deep breath and starts to shout out for help before frieza frantically silences her okay i get it i get it just please don't shout again it hurts what's left of my ears gilai then decides to prove a point by grabbing a rock by their feet hurling it above them towards the ship and it activates an electrical field vaporizing the rock faster than blinking what about getting out oh that's easy it's only a one-way protective measure i mean i think frieza is bemused by how backward the security is who would greenlight something like this something so arrogant and assured that they think nobody can get in chili points out to a sign nearby saying freeze the force impound number 419 with the freezer hastily scribbled out and replaced with cold force frieza chooses not to respond to that later that night chili approaches the guards pretending to be a lost little girl to which the guards try and calm down and find their parents oh it'll be easy for them and whilst that's going on frieza knocks them out and they're able to slip in unnoticed chiro is actually surprised by this that he didn't just waste them she actually asks him about this this makes him pause for a second though yeah why didn't he just end these fools i guess i didn't want to scare you and all i mean i'm sure a child like yourself wouldn't want to see that what he just said caught him for a loop since when did he care about what a kid thought has he changed since being cast out by his father without knowing it the old frieza would never be so considerate chili then rolls her eyes at this statement then there done that being where i've been you see a lot of that i wish i hadn't been but i can undo the past so what you gonna do come on let's just get out of here she walks forward to the ship leaving frieza still processing that show of tact weird hey you're gonna like this single word old man the empathic feelings are now swapped with annoyance by this remark keep your shrill voice down girl i'm coming frieza stomps towards the ship opens it and the pair slip out and off into space over the next few months frieza and chili begin to get to know one another although frieza chooses to admit the fact that he was an emperor and he was frieza he just decides to say oh i don't i have a name i'm just a robot initially frieza just wanted to find a convenient planet to get rid of this girl but over the course of their time together the kid actually proved to be quite useful in finding stuff as well as taking all the attention away from himself and on top of that it reminded them of home to have a minion of sorts now granted she wasn't as subservient as the lackey's past but having a cohort along for the ride was very nice to have after months of loneliness with the pair of them drifting from planet to planet they are able to score more and more parts and more and more credits for their ship as well as freeze's current frame he was starting to feel a little uncomfortable in his own skin and he felt the time was right to revisit an old friend frieza sets a course for the planet that he started his redemption archon the garbage world where he met kit sure enough kit was still there sifting through all of the waste from the empire that he had managed to work for for so long the ship lands and kit walks out to see who was trying to bother him this time only to see a familiar face well i'll be i didn't expect to see you dropping in again drawing a boy troidy boy i don't felt for some reason so nice to hear that again somehow for some reason it was familiar but he didn't want this guy to know that he got comfortable with him calling him that i have a favor to ask of you me and my passportu here has scored some very interesting parts and components of tech and i need you to upgrade me again kit looks up and eyes freezer with careful thought what's in it for me credits what do you expect unlike last time i've come prepared what's a shame i could have actually done with a hand around here all right let's get you patched up i'll give you the good stuff this time wait what good stuff what were you holding out on me sure did droidy boy i mean honestly you didn't expect me to hand out my best gear without credits now did you frieza's fist starts to spark in anger but he then starts to see where the guy was coming from when he actually thinks about it he would have done the same thing if the rolls were reversed chili meanwhile is grateful for a comfy bed to sleep on for a little bit as kit is working on frieza you came at the right time pal i've been given my marching orders from on high he points up figuratively what you've been laid off how why would anyone care about this heap of a world it may be a heap droided boy but it's still my home or at least it was he motions to some crates in the corner i was just unpacking my tools that is until you guys showed up say where did you pick up the girl frieza explains the bar room brawling counter where they first met as well as the lucky escape from the impound well i gotta tell you pal you gotta keep her with that one the kid like that can do the things that you said she can she's useful frieza looks to chili fast asleep on the bed yes very useful he lets out a sly smile hoping the mechanic didn't see it he did hours passed with not much more words spoken kit continues his handiwork until he gives freezer a slap on the back and tells him to get up and take himself for a spin frieza walks around for a little bit and gazes at himself in a piece of glass resembling what's left of the mirror he looks much less muddled than before sleeker less lopsided more symmetrical and he's especially glad to be getting rid of that lump on his head very good kit those higher ups are fools we getting rid of you thanks for reminding me droidy boy your repairs finally got me to forget about that got about 14 hours until my replacement gets here i ain't got a ride no ride surely you have a craft to get parts and whatnot here why don't you have one look around you what parts do i need also i ain't exactly a kind of people person frieza then reminds himself where he is yeah that's true chili has been stirring semi listening to the conversation and maybe suggest that kid could tag along for a little bit since he's got nowhere else to go we can always take you back to your homeworld mister and your family this is my homeworld girl i've lived here 40 years any family i had before are now long gone come with us anyway chili replies with more pep now she's started to wake up who gave you authority to say who can board my ship girl think about it tin can kids are whismuth machines you got yourself a personal handyman this makes frieza pause for a second the girl is right it would save him a lot of time he wouldn't have to keep coming back here again in time for an upgrade he's got it right there very well so long as you pull your weight you may accompany us kit is stunned by this droidy boy you got yourself a deal now be a dear and help me get my stuff on board you pat's freezer on the shoulder and walks to the ship to try and give it a good once over less of the droidy boy stuff you you are talking to your commanding officer now sure sure jordy boy sir oh this is going to take some getting used to with some time to spare before kit's replacement arrives he quickly spruces up the ship as best he can with his fleeting access to cold force tech the replacement arrives and kit hands over the keys to all the machinery he had used and the house that he lived in for now most of his life however just as kit boards the ship to leave the new garbage world resident spots frieza or someone who looks like him in the back of the ship the replacement keeps her cool as a trio leave the world once they're gone the new resident opens the domicile to see traces of components as well as several parts from frieza's old body the one that was used to save his life back then this just puts it beyond doubt though immediately things are starting to fall into place they dust off a nearby radio and proceed to radio in their findings which gets back to king cold in the fullness of time back on yard drag during said months vegeta has been struggling with the meditation despite just about grasping the art of instant transmission all of this sitting around and very little progress seemingly has begun to anger the prince pibara has constantly been telling him the prince that this is all part of the process of increasing control of one's spirit it's a long and methodical path you need to be less than patient for the thousands time for judah trust what i say that prince scoffs at this and walks out of the training area much to the shock of pibara's assistance let him go he will come around vegeta walks through the city trying to remember why he came here yes that's right it was to beat kakarot now that he recalled that he remembered that he said he would finish meditating in 10 months instead of kakarot's 11. upon further thought and remembering he hadn't really had much access to a calendar he actually managed to smash that despite not liking the meditating he'd done it in eight months three more than what he did in the morrow arc but i mean that's still not bad good i've beaten kakarot after all soon i can be rid of these moronic pit vegeta senses something which stops his bloodstream what was that the prince decides to concentrate he recognizes an energy nearby or what he thinks is an energy is a lot more distorted than what he was used to but that basic signature that basic energy pattern was the same the trio of frieza chili and kit had just landed on a nearby world in order to score a bigger ship kid's slow and steady upgrades to the ship as well as the modifications to make it look different had made it a much more aggressive beast to what frieza had originally stolen it looked the business with fresh shrouding and now it was in a place to try and maybe sell to get rid of that trace and maybe get a bigger vessel which looked even better one where they could have their own quarters and yes you guessed it a wine cabinet for the captain whilst that was being prepared to make it space worthy they were heading to a nearby eatery to celebrate their new start when suddenly frieza is slammed to the ground by a surprised fist attack kit and chili are darting around trying to see who threw that punch and why vegeta in yard rat attire is looming over them as well as frieza who is scrabbling to get up you've made a big mistake coming here frieza vegeta quietly growls frieza kitten chili spluttering surprise they look to the droid and with this fact it all starts to fall into place he'd never told them his real name the prince decided to try his luck and see if in this new power he could get the win from kakarot oh what good news would it be to then rock up back to earth and tell them that he managed to clean up kakarot's mess in the here and now though in this back alley on a random planet the air is so thick you could cut it with a space knife the cat was out of the space bag frieza had been rumbled and now his crew knew the truth about their commanding officer upon further thought in those seconds after vegeta's punch that revelation sort of hurt more than the punch itself chili and kit are left speechless but then mostly out of instinct from the times of the street rat chili leaps onto the back of vegeta and tries to choke him but yeah that goes nowhere vegeta is in destruct mode he reaches back and grabs chili from off his back and throws her to the ground causing her to be covered in scrapes and cuts kit tends to hurt as both vegeta and frieza stare each other down leave the girl alone vegeta she has done nothing wrong your quarrel lies with me since when did you care for other people's well-being where was i talk when you erased the lives of billions of people for no reason other than your selfish desire including my own people frieza here is feeling fiery and pushes back you filthy monkeys were more trouble than you are worth sooner or later you would have ravaged our civilizations and sent the galaxy back to the era of simple tools and where brute strength was the only currency you were a menace to us all and needed purging from this universe i was doing the galaxy a favor this doesn't anger the prince in fact it makes him smirk viciously so you would finally admit it you admit that we say and scared you in that case vegeta gets into position and powers up i will haunt you until the day you die vegeta charges forward and the two of them begin to duel all the while chili and kit are left slack-jawed at the last two minutes all the while frieza is dreading what will come next vegeta probably knows the power that goku showed on nemec 2 he too must be a super saiyan and soon enough he will unveil it in a fit a pure bluster fit for a prince of his stature but the moment never comes freeza's anticipating constantly a huge leap in battle power and the golden hair but it never materializes what's going on here frieza decides to charge up a powerful punch to the gut which wins vegeta considerably frieza then grabs the prince throws him in the air in a suplex and sends it crashing into the rubble of the sidewalk frieza turns around to see vegeta still there seething go ahead and show me that super saiyan power i bet you're gagging to show it off like your friend did get it over with and satisfy your base pride monkey instead of a golden aura vegeta explodes with anger and this results in a massive crater which obliterates the alleyway as well as the buildings around it there is panic in the streets as hundreds of people are fleeing for their lives vegeta is covered in dirt and his clothes are torn but he is staring transfixed at frieza looking wild i don't need that power to end you freeza isn't impressed oh i think you do you just don't want to admit it to yourself you got desperate to show off didn't you you're half baked you haven't learnt it yet oh vegeta you should have left me alone a little longer you've made a big mistake vegeta then charges up looking absolutely animalistic in his frustration he calls upon his yardratian training trying to procure something and he does a clone of himself to aid him which is a perfect copy one of the examples of said training and together the two vegeta's tried to take down the former emperor but this time frieza is actually trying to fight back frieza is indeed surprised with how easy this fight is what was in these upgrades of kits i mean whatever it was it was proving even more effective than what the scientists back in freeza planet one could do in the end the clone of vegeta disappears in a puff of smoke and vegeta is left standing there exhausted what i don't understand how freezer elbows vegeta in the head and grabs his throat will you get it to your thick head if you are not a super saiyan then you will never win and it doesn't matter anymore anyway what's done is done read my lips monkey i am no longer your enemy vegeta is struggling for breath and a valid retort but can't come up with either if you want to dismantle my empire be my guest it is no longer mine my father took it from me because i saved your friend's life you saved his life ultimately yes but that wasn't my initial intent i tried to fool the simple turn into asphyxiation in space but that didn't work out too well for me as you can probably tell from my disfigured appearance but that wasn't enough to convince father dear and so here i am without an empire without purpose well maybe one frieza turns to see if chili and kit are still there but they're long gone frieza lets vegeta go and he collapses to the floor spluttering after a few seconds vegeta gets up and chuckles look at you you made friends some friends they were if they turned tail and ran at the news that they were friends with a tyrant you could never escape your past frieza i will end your father's work and everything to do with it but hear my words freak and prepare yourself when all of this is over i will come back for you and i will show you no mercy vegeta then puts his fingers on his forehead and disappears from view frieza is left alone again granted vegeta had let him live but at what cost all the good work he had done to forge a new life for himself had seemingly been taken away from him and now he had lost the closest thing he had to friends those saiyans he will never realize true contentment in this lifetime with them around so is he gone what who's gone that madman who destroyed this place is he gone well yes a wave of relief comes over the group who were keeping their distance thank you we feared that he would cause more havoc around here had you not shown up oh wait you you don't understand i yeah good word droidy boy kit chili sure enough the two of them are among the crowd of onlookers looking prideful at their boss's seemingly good deeds hmm frieza's thinking roll with this yes i sent that monkey pecking he regretted the day that he dared to disrupt the status quo of this of this place he couldn't quite remember the name of the planet he was on but no matter it's time to use his former life's mouse and do some kind of spin spin the facts after a while this he had managed to convince the crowd that vegeta was the bad guy here and that saiyans were still alive ready to cause more mayhem to civilize society like they'd done centuries before after a cheer the onlookers begin to disperse going about their daily lives then giving further thanks to frieza once they are gone the only two people left are kit and chili they are still there but have a neutral expression so you're not what we thought you were to be fair i never lied to you i just chose not to say my name pretty sure that's lying droidy boy so i bet you're going to take our new ship and run i expect leave me here go ahead i've been abandoned once before so just get it over with what are you talking about we got it made with you why would we leave what lucky for you sir you picked two people for your crew who aren't exactly goody two-shoes themselves reads are surprised usually in these situations this is the part where the truth is laid bare the person is left to rot by their former allies i mean what's going on i told you i'm not a people person so your job offer of dumping me on that garbage world came at the right time without that sense of purpose i probably would have done something unproductive with my life at least there i could be left in my tinkering in peace i guess i have the freezer empire to think for that chili shrugs well i've never known anything different you came along and gave me a home and value him while i learned on the streets i think what the girl's trying to say is we speak as we find and we find you be all right frieza freezer is actually really emotional right now now i bet you're a little unsure of this aren't you well the thing about this is that i feel that based on chili's main alignment she is a true neutral character as is kit chiba has done things for her own betterment as well as those that she cares about if that is threatened she will aid them but if it doesn't affect her directly or doesn't offer her again then she can take her to leave it frieza had been nothing but good to her and given her a place to call home so as far as she's concerned this freezer is totally different to the one that she had heard from hearsay and the kit same deal frieza's job that he had foisted upon him turned out to be a blessing in disguise kitt was spared from social niceties and was allowed to indulge in what he was born to do and that was to invent and tinker in solitude without interruption for this pair frieza was their hero hiro that was a word he never expected to hear attached to him come on captain pipes up chili after a quiet moment let's go get our ship and get out of here frieza snaps out of his personal reflection and nods in agreement with that the trio begin their preparations to head off into space with their new identities as they're ready to leave though kit poses the question that needed to be answered see where are we going anyway if i'm to be truly rid of my former life there are some things i need to fix first i need to improve especially if that monkey is going to be dogging me for the rest of my days set of course the yard rat hold up pipes up chili you're gonna avoid that guy by going to where he came from i know it sounds dark to the extreme but hear me out that monkey has now got the bit between his teeth i know vegeta he will stop at nothing to go after my father and whilst he's off causing him all sorts of grief good i will get stronger and then finish the job if the prince could improve that much so quickly without turning golden then there must be something to those weird creatures kit moses over all right setting the course for your dre and with that the new ship speeds its way there meanwhile frieza's suspicions proved absolutely correct vegeta is now training on a random planet with a decent gravity level and atmosphere those yardratians had taught him enough he didn't need to go back to them he didn't need any more of that nonsense especially since frieza was left lingering about the place his goal now is to attain super saiyan on his own without kakarot's help prove frieza wrong and then tear down that empire before then ending that monster's life and avenging finally his people with vegeta busy yard rat was left wide open for freezer to counter meanwhile on frieza planet 1 king cole's latest project has been unveiled and outsteps a small figure whose appearance is similar to cooler and freezes before him but more angular the purple accents replaced with silver and cream trojan is born and king cold couldn't be any more thrilled look at you my boy i can already see it you won't disappoint me he actually had just caused to think that having seen frieza reach his final form all the information that was gathered from that transformation during frieza's life-saving operation before had been planted in this third sun even in his first form trojan was as strong as frieza's final form and when trojan reaches his own final form he's going to be mighty nobody will be able to stop him not frieza not any super saiyans not even his own father i mean hopefully that third scenario never comes true of course all right son it's time to get this galaxy back into some sort of order let's get to work yes father on the way to yard rat the trio had gotten to know each other a little more with frieza leading the charge fully disclosing his past and not leaving anything hidden from his allies in case anything slips up again i really thought i'd lost you both without you i don't know what i would do things before meeting you were very dire i was broken aimless and alone it was awful the mood is very somber before kit lightens it up come now droody boy why are you gonna bring down the mood i have a name kit you don't have to call me that anymore i don't know but it's kind of hard to get used to i i will in time just just give me a while i'm not exactly one for change kit had also chosen to open up with his past a little more and his past was also little in detail i used to be one of those kids who liked to play with random junk nobody would really talk to me but my man that was okay i didn't want to talk to them in the end when your father was on one of them recruitment drives for mechanics i left her the chance i was stationed at that garbage world 40 years ago where you found me and i never looked back frieza was very confused you were okay with being alone with nothing but trash for company cat shrugs so what else was new i was around trash before at least this trash didn't talk back and actually left me alone chili then talks about her younger years there's a lot of soul-searching and bonding here and yes before you say anything i know we don't know much about her already and if we get actual law added to her in the future from official sources then we shall defer to that but for now let's have a little fun she always had a sense of adventure and when her planet was ravaged by the frieza force not frieza specifically but one of their battalions she was separated from her parents and had to make it on her own with various strangers helping out along the way she'd slowly gotten more and more used to being on her own and not relying on anyone else most of the time people i relied on would just leave oh just be a moment and wait there for a sec will ya they never come back one day it clicked chili it's time for you to draw a spine and then for yourself she doesn't look sad or regretful at this i didn't mind being on my own i like my own company and i learned a lot of things from people who were cool and didn't abandon me if i'd never find my parents oh well things happen both kitten freeze are very stunned by this young girl's pragmatism and somewhat blasey nature to things but before they can probe her further the ship indicates they are now fast approaching yard rat when they disembark they are met by thousands of small creatures who are looking stern and serious they're not going to be just simply able to walk in here clearly chili is very perturbed i thought she said they were chill old man frieza is irked by the comment sure but he is just as confused they are supposed to be chill i don't understand why they're acting like this i do says kit i bet they can't stand your ugly mug sure enough as they walk forward none of the yardratians who are usually welcoming like they were with vegeta are really registering them eventually one giant example of them appears and looks neutrally down at freeza for minutes there is nothing going on frieza and what is pivara simply look at each other before the former blinks first well do you have anything to say a few seconds lapse yes i do you have come a long way lord frieza there is a commotion amongst the crowd lord frieza he's here is he going to destroy them all is he here to blow up their planet for no reason or ready it for auction or something why is he all robot like what's going on i see you have figured out who i am you are a perceptive one aren't you i always heard that the ardratians were weird little imps who performed parlor tricks however i seem to have met one of your recent graduates he was rather feisty i must say pepar slowly ah yes vegeta the commotion starts again vegeta he met vegeta he won how he vegeta was really powerful what gives where is he now well are you not going to wheel him out to fight me again he did want another piece of me that one vegeta is not here in fact he has no intention of returning to complete his training what all three newcomers are stunned but also internally relieved i am disappointed by this fact he had so much potential and improved so much in his brief time here but his mind was clearly fixated on another goal something to do with you i suspect probably my father and whatever scheme he's got in the works also you can drop the lord monika the freezer of those days no longer exists more mutterings from the underlings what brings you here then i think you already know the elder yardratian chuckles that i do i sense your purpose is not to cause harm but you must prove yourself to be true before we continue with this conversation without warning chili lets out a scream and is grabbed by a giant creature in an instant without even thinking frieza speeds towards chili and grabs the girl before she can be pulled away and then surveys the creature the two entities stand still before the creature transforms into three odd rations who leap downwards bow to freezer and just casually walk away that proves it i will train you but what what what did that prove you oh it proved everything i needed to know the freezer of old would first off never help anyone and even if they did they would resort to violence in retaliation you did the exact opposite of what i had anticipated without a second thought even i was right you have changed bibara now breaks into a smile and with that frieza's training begins meanwhile we cut to vegeta busy training on a distant planet desperate to turn into a super saiyan months have passed since his encounter with frieza and little progress had been made he had considered briefly to return to yardrak to finish his training with pibara or whatever but thanks to his stubborn nature he didn't do so instead he got angry and bitter and only through those emotions did he finally crack through the glass ceiling of super saiyan and he bathed the lifeless planetoid that he was on with its saiyan sun the light brilliant and fierce with this vegeta looks to his fist and he smiles cold you are mine little does he know that he is being watched by someone a green bulky mook asks this creature something master is it time yet no let him get even more brazen i like my monkeys when they are the most prideful it makes their fall from grace all the more satisfying the ship continues to hover above the planetoid watching vegeta outside of his energy sensing field back at coal planet one trojan is getting acclimated to life outside of his pod he was also getting used to the trappings of a kingdom he could be often seen simply living a hedonistic lifestyle all the while taking in the studies that berry blue had laid up for him berry blue didn't really take a liking to trojan she really did miss frieza he was so much more straightforward easy to tease trojan he was very matter-of-fact and no fun cold looked in on his son from time to time and thought that he was making good progress his power was mighty and his schooling was rapidly bearing fruit soon it would be time for him to go out into the field with his father a sort of take your son to work with you day oh as luck would have it a message comes through from a minion king cold urgent message for you i will be the judge of that underling you may go now and leave me in peace the mook salutes and leaves cold with the message pad and he listens intently to the recording urgent a the sound file plays and it's that message from that new garbage world from the earlier part remember that new attendant it came with a picture attachment and cold's eyes once he sees it are transfixed with astonishment frieza yeah those parts he would recognize him anywhere he had spent weeks glued to the hospital observation deck seeing his son clinging to life being pieced back together he was so worried back then back when he cared for that disappointment underling he shouts back the mook runs back and salutes you're right this is urgent news which planet did this message come from what are the distant garbage worlds your majesty the coordinates are on the message the king smiles menacingly here he chucks a silver ampule their currency for your trouble and for making me happy run along the mook is thrilled at this bonus and runs off in delight oh freezer wait till you meet your new brother he's to die for the king enters trojan's quarters and begins to fill in his third son they're going for a little trip to a garbage world the hunt for frieza begins six months later frieza's training has progressed well in that time pibara had learnt many things about this new freezer he was a lot more calm and at peace genuinely worried for his allies well-being far from the despot he was before he had also focus and great power despite the mechanical limitations chile had also dabbled in some of pibara's training but only in a casual capacity when she was bored and it was something to do she was finding this tedious most of the time but luckily she had been able to find some yardati and children to play with and made some friends the first friends her age that she'd made in a long time this place was a little quiet for her taste but it was alright as for kit he had taken himself to becoming the repairman of yard rat fixing a lot of the apparatus of the planet only if he was left alone to do so listen here you little amps if you keep the conversation to a minimum we'll get along famously back with frieza pibara could sense a great power forming inside his new student he wasn't sure whether to tell him or not still wary of his past life would he turn on them once he found out this new strength he didn't have worried though frieza already knew that something was happening this was the first time in his life he had taken training seriously he was born strong but never knew how to focus or apply himself properly thanks to pibara he had done so he felt much stronger remarkable the monkey wasn't kidding this training is unreal he is astounded with the efficacy of this power pibara chuckles this is just the beginning frieza i have much more to show you you can build on this with some of our loophole flourishes frieza asks what these are and he is presented with four of them as we know now traits of yardratia gigantification healing copies as well as instant transmission that being the most basic move hmm decisions decisions that's well all and good but i wish for you to train me in a more direct fashion pibara shakes his head unless frieza vegeta wished for the same exact thing but i cannot do that we are not physically strong beings you would snap us like a twig in a second if we went toe to toe in the traditional manner for that you will have to take that up on your own frieza clenches his fisted anger curses i am surprised that you hadn't figured that out already people are so impatient these days so now his days were spent training on his own as well as some further meditation with babara in that same time cole's investigations into his second son's whereabouts were heating up with the new garbage world attendant who gave him the message in the first place describing the ship that had left and that said ship had then been tracked to its latest owner before said owner being interrogated and then eviscerated by an obsessed trojan cold being just a little bit annoyed at this impertinence now now trojan we don't have to be so extreme with every single clue we come across sorry father i am just dead keen in meeting my brother king cold calmly laughs to himself as am i son soon enough as for vegeta he is refining his super saiyan power and it's going very well but before he decides to find a different planet one with a higher gravity to train on he is accosted by the owner of a ship the owner vegeta recognizes i knew you would show yourself eventually cooler cooler smiles it seems that you and i have mutual interest now what so you would discuss a joint venture in ending my father's overblown legacy as the dust settles with cool and vegeta's alliance the two of them now have to figure out a plan as to what to do in terms of dismantling the empire cooler knows the ins and outs of the machinations having been formally in cold's good books educating into succeeding king cole obviously and unfortunately for him it didn't work out colder deemed him too similar to himself someone who could potentially undermine his own efforts remember cole thinks that he's a superior being so he doesn't want someone else like being too much like him as such cooler was cast out and that led to the creation of frieza who was far more tyrannical far more effective in terms of planet acquisition and different enough for cold to be the wise teacher vegeta knots but then questions whether cooler would be powerful enough to even be worth working with from what i know i could take you down in two seconds flat if your brother hadn't found a way to upgrade his entire body i would have done away with him much earlier what makes you so sure that you're even useful oh vegeta your saiyans are so quick to judge power i can show you exactly why i would be helpful for you how would you like me to show you through words or he yells and the ground at the planet starts to shake cooler's body grows in size and protrusions begin to extend creating a brand new body for the being he is transforming i think you can tell into his fifth form there's there's another transformation cooler indeed has changed into a much more powerful being indeed vegeta you seriously thought that what frieza and i have was all we had i managed to discover this power after being cast away to the shadows it was fueled by malice by revenge and that drove me to deeper depths of power i never thought possible my father was wrong to doubt me now come at me with your own power and find out how tough i am vegeta does just that and powers up to super saiyan and he is more than happy to oblige this request since gaining this power vegeta's confidence had been regained after being shaken and after being thoroughly beaten by frieza despite his yardratian training but not long after the battle started it was pretty clear that cooler's fifth form was stronger still than super saiyan the prince was being pummeled left right and center and facing another defeat with a mighty slam to the ground which created a crater 20 foot deep cooler stands above it and calls a halt to proceedings he had seen enough i think i approved my point now come we must heal you and discuss our plan further do you need a hand there prince vegeta grunts in pain and annoyance cooler takes that as a yes this was going to be a very arduous union of mines wasn't it meanwhile things are going much more harmoniously back on yard rat since frieza was not able to find physical training possible from pibara or his followers since the creatures weren't exactly the toughest of individuals frieza had chosen to focus instead on the ability to make copies of himself from which to train pibara did take a note of this choice interesting that's exactly what vegeta chose to do for the exact same reason it does seem that despite being very anti-saiyan your minds are quite alike in what you wish to better yourselves at frieza curses under his breath perish the thought that he was becoming one of them those filthy monkeys but in the end he was right by making copies of himself he could better refine his powers directly and become greater than before and find his ideal outlet for his studies he could finally also put to bed that stamina bugbear he could feel his energy was much more focused than before as well as steady he didn't really improve his techniques per se since all this training was kind of more about balancing oneself instead of being a traditional martial arts school in any case by sundown pibara could see frieza training with copies of himself out on the outskirts of the city continuing to refine his power one night when he arrived to observe this people once again he saw something something wonderful a golden flash was seen but it did not come from the setting sun it came from freeza he has truly changed more months pass and we head back to earth because now is the time for when the androids were supposed to arrive without vegeta there not even to make the save who hadn't been actually seen for ages our dragon team had no choice but to deal with his potential menace without him either way this pretty much occurs the way you think it would we get to android 19's fight with goku and the saiyan is starting to feel the effects of the condition krillin throws him a senzu bean and that does nothing so goku has to resort to his healing powers now the big question here is does this actually help the answer not really goku had used this power on himself too much it turns out he was feeling the effects of diminishing returns it's true that he had used this on himself and his allies to speed up training instead of relying on sensu being runs but after using this technique hundreds and hundreds of times on himself in particular its effects were starting to wear off it had gotten less and less potent and required more and more time to actually get the same results in this setting he had little or no time to remain stationary and heal himself as a result all he could do was buy himself some time one thing was for sure he could not fight at full power anymore with vegeta not arriving anytime soon our heroes are getting into a lot of trouble at the same time king cold and trojan had gotten closer and closer to finding frieza and have him pay the ultimate price for insubordination their efforts had led them to a derelict world a call from a cold battalion had informed them that cooler wished to discuss something with his father personally a possible truce and joining their minds in the effort to stomp out frieza cold chose to humor this disappointment and introduce him to trojan at the same time the fact that cooler recognized that frieza was a failure was enough of an olive branch to get his interest and if all else fails and cooler is as stubborn as ever his younger brother could put his mind to rest forever cold trojan and cooler meet each other the latter looking stoic and standing tall well well i never expected to see you again my son tell me why did you wish to disturb my royal duties i come bearing news about frieza and what is that thing don't be so rude when you're talking about your brother brother you mean don't tell me you made another replacement that's right brother i am both yours and frieza's replacement i am trojan nice to meet you calm down son there'll be time for theatrics later now to business where is frieza with that cooler fueled by vegeta's intel informs them that frieza is most likely hiding out on a planet called yard rat vegeta had no patience left for those creatures they had failed to provide him with any more useful training they couldn't even get into super saiyan and so their fate mattered not to him it's cruel i know but vegeta really wanted to be super saiyan and to the freezer and with them he got neither of them so that's it we shall set a course of yard rat in due time now say goodbye trojan yes goodbye father no you're meant to say goodbye a beam blasts its way through cold's chest plate and he collapses to the ground spluttering trojan what is the meaning of oh father it's quite simple i grow impatient this investigating is far too tedious i wish to be a little more he aims another beam at cole's heart to the point with that cold is no more cooler did not expect that not only did he have to see his father pass right in front of him but he wasn't the one to do it who was this monstrosity trojan's glare turns back to cooler now that blusterous oath is out of the way let's get going brother but why would you do that to father it makes no sense do you have any idea what you have done trojan looks quite twisted right now don't lie to me brother you've longed for this day too i know it we are brothers i am the ultimate upgrade of you and frieza i know how you think and as much as i don't subscribe to your methods of waiting around in the shadows we both have a hatred for our father he talks too much he waits too long he is too by the book well i say goodbye to the book and say hello to brute force and yes you can bring your monkey too cool's eyes widened how how did he know about vegeta vegeta walks in and smirks well well you're quite perceptive trojan was it it's a pity you made a big mistake in taking out one of your own allow me to demonstrate why wait vegeta don't stop vegeta powers up to super saiyan and launches himself a trojan and the two of them begin a furious battle which trojan is actually having difficulty with he had never had to face hardship in all of his short life and for the first time he was being pummeled utterly and dominated completely he hated this feeling his eyes and expression were that a pure and utter fury and cooler for the first time in a long time was scared no no vegeta that's enough cease your jabbering you this weakling picked the wrong fight to find himself in now it's time to end this i hoped more from you trojan trojan looks maddenly at vegeta oh i have more this isn't even my final form vegeta looks scared now but that was his first form trojan powers up and immediately becomes his second form looming over the prince and then pounding him mercilessly until the prince is left knocked out and totally wrecked sleep monkey all will become clear in time cooler brother control your pet we have a planet and brother to destroy cooler gulps and follows trojan to the ship carrying vegeta with him with just a look and from a distance his armored squadron are told to disband for their own sake hours later and frieza wakes up alarmed he rushes to bibara's quarters waking the master up oh frieza far too early to train what's the fuss about master i fear something grave is coming we must leave at once i fear that i have been found out i fear that vegeta has betrayed you pibara looks stunned vegeta betrayed them before he can utter a why frieza grabs the small master and tells everyone to gather to their ship to escape pibara looks calm throughout all of this frieza it's all right we can handle this interloper what how how are you able to conceal an entire planet my dear boy you have but scratched the surface to what we yard rations are capable of but i do fear that this might be the end of your time here there is no time to leave the ship is too slow and even if we did fly away we'd my friends would be sitting ducks frieza suddenly remember that he could breathe in space but his friends could not frieza breathe remember page one of the yard rat guide he puts two fingers on his forehead now go we will be five frieza nods and grabs his companions and tells him to get ready to leave the trio get on board the ship chili looking utterly tired and still in her pajamas where are we going she semi yawns far away from here the furthest place i can think of frieza closes his eyes takes a hand on the ship and his friends he concentrates he kit chili and the ship vanish from the yard ratcheting's view and they land on a planet a planet with a yellowy sky green creatures and barren wastelands for miles around they had landed on vampire now before you say anything about vampa the fact is that vamper was on the outer edges of frieza's sphere of influence he would have known about it as a backwater world something really not worth this time but it was certainly charitable it wasn't boring so i think maybe at this time for more reflection frieza might have actually thought this would have been a good idea no one would have gone there willingly when the gang come to their senses frieza takes a look outside good my plan worked plan what plan would that be droidy boy to make us lose our lunch never ever do that again with me around kit feels very queasy after that instant transmission experience it's not for him frieza closes his eyes and tries to sense any energy on the planet nothing bad good wait there's something in the distance something similar to vegeta no no no don't tell me that he's here well if it is vegeta it's best to get it over with now you two stay here with the ship it looks like vegeta has followed us here you'll be safe i need to teach that monkey an important lesson wait frieza you can't just leave us here don't abandon me again you will be fine you both can take care of yourselves my friends he disappears and finds himself in the domicile of something something whatever it is he takes a walk around this house well it's more like a cave and then sees us saying but it's not vegeta it's someone older looking then he sees another saying two saiyans paragus and a younger broly understandably so paragus is stunned to see living people other than insects and giant green ferrets for the first time in over two decades well what are you doing here did you crash land too frieza scoffs at this jabbering oath and inspects the man's clothing or what was left of it hmm saying armor state your name monkey chili gets a little upper teeth frieza don't be so mean to the guy he must be scared out of his mind i mean i would be if i've been on my own for this long this changes paragus's tune considerably this guy's freezer frieza was here the freezer but what had happened to him he sort of looked like the freezer he'd seen before all that time ago but he looked different he tries to keep it together not wanting to be all submissive just yet this might be an imposter so you say you are frieza prove it to me if you are who you say you are then maybe we can work something out no no i have nothing to prove he walks up to paragus his smile increasing with every step you filthy monkeys are all the same all you strive for is recognition for a fight to swing your tails around and assert yourselves for the sake of it i have long since realized this you saiyans are nothing special i don't see what father saw in you to me you're like everything else worthless trash kit and chili are left in a mixture of awe and fear and how venomous their captain could be clearly these saiyans left a sour taste in frieza's mouth paragus internally has gotten the message but he still has one ace left up his sleeve broly sure enough broly like in the original flies at great speed towards frieza and lands a punch on frieza's face or at least the after image of frieza's face i almost felt that monkey chili and kit as well as paragus mouse widened even more than before kit and chili hadn't seen the scale of the fight between frieza and vegeta first hand earlier but now now they were feeling it tasting it even broly who had thought that he had gotten the best of this interloper barely realizes what has happened before getting a roundhouse kick sending him flying for hundreds of meters you who are you frieza that's his shoulders i believe my colleague has already let the cat out of the bag on that front but yes i and frieza paragus kneels frantically and begs for forgiveness to which frieza just waves aside stating that he doesn't care for that sort of thing anymore that part of his life was behind him however before they can carry on with their supposed briefing they are reminded pretty handily about broly he's still a thing who's getting angrier and angrier with being pummeled broly that's enough this is not your enemy broly briefly flinches before frieza puts a hand out to stop paragus do not interfere i'll put this giant ape to bed there's been an itch i've wanted to cure for many a year kitt is looking a little nervous something he doesn't often exhibit dirty boy can it this is pointless we need allies against that maniac of a father of yours not enemies kits word in themselves are pointless the fight between broly and frieza begins with the latter dominating but it starts to become clear even to the former emperor that this apes power is increasing rapidly almost by the second what is this creature is this some other super saiyan super saiyan whatever do you mean there's no such thing that's only legend frieza is looking a little nervous now this wasn't super saiyan this was a normal saiyan what juice did this guy drink on this planet well we know it's bug juice frieza's starting to get a little bit exhausted right now but paragus has seen enough he did not want to be the man responsible for ending lord frieza regardless of his status right now he pulls out a remote control and before broly can attack anymore a giant shockwave shatters the area and broly falls to the ground in agony chili is left horrified and kit is disgusted he rarely got perturbed by such things but this is really ground his gears father more like keeper chili hides behind kid and as for freezer good you can tame that creature it's a little barbaric for my initial taste but you seem to be useful enough here's the thing i have a father who is after my very life and your son might be the ticket i need to put an end to his reign of terror and warrant for my life you help me erase my enemies i will make it worth your while paragus would gladly take any ticket off of this dump but he chooses not to be too willing with this now former emperor i see well we shall accept your proposal on one condition in a position to bargain are we enlighten me take us to a new world we do not wish to be your lackeys when all of this is done raiser mulcis over and nods looking to his friends and then back to paragus deal it matters not to me if i can't rule as i once did then nobody shall i think i know just the place for you there are a few saiyans there even more soon survived i can take us there in no time and then maybe you and your brett can start being useful one saying in particular would be of great interest to you with that paragus and the slowly recovering broly are taken to the ship and frieza prepares to do the largest instant transmission jump he's ever had to do kit as you know kit doesn't like this and he's bracing himself why can't we just fly meanwhile cooler trojan and vegeta have arrived at the supposed location of yardrat only to find nothing but a pile of asteroids trojan is looking confused here's nothing who did this monkey explain yourself it makes no sense cooler rolls his eyes in his mind he had seemingly picked a dud of a saiyan companion and trojan will soon have a tantrum with the monkey being his target be honest vegeta was this a plot to waste our time cooler says how dare you toy with us give me one good reason why we shouldn't kill you right now vegeta is getting angry but he then remembers something those yardratians they were a bunch of tricksters perhaps this might be one of them fire a blast over there he points to a spot of asteroids trojan is looking annoyed there's nothing to aim at are you blind as well as dumb just do it trojan angrily tuts and orders a scared mook to fire a ship laser in that direction sure enough what should have gone just straight through into the abyss of deep space stopped it connected with something something was there the beam struck true there i told you now let's head down there and find frieza trojan's got a grin on his face he isn't listening to vegeta he then blasts the nearest window sending some of his minions out into space and he himself flies out and readies himself what is he doing shouts vegeta cooler knows what's about to happen and closes his eyes turning away so as not to witness trojan it's grinning with glee you think you could hide from me brother well you cannot i shall prove to you now that i was father's favorite this is your oblivion yeah he fires a gigantic ball of key at the planet's supposed location and for a split second the planet shows itself before exploding trojan like his brother did in front of planet vegeta all those years ago congratulates himself i did it i did what father could not in record time this is magnificent brother brother dear come watch frieza is no more isn't this what you wanted did i make you proud brother with the blast shield shuttering the cockpit and pressure returning to normal cooler is just left stunned vegeta realizes now what he'd done collapses to the floor cooler scowls at him foolish primate did you seriously think that freak would just grab frieza and leave these creatures in peace normally vegeta would have reacted to that insult but now now he had the blood of the odd rations on his hands sure enough frieza felt this the craft then came to a rest on earth before they had left vampa frieza was keen to show goku who was boss but now that he actually arrived on the planet a second later frieza's plans have changed his robotic fist clenches it clinches so hard that oil is seeping out of the casing lisa what's happened mata's chili they're gone they're all gone it's all my fault frieza sheds a solitary tear and then roars with anger that golden aura from before overwhelming the bridge like a solar flare fergita you will pay for this sure enough this blast of power had caught the attention of everyone on the planet the dragon team who had just about gotten goku back to his house were now heading for jiro's lab where he was heading to activate 17 and 18. everybody stops piccolo mutters no way is that is that freezer trunks is a ghost it must be why is he here now krillin rounds on him it doesn't matter right now now we gotta deal with that maniac on top of these androids some time traveler you are tin shinhan then exclaims he's moved again he's heading for goku's he's already there gohan is terrified dad we gotta go help it's too late we can wish goku back with the dragon balls but right now we need to stop giro at goku's house yamcha and chichi are tending to goku who instead of being bedridden is now just resting in a chair trying to heal himself as fast as possible and get back in the game but thanks to his overuse of it over the training period it's not really working suddenly he can sense frieza outside the door with some other people yamcha i need you to help keep freezer away from me yamcha gobson tries to do his best but frieza just opens the door picks yontr up and tosses him out of the open doorway before looming over goku in his chair monkey goku doesn't look at frieza instead he closes his eyes and aims a weakened fist in his enemy's direction it connects but only because frieza had grabbed it kit chili paragus and broly who are holding back a confused yamcha are expecting frieza to enact his revenge now i have finally seen sense before he can respond anymore he can feel a familiar sensation coursing through his body he was being healed frieza was healing him in just a few seconds goku was back up to full power but still utterly astounded so was everybody else now i can already hear some of you saying wait a minute masako he was perfecting the art of cloning in the previous part well this doesn't make any sense why did he suddenly change it well i think it might be starting to become a little bit obvious to you over the past couple of parts frieza not really one for making friends was starting to change his tune you do tend to change your tune after spending a lot of time with these two and then proving quite useful so frieza decided one day to make a decision things started to change when things got to him he realized that he might be dog for the rest of his life and if these two decided to tag along with him for the duration of it or as for long as they would live then he'd actually have to have some kind of protection for them they aren't exactly strong he is kind of carrying them on that front therefore he decided to change the focus of his training in terms of the traditional yardation stuff from cloning to healing that way he could be safe in the knowledge that if they were to get in the scrap he could actually quickly do something about it on the fly so i hope that actually clears some things up for you and most importantly frieza does care for them just he's very subtle about it or at least tries to be chichi runs to her husband and bear hugs him as for the dragon team they felt goku's energy returned to normal and are equally astounded but still focus on giro it seems like goku's going to join them soon then i guess you mean you've been to yard rat that's right how are they doing i've not been able to check on them lately and since feeling sick and stuff i couldn't really sense them but you know what's up frieza freeze is looking sickened kit pipes up i think what my boss is trying to see is they're gone gone how chile is starting to feel the impact of this and is welling up vegeta he did it goku was equally sideswiped no way it can't be vegeta wouldn't do that why i i don't know frieza just is looking really really remorseful right now and he's actually starting to well up goku help me this time unlike before on the freezer ship frieza was telling the truth it seems goku then turns to paragus and broly who are these guys they are monkeys just like you the tall one is quite prodigious but frightfully inelegant i need your skills and that martial arts stuff of yours to get him ready to face vegeta and whoever he is shacked up with paragus shakes goku's hand and comments that his hair reminds him of the same prodigy back in the day named bardock he thinks broly then follows suit being guided by his father son goku nice to meet you i am broly goku spots the collar and asks why it's there paragus comments is to control his son from getting out of hand goku nods and without warning grabs it and smashes it in his hand what what are you doing without that collar broly will lose his mind what have you done i don't believe in artificially controlling potential i can sense a lot of it in you broly i think i can help you get a handle on your power but first he turns back to frieza you need to prove yourself trustworthy frieza closes his eyes yes pibara knew you would say that i will do whatever it takes to get it through your thick head that i am not the person i used to be i care not for that old life goku is curious at frieza's brash attitude this was different if he had been on yard rat he must have been training goku honestly under the surface is getting a little excited but there's one more thing he wants to ask why did frieza choose healing to focus on that is quite simple to protect my friends he turns to kit and chili and they're flawed well i'll be i guess the droid's got a soft spot after all hardly you two are liabilities and need all the help you can get it's an insurance policy and nothing more chill i see straight through this and gives freezer a hug thank you boss in the depths of what is now trojan ship vegeta is in his quarters well i say quarters it was more like a bald hole which was really meant for the average minion but he was on his bunk looking absolutely second what had he done despite not caring to return to yardrak to complete his training deeming it and them useless he never intended for them to be erased from existence like that so coldly so suddenly so much like his own people what sort of ironic punishment was this he doesn't shed a tear though but he cannot help but have a somewhat vacant expression upon his face hours pass and his move doesn't change before the door swings open it's cooler vegeta turns and spits onto the ground as if to show what he thinks of him right now and is kind cooler things about making a quip about this but chooses not to even he has been shaken by this turn of events i wanted you to know vegeta that i had no part in what happened you could have stopped it you and your transformation why didn't you cooler looks away just like he did when trojan blew up yardrat silence cuts through the room so fear just as i thought you're nothing special you can throw insults all you want for tutor but it makes no difference what happened has happened it's not like you can go back and wish for all of this to be undone wait vegeta's eyes open wish dragon balls he had totally forgotten about them in the years that he had spent training and then working with cooler that's it in his mind he felt a torrent of relief but he chose to stay calm not attract too much attention that's where you're wrong cooler we can wish for this to be undone what what are you going on about has the melancholy meddled with your mind your brother was this close to achieving immortality by using dragon balls to wish for said trait cooler is unfazed you're forgetting prince namek was destroyed and the people of said world are now lost in the depths of space what you speak of is sadly but an illusion earth has them earth that speck of dust frieza was wrong to underestimate it it is a world filled with powerful warriors it taught me valuable lessons and now it might provide us a valuable tool cooler who had been standing in the doorway of vegeta's quarters enters fully closing the door behind him as if to show that he will listen as soon as vegeta had explained everything to cooler the brother of frieza nods having heard the prince's peace he had not shown emotion throughout choosing to let vegeta have his say inside he felt hope that maybe these dragon balls could maybe be used against his new twisted freak of a brother but before he could process any further speak of the devil trojan summons him to the bridge when he gets there he is met with the image of second form trojan cupping a glass of wine looking out to the stars almost aping their dearly departed papa what kind of point was he trying to prove tell me brother why do you put up with that ridiculous monkey he is useful he has reached the power of the legendary super saiyan as you experienced first hand and he braces himself to say something he despised oh so devastated lord trojan i see by the way i thought i should enlighten you we have changed our course i have just announced it it seems that we have recently gained new information about our brothers whereabouts coolest scowls oh do you know it it's a place called earth earth trojan turns to cooler his face looking much like king coles but nowhere near as calm you seriously think that just because you're flesh and blood that i trust you i cannot trust anyone not you not my crew not even my own now departed father the only thing i can rely on completely and totally is my desire to blow my brother away and maybe obtaining those dragon balls you mentioned coolers looking unsettled something he rarely exhibited i heard everything and now i'm in a spotter bother brother i am harboring a monkey which is now no longer necessary be a deer and lead it to the nearest airlock and have done with it he motions a casual hand to the stars cooler doesn't move nor does he speak trojan notices this why do you not move did what i say now not register he is a super saiyan the strongest being in existence there is silence silence which trojan hated he was expecting his brother to add except yourself my lord but that never happened this aggravated trojan and he walked over to cooler and grabbed him by the neck pulling him up to eye level his eyes manic i am the strongest being in existence not that disgusting ape so i didn't make myself clear i am ordering you to throw it out into space i am done with it you are a fool if you think i will ever do that he is too powerful to throw away like that trojans shrieks with fury and slams cooler into the side of the ship not just one wall collapses but two dozen walls trojan walking after him slowly before coming to a stop above the barely conscious being of cooler so you're a goody goody too just like frieza if you defy me one more time you'll share the same fate as he now sleep brother he turns around and walks slowly back to the bridge cooler falling unconscious and the ship now heading for earth speaking of earth our heroes were still dealing with dr gero in the background with a now revived goku he had taken broly to the lookout to show him something useful leaving frieza with an important task a chance to prove himself trustworthy my dear crew entertain our guest paragus while i am gone doing the monkey silly little test i won't be long it has to be done you can count on us droidy boy we know how to handle a crazy saiyan you can perhaps ask that bandit over there to help you his power may be small in comparison to mine but you never know he might prove to be entertaining yamcha can see frieza glaring at him and gulps oh man he hopes it's nothing bad frieza leaves and paragus senses an opportunity with broly in the protection of goku paragus could perhaps escape and maybe do some scheming after a few minutes paragus starts a little bit of small talk putting kit and chili at ease they exchange stories about the frieza force of old and at first all seems really content until paragus asks them a question did frieza ever tell you how much he loved destroying entire civilizations the mood changes quickly even yamcha was looking serious kit leads you seem to be awfully eager to tell us enlighten us then wasn't expecting this response but he rolled with it he then explained all of the sadistic acts that boss had committed and i mean all of them and all the unspeakable dreams he had for his empire which had been ingrained in every major saiyan general going which he had been back in the day and yamcha was even more scared of frieza now he had breathed the same air as this mass destroyer with frieza distracted i could take your place as captain and lead you towards a much more prosperous existence no longer hiding in the shadows like your boss does no catch no traps what do you say do we have a deal he outstretches a hand to kit who doesn't take it the engineer looks ashen-faced paragus senses victory i do hate to burst your bubble friends but you are dealing with the greatest villain the universe has ever seen let me get one thing absolutely clear before you say another word i don't take kindly to creeps like yourself paragus's eye widens what was that supposed to mean what i ain't finished i had a bad feeling about you from the moment i first laid eyes on you your kid's a good boy nothing like yourself you treat him like he's some kind of caged animal strike one chili then steps up and walks to kid's side on the first sign of an escape plan you try to bargain your way out of a problem mostly abandoning your own son strike two paragus is looking a little concerned and is preparing to charge a key blast to shut these oaths up but then he's met with an armlock by yamcha strike three you resort to violence against two unarmed and defenseless people looks like you're out of luck he knocks paragus out with a sudden chopped on the neck kit and chili are mesmerized to see yamcha someone who looked so cowardly and meek just become so brave and steadfast even if your boss is freeza there's no way that i could tolerate him trying to hurt you kit nods and patsy armchair on the shoulder yamcha you're all right but i must say you could have helped sooner i've never been so frightening all my life chili then gives yamcha the okay sign yamcha then asks why they would help freezer of all people he saved our lives he saved my life he's not like the man then he was hurt about trust me yamcha takes what chili has to say seriously meanwhile giro has arrived at his lab and began the process to activate android 17 and 18 which is ultimately successful outside the dragon team including trunks tried to figure out what to do without vegeta the idea to go in all out is not coming up to the top trunks is slamming the door out of desperation but is halted by a sudden arrival i would stand back if i were you they all turned to spot freeza or what looked like frieza piccolo and gohan are stunned to see the robotic parts to which the former emperor had acquired and he rolls his eyes yes yes i know i get it i'm part mechanical this is not the time or place i am here to prove to your monkey friend that i am here to help so what are we doing piccolo slowly explains the situation still utterly bewildered that frieza was here on their side frieza nods casually and positions himself by the door and about to fire but then gohan asks him a question why are you helping my dad you tried to kill him before frieza closes his eyes i did there is no escaping that i don't deny it nor do i beg for forgiveness that would be pointless and insulting for you what speaks more is the here and now and what i must do to get it through your daddy's thick head that i am not the enemy here my brother though but brother no more questions this is frieza before the door explodes and jero spots frieza this is when frieza turns on the charm good day dear doctor jiro was it i believe that you are in the position of some tin cans that cannot be allowed to exist speaking as one robotic life form to another i'm afraid i cannot let you go any further jerome nods i never expected to see you here lord frieza looking so different you can drop the lord monika that is in the past i am here of your androids bring them to me juro laughs before opening the pods introducing them to the dragon team and frieza before then realizing why he had locked them away in the first place and they rebel opening 16's pod and giro loses his head literally 17 spots freezer and is taken aback well i'll be what are you thinking another one of the good doctors experiments that wouldn't surprise me he clearly rushed to your design frieza lost his typical love [Laughter] far from it pipsqueak i am here to end your pathetic lives you are in my way seventeen usually quite the boisterous fellow decides to take up the challenge head on eighteen rolls arise and sits down with the now woken android 16. what is the point of this sister aren't we supposed to eliminate son goku and son goku only i don't know big guy just just let him swing his whatever meanwhile 17 powers up and punches frieza out of the lab leaving the dragon team overwhelmed but wait the emperor hasn't even started yet good you have some get up and go that will make your ultimate demise all the more satisfying it was quite clear to all present that despite frieza's allegiance being different he still had a vicious streak about him as that was going on goku and broly had teleported to the lookout thanks to goku's instant transmission broly was mesmerized by the wonderful architecture on display and the silence for the first time in his life he experienced total calm he liked this feeling ah goku i'd been expecting you and your friend said an amiable kami yep this is broly he and i want to go in the time chamber and train kami swallows hard remembering the last time goku had gone in there when they were training before the 23rd world martial arts tournament are you sure that is wise you could barely go a couple of months in there and i sense young proley's mind being even more unsettled than yours was but i do know that i can't stop you from going in but i hope you know what you are doing goku nods looking focused i got this old man i feel a strong power within broly and i want to tap into it and get him up to speed kami nods and smiles placing a hand on goku's shoulder i understand it's been a wild ride with you you've made this old fool's life rather exciting these last few years thank you goku is confused with the resignation in kami's voice and why he said what he said but he's then distracted by mr popo who is readying the daughter of the chamber in a few seconds goku and broly were inside ready to train now much like what we did in the what if broly was in the android saga series goku is planning a different attack he is going up against a brick wall in broly he's also a guy who doesn't like to fight something that was imposed on him from his father so like in the previous story goku focuses on building up broly's defenses to make him basically an impenetrable wall only after a few months of this does broly start to get the saiyan twinkle in his eyes for fighting but not before goku experienced the raw and unstoppable force of a wrathful broly it had taken goku to the brink of death before broly stopped himself by the skin of his teeth this had greatly strengthened goku's power as well as broly's control in himself everything was coming up broly meanwhile the battle with frieza in 17 is intensifying with frieza starting to toy with the android the teenager is getting more and more aggravated despite his infinity engine keeping him at bay from exhaustion frieza was just non-stop what is your deal you freak you got some infinite power thing or something no i take myself seriously something you seem to be failing at spectacularly with that frieza slapped 17 across the face repeatedly much like what goku did to him on nemec it was nice to be on the other side of that for once 18 and 16 were now looking concerned frieza's power is increasing this is bad mata's piccolo why is that bad mr piccolo he's on our side right now gohan this is frieza we're talking about we're powerless against him if he were to turn on us we'd have no chance but what about dad he's taken that other saiyan to the lookout i think i know what he's up to he can't help right now as they're talking trunks is skulking around behind android 18 and decides to use this diversion to attack her this is the end of the line for you monster 18 turns and catches trunks's sword big mistake kiddo she punches trunks with several rock faces piccolo and the other sense this looks like they have to go help 16 does not move he is steadfast in his mission to only attack son goku with trunks piccolo gohan tenshin hun and krillin on 18 17 can sense his sister in a spot but frieza will not let him bounce your quarrel is with me you started this young lad and i will finish it as that is going on calming communicates with piccolo telling him to report to the lookout at once to discuss something piccolo doesn't want to leave because he's in the middle of something sensing that 18 is on the ropes they could actually end this right now without goku but the elder namekian is insistent saying that this could be a good counter to frieza what he has to say as well as another threat looming in the distance this gets piccolo's attention so piccolo breaks off without saying a word in the distance a bug man is drinking the biomass of countless citizens but is also focused on a battle going on hundreds of miles away could that be his siblings in trouble possibly but he's too weak to help just now well not effectively he must feed still but one power he can sense intrigues him hmm i never expected to meet that one this will be fun once i am ready to pounce with piccolo heading towards kami's lookout the namekian is uncertain about what will happen going forward when he gets to the home of his other half the likes of kami is fully aware of the youngest strife i would have very much appreciated you not getting in my head and instead asked me in person but yes this whole situation is bad kami sadly nods and then mentions that it's about to get worse there is another being lurking in the shadows piccolo sucking the essence out of innocent people those robots that you are fighting against are small fly in comparison to that terror think of the damage that this thing could inflict upon the planet that is why i call you here i fear that i have no choice but to ask you one of the most important questions of my life and possibly my last as you know me piccolo is left perplexed but this is when he starts to cobble together what kami is trying to say and stumble over what you mean fusing with you forget it kami knew there would be a stalemate regarding this and so he had to take a different approach in this timeline he has a little more leverage going into this than before and i think you all know what that is i understand your trepidation in this venture piccolo but it's like you told the others having a being like frieza around who is far stronger than anyone here including yourself is a risky move if he were to grow weary like he so often did in the past he could easily turn his boredom onto any one of you if we fuse together we might at least provide some compelling resistance in addition to what is going on behind that door he motions to the door to the room of spirit and time you know that place where goku and broly are currently training why can't we just wait for them to come out why do i have to listen to your inane idea kami looks sternly i will not allow any more lights to be extinguished piccolo this is not a request this is an order from your god help me help earth this got to the making quite sharply even though it was clear he would be a distraction before goku and broly appeared he could get strong and maybe take out an android or two after dealing with this lurking monster that kanye talked about fine but i run the show in this fusion you got that kami smiles good this young one had matured quite a lot in the last few years thank you now we mustn't waste much time i will not stand in your way i am but an old man whose time is passing i will be more than happy to do my bit and cheer you on with what power i have left piccolo did find this rather touching but the ritual commences and within a matter of seconds kami's body turned to light and found itself fused with piccolo kamikolo was born and ready to take on any bug man meanwhile the dragon team are witnessing frieza tear 17 apart and they don't know what to think 16 who has done pretty much nothing this entire time remains stoic as usual and despite 18's plea to go and help her brother he does not she has no choice but to jump in and fight frieza too this provides the former emperor some interesting challenges well it took you long enough to help your brother girl a ticket you two aren't exactly close or whatever it is you androids call companionship 18 looks enraged by this you have no right to assume anything you monster frieza chuckles if that was supposed to make me feel bad then that was pathetic i remember all the insults and rhetoric from those who tried to stop me in the past and those were far more amusing than that come on girl give me something i can work with 17 and 18 begin to fight in sync and this gives frieza the challenge that he wanted the gang are debating about whether to actually help or not but they are still hindered by the reality and constant thought that this is frieza they are being really stubborn they just can't bring themselves to help him even if he was actually helping them we move our attention out into space trojan is anxiously awaiting the arrival on planet earth he had been rehearsing what he would say to his dear brother for ages and thanks to cooler's act of insubordination he had managed to get some good ideas on his plate he had also taken to staying in his second form most of the time he liked this feeling of power as well as the additional height looming over everyone on the ship after all he was king cole's son after all and he spent a lot of time with the now departed king prior to you know the whole deal in part seven but the crew of the ship did not consider him anything like their former king they thought he was crazy as i said chaotic oh the empire trojan didn't give a hoot about the empire all that mattered to him right now was to get rid of frieza like his daddy wanted he was taking that request far too seriously as for what he would do afterwards he had no clue he hadn't thought that far ahead and nor did he wish to cooler had been relegated to his quarters not much better than vegeta's he was also kept under close observation by two guards outside if he had so much has put a toe outside of his room unattended trojan would blast him away on the spot as for vegeta he had to think of a plan to get under trojan's nose and get the dragon balls before he could but how he too was guarded all the prince could do was just play back the moment when yardrat was destroyed all because of him then on the intercom trojan requested vegeta's presence on the bridge the prince uncertain of what was to come when he got there trojan greeted him cordially as if he wasn't crazy monkey i mean vegeta i wish to thank you for your services but i am afraid that you are no longer needed in this venture my oldest brother wished to inform me of that personally but i'm afraid he's a little bit under the weather silence fills the deck is that it trojan knots and looks viciously at him whilst trying to keep up a sense of calm oh yes as a mark of my respect and my immense generosity i have prepared a small vessel for you to head off into the stars doing whatever you monkeys do just one little condition before you go please don't head for earth or else you might find yourself cut in the crossfire can your little brain handle that little humble request vegeta looks a trojan with vicious intent never ever underestimate a scene trojan he walks out trojan not paying any attention vegeta walks out but the guards that had escorted him to the bridge didn't follow him in fact he isn't bothered the entire walk down to the hangar this is too easy vegeta gets the hangar and then sees a collection of ships one being earmarked for himself prepared to leave minutes later trojan can see that ship heading away from the main vessel oh vegeta if only your monkey bladen hadn't let you down you might have made a decent punching bag goodbye engage it with the craft but nothing happens trojan looks down at the switch and presses it again still nothing more presses and still more nothing then a buzz on the intercom erupts and emerges a familiar voice what did i just see trojan never ever underestimate a scene it might just come back and blow up in your face trojan is about to say something before in retort then a sudden explosion rocks the hangar sending dozens of engineers off into space along with plenty of debris in the chaos the hole is sealed up but before trojan can utter a response vegeta's ship had disappeared from visual and firing range inside said craft vegeta smirks hmm you seriously are as arrogant as your father leaving me to my own devices thinking i would blindly trust you what an amateur he sets a course for earth as fast as the little vessel can take him thanks to that explosion he had bought the earthlings some time and finally been able to begin the repair the damage that he had caused our heroes next up we have camilo encountering cell and that fight goes as well as you can expect with cell absorbing piccolo's arm that breaking off regenerating he gains enough biomass to now feel a bit more bullish this has been rather illuminating piccolo but i have myself a rather important dinner engagement to get to piccolo is about to spout a retort before he is overwhelmed with a solar flare and left dazzled when the light dissipates cell is gone and is heading towards the dragon team piccolo darts off in pursuit when the bug man gets there he witnesses something that makes him sick to whatever he calls a stomach he could see that his siblings are in grave danger they are left struggling to stand at the feet of frieza who is looking a little scuffed up but triumphant no the insect hisses under his breath meanwhile frieza is waxing lyrical as you would expect it's been a pleasure children but i have a bet to win so goodbye frieza is about to fire a dual death beam the twins looking horrified at their sudden defeat 16 is now looking worried himself despite his desire not to intervene because you know that's not son goku he couldn't help but feel nervous wait said an unearthly voice cell leaps into view and stands in front of 17 and 18 the bug man hatching a plan one that involved changing his role a little bit i will not let you harm my dear siblings siblings mata 17 16 looking a bit suspicious how could you be our sibling you look something that we used to squish or any magnifying glasses at oh brother it's absurd as ever we are siblings courtesy of the late doctor i am here to save you from this freak frieza lets out to laugh freak i think you're one to talk for once you and the runt are in agreement you look quite frighteningly ugly now stand aside or else you will share the same fate as your siblings cell thinks for a moment and then formulates part of another plan to survive and thrive brother sister if we combine our efforts we will be able to win i knew it 18 trying to hide the disgust retorts seriously this guy is way too powerful for the both of us how can you change that trust me sister i have the perfect plan together we will become stronger than anything you could possibly imagine this catches frieza's interest stronger you say you mean i might actually get a proper fight out of this silly bet of goku's very well as you were trunks gasps in horror you mean he's gonna just go and let this happen how can he just stand there and do this little did they know that frieza was doing exactly what goku did with him back on nemic allowing the former emperor to reach his full power had goku's presence in his life left more of an impact than he'd first thought before the siblings can react cell's tail extends and envelops them both causing a gigantic flash of light to erupt from the scene engulfing freeza and a wide range around them when it settles what is left is a far different beast what we know as perfect cell i have to hand it to you frieza your dna is rather handy in this situation thanks to it i have reached a level of power far beyond anything in existence i have become perfect and i have you to thank piccolo lands amongst the group and is confused how frieza's never been on this planet before how did he get his dna i am not from around here namekian i am from a different timeline your lavender friend there can fill you in on how that works in my dimension frieza did stop by and thanks to that you now witness me back at goku's house yantra is looking absolutely petrified at what he can sense kit and chili ask what's going on to their new bandit friend and all he can do is stammer something your your friend has doomed us all indeed in piccolo's eyes frieza had let this perfect cell transform i knew it we're too late to stop him all we can do is hope goku gets here to write this frieza doesn't seem all that worried though but he then gets a face full of cell with many flurries of blows being aimed at his direction which leaves the changing in a spot of bother cell is loving this feeling of dominance as well as the fear that it's emanating from the rest of the team you surprised me freeza i thought you'd have acted less like a saiyan in allowing me to reach my true power have those monkeys really softened you up so much you want to lose this badly frieza spits out some of his blood and smirks perhaps those saiyans are rather unforgettable aren't they but ironically you coming around has given me the perfect opportunity to test something out an old friend of mine showed me the error of my ways of thinking i was the most superior being now though i know i am the most superior being frieza lets out a roar which shakes the ground a golden flash bursts out from his body and shining light pushes cell back several feet and when that light clears cell is left stunned he witnesses golden freezer what what is this how is this possible your your dna doesn't it can't cell is left dumbfounded in the immediacy of it all but frieza is steadfast quite simple i trained all that power left untapped it's something wonderful with that cell saying dna takes charge and he relishes in the challenge but this is not a two-way fight not even close put simply frieza is dominating cell is left battered and bruised and left horror struck as are the rest of the dragon team so this was frieza's plan to show off this new power why hadn't he just done this before the androids would have been gone in seconds what now i'm supposed to be the perfect being frieza yawns in sighs you already said that bug boy it's ever so tiresome now how about you stop mewling and start listening what how dare you mock me frieza puts a finger up as if to shut cell up if there is indeed part of me in that thick head of yours then you will understand what i'm about to ask of you let's make a deal do you want to fight against something stronger than i careful so your vegeta's showing go on so was curious about something tell me frieza why do you persist with being a collection of metal and flesh surely a person of your esteem would want to be whole to be perfect frieza extends his arms and nods it is a reminder bug boy a reminder of my past you may have parted me embedded in you ill-gotten gains in my opinion but i have moved on from your facsimile from those simpler times there is more to life than ruling over people and besides it is also a reminder that i am reliant on other people my crew my family they are more of the family than i ever had whilst ruling this world this galaxy somewhere back at goku's place kit and chili felt a sense of warmth course through them strange where did that come from oh to think how low i become i never thought i would see the day that i would get so soppy over such trivial pursuits cell is just watching furious you fool to think i would believe such tripe take this cell prepares to charge an attack in blind anger and frustration but frieza smoothly lands another elbow to his gut which causes the bug man to reel over on the ground in agony not going anywhere anytime soon no you one last chance you annoying insect are you going to help or am i going to have to wipe what's left of you off of my foot when i'm done sell grunts and compliers very well the dragon team are left flawed frieza he becomes so soft so caring for other people what had he been through to get to that well even piccolo was convinced by this point fine he could be trusted sickens me mud frieza at this point begins to tell the group including cell about his brother and what he can gather vegeta's folly and the rest of the sordid exercise we then head up to the lookout where goku and broly have now exited the chamber goku and his new friend were feeling buoyed up and confident after their training and when the former sensed the situation he could tell that frieza had kept his word he done good there was no battling to be had well i'll be looks like we weren't needed after all oh i was kind of looking forward to fighting him but i had fun what about you broly indeed i did thank you kakarot for your help i feel much better in handling my hidden power but i will say it's a shame that it won't be tested well hold up big guy kakarot shouts at the millia voice the pair turn around to spot the jeter of all people staring back at them on the lookout vegeta stamus goku but then he remembers what frieza had told them earlier as well as remembering the look of pain on chili's face you better explain yourself i've heard some really bad stuff and it's got your name all over it broly is looking just as seriously at the prince mimicking his now teacher if you know what's good for you you will leave me and my master alone and never come back it is my fault yes your dread perished because of me but i wasn't the one to do it i will explain but before i do vegeta turns to broly stand down your bodyguard kakarot goku motions to broly to calm down and vegeta then explains the whole thing to them about trojan and why he's here now you understand that's why we need to use the dragon balls before that freak arrives i managed to give them the slip by transmitting here and causing my own trouble and they're on a wild goose chase trying to find the craft that i escaped on mr p who had been listening then explains that the dragon balls are inactive right now since piccolo fused with kami thusly that worry had been taken out of the equation but another one erodes well it sounds like this trojan guy won't be all that pleased to hear about the dragon balls exactly i need to train as hard as i can to stop that hideous being goku then motions to the open door that is the room of spirit and time this should give you a hand you could fit in the whole year's training in a day vegeta grumps without another word steps inside and the door slams shut well we know what the jesus is up to right now with that goku and broly transmit to the rest of the gang and when they get there they are met with a surreal sight frieza and cell in deep conversation when the others see goku fighting fit and really healthy again they rush over to him happy to see them having sensed vegeta briefly appearing on earth and then vanishing again what had happened this mention of the prince catches frieza's attention what that monkey dared show his face here does he have a death wish goku then explains to the iron icicle about what he had said to him and broly just now and this is enough to at least calm the mech emperor down a little bit father how could you be so careless in the rushed out shine me you made the biggest mistake you could ever make because of this your empire is now in ruins good good you mean you don't want to be emperor anymore why would i go back to that life yes i miss some of the creature comforts that that gave me but what i have now is far more liberating i cannot correct the atrocities that i have caused no but i can at least prevent any more from occurring cell is extremely confused with frieza's new outlook but he's also happy to see goku since things have gotten rather boring around here might i be allowed to have a bit of a sparring session with this saiyan i've been looking forward to meeting son goku frieza doesn't really care but does add the conditions that if cell harms goku badly the bug will have to answer to him again cell bears in mind as he and goku have a little bit of a sparring session to try and pass the time piccolo then asks how long they have to prepare for trojan's arrival if my former ship is being used it is capable of remarkable speeds but it seems that the prince pulled quite the feat of tomfoolery at best we have a few days in that worst hours the gang are looking worried krillin lamenting the fact that frieza had brought all of this nest to their home planet speaking of said maniac trojan wasn't preparing all that much for his arrival assured that he'd be strong enough to cope with anything he knew he was strong enough to stomp frieza into dust but that didn't mean that he was entirely sitting on his laurels he had managed to chain up his brother and managed to extract the information of a fifth transformation something that frieza couldn't or didn't bother with the art of actually getting this fifth form had taken a long time to get out of his brother who had been weakened considerably after being locked up on his own without any sort of food or water for days yet chained up literally this exercise coming about when he was wrongly assumed to have helped vegeta escape by the way so you know he hadn't and despite coolest pleas of innocence trojan was having none of it he was angry that vegeta had outsmarted him and yeah his brother was the next best thing to vegeta around so take out the anger on him brother if i weren't so untrusting of you i would hug you so much for your help this power of yours is remarkable i know you're not lying to me i can feel that this power exists just waiting to be unleashed as a mark of respect you'll live long enough to witness it being used to squish frieza into a bloody pulp oh and here he stuffs a piece of bread into cooler's mouth for your trouble tata trojan walks out of the cell to which then cooler spits out the bread he didn't want that pity we then cut to goku's place where an unconscious paragus had been tied up to a chair and then yamcha was keeping a close eye on him in case he'd caused any more trouble but before then yamcha had been talking with kit and chili discovering the adventures that they had had with frieza and how much he actually changed in the meantime the bandit was blown away with how such a previously evil being could reform in such a way having a huge slice of humble pie jammed down his throat well all i can say is that sounds like vegeta could do it oh sorry he forgot the very mention of vegeta's name was enough to set chili off she was still very upset about the yardrathian's demise by his hands as far as they knew having not realized that vegeta wasn't the one to do it careful boy that's still a sore topic to discuss here yum just shrugs well not really we have these things called dragon balls that could bring them back she lie sniffs opening one eye they they could yeah you aren't you're relieved that he actually said something good well i mean i guess our ones aren't working right now but we know some friends who definitely got some lying around we could wish for yardrick to be revived as well as the people of it it could be saved yep that was the right thing to say now jubilant chili gives yamcha a big hug and kit slaps him on the back thank you pal maybe once this whole mess is over you should come along and tag along with us i see some good stuff in you boy the kit says a surprise chili don't you hate people well yeah useless people this one though he's got some smarts as well as a good bit of muscle yamcha then tries to suck up a little saying kit looks tough himself no i am as tough as you a freezer i can hold my own against normal folk quite easily i don't need any of the defensive line shows to prove myself he pats his bicep and assurance yom just sits on this offer for a while but they are then interrupted with the arrival of broly goku and gohan as well as a scuffed up freezer and cell who then has to duck a little bit so as to get inside without bumping his head or his hat looking extremely uncomfortable with frieza and his crew now informed about vegeta's happenings and sells truce broly promises to keep his father in check goku then suggests to frieza kitten chili that maybe after they get through all of this they should settle here once everything is over maybe they could be friends frieza brushes this aside quickly just because i'm helping you out doesn't mean that i like you don't forget that despite me changing my ways of sorts you still cause me a lot of pain for years after this i will be getting off the speck of dirt as quickly as possible you have no idea how much i'm holding back the urge to vomit just breathing the same air as you come now droidy boy it ain't that bad i want to talk to this bulma chick you keep talking about talk shop sounds like she used to smart cookie chili then asked broly whether he would like to accompany him on their journey well that's very kind of you to offer but i wish to stay here for now this place is much nicer than the world you found me on and i want to save her a little more whilst teaching under kakarot chili looks disappointed but understands all right we can come and visit you perhaps right she gives frieza the stink-eye which reads we will come and visit musa decides to quietly accept this but not verbally acknowledge it it was easier that way in the room of spirit and time vegeta is recovering from his malnutrition and replaying the memories of trojan's tyranny every single day whilst he was in his company despite his replying of yardrat's destruction in his mind every single night he was using this to fuel his desire for power and increasing strength without any distractions the prince is pushing himself harder and harder managing to unlock over two days the power of super saiyan 2. how is he able to do this well all that training with cooler before trojan interrupted i managed to give him a little bit of a head start over the original story fifth form cooler was a good yardstick and is further in avenging trojan as well as being the one to deliver the news that the dragon balls were useless here oh that gave him the right motivation as for frieza he didn't really care about him anymore frieza may have destroyed planet vegeta but that was in the past and even if he wanted to he could be dealt with later and if he helped in reading the galaxy of his own brother trojan that might just be enough to redeem him in his eyes vegeta might look the other way for now the day arrives far away still on the outer realms of the solar system frieza and vegeta both sensed trojan's arrival that key was very very recognizable frieza instructs yamcha to take chili and kit back to their ship which had been parked nearby goku's house in the interim and for them to leave the planet frieza had to listen to the young one complaining about being left alone for the end of time but he knew that he could not allow them to stay here and risk being hurt this fight is not yours to deal with kit gritz's teeth sure it is you made it our fight we won't leave you now not like this frieza was surprised to hear kit's voice wavering being so outwardly emotional but it still didn't sway his judgment he was going ahead with this without so much as another word frieza turns away and flies off to prepare to meet his brother face to face for the first time kit pounds the dirt and it's actually really starting to get upset yarmouth tries his best to comfort him but chili isn't crying you the other way around that was odd stop your blubbering old man we're not going anywhere kit looks up to chili confused what do you mean what can we do we ain't got any other beam things to help us yamcha clears his throat i do the bandit surprised himself with how brave he was being normally he would be the first one out of there if there was anything really strong but you know he was actually got a strange sense of calm and confidence it was very unusual what's your plan he says to chili and the little pasta to a freezer motions them to listen carefully explaining her idea as this tree are preparing the others are standing in readiness for the arrival of trojan thanks to bulmer's trajectory calculations they had managed to sort of ascertain where trojan's ship would land and sure enough she wasn't all that far off ready and waiting the gang witnessed frieza's old ship land softly and an army of trojan soldiers lined the gantry albeit rather slowly down onto the surface out of the craft calmly walks trojan as well as cooler shackled to his side if the situation wasn't so dire right now frieza might have before at his older brother's predicament but this aura that trojan was projecting that was no laughing matter trojan paid no attention to the dragon team whatsoever he considered them window dressing he couldn't sense their energy anyway all he cared about was frieza whom he recognized despite having never really seen the change in his appearance because of the mechanical exterior being different to what he could remember we meet at last brother i can't tell you how long i've waited to shake your hand frieza looked sourly at him you can keep waiting i wouldn't shake your hand if it was the last thing i do trojan looks giddy instead of angry did you hear that cooler deer her brother thinks he's all that his witticism can be arranged though he tosses a fragile cooler to the side onto the dirt and he then tells sorbet his latest commander to order his men to take out frieza's new friends sorbet does so but then quickly wishes that he hadn't it was becoming clear that trojan's poor attitude towards his men as well as really being awful really almost treating them like prisoners was starting to backfire it was now manifesting itself they didn't move not an inch sorbet barks at them out of fear for their lives rather than anger at their insubordination to just move do what trojan told them to do but they still stood motionless despite their fear they were fed up with this despot of a king frieza lost his trademark love at the sight of this some ruler you are brother i am the first to admit that i wasn't exactly chummy with my men but at least i recognize their usefulness and even their own existence surely that's something father must have taught you to rule or were you so blinded with hatred towards myself that you chose to ignore that trojan isn't perturbed he simply just turns back to these thousands of men lying in the gantry and with one swift swipe of his head cuts them down on the spot his dual eye beams slicing through their armor as if it were butter bodies littered the scene and even freezer is horrified by this sudden and desperate act how embarrassing stage fright got the better of them cell who had been reluctant to listen to freezer up until now suddenly gets the message he he's crazy now you realize frieza exclaims took you long enough trojan then holds up a finger and then points to the ground if any of your allies dare interfere with our affairs i will well you know what i will do frieza nods in acknowledgement it needn't be said he did know you lot don't get involved this is my fault i should have led him away from here before now i thought too highly of him that he would tolerate teamwork clearly this is something i must deal with alone he slowly walks up to his brother and surprisingly hugs him i am sorry brother for my act i have wasted your time i could never compare to you trojan is confused to this act of affection but goku spots frieza doing a similar gesture with his finger before trojan could realize what had happened they were gone but they haven't gone far goku looks up and senses that the two of them are now in the middle of space not far from earth remember they can both breathe in space but then not long after that happened another ship arrived frieza's ship out of it runs kit shiloh and yamcha out of the way shouts kid i've got some barging to do the trio run inside trojan's now vacant vessel sorbet being blasted out of the way by yamcha to do whatever chili planned to do the blue dot that is earth was the backdrop for this ultimate encounter trojan laughs not perturbed by this inconvenience you may have gotten softer than father hooped for you but you are just as grandiose where we fight matters not i wish to tear you apart so that this world can bask in my might before i blast it to pieces frieza's size trust me the feeling is mutual you are the remnants of my father's legacy and i must say it's a poor show i cannot allow this fast to carry on any longer i'm more than ready for this frieza powers up not going golden yet a fool's errand brother you are no match for me try not to make any sudden movements it would only make the experience hurt more he didn't get to finish his train of thought because suddenly he got a ship in the face frieza couldn't even fathom what had just happened for about a second and he then smirks kiss you old dog i knew you would disobey me frieza thought he'd figured it out the old man must have gone and programmed the ship to maybe fly straight into trojan on autopilot at maximum speed yes it was a weird move but it wasn't exactly unwelcome in frieza's book but that's not quite true the old man wasn't that good in that short space of time he was getting rusty in his old age he was piloting the ship he had to trojan was trying to move a limb to blast the ship away but the craft was approaching the speed of light he couldn't move his limbs its engines going white hot kit not caring for preserving them this was the only time you would do so inside the temperature was getting all the hotter don't mess us up twenty boy trojan is screaming with a mixture of fear and sadistic pleasure this was so unexpected that it entertained him but then he could feel it getting sort of toasty then really getting toasty as he crashed with the ship into the sun he could feel the star burning his flesh but he wasn't in total pain yet he was in sort of some sort of discomfort sure but he hadn't met his match oh this day is getting better and better he powers up to his final form to hell with the other forms and blast back towards earth he went flying so fast that the sun's corona and flares were blown back viciously minutes passed did the old man get out in time that's what he told chili that he was escaping an escape pod but then the gang felt it it had failed the girl broke down several amongst you had mentioned over the past about how frieza could use instant transmission as a makeshift teleportation thing goku couldn't do that well i think we can easily explain that and keep it somewhat baked into the law in a little conversation that goku had with frieza before trojan arrived they had a little bit of time to do that it seemed that the saiyan had missed out on some very interesting tricks this technique can do if you had bothered to stick around monkey you would have realized how versatile this little trick can be all i will say is that you can teleport by using the transmission bit and then missing if i were to say teleport i am still locking into an energy signal i'm just moving a distance away from it deliberately clue is in the name instant transmission huh this got goku thinking for a while and now you know how frieza had done his homework but that is the least of his worries right now up in the atmosphere frieza could sense that kit was gone just like everyone else down on the planet could and that trojan was on his way back and had seemingly rocketed up in power was this his final form it was far greater than frieza's own final form when he was ornament it seemed like his father had done a lot of research whilst he was out cold originally being repaired all of those years ago felt like an eternity a whole other lifetime but it didn't matter frieza's mechanical fist was clenched so tight with grief and anger that it was leaking robotic fluids and sparking kit now look what you made me do you made me give a damn without another word he powers up to golden form and flies towards the trajectory from where kit had piloted the ship to and trojan was flying back from at breakneck speed they were going to meet in the middle down on earth an inconsolable chili was slamming the ground utterly defeated utterly broken yamcha was doing his best to comfort her but it did very little to do so however one person who tried to do so surprised everyone and that was vegeta he knelt down in front of the wailing child and bowed i am i'm sorry that stopped her sorry this is my fault yardrat that friend of yours i grossly underestimated the enormity of that maniac's drive to end frieza i have never seen such atrocities undertaken with such little regard for life the mood is ice cold the energies above them were ignored for the first time since trojan had got here to see how chili would react she did react her hand raised up and then smacking the prince straight across the face everybody froze what on earth did she just do vegeta though didn't move he just held his cheek still red raw from the smack as chief i stood up looking sternly back that's for all the wretched things you said to the galaxy to me sheila looks down to the ground as if to muster the courage to speak now i remember who attacked my home lit me away from my family it was you gohan then tried to explain that no it can't be vegeta if it was him was probably carrying out frieza's orders out of fear he wouldn't have meant to surely no you're wrong this one killed for sport one night i asked frieza for the truth did he come to my planet to destroy it no frieza never sent any orders to massacre my home apparently it wasn't ready yet as he put it this one in his cronies came and did it themselves but fun the tutor wasn't moving deep down he knew that back in the day she'd have been probably right he napa and raditz did do a lot of that while freeza was looking the other way don't play the freezer card with me any of you she turns to the dragon team then to goku and vegeta specifically saiyans have done nothing but hurt us though it wasn't you who directly destroyed your dread but you may as well have done so with your stupid pride and that goes for you too me what did i do splutters are surprised goku sell chuckles behind them the girl is right son goku i may not have turned goody goody like the purple and white one up there he's pointing skywards but i do know him well enough to understand that saiyans are ultimately a stain on this galaxy despite having their uses from time to time and this is coming from me a being that is part saying i suppose i have to thank you in a way goku if they hadn't been for your battle with my captain i'd still be picking up scratch on some deus sake and dump but that doesn't excuse you for all the pain your actions have put in through all the years vegeta couldn't process what was going on and so chose to just stay where he was letting the girl's eye just wash over him back up there the brothers were still speeding towards each other and when they connected there was an almighty shockwave which carried for hundreds no thousands of miles enough to rip the icy cows off of comets and shatter whole asteroids the battle hadn't even started yet final form trojan vs golden freezer was a very equal fight punch met by punch kick met by kick frieza choosing to eschew witticisms for the first time and instead concentrate his fury into tearing this monster to shreds trojan instead of being frustrated for this lack of talking loved this encounter it was something he had been longing for ever since he was created he was realizing his father's dream to get back at frieza you have no idea how much i've longed for this battle brother this is what father wanted i only wish that it happened sooner instead of him dragging it out for so long but silence frieza wasn't indulging this creature's rhetoric now this this did get under trojan's skin got nothing to say silence your best defense your best defense to justify your cowardice you ran away from your friends only hard rat you were scared by me without even meeting me you escaped and left them to their doom it's all your fault that they suffered my wrath how does that make you feel brother to know you are responsible for their demise you could have stopped me there and then but no father was right you are soft soft and simple and you slurs frieza then just straight up gut punch trojan so badly it made trojans spit up he wasn't in pain though this brought him further joy twisted sickening joy good that got through to you you acknowledge your act frieza glides back you are right i should have stayed i did indeed doom them all your words are not wrong you may be crazy but you're not a fool trojan is surprised to hear this was frieza praising him after all he had done why do you lord my deeds because i care another stomach punch makes trojan crease up in pain but he's still not weakening no this isn't how you're supposed to react you're supposed to get angry destroy me make me writhe and twist with agony make me feel true pain feel alive you're ruining my game trojan powers up and decides to hell with all of this he's powering up to a new form something that cooler dear brother cooler back on the planet can sense no he mustn't frieza get out of there huh what are you talking about what is he doing up there piccolo shouts to cooler he's doing it he's powering up to the fifth form fifth form gasps goku you meant that final form is in the highest form no there's another goku looks up panicked but then an eerie calm descends upon him good if history repeats itself he doesn't even bother finishing the sentence leaving everyone guessing but then looking back up to the stars does goku have an idea about what's about to happen frieza gazes upon fifth form trojan looking immense and triumphantly back at his brother your golden form is no match for this brother you really should have heeded your older brother and led this form too it would have made things so much more fun and easier for you oh well trojan rushes forward and frieza tries to grip his outstretched arm to dodge the attack but it misses his robotic arm is simply shattered to pieces having not been bestowed with the capability to process the golden power kit never got round to it one arm down frieza is looking horrified he was getting flashbacks to the moment that cold his now late father had gone final form on him and did the same thing wrecking his robotic body for daring to defy him oh i realized the irony daddy enjoyed this his spite lives within me despite for having created such a miserable excuse for a ruler you're not fit to rule you never were you were simply created to get back at me you were never destined for greatness to take over the empire you are just a tool trojan spits out vicious expletives and screams well if i am a tool then i will do what a tool does best he grabs frieza's head and break you down bit by bit he chucks freezer away at great speed and then sends a blast following him to which frieza can barely hold back his one good hand getting singed slowly but surely but he keeps plowing more and more power into it to the point where he comes to a stop trojan can feel this and instead of stopping he keeps pumping out more energy into it i know this attack will be the beginning of the end just be a good boy and sleep brother goku feels something and frieza does too without a moment to spare frieza instant transmissions out of there leaving the beam to travel into space its destination unknown trojan who can't sense energy mind mistakes this lack of resistance to be his brother's death and then relaxes his limbs and basks in his own glory but now what he did have no purpose now frieza was right he wasn't created to become the truler of the galaxy he paid no attention to cole's rules and teachings he was just made to punish frieza but with him gone he was aimless well not for long frieza reappeared and slammed her fist into the side of trojan's armor frieza without another word extends his arms out in his trademark pose and invites trojan to come for him trojan naturally takes this invitation but misses frieza has moved 20 foot to the right and invites him to strike again but trojan misses again what is this why can't that hurt you why history repeating itself tell me dear brother did you train to perfect that form of coolers why would i need to train you should know we are born superior to all beings this is a natural gift of ours that none can compare i thought the same when i was your age that this was just handed to us on a silver platter but no this battle is quite frankly over and done with i can feel it i'm sure the monkey is getting a kick out of this too looking back to earth and speaking of goku is smiling with relief everyone can sense it except the chili what's going on why are you all looking so happy at a time like this the armchair places a hand on her shoulder frieza's done it he's learned from his past that's right says goku churchily back on nemic frieza used his full power against me and therefore burke threw a whole heap of energy in one go in minutes in fact he never trained to use that form well not use it efficiently seems like trojan never got that memo either cooler in the distance smiles of course how could i have been so blind to that that fool was too desperate to get my power that he rushed himself even further now he will pay for all that he's done with his own ignorance you're not making this up you're all stalling for time so your little friends can step in and save your sorry hide says a worried trojan no nobody's coming to my rescue i wouldn't accept it even if they were i can finish you off right now with one hand tied behind my back oh oh wait he lifts the remains of his broken arm i already am he then proceeds to attack trojan whose power is falling by the second now he is powerless to counter and for the first time in his life he's afraid and no amount of self-reasoning is enough to ensue this ever-growing feeling of fear and horror to realize he had lost because of his own ignorance brother don't do this why would you kill your infection blood freezer laughs in his face [Laughter] that has to be the most pathetic thing to have said since you got here you're supposed to be the emperor of this galaxy aren't you act like it frieza is relentless each punch for those that trojan had brutally ended for the sake of getting back at frieza there was not an inch of mercy crossing frieza's mind when he was done he looked to see the bruised and battered figure of trojan who have now powered down to his first form he had taken such a bruising looking defeated but elated thank you thank you for what well this i've never felt so alive in the face of death this is the greatest feeling ever frieza thought for a second should he deny this wretch the satisfaction of dying spare him like the monkey and his crew would do nah i am sorry brother you should have never been born dragged into any of this this is all the fault of father he lets rip and trojan accepts his destiny for his voyage into eternity his body is being torn to pieces in the midst of this attack and when he connects with the atmosphere of earth he laughs with mirth and pleasure as he streaks through the sky all before being reduced to just ash in the upper iron sphere the twinkling of the energy blaster to dissipate and the remains of the monster left a glistening mark across the entire planet and the dragon team down below basked in this feeling of relief and wonderment it reflecting in their eyes trojan was gone with the remains of his energy frieza transmitted back when he could feel no more of his brother's presence and simply collapsed by chili's feet he had done it when he came to in his final form once more goku offered him a hand up good job friend frieza got up and once he gained enough strength to reply he wrenched his hand away i'm glad you finally saw the bigger picture goku took you long enough chili without another moment's hesitation gave frieza the biggest hug she'd ever given anybody good you're you're you're you're safe now the dragon team was still dumbfounded seeing frieza being so affectionate to anyone but he was right they were safe now that trojan had been dealt with goku set about fixing some things with the aid of instant transmission goku and frieza set about requesting that dende become the new guardian of earth like in the original and then of course the use of the namekian dragon balls to which the people of nemic were i mean needless to say skeptical to do frieza personally took himself to namek with goku as i said along to explain his awareness of his torrid past but did not wish to apologize entirely for it i cannot undo what i have done but all i can do is tell you this you will never see or hear from me again i am a changed being all i wish to do is just get my friend back elder mori was bowled over with the honesty and frieza's voice as well as being accountable for his actions and having a friend borunga is summoned and the first wish is to bring back kit to life and that is done kit awakens in a heap by frieza and goku's feet fully aware of what had happened the plan worked plan what plan come now dory boy you seriously think i was gonna sacrifice my own life without knowing i could be brought back with those dragon balls you got you aren't you told me that that boy he's worth keeping frieza the next wish is to bring back yard rat and its people which is done and then the final wish was to bring back all of those that were ended by trojan and his rampage save the king cold obviously with that the dragon vanishes from view and kit and frieza plan to leave for earth let's go cheer the girl up she's been through a lot sure thing droidy boy you know what kid i'll let that slide they vanish as goku takes then they back to earth now with everyone gathered back on earth goku then asked something that had been on his mind just now why did you not wish for your body back frieza surely you want to not be robotic anymore you would think so but he looks to his still broken robotic arm and smiles this is a permanent reminder of where i once was and must never lapse back into as long as i should live cooler then walks up to his brother and then brings up a good point i hate to be a buzzkill right now but with trojan gone there is a pretty substantial power vacuum to be had you need to step back into your former empire i mean it is yours technically you take it me are you death you yes you vegeta stunned at this choice but he still can call son oh so if me fighting your corner for all of these months keeping you alive meant nothing did it after all that i've been through i have no wish to destroy it should have been yours to begin with anyway i've had my philip that life now it's time to carve out my own doing what i want goku then asks if he would consider joining forces perhaps staying on earth with the dragon team to this freezer walks up to him and then with a fist gut punches goku that shocks everyone have you forgotten monkey i may have helped you as you helped me but that does not make us allies your saiyans have caused more trouble for us than we would care for after this you are on your own i do thank you for your humble assistance but this does not mean that i like you i may not be a lord anymore but i am still frieza come along kit chili and you over there me i've heard on the grapevine that you are indeed quite useful as well as i find you to be quite the suave figure you've earned yourself a place on my ship the armchair is stunned they put in a good word for him kitten chili but his friends he couldn't leave them she and i walks up to him and assures him that if he doesn't like it he can always come back yeah boy we ain't holding you hostage it's just nice to have some extra muscle on board but when you're a bad dead could work well with chili yamcha tries to explain he's not a bandit anymore and paula does offer his assistance too and then showcases his shape-shifting powers to which frieza is very impressed with come on yamcha give it a try moan's chi lion yamcha agrees eventually you'll see how it goes one of that you style they all turned a perfect cell who has been standing there all this time looking deep in thought well what can i do i've been outclassed by that disappointment he points to frieza you lot will no doubt outclass me too i may as well just head off out into space and explore i guess figure out a purpose for my seemingly everlasting life they all think about this and ultimately accept this this is not a bad idea after all he knows that frieza would come knocking if he dared to endanger anyone and as for broly he chose to stay on earth and train further with goku and make sure that his power was much more well-rounded than before and that he could become a valuable member of the dragon team going forward making their goodbyes frieza and his crew as well as the nervous yamcha and lift off from the ground and head off out into the galaxy their next destination yard rat are we going to take the long way jordan boy we're going to use that finger thing again warn me if it's the second one i need a sick pack on standby no no no kit i could do with the rest after all that i've been through and i also need you to fix well he wiggles the stump of his robotic arm oh oh right right can do i'll also make it so your gold thing works with it as well i mean i should have done that yes yes that's a good point well i should have asked you to do that sooner freezer and kit then head off to the repair shop and yancha poire and chili look out to the surging stars as they speed forwards towards yard rat to meet their friends it's gonna be fun working together i can't wait to see your skills i mean i hate to burst your bubble but i'm not one for stealing things from innocent people you know innocent people mom where's the fun in that if anyone deserves it it's those who try and game the system we'll just game them back oh oh right right yeah they start talking shop as the ship flies off into the cosmos their future bright and that's where we end things in this form factor yes this is not the end i plan to continue the series in a different guise as an audio drama series entitled revelation f you see what i did there resurrection revelation f either way you can expect these quite regularly and i have a cast in mind so do look forward to this continuation in the fullness of time and what did you folks think of the scenario in the end anyway did you like it are you excited to hear more in the future leave a comment below and let's get this discussion going and i shall see you in the next video catch you later
Channel: MasakoX
Views: 1,121,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frieza turned good, freeza turned good, what if frieza turned good, what if frieza was good, if frieza was good, what if frieza turned good part 1, masakox what if frieza turned good, frieza turns good, what if frieza, what if freeza, what if frieza always trained, masakox, masakox what if, frieza, masako x, dbz what if, dragon ball what if, what if dbz, what if dragon ball, what if frieza trained like goku, dragon ball z what if, dragon ball, dragon ball z, frieza what if
Id: CJptOW9rScU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 43sec (10843 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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