What if GOKU Had BARDOCK'S FORESIGHT? (Full Story)

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back in his initial introduction Bardock had a pretty interesting ability the ability of foresight a blessing and a curse and I've seen a pretty popular suggestion a lot here what would have happened if Goku and Raditz have that ability too well unfortunately it's kind of tough to make that work but I think I found a way to make it actually happen we'll be discussing how it happens and the consequences and seeing how it affects the series in this brand new story what if Goku had bardock's Force oh yeah and what if Raditz had the foresight too we'll set a light go of 5 000 likes and if we hit that I'll continue this into a full series so our Story begins trying to explain how this even occurs Bardock originally got his foresight after the fact after Goku and radish were born it wasn't anything genetic either it was activated during the battle so we can't say Goku and Raditz were born with it because that doesn't work although I have an idea of how to make it work surprisingly both Dragon Ball Super Bardock and Dragon Ball Z Bardock can be pieced together pretty easily you will have to change a few things around for both of them but you can make it work without taking too much of a creative Liberty and now you're probably wondering why are you combining the two bardocks well we need Z Barnacles he's the one who has that build but we need to Super Bardock for another reason he has the same encounter with the heaters that he initially did on planet series and here monado ends up making a wish for Barda asking for his two sons to thrive this part of barack's story doesn't change immediately after he heads back home and this is some more minus stuff this is when he sends Kakarot away and then after that he'll have the same encounter he did with his squat being sent out on a mission where they die and he gets his foresight as hard as we know right now this hasn't happened in Canon although I am recording this in November and knowing Dragon Ball super they always introduce stuff after the fact so when I record something it's immediately outdated so I don't know maybe they will introduce this but Jokes Aside though we haven't seen this yet and including this isn't really too outlandish the biggest change here is that barox already suspicious of Frieza beforehand haven't heard it from the heaters but he has to go on this Mission he can't act suspicious it's all to protect kakron draw the attention away from him and this isn't really changing too much of Canon either because his Squad does exist in both versions of the story it's kind of just changing the order of events here but the two important things are monado made a wish for his sons to thrive and Bardock was able to get his force in for the events leading up to his death will follow the events of Bardock father of Goku which is the original introduction for him although it kind of is lined up with minus because he ended up fighting Frieza there too or attempting to and this leads us to his death Bardock watches frieza's attack barrels towards the plane he tries to attack fighting back with his own blast but of course it does nothing and Bardock ends up being one of the first casualties of it being consumed by frieza's attack dying for him although before he dies something strange happens he sees a vision or two actually One Vision is Frieza looking different than before facing down two figures he can't really make them out but they're hairstyles it's unmistakable are these adult versions of Kakarot and Raditz he's not sure because before they turn around another Vision appears he sees a dragon he's not sure what it is but it's Toronto Bardock looks around him he's in nothingness just a blank space a place between other world and the living world it's a strange vision and he's not even sure if this is a vision taranbo talks to Bardock monado made a wish for bardock's son to thrive actually going through with it and making the wish and Barack surprised he didn't realize monado actually did make a wish for that and taronbo explains he can ensure that his sons will grow up and Thrive but only up to a certain point although he'll make a bargain with Bardock if you like that power of His that foresight the blessing and the curse he can grant that power to his two sons further protecting them beyond the point where they're grown and it is a gamble because in barak's eyes there's downsides with it but from what he saw there was that Vision where they were facing Frieza or at least that's what he assumed was happening and he thinks on it but he realized there's only one right choice here he already saw what's gonna happen or at least part of it so whatever Choice he goes with here he knows it'll turn out well he goes with his gut he accepts the bargain Grant this power to Kakarot and rabbits geronbo acknowledges this very well a light flashes and bardock's life ends Frieza floats there watching over the planet exploding he looks on triumphantly but little does he know he might have just created one of his worst nightmares and as Barack is sent to Otherworld he wonders if he made the right choice that foresight a lot of them to see bad things that would happen theoretically it should protect them right but could it also make them more paranoid cause things to happen that weren't supposed to he's not too sure it's a conundrum a double-edged sword that will be explored throughout this series and there we have our explanation it's a little strange but I didn't need to take too many liberties with me honestly it's a very interesting concept so I wanted to do whatever was possible to make it happen I also consider just having it activate when kakron at his head but I did it this way specifically to have Raditz have it too and we'll be seeing how it plays out for both Goku the pure hearted one and rabbits the evil one of his sons what will this change about their lives though well at first not really too much let's start by covering Goku on Earth he doesn't really encounter too much danger at first he's already strong to begin with but there is a drawback here him hitting his head actually kind of delays the effects of this Kakarot have the ability to foresight but once he hit his head it made it more dormant and he doesn't immediately develop the power varrock's foresight was activated in the part of his brain after him and if Goku is getting damaged to his brain that has a negative effect here Goku does have visions occasionally but never really thinks much of them they're few and far between and they're always very brief they only really ever occur in his dreams too never occurring while he's conscious and he just chalks it up to coincidences having dreams about something happening and then it kind of does happen like one of his recurring dreams is one of a giant monkey but then he also has other dreams like he's fighting against a guy with three eyes and soon after that dream he has another one about some green monster he thinks nothing of this as he heads into the 22nd World Tournament the dreams didn't even explain anything they were just there but after this he begins paying more attention that's Irene it warned him of King Piccolo while training with Kami there's another one that occurs he sees Piccolo again a different attire and he brings us up to Kami too telling him about the dreams that he's had before as well and kami's confused he had a dream that he would fight King Piccolo and then had a dream about his reincarnation well he asked has he heard a story about Piccolo before at all Goku's not too sure and Kami wonders what this is he knows Goku is a strange kid but he can't really have an ability like this can he being able to predict events with his dreams It's gotta be a coincidence maybe it's just stories he's hurt appearing in a subconscious but slowly the dreams start getting more frequently and it's nothing crazy he'll just see people by the time the 23rd World Tour rolls around he knows exactly what Piccolo Junior looks like expecting him to show up there and this is where you start to see that it's really strange like dreaming of Piccolo's reincarnation I mean he kind of knew about that already and his appearance it's not too hard to guess but the fact that everything was right about his appearance down to the clothes he was wearing that's too much of a coincidence he also dreamed that he saw a mercenary Tower at this tournament as a cyborg and that he would meet Chichi again here and this time he actually knows who she is because of that and the dream stopped for a while after the 23rd World Tournament during the short time skin in his dreams he sees a man he has strange armor on he has long hair and he's sticking a hand back Goku tries to have this Vision again but he can't it just appears once and he's not sure what's going on this of course is Raditz but what's going on with him Radice is a stronger Warrior he can't control his foresight but it has helped him in battle many times before unlike Goku's he never lost his because he never hit his head his foresight actually activates very frequently also because he faces way more danger than Goku did this leads him becoming an expert strategist becoming a much better fighter too Vegeta and Napa they respect this ability they don't know his exact ability because ravs kind of keeps it to himself he never reveals it wondering what this intuition is but Vegeta and Napa just see it as him having a very high battle IQ being smart enough to always see multiple steps ahead and it's not just that he is stronger than before very slightly though he gets to engage in tougher battles because he knows how to actually work around them and it leads to this he's also more level-headed too and a little bit more reserved than other Saints he has no clue what this gift of his is but at this point he recognizes that these occasional visions that he sees they always help him keep him away from danger although now the two of them are fully grown tyrando's protection is done he fulfilled the wish protecting them allowing them to grow up and Thrive but even though he's no longer protecting them from harm the foresight remains a gift from Bardock that they don't even realize is there of course the Saiyans realize that one day they're gonna need another Saiyan in the crew and Radice has the perfect idea his brother kakaron he's on Earth he can go find his brother and recruit him naturally he's the one sent there to do this and on a space pod on the way to Earth he actually has a strange vision and this one's weird because he's not supposed to be at Earth for a while so far his Visions have been very near future but this one it's seeing months out and it's a gruesome Vision he briefly sees kakarot's face but he's looking up at kakra he's on the ground dying he's bleeding out and kakarov's looking down at him the vision ends and rad is to panic what wait he's gonna die here he tries to focus trying to get that thing to activate again but no matter what he does it doesn't work he saw that brief glimpse of that vision and he also saw a Kakarot holding onto his tail as a beam of light approached him but it ended there and ratted sees now he's gonna die here this encounter it's gonna kill him or at least that's what it's supposed to do maybe he can avoid it these Visions he's had they've always helped protect him from harm but he's never had one like this where the outcome seems so set in stone maybe he actually needs to tread carefully here maybe they're underestimated kak rod and if Kakarot doesn't want to join them well if Raditz wants to live he shouldn't get into a battle with him but then something hits ratted he never even realized it before wait if he has this ability maybe Kakarot has it too maybe that's a way that he's able to kill rabbits in the future raddus obviously doesn't know how this ability came to be what if it's genetic or something he doesn't know and if kakara has an ally no matter how weak Kakarot is the two of them can work to defeat Raditz attack with no way to do so and surprisingly enough rabbit sees another Vision soon after realizing this he sees Frieza transformed it's definitely Frieza he looks different than before it wasn't even aware that Frieza could turn into this but he turns to his side beside him it's Kakarot nodding at riots both are a little worn out he can see a little battle damage but they're ready to fight and the vision ends and Raditz realize what's happening here but it makes no sense he had a vision where he was gonna die and now he's having one where he's facing Frieza with Kakarot and the weirdest part is this is the farthest Vision that he's had all the others were short term hell even the one where he just died against Kakarot that was only a few months out but this one he has no frame of reference It's gotta be beyond that but a shocking realization hits him that other Vision where they're facing frees together that's because he's gonna change the outcome he's gonna change his story it's not going to end against kakron no a new story is going to begin when he meets kakra he can change the outcome of it he doesn't need to die against Kakarot he can go much further young and he's never had the Visions work like this his attackball barrows through space getting closer to Earth and before he knows it he lands there as he steps foot on this planet he has another Vision it's kakron standing here and radiss is seeing from his point of view he sees his hand outstretched towards Kakarot you can see that he's a bit reluctant but all he sees is that he's looking at cockrod and this vision is not far in the future like those other two that he had this Vision it's from later today actually maybe a few minutes from now damn it what's going on with him he looks on his scouter seeing a couple power levels he only wants to find kak Rod he goes to the first one he sees with that being Piccolo and as Radice lands he recognized this man he saw him far away in one of his Visions where he was dying against Kakarot he saw it Piccolo this guy's standing this namekian and radus knows needs to be careful if he plays his cards right he could lift but he also knows that if he plays them wrong he'll die here this will be his last day living and remember Raditz is a lot more reserved here more level-headed he still has an evil saying but he's going to be smarter about his choice of towards it how he acts here especially with the Visions helping him so instead of even picking a fight with Piccolo he asks where's kakra piccolo has no clue of who he's talking about and pickle is very combative but Raditz can't go any further than this he is getting pissed though annoyed that he doesn't get the info that he wants he tells Piccolo he's looking for another Saiyan warrior how is this planet even still alive Kakarot should have wiped it out by that that Piccolo has no clue of what he's talking about okay well he could describe kakra he remember seeing him an orange outfit with a blue shirt underneath with some symbol on his chest obviously Kakarot might even be wearing that right now but it's worth a shot asking a piccolo immediately knows what he's talking about Goku Radice has no clue who this Goku is but suddenly his scouter goes off it attacks another high power level far away and then pickle looks in the same direction that is where Goku's power is coming from and radiss doesn't say anything he immediately heads off going over there what is he doing he feels like a coward he could have been more aggressive getting the info that way that namekian was no trouble he shouldn't be scared of him just because he saw a vision where he might have died against Piccolo doesn't mean that it was actually going to happen he shouldn't have been so cowardly about it he trusts Visions though and he knows that they keep him away from harm but for some reason he was so cowardly this time around and he doesn't know why what's going on with it there's a reunion in a kame house and Goku's feeling a little bit strange that Vision that he had before the man with the long hair and the armor muddy remembers he met him here at kamehame and this is the first time he's been here since he had that Vision he tells roshi about this too saying that he's had these Visions before and he's told Kami about it Hiroshi has no clue of what to think but the division have anything bad in it and Goku has no clue he just remembers meeting somebody here he still don't know if these Visions are even true or not and roshi says he just might be overthinking it but still the fact that he foresaw Piccolo hell even to chinahan and that great ape thing he's seen things before this happened even if they've been vague before but then he sends as a power approaching and this confirms it for him this has to be it that man that he saw Radice lands in the island intimidating everybody but he's not immediately aggressive he just stands there as Goku comes outside akame house his eyes widen as he sees rabbits with rat is having the same reaction the two lock eyes but then at the same time they both see that same vision the one of them encountering each other as they stare each other down Krillin asks what's wrong and Goku says he doesn't know he doesn't think anything's wrong at least not yet he just had some sort of vision some hallucination the same one he had before but this is the first time that it happened while he was conscious and it's the same one that he saw beforehand and radish is intrigued to hear this so he does have them too wait what rabbits walk closer to him he asked Goku has he had any of these before well Goku says he's had weird dreams where he sees things that eventually happen but it's rare few and far in between Gratis tells Goku he has a gift they both do he's had the same visions and Goku asks who is he why do they both have this and radus explains he's Goku's brother they're aliens Saiyans but he finds it interesting Kakarot doesn't have these Visions like Raditz does but also the fact that he goes by Goku and not kakaron doesn't he remember his name well not actually he doesn't know anything about his past and Radisson choirs did he hit his head or something and that's exactly what happened and radiss theorizes well that explains the memory loss but possibly also why his Visions don't work the same as Raditz but he does have them so it is between them maybe it's genetic or something they don't know maybe hitting his head is why this divination is latent for him he clearly has it but not to radice's level and Goku tells rats he's seen him before in a vision a while ago a dream and roshi is amazed it's true he saw the future just like Baba could do and Bola asked if this is new but Goku says no he goes into more detail about it he just never realized first it was a coincidence but then things started lining up too weirdly especially when he first met Piccolo Jr but that leads Goku to his next question why is rad is here after all this time what brought him here to Earth why'd he want to find Goku and Raditz almost says that he needs Kakarot to help him take over a planet but changes he knows their true motive and knows what they really need to do down the line he goes with his vision the one that he saw before he needs Kakarot to help him defeat Frieza explaining who Frieza is and how he saw a vision of them defeating him together fighting against him causing him to use his full power even the two have late in power far beyond where they realize and Radice thinks that maybe together the two of them can unlock that string he sticks a hand out reluctantly that vision is fulfilled and Goku remember seeing this exact thing and he was thinking whether he would take this guy's hand or not but now that he knows who he is in the context of it nervously he shakes wrath's hand erratus is just as nervous he Chuckles too what a huge change of plans but if his Visions led him to this this is how he could survive and normally no one would be sure about this I mean an alien showing up telling Goku he's his brother but Goku's Vision tell him that this is the correct Choice kakar thinks this might be fate but rad it sees it as something different this is him changing fate his Visions they're not set in stone they're something that could be changed he could alter the future he can prevent things from happening and don't mistake this for Radice being good they just have a common goal survive and fulfill their Visions learning more about them and radish's personal goal is to defeat Frieza with Goku also jumping on board though excited to fight a guy that's supposedly that strong and Raditz looks over at Gohan too wondering how strong a hybrid could be and he looks around at the rest of them recognizing how truly weak everyone is in comparison to him he's still not sure if this is going to work but his Visions haven't been wrong yet maybe this could actually work the group isn't really sure whether to trust Raditz or not this all seems a little suspicious but Goku for some reason he feels like this is right this is something that he can do and they can't actually trust rabbit's judgment here because Goku's seeing the same exact things he could tell Radisson obviously isn't a good person but the important thing is he's not here as a threat an action may be able to help Goku group it apparently Raditz wants to train him up too help him grow stronger Goku's up for the challenge of fighting Frieza whoever he is and also growing stronger too he's definitely not going to turn that down if radish truly was here for nefarious purposes he would have killed them by now and as for Raditz he still conflicted himself he's partially annoyed that he has to take this route not expecting that he would change his mind and actually try and team up with these earthlings rather than trying to recruit Kakarot by force but again he does trust his Visions over anyone else they have saved him before and if this is the way that he's going to judge situations then so be it may not seem ideal but he knows deep down that it is ideal this way he can preserve his life that's all that really matters to him it's selfish but inadvertently does help Goku and the others whenever path allows him to survive the longest and defeat Frieza thankfully though this does lead to having a better first impression with Goku instead of Goku actually hating his brother for trying to kidnap his son Raditz has a much better first impression and Goku is intrigued to learn more about it again this doesn't mean rad is as good at all he's just having a better introduction and different motives but he has no clue where to start with his brother Kakarot or Goku whatever the hell his name is even just from the name he could tell caklan's been raised as an Earthling he doesn't have all the benefits that Saiyans had when they were growing up and training one thing here is also the fact that Earth's gravity is way weaker than the planet Vegeta's he wonders how they could fix that and Goku actually has an idea bomo could probably make them a spaceship send him to a planet that has 10 times gravity he goes to consult her and she says the easier option is just to make a room that could change gravity he didn't even realize this was an option and hey this is way better but she pulls Goku aside asking if he's really sure they can trust radish and Goku says they can't and if something does happen he can stop rats he knows some time passes the two start training together learning a little bit more about each other too this is weird for Raditz Goku's trying to form a bond with him but Raditz doesn't really care too much at least not really at first he starts is warming up the around the plane after seeing his motivation and drive and how quickly he seems to grow the two of them are similar in a lot of ways after all besides them being Brothers they're both low-class Saiyans and it's amazing that Goku even grew as strong as he is on this weak Planet so who knows once he trains like a real Saiyan maybe they can grow very quickly together also unlocking that ability of foresight they still don't know how to control it it will and that's one of their goals they want to learn how to utilize it especially Goku since he can't really tap into it like rats and for Raditz it's still unconsciously done he doesn't willingly have the Visions happen there seems to be things that trigger them but they don't always happen when he needs them and he's gonna change that he feels like it might be possible and what better person to work on that with than someone that actually has the same ability eventually though Radice gets contact from someone who is scouter he completely forgot the Saiyans are contacting him Vegeta and Napa they wonder where Radice is he's been gone a bit long and thankfully he's still alive at least Napa calls in ask him where he is and rabbits can't really hide it he's on Earth but he can try and Saul and have some sort of lie going on this is kind of bad he wants to keep them away from Earth and he doesn't want to return just yet so he comes up with a lie saying that there was an issue he ended up going to the wrong planet and has to fight his way out and Napa questions this but he said it was on Earth that's where Kakarot got sent right and Raditz says that's not the case it doesn't seem like kakarot's here but the planet is pretty strong he's going to be here a bit longer trying to fight everybody to get out of here and who knows maybe he can conquer it along the way Napa kind of buys it but Vegeta steps in too he calls Radisson idiot and says he shouldn't expect any help here and radus knows not to it's better that way he says no don't come out here anyways he can handle this himself but Vegeta is definitely suspicious some things weird something's fishy about rad saying that maybe he found something they don't want him to see and Napa asks why he's thinking that it sounded him like Raditz was telling the truth but Vegeta could hear in his voice Raditz was acting very Shifty and he's been there for far too long yeah they've had long battles before but he's been on that planet for weeks by now and even if he were having trouble before the battle would have ended already he'd be dead or he would have won it's very strange to Vegeta and he wonders what their next move should be well maybe they could head to that planet too actually if radiss is lying well they'll find out that way and if he's telling the truth they'll get it on the profits together when selling the planet if the population is that strong the planet might actually be pretty valuable and after this call ends Raditz decides it's time to actually own up to kakaron and Goku wonders what he's talking about but Raditz has their prophets after all Kakarot might find out on his own anyways initially he had different plans for the planet he was sure to get kakaron to join them in any way possible even if that meant taking him by force but as he was arriving here that changed he had a vision of the future him actually dying against Kakarot with some other person involved and he thinks it was that namekian he encountered before wait Piccolo oh yeah Goku completely forgot Piccolo was out there Raditz met him well yeah and Radisson is not really important point is he didn't want to hide this from kakron but Goku says it's fine he could tell Radice is genuine about his intentions even if he wasn't before he definitely is a now but that brings up an interesting thing Goku wonders what is Piccolo up to well he actually has a plan in mind he was spying on them when rad is actually found Goku wondering why he was seeking Goku out in the first place he didn't get involved he didn't really need to but he was nearby listening in so these two are brothers they are actually aliens and a Piccolo's mind that means they're both threats Goku is still his main target but if radiss is his brother that's just another person who needs defeat in order to take over the world he needs both of them gone and since there's only two of them it shouldn't be an issue right now he's still unaware that they're training but he assumes that's probably what they're up to he's going to be doing the same he's further improving a technique that he was going to use to kill Goku but now looks like he's gonna have to modify it a little bit more as the training with Goku and radish continues Raditz wonders a few things well for one he kind of want to go hunter up too just because he's a Hypersonic could potentially have a lot of power within it and Goku's been trying to get him to train but Chichi's not really too fond of it especially since Raditz showed up and she doesn't really trust him either but she's starting to warm to the idea thanks to a lot of convention from Goku Gohan's not gonna train a lot but he's gonna get involved at least with Goku and he doesn't really know what to think of rabbits either rat is kind of intimidating but Goku assures gohani has nothing to worry about and Raditz wonders does Gohan have that same ability too he wonders if they can activate that for Gohan not realizing that this ability isn't genetic and Goku as Gohan has he adding prophecies lately and Gohan has absolutely no clue of what he's even talking about he probably doesn't even know what the word means well maybe it's a little bit more latent the two of them still don't know how this even came to be and as for Raditz he was already a few years old by the time Bardock died and he got this ability so he assumes if Gohan has it it might take a little bit longer to develop especially if Kakarot had issues with it too either way though it's good to train up his strength but Raditz has a strange Vision he foresees Vegeta on Earth Napa's there too and around the same time Goku has a similar Vision they could see it nap is there sprawled out on the ground and Vegeta's there too battle damage missing his tail but Raditz looks the same he's also missing his tail battle damage Goku is too immediately after there's another Vision they see a great hit only very briefly though and they see a giant crater nearby the vision ends though with the great ape flashing by very quickly they can't even tell who it is and that was pretty strange another time where they both had a similar Vision around the same time and raddat says it's just like he thought Vegeta didn't buy his excuse the Saiyans might be coming here and if they do so they're probably gonna arrive within the year Well change of plans before they go out to fight Frieza they might have to face the Saints and Goku asks if rides is really up for that I mean that's his correct raw and radiss is hesitant to say anything but he says that he knows an alliance with Kakarot is more beneficial they might not even have a choice the Saiyans might be out here for blood but at the same time rad is thinking they could be useful in the fight against Frieza he has to try to get them on their side somehow but at the same time he doesn't know if he could even tell Vegeta what's happening here he'll try to recruit Kakarot by force it'll ruin radisson's plan but Goku tells radish he's up for the challenge and even if these Saiyans are tough it shouldn't be an issue especially with the great training they're doing and Goku has a ton of help he'll get his friends recruited too if the Saiyans are coming and threatening Earth well everyone's gonna stand up to them but Goku feels like he's missing something from that Vision there are some details that they left out they couldn't really focus on everything because there's so much going on at once it kind of does concern him but if Vegeta seemed to be defeated and Napa was too maybe they're fine maybe they could win this and Raditz got a clue from this too he has to make sure not to lose his tail Vegeta and apple will probably try to take it off during battle so as long as he protects it from them he will be okay and he could transform him to a great ape defeating them that way one Goku recruits the humans too they still really trust Raditz I mean he is a Saiyan after all and if the Saiyans are coming here as enemies that's just even less of a reason to trust Raditz but if anything this battle will help prove that radish truly is on their side and its intentions are accurate no one's really sure what to think but whatever over the next year more training ensues Goku and Rad's continue gravity training it takes a bit for them to use higher levels and Raditz has little bit ahead of Goku too because he's already used the 10 times graph but they do end up seeing a ton of growth and the humans try and use the gravity room too but they don't seem to be on that level yet it's fine though they have their own training and after this time skip the humans would probably be around where they were normally since they're not really going to change their training too much as for Radisson Goku though that's going to be very different Goku takes a bit longer to get adjusted but after adjusting to the gravity and going to higher levels he actually reaches about 10 000 for his power and Raditz was already adjusted to 10 times gravity but has to slow down a bit since he is training with Catherine but he's able to get to a power of 15 000. something that's huge Rick he definitely surpassed Napa he's almost on Vegeta's level and as for Piccolo well no one knows what's going on with him but he's definitely gotten stronger he's purely focused on training himself here unlike in the main story where he was focused on training Gohan during this Arc Piccolo has no clue of what's about to happen either but he's ready to kill Raditz and Goku Gohan would probably be significantly stronger too let's Place him at around 3 000. they still don't really know his true power yet but since he was trained with Goku Goku took a way different approach to training him than Piccolo did so Gohan was actually more inviting of the train glad to train with his father and getting a little bit more knowledgeable about his uncle even though he still is weirded out by him but everyone's getting on better terms with rats I mean Goku's already vouching for him too and he hasn't tried anything yet so hey they could probably trust him by now he still definitely isn't good yet but he may be heading down that path who really knows the Saiyans eventually arrived with everyone expecting that arrival ready to face them and Raditz and Goku already have a plan they want to work as quickly as possible blitzing them Radice is going to create an artificial Moon and he wants to make sure that Gohan doesn't transform too so they make sure that he's not going to see that artificial the rats will create this right away as Goku launches in towards Vegeta and Napa trying to remove their tails somehow alongside the other humans don't waste any time just go for it immediately Vegeta says that he knew it of course Raditz betrayed them what a joke why was he hiding from them was he plotting against them and rata says it's not that well why didn't he reveal what he was up to then erratus tells him this is all part of his plan to Frieza he knows it'll work he doesn't flat out say this but his Visions told him that this is the right way to go he hasn't had any conflicting visions since and he knows that he and Kakarot are gonna face Frieza together Vegeta laughs at this those two low-class Saiyans they have no hope of facing Frieza and Vegeta says that still doesn't explain why he was working against them why he lied to Vegeta napped about where he was and what he was up to and Raditz can't really explain either he still doesn't want them knowing about the Visions he never really told him about it before only really alluding to it and he can't come up with a reason on the spot for why he didn't tell them but he just knew that he could and Vegeta's pissed off at the fact that he's not getting an answer from Rabbits all right then he wants to fight then so be it radus tries to stop Vegeta trying to think of a way to explain this without giving it away he doesn't want to kill Vegeta and Napa but he's definitely gonna have to fight Vegeta's not giving him any option immediately radish tries to create an artificial loot as Goku jumps in lunging at the jeep with the others rushing in towards Napa trying to stop himself Vegeta faces off against Goku protecting his tail knowing exactly what Goku is trying to do as raddat stands nearby transforming to a great egg and Napa faces all the humans and Gohan at once and they don't hold back at all they use their full strength collectively working together in order to defeat it their combined strength overcomes his and they're able to knock Napa unconscious but Goku's unsuccessful he holds Vegeta off but Vegeta is able to protect his tail Vegeta's stronger than he thought but it's fine Raditz was able to transform and Vegeta still hasn't transformed him they may still have a shot Napa's already unconscious this is working for she had been charged key in his hand swiping it towards everybody knocking them all away as he then looks up at that artificial Moon himself radius is already fully transformed and he runs in towards Vegeta trying to stomp on him and his foot connects with the ground but it's already too late he catches raditz's foot starting to grow in size he took a little bit of damage from that attack but the transformation already started so he didn't really take the full brunt of it he stares down rabbits roaring as he's ready to start fighting rides the two great apes clash and meanwhile Vegeta Knows that he has to protect his tail he knows that others are going to try to go for it trying to remove it so he's no longer transformed into a great ape but this is going to be tough he has to hold off radish which really shouldn't be too hard but it's the fact that he has to worry about everyone else not knowing what they're up to he's able to pull this off though he has enough strength and speed to actually do so but there's somebody that he's forgetting as well as the others they don't realize that there's somebody else there watching over they're also focused on Vegeta but at one point in the battle rat is a sense is a huge power surge nearby it's not massive not on his level but it's still pretty strong and growing stronger by the moment Vegeta can't sense this he can't sense power and Raditz wonders what it is but he's too distracted by Vegeta to look but then he knows he needs to take action he senses an attack and the nick of time he Dodges a beam flies right past but the beam hits Vegeta piercing right through his arm Radice looks over it's that namekian he's standing nearby on a cliff ready to kill the Saints damn it he nearly hit both apes he's hoping killed both of them with that one attack he had them lined up perfectly and Vegeta sees it too angry that he was injured by this attack he lunges towards Piccolo but as he does Raditz picks up Goku Goku charges a key in his hand and Raditz flicks Goku Raider Vegeta just as Vegeta's this is about to land on Piccolo Goku swipes his arm down at Vegeta's tail cutting it clean off causing Vegeta to detransform and radishes another opportunity he tries to crush Vegeta but just as he's about to do so he feels a sharp pain in his tail Piccolo attacked him as well Goku yells out calling Piccolo an idiot why did he have to get involved and Goku sees now what he was forgetting in that Vision this is the thing he overlooked Piccolo getting involved Piccolo's not working with them after all he wants all the Saiyans dead and that's exactly what's happening here obviously he saw Vegeta and Napa as a threat but Radice and Goku are still in his sights Vegeta weekly stands up still ready to fight and pickle then jumps in Goku and Raditz have no idea of what to do Piccolo tells them the only one who will claim victory here is hit this is his plan to take over the Saiyan Invaders need to go and he'll defeat them that includes rabbits he's not who he says he is and even if he is on Goku's side that's still a reason to kill him the Radisson Goku feel like they're still missing something something in that Vision that they're looking over if they forgot about Piccolo then there's got to be something else they're missing I mean they still don't see that massive crater and they feel like that's still important somehow and they have no clue why Vegeta stares down everyone ready to take them all on at once with Piccolo also there ready to battle too not alongside Goku and radish them for himself and nearby Napa's lying on the ground he Twitches he's still unconscious but little does everyone know he's about to reawaken the humans decided to help Goku and Radice against Vegeta leaving Napa there unconscious not realizing that he still has his tail Vegeta is back into a quarter Piccolo stands there triumphantly and the group is ready to defeat Vegeta but Vegeta's not done yet he's not gonna die here this namekian these two low-class Saiyans they're not going to kill him they might be able to get close but they're not going to finish it and look at this they need all these people to give their Justice to feed the prince Katy charges around him as he explodes with anger jumping up to the air quickly firing a barrage of key blast down at the ground below he's aiming at random and everyone's trying to defend against him Goku and his arm particularly phase but for everyone else this has a pretty big risk especially since he's firing blindly at least at first Vegeta's eyes start around and then he sees Piccolo once more that namekian he'll be the first to go quickly in one hand he charges up a powerful blast aimed at Goku and Raditz he assumes kakarot's the weaker one so he launches it towards him I take a look at to coming towards him through the smoke Vegeta appears Piccolo feels a sharp pain in his gut as he's knocked far away with a shock wave Vegeta then Rockets towards where Piccolo's flying delivering a powerful kick setting Piccolo all the way up into the sky he tries to catch himself and desperately tries to fight back he whips himself around charging a mouth beat launching it down at Virginia but Vegeta quickly counters it and then with his other arm he points two fingers at Piccolo dirty fireworks but he stopped just in time Raditz and Goku fly over intervening they land a simultaneous strike on Vegeta and with their combined power they're able to knock him unconscious he's already taken enough damage and they're able to save Piccolo from this Raditz curses it that idiot shouldn't have got involved he could have ruined the whole thing but Goku says Piccolo probably had a good plan he might have just assumed that radus was a threat he couldn't trust him of course Piccolo's completely separated from the group and he's probably been eavesdropping he probably knows that radus has joined them but that doesn't mean Piccolo is going to instantly trust Raditz especially not Vegeta either he wants to defeat both of those saves and also Goku Piccolo falls from the sky unconscious as radus looks down at Vegeta contemplated what to do next and Goku is also wondering the same thing it would be such a shame to kill a fighter that strong though not to mention he's unconscious it would be incredibly cowardly to kill him same goes for Napa actually now that they think about it where is Napa he was knocked out a while ago Raditz point to Hannah Vegeta contemplating if he should kill him or not but before he can even act they feel a rumbling and looking back where they just were before they see a massive explosion and radiss immediately recognized that attack no they completely forgot they rush over as a giant ape Rises up Napa has regained Consciousness and transformed he'll finish this battle this giant storm knocks everybody back and is completely unrestrained Gohan Krill and then Shin on her launched far away heavily injured from the attack Yamcha chaotsu and yajiro be aren't so lucky with the single attack Napa was able to easily eradicate them they had no chance at surviving him and the group doesn't even realize it yet Napa then turns over seeing Goku and rad is flying over he lifts his arms up and screams they're screwed now and Goku remembers now wait this is what that Vision was that he saw that giant crater it's exactly here the great ape that wasn't a warning about Vegeta or anything it was warning about Napa still being around and it must have been pretty important for that to be a vision he said he's gonna search around for everyone to see who lived and rad says he'll try and do something to distract Napa Goku looks around desperately trying to see if everybody's okay Napa does try to attack him but before he can land an attack radiss is able to jump up rocketing himself right towards Napa's eye punching right into it gouging it clean out Napa shrieks in pain cursing rabbits he tried swiping his arm and they were trying to grab her at it and Raditz desperately flies around trying to narrowly avoid it he's already used up all his power they need to think of something quick Goku was able to find Krillin that shinhan and Gohan but he can't sense the three others he didn't even realize yajirobe was there lurking about but he already fears the worst not seeing them Krillin gets back up terrified at the sight of another great ape what are they supposed to do here Goku says he'll distract Napa with Raditz he needs Krillin or someone else to go in and cut off the tail but it needs to be quick otherwise they're all dead nap is able to finally grab rats holding him in one hand telling rad is he gonna crush him squeezing the life out of it but suddenly his grip loosens on rats once again he shrieks in pain turn around to see his Tails cut off and Goku gets over there and sees this too Radice has dropped to the ground below narrowly avoiding every bone in his body being broken and the 2C Piccolo is there behind Raditz smirking he said he wouldn't let the Saiyans win in the nick of time though Knapp is able to turn around opening his mouth wide launching a massive blast eradicating Piccolo he continues shrinking and as he does so Goku rats is an opening to attack with everyone else joining in too knocking Napa out cold once more there's multiple casualties completely unexpected too Napa of all people being the one to do that they thought he wasn't an issue anymore Raditz can't believe he overlooked that Yamcha yajirobi chautsu Goku's angered at the fact that they've been killed needlessly but then he realized something else Piccolo is dead which means Kami died too and there's no dragon balls anymore it's worse than he thought not only because it means they lost Kami but it means none of those four could be brought back and yeah Piccolo wasn't a great guy either but still he did somewhat help them there Goku slams a fist into the ground he should have paid more attention to that Vision he had or maybe it wasn't something that could have been reversed what if that was something that was self-fulfilling that was his vision it was an outcome that he couldn't change yeah they might have won but still it wasn't a total win and he asked Raditz has he experienced anything like that before an outcome that he couldn't change and Raditz says most of the time it just showed him the key to victory in battle Vision that usually showed him the outcome of battles or possibly where their next Target was although he's never been in a fight intense one that was life or death for him one in which he wasn't 100 sure that he could survive but now that Goku mentions it he wonders if it's true well he did see a prophecy before one that he did change he saw his death at Goku and Piccolo's hands now he recognized that was Piccolo in the vision so maybe these aren't completely set in stone it may seem like it but Raditz has proof of it it's not set in stone the question is are all of their Visions like this because of their eyes every outcome is likely they might be flexible they might be set in stone they might be self-fulfilling they have no clue of what to think about it but there's no point focusing on that at least not anymore the battle's over so where are they supposed to go now well Krillin actually has an idea what if they go find the place where Piccolo's from Planet Namek maybe that place would actually have some dragon balls and they could use that to bring everybody back it's a long shot but it could work Raditz walks over to where Napa's lying down and he tells Goku to go retrieve Vegeta the group wants to kill the two Saiyans especially ten shinhan acrylic and Raditz even thinks about it too but something changes his mind the two Saiyans wake up and Ratta Smiles he's looking down upon them now he's ecstatic that he won against these two proving his superiority Goku already mentioned the Radisson would be cowardly to just kill them while they're unconscious not to mention it would be a waste of their strength if they just kill these two Saiyans here now pretty much the same reason Goku decided to spare Vegeta anyways the Raditz also thought of something else a gut feeling of his not actually a vision just a gut feeling maybe these two could actually help them against Frieza they definitely would be motivated for that but why kill them why not use them as allies erratus brings us up to the two Saiyans but Vegeta calls him an idiot they can't kill Frieza besides the fact that Vegeta doesn't want to team up with these two Traders even if they did what would they do against Frieza hell they can't even defeat the genyu force if they wanted Vegeta quickly calls a spaceship and the brothers stand there watching Krillin intent have an uneasy feeling same for Gohan too should they actually be letting these two go Vegeta and Napa are just as surprised but nothing ends up happening they actually are spared their spaceships arrive and they crawl onto them as the ships rise up in the air the two are conversant Napa heard something while he was out something about some dragon balls on Planet Namek or something maybe they could go there and Vegeta's stunned to hear this maybe those are the fabled wish orbs do they actually exist the two pods fly off and Goku turns to riots he says no use they'll probably show up eventually though he hasn't foreseen it but he has a gut feeling kinda like radish just had now and he's thankful for rabbits sparing them hey Raditz gets kind of mad at this he reminds kakron he's not sparing them with some goody goody it's just that they're all Saiyans it's not right that they're killing each other they should be teaming up against Frieza after all the other three just stand there watching ten doesn't really know what to think about rat is especially after saying something like that same for Krillin he drew the Saiyans here after all and he got all their friends killed as rad it's truly someone on their side especially when he's still acting that way Goku can't explain it too well to them but they're gonna have to trust him on this one besides it's not completely radice's fault I mean even if ratus didn't come here maybe the Saiyans would have come here eventually to get Goku or worse that Frieza guy would have shown up but even besides that he would love to try and explain his vision to them it's foresight but he can't really explain it he can't put it in words and there's no way he could actually show them and get them to fully trust it but he does know one thing having Raditz round actually helped awaken this ability somehow the connection between the two of them and Goku thinks this would be an amazing ability for battle he wants to hone it and Raditz can help not to mention they know their path now they know what they need to do there's a short passage of time but actually the group's gonna end up arriving on them a little bit earlier than normal and there's a few reasons for this one of the big things is that they're all going together because Goku doesn't need to heal up a long time actually that goes for pretty much everyone around here radishes probably entered the worst but even then they didn't use any senzu beans yet so they'd have one lying around for him there's also another Factor rabbits immediately suggest using his spaceship it's a great thing for Bulma to study and take parts from which somewhat speeds the process of building the ship also since the gravity room already does exist here and the fact that they realize the trip might take a little bit Ratta suggests putting this room on the ship just so they could train in the meantime and the crew is a little bit different too instead of just Krillin Bulma and Gohan it's Krillin Bulma Gohan and also three others Goku Radice and tension hunt although it's kind of annoying for Bulma because so many people are on the ship at once training but it works out nicely for them by the time they arrive on Namek here's their power levels Goku's at around 200 000 with Raditz being pretty equal to him Goku's actually caught up and Raditz has perplexed he grew so quickly he needs to start taking his training a lot more seriously Gohan's a lot lower but it's still pretty hot 100 000. Goku and rats have the benefit of training at higher levels which 10 and Krillin don't really have the benefit of they actually have their own section out part of the ship where they train at lower levels of gravity and they're both at around 30 000 right now not being able to train insane gravity levels that Goku and ratatar but still it's a nice increase in power once they get to Namek they immediately start going around the Villages using their dragon radar to try and find any sort of Dragon Balls here and Raditz saw something interesting on their way here he had another Vision one of a giant dragon and he mentions this to Goku and Goku asked him to clarify a bit more well rabbit saw himself on this green planet and it does look like it was an hammock and he just remembers a giant Green Dragon and Goku says that's it if there's another Dragon here that means there's dragon balls that confirms it for them the Dragon Balls exist here although Gathering them isn't going to be as straightforward as they thought because they encountered the namekians and it's not like they're gonna fight the namekians are a peaceful people but they're not just gonna give up their dragon balls to random strangers especially with someone like Raditz there who looks pretty intimidating of course no fight breaks out though and instead these visitors are taken to Guru Goku explains everything to him and why they're here for the dragon balls and Guru tells Goku to step up he places a hand on his head reading his mind and he sees his intent he's genuine and this man he's pure of heart too he senses no mouse within him that one other saying over he's definitely more malicious but the rest of the group they actually seem okay and their intent is genuine they're here to revive their friends mainly focus on bringing back their guardian of Earth too a fell in a Mecca that bestowed Dragon Balls upon them and because of this Guru is sympathetic to their plate especially due to how it happened the group is able to gather the dragon balls and they go outside near guru's Place summoning the dragon and Raditz is amazed seeing this the Americans have seen this before and as for everybody else here they've seen Shenron and it's cool to see another Dragon like this but rad is his mind is blown he's never seen anything like it well that kind of explains why they're called dragon balls at least and there are amazed to hear that this Dragon actually creates three wishes not just one that's even better because apparently they can only revive one person at a time a downside that Shenron doesn't have but that works perfectly the revive Kami first although with only two wishes left somebody's gonna have to wait but it doesn't matter once kami's brought back they could summon sheniron to bring back their other friends couch is brought back because he needs to be brought back by namex dragon balls with yamchan yaj Robi trying to decide who goes first with Bulma insisting that it's Yamcha yeah Ruby's kind of pissed off about this but whatever he could wait a little bit longer alright and that's that they summoned the dragon and they got their friends back well four out of five the witch with Kami brought Piccolo back too even though he's not really a friend but you get what I mean still a success now they can head back to Earth doing some more training on the trip back just to kill time but as they're about to leave a ship descends from above with a massive key Blast coming down towards the plane Guru is monitoring everything he could already tell something bad's about to happen Goku rats your voice in their head come to Guru Mirada says they can't leave he knows exactly who this is this is Frieza he recognizes the ship immediu he can't believe it he didn't expect to see Frieza so soon and while part of him does want to stay in fight at the same time there's something in him telling him to leave it's these two conflicting thoughts maybe it's because he's panicked he realized that he might actually be screwed here how are they supposed to defeat Frieza now it's far too soon to encounter it a warrior and a meccan steps in it's nay he tells them he'll handle this or at least buy them some time if Guru requested their presence then they have to go see it they need to show respect to him and also they should listen to his command because he let them use the draft Dragon Balls Raditz doesn't like the idea of being ordered around but Goku suggests they should go Guru tells him to hurry back then Gohan 10 and Krillin come along too Guru tells them he doesn't have much time left and now with his threat on Planet Namek he needs someone to defend it he's not sure if his Warriors will be strong enough but he can grant them power unlock their potential allow them to fight Frieza and defend Namek in the process that's the only thing he can think of to save his people Nails stands against Frieza and Frieza said he just saw a few others over here where did they go and nail says that's none of his business if Frieza knows what's best for him he should leave now and Frieza doesn't like this namekian talking back to it all right he's gonna give him one more chance he points a finger at nail where are the dragon balls and nail surprised another person here for the dragon balls but how did Frieza even hear of it and Frieza knows they exist right before they got here they saw that dragon from space when Napa was talking to Vegeta about it he overheard their little conversation and decided to check out Namek for himself but before Frieza can say anything else five other people fly over and there's a massive explosion behind him his ship is completely eradicated and all his soldiers destroyed in one radiss lands first it's a good thing you try to copy that technique from now it sure is pretty useful and Frieza is few the four others land beside it so that's where that other Saiyan went he came here somehow and he's with whoever these other people are and radiss asks for reason why he's here well for the Dragon Balls of course any demands to know where they are before he just Slaughters everybody here radiss laughs telling him it's no use they were just used so there's no way he's gonna be able to summon Franca besides the elders on his dying breath he's never gonna have another chance to use the Dragon Balls there are none anymore and Goku steps in too he tells Frieza to leave immediately name it's a peaceful place don't ruin this piece there's no Dragon Balls here and there's no need for more destruction but Goku is kind of excited to fight this guy he searched so much about Frieza and of course he wants to test out his new power as much as he hates the idea of him being gifted to this power still it's at least for a good cause he at least wants to carry out guru's Last Wish Guru is still there watching it but the stress is accelerating his death he knows he's going to die soon and he hopes to at least witness Frieza being defeated so he can die assured that his plan is safe Frieza hits Goku with the rebuttal well Raditz already attacked his army why would he not fight back if anything they're the aggressors so he may as well join in on the battle too but then something clicks with him as he looks at Goku he recognizes something that hairstyle it looks so familiar for some reason Frieza could recognize Goku he could tell that hairstyle that's unmistakable he looks like that other saying that one that rebelled against him so long ago there's no doubt about it that must be his son that's the other one Raditz was looking for and he heard Raditz call him brother these two they're both the kids of that one saying that rebelled although freeze is not put off by this he tells them they'll face the same fate as their father they actually don't have any clue of what he's talking about and he decides to humor them before they die it's true long ago their father tried to rebel against him it was Durham Klein and Vegeta's destruction as well of course it was a pretty hopeless Endeavor he was destroyed alongside the planet lost to time and forgotten with the rest of the Saiyans Goku is pretty surprised to hear this not knowing anything about Barton and not having too much of an attachment to him either and as for Raditz Well he kind admires it this doesn't anger him it resonates with him it empowers him so it runs in his blood this Rebellion he tells Frieza Frieza might have killed his father but he didn't kill that idea he didn't kill bardock's drive it lives on the Raditz and their Kakarot Goku honestly has no clue what Raditz is talking about but Raditz probably proclaims this even if a low-class Saiyan couldn't have defeated him then one will now two of them in fact thanks to Guru their potential has been unlocked so they could face freeze Guru wanted them to protect name and this was the way that could help right now everyone is far strong and collectively they might actually be able to do something against Frieza plus they have an extra person there with them Nails there to help if they knew Frieza was going to show up they would have summoned one of their friends here but it's fine this should be more than enough Goku Raditz Gohan and shinhan Krillin and nail all stand together and radiss decides to lead the charge he tries to kill Frieza right away showcasing his full strength holding nothing back and Frieza can't believe it how is radden so powerful no Saiyan should be the strong much less a low-class one but what's more surprising it's not just Raditz the others say in Goku is just as strong as rabbits if not stronger freeze is heavily beaten in his first form he wants to transform but he can't he needs to find an opening every time he thinks he has an opening someone else attacks him even the humans they're pretty powerful not enough to defeat him alone but when helping with the group everyone is too much for him to take on at once but finally he has an opening in one hand he charges key with the key coalescing in each of his fingertips he aims for the weak ones the humans that namekian and that child with four fingers outstretch a death beam is launched at each of them Goku jumps in front being able to defend against some of them while rad is defends against the others and Raditz curses it he shouldn't have done that he should have just let them perish because now he sees Frieza was doing that just to get an opening and quickly Frieza tries to gather all of his power together Raditz can't believe it he's going soft but maybe this was the right move he hasn't gotten any Vision or anything that shows his death at least not yet so that means they might actually make it through this freeze is able to transform not even going into a second or third floor he immediately goes into his final four to think that he has to use this he's enraged he can't believe it the fact that they have that much power the to force him to go into this but he'll make them regret all their choices up to now it's a shame too really if he knew rats could have grown that strong well he would have been a great Soldier for the Frieza Force too bad he's gonna have to die here as well as the others maybe that other Saiyan would have been helpful too no wonder Napa and Vegeta came back so beat up but he tells them this fight won't be nearly as easy there are maze to see frieza's final form to think that he has a power like this it's incredible and now the battle gets a lot tougher they can't hold him off as he is this power it's unfathomable and frees less Demand on a little secret this is actually his final form he skipped two others just for them they suppress his power far too much this way he'll get to use his full strength to kill them with nothing held back at all he just wanted the dragon balls and they got in his way he'll make them pay for it and first why not Target one of the stronger ones in the group the one that slated him the most Raditz he quickly whips his tail knock and Goku far away he stretches a handout launching a compressed blast of air that knocks everyone else back then following that up with key blast towards all of them rattus lungs did once more but Frieza blocks his attack and then with his other hand he launches a death beat radus is barely able to dodge it it hits him right in the leg Frieza charges a key in his hand let's finish off ridings first as his power coales says he winds his fist back throwing a punch but someone jumps in the way it's Goku he knocks Raditz back and Goku takes a blow right to the Head Frieza pulls his punch at the very end not expecting this but all the key gathered and freezes fists it transfers right into the attack Goku's knocked far into the ground a powerful Blow To The Head he's disoriented and he gets up this Blow To The Head it affected him he can't believe freeze is this strong but more importantly he's so disoriented right now he can't focus and the most surprising thing is this causes a vision this could cause of attack it activates one and Goku's panicked this Vision he sees Gohan dying in it it has to be a fluke it's just because he hit his head Krillin asks Goku what's going on and he tells Krillin he's fine he's infuriated but he controls himself he could change his outcome if that's actually what's going to happen well he can prevent it but still he's disoriented he took such a powerful attack and after seeing that how is he supposed to keep his cool and he's can't think clearly he's still not sure if these Visions are set in stone or not is this something he could change or is it going to be like the Napa thing where it's bound to happen Radice tells Goku to calm down they'll fix it but then Goku has another Vision they start rapidly firing he sees Krillin dying at the hands of Frieza he sees 10 shinon dying he sees the planet exploding the final one it's radith died laying on the ground next to Goku and the last thing he sees is Frieza pointing right at him with key charges fingertips as everyone watches he needs to keep Focus these Visions they can't be true it's just messing with his head he flies in the battle trying to help rabbits he needs to prevent these outcomes and Raditz could tell his brother's disoriented he's agitated but he can't let that cloud as judgment in the battle ratus grabs his leg in pain as Goku flies up next to him he reminds his brother they've changed things before those Visions whatever he's seeing he can't tell what it is but they could fix it and he asks his brother what he sees and Goku says he just sees everyone dying he saw multiple outcomes and all of them they involve loss he's recollected himself and Frieza laughs what he can take that one attack what's he so panicked for and I thought flash into Goku's mind again Gohan die Krillin die 10 dying everyone dying these Visions they all contradict each other did he just see multiple Futures that means they can't all be true one of them just something it has to be fake but one of them could be true it amidst the fight Radha sees a brief Flash in front of him as well it's him lying on the ground Goku's next to him and a death beam goes right through Goku's chest and he wonders is this what Goku saw he's focused on the fight but he tries to get that Vision back he can't although he notices something about that Vision it doesn't seem too far into the future just as this realization hits him Frieza backhands Radice right into the ground then he swipes an arm towards the rest of the group The Ground erupts they're all knocked back once more hopeless to resist it as Radice rock is towards the ground he then sees Goku fall towards the ground as well quickly he tries to prop himself back up launching towards Frieza and Goku Motors to Raditz telling him to stay back this is what he saw too this was the vision this is the one that was going to come true and it's almost like time slows down for both of them Goku watches as radish jumps up and he tries to yell out but he can't in time he already knows what's going to happen Radice is about to land but just as he does so Frieza quickly unleashes more power and with a single finger pointed out a beam is launched right through that setting him spiraling towards the ground Landing right next to go Goku prop himself up if these rats bleeding out next to him and he sees another Vision flash it's the same one from before it's the exact same but now it's here Frieza slowly descends down laugh mocking Goku yes grieve over his brother had they not meddled in his plans maybe they could have both lived this is their own fault and rat's weakly Chuckles he sees what his brother saw but he tells Goku he saw something else the reason that he jumped in front trying to save Goku it wasn't a vision involving his death it was actually something after the radish tries to get up but he can't he just looks at Frieza telling him he's going to want to hear this too he saw a strong and proud Saiyan warrior facing off against Frieza and this Vision he could tell it's happening now he looks over to Goku telling him to finish the job fight Frieza endless now prevent the others from dying and he says his last words to Goku become the Super Saiyan there's another blast from Frieza the ground rubs and radishes Destiny and Frieza lands standing where radus once was he sees the rest of the group behind Goku injured and barely able to stand up Frieza mocks Goku once more seems like they both were going crazy first Goku with whatever Visions he was having and now rabbits saying that apparently the Super Saiyan was here doesn't seem like there's any Super Saiyan around right now frieza's already won this battle it's just about time to put the Saiyan out of his misery once more he points a finger echook launching a death beat but Justice is about to hit Goku yes a fierce order surrounds as the beam disintegrates as hair starts flowing and he looks over to the rest of the group he tells them they need to leave now krillin's still concerned same for all the others Goku's still not thinking clearly he needs to fight with them here there's no way he's gonna fight Frieza alone but Goku tells him not to worry he's thinking more clearly than ever right now thanks to what rad has told him he assures them once again it's going to be okay his Aura flows up once more as his hair turns golden and his eyes change color frieza's taken aback it can't beat Goku stands there triumphantly he's become the secret and surprisingly he's pretty cool-headed and collected he may have seen multiple outcomes and Radisson too but he doesn't feel disoriented anymore those outcomes they're not going to happen the only one that happened was rad is dying but rather saw his own outcome the one of Goku defeating Frieza the rage he feels from seeing his friends die from seeing his son die regardless of if they actually happen or not he's still soft and he needs to prevent it that anger fueled him allowing him to transform and Raditz was the Tipping Point he hadn't known Raditz for long nor the Saints but he could tell his brother was different from the others Raditz has taught him a lot in their short time together and Goku will make Frieza pay for them protecting everyone else that he loves in the process and as much as he would love to fight Frieza at his full power he can't he knows he has to finish this as a Saiyan he loves battle he wants to fight him and briefly they do battle with Frieza at his full power now seeing no other option but Goku knows he has to end this he can't enjoy the fun he needs to prevent everything else bad from happening the others have made it back to the ship hoping that Goku's okay and in the distance they see a brilliant blue beam of life as Goku fires a common launching freeze out of space disintegrate with nothing left either as Goku finishes firing the blast he calms down d-transforming going back into his base and he looks around him the planet it's calm and he can sense it his friends are still safe and Frieza he's gone Goku goes over to the ship with everyone elated to see that he's okay and now it's time for them to head home once more they arrive home not too long after and Goku knows what he wants to do immediately when he gets back and he's been thinking of this a way to kill two birds with one stone or rather revive two people with one wish kami's already gathered the dragon balls and Goku is able to make the wolf he has shot on to revive those killed by Frieza and his men recently and he hopes this will work this way it should revive yajirobi because he technically was killed by one of frieza's men and thankfully the wish works as intended this also considers Raditz he's no longer considered one of frieza's men and he was killed by Frieza himself he's brought back by this too and he's elated this is exactly what he wanted everyone's brought back to life Piccolo Yamcha shout suit Kami yajirobi and Even Rats although there is something that they didn't consider when Shenron leaves they realize Radice didn't come back here surprisingly it seems like he was brought back on Namek there was no body for them to bring back because Raditz was just completely decimated by Frieza and they thought he'd at least revive another world or something but no he came back on Namek and they know this because they hear someone talking to them and Otherworld it's a guy named King Kai he met some of the others when they got transported here they did need something to do well dead after all so they passed snake way and came to see him and he's glad to be acquainted with these other people especially the one who killed Frieza and because of that he does a little favor telling them that Radice is actually still a manic and back on Namek ratus is just a surprise he can't believe it he was brought back to life and briefly he knew that he was sent to Hell actually but now he's here back in the living world he has another chance and the planet there's destruction around but more namekians come out of their hiding the radiss looks around there's no Frieza in sight Kakarot did it he actually did it he became a Super Saiyan and he killed Frieza well done kakara seems like he's gonna have to find his way back to Earth though but back on Earth Goku knows he'll see radicand someday he'll find a way back here and hopefully that time will be soon some time passes and on earth a ship arrives is it Raditz it does look like one of Frieza ships so maybe he took one from planet namak and came back that way but as the ship lands everyone can send some different powers on it and Goku can immediately tell two of those Powers they're very familiar and then there's one big Power he can't tell who it is but they're all definitely hostile those two Powers it was Napa and Vegeta healed from their fight having returned to earth once more they're the first to step off the ship with someone else behind them it looks like a bigger Frieza it's King Cole frieza's father after frieza's defeat can't hold of course wanted to seek out who killed him the namekians made haste Guru died not too long after but they already had the new Elder Rory taken over and as he made a new set of dragon balls he made paranga transport the planet somewhere else keeping everyone safe but Raditz was still stuck in there in the meantime and there's a specific reason he decided to stay but we aren't covering that right now although he's fine with it he doesn't mind remaining here a little bit longer but because of this that meant King gold couldn't find Namek so they went to the next best place with Vegeta and Napa guiding him towards Earth a place where there might be more Dragon Balls a place where they could actually kill the people that killed Frieza of course Vegeta and Napa don't care about that Revenge they just care about the dragon balls and honestly King Cole doesn't really care either he mainly just wants to get rid of the Super Saiyan and maybe get immortality as well sounds like a cool wish and King Cole tells the two Saints fetchum the dragon balls he trusts that they won't use them for themselves first of all they don't even know how to activate the dragon balls and second of all if they do try to double cross him King cold knows that he's more than strong enough to find them and stop them before they do so Vegeta Napa happily blush but they know that kinkhole's getting in over his head if Kakarot truly is a Super Saiyan that defeated Frieza there's no way that Kinko's gonna stand a chance against him it's a win-win King hold and Kakarot will kill each other off and in the meantime they can get the dragon balls two birds with one stone as long as King Cole and Kakarot hold each other off for long enough once Vegeta and apple get the dragon balls they can quickly make a wish they're sure they can figure out some way to activate but they underestimate how strong Goku truly is the battle between him and King cold is relatively quick especially because Goku doesn't want King Cole doing any more destruction Humanity transforms wife and King hold off the face of the Earth and not to mention while Vegeta and Napa are Gathering dragon balls some of the other Warriors come to fight them and surprisingly they're incredibly powerful as well how is this happening they didn't account for this they thought they'd only have to face weak Rings while King Cole took on the Saiyan and more importantly kakarov then shows up how would he win that quickly Vegeta and Napa can't believe it and Goku's standing there in Super Saiyan staring them down Vegeta and now have no clue of what to do or what to think word gotta run that tackle defeated Frieza but no one knew exactly how it sound like Frieza was there to recount it they knew he was powerful but they didn't know he unlocked the transformation and that the Super Saiyan was even a transformation at all Goku probably shows off the form he says he guesses they knew of this too and he tells them they originally spare these two Saiyans so they could have a good fight one day and he tells him that he knew they would return they think he means it's just the hunch but really Goku means he actually saw them return after coming back from Namek he saw a vision that they would arrive not that it's really an issue though just that he saw this which is good because that means his Visions are starting to show more things actually ever since Guru unlocks the potential he's had more visions not willingly though he still doesn't have a control over them to have them whenever he wants but it seems like the full potential of his Visions are actually showing he's seeing more things that could possibly be threats not just threats to him but to everyone around him but he tells the two Saiyans he wants to face the two of them it's like he said that's why he spared them in the first place and he'll face them a look he won't even transform Vegeta's pissed off by this does kakar really think he could take them on alone it doesn't matter if he's a Super Saiyan if he's not gonna transform he can't really be that strong in his base alone where does he get the nerve of being so cocky and Goku tells them he's sure about this pissed off by the disrespect Vegeta and Napa try facing him and as you'd probably expect Goku absolutely wipes the floor with him he used this as a chance to Humble them even Gohan and the humans can beat them too he says he did expect a little bit more of an interesting fight but this also shows the sayings their place Vegeta and Napa still can't believe it and they asked about rabbits what happened with him there's no point hiding the fact about the dragon balls anymore since they already know about them so he simply says that radus died and got revived back on Namek they don't know if or when he's gonna come back he probably will though Goku tried out something interesting in this battle it didn't actually work though he wants to try and make these visions that he had short term just so he could use them in battle and predict movements this was a pretty low effort fight so it was a safe way to try and test this out but it couldn't make it work he still can't willingly control those Visions but if he can that would be awesome it'll let him see his opponent's move before they make them he's got to figure out some different way to train his power is great as is he has no problem using raw strength but combining that with this ability it could be potentially amazing Piccolo's eavesdropping on this whole situation too still separated from the group pickle is still kind of a lone wolf and he still views those Saiyans as a threats Goku needs to finish them he can't believe Goku's power now that he sees it the thing is Piccolo knows that he can't face Goku Piccolo never had a development with the group that he originally had but he's not attacked Goku out of the fact that he knows Goku will win and inadvertently Goku did revive him after all dudes you need to bring Kami back but seeing these Saiyans as a threat he wants to take them out just like he initially wanted to he's about to jump in but Goku then calls Piccolo out Goku knows he's there watching over them no matter how much he suppresses his energy Goku also saw that he encountered Piccolo here so anger Lee Piccolo shows himself he asks Goku why he isn't telling these two they were an issue before and that could be an issue now but Goku tells Piccolo but that logic he should probably just get rid of Piccolo somehow he's not going to do it but he's just reminding Piccolo he's a threat to Earth as well shouldn't they just seal him up too while they're at it go is of course joking around but he gets the point across and Piccolo tells him to stop messing around this is serious it's stupid to keep the Saiyans around but he tells Michelob he has an option for the two Saiyans and for Piccolo as well Goku tells Vegeta and Napa that he'll give him a choice obviously he's not gonna let them get the dragon balls and even if they tried to they know that he could stop them but he knows they also have nowhere else to go so he has an offer they could stay here if they don't cause trouble it will benefit everyone more training partners for Goku and more knowledge about his Saiyan side while they get to learn about Super Saiyan from him Goku's friends can't believe this he's actually gonna teach them Super Saiyan well he's honestly not even sure if they could learn it if anything they'll give a more valuable info about the form Goku knows nothing about it maybe they know some sort of a legends about it all he knows is what radus has told him in passing besides who knows if this is even something they can achieve and they saw what happened with Raditz too he still is normal say himself but he's not a threat either I mean look what he did on Namek too he died for Goku's benefit the Saiyans aren't set in stone as these evil people well maybe these two are for all he knows but that remains to be seen Vegeta and nap are annoyed that Kakarot is talking down to them but they do want to learn about this form and kakarot's right they have nowhere else to go anyways I mean look at the freeze of course it's gone and even if they wanted to try to make their own Army what are they gonna do with that they have to face the facts they've been outpaced they're not the strongest Warriors in the universe not even close the group still doesn't really know why Goku's even doing this they can't trust the Saiyans but Goku says he probably can it's very Fame but he did have one Vision before pretty recently but it seems to be far in the future a few years out actually he remembers seeing the four Saiyans fighting alongside each other Vegeta and Napa could end up being allies for them although maybe he completely misinterpreted the vision it was pretty fuzzy after all and not too detailed either way he's not worried about these two being threats and reluctantly the two Saiyans end up staying here there's a brief passage of time Goku ends up actually training with Vegeta and Napa it's not like they're good as strong training Partners but they're good for information learning more about how to grow as a Saiyan yeah Raditz was great for this too but these two especially Vegeta their wealth knowledge Raditz gave him great guidance as a low-class warrior these two since they were so much higher up as Saiyans they probably know things are not even rad it's new and one thing that really interests the sayings is the fact that Gohan is as strong as he is a hybrid Saint they didn't think a power like that would be possible especially for a kid his age clearly they've been understanding the earthlings and those low-class Warriors but one day amidst their training somebody Pops in out of nowhere it's Raditz he just teleported in oh great that was kind of a risk a wish was made to send him right back to Goku and thankfully he didn't catch him at a bad time they're in the middle of training right now of course everyone's absolutely dumbfound about how Raditz even got here so he explains what he's been up to and what happened the namekians weren't very powerful of course with physical strength but they were a wealth of knowledge and mental fortitude radishes wanted to go back to Earth for a while but he really had no way out of them the namekians didn't have any spaceships around and as for the Dragon Balls Well Guru ended up dying they needed to wait for Mori to become an elder and make a new set of Dragon Balls for himself it wasn't too hard for him to do so but by the time he actually did this Raditz already decided that it might be worthwhile staying here at least for a little while longer and he pulls Goku to the side he claims he's improved his foresight and can look into the future at will Goku is amazed to hear this wait that's possible he actually Managed IT while rad says there was a lot that went into it and there's a few caveats with it he didn't grow much physically on manic but he grew a lot meant again these namekians are a wealth of knowledge and as more passive people training like this the meditation that he was doing this is the perfect place to do so Consulting the new Elder Mori actually helped him with this too when Guru unlocked his potential it seems his abilities improved slightly Goku says he knows this too but Raditz says the new Elder was also able to awaken potential as well Mori at least tried to do this he wasn't as Adept with it his Guru was especially since it was basically his first time doing it but with Guru being able to do it Maury had this ability as well and it actually somewhat worked opening the floodgates for Raditz to use more of his potential and that actually did improve his physical strength someone but again it wasn't as effective as what Guru had and rather has learned a few things too right now though if he willingly tries to foresee something it's strange because he doesn't know exactly what to look for the farther out he looks the blurrier it is as with their normal Visions but when he wants to actually see something in the future it's kind of a strange thing like yeah this could help in battle but if he willingly tries to conjure up something he doesn't even know what to look for if they know they're gonna face an enemy soon yeah then he could use it for that but that's the thing thing they don't really know except for a couple things that Raditz has seen and these Visions weren't things he saw willingly at first but now that he actually can see into the future when he wants he does use this to try and Survey these threats and he has to warn Goku about something one of these threats is an internal one he ends up dying of some sort of virus suit that doesn't seem like there's any sort of cure but there's an upside to this they know Goku is going to have this issue and even more interestingly this means they could change the future because Raditz already did that the namekians allowed him to use the Dragon Balls for helping defend their planet after all one of The Wishes obviously was meant to send him back to Earth but he had another wish that he made he asked paranga to heal Goku it wasn't too big of an issue for the dragon so now Goku shouldn't have to worry about this and Goku is honestly surprised that rad has did that for him he's trusted rabbits for a while but now rad is being a little bit more empathetic than normal remember he's on their side but he's still not necessarily an amazing person he's still motivated by self-gain rather than protecting others which isn't necessarily bad because right now he's not doing things that put other arms away for that that's been his goal this whole time self-preservation but when he died on damage for Goku and now using this wish to protect his brother it's a very interesting change that Goku didn't actually expect but there's one more thing that Raditz learned from Mori in the main series Guru is actually able to see the history of Earth through Krillin at least the history of Khan Mori tried this too and found something very strange granted he wasn't as Adept at this as Guru just like he was with unlocking potential but for some reason he could sense some sort of namekian involvement with Raditz and Goku possibly even another dragon and Raditz questioned this does he mean that there was some sort of wish made to have him get this power and who would have even done that Mori doesn't know for sure but what he does know is that there are namekians on other planets out there he doesn't know where or even if this is what the case is but it could be that someone made a wish to the Dragon Ball somewhere else and if this is the case Raditz says there's only one person he has in mind that could have done this their father who else why would anyone else make this wish and more importantly where did he go to make this wish they want to figure out more about this ability and even though they're somewhat both learning to control it the only way to learn even more about it is to go to the source well maybe there's other ways but Raditz think this is the best way to do so and Goku's amazing to hear this so their father must have made some sort of wish of course they don't know exactly what happened they're still kind of off course but they know that somehow Bardock and another namekian was involved some sort of dragon balls on another planet that they don't know of they'll definitely keep that in mind and maybe this could help them further improve and at least now they know this isn't something Gohan could access it's nothing genetic they could go to Namek again and have Goku try and get this too have Mori try to unlock his potential but Goku says he'll go about in his own way especially if ratus now knows how to work it more hell maybe even Kami could try and do something like that but they aren't too sure the two of them start training together meditating a lot actually strengthening their state of mind trying to access this even if Kakarot the Super Saiyan rad seizes his way to surpass him the two are still very competitive it's just in their nature and the fact that they're Brothers after all Radice does need to unlock Super Saiyan still but if he does unlock that with this ability he could definitely pull ahead meanwhile Goku has the advantage in raw strength and he's learning to control Super Saiyan pretty well so far he's got an amazing Head Start Vegeta and Napa are confuses to why they're just training like that why are they not training by fighting each other it's so strange and unsane like they kind of see the value in the training but why are they putting so much emphasis on it he always knew that something was off about them they still don't know about the foresight Goku and RADS have purposely kept it a secret from them but Vegeta and Napa are wondering what's up amidst their training one day Goku ends up having a strange vision and ask rats rabbit sees the exact same thing they foresee some strange monster showing up a green bug looking person it was only a brief Flash and radish tries focusing trying to learn more about this he doesn't know exactly what to look for only that some green monster will show up he doesn't know anything about this person and when they'll appear if this is some big threat he wants to try and prevent this they know they could change the future now at least somewhat by now over a year has passed since they went to Nam and there's a very strange occurrence that happens Goku showed up at his house one day he looks slightly different and they don't really know why but he just doesn't look the same like slightly older somehow the only ones there are Chichi and Ox came and they asked Goku what's going on Goku asked them where's Goku wait what Goku he says he'll explain later he just needs to know where Goku is but he's Goku he's standing right there and then Goku senses an energy nearby he smiles he tells them not to worry he'll be back soon to explain it GG and asking are just left speechless that was extremely off-putting and they want to know what's going on somewhere nearby Goku rides and Gohan are training together and Gohan then yells out he says there's another Goku here Goku and radus look over to her Gohan is and they do see it there's another Goku standing there not only is this confusing this is terrifying but they could tell by his energy he actually is Goku he's not some sort of imposter that just looks like Goku radus confirms this he feels exactly like kakarot's energy what the actual hell they confront this other Goku having no idea what to even expect from him and Goku says he's glad he found them the Amazons they're all probably confused right now but he could explain this pretty easily he is a Goku from the future okay that just made things even more confusing he has a few things he needs to let them know he says a few years from now they're going to be attacked by the Red Ribbon army they made more Androids and he wants to warn them with us now so they can prevent it future Goku asks if they foreseen this yet and they actually haven't they saw some green guy showing up but no other Androids or whatever it's a future Goku explains he actually foresaw them attacking but he didn't find a way to actually win against them Raditz also saw this too in the future he tried his hardest to guide everyone because he actually had a full control over his ability but his power still wasn't enough by then he only just unlocked super saiyan it didn't have an amazing control over it and even with two Super Saiyans in the group it wasn't enough to face the ambulance Goku was barely able to live and he was their main target after all but due to him being a Super Saiyan and the strongest in the group this allowed him to get by most of the fighters died Goku did want to return to Namek Piccolo ended up dying again and there are no Dragon Balls here but they couldn't go to Namek either they don't know the location name it got moved after all and for some reason Ken Kai didn't intervene this happened in the main Series so I'm gonna go with that here too so because of that they don't get any sort of direction to namic but future Goku says not everyone has died there are some survivors Goku's whole family besides Raditz is actually alive Chichi and go Bulma also survived too and there's one other person he doesn't mention mainly because he doesn't want to prevent him being born in case he Reveals His identity here but he goes back to what they mentioned some vision of a green monster and future Goku says he saw the same vision he's not sure what it means but it could be related somehow although it's strange he says he only recently saw that Vision but that doesn't make sense he's so far in the future Goku and Raditz saw the vision very recently and this future Goku he's decades in the future why is he only seeing it just then how far in the future were they seeing this does confuse future Goku it's concerning why is that little detail different here hopefully it doesn't mean too much but maybe it does mean something maybe the timeline's been altered somehow he doesn't know but Goku says the main reason he's here is to change the past they know they could change the future and now he wants to see if they could change the past events too he says they actually ended up defeating the Androids surprisingly enough not everyone died right away years into battle they still couldn't win they even tried training in the Time Chamber but by the time they got there the Androids had followed them they haven't been on kami's Lookout yet but they know the location of it it could be risky if they end up going the Time Chamber getting trapped in there by the Andrew is destroying it or something that could have been terrible but there was something to pushed Goku over the edge the Androids killed the Saiyans first Napa Raditz Vegeta Piccolo fell alongside them Goku was too weak in the fight back the rage he felt at his death again was immense but not much later on there was another death something that was way more brutal Goku watched his other friends die Yamcha tenshinha shoutsu because so are other people alive yadirobi naroshi but Krillin was also one of the ones to survive the longest until the Androids got to him and the Androids made it a point to make him suffer just because they knew or get to Goku but this was a big mistake on their part Goku watched us all unfold unlocking a brand new power that he didn't even know was possible and he decides it's easier to show it off to them he says even if they found namek's dragon balls in the future it wouldn't erase what happened the things that future Goku saw all the years they've lost and such but by doing this they could change the outcome of everything especially by showcasing this power future Goku Powers up his energy is incredibly intense he's surrounded by Sparks of electricity it looks like super saiyan but slightly different he tells them this is what he calls Super Saiyan 2. future Goku stands there in this form it doesn't look too much different from Super Saiyan but they can immediately tell by the power that it definitely is something different no wonder he unlocked it through rage Goku reiterates this was the form that allowed him to beat the Androids of course everybody back here in the past could actually seek out the Androids right now destroy them before they even become a problem but just like what happened normally especially since Goku and rats are probably gonna be the ones to make the call here they'll decide to leave the Androids as is it'll work as a great motivator and on top of that if they do get Super Saiyan 2 well that just tells them they'll be able to defeat the Androids right away even if it's only Goku that gets it future Goku Powers down he reminds them he's much older than this other Goku he has so many more years of experience behind him too not just that but he knows how to utilize this form more of course Super Saiyan 2 is powerful and Goku recognizes that it might not be a Surefire way to defeat the Androids at this timeline but he says it's still at least worth a shot and future Goku kind of expected this I mean it's himself that he's talking to after all he knows how he's gonna react well he trusts that they're in good hands especially because now they know about the Androids and if you few years time when the Androids actually do awaken he'll come back here too just to make sure that everything's going okay it's a way for him to actually confirm that the future will change if something does change here and it also acts as reassurance if they somehow can't defeat the Androids well once go comes back he should be able to it was tough fighting both of them together even with Super Saiyan 2 but fighting them individually he should be able to handle that especially now that they're gonna spend a lot more time training since they're not under threat in the future anymore at least as far as he knows there's still that weird premonition that they all had but maybe they'll find out in due time especially since future Goku's working on Crafting his premonition even further if he knows exactly what to look for he could do it he is farther out after all he didn't focus on it too much while he was fighting the Androids it's not like he really had the option and when he did use it in fights it helped him avoid significant attacks and this tells president Goku too it could be used for him in the way he was thinking using it in battle short term trying to figure out what opponents will do for their next move it sounds vastly helpful with future Goku returning we enter a brief time skip with everybody training and in this time skip with Vegeta and Bulma still getting together trunks is born this is the person that future Goku is hiding he is alive in the future but he just didn't want to mention it for obvious reasons the four Saiyans have especially been training hard Vegeta and Napa are becoming a little bit more cool-headed it's not like they could do much anyways because Goku rides are still above them especially Goku Raditz is eventually able to unlock Super Saiyan for himself it takes a while but I know the focus specifically on that but he knows this still won't be enough if his future self is anything to judge by and as for Vegeta and Napa they're doing their own thing Goku even heard from his future self that Gohan apparently unlocks Super Saiyan in the future as well he wonders how early he can unlock it here with him it might take a little bit more time on the day the Androids are supposed to arrive the group is ready to encounter them and of course future Goku does return this time with two extra friends Gohan and trunks it takes them a bit to realize that it's trunks since future Goku never did mention him but it's interesting to see that he's actually one of the survivors there but also the fact that they're seeing an older Gohan future Gohan was mentioned but seeing him in person is Another Thing Future Goku says he brought these two just in case and because they kind of didn't want to see this past timeline especially trunks wanting to see Vegeta although Vegeta's still Vegeta so he's not really the type to want to bond with his son or whatever oh well trunks actually see it just get to know him at least the most surprising thing is that 19 and 20 are the first to show up they are easily defeated I mean especially with the group here and the fact that Goku's not going to fall to the heart virus it's not going to be too tough the most confusing thing to these two is the fact that there's two gokus the second Dro sees this he immediately tries to escape he's defeated but uses 19 as a distraction commanding him to self-destruct this allows jaro to slip away getting back to his lab activating 17 and 18. with these two on the side he'll be able to win at least until they kill him they track and done relatively quickly with future Goku confirming that these are the two engines that he faced in his timeline he doesn't know why those other two appeared and that does concern him it shows that the timeline has changed a bit and he reminds them of the power that was needed to defeat these two Androids but the present Fighters say they still want to face them that's why they waited in the first place future Goku still doesn't want to be safer rather than sorry but he does tell them they can go for it future Gohan trunks are a bit surprised to hear this but future Goku reminds them in the event that there is an issue they could just jump in and they know that they should be able to defeat the Androids especially with how much the Androids are outnumbered just like the Androids in the main story these are a bit stronger not by a significant amount with how many strong people we have on this group right now especially with the future Warriors here they might all stand a chance if future Goku is anybody faltering he'll join in and finish this he doesn't want to have any deaths here and Future Gohan's on standby as well president Gohan's already met his future self and he really wants to see how strong his future self is all the present warriors power up with Goku and radus at the Forefront they showcase super safe with Vegeta and Napa laughing they've been waiting to Showcase this Dave recently unlocked this form as well with the two of them standing beside each other powering up into their own Super Saiyan form Goku and RADS are going to fight against Android 17. while Vegeta and apple will face Android 18. the two 2v1s commence and even with Super Saiyan Vegeta and Napa are having a tough time they're still pretty far behind Goku and rabbits and 18 is pretty powerful the same goes for Goku and radus vs 17. although they're faring pretty decently this version of Goku is still a little bit above his normal self and there's also the fact that he's even here fighting in general with Raditz being around a similar strength 17's actually having a tough time while 18 is not really having too difficult of reflect Vegeta and Napa are astounded how are these low class Warriors so far ahead the time travelers watched as the fight goes on it's intriguing that Vegeta and Napa were able to get Super Saiyan here at least but more so they're surprised at the power of Goku and rats future Goku even comments that he wasn't that strong beforehand well he was still training but this Goku was definitely training more seriously knowing the threats here and present Goku yells over to him he wants to make a wager if he wins this fight without having the future Warriors intervene he wants to fight his future self one-on-one future Goku laughs he says that was inevitable regardless but yeah he'll accept that offer 17's pissed at their acting so casually that's because Goku rats actually have this in the back with their combined full power they're able to quickly destabilize Android 17. just as a brief distraction they then jump in to help Vegeta and Napa they are still having trouble with Android 18 and they're mad that the two brothers joined this fight but at the same time kinda know that they need this with the four of them fighting together Android 18 is then completely defeated 17 jumps back into the battle but it's far too late now with four Super Saiyans against him he's defeated as well with both Androids dying to the Super Saiyan and 16 never even being activated president Goku Powers down looking over at his future self giving a thumbs up my future Goku compliments all of them he has to say he's impressed he knew that by giving them all the snooze it would definitely give him a head start with power but they exceeded his expectations it's also interesting seeing his past self growth is strong Unfortunately they definitely haven't fixed any other timeline yet but it's okay it's like they said they just wanted to see if they could change the past boom already put the work in for the time machine well maybe they could still go dynamic or something if they could end up finding the new one in general the Androids are already gone in the future so Earth is at peace it might be too late to restore everything they already went through all that turmoil and it's been so long since everybody's been gone they've accepted their fate but it was at least worth a shot to try and change the past but they're not going to leave immediately they still have a few things to do while they're here for one present Gohan goes up to his future self he wants to see his power he wants to see how strong he can grow and if he can grow stronger sooner president Goku wants to see this power as well with future Goku letting him on a little secret Gohan actually might have surpassed him already wait really how he hasn't even fought here Goku says he's been training these two hybrid Saints to try and unlock Super Saiyan 2. trunks Trail a bit behind Gohan because he is younger after all and Gohan was actually one of the people training him too Gohan actually unlocked Super Saiyan pretty early on and once the Androids were defeated they worked together to achieve Super Saiyan 2. future Gohan already saw what happened when his future was under threat once and in case that happened again he wanted to prevent it with future Goku seeing his immense potential and that's why president Gohan was so curious to see it they don't really know much about how strong future Gohan is or Future Trunks for that matter if Goku is going to compare his strength with his future self Gohan kind of wants to as well even though the disparity will be a lot larger there future Goku says he has an idea well if they want to do something quickly they could use the room and spirit in time it's something that they did want to use in the future as he's mentioned before but they couldn't because the Androids knew the location of it and they didn't want anything bad happening with getting trapped in there or whatever but here in this timeline they could use it he says the two Gohan should go in together maybe future Gohan could teach its past self to go Super Saiyan and they actually really do like this idea going to the room of spirit and time together eventually and one of the reasons future Goku suggests this is because it not only will be good for past Gohan but he's also still worried about the other premonition he had and he asked his past self and rabbits have they seen that same Monster again because he actually has the Visions are becoming clearer he's getting a better image of what that monster is which means he's probably right around the corner figuratively and literally he can appear at any moment whoever he is and Goku and RADS confirm they've seen the same exact thing and future Goku says it's very strange that he's seeing this too which means it must be some sort of threat in this timeline and that makes him Wonder Could Be A threatened his timeline as well I mean because if that threat exists here it should be in his timeline theoretically too they still have no clue what it is but they do know that sometime soon this monster will appear but in the meantime Goku wants his has his strength of his future self raddat says his future self is a bum for not surviving he would have loved to prove that he's the superior rats and the future Goku is not surprised to see that his brother's the same way that he's always been but as her fighting his past self he'd love to do that there's a brief passage of time and sometime early the next day after they get some rest the two of them get ready to fight with both powering up in the Superstar Goku asks himself to use a Super Saiyan 2 form future Goku says he will as long as Goku pushes him into it Goku takes this as a challenge the two start dueling and it's incredible the power that they're both showcasing even present Goku Future Goku surprised that his past self is this powerful but he could tell he still hasn't completely mastered Super Saiyan and Goku comments he was on his way there he's already had it in mind trying to use it at 100 efficiency but he still feels like he's a long way from Super Saiyan 2. and future Goku says he's not so sure he knows about it now and knows what to aim for so maybe he can't achieve it I mean he's already getting the hang of Super Saiyan pretty well almost at grade four even future Goku says he'll go in the timetable with him as well if he wants to and Goku says he'd love to however it might be better if you try something on his own look how strong he's already gotten by being motivated like this sometimes the easiest way isn't the best way future Goku also kind of expected that response he is talking himself after all as the two continue fighting it's clear that future Goku has the advantage but Goku is not faltering at least until future Goku goes Super Saiyan 2 completely wiping the floor with his past self Goku's glad that he's finally showcasing this and future Goku is ready to land the finishing blow but right as he's about to there's a blinding flash of light a solar flare he thinks his past self launched it at him but no present Goku's blind too The Spectators watch onto someone else jumps in and somehow while blinded future Goku is able to knock his past self out of the way predicting an enemy attack he was too focused on the fight he didn't even try to get any Visions yet and this one came to him at the right time imperfect cell jumpsuit trying to steal energy from present Goku but instead his tail hits future Goku he didn't know what was going to happen either future Goku just knew that someone was gonna get attacked so he wanted to protect his past self and unbeknownst to him this makes things worse because now cells get even more power he's getting the strongest Warrior trunks Powers up jumping it swing has sword itself and future Goku's laying there on the ground he tells trunks to watch for the tail and just as he says that cell lunges its tail out and Trunks barely Dodges it but the tail flies right past him hitting prison Goku starting to steal his energy trunks is able to easily slice his tail off with cell screaming in pain but it's fine he immediately regenerates it he thanks them for the power and they ask who the hell he is and sells unsure whether he should stay here or fight but with the power that he just gained he might be able to win especially since two of the Goku's are knocked down he simply asks where the Androids are and radiss steps up powering into Super Saiyan he's he doesn't know where care who this ugly bastard is but he'll entertain this question at least the Androids are dead he's gonna have no luck in finding them because they already killed the Androids and cell is fuming he came back here for nothing he thought the Androids would still be around that explains why Goku and Trunks are here they're not supposed to be that old at least not in this part of the timeline unless those who are Time Travelers as well from a separate timeline not the one where he stole his time machine from he knew something was off immediately when he saw two Goku's but he says it's fine Halo's got some snacks here in the present and then he'll just take his time machine somewhere else somewhere where he actually can find the Androids he'll have a little fun here while he's at it and then destroy the place Raditz says he's not gonna get that far with Vegeta and Napa then standing alongside the other two Saiyans also powering up and this surprises himself Vegeta and Napa are still here and they're super Saiyans good for them but that's not going to be enough not nearly especially with the boosted power that he has now he's more than confident the fight rages on with both Goku's there on the ground trying to get back up president Goku didn't get as bad because trunks interview although he's obviously so pretty beat up because he was fighting himself future Goku really wants to help but he doesn't have the strength right now if he could intervene he could definitely help here they need to rely on trunks he's on the cusp of Super Saiyan 2. if he unlocks it here they could probably win whoever this monster is they could beat him and he yells out the trunks he needs to harness that power the same one that he was working for now Vegeta tells him to not pay attention to that fool pay attention to the fight and harness that anger he has does he want this timeline to be doomed as well does he want to die here future Goku watches on kind of annoy because he was about to give trunks the same advice but you know what it's probably good that he hears it from Vegeta too and Trunks tries to summon more power with cell fending off everyone pretty easily but some object then flies really quickly into cell coded by a golden ore the moves so quickly that they couldn't even see it with cell being launched away but then it become clear what it is actually who it is it's not an object it's Gohan kid go on he's a Super Saiyan they just got out of the Time Chamber both Goku's are really glad to see this and at the same time future Gohan arrives as well he's glad to see everyone's okay and sorry they took so long but their training was successful and he tells them that he could sense trunks's power Rising so he looks over at trucks saying they're all going to finish this together the three hybrids say they can harness their anger all at once and defeat whatever this monster is trunks knobs with Gohan also looking over at his past self he tells him get ready to utilize everything that he learned in the Time Chamber president Gohan's a bit nervous but he not Future Gohan's the first Power Up surrounded by Sparks of electricity showing off that same Super Saiyan 2 format future Goku have and cell stumbles back a bit surprised at the surgeon power and he tells the other two harness their anger utilize it for the power that they need he knows both of them are capable of it he's trained both and he knows them better than pretty much anybody especially his past self he knows they have the power in them to do this the 3L fights held together and he can't keep up even Dohan alone would be a problem for him but with the three of them together he has no hope at winning which is why future Gohan sees his perfect practice for the other two and he tells coordinate this attack with him cell launches towards them but then is held in place by some rings of energy gratitude some of his strength to throw these over trying to buy himself for just a bit and then there's a solar flare present Goku was barely able to perform this and cell is there Bound by raditz's attack and blinded by Goku's future Gohan shout now is the time together the thrill charge a masenko a Timeless messenger a powerful attack spanning both timelines with two versions of Gohan and at the very last second there's a surge in power from trunks those same Sparks of electricity surround him for a brief moment he goes into Super Saiyan 2 and together the three of them eliminate sound leaving nothing left not even knowing about his regeneration but it doesn't matter he's completely gone now both Goku's are healed glad that it turned out that way and proud of both gohans and Trunks as well with Vegeta's surprised to see that trunks got that powerful trunks still may have a tough time getting the form but at least he knows he can't attain it even if he only got it briefly and now president Gohan's aiming for this tip he thinks he can accomplish it if future Gohan thinks he can too together he and Goku will work towards this hell maybe even rabbits will try they thank the future Warriors and the future Warriors think that it seemed that cell guy wasn't too much of a threat they were able to handle it pretty easily even with the handicaps they were getting and now the three Warriors head home known to watch with their own version of cell as well who they eventually encounter and defeat pretty easily they might have not restored their timeline fully but they saved another and their Earth is still at peace and more importantly that present Earth will never know the destruction that they saw the Androids have all been stopped Goku immediately starts focusing on a short-term Visions again trying to get more of a control over it he knows this will be very useful in battle and his training has been working kinda but he and radish have the same issue they're not incredibly accurate just yet but Goku knows he's almost there he could just use the stern battle whenever he feels meanwhile Raditz is going to decide to focus on his long-term skills given everything that's happened to him so far he's a little bit more paranoid than Goku and would rather see bad things happen before they happen and figure out ways to avoid them so he's prepared Goku would rather be spontaneous with it learning how to adapt its Visions in his fights but ryz thinks it's better to just prevent the fights in the first place or at least no path to Victory right off the bat before he gets into these battles so there are still focusing on their foresight but just with different time frames in mind but it's not just that with Goku around since he didn't die in the cell's laga of course he's still gonna be there for Gohan and after seeing the performance of future Gohan and with Gohan even training with future Gohan Goku is definitely gonna be working way more with Gohan trying to get him to tap more into that power Gohan's interested too his future self got that Super Saiyan 2 form now and he thinks it might be fun to train for after spending a year with his future self he has a bit of a different Outlook of course he still does want to be a scholar hell his future self did want to be that way too but knowing how bad things got in his future and how his future self got robbed of all these opportunities Gohan wants to prevent any of that from happening of course the Androids are gone but who knows what other threats will be there Gohan knows his potential his future self showed him he knows what he's capable of and he knows what he's responsible for he should be using this power for good and he should keep up with that trade he'll find that nice balance too he'll be able to study all he wants become a scholar like he wants but at the same time he'll be powerful and with the great guidance of Goku there that's definitely going to help a lot we go about a year after the sell sign Gohan by now actually has access to Super Saiyan 2 with Goku just on the custom Raditz is of course following up as well but he started being more solitary training on his own he's focused on his own strength while Goku is more focused on building himself up and Gohan and of course they do have different things at their training for but something interesting has happened with Raditz too Vegeta and Napa are associating with him more he surpassed them already and they want to get ahead of him Lance does kind of get an ego boost from being above them too and while they're too prideful to admit it they do want to learn more from him Sam goes for Goku but he's too preoccupied with Gohan so they train a lot with Raditz growing stronger on their own too but with Raditz still focus on his foresight he eventually does actually get some sort of vision that could be useful and immediately tells Goku what it is and something that Goku hasn't even foreseen but when he's prompted to look into it he actually can kind of see it they see some magician a few years out from now Brad sees it clearer because that's exactly what he's been training for they see themselves at a tournament with someone stealing energy from them and then they see a pink monster not knowing who or what it is they can't get an exact time frame but they know that's a few years out from now although Raditz note something interesting in this Vision he's able to find some sort of relative location for where they were fighting and in this area where they did fight that magician he sees some sort of weird spaceship and he gets an idea what if they were to seek out this area just so they knew where the spaceship was gonna land and they stopped the threat before it even occurs well Goku definitely likes that idea and they don't know exactly when this guy's gonna land here but they might as well try and scope it out so they're gonna head over to the area where the spaceship is supposed to land they have a general area but they just need to know exactly where it's going to be and that way they can try and keep it under watch maybe at when this guy lands they'll be prepared being able to immediately find a spaceship that doesn't seem too bad they get a little grouped together actually it's them too and go on radish gives them all the info we could find giving ideas of what different landmarks are around that area they're going to survey this general area and find the exact spot where he's going to land but Vegeta and Napa eventually catch on to it too and this is going to be kind of weird for Radisson Goku to explain because they don't really want to give away that they have those premonitions they still don't want Vegeta and Napa gnome because they're not sure what they're going to do with that information and mainly because Raditz doesn't want to give his trump card up to them and also the fact that he basically has a real life cheat code so they kind of screwed around and say they're just searching for something they feel like there's something strange going on and they just want to look in that area just to make sure everything's okay which kind of is true but Vegeta Nappa are a little bit suspicious they're gonna come along with them they want to see what's going on well you know what that's fine although these two sayings aren't really going to be too helpful with searching since Raditz can't give away what he's actually looking for because then he'll give away that he has that foursome very strange situation but he'll work around so they go over to that general area and they all start looking around Goku and Gohan split up from rabbits while ratat stays with the other two sets and it doesn't take too long before they find something rad is Vegeta and Napper are the first located there actually is a spaceship here this guy's already on the planet how long has he been here for how long does he plan on staying here for radish trust focusing trying to communicate with Goku to get him over here he doesn't want to alert anyone else but it's already too late he tells Goku Gohan where he is but someone then jumps out to attack him Raditz immedlee Powers up into Super Saiyan narrowly dodging as someone spits at him disgusting why is this guy spitting on it it's Deborah he saw them over there he and Bobby are concerned they've been spotted it must just be by chance there's no way they actually know what's going on here Deborah can at least fend them all but there is kind of an issue with this Deborah can't kill them just yet Bobby wants to collect energy from them Deborah just has to hold them off somehow Bobby is scrambling and trying to figure out something to do they shouldn't have been spotted right now this is really gonna mess with his plans there's no way they could revive Boo this early unless wait he has an idea there might just be enough power Here Deborah could fight against these Saiyans and he could sense to other people too Goku and Gohan if those two come over here that could really help him get some more energy especially Gohan he seems strong but still he needs to make sure he could buy time if Deborah dies and they can't have a good enough fight Bobby's not gonna collect enough energy he has to figure out another way to do this as Goku comes over he feels uneasy he turns over to Gohan he tells him go into Super Saiyan 2. don't hold anything back and Gohan's a bit confused what's going on Goku says they're fighting a strong enemy he can see it moments from now they'll encounter it but it shouldn't be an issue Gohan could defeat him with ease actually he tells Gohan now is the time to use that power exactly what he was training for when they get over there they're gonna see a demonic looking guy he needs go on to defeat him as quickly as possible Gohan's a little bit nervous but he not immediately powering up in the Super Saiyan 2 rocketing over towards the area go go Super Saiyan and follows close behind rabbit's Vegeta and Napa are all transformed right now facing off against the board he's trying to stall it and he could spit on them to try and freeze someone but he's not actually gonna do that because then he won't be able to draw out any energy from them he could do that once the other two arrive although this isn't gonna go as he planned amidst his battle someone else Rockets it Landing a direct hit on Deborah setting him flying far away it's Gohan what the other three saying seeing that he's fully powered up Goku arrives over not long after he turns to the rest of them tell them to go inside the ship at the bottom floor Bobby's there they could defeat him and stop this Bobbidi who the hell is that and gokus is not to question it but Radice knows exactly what happened Goku had a vision he saw a short term he knows a way to win this raditz's long-term Vision allowed them to actually stop the sweat before it happened while Goku his short-term Visions can allow him to adapt here helping the group be flexible and secure Victory Raditz flies right towards the ship bursting through the top of it and going down Vegeta and Napper was completely confused but they decide to follow along the bore launches back over ready to face Gohan once more and Goku watches alongside he's not going to get involved in the fight because something's telling him not to he knows that here he shouldn't give off too much energy something feels wrong about some Instinct within him is telling him not to do so it might be part of his foresight he's not sure but he focuses on the ship trying to sense what's happening and something strange occurs it doesn't seem like the three of them are getting much lower in the actually it looks like they stopped and Vegeta and Napa's power it's changed it spiked actually Goku's stomach drops something's wrong he rushes over to where rabbit says and rad is bursts at the top of the ship looking over at Goku and yelling at him he tells Goku to watch out something's wrong with Vegeta and Napa they rock it up back to the surface following behind rounds and the two try to attack Raditz together but Goku jumps in blocking one a bit radish clash with Napa and Goku clashes with Vegeta the two brothers jump back and the other two Saiyan jump back as well with the four of them floating above Bobby's ship something's different about Vegeta and Napa their powers are way higher and it feels more malicious than normal and on their forehead they could see the letter M there for some reason Gohan looks over nervous about what's going on but he doesn't question Goku told them to fight this guy so he will he'll help them in a bit this fight shouldn't take too long right let's ask over what's going on but Goku says he's not short he didn't see this but for now all he has is an idea is just split up and fight each of them Vegeta and Napa are stronger but the two of them they still can win maybe they'll match these two in terms of power Goku says he'll take on Vegeta and he tells radish to fight Napa they'll figure out what's going on later and you guys could probably already tell what's happened Bobby has taken control of it but rather they allow themselves to fall under properties spell and this is the birth of Majin Vegeta and Majin Napa this is their chance to surpass the other two sayings their chance to get stronger and defeat them and it works for bobbity too because this is a way for him to get even more energy and stall a little longer this way it might actually work divorce fighting Gohan now although he knows Deborah is going to lose quipi and yakan have already been defeated by the three Saiyans but now they're all fighting and Goku's joined him too all Bobby needs to do is wait a minute little bit longer and then catch Gohan off guard he could steal energy from Gohan that way too siphoning off power directly from Gohan and still getting energy from the fight between the majins and the two brothers this could actually work even though he's unprepared he could probably revive boo even earlier than he thought as Goku and rad his fend off the other two Gohan's fight with Deborah concludes it wasn't too tough he actually exceeds Deborah's power right now and Deborah surprised that a kid could be this strong and Gohan's not holding anything back either it's like he saw with his future self his future self warned him about a few things one don't slack off use that gift of his to his photos and two don't get cocky even though he does have that great string he shouldn't let it get to his head he's not infallible and if he messes up somewhere it could affect others too not just him future Gohan does know himself better than anyone after all and all this applies to present go on too he takes the fight serious defeating Deborah and actually killing him bobby pins okay he could recover from this he's take energy from everyone else blue ruby revived amidst his battle with Vegeta Goku tries to still utilize the short-term foresight and it actually does kind of work surprisingly he predicts some of Vegeta's moves dodging them flawlessly or parrying them flawlessly Refugee is confused he knows Goku is an excellent fighter but this is different it's almost like his body's reacting on its own or something and at some point it's like he knows exactly what Vegeta is going to do before he even thinks of doing it but before Vegeta could even question anything Gohan then flies in to help Goku and the two of them actually knock out Vegeta together Goku thanks Gohan he kind of didn't want to handle that himself but it's safer this way too it's like he told Gohan finish this quick he doesn't know what's gonna happen if they don't finish it quick but he knows it's not going to be good whatever that magician is planning it has something to do with that pink monster that rat itself the father-son duo rushes over to Raditz helping him defeat Napa rabbits was already not having too tough of a time but this just turns the tide way too quickly and as a last-ditch effort while the three are fighting Napa Bobbidi teleports it trying to stop Gohan take energy with it but Gohan's far too quick turning around quick and slicing his arm at Bobby Bobby puts his shield up but it is enough Gohan Cuts right through and quickly Goku throws over a key blocks eradicating Bobby Goku Gohan and rides to Center the ground with Vegeta and Napa down their unconscious and ratatask out of curiosity what would have happened there if they didn't win well Goku doesn't know and that M disappears from both Vegeta and Napa's foreheads and Goku notes something interesting both of them have seen different visions of the future of course they're focus at different lengths of time Goku is more focused on the short term being able to see that more clearly while riding he can see the future more clearly things that are farther away preventing things from happening before they happen but Goku says it's kind of just like before even when they see certain things that may cause other bad events to happen they can change the future but they have to be careful because see what happened here they didn't prevent whatever was supposed to happen from happening but at the same time they caused whatever this is Vegeta and Napa got possessed and it almost led to something terrible it's an interesting thing to note it's a double-edged sword they can stop stuff from happening but they can also cause other things to happen they already kind of knew this but this just confirms what they already thought but they'll definitely start being more careful with it it's a good thing they were able to adapt and prevent Boo from being revived Vegeta and Napa wake up and rats calls them idiots how do they get possessed it didn't even seem like they were being control and as they continue arguing rad is able to easily find out they got possessed purposefully just to be stronger just so they could fight these two and even then they still lost Raditz calls them morons they can have put everyone at risk they could have destroyed everything they don't know what they were playing with but then he starts laughing if they really do want to grow that strong growing stronger than him just train under him they've already been doing it for so long and they just need to follow his guidance but to her anger that he even suggests that especially Vegeta he's the leader here he's the elite Saiyan the radish questions that he's above both of them right now and the Saiyans almost start fighting again but Goku jumps in and tries to calm everyone down and rad it says for what it's worth he wasn't trying to rile them up he actually meant it they could train under him if he wants Vegeta hates the idea of that he's not a low-class warrior he shouldn't be under Raditz but as for Napa he actually thinks maybe he could benefit from this besides he needs to surprise rabbits again and he thinks that's possible he can't be a subordinate although Radice tells them he has some things pretty intense in mind he's gonna actually leave her going somewhere else to try new methods of training he's not sure exactly where but he knows Earth might actually be limiting him he's not too sure and Goku's surprised to hear this too it's the first time he heard of it and Rise begins explaining more we skip a few days ahead Raditz has actually been planning this for a while he's gonna go out somewhere else Earth was never meant to be a permanent placement and he's had a good time here but he still is a sane at heart this place is too soft for him to train him and it seems nap was actually going to go along with him Vegeta of course decided against that and even if he did want to go out into space he probably wouldn't because he'd rather stay here with his family he is starting to warm up to Bulma and Trunks after all Goku tells Radice it's been fun having him over here they've grown a lot stronger together and radus laughs he says Earth isn't too fitting for him and Napa could probably agree they say Vegeta's at least a simulated fit and he gets mad at this he's still a Saiyan at heart yeah whatever they could tell it's starting to become a softy but rabbit says this isn't the last time Kakarot will see him he'll be back eventually they've done some great things together and they could probably do some more great things he sticks the hand out to his brother and this reminds Goku the first time they met but this time it's under very different circumstances and without hesitation he shakes his brother's hand smiling he says farewell of rabbits saying he hopes to meet him again soon and Napa says farewell to Vegeta Vegeta doesn't really care too much about this but Goku's optimistic about it this could work out for the bet but he wonders where his brother's gonna go to and before Radice leaves he looks over to Gohan too he tells him he's a great example of a good Saint and he tells his nephew continue making use of that great power and he looks back up at Goku telling him to do the same thing and Goku knows exactly what he means referring to that same foresight that they both have rad is Nab aboard their ships with no particular destination to mind just yet but they'll figure something out now things are going to kind of speed up a bit because the first thing we encounter is a major time scan remember the Buu saga did happen earlier so that time Skip's gonna happen too although it's gonna change a bit and the events that follow it are going to change too but I'll explain it a bit for now let's discuss what actually happens over this time skip rad is a nap a first seek out Planet cereal Napa wonders why he's even going there but Raditz needs to find the answers behind why he has this ability although he still is kind of hiding from Napa but he knows that he's probably gonna have to complain about it soon for now he just says he knows that somebody's there someone plotting against the Saiyans which is true he's foreseen the heaters but he knows this is where he needs to go it's what he was told on namik when you learned about his past and here maybe he could find the namekian who made those dragon balls and figure out what kind of wish was made the two of them arrive on planet cereal and almost immediately they're attacked Radisson foresee this but that must mean this guy's not too big of a threat he saw that the heaters would be here and he knows he'll find his answers here but he didn't learn about this guy of course it's granola he hasn't made his wish yet so he's actually not that strong compared to them although his abilities do help him fight off the two Saiyans and once he recognized that they are Saiyans he fights a lot more seriously too but amidst the fight he asked granola does he know anything about a namekian on this planet granola lies about it trying to hide monado's existence but rata says he already knows that there wasn't a mechi in here one who's still may be here someone who created the Dragon Balls he's not here to actually use the dragon balls he just wants to find his creator asking him a question about someone that made a wish a while ago granola doesn't really know how to respond about this apparently this guy does actually know about monida but he's not going to trust Radice that easily this guy could easily be lying to him so rad is things about what to do next he has an idea smiling as he makes a wager with granola this guy probably doesn't like the heaters right but what Raditz understands they used to work with the Frieza Force the Saiyans did too but the Saiyans hate Frieza oh yeah yeah and he tells granola he took part in killing Frieza even though that was mostly Goku and he thinks these heaters should go too he'll take care of the heaters for granola if he helps him and granola has no idea of what to think about all this this guy's a Saiyan but also he's apparently responsible for killing Frieza and now he's saying he'll get rid of the heaters granola uses his sight to try and study Raditz further his heart rate hasn't changed he's not sweating there's no signs of him lying or being nervous he's still cautious but he tells Raditz if he can go killed heaters he'll lead him to the creator of the dragon balls and radiss turns to Napa this shouldn't be too hard granola calls them here saying there's some thread coming up with a story to get them to come here and the heaters eventually do a ride with Radisson Napa ambushing them the two immediately Power up going into Super Saiyan 2 a form that they now have access to they didn't immediately go to Syria they've had some training in the meantime that's the whole point of rats going out into space after all wanting to train on different planets and the two of them are easily able to kill the heaters Napa doesn't even question it well there shouldn't be any remains of frieza's former allies this whole situation is pretty weird and he wonders how Raditz even knew about that but what whatever they're an ally of Frieza so he doesn't mind eliminating them but why is Raditz here in the first place what questions is he going to ask us namekia is he actually gonna get the dragon balls for himself and ask for immortality well rats can't really hide it from Napa any longer and he decides to explain to granola too just so he's more trusted and Napa can't believe it he's kind of mad that rad has hid this from them for so long that could have been really useful in battles for them and rata says he was using it in battles ever since he was a kid but he never really knew the origin of it he hit it from Napa and Vegeta for so long first because he didn't really want to give him the info and then later on because he's been lying about it for so long that it would be weird to tell them by now well while Napa processes all this they're led to Manida granola's just as dumbfounded and thanks them for defeating the heaters finally now Raditz can get his answers and he learns about barack's involvement here his father was here and that's how he made the wish and that's the wish he made Minato doesn't know the exact details of the wish just what kind of wish was made he doesn't know what happened after the fact but he's able to theorize and that just confirms it for Raditz this ability of his it was transferred to him and Goku by his dad it's all bardock's doing well well at least he knows more about it now that's one mystery solved he'll have to tell Kakarot about this one day but for the time being he's going to resume some different training that's not all that happens over this time skip Piccolo's still kind of off on his own he doesn't really know what to do right now he is kind of a good guy but also still off on his own he's not really part of the group Piccolo never had that same crucial development that he originally had he never refused to Kami either as far as we're concerned he's still Piccolo Jr The Reincarnation of King Piccolo he's working at surpassing Goku in any way possible say it or not Piccolo will find a way to defeat him although it's not really a I want to kill you rivalry it's more of just a I want to be stronger than you rivalry Piccolo still needs to prove himself somehow and he has to train intensely for this he knows what he's getting into as for Goku himself he ends up leaving Earth as well although for a much different reason he eventually consults Kami seeing if he has any other ways to train him he remembers as a kid when he used to go up the ladder in terms of training roshi core and Kami are there any other gods above him and Kami says there definitely are remember Goku doesn't even know about shin or kabito because he never met them in the Buu saga but Kami decides to send with the two of them formerly meeting each other now and kankai is amazed at this guy's strength he wonders if he could even teach him anything he crossed snake way so quickly and he's already powerful as this but maybe he can learn some of kenkai's techniques you know the Spirit Bomb the Kyle Ken this guy might have the potential to do so Goku spent some time training here and eventually feels like someone's gonna arrive soon he has a vision of it and that's because beerus actually ends up waking up earlier than normal it's due to his dream being different his dream occurs earlier and it disturbs his nap because of the prophecy that's in it and it's not like the Super Saiyan God it's not something that he immediately forgets and needs to refresh his memory about he turns to whis telling him about the dream there's a mortal out there a future rival of his one who could actually surpass him and whis wonders how that's possible when beer says it's because this Mortal the one that he dreamed of he had access to ultra Instinct and this intrigues whis really Ultra Instinct it must have just been a silly dream but beerus is sure that it's a prophecy and he remembers this Mortal being a Saiyan maybe they immediately begin their search with whis fighting one on King Kai's Planet actually which leads beerus and whis to go there King Kai doesn't even try to hide Goku this time Goku is actually the one to warn King Kai appears arriving which surprises King Kai how did he know about beerus well Goku filled King Kyan about his ability and said he foresaw it and he knows he's gonna face beerus so when beerus arrives Goku's not even surprised greeting him but beerus is surprised it's almost like this Mortal knew that he was going to come here and he asked does he know why he's here Goku doesn't really have an idea but he knows that beerus doesn't want to test his power and Goku would definitely be glad to fight him Goku Powers up starting to cycle through his forms first with Super Saiyan then Super Saiyan 2 and then a new stage Beyond it he almost tapped in the Super Saiyan 3 but felt it was too draining to be efficient he actually powers back down to the Super Saiyan and then Stacks Kaioken on top of it this is also incredibly draining too but he's also the beginning process of doing this and he feels eventually one day he might be able to stack Kaioken with Super Saiyan 2 and basically make a better version of Super Saiyan 3 on his own and this intrigues beerus this Mortal is definitely smart he seems to have a great grasp on how to control different powers but he notices something strange about Goku's fighting his strength is nowhere near beerus's level but the way he's fighting he could tell when beerus is about to attack predicting it trying to Parry it even if it might not work and there are points when beerus attacks where his speed is just too much for Goku to counter but he could tell that Goku still knew where he was going to attack and he asked Goku how is he able to do this Goku comes clean knowing that he can't hide this from the God of destruction interesting so this Mortal has the ability to prophesize things actually short term too and beers laughs that's actually the same reason he came here he had a prophecy in his dream although it wasn't nearly as Lucid as this Mortal is describing and Goku asked what that prophecy was and he said that he forced to have some sort of rival a mortal that would have a power beyond his one referred to as Ultra Instinct what Goku's doing isn't too far fetch from it his body reacts to things before it happens beers can tell he's on the right track although he's still doing all these movements consciously and he tells Goku if he can get these movements to be unconscious he'll be the strongest mortal in existence hell he could surpass the gods maybe he doesn't even think of Super Saiyan God here he's just focused on this Mortal getting Ultra Instinct it definitely seems like he could possibly do that Goku's to hear this and ask beerus what the next steps will be how can he get this Power King Kai is just as amazed this Mortal is pretty crazy not just in terms of his power either he's already friendly with beerus of how people beerus beerus never ends up going to Earth instead he just meets Goku here taking him to his planet where he's gonna start training under beerus and whis Goku thanks kenkai for the time training and now Goku is going to be ascending to a brand new level he doesn't get Super Saiyan God right away because that's not even what beerus prophesies they don't even know about it but just sometime down the line Goku actually is able to unlock it inadvertently he does need to get Max to die like he after all and beerus thinks this could somehow help him especially because at one point Goku foresee something completely different him coded an intense red Aura it's fiery almost with beerus being amazed at the power okay so he probably has to work on how you can he spends a lot of time working on that and he doesn't prove it significantly being able to use it at higher levels and not getting as injured by it but maybe that's not actually what he was seeing maybe it was something completely different and the color was the only similar thing about it because the one thing he remembers from that vision is the aura and no matter what he does with Kaioken the aura doesn't change it's the same one that he has with that with that Vision that he had he saw Flames it was a fierce key surrounding him the shape of the ore the way it flowed it didn't look like any of his forms were techniques that he currently has and beerus wonders if it's something Godly they have the Oracle fish there too someone else who knows about the future and he helps Goku out well maybe this is a godly power that he's unlocking alright well that does it they start training for that with Goku eventually unlocking Super Saiyan God passively getting access to God the key from all the time he's been training here and this amazes beerus even more he has a Godly form and not only that but he's training for Ultra Instinct this Mortal really is something else and he's very glad that he found him and remember battle gods happened much earlier too a few years earlier than normal so Goku has a lot of time training here it's not like everybody else is up to nothing too we'll get to them in a little bit at some point though Goku does have to return to Earth there is a vision he has of some of the freezer Force coming back and using the dragon balls so from what Goku can tell they found Earth and they're gonna try to revive Frieza he's able to stop it obviously he gets back to earth right before they do so wiping out the rest of the freeze force and preventing Resurrection F but with his brief return there's a lot of questions for him mainly from Vegeta where the hell has Goku been he spent time training a lot he's unlocked Super Saiyan 2 and even went beyond it getting Super Saiyan 3. and Goku's pretty impressed with that oh he actually got that same thing too but decided it wasn't really too worthwhile and Vegeta kind of expected as such they both know the downside so did Gohan because he also got it too although Goku is pretty surprised that Vegeta was training with Gohan well Gohan was still decently motivated here and Vegeta needed some strong training partner so why not a fellow Saiyan especially one who is stronger than him Goku didn't realize it's been so long since he last Saw Vegeta he's come back to earth now and again seeing his family and such this is the first time he actually came back to Earth and fought somebody and Vegeta was able to sense that power immediately coming over man Vegeta's stomach drops when he hears that Goku has been acquainted with Lord virus he's actually training under whis with Lord beerus and Goku says if he wants to meet them they're here too that's how he got here and Vegeta sees beerus and whis nearby immediately being terrified well he asked what he's been training for why is he trading with them what could he have possibly got in that impressive beerus that punch Goku says he probably won't be able to sense it but he could still show it to Vegeta with him going into Super Saiyan God although this is only the first stage of power that is God it's been a while and he's already gone beyond it as he then transforms once more turning into Super Saiyan blue in this time that he's been gone Goku's unlocked two new forms with Godly powers that Vegeta doesn't even know about he can't even sense them and he's fuming but he wants them too and Goku could tell that he does want to train for this power so Goku decides to ask beerus can Vegeta come along with them it would be great for him to have a nice training partner after all especially if he helps Vegeta transform too hell while he's at it he could probably have Gohan to come there although he has tried that before in his past visits to Earth and Gohan didn't actually really want to go since he does want to stay here the beerus reluctantly accepts it because yeah it could benefit him Vegeta is way behind Goku but now he's actually aiming for something new but Goku wonders wherever Addison Napa gone it's been so long since he's seen them and he asked Vegeta have they returned to Earth at all and Vegeta says no he hasn't seen them in a while well Goku sure they'll show up one day besides Raditz probably already knows about this power but he does wonder where they've been and what they've been up to what if they've been trying to access in terms of strength and there's one last brief time skip in between Battle of Gods and up to the universe 6 tournament this one's a few years instead of just about a year or so and now it's time for them to choose a team Goku Vegeta are the obvious picks and Goku wonders if he should choose Gohan or Piccolo he knows Piccolo's heavily been keeping up with his training and he hasn't seen the guy in a while wondering what he's been doing but instead Goku ends up recruiting Gohan for the team finding out that in the time that they've been gone Gohan needed a new training partner he has been kind of keeping up with his training here and there and surprisingly that trading partner he found was Piccolo now remember again Piccolo's not really close with anyone here he doesn't have that same bomb with Gohan that he has normally they barely know each other but here out of a necessity the two decided they should train with each other they're both strong although Gohan is way ahead of Piccolo and this training could really help them oh so that's perfect they can recruit Gohan and Piccolo and then for the fifth member maybe that just find Krillin or somebody else but then two people appear out of nowhere it's Raditz and Napa and Goku's elated he knew the show up eventually but how did they appear they don't have a spaceship well Brad says he knew to come back here okay that's pretty obvious but how did he get back here they've been to different planets out in space trying to train in different locations you know planets with higher gravity planets with intense environments and planets that probably have unique techniques which led them to Planet yard a place that Raditz vaguely knew about Napa even suggested it too they have some strange techniques there and since radish has his own strange technique maybe the two of them work together who knows where the yard rats are capable of although nothing he learned there really helped him with his foresight and radisson's foresight is already good enough he's pretty good at seeing things long term and he's now working on the short term like Goku was but they did still learn some interesting things there mainly about Spirit control which means they have instant transmission Piccolo decides that he's not gonna be on the team he'd rather watch the Saiyans fight he wants to see what they've all been up to getting more intelligent than that he hasn't seen any of them for a while including Goku he doesn't know what they're capable of the best way to gauge his power against them is to just watch from the stands which lets Radisson Napa join the team although Piccolo doesn't really get to do much watching because the tournament goes by pretty quickly Universe 7 was lucky enough to have Goku go up first because he's easily able to defeat all his opponents yeah and Frost isn't a problem either because he will know that Frost is going to try to poison him he actually calls Frost out but instead of frost forfeiting Goku still fights him and just wins the old-fashioned way the most interesting opponent to him is hit but he knows his ability he knows he can time Skip and this makes him concerned how does this guy know about him and his abilities Goku says it's a long story but he knows a way to counter this guy he immediately Powers up in a Super Saiyan blue this might actually be too much because he's a lot stronger with Super Saiyan blue than normal remember he's been trading with beers for so much longer than normal that he's way past where he was even if he didn't go in the room of spirit in time for three years before this tournament as head starts attacking Goku is able to perfectly Dodge and Parry all of his attacks and Champa looks at beerus in disbelief that can't be what he thinks it is is it and beerus says it isn't but this Mortal deathly is on the path to ultra Instinct and this is a good Showcase of it fighting in opponent that can manipulate time Goku is still moving his body consciously but there are some movements that are unconscious and there aren't brief instances where his Aura flares up changing vaguely beers is on the edge of his seat waiting for Goku to try something different but it never happens he's able to defeat Hit pretty easily in fact even with the time skip that's not an issue but he meets with beers after the tournament he could tell he's almost there he's almost got a hang of his power he'll be able to use it unconsciously and then he'll truly become beerus's Rival Well he didn't unlock Ultra Instinct yet but beerus could tell that he's on the track too and he's elated before we continue in the present timeline what's happening in the future timeline it's been a bit since we covered them and a couple of things have changed well obviously this future timeline is starting to rebuild itself a lot of things have returned to normal which is great for them and especially with someone like Goku around and his ability they're going to be safe for the near future as well and the far future the future Warriors don't really encounter any threats at this point either pretty much like you'd expect just like what happened with trunks although at some point Shannon capito do appear on Earth to try and stop Majin Buu as well as Bobby and Deborah and surprisingly the Kai see that Goku is aware that they're going to come to Earth and he's already ready to join them they don't even really need to explain anything well they do need to explain some stuff Goku just knows that they're here to help for something that they're going to face in the future but Goku tells them apparently they win he tells the Kai's his ability at least after he learns who they are and that he could trust them and he did see some other vague things too but for now they're gonna focus on this thread so boot wasn't really too hard to stop especially since they have more people around considering trunks was actually able to stop Deborah in his tracks and bobbity 2 obviously it shouldn't really be too hard when we have a stronger trunks here plus two people that are stronger than him alongside him Shane and Kabuto end up Surviving too which is obviously a pretty big deal because one of the things Goku did foresee is somebody attacking this timeline but he doesn't really know who strangely enough it seemed like he saw himself in the vision but that can't be right little does he know and another timeline Goku black is born but there's a kind of a predicament here Goku black obviously does want to attack trunks's timeline or I guess future Goku's timeline because he's the main one there but unlike originally Shannon still live which means beerus is still alive there that's going to be a pretty big obstacle so he knows to obviously just Target he can work around it I mean he was able to do in his timeline so he'll be able to kill Akai in that timeline too especially once you Cruise zamasu Goku black travels to this new timeline but as he gets to the Sega roller Kaiser Universe 10 he's shocked to see that there's some visitors there go ASU and zamasu are there but also future Goku and future Shin wait why is that mortal here but he realized now how could he forget apparently from what he's heard that mortal has some sort of ability to see the future he must have seen this happening but he's not even from the this time on he shouldn't have seen Goku Black coming here future Goku doesn't mess around either especially with the timeline that he's in while he still does love fighting he knows not to take any risk here he doesn't know what this threat is capable of especially because it's hip he still doesn't really know who Goku black is but from what he remembered he saw Goku black teaming up with zamasu once he told shin and kabito this they were able to figure out that he was talking about zamasu Goku didn't know who the guy was but he described the kai and shin was able to point it out pretty easily and they got here around the time that Goku is suspected Goku black would show up and during the fight Goku black noticed that Goku is actually pretty confident he doesn't know why that is he could tell Goku doesn't really know what's going on but Goku says he doesn't really mind he knows they'll win here he already foresaw it that's why they're here he came here to stop this the whole reason he had that vision is because in that Vision he was present here he knew to come here he knew he would come here and stop whatever's about to happen from happening it's pretty much one of those self-fulfilling prophecies again Goku black tries to tap into that same ability but of course he doesn't know the first thing about it or even if he can do it he can maybe use it during the fight but that's not gonna happen hell he can't even transfer form but Goku can and Goku black promises he'll kill Goku in this time like he did with that other Goku and zamasu he knows that deep down he wants to join he'll get zamasu to come onto his side they are one of the same after all zamasu has no clue of what he's talking about Goku black has no time to explain because he's too preoccupied fighting Goku and it's a pretty tough battle but there are a few big things in Goku's favor for one with zombies who's seeing this world under threat and not having any connection to Goku black yet he surprisingly decides to help here too which is good because he could heal Goku as an apprentice Kai with that ability he'll be able to restore Goku if he needs but that doesn't really happen at first Goku Paces himself eventually going to Super Saiyan 2 and then getting ready to end this as quickly as possible he transforms once more showing off his new strongest power Super Saiyan 3 Zombies who can't believe what he's seeing a mortal growing that strong but that other Goku it can sends Divine key in it a very familiar Divine key zamasu is conflicted and while he Harbors these thoughts against Mortals he hasn't fully turned evil yet and on a whim he heals Goku restoring him to his full strength while Super Saiyan 3 and with that he's able to defeat Goku black with ease Goku black does have the body of a stronger Goku because the Goku's body that he stole is one that trained longer but at the same time he has no practice with it the only practice he has is killing everyone in his universe and his timeline he's not as practiced as the Goku black we saw once he first encountered Goku so with future Goku off of Super Saiyan 3 it's pretty Overkill and once again this timeline is saved this time before it even happens although there is something else that future Goku foresaw a meeting with the God of destruction of his Universe beerus although future Goku does find it pretty strange they still don't know who Goku black is but how did he come to be Goku black said he killed the Goku in another timeline but how did that Goku not foresee it but then he realizes was it the one that he went to the past to save because he focused more on short-term stuff than long-term Visions maybe he wasn't actively looking for a threat he's not too sure and maybe he'll never know yeah I know this is probably getting very confusing with all these Goku's and all timeline stuff just like the actual Series so it's staying faithful at least but yeah the third other Goku the one that Goku black killed he actually didn't foresee that coming and while future Goku is excited to meet beerus he decides to take a brief detour going back to the past Samurai Jack meeting his present self again the main Goku that we know here after trying to explain it even though it's very confusing Goku kind of sees what's going on and then he tries to actively seek what's happened and yup he sees himself fighting himself and he's green for some reason but again they still don't know how Goku black came to be or how to stop him but future Goku tells him zamas who's involved somehow so just watch out for him here oh well that's good anything's future gohu from coming back here and decides to give him a tip too if beers are still around in this timeline he shows off Super Saiyan God giving him a little bit of a head start too a future Goku thanks his present self it seems this trip back was pretty beneficial even though it was pretty short because now the future timeline is safe and the present timeline's safe that third timeline though didn't really get so lucky and Goku glad that his future self came back and helped them again even though he still can't really wrap his head around what's going on but whatever he'll leave that timeline stuff up to the Kai's because obviously never gets the Super Dragon Balls in this timeline and Goku black never comes to be in this timeline either which is good because now we get to see how strong Goku actually is and what Goku black would have had access to had he actually practiced with his body after they stop all the zamasu stuff Goku's back on beerus is playing once more with Radice there too beerus knows he has some sort of similar abilities and maybe he could be a pretty useful training partner for Goku but at the same time beerus doesn't even know if Goku really needs it because now he has something truly amazing with all this practice he's starting to use something that kind of reminds beerus of ultra Instinct amidst their fights Goku's force that allows it to predict moves pretty accurately but it's still not subconscious he needs to push Goku to that level and during this sparring match he might finally be able to push Goku towards doing this with all of whis's teachings in mind and the pressure of fighting beerus Goku's finally able to tap into it using these Vision subconsciously and having his body moves subconsciously alongside it he Taps into Ultra Instinct first being Omen and he has a surprisingly good grasp on it the power of it does seem a little bit draining but unlike the first time he unlocked it in the tournament of power in the main story story he seems to have better control here and he can actually attack with it too and they Spar for a brief while it only ends because a Goku gets tired out he doesn't lose the fight and that's how beerus knows her on the right track and radiss is intrigued by this too he can't believe his brother got this far ahead he needs to catch up quick maybe he should have focus on those short-term things instead although he does Brack to Goku he was the first one to foresee zamasu Goku tells him it apparently wasn't soon enough because they're both dead in another timeline oh kind of a bummer but radish promises his brother he'll tap into the same power soon and he promises it to be yours too in case you couldn't tell things are pretty chill right now for lack of a better word besides zamasu there's not really any threats everyone is just continuing their normal lives Napa is back on Earth too once more training with Gohan and with the ability to learn with Raditz it's pretty useful in battle beerus kind of ignores the other Saiyans he's really only focused on Goku and allowed radish to come here because he had that similar ability so maybe he can't unlock Ultra Instinct too but he still doesn't really know yet although he's glad that Goku already has it especially this early on this is when the Goku black would have happened Goku at this point is already far stronger than he was in the main story and on top of that he now has UI Omen so yeah you could probably see where this is going once we get to the tournament of power that still does happen and in terms of the team it is a little bit strange we got Goku Gohan Raditz Vegeta and Napa Krill intention hanaroshi Yamcha and Piccolo and outside of the humans really pretty much everyone here is radically different from where they were in the main story Goku has this foresight he's still Goku he's very similar to how he was normally but he has gone through very different things and has different abilities and is stronger Gohan has that motivation from his future self and his father too also being a training partner with Vegeta Vegeta doesn't really have that rivalry with Goku he's kind of accepted that he won't really catch up especially because he knows they have some sort of weird abilities Napa spilled with beanstein and he's mainly just surprised they kept a secret for that long as for Napa and Raditz they're alive so that's always different and Piccolo didn't really go to the same development that he did and he is kind of a good guy now but he's more like how Vegeta was during the sales Saga for example so while this team does have some similarity to the main one it's still pretty different in its own way whether it be some of the different characters being here or how much some of the characters have changed and the reason I'm pointing that out is because there's nothing really else to cover with the tournament to put in simple terms it's kind of a wash Goku might try and give himself a handicap though try not to use his foresight to win but by now he already has Ultra Instinct so he already kind of does that subconsciously beerus does tell him to take it serious and Goku responds by saying he knows they'll win there's a path to Victory he's already foreseen it okay well beerus knows that but still take it serious and Goku says he thinks he could do this without his foresight and truly test Ultra Instinct well in that case beerus is kind of up for it Goku maintains Ultra Instinct pretty much throughout the entire tournament too mostly using Omen also there's Raditz using a lot of spear control multiplying himself and using clones to teleport around to save everyone eliminated so his team doesn't even get eliminated but there is one opponent who they do kinda need to take seriously jiren although it's still not a problem Goku Powers up to ultra Instinct the actual Ultra Instinct not just only the gods look on completely perplexed Not only was using Ultra Instinct throughout the entire tournament and now he has this version of it like the actual Ultra Instinct but it's not just him rat is powered up as well going into Ultra Instinct Omen surprisingly the others didn't even know he had this and he's got to finally use this against an opponent he has tried it against beerus and he does know he's behind Goku still but he will be able to catch up he's way behind in terms of power he had a much later start with Godly key and godly training but he got alternating pretty quickly even though he's not his practice with it the two fight together not relying on their foresight they're just using Ultra Instinct as it's meant to be which kind of doesn't mean they're relying on their foresight but they feel like they are following the handicap and they are able to defeat jiren together Universe 7 wins and the wish is made to restore all the other universes so as you kind of expect we're at a point where the foresight is just completely overpowered this is why I didn't give him the ability right away because then there wouldn't really be a story if Goku just predict everything and stop it before it happens yeah that wouldn't really work too well but now here I mean there's really no way around it at this point they would have it they have complete control of it whether that be short-term or long term and besides that blunder with that other timeline where Goku black was able to get Goku's body they're able to use it perfectly future Goku has it too and his life's going perfectly fine he's even met beerus probably getting Super Saiyan God already becoming his rival in that timeline too but back to the main timeline again what happens next there's no Broly movie because there's no Frieza either and unfortunately there's no reason for Goku or radish to actually foresee Broly either because there's no way for him to get involved so he's stuck on vampa as for Moro that is one thing that they're able to foresee but again it's not really a problem especially when you have rabbits mares doesn't even need to intervene once Moro escapes before he even gets cinamic radic decides to intervene himself using instant transmission which he really loves using although it's kind of a bad thing because he ends up on Mortal ship and now he's in the middle of space so if this ship explodes he's kind of screwed but he still knows he'll win here and he knows he has to stop this he grabs on tomorrow and teleport to a nearby Planet alright much safer he then activates Ultra Instinct once more and more has no idea of what's going on but by the time he tries to guess what's happening it's already too long Raditz has already drained his energy and he's far too drained to do anything and radiss isn't the merciful type even though he's a good guy now he's Raditz he's a normal Saiyan and it's best for him to kill more room anyway so that's exactly what happens huh that guy wasn't too much of a challenge he knew he would become a threat eventually but hey it's good that he stopped him here that's the whole reason rad is from that long-term foresight anyways because he wanted to prevent threats from happening and inadvertently they're preventing even more threats there's no granola Arc the heaters are already gone actually there kind of was already a granola Arc I guess when they met granola before so besides the heaters being gone granola is actually an ally if anything Raditz has already been to cereal and that's all set and as much as I'd love to have a superhero come into play here too because I love superhero this time we're gonna end up skipping that as well I mean Goku had to deal with a vision of cell before one teases another vision of cell seeing that he might come back in another form also being giant well he has no clue what this is but it's probably another cell and he does not want that to happen again he gets Gohan to help him too and he tells Gohan he's gonna see what he did to the Red River Army a while ago although this time not as brutal they infiltrate the red ribbon's base and immediately they're attacked there's a brand new Android gamma wand but it's just gamma 1. they attack so early early and so preemptively that gamma 2 is not even made yet he's in the process of being made and Cell Max is not far along at all although they don't even kill anyone they're able to easily just knock out all the soldiers holding off Gamma 1 as they're also able to destroy Cell Max before he's fully made with Dr hater watching in disbelief as his whole creation goes down in flings magenta and Karma aren't really too happy either although haydo's happy that at least gamma 1's still here and Gamma 2 is almost done so maybe there's a shot well not really although luckily things turn out pretty well for him this time Goku is not just gonna completely obliterate the Red Ribbon Army I mean he's surprised that they're even still around but Hato takes it upon himself to stop them once he realizes that if he and Gamma 1 want to be superheroes they can't be with the red ribbon Army so this ends pretty nicely and by the time gamma 2 is actually awakened haters already had a change of heart so the Gammas are still around celmax has stopped and the Red Ribbon Army stopped so that wraps up everything pretty nicely but that doesn't mean Goku is going to stop trying to surpass himself yeah he's strong and everyone around him is too although he's pretty far above everyone Raditz is catching up though even with no threats around them that's a good thing the good Focus completely on training focus on getting stronger and beers is glad his prophecy came true the prophecy of him finding a rival although it's even better because not only is there one there's two and they're both using Ultra Instinct this is so much better than what he ever expected and funnily enough it's not even just his prophecy Goku was one to foresee it too Goku and beerus they were destined to meet destined to be Rivals and now I guess radish is part of that too once again they created a new Destiny for themselves shaping it changing the future this time without any ill effects well besides the zamasu thing but luckily they had another version of Goku come from another timeline to help them with that and even then in that one rare instance where their foresight didn't work in their favor it still was a good learning experience Vegeta and Napa are still kind of a disbelief of how strong these two are those low-class Warriors especially Raditz the saying that they fought alongside for so long they kept that secret forever they never realized how truly potent his strength was or rather that ability and the fact that Kakarot has the same thing but they're not done either Napa knows as an elite saying he needs to keep up and same for Vegeta he is the prince after all those low-class Warriors may have their fancy abilities but these two they all rise to the top of me even though they do have a long way to go catching up with ultra Instinct and all Gohan finds this admirable too but still glad that he was able to grow so fast even without that ability beerus lays back on his Planet relaxed he and we Swatch as Goku and rad and so far Raditz tells Goku he will tap an ultra Instinct the complete version of it he's already on track to doing that and Goku is more than glad to help keeping up with the same rivalry that they had and once again like many times before he sticks out a hand to rats telling his brother they'll agree to work together once more surpassing themselves this time with a much more obtainable goal and radiss looks like Goku with a smile shaking his hand again he would have never expected his weak little brother to be this strong and it looks like their father got his wish after all and then some kakaron Rodgers have thrived and they're still thriving now thriving in the realm of gods and this is where our story ends what'd you guys think about the scenario I know this part went out of Breakneck speed but really not much would happen with those arcs but hopefully with all the stuff I added I was able to make it more enjoyable this scenario was pretty fun to cover and I hope you guys enjoyed it too as usual if you like the video be sure to drop a like And subscribe if you haven't already it shows if you want to see more like this and it does really help out the channel anyways thank you all for watching thanks for scoring the scenario all the way through and I'll see you all in my next video
Channel: Salad Saiyan
Views: 248,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dbs, dbz, dbz what if, discussion, dragon ball, dragon ball super, dragon ball z, explain, explained, meme, q&a, question, saiyan, salad, salad saiyan, scenario, theory, what if, what-if, super, arc, saga, raditz, turned, good, bardock, goku, kakarot, foresight, future, gohan, piccolo, vegeta, nappa, earth, tien, trained, training, force, army, zenkai, survived, lived, turn, ssj, trunks, ssj2, beerus, whis, god, hit, ki, hakai, destroyer, king, kai, ssb, ssg, ssgss, blue, kaioken, ssbkk, ui, mui, cui, ultra, instinct, ssj3, jiren, moro, granolah
Id: 7Tl8C4aTbMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 32sec (8132 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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