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okay the end is near description one of the end dimension Poros malfunctioned causing the spread of an in planetary infection that seep into the world and creating a hybrid of the end well only one thing to do yep you heard that right everybody this is minecraft but the end is mixed with the real world oh my gosh I am very very excited so I clearly I am in the real world because I can sleep otherwise I would have blown up on me but if you guys are excited to see what all what minecraft is like when the end is mixed with the normal world make sure hit the like button subscribe if you new and let's get into it let's just do this yeah so this is a bedrock edition map that just came out and as you guys know me I love playing these survival spawns I mean this looks pretty normal there's an end castle right away so hopefully by the end of the episode we have explored everything in there like we have a pagan like what's this wooden stuff okay got a map we got some armor I mean that's pretty good right we got some armor let's see what this map looks like empty map oh okay I mean it's not really not really helpful but I will go ahead and take everything here and take the torches so not too bad what's a little little piggy how you doing Oh what the heck is that what the heck is this thing hello how okay it's a shocker okay I'm gonna kill you now because you're creeping me out oh god now I'm levitating okay right okay okay this isn't fun no no no not like this I'm not trying to die immediately please I think I'm dead Wow there goes half my health this is like a shocker creeper ah now I'm going again no wait hold on and in the water land in the water land in the water done see I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine okay so this is already very strange but we have like n stone of other blocks one of this guy drops oh he dropped he dropped in a light row I already have an electro bruh okay that's kind of weird I feel like that's kind of weird but it's fine I'm down with having a light show already why don't we do a little bit more sprinkle it let's first of all what is this block and I break it with a shovel pickaxe pickaxe seems to be do the trick this is infected grass interesting Oh okay this feels almost like terraria with their infected areas this is super weird coarse dirt that just looks a little different with the resource pack let's see what sigh is this a village this seems to be some sort of hybrid and a village weird how's it going guys it's not nighttime III don't think I'll ever know what time it is cuz it's there's no Sun or moon but it's fine and get some food at least you know at least that's normal get some hay bales get some bread gamers okay so this looks different as well so this is just normal dirt okay what is this this is clay and I'm assuming this is wood ah this is bizarre oh hello is this your stone this is cobblestone so cobblestone looks like this now weird what is this this is under Flint gravel man this is so bizarre is there somewhere well I mean why don't we go ahead and just start off the day getting ourselves some stone tools in the end world this is so bizarre it is cool though I really do love playing survival spawns like these cuz it's just so weird and different I guess we can go ahead and get some wooden planks and make a normal crafting table put that down let's get some sticks and then I guess a cobblestone yes don't pick axe and we can make a sword yep there we go not too bad so I mean this is just cold yeah that's just cool looks like coal tastes like coal smells like coal that's pretty good see if only minecraft actually did stuff like this this would be super cool I'm not gonna lie this is really cool we got magma here for some reason like this is lead anywhere no it's just it's just here ooh what is it what the heck is this it makes a different noise and everything what is this I have no idea what this is it is probably something I just can't break yeah I didn't I didn't think so what is this what is this this is marble then what is this this is rock candy what the heck rock candy can I eat this eat this I can what the heck is this business world what do I even live now this is so weird I thought this would just be like iron and diamonds but I don't remember being able to eat diamonds this is freaking weird dude maybe I can like craft something diamond what I don't have diamonds this is so bizarre this is super weird this is a rock candy or so they have custom stuff here cause I'm like I don't remember being able to eat diamonds but what we can do at least is we can go ahead and make some more sticks and why don't we get ourselves like an axe and a shovel and call that a day let's head out into this weird end city I mean there's only one place to go and that is to explore it seems like this end village has been they destroyed or consumed or something I am down to explore it's at nighttime yet can I sleep is not night time yet okay well um I guess let's just go this is super weird I'm having a good time I am having a good time okay how do we get inside that think this might be some stairs here and yes we have stairs okay all right we have a way in I'm down let's go exploring time I mean what's the worst that could happen right uh okay this is definitely not oh hello hello I'm scared why are you coming towards me I'm really scared ah okay it looks like the end Enderman that's really creepy this is like cursed images to the max that is so creepy oh my god am I the only one that's creeped out by this okay whew iron hello I will take all of this yes low falling end pod got some enchantments a lead a candid yeah this is definitely cursed images like this is 100% cursed image like I am NOT down like this is so creepy it's like the village was consumed but there's like lore to this which is crazy like the villagers this is a normal village that's what they all lived it's abandoned and now they live in this end City that has popped up they've all been turned into Enderman villages villagers this is creepy dude this is super creepy but it's like interesting and kind of cool and stuff like a look at this look like this is crazy hello how are you going suck touch if they even grow Coris fruits this is so freakin creepy this is 100% curse imaging first images all right that's where we want to go we want to go aboard that ship and see if can find some loot but this is so cool I love this look at this is like a new house I sleep here now this is where I live I am now becoming one with the Enderman what if like by the end of it like my face is just an Enderman that'd be crazy whoa okay hello diamonds are gold and the pearls emeralds iron bread gotta get that bread no that's I will take all this I get it now knowing this will probably have to end up fighting some things so I'm gonna go ahead and just make ourselves a chest plate there's big houses over there but I'm more so interested in what is inside these ships because usually in normal minecraft is where you get the good stuff let's take a look so far no mobs have attacked me which is nice I guess it's just cuz the everything has been consumed it's like normal Wow oh no and that is how you get some freaking loot you know what I'm saying is a very very nice Oh baby don't mind if I do oh my gosh piercing for that is quite nice hello Purple Cow how are you you drop normal meat yes he does that would have been like cursed me or something alright everybody so now that we have basically explored the end city that comes along with this world just to show you just expedite things we're gonna go ahead and go into creative mode and show you some of the custom stuff that I wasn't actually able to get to you can see we've got like right what the heck exp crystal blocks like what the heck is this what that is this and break it and get exp have no idea um anyways if we go over to the diamonds and stuff everything's pretty normal here all of the arrows you know there's no custom armor so a lot of things I've stayed the same something just gets like a new coat of paint like logs and stone but if we go over here to the eggs we get mini dragons shelled creepers and those are two of the new mobs we got in the game now I was kind of disappointed cuz we didn't get to see the mini dragon so that's why we're in creative mode but as you can see we've already fought the Shelf creepers I don't know these guys don't actually explode as far as I know like I'm here I'm chilling he's just he's just shot me thanks a lot Unepic so yeah they don't actually you know who explode but this is a shelled creeper kind of creepy very creepy but the cool thing we've got four mini dragons so I did a little plate through just to test out the map and I had two of these guys abused me like they just just came at me and destroyed me but many dragons are pretty dang cool yeah I don't know how they spawned to be honest but yeah I had three of these dudes flying at me abusing me because what they do is they act almost like I don't know what the mobs are called but they'll come down and they'll attack to you like so so it's like you gotta defend yourself oh god wait there's another one there we go we've got a normal one no that's cool and all but what happens if you actually go to the end so I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and set block here here here as in and and bottom mmm we are in the portal now we are in the end now and we have a normal ender dragon which i think is pretty cool I do like that that's still the same so you can still smack the dragon around and do all that fun stuff pretty dope it's still normal now what about the nether I actually have not check it out the nether so we're gonna go ahead and set block boom boom boom boom boom ah there we go so now we are in the nether okay what the heck is this this is exp crystal or I see I see so courts have been replaced with exp crystals gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha other than that the nether still looks the same except for the exp crystals when that which now stand out like a sore thumb but that's pretty much it guys this is the what happen if minecraft combined with the end and made their own dimension which is pretty dang cool I hope you guys enjoyed if you did make sure hit the like button subscribe for new would you guys survive in a world like this let me know in the comments down below and of course if you wanted to do me a favor and check me out on Twitter I will be live-streaming today for like three hours playing on cosmic check me out on Twitter links in the description I'll see you guys there thank you so much for watching and you're back yay
Channel: AlexACE
Views: 146,255
Rating: 4.9350519 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft maps, minecraft bedrock edition, minecraft end city, minecraft end mods, minecraft herobrine, games, game, lets play, minecraft alexace, alexace, lazarbeam, ender dragon, ender village, ender villager, minecraft cursed images, cursed minecraft
Id: 76PcCEKl0Xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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