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in this video we turn mobs and minecraft into armor if you guys do enjoy make sure to subscribe it's free and it helps me out a lot guys also don't forget today at 7 00 p.m eastern standard time i'm gonna be live on twitch playing minecraft dungeons so if you want to come hang out links in the description today's shout out the day comes from my discord craftingdead261 has created an amazing drawing of the pumpkin god so thank you so much you're an absolute legend anyways guys i hope you guys enjoy the video alrighty gamers here we are in the world of minecraft once again last time we did minecraft but every block can turn into a sword this time we're gonna do minecraft but every mob can turn into armor that's right this armor mob armor mod makes it so that you can become any of your favorite mobs and obviously get their abilities so we're gonna go through each one of these and see which one is the best and obviously use it to fight the ender dragon so let's begin where it all begins and that's with the zombies so we've got the zombie mask the zombie chest plate the pants and of course the boots and uh if we put these all on obviously i will become a zombie you know pretty dope pretty cool and let's see our abilities uh we have no main abilities no hidden abilities but we're immune to poison so nothing crazy i mean it's just as good as i would say diamond armor so it's obviously very good one thing that should happen is i should technically be on fire right now but i guess that would that would you know make the armor not that good but you get night vision as well i guess that's kind of like a hidden ability i mean immunity poison not that great but it's zombie's arm you know zombie armor is pretty basic up next we have let's do the enderman we have enderman which gives you a bonus of more health which is pretty nice you have a main ability which you hold shift to shoot ender pearls anywhere you aim and the hidden ability of teleporting when you touch water which is you know pretty accurate to being an enderman dude look at me i'm like a short little enderman endermen are usually taller lanky but i'm a short little beefy enderman what's up so bro so if i just hold shift uh oh oh i can just like teleport anywhere as if i was an enderman that's pretty cool and then obviously if i touch water then you know gonna be able to teleport around and i have a whoa that's a lot of extra health okay endermen are apparently very tanky boys you do take damage in the water though so you got to be a little careful you got to be a little careful but pretty cool nonetheless let's hop into the next one the next one i'm looking forward to the iron golem this one's got to be good yeah bonus health and damage launch mobs in the air every punch makes them fly no hidden ability but man you are gonna be super strong alrighty so as you can see i have a lot of extra health like a lot a lot like like a lot a lot but not only that but i can also launch mobs apparently oh well i mean i i maybe i'm a little too strong to be launching a chicken because i'll instantly kill it because i have a bonus 14 damage pretty good what about like uh what about like a horse let me see if i'll launch them up hello mr horse bop okay i don't know if that's how maybe i have to hold shift oh and i killed it okay all right i'm not sure i'm gonna be able to launch any of these mobs because i'm just gonna one shot them but just take my word for it you should be able to launch mobs in the air up next we have the zombie pigman of course uh this is immunity to fire obviously no main ability but when your health is below 10 your speed increases by 2 and your damage increases as well so pretty good overall uh armor you know immunity to fire is nice and of course if you're taking a lot of damage you get like a boost in damage and in speed so it's just like a good overall one and of course you get night vision and up next we have the spider one which i mean obviously we all know what we're gonna get wall climbing and leaping on attacks that is interesting let's see what that means i don't know what that means but obviously we can wall climb oh interesting oh weird oh that's kind of weird but kind of cool so like when spiders attack they like actually like pounce on you and like because you're a spider you you do the same thing it's kind of weird but it's it's interesting it's interesting you also have less health i just realized as well you have uh two less hearts so obviously you can climb up walls and stuff but you are a little bit squishier all right up next the blaze one this one's gotta be cool for sure let's see the blaze gives you flight immunity to fire hold c to shoot fireballs and hold shift to glide that's really good i am literally just able to fly i can glide so i can just like stay in the area and if i hold c oh i think it works now okay so when i'm flying i can just shoot fireballs everywhere okay that's pretty good like literally no cool down i could be like yep just gonna shoot fireballs this class seems uh a little opaque this armor um yeah nope just fireballs flight uh i can glide i don't even take fall damage like if i had to pick a an armor to fight the underdragon this is definitely the one i'm using right now up next we have the wither skeleton one this one's gonna be a little interesting let's take a look so we get immunity to wither fire withering punches and no hidden abilities so that's pretty i have invisibility wait what oh i see they gave me invisibility so it looks like i'm actually a skeleton but it doesn't i think my my body's on backwards it's kind of weird but it it's fine it's fine but uh obviously you get wither when you punch someone and your immunity you have immunity to wither and of course fire so pretty solid class especially if you're fighting the weather himself i like how i'm saying clash like this is an mmorpg but it's just armor i don't know why i'm saying that all righty up next is the gas oh this one's gonna be interesting this one's gonna be cool okay flight media fire hold c to shoot gas fireballs okay okay but as you can see i am very squishy but i do shoot like i mean these giant fireballs so that is also kind of cool oh jesus there's a chance sometimes you send out a ton of them i don't know how but it it works it works definitely a glass cannon armor piece like you're gonna die okay this one we've been all we've all been waiting for the creeper armor set which gives you pretty much nothing and if you hold c you cause an explosion so pretty just good all-around armor piece you just hey man what's up and yeah you just explode i mean it's there's really nothing nothing else to say up next the cave spider pretty much the same as a normal spider but you hit and when you hit you do poison and we have the wither this is the actual weather not just the wither skeleton this will be interesting but we have 200 plus hp we have flight debuff humidity immunity to fire if we hold c we shoot the blue with your skulls if we hold x we shoot wither skulls from our third heads and we hold v we cause a huge explosion so not only can we become normal mobs but we can also become bosses look at this look at me i am the wither oh my god this is so cool so yeah i can just be like oh hey what's up let me just shoot uh blue wither skull at ya nope it's sometimes it doesn't work sometimes it doesn't it's fine oh jesus let me do that but yeah i can i can shoot down his skulls just like the weather this is so cool this is so cool i am the winner all righty up next we have before we go on to the ender dragon we've got the snow golem which is just me it's it's it's the oh uh something's a little wrong with me but i when you walk you're supposed to leave a snow trail i think this one's in development and then we have the phantom which is just flight and night vision so nothing crazy but let's do the ender dragon oh my god 180 hp flight debuff immunity immediate fire holds c to shoot dragon fireballs hold x to knock back and damage nearby enemies and hidden ability is fast region so uh yeah hey what's up bro oh what's that you think you can you think you can get me i'm the ender dragon i can shoot fireballs well they're not really like fireballs but you know but i want to see like what is this ability again hold x to like knock back enemies whoa it's like that's awesome i wonder how many times you'd have to kill the ender dragon to actually get this piece of armor like legit it would probably be a lot alrighty now we're not done just yet because there are still three sets of armor actually and these are special mod special armors we have the chameleon which it's pretty simple you become fully invisible of course we have the powered creeper which we definitely have to try and then we have the pink wither which is gives you flight love and lot more love and it's it's basically just the normal wither but uh it's very wholesome and pink i think that's pretty much it it's a little weird a little weird i'm not gonna lie it's a little weird so yeah when you shoot out you you shoot out flowers and um when i when i hold the v key i i i poop out flowers it's it's pretty awesome but finally the one we've been waiting for the oh god the charged creeper so we just hold c and oh g oh oh oh that's a big that's that's a big explosion charge creeper does what charge creepers do they do bigger explosions now if i had to choose one to fight the ender dragon i would say either the wither the dragon himself or the blaze but you know what for the video we gotta do ender dragon vs ender dragon of course all right ladies and gentlemen it's time to fight who will win the ender dragon or the ender dragon what are my abilities again hold c okay okay that doesn't work how i thought it would it's fine obviously i can fly we're just gonna take care of these things really quick i'm immune to flames nothing can stop me back okay i mean i'm not like immune to explosions but you know all right ender dragon it's time you want to go fam and you want to go i can shoot a fireball too i don't think it does damage you though second roar i can roll back at you i mean i for some reason any of my abilities don't actually do damage to you but it's fine it's fine so yeah fighting nanodragon is pretty easy when you're also in a dragon unfortunately your abilities don't actually do anything but the fact that i can fly makes this pretty good pretty good bad balance fight like usually all of this like poison cloud stuff down there would kill me but uh i'm fine wow wow oh no what am i to do just kidding i'm fine take this man bam bam bam bam bam bam i am the alpha i am the alpha ender dragon i am the alpha all right you guys you guys you guys can stop now you guys you guys stop make it over but uh that's gonna do it guys let me know in the comments down below what you thought about this mod which of these is the best in your opinion which would you use uh usually i would try to do this in a survival type of video but trying to actually actually gather all of the materials to build this armor would take like hours so that's why we're doing a creative video regardless i hope you guys enjoyed if you did you know what to do hit the like button subscribe if you're new i'll see you guys later today for our minecraft dungeon stream hope to see you there thank you so much for watching and i'll see you guys next time
Channel: AlexACE
Views: 92,382
Rating: 4.9466138 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft mods, minecraft survival, minecraft mod, minecraft craft, mod, alexace, Minecraft but you can craft armor out of any mob, modded armor, minecraft armor, minecraft craft armor, Minecraft but you can craft MODDED armor out of any mob, minecraft dungeons, minecraft funny
Id: bKZ9-3YF6nA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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